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Without the glasses OK Toshiba, the “naked eye 3D television” December sale


  • 0.01我只是很高兴我的愿景! Tsu ll这是失控ー都有眼镜烦我!

    • 100哦,我说,我注意到瓦特地带 三维(立体视图)如果一个人看的标准 头●直行,请参阅屏幕与眼睛平行,从到屏幕前面的 100 So thing or w which is said Mobius s note writing When lt 3D stereoscopic display seeing condition gt From the front of the picture please make the head straight view both eyes in the picture to parallel
      • 无损检测及头像季节DVD然而,在第一个地方必须由系统中的三维严重被忽视的弱点不会被释放 In the first place reaching to this period by the fact that abata 3D edition DVD is not sold yet you must become aware in the serious weak point of this system

    • 29“小学女生迷你裙。覗蓬松的裤子,视频开始从下面的”这是起码的
      29 “Elementary school student woman of [minisuka]. If image is looked from under, the underpants are visible” This lowest condition

      • 360二维它,我喜欢这样的导航系统开发的先锋 360 When they are 2 dimensions the pioneer developed car Nabi whom such a feeling kana
        • 585的东西一样,我只是想向任何行立体肥皂Shikerya 585 Such three dimensions should have gone even in the desire storm ri ya soap

      • 44:36案例1:如果员工有恩戴死亡,声称该卡是不会Toushiba加班时间的文章,“歌在保留期”,没有提出一个 案例二:原雇员如果你还没有提交 44 36 Case 1 In case of the employee who dies you insist that there is no time card The Toshiba side the data of overtime “it passed retention period” that and so on was not submitted 92 Case 2 When the employee has lived submitting
        • 就像Serureguza,东芝最近我不是很好的挑战 But also serureguza so recent Toshiba is good it challenges

      • 568这一段时间要你从一台家用电脑(邮购的唯一途径?)是的,我说我知道它已经被开发出来,我想你不听,从失败的谈话的同时 568 That considerably from before the PC object for home For mail order But as for the person who is developed like it is Don t you think for a while because story you do not hear it probably is the failure red sandal wood
        • 百思买的客户来的东西出来,如果你购买一台笔记本电脑,它已耗尽的人,如果他们卖给我们的眼睛 Best The person that decreasing sharply inside the customer who comes to shopping in Buy the note PC counter is aim now the shank

      • 712啊?我还有更好的办法由克惹良好的产品服务 所以我没有花河野浩菊大屏幕电视或没有你,有一个显着的依恋自由立体 712 Obtaining If the one is good separately however even then it is good … Either this television about the large picture tsu te is not large die This product is not attachment to naked eye stereoscopic vision meaning of existence something kana

        • HD - DVD的...,什么是一个黑帮头目东芝编辑录制出来屋宇署早
          HD-DVD being what?… Toshiba produces the compilation school gang leader the BD recorder quickly

          • Kezu佩戴特殊眼镜,47V型控制方向的大屏幕上的发射光从最好的,它能够Geru范围更广的技术传统,固体开始是一 Without attaching the special glasses from the large picture of 47V type The range which controls the light which is discharged to optimum direction is visible as three dimensional from former technology You say that it succeeded in expanding
            • “TTA的麻烦,这样的戏”,但不是视频,没有好处,除非你弥补了舒适的自由意志被视为在三维 Although it is not the image which “takes specially because of that” because solid can be enjoyed with free will the side which is seen if it is not useless
            • 最好能控制屏幕方向,从发射的光线,它能够Geru范围更广泛的技术常规,固体开始是 From picture The range which controls the light which is discharged to optimum direction is visible as three dimensional from former technology You say that it succeeded in expanding

