The “kim chee chaofan” how! Adachi Ku which aims toward tasty school lunch Japan one, the popularity menu of provision of school meal at the Ward Office restaurant limitation sale
35:55编号 ■ 9新闻 狗的粪便,他们撤回白菜外地无晃动来自白菜的 寄生虫卵,您将进入狗的寄生虫是 35 55 ID News 9 The feces and urine of the dog shake that way in the Chinese cabbage field and removal has grown hoarse lt Anchor gt Also the parasite of the dog had entered into the parasite egg that it came out of the Chinese cabbage
547:没有名字的秘密:2010 10 09(星期六)13:59:12编号:544 5f4A6iUt不同的差异ü 547 Name it is not the hi to see 2010 10 09 Saturday 13 59 12 ID 5f4A6iUt 544 It is different it is different
655卡路里,3卡路里的热量相似〜4年级小学生午餐 _NULL_
717瓦特,而不是更少,但我知道你的什么人标签任何低级 717 As for your less only label it is done w You know the human of what kind of it is low level
嗯,从面条和汉堡更好Ginai我过去的水平 Well compared to the cup noodle and the hamburger are no more than a mashi tsu te level
Toukyou REN4说要把它萨科纯化和罗诚多次火灾甚至你核常兼备 _NULL_
Watta,但他们最终吃那里,你说之间为例认为可能已经获得了一定的味道鲜美多远,只对泡菜的味道,“我仍然保持,算了吧,”争先恐后地想和Eh Until now whichever taste coming out the tastiness ku being able to think although oh with while saying it finished eating Just kim chee taste “remaining still the ru already it is good” that being able to think it was helpless
231 蒙特没有乳酸发酵食品,什么蔬菜 231 gt The lactobacillus those which it ferments how you eat the vegetable and there is no mon
好,因为发酵的食物,什么是我想要的瓦特奶酪和泡菜酱,如果只限于说,除了Iketa温达情况下,只有寒暑假面食 Therefore well the fermentation food the cheese and the miso we would like to see to with anything are agreeable but it is w You say only the kim chee if is the pasta where for the summer is cool ike is other than
“ 他们减少堆肥的风险色调分钟,但在土壤中的寄生虫更好诚艾希发酵,发酵肥太高了,我不禁用篮子一些废物该 ” lt Reporter gt The compost which it ferments is better to also the earth and it understands that it can decrease the danger of the parasite but as for the fermentation compost In order to be too high excretory ones not to be able to avoid part using it is
Garemasu快速发展,大白菜栽培管理的标准和准则,明确了动物废料过程 lt Omission gt Service of clear processing standard and the Chinese cabbage cultivation management criteria for excretory ones of the animal hurries
★热门午餐菜单“泡菜炒饭,”你喜欢! “日本可口的饭菜,”足立区,东京即瞄准和突发into ll让你尝尝他们的饭菜,甚至居民,儿童,学校午餐菜单流行的“炒泡菜,”第14届,病房楼的餐厅出售“皮嘉尔”开始,梅塔 School lunch popularity menu “kim chee chaofan” how Toward as for Tokyo Adachi Ku which has aimed “tasty school lunch Japan one” when school lunch of the children is made to taste to also the inhabitants of a ward Sale of popularity menu “kim chee chaofan” of provision of school meal was begun at restaurant “ pigaru ” of the Ward Office 14 floor
鄂和在同一时间进攻的感觉是很奇怪的代名词,韩国泡菜鄂与菜的选择,我喜欢说教育学校午餐和营养也 Combining also food growth the kim chee which even pronoun of the Korean cooking you can say to ru provision of school meal choice in being done When strange feeling is remembered it becomes simultaneously serious unpleasant
一个人的体味,但丑库赛茹Netouyo会议和住宿秋叶Kimowota更泡菜瓦特 _NULL_
一哇,哦,请 拉软面或咖喱权彻浩Ttara流行的午餐菜单,我说 1 The u wa a is pulled the wa a … which When the popularity menu tsu te you say with school lunch The ro normal which is the Calais or software noodle
一哇,哦,请 拉软面或咖喱权彻浩Ttara流行的午餐菜单,我说 1 The u wa a is pulled the wa a … which When the popularity menu tsu te you say with school lunch The ro normal which is the Calais or software noodle
