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“The Japanese occupied our territories, arrested our fishermen!” The Chinese in soccer U19 Japanese representation the pet bottle protest such that it throws


  • 2,有机会发动军事冲突时,台湾与中国紧张 2 the chance is when Taiwan and China cause military collision
    • 2,有机会发动军事冲突时,台湾与中国紧张 2 the chance is when Taiwan and China cause military collision
    • 2,有机会发动军事冲突时,台湾与中国紧张 2 the chance is when Taiwan and China cause military collision

  • 338莱斯 “从没有的专辑,爱国主义的外国人,如杀人抢劫强奸理由无辜关押绑架殴打上站不住脚,这是他的线耦合到一个头盔平行独立的房间,当时向同级人民法院Imiku离开该国不希望害怕的是,删除有脚请有没有成为恐惧

    • 3,战争的美国军队在进步根据,慢慢地拉你的手从战争,主要以吸引中国军队之间的战争和日本自卫队 3 the US military as war advances gradually from war pulling the hand In order for the Japanese Self Defense Force and war of the Chinese troop to be center it induces
      • 3,战争的美国军队在进步根据,慢慢地拉你的手从战争,主要以吸引中国军队之间的战争和日本自卫队 3 the US military as war advances gradually from war pulling the hand In order for the Japanese Self Defense Force and war of the Chinese troop to be center it induces
      • 3,战争的美国军队在进步根据,慢慢地拉你的手从战争,主要以吸引中国军队之间的战争和日本自卫队 3 the US military as war advances gradually from war pulling the hand In order for the Japanese Self Defense Force and war of the Chinese troop to be center it induces

    • 4,美国介入战争中日和平进程的加剧,东中国海,)海日本在维和行动(维持和平行动的进行,主要由美国陆军 NULL
      • 4,美国介入战争中日和平进程的加剧,东中国海,)海日本在维和行动(维持和平行动的进行,主要由美国陆军 NULL
      • 4,美国介入战争中日和平进程的加剧,东中国海,)海日本在维和行动(维持和平行动的进行,主要由美国陆军 NULL

    • 598我是一个2通道不过,在Uyoku Inan不喜欢,我没事的信息较少,我们从来没有说 598 Don t you think as for me 2 however the ru is done uyoku weakening with hateful something feeling being said At all it is unconcerned
      • 不得免除日本Netouyo不能真正的家伙,像一个陌生的,但相当不错的净激进 But Japanese netouyo in the net considerably radical It is dense because we would like to stack strange thing it does not do with real the relieved shelf

    • 5,东西以获得美国的军事和政治领导的海日本海和东中国,有可能获得该地区的庞大的美国能源产业发展的资源优势发展权 5 the military affair by the fact that the United States procures in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan political leadership In development of resources at this area preponderantly the American energy industry predominant right of development It is possible to procure
      • 5,东西以获得美国的军事和政治领导的海日本海和东中国,有可能获得该地区的庞大的美国能源产业发展的资源优势发展权 5 the military affair by the fact that the United States procures in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan political leadership In development of resources at this area preponderantly the American energy industry predominant right of development It is possible to procure
      • 5,东西以获得美国的军事和政治领导的海日本海和东中国,有可能获得该地区的庞大的美国能源产业发展的资源优势发展权 5 the military affair by the fact that the United States procures in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan political leadership In development of resources at this area preponderantly the American energy industry predominant right of development It is possible to procure

    • 6,作为这一战略的条件,日本自卫队在国外自由,“军事行动”是要形成一个情况下,你能茹 6 as a prerequisite of this strategy the Japanese Self Defense Force be able to do “tasks” freely in the foreign country It is necessary to form the circumstance the ru way
      • 6,作为这一战略的条件,日本自卫队在国外自由,“军事行动”是要形成一个情况下,你能茹 6 as a prerequisite of this strategy the Japanese Self Defense Force be able to do “tasks” freely in the foreign country It is necessary to form the circumstance the ru way