          • _NULL_
            April of 08 With the Toshiba employee suicide labor disaster recognition In diary of wife long haul labor. Proof April of 08 Man hydrogen sulfide suicide? At employee's house during fire training (product sutra newspaper) April of 08 With work melancholia and solution. Invalidity The Toshiba former technical job employee wins April of 08 < Toshiba > ascent. The company and employee side are reconciled with discrimination February of 09 Overwork dead recognition of the Toshiba subsidiary company technician As for overtime work month 114 hour May of 09 Labor disaster it recognizes with depression of the former Toshiba employee Tokyo district court August of 09 The Toshiba affiliated company With heart explosion operator death Weight approximately 8. Part of 7 tons direct bomb hit September of 09 Operator 2 death The Kansai Electric Power Company power plant accident Toshiba document committing… work safe method violation suspicion

            • 。,.....李ヽヽ,下___否 - 。,贵公司事务部,你可以体验到劳动法,请有关的许多问题,并认为他们为一个可行的志愿

              • 三星和骑自行车的溃疡和停止560梅鲁,挽救陷入困境的PS3的
                560 When the bicycle you stop [gu] densely, [samusun] which collapses and, In order to rescue PS3 of four surface 楚 songs,

                • 三维动画■■■■■■■■■■和其他传统 ヽ ヽ 左眼 右眼ヽ 茹转变观点和ヽ→●●←二维■■■■■东芝的新模式■■■■■ ヽヽヽ ヽヽヽ ヽヽヽ 右 左 右 左 右 ←左ヽヽヽ左右他们没有很多的运动→●● The conventional type of 3DS and the like REPT REPT For left eye For right eye REPT REPT lt gt When point of view slips 2D conversion The Toshiba new model REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT REPT The right the left the right The left The right The left REPT The right the left REPT lt gt Just whichever moving all right
                  • 这意味着我会一直等待比传统的可视范围广 In other words more visible range than conventional type spreading it probably is the ru

                • 三维动画是一个三维任天堂裸眼之间的距离是不会成功的,甚至被视为角度,所有的移动设备没有新的困难

                  • 不要告诉我,像其他的PowerMac窗台一天,你堵塞先进的特性和高性能? !

                    • 东芝REGZA出租了最新型号的搅拌,但我不会让他们说话分钟或哪个是哪个瓦特

                      • 东芝的三维图像无眼镜★“不戴眼镜的3D电视”东芝发布12月04日立体眼镜的特殊肉眼没有(三维)世界上第一个液晶电视观看了影片“三维REGZA GL1”系列2种型号,已宣布将在十二月底发布 Without the glasses stereoscopic vision Toshiba “naked eye 3D television” December sale Toshiba on the 4th without using the private glasses 3 dimensions 3D can view image with the naked eye When the worldwide first liquid crystal television “3D reguza GL1” series 2 type is sold late December in It announced
                        • 本人Moraun我,我花钱去使用这项技术的其他厂商东芝523 523 The other manufacturer paying the money to Toshiba the use my te you receive technology it is
                        • 赤裸裸的三维搜索出来的顶部雅虎和我创建了一家名为,VMJ和东芝的3D显示器和3D电视的区别是?这似乎是肉眼都 With yahu naked eye When 3D it searches most it appears in on VMJ as for the 3D monitor and the Toshiba 3D television which the company which is said makes something is different But both naked eye like

                      • 中,3D卡出去Erobururei现在?这是最重要的
                        So, as for 3D [erobururei] now what coming out, the [ru]? That most key fact

                        • 他们真正需要的贫困或传统见Nakatsu ll看对方,而这样做呢 How while every se other things doing you see you do not see what it does not trouble it is until recently with system

                          • 但我不知道什么是全息图的最后形式是什么项目的水汽
                            However vapor the hologram which is projected to something probably is last shape what

                            • 你从做Poshatta东芝战斗机只是这瓦特
                              Because Toshiba does only such a thing, the fighter plane the [po] plain gauze [tsu] it is it is shelf w

                              • 你可以不戴眼镜的3D Tteta 487分钟,但我证书 487 The glasses is not 3D understands the favorite tsu te with thing to do the yo
                                • 裤子来自底部覗开采如果你三维电视的关键 The underpants are looked from under and the 3D television which when is included comes out you buy