小学午饭还没有坏,在没有0 1,或者更确切地说,汤炖白 Hateful as for school lunch No 1 the white stew in small school age rather than soup
我亦增加至鄂Inan未付费用从午餐菜单狗屎做了这一点,和 Such a droppings menu putting out also school lunch expense unpaid how probably will increase from the ru but that
日本的目标是美味的午餐一新的“泡菜”是你 1 Aiming toward tasty school lunch Japan one whether” the kim chee”
有些人似乎反应TTA的茹像疯了似的,我将不得不停止午餐午餐 School lunch stopping when how subject comes up in the lunch As deviated the people who react it is it seems and
相反,我不给面包的多样性丰富他们吃午饭,但我拒绝 On the other hand now school lunch having been rich in variety pan school lunch has decreased
这些Tteru之间差异有吃午饭了赞助坏之际,适合孩子们看 The method which puts out the kind of school lunch which has favorite dislike in the child by mistake the ru
郑东泳在午餐Betai Nida m泡菜食品中已经更好组成?什么声音艾达结果 chiyon which becomes and has done to finish with school lunch the kim chee nida which we would like to eat The tsu te the result of making a noise
高女士在万套餐厅了7 0左右的工资支付日本的目的 Japan one the school lunch which aims toward high salary About annual income 7 000 000 it is room
不能说的是,我说,因为在你面前的第一个房间?我不敢说这个主餐面包吗?嘿 Because you cannot refute therefore as for elbowroom tsu te saying before you Pan school lunch calls main try refuting It is
不要试图反驳哥哥704标签?你不 704 It is and is and label does not do and tries refuting It is not possible it is the ro which is
不要对孩子成长的方式解决问题Wasu辛辣的食物!我想韩国人 Harsh ones it feeds in gaki growth midway is It becomes the Korean like
不。废物被视为站在牛线程是韩国人只有2声道! Non As for being able to see inferior sure which the ox when it is the bright fresh person raises just 2ch
什么是壹岐安达DQN认为,韩国和高含量很多人 As for Adachi Ku that DQN content ratio is high, thinking and starting and the Korean being many?
什么是那些孩子不会吃太辣?安达Osoroshisu _NULL_
但我应该向四周移动来获得的水稻在我国粮食推出膳食和日本的约30 692太 692 When 30 it passes and is rice remainder in Japan occurring but expectation what of the time where it moves to boiled rice school lunch
我煮的饭菜,因为一开始就承认了身子仅700 700 Boiled rice school lunch started from the year when by himself enters exactly
你不喜欢他很少吃美浓金额泡菜,腌生姜572杆 _NULL_
你爱看茶泡菜学校供膳和处理在法国,一种有毒的物质的东西 _NULL_
例如,足立金田这不是无偿承受午餐费用,这是一个做诱惑的人,他们是无偿 As for this it is unable to withstand school lunch expense outstanding Adachi Ku which,
With temptation to the people who do outstanding the shank
假设你肯定会拉在校儿童吃低年级到泡菜辣椒和大蒜,但 When so the red pepper resin it is the kim chee of entering the child of grade eat you have with it does difficult low in the school it pulls…
哇塞情况下,只有约泡菜的时期饮食,一,泡菜肯定会造成工作障碍,从埃塔异味塞菜单增加了泡菜炒或肉我我我你的意见,并泡菜是出来它是无穷的 The kim chee to be attached to the garnish with one timewise corporation food because the meat kim chee frying the menu increased Breath becoming ill smelling because hindrance occurs in work when you stop the kim chee and the tsu te give an advise That drill kim chee stopped coming out
但我会买泡菜将在最近几代超市的冲击,我认为年轻的日本 Super with the kim chee buying ringing even in the recently young generation however the ru you see don t you think … Japanese
哇,我会换的泡菜拉面切成面条为什么我什至可以卖面条一样超脱一 Indifferent liking the noodle why selling the ru cup Chinese noodles keep changing to the kim chee Chinese noodles die
或坏的或正常的泡菜为什么?鄂不喜欢公开表示 Normally it is unpalatable when why being the kim chee With being public there is no atmosphere which you can say
嘿,Adati。 。 W教育委员会并没有使他的孩子吃泥土瓦特 _NULL_
