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The defensive ministry, with the direction which purchases 3 global hawks examination - the American make unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle


  • 160简 Kakiko由我来检查,如果所有的71个退休为何 160 SR After inspecting whether 71 retires with something kakiko it does

    • 236国际法飞越还击落确定它是什么,要通过广播查询为何飞越,甚至杀死如果不是我遵循这一侵权的警告后,该行决定我应该只
      236 With international law as for violation of aerial domain downing, it is OK what As for this the sovereign airspace the reason which is violated inquiring with the radio, after being verified that it is violation, in warning Downing when you do not follow, coming to the point of OK just the [ru

      • 695是目前世界上国防预算装备采购费用其中约100万亿日元,远远超过百分之六 695 As for defense cost of the present world about 100 000 000 000 000 Yen Equipment procurement cost among those is about at the very most six tenths

        • F - 16的ASM的拥抱从低海拔的攻击最多4捆
          F - 4 shots making ASM 16 hold, low-altitude charge

          • M9的(的V`)◆6AkAkDHteU布鲁诺主张人是否在海上自卫队,就像我不知道海上自卫队的位置
            m9 (' v `) no * 6AkAkDHteU Don't you think? spokesman of standpoint of Maritime Self Defense Force Whether or not the person in the Maritime Self Defense Force it is from the [wa

            • Naranee也模糊了敌人的侦察得打破494你傻? 494 Whether fool If it does not invade the hostile country if even in reconnaissance well probably will be but becoming dim
              • 罗马:进来的敌人是在中国和朝鲜现在联合演习 Temporarily imaginary enemy in the Korean Peninsula and China combined training margin

            • Ritsukeru为什么美国出售武器给日本,有另一种技术是日本打算捕捉不仅仅是钱只有一个单一的利润 As for the reason where America is accustomed to selling the weapon in Japan not only money making simply There is the intention which it tries probably to take in the Japanese technology

              • 三二小时连续飞行时间为3至地面,是飞机能够持续监视任何长期正常四,间谍卫星,可以更灵活地运作 Duration of flight ream If at continuation 32 hour 3 4 machines it is long term normal continuation terrestrial supervision to make possible more softly than the reconnaissance satellite It can use
                • 无人驾驶飞机用于卫星通信ü 551,基本上是不喜欢 551 In the pilotless aircraft which uses the satellite in communication it cannot do such basically

              • 不能被击落无人不问任何问题?
                When it is unmanned, being indisputable, it does not down?

                • 东芝F15型休息。侦察系统发展失败,TACOM国内小型无人驾驶系统的最后一个星期日坠毁在小笠原
                  As for Toshiba F15 reforming. Failure of reconnaissance system development, Domestic small-sized unmanned reconnaissance system TACOM some days ago falls with Ogasawara

                  • 东芝F15型或从以前的失败瓦特侦察型,但是当它来出售美国军事Guroho Ttayan态度坚决WWW的削减,即使在美国军队,飞机原定销量翻番韩国Ritsukeru梅塔该死包括在附加某种利益,推动日本成为比赛瓦特 Because the Toshiba F15 reconnaissance type failed w When in the past the US military comes to the guroho sale it cut off with the attitude which will be been dauntless and it is www To the US military because the fuselage which is the schedule which is accustomed to selling in Korea was attached dubbing how You pushed in into Japan say with interests agreed w
                    • 它未能东芝450 NULL

                  • 中国海军打击航母。还必须考虑一个例子,如何不泄水孔
                    Aircraft carrier of the Chinese navy attacking. It keeps devising either the method of sinking unless

                    • 事实上,因为你最后可能会遇到麻烦停止穆飞机飞越获得的将违反国际法和击落之前,他们突然看到为什么一些飞越
                      Because actually, when the sovereign airspace it violates inevitably in breakdown of the fuselage, it is, Why before verifying whether the sovereign airspace it violates of, when it downs suddenly, it becomes international law violation