    • Netouyo亚太经合组织,我已经来到了横滨茹

      • Netouyo我们只是喜欢做你这是从没有报道Netouyo 536,如果不受火消乙287 m不推荐任何暴力?即使它可能会咬如果连接到挂卡里说,瓦特抗议韩国学校的设施的特别帐户,反正大家都在家里的“U狙是个懦夫,孩子们!”,这人指责在物质我没有抗议?我说究竟什么情况下,儿童已赎回本狙 NULL
        • 一些。蓝色,对吗?你不会立即下跌穿Kusouyo Part Blue the ro which is Composure kusouyo

      • TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E5公司%%96%E6的A4纸%,82%± 3%%型E7%屋宇署机管局在这方面我太滑稽
        ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E5% A4% 96% E6% 82% A3% E7% BD % AA Also the area of this is strange, don't you think?

        • W渔船船长是一个陆军上校人民的解放,但
          Fishermen w As for the captain of the fishing boat although it is the colonel of the People's Liberation Army

          • 。最后放弃了嘘 And abandoning lastly it becomes placid
            • 。 mi 92 92 92
            • 。 ” 92 92
            • 〜ヽ(:。) , REPT 92
            • , 米 , mi 92 92
            • , (:。 o

          • 一个小偷凶猛Kusochan顷Rashii
            [kusochiyan] time it seems The thief it is fierce

            • 东盟和日本在罗马已经严重下降:来吧
              Already ASEAN and Japan with [maji] refusal margin

              • 中国人民甚至不知道他们的贫困天安门
                Even the Tien An Men incident the Chinese sorrow which is not known

                • 中国军队,美军在日本的基地,美军的后勤基地太阳,自卫队基地攻击“大陆”将 As for the Chinese troop supply depot of American Japan troop So the Japanese US military base and the Self Defense Force base which is will be done the “mainland attack”
                  • 中国军队,美军在日本的基地,美军的后勤基地太阳,自卫队基地攻击“大陆”将 As for the Chinese troop supply depot of American Japan troop So the Japanese US military base and the Self Defense Force base which is will be done the “mainland attack”
                  • 中国军队,美军在日本的基地,美军的后勤基地太阳,自卫队基地攻击“大陆”将 As for the Chinese troop supply depot of American Japan troop So the Japanese US military base and the Self Defense Force base which is will be done the “mainland attack”

                • 中国的红旗是血,在侵略与华侨华人在亚洲,“红色”大屠杀战争流量!

                  • 你不相信,日本媒体报道了大规模示威不再是不可能的!在日本 ◎反中国示威,58分钟交货群岛15 00,10月3日新秦◎批评群岛)的内阁外交侃弱手在日本国旗(中文名:钓鱼岛游,中国和日本一些人寻求当前的紧张局势,在日本尖阁列岛线的反示威要求赎回的主权,中国 This large scale demonstration is not reported Already it is impossible to trust the Japanese mass communications gt In Japan demonstration in counter the Sun flag in the hand weakness of toward China diplomacy of 菅 Cabinet criticism sachina October 3rd 15 58 transmissions 尖 official building archipelago the Chinese name 釣 Uoshima on centering while the Japanese and China tension continues In the counter you insist the sovereignty of the 尖 official building archipelago in Japan demonstration was done
                    • 在文章“中的反示威活动在东京参加了有800人在手TTA的日本国旗,批评内阁的外交走向软侃中国,被称为Bikaketa节约土地,”它说 With the article “in Tokyo 800 people who had the Sun flag in the hand participate in the demonstration in the counter Weakness of toward China diplomacy of the 菅 Cabinet you criticized called the integrity of the country” that you announced

                  • 像以前一样兼顾安全性的措施,有人问我鼓励,扎马呢?我知道我应该停止它 As in advance in order to acquire note concerning the safe aspect urged although it had requested this zama If it should have discontinued after all it is
                    • 有人问我鼓励注重安全本扎马前进吗?我知道我应该停止它 As in advance urged note concerning the safe aspect although it had requested this zama If it should have discontinued after all it is