在一个半径为100公里,是由火灾,足立核纯化 Within radius 100 kilometers it should purify being the flame of the nucleus from Adachi Ku
埼玉,千叶,只是难得有安达,甚至来自茨城蔑视 Saitama and Chiba, there is just Adachi Ku which is disdained from even Ibaraki
奶牛在一个有利于民主,他是亲钟卡诺小泽 _NULL_
如果你不喜欢吃泡菜炒饭外国为什么他们批评,甚至是太糟糕了面条汤炸馒头?会不会是一个愚蠢的家伙单位小,远 With the kim chee chaofan you criticize with something … If meshi of the foreign country the ear the pan and the chaofan and the spaghetti and soup being useless Never being foolish to here the 輩 where the vessel is small is with
为什么我不能只买区水稻的例子非常糟糕,我有,足立吃泡菜炒饭 If it does not make the kim chee chaofan the extent which cannot be eaten Only the terrible rice whether not being able to buy as for Adachi Ku
如果米饭吃午饭,午饭Adati安达我闻到臭味,但居民的狗屎从一个所谓的俄式牛肉 But the Adachi inhabitants of a ward [unko] it is ill-smelling from the beef stroganoff, it did
Generally known smell rice Adachi Ku school lunch
如果这是太好吃了84感谢周一从不可避免的事情,他们有好吃的食物瓦特罪韩国泡菜那么,如果没有信息36是不是适合我的舌头,但绝对不是一个好食物,我从那里 84 The tastiness potato it is tastiness to be the empty it is helpless w There is no crime in the food 36 Information sankusu Because well you do not eat the Korean product kim chee no matter what it is good but it is Something… it is not agreeable to tongue
ü家伙吃了生的青椒,但可以肯定你会惊奇地发现,泡菜辣所以不想说对不对? You can be surprised to the party who being raw eats the blue red pepper certainly but The ro where the kim chee the extent which is said is not harsh and is
泡菜是一种食品罪国内是不是吃 You eat the homegrown kim chee There is no crime in the food
尼国内问题在所有的点心如在截止泡菜炒饭抓饭也成为湿透,每当我吃辣椒使泡菜泡菜炒饭反应过度瓦特瓦特Gidaro Uyobuta他们是怎么过 When the kim chee chaofan it makes by all means it becomes bechiyatsu but it is if with the para para kim chee chaofan and with the pilaf and with drinking brown domestic production don t you think problem be w Very uyobuta which has reacted to the kim chee excessively the ro w which is the red pepper eating too much
如果你吃泡菜炒饭约三个月内一次,我会合理地 Approximately the kim chee chaofan is good If in 3 months about 1 times you eat the re ru
尼国内问题,如果在所有的点心甚至泡菜炒饭抓饭瓦特Gidaro甚至超过他们Uyobuta m吃辣椒泡菜反应过度瓦特 If separately with kim chee chaofan and with pilaf and with drinking brown domestic production don t you think problem be w Very uyobuta which has reacted to the kim chee excessively the ro w which is the red pepper eating too much
当我在九州424,教师的家庭餐馆食品泡菜在韩国“泡菜,这不是妈妈!Keruna户撒s ”我的水平Buchiki 424 The time where it is in Kyushu South Korean teacher the kim chee eating with huamiresu “Such it is there is no kim chee husa ゙ keruna ” The tsu te buchikire te it is
我周围的高中女生被强奸在地铁站服务员帮助任何人Kezu Who around help May be raped by the station employee woman Takao became on the subway
我希望我有一个好学校,我没有一个人出来了良好的泡菜和学校午餐 It was good There were no either thing as many as 1 times where the kim chee comes out with small school junior high school and school lunch It was the good school it is
我有一个合适的菜单足立区,东京最不安全 _NULL_
我没有品尝702子女教育?味道很好,但是我比成年子女 702 The child who the sense of taste is not brought up As for the sense of taste the child is superior from the adult but it is
Wasu从童年的泡菜味炒饭了涉嫌腐败的味道是疯狂过滤和塞 Produce with the kim chee fried rice of sense of taste destruction and stop the fact that the mania wa it does the sense of taste from infancy
我的意思是东京409,“我住在足立区,”是不是方便的小区,他们说二战进一步审议 409 When with you say or “living in Adachi Ku the ru ” tsu te you say in Tokyo The convenient area ww which above that is not searched
