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<尖 official building>“China must require that Okinawa sovereignty is returned to China, vis-a-vis the United States. Very that justice” Hong Kong powerful magazine of history strong theory ★3


  • 10 2的限制规定和谷歌有传言说,TTA的转 That regulation Restriction entered into Google in 10 2 there was also rumor
    • 10 2的限制规定和谷歌有传言说,TTA的转 That regulation Restriction entered into Google in 10 2 there was also rumor

  • 104 118,她是驻扎在四国和解放军部队第二次世界大战后 118 104 Well immediately after the termination of war the unit of the People s Liberation Army being stationed in Shikoku it increased

    • “。王子“琉球国王走上日本宝座上删除已被剥夺了
      ” . The Imperial Prince “Ryukyu king was led away to Japan, on that, was deprived the throne

      • “第四阶段的Ntsukyouso←反皇帝”,将断裂阻力
        ” <- Nitukiyou group emperor anti Destruction of fourth gradual “resistant will

        • 〜我明白了,没有多少中国人民从冲绳岛,而只有〜糖果行了,我喜欢的发展中国家,一个来自日本的核苷酸授予或接受被taken ll So Because as for Okinawa the Chinese is many that keep appearing in ame it is good Like developing country receiving the subsidy from Japan as ODN

          • 一个人的眼睛被挖出,上身的蜜蜂巢像一个孩子在被谋杀南门划破了手品种暴露在腹部骨骼,内脏脖子的双手用绳子绑散落若要命名屠宰用钢丝通过家庭引迴脚腕Ginishite一起提出了六项珠 The man to hollow out the eyeball as for the upper body like the honeycomb The child to be cut off set passing the finger of the hand murder South with the port the bone of the abdomen exposes the internal organs lay scattered It binds the neck with the rope and pulling 廻 it does with the both hands collectively as wire sequence one house six beads connecting murder
            • Nikake及面部和腹部,所有的皮肤。所有皮和软及 To put on all face and the abdomen the skin And all exfoliation of soft section

          • 东海,日本(日本)家庭,老人“民主党”,我是Nanori Zitirou和Ntsukyouso官员和中国共产党机床。投稿抗日的名称。作为一个人,都可以进入大学,孩子 Tokai Japan in family former times “the Democratic party” autonomous labor and the government employee etc of Nitukiyou group whom you have been identified The Chinese Communist Party construction machine As for cooperator anti day name As people university entrance into a school of that child is permitted
            • 东海,日本(日本)家庭,老人“民主党”,我是Nanori Zitirou和Ntsukyouso官员和中国共产党机床。投稿抗日的名称。作为一个人,都可以进入大学,孩子 Tokai Japan in family former times “the Democratic party” autonomous labor and the government employee etc of Nitukiyou group whom you have been identified The Chinese Communist Party construction machine As for cooperator anti day name As people university entrance into a school of that child is permitted

          • 中国是恐怖主义国家。是一家实力雄厚的话,让其他人知道字的猜测强度的预测,估计Surubeshi China is the terrorist state Intense word Strength Because it is Word as for other things recommending guesses which you know forecast should do is
            • 中国是恐怖主义国家。另一种是一个强有力的字,因为它是知Rubeshi建议 China is the terrorist state Because it is intense word recommending should know other things is
            • 中国是恐怖主义国家。另一种是一个强有力的字,因为它是知Rubeshi建议 China is the terrorist state Because it is intense word recommending should know other things is
            • 中国是恐怖主义国家。是一家实力雄厚的话,让其他人知道字的猜测强度的预测,估计Surubeshi China is the terrorist state Intense word Strength Because it is Word as for other things recommending guesses which you know forecast should do is
            • 中国是恐怖主义国家。是一家实力雄厚的话,让其他人知道字的猜测强度的预测,估计Surubeshi China is the terrorist state Intense word Strength Because it is Word as for other things recommending guesses which you know forecast should do is

          • 中国的历史教育,现在?如果说疯狂的国家的一个很好的例子,说好榜样 The Chinese historical education how has become With you should have said It is the country of kichigai becoming you should have said
            • 中国的历史教育,现在?如果说疯狂的国家的一个很好的例子,说好榜样 The Chinese historical education how has become With you should have said It is the country of kichigai becoming you should have said