                  • 别不当,“日本帝国冲绳八重山。尖阁群岛”,而他们形成
                    Properly in the 其 place “the Japanese empire Okinawa prefecture Yaeyama. The 尖 official building archipelago” it is written

                    • 嘿102,做了以前游戏后,而足球代表妇女在中国一点,巨大的体育场中Tsuketajan产品以嘘声,我的友谊做呢?相当于球队的批评,但有些地方是在巴西,德国端午,我做了一个故事,就像一个反射 102 Although the ho and others and on just a little front representation of woman soccer the tournament after doing in China did because of friendship the Chinese in the stadium doing buingu the thing it threw it is That something is Germany being suitably criticized by the team of those where it is Brazil the like article which is reflected it was many although
                      • “○○中国友谊,”已进入名才发现我住我县○○← “Japanese Chinese friendship By yourself you living in 0” lt 0 name of ru prefecture inserting it tries searching
                      • 我会像我说什么中国的友谊又是做这家伙?感谢你为真理并非完全虚拟带 Such a thing being done still Japanese Chinese friendship saying being ru person tsu te what Thank you truly is the one thinking completely

                    • 圆刚的自行车-就业-一个骑自行车的收集基础Tyousen

                      • 在日本的冲突尖阁列岛 中国,这表明美国在日本的军事串通一气,包括东西,他们将到篮下我不能不买油美孚埃克森石油钻探,而不是加剧冲突双方在一天穆推出运行 In the Japanese Chinese collision at the 尖 official building America military affair suggests that it supports to the Japanese side Japanese Chinese neither digging the petroleum with opposition intensification from the Exxon mobile the petroleum Starting the maneuvers which are driven to the situation which it cannot avoid buying
                        • 我知道中国是不是邪恶的,在这里我不能说一篮子土民 It is bad to the Chinese who has known but with this it cannot avoid saying the earth people

                      • 大多数韩国人在日本右翼169街宣,百济人,但你的父亲丹人,他们不知道从檀君朝鲜民族是错误的 169 But the majority of town declaration right wings as for the resident Korean 檀 the race which designates you as the ancestor Because hundred end people 檀 did not know you it is different from the Korean race
                        • 169韩国人,谁花了一百父亲,但与种族檀君,韩国人民和他们不知道你从不同Hayo真弓 169 But as for the Korean 檀 the race which designates you as the ancestor Because hundred end people 檀 did not know you it is different from the Korean race

                      • 天安门大屠杀天安Tenanmon Tyuugoku四六?天安门中国西藏自由

                        • 如果我害怕的无知,当你回到日本独自在棺材是一个狂热

                          • 姑娘们切割Chimachogori!戏剧创作的间谍→? →间谍剧上演抗议采取了在该国九州环境昆虫右翼广告宣传车的游客。

                            • 对发展中国家的援助过多的不利影响,如及坩埚
                              Excessive help to underdeveloped country causes such harmful influence

                              • 尖阁列岛是中国领土的中国人Tteru从心底认为(除了一些共产党官员),我能说什么,“假失真,但事实是日本,”我已经说过,解决方案成为我 As for the Chinese from the bottom of heart as for the 尖 official building thinking that it is Chinese territory the ru also in part other than staff Saying whatever it becomes the story that “it is distortion and fabrication of the fact by the Japanese” Solution how it is combining

                                • 尖阁列岛被逮捕的犯罪行的例子,如果有过在日本领土的课程 If the 尖 official building is not Japanese specific territory If crime is done it is proper to be arrested Above
                                  • 尖阁列岛是日本领土,在逮捕过程中对以上犯罪行的例子 As for the 尖 official building being Japanese specific territory If crime is done it is proper to be arrested Above

                                • 当日本政府开始编造历史没有什么反日教育,如果我强烈抗议条件沉默的国家本来可以更好,因为他会 When historical fabrication anti Japanese education starting doing The Japanese government if it protests strictly a little whether it was mashi Saying nothing it is condition body from the ru
                                  • 从那里他们也没有办法建立一个历史性的Shika聪,我就不会说什么时候或 Because only the history which is fabricated you know there is no manner that saying in ru case it is not