足立区石马龙福,我希望您断开从东京到Hatiouzi与日本区 Adachi Ku resident Special Economic District Separating from Tokyo in Hachiozi and simultaneous the wa which we want making exile
我看一段时间了,这就是记者说,总区情报组彻(总区情报组彻说为什么)我是我你会说你之前没有区别 Therefore you saying from the tsu coming ru thing as the mass communications said as said therefore very the ru tsu te you call is at all by mistake
是不是一个真正的流行炒泡菜本身,它可能成为一种流行的捕鱼和一组甜点 To tell the truth it does not mean that the kim chee chaofan itself is popularity Fishing in the dessert and the like which becomes set perhaps it is popularity
Wasu为孩子们吃,我疼泡菜,泡菜炒饭是错误的我的魔术炒权 In order to feed the kim chee which hurts in gaki frying the error to demon the ro where those where it converts are the kim chee chaofan
例如不能吃咸菜从一般垃圾,不处理吃泡菜炒饭应觉得麻烦 Because all the pickle you cannot eat kim chee chaofan what Specially the rubbish which it processed ate the milled rice and without the re
我认为首先地方,比如抑制的孩子,最温达Kumo无本身想到的泡菜味的油炸,辛辣蜘蛛吃一个正常成年人 Holding down to the one for child you think as the ru but In the first place kim chee chaofan itself large the adult eats normally doing you think that it is not ill smelling narrowly but it is
欧胜当我以字节为单位,这让我是在饮食泡菜炒饭好 The byte it has done with the king time not sowing the kim chee chaofan having making well the shelf
泡菜炒饭午餐时我去了一个孩子,但都港区出(小学)说Tteta But inner Minato ku the kim chee chaofan comes out with and passes and the child the elementary school student says
而Shachahan,泡菜炒饭是由美味不时要检查是否从容易做 It can make the plain gauze chaofan and the kim chee chaofan certainly simply and tastiness it is and the empty occasionally makes
朝鲜和韩国,地方或在日本朝鲜人総联合会Adati Gutame一定要防止影响本木的同情可能高度的责任感,这些菜单应切出尽可能 North Korea and Korea or resident main Korean entire combined meeting As for Adachi branch in Motoki In order to prevent the fact that the possibility of remembering sympathy becomes high to the utmost such menu should be removed
我不打算用这个会让逢TTA的韩国人,我喜欢从韩国进口的泡菜 When it imported from kim chee tsu te Korea the Korean is made using the ru it is it is not probably will be
我用韩国泡菜是从TTA的患病儿童打出 Because the child becomes the sickness the kim chee which the Korean made how you use is
泡菜和牛肉排骨,蒜,味噌酱,有一点,他们希望在生菜Gattsuri卷 Japanese Cattle karubi and the kim chee the garlic the miso it droops and a little winding with sanchiyu gatsutsuri it would like to do
请Gutame将防止同情高度的责任感可能会影响韩国的韩国人在日本或韩国或北,这些菜单应该切出尽可能 North Korea and in the Korean or resident Korean In order to prevent the fact that the possibility of remembering sympathy becomes high to the utmost such menu should be removed
本人泡菜炒饭,食品加工的考虑权重埃塔泡菜剩菜 _NULL_
李,但该站每天的视线,我在游艇出现故障,首先开始贤坂本的不是基于日隐藏 But the daily spectacle of that station you question and the Japanese plum 秀 the fact that Ken is entwined to Sakamoto is original start what
我对他们纷至沓来的回避要求瞬间我打了他们,李坂 The Japanese plum among those starts to beat in Sakamoto but it is being exchanged spirit being left over it is the falling down red sandal wood in the railroad track
泡菜炒饭,我刚好是一个受欢迎的菜单137,100倍的总肯定有这样的人叩 137 Accidentally has popularity the menu which with just the kim chee chaofan tsu te Are hit so much the people who are the one where 100 time kimoi
什么是一餐美味泡菜炒饭,我足立 Tasty school lunch kim chee chaofan tsu te Adachi Ku……
编号:uOk4uvC80同一代,我在哪里? ID: Don't you think? as for uOk4uvC80 the same generation something as we?
