The newspaper publishing company and the publisher, TV station also the industry type which until now can receive high giving now has let stand in harsh circumstance, “lowering width of allowance is extreme”
482电视初期可能Iteta悟任な工作很好确保现行制度的既得利益 482 Television dawn know it is whether system of current vesting works to be fairly well good
既得利益,但你没有字符,赚取自己一个赞助商,是拓拓 What vesting acquisition itself of the sponsor literally was development
491本来,事业的追求利润是大不不,但我 491
Originally, but as for service as for pursuit of profit taboo what
Bikaketemirebaiinodeha日本人叫抵制?女孩不坏亚拉电视,那么你可以不看我播放卡拉它是团伙 It should have tried calling boycott of goods in the Japanese citizen because Next because it broadcasts the girl times which you dislike also the television also KARA all together it should have tried not to see probably will be
他们会说用钱,钱的家伙在电视上,捐款Bikakeru 24小时待命 The gold gold saying the ru people call fund raising with 24 hour televisions
DASH的渔村一天有一天,我希望他们能为村里支付流 Day tele one Japanese-Chinese DASH village letting flow, the [re] although it is good
NET,因为我站在礼茂依靠电视和报纸饲料,是什么,我的儿子(现二年级)的意见 The net has consisted depending on the news item of the television and the newspaper etc because tsu te we son presently small school 2nd grade opinion
不仅写文章的广告相关的另外的关键 You cannot write either the critical article in announcement dependence on that
NHK是出本赛季由于日元强劲增长,上升的行政人员。我看到她出来给我任命你蛇 In such a time as for NHK with the favor where increase in yen value marginal profit comes out, in staff ascent. Commission it put out and the [tsu] [te] [ru] [tsu] [te] snake which is sown it saw
NHK是维持高工资,领取Gemasen费 NHK does not lower listening fee in order to maintain high giving,
NULL By the way even now also the Ozawa negative and the like is information operation of the Japanese ame workmanship head office will not deny thing The Japanese ame workmanship place inquest of prosecution meeting The Japanese ame workmanship head office the Nagatacho place of business Liberal Democratic Party Seiwa meeting The Japanese ame workmanship head office president nabetsune The Japanese ame workmanship head office president room monitor 菅 Naoto The Japanese ame workmanship head office imitation control Dentsu The Japanese ame workmanship head office shareholder CIA The false charge of the Japanese society essentially history announces the edge calls to of special 捜 investigation the organizational problem In authority and information of the special 捜 which is warped The media which gets together and the public opinion which is operated to that the courthouse where the trend such as that is confirmed
NULL By the way even now also the Ozawa negative and the like is information operation of the Japanese ame workmanship head office will not deny thing The Japanese ame workmanship place inquest of prosecution meeting The Japanese ame workmanship head office the Nagatacho place of business Liberal Democratic Party Seiwa meeting The Japanese ame workmanship head office president nabetsune The Japanese ame workmanship head office president room monitor 菅 Naoto The Japanese ame workmanship head office imitation control Dentsu The Japanese ame workmanship head office shareholder CIA The false charge of the Japanese society essentially history announces the edge calls to of special 捜 investigation the organizational problem In authority and information of the special 捜 which is warped The media which gets together and the public opinion which is operated to that the courthouse where the trend such as that is confirmed
Tenjan作为来源,当我还是一个火箭或帽 确定 ,我现在站在你们面前嘲笑UpStage手机 However you so it has done greatly when the cap sure raising when the source is the rocket it has made foolish it is
显然Arujan文章或有趣,但我火箭 So the rocket tsu te clearly strange article it is it is
Tsuburero这些事情,因为他会碰到一个自我利益,我们的媒体Nagashi屎酱NHK的,没有它的真理。 Lie the [tsu] temporary flap doing
Running to my interest selfish desire, from the [ru] it means such
Collapse NHK droppings media