                                • 我们必须密切合作下,中国国家四个管理,甚至分裂

                                  • 我们的渔民被逮捕”所有嘘扬 gt “The Japanese although the former times many Chinese was killed even now occupies our territories gt Also our fishermen arrested” Entirely lie it is
                                    • “日本被杀害,但许多中国人民前不久,仍然占领我们的土地,我们的渔民被逮捕”自虐崇高 gt “The Japanese although the former times many Chinese was killed even now occupies our territories gt Also our fishermen arrested” Entirely lie it is

                                  • 我呼吁中国的战争,你不说,它像有些人不杀八达通和日本,而不是满足您様扬 As for the Chinese with the kind of spirit which one person there is with a murder callous unless with says the Japanese the shank War how the meeting way it is
                                    • 我呼吁中国的战争,你不说,好像你从来甚至杀害日本人的人,你様彼此月 As for the Chinese also one person has killed the Japanese unless with with the kind of spirit which is said the shank War how the mutual way it is

                                  • 我看很容易出一人足球足球迷将垃圾,从仅仅是一种特权阶级的水平中国政府和中国人民,我看它很容易Geru扔瓶子,那么一般的人,只是地板水平的特权所以,我可以理解,如果不失,扔瓶子Gezu,我要回家照顾,因为它是浪费 The Chinese government and the Chinese probably are the kudzu but Therefore 1 soccer fans with yell as for the soccer how seeing easefully only aristocrat if the general people Therefore the pet bottle as for how seeing easefully you throw only aristocrat if the general people still it is found but Because the pet bottle without throwing is wasted having important in the house it returns
                                    • 如果仍然发现,政治家,其他你要与高中学生做巨大瓶 If the politician partner still it is found but The pet bottle throwing in the high school student how it does is
                                    • 我一开始球迷大声抗议,一到与一个巨大的大厅,其中一瓶位 You say that gt 1 soccer fans the bottle was thrown including protest entering into the place among those with yell
                                    • 我看它对于中国足球是一个简单的故事只从特权阶级,如果公众Gezu扔瓶子,我要回家照顾,因为它是浪费 Therefore in China as for the soccer how seeing easefully only aristocrat if the general people Because the pet bottle without throwing is wasted having important in the house it returns
                                    • 日本足球Geru我会扔瓶,无论多么扯淡中国政府和中国人民绝不会讶然 Even if how the Chinese government and the Chinese probably are the kudzu but The pet bottle is thrown as for the how Japanese who it is absolutely with the soccer

                                  • 摘要由志愿者页■从这里通过。中国电梯全程不呼吸,不能给定的事实许可后,由日本私营部门对矿业部说,“转移”中共‖←↑经济区 日本领海领土‖→〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜海〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜‖ ‖ ‖ 潜艇 ‖ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■资源■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ The summary page by the volunteer From here harvesting adopting To sucking up all China as for Japan by the fact that Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not give mining permission to private enterprise in fact “transfer” ↑ Also in economic zone lt gt The Japanese economic zone Sea surface Seabed Resource
                                    • 唯一没有被控制培训330人,我自己可以是中共党 330 The fact that you train in the monster which cannot control the native people is also in

                                  • 支那支那海军粪便世界各地的社会。攻击,“哎呀”的欢呼声
                                    Support 那 society of � many places of the world droppings of support 那 navy. Attack applause “of [aiya]”

                                    • 支那自己强大的药物,“支那Korori”如果!词词词学仕词词!
                                      If there is a support 那 private poison “support 那 [korori]”,…! [ki] ゙ [ki] ゙ [ki] ゙ [ki] ゙ [ki] ゙…!