美味泡菜炒饭是新的,我们留给了中餐和其他加工鱼产品,可以不焦虑帮 The kim chee chaofan is tasty but as for the school lunch which leaves the processed item of the fish and the like to China being insecure There is no manner
根据区议会的教育,泡菜炒饭,进入了前三个最流行的许多学校 According to Ku board of education as for the kim chee chaofan the popularity which enters into the best 3 in many schools
泡菜炒饭不知道是否事实,我不知道吃饭的感觉差异稻 The kim chee chaofan is good certainly but school lunch does the foreign feeling
美味泡菜炒饭是新的,我们留给了中餐和其他加工鱼产品,可以不焦虑帮 The kim chee chaofan is tasty but as for the school lunch which leaves the processed item of the fish and the like to China being insecure There is no manner
这是留给六狭间Metoki不能这样,当我在学校吃午餐供应 When it is put out with such school lunch of me you cannot eat and are left to te 6th time
难怪泡菜炒饭是出去吃午饭,这些地区并非 The kim chee fried rice being put out by school lunch with these zones it is not strange
老人一直在吃午饭,但我足立,我也没有名字的过去与我肯定泡菜菜单 _NULL_
该公司还销售叛徒了自己的国家Momoya Shineyo 836 _NULL_
足立像贫民窟或棚户DQN是一个菜单,你有似合万维网 _NULL_
足立区,江户川区,江东区,大田恩戴反冲,川崎区川崎鹤见区横滨,神奈川横滨Tyousen带区 Adachi Ku, Edogawa Ku and Koto Ku, jumping, as for Ota Ku, Kawasaki Ichikawa promontory Ku, Yokohama city Tsurumi Ku and Yokohama city Kanagawa Ku the Korean belt zone
这不是很确定,直到叩Ijan美味泡菜泡菜Kankoku多我恨你从井田guyz Therefore the leprosy saddle Korean dislike will not probably there are no times when it hits to the tsu te kim chee Kim chee tastiness it is and is
(° °)我不需要ー!我闻到泡菜吃固体Kunaru Ushiroguchi ゚ � ゚ irane The aftertaste which the kim chee how was eaten becomes ill smelling
这似乎是一个毫无意义的词语和“ 谭Me如果你干乳固体琼脂琼脂果冻,牛奶和牛奶 哦,FrontPage中也不便或营养师表作茹菜单 So word and the semantic unclear shelf gt Milk agar jelly The milk was set with the agar if it is the milk the ro which was bitten …… The a the menu chart the dietician who is made nihongo being inconvenient
这似乎是一个毫无意义的词语和“ 谭Me如果你干乳固体琼脂琼脂果冻,牛奶和牛奶 哦,FrontPage中也不便或营养师表作茹菜单 So word and the semantic unclear shelf gt Milk agar jelly The milk was set with the agar if it is the milk the ro which was bitten …… The a the menu chart the dietician who is made nihongo being inconvenient
那么孩子们,它可能是一种生活的刺激性外包括在学校午餐的健康,为什么不破坏味觉细胞,它没有通常希望提醒Iku辉的S Well the children outside the school being covered in stimulus ones it probably lives but therefore very about school lunch destroys the healthy sense of taste cell wants being normal even in order to raise rato ゙
刺激的儿童提供教育,但不是滋味,我愚蠢 It is despicable to offer stimulus ones to the child who the sense of taste is not brought up
我品尝它破坏了细胞意味着它会破坏人体细胞,一旦我组件 As for the tsu te thing which destroys the sense of taste cell the component turning in the body tsu lever Toda who keeps destroying the cell
我想知道从一个成年人的苦味,但总的来说,我作例子,我们认为,是因为他真的是什么味道衰减 After becoming the adult it reaches the point where bitterness is recognized when being thought generally the ru as for that the sense of taste becoming weak is what from the ru
损坏的味道刺激,圣多美和普林西比的石油Hazime警觉,应把油氧化时间 If you give some time it oxidizes the oil and the oil which begin sense of taste destruction and rato ゙ in stimulus ones
这是已知的有味道和美国的情况是太习惯了这样的店屋物菜单 To be accustomed to such menu too much it becomes the sense of taste where shop ones are agreeable and the tip has known
韩国和中国是不是食物。会以为它其实,我就是我,不是我担心的卫生是吃泡菜地较早地工作只在午餐品尝学校午餐TTA的小学,但它处理的香料,因此瘦,我用几乎像大蒜泡菜炒米饭只在日本有相当的味道,我不 As for the Korean China eating The ze which you think that it is good the hygienic aspect does not eat in worry however As for we working with in the past school lunch as for the kim chee it has not handled but Because as for seasoning the school lunch of the elementary school student the seasoning the garlic you do not use almost with diluting As for rather Japanese style seasoning you think even with the kim chee chaofan that it has done
我是白痴或没有食物弹出的孩子都在鼻子和舌头香料乐趣 When the food which with the seasoning makes tongue and the nose foolish is provided to the child whether the fool
韩国泡菜白菜长的时间只有有一个我觉得最可口的泡菜的味道是不可能的蛋白质请与正宗的韩国泡菜,我希望我会酸 Kim chee tastiness it is and with does not think As for the Korean soaking of the Chinese cabbage which is from former times however it is good The kim chee tsu te of the mecca being sour being ill smelling the excessiveness
我抱歉,我会喝昆虫食品下Kankoku家瓦特Wasu孩子是否喜欢那些瓦特国家 Mecca Korea the helminthic drinking although the ru w Those of such a country are fed in the child is w
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