Twitter和YouTube我刚刚杀了四郎灰尘和外国媒体 May be just youtube and Twitter and the overseas media Extinction margin mass rubbish
这是19个Twitter的消息开始在Marimashita 9 gt That started from message on Twitter September 19th
Www topics or jp worldNews worldEconomy 2010 03 2010030501000502的。html www topics or jp worldNews worldEconomy 2010 03 2010030501000502 html
395支持者的扩散较少·:可怜的不能支持20:373 Less several 395 Support spread 20 It is bad you cannot support 373
_NULL_ 315
Don't you think? the extent which becomes
8 people Tokyo University,
2 people Kyoto University, celebration 應, Waseda and center
1 people East manufacture, Kobe
64 Elite highway 2010/09/19 (day) 09: 13: 59 ID: g68KR + CG
Second next Aso Cabinet of bosom oak
6 people Celebration 應 (everyone 2 world)
4 people Tokyo University
1 people Study, northeast and center, east manufacture, specialization, Nippon University, Sophia and Seijo
0 people Waseda
▽ prime minister Taro Aso (group of people) Gakushuin university Department of Political Science and Economics < 5 worlds >
▽ general affairs Kunio Hatoyama (group of people) The University of Tokyo Department of Law < 4 worlds >
▽ judicial affairs Morie mediating/helping (group of people) Tohoku University Engineering department < 3 worlds >
▽ foreign affairs Hirohumi Nakasone (going/participating) Celebration 應 justice private school university Department of Commerce < 2 worlds >
▽ financial affairs circulation of money Nakagawa Akira one (group of people) The University of Tokyo Department of Law < 2 worlds >
▽ education science Shiotani stand (group of people) Celebration 應 justice private school university Department of Law < 2 worlds >
▽ public welfare work Masuzoe main point one (going/participating) The University of Tokyo Department of Law
▽ agricultural and marine Shigeru Isiba (group of people) Celebration 應 justice private school university Department of Law < 2 worlds >
▽ economic industry Two floor Tosihiro (group of people) Chuo University Department of Law < 2 worlds >
▽ national traffic Funds reason (group of people) Celebration 應 justice private school university department of economics < 2 worlds >
▽ environment Tetuo Saito (group of people) The Tokyo Institute of Technology reason department
▽ defense Kiyoshi Hamada one (group of people) Senshu University Management department < 2 worlds >
▽ Cabinet secretariat Takeo Kawamura (group of people) Celebration 應 justice private school university Department of Commerce < 2 worlds >
▽ national public peace Sato Tsutomu (group of people) Nihon University Engineering department
▽ economic public finance Yosano 馨 (group of people) The University of Tokyo Department of Law
▽ reform of the administrative structure Amari discernment (group of people) Celebration 應 justice private school university Department of Law < 2 worlds >
▽ consumer administration Kiyoko Noda (group of people) Sophia university Foreign language department < The grandfather was member of the house of representatives, but as for first election the ancestor/founder. From retirement 11 years later >
▽ little child conversion Yuuko Kobuchi (group of people) Seijo University Department of economics < 2 worlds >
“我会做的薪金减少媒体的各种质量,”龟井批评削减开支对2010年10月1日的语气和炒菜- pj的新闻中心-国家党领导人龟井静香9月30日,媒体鼓励削减支出对“音(记者)我要立即减少他们的工资下降越来越多的公司的广告收入 “Salary of the mass communications decreasing, as for [ru] it is and now then the [ma]” and Kamei = annual expenditure reduction criticizing the purport which is fanned
As for Kamei Sizuka representation of national new party September 30th, about the purport of the mass communications which urge annual expenditure reduction,
“(The mass communications) announcement earnings of the company falling steadily, your own salary have decreased
东洋经济奖金我在外面批评超过8倍公务员津贴的政府官员。东北经济新闻个月的月平均年龄41 5瓦员工269东洋。平良仁14岁的任期。 1277奖金400万的平均工资(收费依据× 8。周一5个月)0营业额。 4%(一退休女在选购的退休制度),新的三年。 100%,庆应义塾保留率筑波1 2 1早稻田法政1868年通过的2009年1 6 Has issued the book which criticizes the treatment of the government employee the bonus of the Toyo Economics new information corporation above two times the government employees 8. 5 months understanding, don't you think? you say,… w