          • 为了保护国家,如果是这样,如果你不能有任何人甚至站在你们的核伺罗马:快来去核,它是为了保护日本,它是不正确的 So if we would like to protect the country quickly nuclear armament margin We cannot assume that the inquiry it cannot stand even nuclear armament someone if is the fact that is plugged and protects Japan is not to be possible

            • 久米的地方,他们相当的169中,我有很强的影响力 169 Being in the place the Chinese Kume rather it had strong influence

              • 什么样的冲绳人民,而不是你不认为只会在冲绳的基地?在换尿布的头脑?傻子吗? Thinking that the Okinawa people tsu te there is a base in only Okinawa the ru it is the ro which is Being the fool Being foolish
                • 什么样的冲绳人,你不觉得你会不会只在冲绳的基地?在换尿布的头脑?傻子吗? Thinking that the Okinawa human tsu te there is a base in only Okinawa the ru it is the ro which is Being the fool Being foolish
                • 如果你的狗在日本的和平结构只能从冲绳受害者的人 If with just sacrifice of the Okinawa people Japan becomes peace the structure cup

              • 从互联网上搜索更多今天我试着 Also today continued and Search tried doing Internet
                • 从互联网上搜索更多今天我试着 Also today continued and Search tried doing Internet
                • 从互联网上搜索更多今天我试着 Also today continued and Search tried doing Internet
                • 从互联网上搜索更多今天我试着 Also today continued and Search tried doing Internet

              • 他们帮助支持中共北朝鲜,缅甸军政府,基地组织留在朝鲜,朝总联,韩国学校,苏梅过表演业,日本的一些流氓,左群体暴力远在日本,共产党,立命馆KTU朝日,自封人权团体人权辩护的房子,一个专业的公务员制度Syamintou共产党,社会民主党Ntsukyouso,Hazime清美Tsujimoto,和平船,民主党的左翼,在一般的安东尼奥猪木:比如我想只垃圾桶地球消失的
                The party whom it supports & supports North Korea Also in, Myanmar junta, left flank of [arukaida] and Korea, the Korean entire ream, the Korean school, pas [chi] [n] [ko] industry and the Japanese part mob, the Japanese extreme left violence group, Japan Communist Party and Ritsumeikan, all the teaching groups, Asahi, calling human rights group defense house, Japan Communist Party type corporation people party type professional citizen, corporation people party, Nitukiyou group, Tuzimoto Kiyoshi beauty, piece boat, the Democratic party left wing, [antonio] Inoki, Common point: Only the rubbish which would like to have going out from the earth

                • 仲间由纪惠安室奈美惠和家园损失每个温达

                  • 元公认为美国准备这样做,如果你说的对日战争Tyuubei Assuming that the United States recognized if you call Japan war in the United States being the preparedness which is done
                    • 我是一个战争Tyuubei如果你坚持做准备 By any means if you say war in the United States the preparedness margin tsu te it is

                  • 冲绳人的真正的总人口。中国人民不能有事可做的罗生门良好水平

                    • 冲绳县议会四郎,并获得市议会的石头,比如我向政府投诉国防,指出了中国大使馆。是抗议侵犯
                      In the Okinawa prefecture national assembly margin, appealing margin and national defense to government in the stone wall city assembly, the [ru] it does, To the Chinese embassy 尖. Violation it protests

                      • 升| |升◇─┐──────────┌─◇\│`∀ 霍隆哲学│调整/练习时间奈达司┘──────────└
                        l | | l * ─ ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ ─ * \ │ `∀ ' Phorone idea adjustment section │ / └ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘ Time [nida] of dividing practice

                        • 商人和其他士兵,我有很多就业的军事人员亲

                          • 因此,美国和创新叛徒武莫尼同一地址绫涂抹后,我Shitsuken Busayo 511。反对和支持。 。这是一贯的和听到的只是针对居民在冲绳的声音哟,人民有你,你只是想保护土地从猪 你真的失去了安永 511 Basting it is busayo Also back blotch tsu well The long sentence less where the traitor is similar it does and the tsu te ame Opposition and support Opposition does not contradict The prefectural people just would like to protect the country When the me and others pig yo is the ro which you can hear the voice of the Okinawan and don t you think is maji vanish
                            • 支那大陆和台湾的中间人在冲绳综合回报Mareta re像一个敲是支那奥赛罗 Taiwan which was put to Okinawa and the support 那 continent being reversed in the support 那 is merger as though it is Othello