                      • 从美国提供了“移动日本从中国各地的军事和作战知识,提供硬件设置。美军资料给我,”我的意思 As for the offer from the latest United States Because “hardware set and operational know how it offers motion of the Chinese troop around Japan Information giving to the US military” With in the sense that you say
                        • 提高了对货币无人机的能力似乎正如美军死亡 Applying the extent gold which dies in UAV as for improving ability just the US military the shelf

                      • 传统上,这种情况是为了在没有其他选择,一旦订单一旦你有什么企图交货迟到,并最终在周一我喝我的订单 Until recently because it was order in the circumstance alternative step there is no at all in other things if once it receives an order Payment date will be late but what it will do but finally you drank on order side it rubbed
                        • 然而,要撤消合同的时代,其他IT做出了预算,并在有选择的情况,这是急于交货延迟,提高了脚腕立即撤消 But cancelling contract if it turns the budget to other things you say that there is an alternative step When it becomes circumstance payment date lag is connected to supply cancellation at once

                      • 但我想鱼放养型战舰
                        We would like to discharge the [sakana] model battleship, it is, but…

                        • 你guyz,但我很有侵略性美国这次演习的立场喜悦,在日本的阿扎德干石油领域的双手下发布的美国方向,因为它决定骑事实后中国共产党的深度,地质整个免费创新 Will not and others the positive attitude of the United States rejoicing with the latest practice the ru The azadegan oil field which Japan releases in the American indication also the inside after that boards and therefore decision also the geological features fundamental data being free is round the tsu

                          • 侦察能力的作战能力,但只有在退化增加
                            As for combat efficiency although it is in the midst of deteriorating, you say that only reconnaissance ability improves,

                            • 原来的“正常国家”,他显然是旨在 Originally toward the reason which has aimed “normal country” it puts out
                              • 一个200天的间谍 200 Spy heaven it puts out

                            • 国防部已开始从根本和财政03无人机技术研究
                              The defensive ministry from 03 has started the fundamental technical research of the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle

                              • 在国际法律飞越202杀甚至是前东欧集团国家确定什么是民用飞机,即使我不击落包括流浪
                                202 With international law as for violation of aerial domain downing, it is OK what Old east side is perplexed and downs also the private machine which is packed

                                • 在新的巡航导弹机身正面配备AESA雷达探测,以便跟踪
                                  The AESA radar of new model is equipped in the body front part and detection and pursuit of the cruise missile are made possible

                                  • 基诺的持续间谍卫星失败,以及其他choice m不得不承认我什么,我什至不站在它的确切的粪便中的作用 The data gathering satellite of the trouble continuation completely it does not stand even in part of the droppings … The tsu te it does not recognize the circumstance no shelf which is not obtained
                                    • 什么样的信息收集武力驱散防御目的,我商会Hazime拓这次攻击中的最新信息为基础 The defensive net is pierced coercively tearing data gathering This attack opening starting on the basis of the information it is the flow

                                  • 如果鹰是在日本购买让我们在德国霍克超欧元,日本人民 If purchasing in Germany the European hawk the Japanese one in Japan the ze which will be made the ultra hawk
                                    • 超鹰谁我在日本有似合 The ultra hawk has matched to Japan

                                  • 子敏和国家为50岁,在你的花圃的差异,民主是一种现实 To be different from our people who are flower garden state over 50 years as for democracy the realistic shelf

                                    • 它是不是比正常战斗机更大?隆河内但也明白,你还没有转换为使用一次性辙?无人上着陆,这就是真实和所有其他运动 It is larger than the normal fighter plane it is it is not But being high agreement there is no disposable tsu te meaning it does the yo Being unmanned when it is taking off and landing in addition opposite motion occurs and so is
                                      • 船舶。在监测和天空的时间,而无需改变alterna tive tive线以上债券alterna飞机每隔数,可以监控无尽的漫长 Boat Making the sky go where it substitutes the fighter plane every several hours even such as supervision at the sky and substitutes You can watch long haul meanderingly the necessity to alternate without

                                    • 帝国冰雹!案例军国主义复活!中国,韩国和下属融
                                      Jipango hurray! Militarism large it revives! China and Korea subordination are obtained,

                                      • 我不说太多的人抱怨说,它仍然自卫队飞机投掷立即多 Even now the Self Defense Force machine falling excessively because national complaint you do not say
                                        • 好吧,那么它是日本自卫队130 130 Well Self Defense Force it puts out

                                      • 我的目标要和SDF m早期的研究采用无人机的一个岛屿防务
                                        1 The unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle for the remote island defense which Self Defense Force has researched aim toward the introduction of early stage

                                        • 我能保持无线电干扰机喷洒农药的直升机修改?
                                          It can go with radio helicopter remodelling for the agricultural chemical spreading of YANMAR, it is the [chi] [ya] [u]?