The Toyo Economics new information corporation
The number of employees 269 names
The average age 41. 1 years old
Average seniority 14. 4 years
Average annual income 12,770,000 Yen
Bonus (standard giving à 8. 5 months)
Ratio of separated workers 0. 4% (With selective retirement age system woman 1 retirement)
3 years later new. Fixation ratio 100%
2009 adoption 6 name Celebration 應 2 Waseda 1 Meiji 1 Hosei 1 Tsukuba 1
亚拉不是一个人的可怕的背叛自己的国家。也许我应该知道的话来推翻政府Yarakashi日亚煽 Awfully treason non-. Doing the fanning and government turning over, our industry complacency [tsu] [te] word does not know kana whether
什么是去年的这个时候,当你去TBS的罢工,但那是在电台Izyuuin倾销 Now of last year was when, TBS the strike carrying out, Ijuin throwing out with the radio, the shelf
会已超过雷曼统治dungy他们本身就是一个有趣的故事 The fact that itself the droppings like party reigned in apex of Riemann society was strange story
但是,由于她的两个傻ー百科全书,加载,通过直观的差异和海量的信息中获得这个垃圾 But don t you think 2 because and others it is foolish obtaining the lump of this rubbish when information is you misunderstand
但是,由于她的两个傻ー百科全书,加载,通过直观的差异和海量的信息中获得这个垃圾 But don t you think 2 because and others it is foolish obtaining the lump of this rubbish when information is you misunderstand
作为一个政治统治在日本,什么是建设性的民主要求的工具现在美国,日本,正义 As a tool of toward Japan political control, well fictitious democracy it is requested to America how it does, the Japanese administration of justice
例如,几年前,消费金融并不像一个奇怪的流动债务厘米TTA的疯狂,现在,不幸的是什么TTA的崩溃增长多少家庭在日本赌博没有,但是如果他们不是没有知识,与柏青哥流在外卖到的CM For example way several years ago like consumer credit CM not borrowing it is strange it deviates the sink Although there is no reason which you do not know whether now with gamble how much home collapses in Japan and becomes unhappy CM of the pachinko is let flow whether even with this
严格医药试图穿的一贯政策,使你看到,即使是由Muriyari表明,到目前为止,一定要拉同志的空气,肯定被回避,甚至觉得讨厌相反,我认为中医从未被淹ü To the last carrying out the policy of making at CM LOOK the cod compulsorily to here also program constitution Conversely the uza ku te there was no either thing where CM where it is sidestepped inundates in order to pull the air to lively it is Whether it is not also you think
做一些收入只有五赋予的一切命运Dentsuu,汉奸带领日本在成田裕先生,600万是不够的地方 Therefore how entrusting destiny to Dentsu which Narita Yutaka of the [se] resident traitor leads just the [ru]
Annual income something 5, it probably is sufficient at 6,000,000 rank
公司生产的人,正式员工工资单P到让救世主湾仔 [u] p do the leave and earning statement of the people and the proper employee of the production company and the [chi] [ya] be
净流量一直未能媒体报道,177它想起什么? 177 As for the mass communications not being reported flowing to the net you think that why is
CNN是相关的国际媒体也报道,无论在日本最顶尖的大规模示威游行 With CNN of the overseas media the large scale demonstration in Japan is reported is relation in the top
分布式。 。支那,卖国垃圾Kaseta群众倾斜经济叶德娴春是一个自然分布Idaro瓦特 Scattering Support 那 媚 chiyon doing in the traitor mass rubbish which makes the Japanese economy tilt the ro w which is the proper rewarding
717下周,“日本经济又回来了 717 From next week “It revived the Japanese economy
即使日本电信肯定没有其他的,他们是不难做到,如果它到底有什么好处 Japan tele being gone separately it does not trouble completely and how it is good
你不是没有困难的人或广播电视在日本一周 The Japanese television or one week it does not broadcast and the ro where either troubles no one te and is
只是做一个制作公司我强迫自己工作受到罢工 Being able to work, although the [ru] production company should have done the strike
同样的政治家或名人,是因为他加入了日航的连接白痴儿子在继承的强大 Being the same as Japan Airlines, the foolish children of the political house or the work expert and the potentate in great numbers
Because connection it is joined
呻/ / utaro /不公正的决定由Nitibenren法官,他已离职,甚至破产虎子以 http: //
The Takefuji Corporation bankruptcy day valve ream builds in Supreme Court justice and is due to the injustice decision which it makes come out