                          • 如何现任总督,前州长圭一稻岭惠一的前任在当选是值得骄傲的血统Tyuugoku归,即中华民族炫耀自己祖先的姓氏单张运动在(蔡中井诚先生稻岭惠一先生。姓氏)
                            As for how present governor and rice plant ridge blessing monistic governor of duty before that the case of election, pride of the thing which is the descendant of the respective Chinese naturalized person, Surname of the respective Chinese ancestor is flaunted in the election leaflet, (as for Nakaima 蔡, as for the rice plant ridge person. It is surname)

                            • 如果我这样做,我Arieru军队征服了边境,但中东和非洲的其他部落

                              • 它也代表了清代初期动荡,如国内形势和氏族的三个机动,是不是稳定南美

                                • 对于日本,台湾都 我没有一句我进入建国党168人,甚至更多的中国和韩国的只有大约100人 In Japan very very in Taiwan the 168 As for having entered into the German political party formation about only 100 it is That perhaps the wa which China and South Korea is
                                  • 韩国独立门402被我听到的一切,我会做你真的认为独立门,纪念日本从 402 However as for the South Korean thinking that it is the gate which commemorates the independence from everyone and Japan the ru tsu te you heard the thing of the independent gate the ho it is with kana

                                • 尖阁列岛钓鱼岛挑衅中国船舶碰撞案件的最后阶段在中国的日本人民在四个绑架日本人的军事执行现在看来 尖 official building archipelago incident Senkaku Islands China ship Collision Last of Provocation China Abduction doing 4 Japanese Japanese in stage Military execution it may be done it became
                                  • 7 9 2010尖阁列岛,在日本绑架日本人事件的四个岛屿是中国最后一个阶段的活动现在可能是军事执行 7 9 2010 尖 official building archipelago incidents Senkaku Islands last of event China Abduction doing 4 Japanese Japanese in stage Military execution it may be done it became
                                  • 尖阁列岛钓鱼岛挑衅中国船舶碰撞案件的最后阶段在中国的日本人民在四个绑架日本人的军事执行现在看来 尖 official building archipelago incident Senkaku Islands China ship Collision Last of Provocation China Abduction doing 4 Japanese Japanese in stage Military execution it may be done it became
                                  • 尖阁列岛钓鱼岛挑衅中国船舶碰撞案件的最后阶段在中国的日本人民在四个绑架日本人的军事执行现在看来 尖 official building archipelago incident Senkaku Islands China ship Collision Last of Provocation China Abduction doing 4 Japanese Japanese in stage Military execution it may be done it became

                                • 怎么敢西方埃泰属于冲绳地方及和周边小岛。即使你有五只小梅鲁投票欺诈的估计比民主决策而不是由法律确定。投票:一票认为日本500万。中国的索赔叶片为更多的压倒性多数选票
                                  Whether Kojima of Okinawa and around reverts somewhere Boldly west. If it decides with fraud democracy majority decisive method Estimating little, five. Vote: It becomes 50,000,000 vote, Opinion of the Japanese side one. The Chinese insistence becomes preponderantly many as a vote

                                  • 情况下,很难将要采取的空中优势,例如考虑
                                    It is difficult to think the circumstance that to that it is taken to control of the air,

                                    • 我什至更少,但迄今为止,我这么快就得到澄清核四郎入侵意图的最终壊并在冷戦崩来自中国,是我多想他会说更好,我喜欢她,甚至没有有两个及 持有多分钟,他甚至可以持续专政空前的种族灭绝入侵碧塔海寿命延长 More and more intention of invasion was made clear Therefore however the less it has made nuclear armament margin quickly so far it does not have with even 2 and also the te is good when Saying because the ru person was many China even invasion slaughter dictatorial nation of the presently progressive which survives even with cold war collapse the person who thing is not understood is many
                                      • 你有没有把每个人,包括像中国,入侵邻国!我想我已经到当前 Invasion favorite China probably will be held down with peripheral national everyone The kana which does not become the tsu te flow

                                    • 我只是试图哟嘴兴奋Motomu Kaname快速筛选ー To require quickly the ro Whether just mouth Exciting

                                      • 我可能会被批评的官员在黑暗中,我往往会加剧当局打算对这种自由言论和A缺乏Shiku When freedom of speech becomes scanty intention of the authorities it becomes tend to escalate it is the shelf It probably is the intention of criticizing the authorities indirectly with that but
                                        • 电话和E mail给所有当局窃听 All authorities have wiretapped the telephone and the mail etc

                                      • 我在对中国的进步释放Tteka共产党?