                              • 侧轮次scrolling m像一个球体以坚实的,因为只有在543游戏2D游戏数据的入口点的3D游戏成为轰动 543 If at this point in time the game therefore the data just you insert guruguru it can turn three dimensional in sphere condition it is The kind of feeling which from the side scroll 2D game has become the 3D game
                                • 侧轮次scrolling m像一个球体以坚实的,因为只有在547游戏2D游戏数据的入口点的3D游戏成为轰动 547 If at this point in time the game therefore the data just you insert guruguru it can turn three dimensional in sphere condition it is The kind of feeling which from the side scroll 2D game has become the 3D game
                                • 难道Gurasutoron头盔显示器318是不是吗?我在外面到底三维 318 As for glass tron simply HMD the tsu ke which is not 3D it has come out in final period

                              • 全彩。如果黑暗中,当涉及到三维索尼无论是企业管治的正常方向
                                Color tone all. It is dark SONY But as for 3D normal if anything CG direction

                                • 几乎没有3D电视〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜不那么热门的话题到另一边,一个小商店,似乎呆滞马斯我会提出你的脑袋想睡觉 3D television how majority There is no popularity being so on just a little store side sleeping and the tsu rolling and being able to bother the head it is the ru like
                                  • HDMI1 4连接,1080帧序列是在三维软件体面看不出来的诚实的态度 HDMI1 4 connection and being the 1080p frame sequential you see and the re ru honest 3D software the bu tsu chi ya air do not come out
                                  • 三维TTP的购物频道72: 10 20080303kozakura jpg。Dtiblog com 吨 togiushi 文件 72 Shop channel 3D ttp 10 dtiblog com t togiushi file 20080303kozakura jpg
                                  • 三维电脑显示被温达认为我必须有一个重大的意义 When it is display for the personal computer you think that the meaning which is made 3D greatly it is but it is …
                                  • 几乎没有3D电视〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜不那么热门的话题到,似乎马斯在店内是一个缓慢的头小 3D television how majority There is no popularity being so on just a little store side sleeping and the tsu rolling and being able to bother the head it is the ru like
                                  • 只有404,或3D的FPS Resuge或支持你的,我觉得这是非常眼睛和大脑疲劳 404 Simply when race lace Gaea or FPS it makes 3D correspondence the air the eye and the brain may become tired abnormally does
                                  • 岩男艾希会怀疑浩菊英寸,除罗马:来开发三维接触 When inch becomes large it is harsh probably will be From that 3D contact development margin
                                  • 我不敢采取这样的情况下作出扰乱了在3D游戏的流行Setakattara Taking Ae not obtaining 3D you want to spread it makes come out even with the game it is the shelf
                                  • 我确定要立即使用3D眼镜,但感觉不好,我看见他三分钟 The glasses using however you saw the person whom it makes 3D it became feeling bad in 3 minutes
                                  • 电视我需要眼镜或有趣?我们直接进入电影片段眼镜,三维可以是完美的,但也可以被看作forward ll想睡觉的眼镜,就知道通过看电视,你不知道你为何不 The television tsu te where the glasses are necessary it isn t strange If image is projected to the glasses directly perfect 3D conversion being possible although you sleep and the tsu roll and can see Why you do not watch at the television through the glasses and as for the te you do not know whether it does not become
                                  • 要寻求真正的3D,我只是不经意地复制浮雕(在BD)是由软也被困花岗岩掴 When just the 3D tsu te copy is believed there is also a trap which anagurihu furthermore the software 掴 can be surpassed absent mindedly in BD

                                • 北━━━━━━东芝严重(°゚∀)━━━━━━!!
                                  The Toshiba seriousness [kita] ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゚ ∀ ゚) ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━! ! ! !