                                          • 我需要一个无人驾驶间谍其领土,但是为什么呢?
                                            Why although home country territory is reconnoitered, the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle being necessary?

                                            • 技术研究与发展研究所 - - Self的第一艘无人的研究体系。发动机停止无人机在飞行圆满成功的试飞,这个过程瀑布-国防部:通讯
                                              Defensive economical Technical Research and Development Institute - - beginning of pilotless aircraft research system our. About flight success During engine stop = flight testing of unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle, falling processing - defensive ministry: Current events communication

                                              • 捕食336,日本版本(局部战术侦察机),战略侦察机全球鹰是正确的
                                                336 As for that the [ro] which is Japanese edition [puredeta] (tactical reconnaissance machine for locality) As for global hawk strategic reconnoiter

                                                • 无人驾驶飞机的控制技术提出了485余需要建立无线电非常高,我不能说是 485 Being unmanned although it moves the aircraft tremendously high technology is needed Radi con to make it is possible and increase passes and story there is no
                                                  • 钢筋混凝土528有什么不同?说什么在人工智能的内部器官呢? 528 It is different from radi con The internal organs doing even with artificial intelligence talking

                                                • 未来看起来他只是攻击机和侦察机Toco m现在413是最新的资讯出来,如果自然进化接口F2代战斗机的一些战斗机,烧焦和荷兰高达突然,我已编座舱王牌埃塔还因为学习上的平等基础上的CP游戏 413 Don t you think now are just the toko spyplane and the attack plane are like In the future if interface evolves also the fighter plane comes out naturally Up to date F2 fighter plane something operation of the ace pilot being programmed the ru it does Suddenly being able to fight with shiyaa Gundam amuro equally favor of study CP
                                                  • 想回来的巡航导弹监视aircraft ll事物的形状像一个被取消的手吗? It seems like the spyplane where cruise missile like shape returns selfishly mono it was cancelled
                                                  • 那么,如果信息133是日本重要的,尤其是经常使用的隆艾希比侦察作战 133 Well the importance it puts out information Especially in case of Japan how to reconnoiter use frequency is higher than battle and

                                                • 根据省以外的人,而不是一个120人的自省的亲中翻译它,但它不是一个翻译亲 120 Separately even with tsu te meaning in mainlander parent or It is not introspection human parent day tsu te meaning however
                                                  • 但是,什么都不会发生,给它们扔东西,只有日本军队 But just Japan throwing away armament it is not something which how becomes

                                                • 每一天 每一天 试图玉木斋藤鄂随时邪教药店购买抗Gutameni顺势疗法 Everyday… In order to prevent the cult conversion of homeopathy will try to be able to buy with ease at the pharmacy Saito ring
                                                  • 日报 玉木斋藤随时让我们买的顺势疗法药剂,以防止邪教鄂Gutameni In order to prevent the cult conversion of homeopathy will try to be able to buy with ease at the pharmacy Saito ring

                                                • 潜水深,重复的指示,接受它会伸展天线不回来的时间不时与深海航行的人在走动时好几年无人潜艇策略 The unmanned strategic model submarine is good When one time it starts on a voyage several annual deep seas urouro doing the person who does not return Occasionally the antenna extending ordering receiving and it repeats the fact that it dives deeply
                                                  • 我15 SNN的核动力攻击潜艇 15 It is possible to be the SNN nuclear powered attack submarine

                                                • 由于攻击机617。我很好,我认为
                                                  617 In unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle reason attacking. You think however that it is fine what,