                                        • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used
                                          • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used
                                          • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used
                                          • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used
                                          • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used
                                          • 我用谷歌搜索和Engin Search ENGIN Google You used

                                        • 我还可以在任何时间进入尖阁列岛解决我不知道这将是犯罪,如果他们能做到在琉球仲良约1 0亿人,即使在中国境内确定的解释,因为我不会放弃我 If the Ryukyu person you do chummily about 1 000 000 person it probably is the offender but it probably is what but it is possible to enter reside with anytime and Because so the 尖 official building how interpreting is not Chinese territory you abandon
                                          • 不管会发现305的琉球王国冲绳居民被剥削 305 Ryukyu national what which exploits the Okinawa inhabitant how it is good
                                          • 冲绳的历史,从Ryuukyuu From the Ryukyu Okinawa history
                                          • 冲绳的历史,从Ryuukyuu From the Ryukyu Okinawa history
                                          • 我还可以在任何时间进入尖阁列岛解决我不知道这将是犯罪,如果他们能做到在琉球仲良约1 0亿人,即使在中国境内确定的解释,因为我不会放弃我 If the Ryukyu person you do chummily about 1 000 000 person it probably is the offender but it probably is what but it is possible to enter reside with anytime and Because so the 尖 official building how interpreting is not Chinese territory you abandon
                                          • 本人夹住他的口中说出正确穆青也有义务采取了琉球 Even there was an obligation which you call the right clearly to put the mouth or protects Ryukyu

                                        • 或99年里,我想象这是香港真正在香港有99年采取的废纸背面条约后,说我形成了一个永久的手段或因为其他Moraeta你肯伊藤返回英国作为一个国家,我认为这是一个真正的Honkon很好的条件,但现在说那里的情况下干扰了党对共产党执政,但现实是只有一个事实上的人们在尖叫,他们听到中国的任何地方我永远不会跟一个住随宫爱看我要在似与不应当再一次发现土地的悲剧从来没有冲绳 Hong Kong 99 years permanent meaning saying recovered 99 years later the treaty which ties to the counter old Well if this fact as for there you think that it is wise as a country but Therefore the English partner it could have returning however it is the ro which is When actually now excessively good state not calling this Hong Kong At the point where the Chinese Communist Party rules being only a scream of the people is the actual condition Actually very problem and the Chinese throat it is easy to live densely One time also how story has not made the ear Okinawa again land what of tragedy the viewing way the fake it is with circumstance
                                          • 我觉得有点太伊藤孝,忠Tadashi m失望 You thought that it is wise a little but the wa which is honest gatsukari

                                        • 战国的尖阁下一个活动是中国的领土,这是每个球员冲绳

                                          • 所以太阳。图TTA的制订自卫理论同源
                                            Therefore day. Formulating homoeologous theory, it assured self defense

                                            • 无机氮的系统。一个奇怪的杀戮。剩下的一击败世界动物从这一故意刁难我们Shinayakusa的动物,袭警案,案件的处理无机氮的毯子制度。生物学分会愤慨。击败任何剩余的无机氮,尽管动物从地球兽系统,我们的爱好者。生物学分会愤慨。排泄系统无机氮尽管s其余案件中唯一的地球恶兽从我们。害虫的生物学支那我们从自我妄想症共产党坦克的愤怒。让尸体的系统,减少无机氮。生物学分会愤慨。我们的情况下,大量生产动物反常变形残疾儿童的情报失误可能导致自我对环境的破坏是

                                              • 日本帝国帝国和中国人民解放军军,这场战争是不
                                                The Chinese People's Liberation Army as for old Japanese empire, war it has not done

                                                • 有些人抱怨在独立州长端到端,不到1%的得票率
                                                  Appealing independence, the person who has appeared in governor selection is, but as for poll ratio below the 1%