                                  • 周一刚立即做了一个立体3DCG动画背景太早醒来,在街头的特征可以去只是为了在传统的二维图纸空间安排

                                    • 夏普Nopaso自由立体“莫比斯三维”,甚至买不卖多少鳕Imade氖瓦特

                                      • 好像我是你的唯一途径,建立餐是令人失望的瓦特瓦特三星

                                        • 它仍然是处于转型期,一些...在大约一年后直
                                          Still, if the chrysalis shelf, it is about next year, whether the [deru] which is honest

                                          • 它的不帅也没有电视的三维不得人心我碰巧有 Well if ikemen there is no either te the 3D television how not to have there is no mote
                                            • 三维嗯,我并不流行,但从来没有Twink的不是电视 Well the 3D television how having if ikemen there is no either te there is no mote

                                          • 富士的消费类电子产品零售商在好莱坞拍摄的3D游戏完美卓越的照片,我仍然Kakiwari,但我没有碰3D相机是自然界中要求对那些谁知道我是如何开始在真正拍摄我不知道

                                            • 屋宇署不优先于一切,即使软件,三维软件没有任何方式传播
                                              Although it does not spread at all with even the BD software, the 3D software spreads, the [ro] which cannot boil and is

                                              • 已开发的三维日本公司,我是一个模式,技术人员开始从一个失败的成本大批量生产→→Kareru不包括投资重点吸引能忍受,技术跟踪为W After it reaching the point where it can withstand appreciation the 3D technology which the Japanese enterprise developed It pulls the technician and can make a foolish mistake gt centralized investment gt with the cost decrease with mass production the pattern shelf of the crushing defeat The wa w where the tip is visible already
                                                • 嗯,我做了三星,LG,日本企业不喜欢我赢 The ma what tsu te Korean samusun which was done in LG It cannot win the Japanese enterprise but it is

                                              • 廉价出售价值679在韩国,日本和中国刚辉没办法,我会延长,但只活仁门上架销售产品, 679 It can win Korea and China it probably cannot boil with bargain sale but Japan only sell the commodity where added value is attached is to survive is
                                                • 东芝公司在这510方程眼镜虽然这是他感觉额外增加的功能就像一个积极的变化Umon 510 As for glasses system the addition functional tsu te of omake you feel just but what Don t you think as for this Toshiba person it is different it is

                                              • 我Yakakkowaruishinae waratawwwwwww螺纹wrfgowpgw
                                                The waratawwwwwww glasses the parenthesis [wa] [ru] it does to be, obtaining wrfgowpgw

                                                • 我不知道这对于一个为分池TTA的Dekaiterebi电视,他们已经拥有了丰富的制造,但市民不要 As for this they are not for general people and they probably are television what for sub which already was made in the one for rich person who has dekaiterebi

                                                  • 我不知道这将发挥祝愿所有祝天天瓦特TTA的疯狂,但我今天也是一个端口,用于购买回家,我本人认为缺乏 As everyday everyday deviated you played however… at all it did not become good w Buying also the transplantation edition for home but densely it is and the tsu pa it was unsatisfactory

                                                    • 我们结束了相当丑陋的三维运动和工具包,我想我有天看电视Tatte色情手淫 busaiku having the 3D television passing ero seeing you masturbate being thought as kana kitsumo it finishes

                                                      • 我把赤裸裸的三维偏振光眼镜限于,毕竟聆听位置和方向,是不是合理的,甚至带着眼镜的地方更多或更好的类型的监视器 When it is naked eye 3D how se viewing position and attitude are limited and The polarized light glasses you apply when it is how rather thing glasses type to monitor does not take either the place and it is rational
                                                        • 而不是烦人的眼镜,3D是不好,但我认为只有两个小时的电影,因为它是烦人 The glasses are not uzai 3D is uzai Therefore 2 hour limitations of the cinema you think that they are good ones is

                                                      • 我指的是过去是从3D有什么不同?我记得我曾看到过眼镜 The te you say or you are different from 3D which is in former times The glasses applying there is the memory which saw it is
                                                        • 哎呀还有很长的时间以前,3D的有什么不同?我记得我曾看到过眼镜 It is different from 3D which is in the te or former times The glasses applying there is the memory which saw it is