                                                  • 由于美国B52座,一枚炸弹爆炸。不知道工作在坦克玫瑰撒,和你释放改变工作爆从高空导弹 Even B52 of the United States bomb blast The rose spreading there is no work from the tank Shooting the guided missile from the high sky changing to work the ru it does
                                                    • 由于美国B52座,一枚炸弹爆炸。不知道工作在坦克玫瑰撒,和你释放改变工作爆从高空导弹 Even B52 of the United States bomb blast The rose spreading there is no work from the tank Shooting the guided missile from the high sky changing to work the ru it does

                                                  • 由美国海军MQ的发展存在 - 第4C(专业化经营离岸),并等待
                                                    When MQ where the US Navy is in the midst of developing - 4C (transoceanic operational specialization type) it should wait

                                                    • 畏寒击落导弹的中国,我会在早晨柔和。
                                                      [a] - [ri] To be downed with the missile of the support 那, the [chi] [ya] [u] Chill

                                                      • 目前的中期保护,加强对无人机信息方面“的讨论,讲座狡猾的必要措施”,并明确 From viewpoint of present mid term anti concerning the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle information functional strengthening “in regard to examination necessary measure is devised” that clearly writing
                                                        • 美国侦察机需要的是稻草掩盖自卫队 The American spyplane which in brief designates Self Defense Force as the invisible cloak

                                                      • 目视观测是我希望我在呼叫巡逻飞机和船只它
                                                        Direct observation something calling the patrol plane and the ship, it is to put out,

                                                        • 笨国无人机监测其领土wwwwwww wwwww有胃痛wwwwwwww
                                                          The foolish nation wwwwwww which watches home country territory with the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle wwwww stomach painful wwwwwwww

                                                          • 美国F22战斗机的B十亿数万飞机美国最强的一个,在最强大的轰炸机-一架B单位在三十亿2 - 2只有一架飞机,两个宙斯盾驱逐舰。鄂购买
                                                            As for the American strongest fighter plane with F22 as for one machine several 10,000,000,000 As for the American strongest bomber with B - 2 one machine 300,000,000,000 With B just - 21 machine, Aegis warship 2. You can buy

                                                            • 而如何应对最新的间谍飞机老北朝鲜?
                                                              The old type of North Korea reacts to the up-to-date spyplane kana?

                                                              • 虽然我不是说的目的是摧毁现金缓存她像一个孩子无人机飞行员嗯,我在美国TTA的比赛很重视军事家伙喜欢在专家Inbedakyappu远程因为我 Therefore operation tsu te remote of pilotless aircraft The invader cap the game expert like person who is worn is done the treasure it is While the US military woman offering accompanying like saying kiyatsukiyatsu goal is destroyed
                                                                • 我想象一个目标是摧毁我,但他们说是好像是有原ç 415嘿 415 u 〇 hara like Gratefully while and the a tsu te saying you imagined that it destroys goal

                                                              • 让我被执行到该部和科研经费坦马里
                                                                That have the literature course ministry execute as a [te] ball scientific research cost

                                                                • 过去,无人机已被使用,樱花,日本军队和人体炸弹
                                                                  Former times, the human torpedo and used Ouka the Japanese military who the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle

                                                                  • 这些可以被更多的国内,defintely最好有更为现实的核武器武装或 Domestic production it is possible such the one which may be nuclear armament from actual taste considerably …

                                                                    • 这并不可怕的钱有118个差异吊罗Shiku魔法?的F 2四郎,并获得了89式步枪,武器我不是土生土长的性能非常高喜 118 The gold catches is not the mistake fearfully probably will be To F 2 margin margin and domestic weapon tsu te comparing in efficiency are high strangely in 89 type rifles it is
                                                                      • 然而,无论是俄罗斯士兵。请问你买一个后勤问题已通过国家知识然 Simply both the Russian make soldier Therefore adoption country whether it purchases with problem on the commissariat intellectual viewing