呼叫者谁不感到Itenai克星它... When such originators are retribution, it is not perceived…
因为报纸和电视在日本NHK Tsuburero既得利益 Therefore as for the newspaper and the television acquired interests collapse NHK
在家工作)不是在一个正常公司547(或业务或出差,如果我对食物 547 When it works at the place there is no center even at normal enterprise business or business trip With food expenses ru
我要再次降低阻力现在在 Now Being the place where it resists More afterwards It goes down
在广播和出版业已经像中国和韩国叶德娴销售,我会有所帮助?许多人正在看这个节目和投资,事业,做一个翻译公司的家伙 我的债务也投诉 To flatter to the Chinese Korea because broadcast and the kind of publication which are sold were done it is helpless it is Many citizens invest looking at broadcast and the book change of occupation the tsu te person are with… debt pains which are the meaning which enterprise has been done it is
境内,只有分钟案件有关的财物将全部是吗?我不是在所有300万年薪好? The territory it shares property with everyone it is probably will be Everyone annual income 3 000 000 it is good don t you think
复制并粘贴大约401一重罪 401
The [kopipe] devastating is felony
如果你认为之前,我只有工作,将工作薪水 If you think that it is the vocation it should have worked it probably is Atuki giving but it can work
如果你认为之前,我只有工作,将工作薪水 If you think that it is the vocation it should have worked it probably is Atuki giving but it can work
如果许多来自众所周知的事实对那些大规模垃圾Keiou As for the Keio graduate person being many in the mass rubbish widely known fact
对卫星电视退出在陆地卫星站全国过渡是一个很好的地方部。分离。既然你必须鄂 Ending the ground wave, it is good to move to nationwide broadcast with the satellite, but the general affairs ministry in local bureau defense. Exemption. When it tries to give
常委会组成在Tteru思想和最个人的口味板 Most boards consisting with hobby and thought of the individual the ru
当你收集或日本NHK已成为公认之间被视为 It has reached the point where unnoticed you look at NHK carefully
当前位置不再仅仅是一个电视台的独家广播电台 In other words just there is no position where TV station monopolistically lets flow radio wave
1个月 不只是看电视两个小时左右 About only 1 2 hours the television it is seen in month
生产工作在现场,但我已用完了地面电视台 There is no ground wave TV station there is work in production actual place
律师刑事辩护律师由法官三位一体相当于美国军工产业的战争继续暗杀 As for crime of the triune by the attorney public prosecutor judge for war continuation the president it is a match to the US military product mixture which is assassinated
怎么有这么与政府秘密资金亚拉记者俱乐部内阁密切合作,将引发一场危机的良性政府的行为令日航像我瓦特 Therefore at reporter's club secretariat secret expense government fly the [tsu] it is the [ri], now then when with it becomes, JAL the [wa] w where virtue government ordinance is moved likely
我不碰我更不用说买自己的东西,大型制造商。你是不是产品出符合贷款还没有评估?我越觉得,写了快5分钟看到我网站的信息或产品目录,而不是像许多句子 Mono buying personally instead of it is not touched the manufacturer wide Even loan item It is not appraised it is it is not With extent the commodity catalog or the commodity sight which are thought Watching information roughly you wrote in 5 minutes like composition is many
丰田公关Karurashii分钟,我写文章,批评在脸上或Doitsu As for the Toyota public information you understand with contents do sometime wrote the critical article it seems
我们并没有从那里我们的工资支付 “(生产公司工作人员),并说,”忧郁的消息,因为抑郁症已被报道,我罢工进入第三个年头 Being the case that our allowances are paid from there…” employee of production company In addition it is depression “with news even depression has reported but entering into this year the 3rd strike
不过,这是寒冷和假名眼睛每当这个噪音茂木,但我们的员工的例子有制作公司承受恶劣的工作什至可以说几分钟Wareru正规工作人员薪金 Simply this noise each time looking coldhearted with the allowance which even fraction of the proper staff is said They are the employees of the production company which has withstood severe work
我们并没有从那里我们的工资支付 “(制作公司员工),并说,”忧郁的消息,因为抑郁症已被报道,我罢工进入第三个年头 Being the case that our allowances are paid from there…” employee of production company In addition it is depression “with news even depression has reported but entering into this year the 3rd strike
我应得的垃圾粪便质量TTA的或不是一个国家失去了无线电的自己的垂直流动信贷背叛 Because treason radio wave it discharges the droppings mass rubbish, confidence was lost, don't you think? it is, whether -
Our industry complacency