                                                      • 我的3D电视与LED灯泡,FF14,但官员承认,“失败”是 LED light bulb 3D television As for FF14 The authorities do not recognize but the “failure work” is

                                                        • 摄像机位置(视点)视频内容固定的,而不是要的不是太多的游戏,您可以走动的空间悬殊Riarurendaringu这狗认为行动或将制定和看起来有趣的角色扮演系统的FPS生动逼真我在它(它看起来是有限的 Camera position point of view wants the image contents of fixing very with the thought cup Funny so it will put out the game which can move the space freely in real rendering of parallax image and it develops probably will be The FPS how appearance impression of action and RPG type is enormous it is it may become limited thing
                                                          • 所以这个真人CG技术拍摄180现在几乎是不可能的我(我能做的只有有限的) 180 Therefore as for this the ro which is CG Photograph taken on the spot photographing with current technology is close to the impossibility it is only limited thing it is possible

                                                        • 无论多么渴望Outo你们,东芝Toudai你们的事,“他们使用的处置”我是一个愚蠢的法律思考

                                                          • 日本制造商只是把做没有任何市场或产品的困境,像这样的加拉帕戈斯这空寂为什么没人愿意,我会做出成绩不仅使工程师或它是不是 As for the Japanese manufacturer why like this everyone desired emptily only the Galapagos product the way making Marketing without melting just those which the technician would like to make making the ru result probably there is no this disastrous state something
                                                            • 这样做,因为日本,退出了内存和赎回的发展,不再需要说已经忘记了,它没有造成破坏的 So doing because Japan removes from the memory development and the like already there is no necessity You do not have to forget that the current disastrous state occurs

                                                          • 日本消费电子行业的三维图像,可能是地方,我选择死亡

                                                            • 易使注册三尺寸和其他不幸的,我不喜欢小报同伴三维软件3D立体电视剧要么白天卖韩国电视剧,一旦 Unless the software accompanies don t you think … The 3D wide show which can enjoy the unhappiness of others threely dimensional If 3D noon drama or 3D Korea style drama is broadcast the kana which can be sold
                                                              • 名字不被视为在三维软件 There is no software of in the first place 3D You see in name

                                                            • 易使规模高达长时间立体47V型,新的3D显示器技术?消费业务集团和日立及NTT日本NTT Hitatiseisakusyo澳大利亚翻译学院AITI的是6月27日为一个新的大型立体3D显示器的技术已经开发宣布 Long haul stereoscopic vision can be enjoyed at 47V type size developing new 3D monitor display technology Hitachi and NTT aitei Hitachi Ltd consumer business group and NTT aitei on the 27th announced that new stereoscopic vision corresponding large sized 3D monitor display technology was developed
                                                              • TTA的疫情监测双15年前的20年“从距离和立体视觉,”你为什么不这样做的方法 To a dual monitor It was popular 15 20 years ago “when it views distantly to it should have made stereoscopic vision” system it is not
                                                              • 最近,一个体面的Sonipikucha 1080帧序列立体重心创新慈慈慈慈在外面做两个卡通津市津市 Recently very the SONY picture 1080p frame sequential honest stereoscopic vision CG animation 2 And the tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu tsu when it puts out

                                                            • 没有眼镜行,看看我被迫面对什么戴眼镜的愚蠢的家伙,我买了TTA的或祖父的通常听到和“我拒绝这个电视!”愤怒 Without the glasses OK is heard the pop who Usually applying the person who buys the ru glasses confronting what kind of aho whether the ru it is not visible the te “They are these television inferior goods ” With you get angry
                                                              • 不得不看行不戴眼镜戴眼镜的你把什么的通常听到一个老人,“我反对这个电视!”愤怒 Without the glasses OK is heard the pop who Usually applying the person who buys the ru glasses confronting what kind of aho whether the ru it is not visible the te “They are these television inferior goods ” With you get angry