                                                                    • 这并不是说这也是正常的高度,但我将成为一个椭圆形轨道的高空侦察空气reconnaissance ll粉碎对接助推器采取你想要的变化真 That not to be the case that usually that high level it is changing to the elliptical orbit in order to take the place where we would like to reconnoiter by any means the booster increasing going through the reconnaissance of the air it is the altitude
                                                                      • 344 TACOM没有道理没有人看到我做预算的侦察很长一段时间,TTA的生长激素是在介绍一种正确的关系可能削减 344 As for how someone who reconnoiters long haul with TACOM seeing and passing and unreasonable painful brown with reason cutting off GH introduction the ro which perhaps is something related to budget

                                                                    • 通过引入全球鹰,和我也包括一个备份系统,将是对美国,甚至开发出了国内无人机,其次是技术系统,从美国仍然不能忽视这些传统工艺它成为未来战略是一切从方便,而且克如军火销售系数 By the fact that the global hawk is introduced including also the backup system it becomes American ones Assuming that and in the future the domestic unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle was developed because you cannot ignore after all such conventional technology It becomes to follow the American technical system in the future is accustomed to selling the weapon Because are convenient in various ways even with respect to the strategy
                                                                      • 怎么失败的愿望Shiku侦察东芝开发工具包 Because Toshiba failed in development of the reconnaissance kit becoming desired

                                                                    • 那么,在日本,茂木设置在一个人太多,噪音低死亡那是最好的 Well that the person dies the optimum shelf to Japan which makes a noise too much

                                                                      • 鄂TACOM使用无人驾驶飞机速度很快,但性质不同
                                                                        There is a high-speed unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle which you call TACOM and can use gradually, but character is different

                                                                        • 难道不是这种入侵领空呢?
                                                                          As for such without becoming violation of aerial domain?

                                                                          • 顺便说一句,采用先进的空间的定义大约100公里,二十〇公里是足够的空气空间 By the way as for definition of the outer space generally altitude 100km as for 20km sufficiently it is the sovereign airspace

                                                                            • 飞越的航空自卫队的事件可以推出来只有30哎
                                                                              After Air Self Defense Force being possible, as for violation of aerial domain incident only 30 cases occurring, well

                                                                              • 黑Attajan某种程度上仍然是世界上最快的间谍飞机
                                                                                Even now the spyplane of worldwide most speed it was it is Black somehow

                                                                                • ( ▽ ) 平流层全球鹰摊位随着这 大翅膀Kisuru汝勉奇怪的行为,为您获得soooo稀薄的空气,因为他们正在分析该产品的输出波干扰敌方导弹的雷达,我拖着在。即将离任的波 Because the ▽ lt the stratosphere the ge which the air does is thin Lift in order to obtain the brim dekai When change it moves The so tsu it is dense stall As for the global hawk the towing jammer stacking the ru The radar wave of the enemy missile is analyzed With large output Dispatching radio wave
                                                                                  • 要仔细分析是否全球鹰,但它只有一个,但我这样做,在国内轻型飞机,国防部 Analyzing the global hawk secretly it makes the stool to the domestic machine it is Is don t you think defensive ministry…
                                                                                  • ( ▽ ) 平流层全球鹰摊位随着这 大翅膀Kisuru汝勉奇怪的行为,为您获得soooo稀薄的空气,因为他们正在分析该产品的输出波干扰敌方导弹的雷达,我拖着在。即将离任的波 Because the ▽ lt the stratosphere the ge which the air does is thin Lift in order to obtain the brim dekai When change it moves The so tsu it is dense stall As for the global hawk the towing jammer stacking the ru The radar wave of the enemy missile is analyzed With large output Dispatching radio wave

                                                                                • ( ▽ ) 无人驾驶飞机,但 The ▽ lt ambush altitude of the fighter plane of the enemy whether 遙 developing the spyplane which it exceeds U 2 But U The anti aircraft missile which can down 2 is developed The fighter plane and the anti aircraft missile probably will be shaken off at super speed SR 71 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ lt Cold war ends SR 71 retirement Efficiency improvement of the radar and the sensors… necessity of violation of aerial domain is gone ▽ lt And tsu pa U calling it is with 2 ∧ ∧ ゚ ゚ But lt Pilotless aircraft

                                                                                  研究 開発