                                      • 无损检测闪烁白痴日本共产党好,他们也没办法,只能说我会说是愚蠢和中国民主化和 To be good as for the Japanese fool the Chinese Communist Party collapsing calling to China democratization and the like the ru Only the fool there is an expression
                                        • 武威的民主权利不爆50年前没有什么变化 Democratization ww The ro which does not change from 50 years ago at all and is

                                      • 日本袭击了大陆狂潮,将开始全面抗日战争 The Japanese who the mainland is attacked becomes upset real Japanese Chinese war is started
                                        • 日本袭击了大陆狂潮,将开始全面抗日战争 The Japanese who the mainland is attacked becomes upset real Japanese Chinese war is started
                                        • 日本袭击了大陆狂潮,将开始全面抗日战争 The Japanese who the mainland is attacked becomes upset real Japanese Chinese war is started

                                      • 时事社报道,在中国只有汉奸和示范

                                        • 根这项事业是所有人的太麻烦长崎事件
                                          Now then it is everything, is dense fundamental cause of the [za] It is Nagasaki incident,

                                          • 洗脑不需要操纵粘土是一种翻译可以专注于他的权力之争,很容易胡锦涛万维网

                                            • 由小泉参拜靖国神社的时候,有可怕的骚乱大声甲酸在重庆,记者正要疯了还是可怜的是,小泉

                                              • 穆我也懒得看什么,没有人喜欢读或恩戴 Such a everyone reading or it does not become either matter of concern which is read
                                                • 该Geru 52或逃避?战斗 52 In addition escaping It fights

                                              • 约160人在九州右翼团体由右县约50 393人,我这样做的所有的居民聚集在福冈的中国总领事馆对60辆街宣?我认为日本通常不会看到在那里,我也有事情,我是华人更多地在围绕接过当年3月的特别帐户

                                                • 约瑟夫奈 “日本。两党报告”一,东中国海,日本海附近我困了,欠发达的石油和天然气,总金额超过了世界上最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯是 Joseph nai “Toward Japan super party Report” 1 the undeveloped petroleum natural gas sleeps in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan neighborhood The gross is the quantity which surpasses world s largest oil producing country Saudi Arabia
                                                  • 约瑟夫奈 “日本。两党报告”一,东中国海,日本海附近我困了,欠发达的石油和天然气,总金额超过了世界上最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯是 Joseph nai “Toward Japan super party Report” 1 the undeveloped petroleum natural gas sleeps in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan neighborhood The gross is the quantity which surpasses world s largest oil producing country Saudi Arabia
                                                  • 约瑟夫奈 “日本。两党报告”一,东中国海,日本海附近我困了,欠发达的石油和天然气,总金额超过了世界上最大的石油生产国沙特阿拉伯是 Joseph nai “Toward Japan super party Report” 1 the undeveloped petroleum natural gas sleeps in Dong Hai and the Sea of Japan neighborhood The gross is the quantity which surpasses world s largest oil producing country Saudi Arabia

                                                • 经济发展和含量不得试图将所有的文明之后,我没有
                                                  That economy it will develop, as for content to civilization converting after all, saying, the thing shelf

                                                  • 罗马:拜托国际足联对中国的制裁是一个匆匆
                                                    FIFA swiftly in China sanction margin

                                                    • 罗马:碰到愚蠢Yanaizoaho抗议重视此事向大会行Ttara侃

                                                      • 美国必须得到它的能源资源在东中国海,什么 The United States must procure the energy resource of that Dong Hai as whatever
                                                        • 美国必须得到它的能源资源在东中国海,什么 The United States must procure the energy resource of that Dong Hai as whatever
                                                        • 美国必须得到它的能源资源在东中国海,什么 The United States must procure the energy resource of that Dong Hai as whatever

                                                      • 美日安全条约,Hazuki组,这也迫使国防部长参加的战斗,日本自 Being based on Japan U S Security Treaty Also the Japanese Self Defense Force participates in the battle
                                                        • 美日安全条约,Hazuki组,这也迫使国防部长参加的战斗,日本自 Being based on Japan U S Security Treaty Also the Japanese Self Defense Force participates in the battle
                                                        • 美日安全条约,Hazuki组,这也迫使国防部长参加的战斗,日本自 Being based on Japan U S Security Treaty Also the Japanese Self Defense Force participates in the battle