                                                            • 然而,三维,三维电视Gitari走了过来,字幕,略在电影前,以表达该有这样的需要,而重叠流畅的纸张开始,和三维如果他们对我有那么多烦的例子宁愿看到建筑物牛茶是比较流行的二维 Although it is 3D the necessity and the like for the television to become 3D in order to show the fact that it is expression of the movie has become delicate subtitle passes to come before the ri when it is visible in the pile of the paper which flimsy is done when it makes three dimensional rather the building is visible the cheap ku because when it is troublesome is many 2D is popularity
                                                              • 埃塔DVD我现在看起来更立体被视为越南正常浏览我所看到的主轴案件 However now you saw with the case crossing over of the spindle of DVD rather than seeing normally it was visible threely dimensional
                                                              • 早在用肉眼三维世界,但如果有三维电视,需要是什么?和巨大的窗户扔他们从电视的东西,日本的方式我出去,走多 Already although society is 3D with the naked eye the necessity for the television to become 3D being Television something it will dump from the window will go outside more and probably will walk the Japanese

                                                            • 然而,捏造说,原告WWW的名册号证一乙方责任义务提出性能为过去在原告时的被告,这是建立在当时的原告不仅有,不准确,不反映实际工作的原告的是
                                                              So, the plaintiff it is, framework fabrication www The defendant the quaintness which it submits as the duty result of that time of the plaintiff 1 as for the duty roster of proof, Not only it is not something which the plaintiff at that time drew up, they are inaccurate ones which do not reflect the above-mentioned work actual condition of the plaintiff

                                                              • 由于这是看起来像它来的CEATEC不会出现在几乎平行线我得到的东西

                                                                • 电极插入到眼皮,这是即时立体视觉结合在一起交流高压力量怎么样
                                                                  Sticking the electrode to the eyelid, making high speed twinkle mandatorily alternately at voltage Stereoscopic vision it can point, how probably will be?

                                                                  • 电视〜〜(米2) 视频 (米2)〜〜感觉像有不存在的,它没有释放他的大部分今晚?你要飞出去大的时间和 TV 2 meters 2 meters by your It is dense unless it is extent it is left it does not become the like feeling which is truly there Unless the thinking tsu drill it springs out

                                                                    • 病原感染超过892眼镜?
                                                                      892 You are infected to the pathogenic agent by way of the glasses?

                                                                      • 空气中的某些元素 - 供应。材料(如碳)或合成重现气味

                                                                        • 立体视觉是不是那个眼睛不175
                                                                          175 With the one eye as for stereoscopic vision the impossibility the kana which is not

                                                                          • 累了,奥林巴斯眼镜型3D显示器是让我来
                                                                            Handle and OLYMPUS start with the glasses type monitor as 3D,

                                                                            • 而不是什么都做,我觉得我看起来体面的例子 There is no with something whether from present ones in matomo The air may be visible does

                                                                              • 而飞出来Yoka从二维立体什么,现在有可怕的疯狂要强调的观点也许卡如 Therefore as for projecting three dimensional 2D what the so and others enormous stress it catches Far impression mania now it comes therefore it is
                                                                                • 立体三维全息图是不是正确的,他们不时尚 Unless about three dimensional hologram it goes the ro where 3D is not popular and is…

                                                                              • 背景5↑↑■■■■■■■■Giterunode人们离开过它的人在这个例子局势,5↑↑●〜〜10米的三方面作为一个人观赏者无法看到的是约10米蜡 For example when it is such a circumstance also the human leaving too much because the ru Background ↑ ↑ About 5 10 meters Human ↑ ↑ About 5 10 meters Viewer The human probably will not be visible threely dimensional
                                                                                • 当我第一次看到电视上开始不在现场的实际,在全三维立体图像,我很 Actually that you looked at the scenery with the eye finishing The kind of 3 D which is visible with the 3D television the image which overflows the potato it is
                                                                                • 我不买这并没有从任何人来破坏眼镜永远追求的东西,如彩电瓦特是什么新鲜的假名严重,同样好它开始在没有它的立体声一定 Because vivid color or the television has pursued is spoiled the thing until now almost W which no one buys Unless that are glasses may be when it becomes … Simply this what it is visible threely dimensional probably is severe what certainly
                                                                                • 要显示的图像通过一个特殊的座位我开始捕捉液晶,整理光束被观众认可机制,看到的立体形象, It installed on the liquid crystal panel By the fact that image is indicated through the special seat the viewer is recognized stereoscopic vision It finished in the mechanism