我当然会较低,因为我第一次尖阁列岛“不要像中国愤怒 ”那维克,只有通过做清洁 NULL
我打不够彻底停止广播,欢呼,我想,我只会在所有暂停 Broadcast stops when extent it is thorough and it resists however support it stops wanting to do don t you think how probably is just the se pause
我拒绝质量场,即使日本男人with ll just疯狂,取消我做的事情不处理的记者俱乐部制度只是报告有偏见的无线电覆盖面只有成为利益伪造外国电视台有最好的税差四郎西方标准偏转车轮,锻造车轮都在采取驱逐四郎呕吐三宝行业协会,朝日新闻社宏星电话来恩戴满证词悬浮在国会宣誓就职,他们Gotoukenji玫瑰播种宣传和蓄意的谎言,四郎塔米诺周一向国会宣誓作证,小馆 The mass rubbish boundary tsu te deviating the ru just person Although it is the Japanese only fabrication reporting deflection reporting which becomes the profit of the foreigner it handles Reporter s club system something abolition margin that is worst As for TV station radio wave tax assessment in the European American standards margin As for deflection caster and fabrication caster purge from business margin Pick up three treasure meetings with the National Diet witness summon calling gotoukenji to hang Star Hiroshi of the Asahi newspaper intend the rose has sown lie and propaganda in the National Diet witness summon margin The straw raincoat is also the old 舘 is the propaganda radio wave geisha in the National Diet witness summon margin
我认为他们表现出更好的使它的现场直播? The real condition relaying that, if program it makes, it is good, it is it isn't?
报告提到了削减开支的煽动有关财政年度预算赤字 Being worried about the deficit of single year, it refers reporting which fans annual expenditure reduction
报纸出版商,企业也可以不断得到报酬的大笔资金,电视台(节录本)我不写我 The newspaper publishing company and the publisher TV station the industry type which until now can receive high giving rear abbreviation The tsu te it is written don t you think
17 ×高薪高○ 17 Ã High class ○ High giving
Gaseneta显示和垃圾,你是大薪金稼电梯Detchi Geru他们有生意博罗 High giving it can make with rubbish program and gaseneta and the invent therefore it is the rag it is and it is trading
新的小伙子之前或我们的社会表现不佳枯竭 As for the youngster where the social result is scanty it is natural to be poor,
新闻报道呢? It reports as this tsu te news
468你在干什么? 468 Doing what the ru
最终以142个结果, 关闭 ○○青年报,从我,因为我是一个啤酒或w,对汽车,医药流向可爱的年轻人,但我还是离开不知你有没有危机感是没有任何效果厘米?即使一些稼评级,厘米Taretara电视台的有效性提出质疑温达认为我站在那里,并提出了 142 After all to the end 0 of the young people it leaves and has reported by yourself it is it is w The beer the car letting flow well enough with CM the te even then leaving although the ru … Probably there is no crisis atmosphere in without being CM effect for the young person The tsu te which when audience rating how much is made it has doubt in CM effect as for TV bureau you think that it does not consist but it is
说之前,“如果你恨观看茹”主张认为可行了,而且现在观众剩下的百分之几底层还从将要只要继续加速腐烂电视 When it is in the past “if hate also the stance which you say that you see” was possible but As it is now when is because as for audience rating furthermore as for several percent it probably will go down Declining conversion of the television just keeps accelerating
溃疡殴打,直到公司,联合融资和彻底闘Ubeki Until it hits the company and collapses thoroughly also the capitalist the fighting u it should
我公司擂响反冲和溃疡 And the company which is reaction is smashed up
讽刺的例子说,每个人费下运作的国家,如果我不想漂白市场原则只需要改变在NHK的工作 Speaking offensive if we would not like you to bleach in market mechanism There is no other choice but to switch jobs even in NHK which is managed with the listening fee of everyone of the citizen don t you think
选举是不会克惹,日本NHK肯定不好,他的技能 If there is no either election there is no either capability such as NHK and the te is good
20年来,我这样的生活 About 20 years such life is done already
我想确认一个437 437 There is such place certainly
鄂走出地方电视台不仅会阻止本来是一个地方电视台到陆地的另一个范围的,例如车站其他地方我是消极的历史作用 It means that local bureau goes out, but originally separately in the range of access of the ground wave local bureau block
It just was possible, already, local bureau being able to owe historical role, the [ru] is
雇员及producers m不同,是一个制作公司与员工 The production company employee means being different, the production company employee
韦曰确保你的朋友有一定的大型零售集团,不信任 The certain major retail group it is great, it has been said, it has not trusted