                                                      • 而这种优势是风格后,才可以得到什么,因为他不是中国的一个反日余只,获利也瞄准的目标是中国,该部已通过尽可能 When it can utilize just it utilizes densely then because anti Japanese tsu te is style 1 of Chinese this Just the profit you aim from China nothing transferring to the utmost is good fortune
                                                        • 亚洲杯前面同样的反日示威,应该反映他的观点即将在酒吧殴打车将被销毁日本已不是新闻 That the same as the Asian cup anti Japanese demonstration before will be assaulted the Japanese with the pub where the car will be destroyed Itself it does not report the point which it should reflect
                                                        • 而这仅适用于使用,因为我剩下的是一个华人反日的风格,也针对来自中国的利润只,该部还没有通过任何尽可能 When it can utilize just it utilizes densely then because anti Japanese tsu te is style 1 of Chinese this Just the profit you aim from China nothing transferring to the utmost is good fortune

                                                      • 至今年年底,日本四千九百八十一是肯定会被捕捞胜利在中日战争),并秘密文件,向外交部内政部(十二月七十二仅日期。打开11月的下一次内阁决定的主管肯对目标国的应用程序作为一个辉冲绳群岛,赎回行第四内阁天五九八一
                                                        Being 1894 end of year when in the Nisshin war the Japanese victory becomes secure, as for the Department of the Interior in Ministry of Foreign Affairs the confidential document (December 27 date) with, 釣. Concerning building national mark the archipelago as Okinawa prefecture jurisdiction Cabinet conference decision It offered the fact that it does, Cabinet conference decision was done on following 1895 January 14th

                                                        • 薪酬桌子上散落着食品储藏室如果没有足够的,只有在腿轻,已经清楚地表明掠夺的迹象 The foothold of the foot about there is no account room and a distribution tray room to disperse the mark of plundering had been shown clearly

                                                          • 让我们停止国际比赛的中国共产党在各方面的 等等,我做的品种参与国家表达他们的意见,但我觉得你不能启动中国大陆,并举行了两个学位和国家,在许多我赞成中国共产党将在什么时候举行? … tsu te which will discontinue the international conference also in extensively participation country being even If it gives an advise states however two degrees opening and the like also in the kind of air which does not occur does Participation country probably will approve the opening also in with something
                                                            • 如果U瓦特的损失,在共产主义革命673,不稳定的,可能只想到有一天,有当分 673 If also the inside is pushed down with revolution w which can be made for a while noncommittal About only that you happen to think

                                                          • 贿赂和非法贫瘠无用的运动规则的专业,腐败是一个每天都在发生,如果我下次再回来

                                                            • 起初,美军披挂上阵为在中国和台湾开始编号 At the beginning the US military stands on the Taiwan side and starts China and battle
                                                              • 起初,美军披挂上阵为在中国和台湾开始编号 At the beginning the US military stands on the Taiwan side and starts China and battle
                                                              • 起初,美军披挂上阵为在中国和台湾开始编号 At the beginning the US military stands on the Taiwan side and starts China and battle

                                                            • 这家私人内阁决定,公众一直以来成为五九一是五十多年以后的岁月

                                                              • 这是文化革命,它是更好的呢?
                                                                Already, don't you think? the one which the one time Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is done is good?

                                                                • 通讯塔上的极端痛苦灾祸逢元附近▲甚至旅馆。连续第二救济。梅塔事务代表步兵队长。乡。声明如下:
                                                                  - It masters misery even among them hotel it is close with the water tower concerning the tragedy. 2nd ream of rescue. Infantry acting commander It served. 鎮. Testimony of witness is as follows

                                                                  • 问题是第一次民主党政府什么也不做非凡的无能暴露
                                                                    As for problem the way of idle lack of policy of the Democratic party administration which exposes disabled you do not become Hirotune

                                                                    研究 開発