                                                                              • 视频 劳工处→DVD,标准差→高清画质就像当“它不会回到老看到”任何情况下,我打算把重点放在相机和directing m没有感觉,战术是在三维立体电影的内容也有很多石首“看一次又一次,”不过,我觉得经典电影是零和W When video LD gt becoming DVD and SD gt HD picture quality the way “When you look at this the feeling that it cannot return in former times” does not do it is It is not agreeable with the focus and production intention of the camera the beefsteak toe the 3D contents it is many and With in the first place 3D movie “many degrees we would like to see” that is thought the masterpiece kind of movie which zero putting out w
                                                                                • 这是整个展会是一个三维看看?这个节目是一个看起来普通的2D二维?不影响画面质量? This tsu te all program is visible in 3D 2D program is visible normally in 2D There is no influence in picture quality

                                                                              • 该名男子购买一个更大的,如果超过了46 24万 NULL
                                                                                • 46的RD X10的不好? 46 RD X10 being useless

                                                                              • 迄今为止,在这个阶段我是有是免费的3D眼镜或不买的哎TTA的他含泪的眼睛,仿佛转让Bachaboi但有一个继任者应该走出去

                                                                                • 这个例子也坐在位置的变化好吗?要知道,从理论上说明
                                                                                  This the position where it sits down changing, OK? We would like to know reason with diagram, but

                                                                                  • 这是什么立体电视“我设立了火灾烟雾的情况下进入”,看看你,你觉得他们离开第二人生 When something “it does not have the fire of this 3D television you look at the circumstances which raise the smoke to the place where” Second life is remembered
                                                                                    • 国家,如勇士取得三茹,如果你玩过2P的表演,三维头盔显示器所需的全部经费将是一个轻松的胜利到这种模式 2P play indication of Mikuni hit and miss and the like is possible if it is complete 3D mode of main point HMD is inserted probably is easy victory

                                                                                  • 这是真的这本书! !是的鲁鲁的看的比比飞出去飞了出去
                                                                                    This it is the book true, is! ! The flying flying [bi] to start doing to come out, the [ru] which the [te] you see and can be visible

                                                                                    • 这项工作做电视,3D电视你认为你有足够的乐趣来看待的呢? ü高的人买电视的黄金嗯,我认为美国的大我期待着Souiya不仅因为电视阿姨爷爷喜欢,我真的很少数人的一小部分的东西的一个象征日本是怕他们有年轻的人过滤率在美国购买一台新电视他们的恐惧 NULL
                                                                                      • 这项工作做电视,3D电视你认为你有足够的乐趣来看待的呢? ü高的人买电视的黄金嗯,我认为美国的大我期待着Souiya不仅因为电视阿姨爷爷喜欢,我真的很少数人的一小部分的东西的一个象征日本是怕他们有年轻的人过滤率在美国购买一台新电视他们的恐惧 NULL

                                                                                    • 高分辨率的数码相机先进头盔显示器现在我不会在任何价格,而电子取景器在我得到的是进步的电子取景器我已经和低成本的高清晰度显示器的需求,而马里隆小高清晰度可能只有在一定程度上取得进展会觉得
                                                                                      The price of HMD of high resolution does not go down at all, don't you think? Now EVF conversion of the upper-class digital camera is Shin coming out, demand for the Kousei small small-sized display for EVF is increasing, it is with It does the air Kousei small conversion low is cost conversion and it may advance

                                                                                      • (相对于工作在下面详细说明原告,原告22页的摘要2小时)
                                                                                        (In regard to the work hour of the plaintiff, plaintiff 2nd preparation document detail below page 22)

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