                                                  • 本人愚弄知识的尴尬香椎 Random knowledge is shy don t you think is
                                                    • 本人愚弄知识的尴尬香椎 Random knowledge is shy don t you think is

                                                  • 正因为如此外事我躺在山谷和简森
                                                    菅 With it is this state with consequence of amateur diplomacy of the 仙 valley

                                                    • 没有更多的“亲美到日本,”中国将有事可做 给茹 Above this “with Japan as a parent American group” to are China probably some which are obtained …

                                                      • 消除了琉球王国的主权,我们确定,我在日本机构直接控制的存在
                                                        Is erased the sovereignty of Ryukyu kingdom, the device of the Japan direct control being installed has reached the point of

                                                        • 渔船和商船,所以乍看之下,摧毁海上第一波登陆是困难的政治
                                                          When it does at first glance, because it is the private ship & the fishing boat, it is difficult politically to defeat landing Yibo at transoceanic,

                                                          • 然后1,敲门的东西将被退回一旦有瓦特 1 a Collecting it hits and it becomes in being returned w
                                                            • 一哦,事情将被退回一次击败有瓦特 1 a a Collecting it hits and it becomes in being returned w

                                                          • 然是既愚蠢又在哪里输入可以接受或对知识有 The fool of somewhere intellectual viewing being able to accept with that
                                                            • 我不知道很多伟大的儿童人数 Several ones of the child what it serves separately enormously mainly

                                                          • 相信每一个公司线路440,它会停止你的意思是我每一天,但火车列车停止 440 The morning when everyday it goes to the company the streetcar stops it is Everyday is It is the tsu te what thing where everyday the streetcar stops
                                                            • 446列车,每天早上,有时在中线是一项持续不断的一星期,我一看跳水 446 Everyday morning there is the diving in the streetcar it is When being one weekly continuation with the central line it is

                                                          • 秋叶原侗,Imashita购买电器产品销售给游客,因为
                                                            Because Akihabara LAOX, the electric product we would like to sell in the sightseer, buying [imashita

                                                            • 第3条:日本,朝鲜。琉球群岛以南的九二度(及包括琉球群岛和大东
                                                              3rd provision As for Japan, north. 29 degree from here the southwest archipelago south (the Ryukyu archipelago and the Daito archipelago are included

                                                              • 美国。我只捍卫垃圾楚金Keshitai基地建设
                                                                The United States. Protection is the rubbish of the harboring which makes money with base construction

                                                                • 英国★中国是恐怖国家。9 27 8960000 9→评语 28 9 020 000 9→评语 29 957 0万9→评语 30 9570000 10→评语 1 968 0万→10→评语评语 2 968 0万10→审查 3 9220000 10 4 9220000 10→审查 5 922 00万10→审查 6 955 0万10→审查 7 967 00万10→审查 8 9670000 10→审查 法国9880000★美国东部时间9评语香格里拉茅根新英格兰国家terroriste。9 26 691 000评论→9 27 9→评语693 000 715 000 9→28评论 29 707 000 9→评语 30 714 000 10→评语 1 727000 10→审查 2 745000 10→评语 3 752000 10 4 772 000 10→评论→评论 5 10→评语765 000 763 000 10→评语6 7 766 000 10→审查 756 000 10→评语8 9评语★中国é 859 000葡萄牙的UMA nacao terrorista。9月26日188 000 9→审查 27 188 000 9→评论 27 9→评语188 000 191 000 9→29评论 30 191 000 10→评语 1 186000 10→审查 2 188 000 10→评语 3 187 000 10→审查 4 184 000 10→审查 5 184 000 10 6→评论204 0 English China is the terrorist state 9 27 8 960 000 cases gt 9 28 9 020 000 cases gt 9 29 9 570 000 cases gt 9 30 9 570 000 cases gt 10 1 9 680 000 cases gt 10 2 9 680 000 cases gt 10 3 9 220 000 cases gt 10 4 9 220 000 cases gt 10 5 9 220 000 cases gt 10 6 9 550 000 cases gt 10 7 9 670 000 cases gt 10 8 9 670 000 cases gt 10 9 9 880 000 cases French La Chine est une nation terroriste 9 26 691 000 cases gt 9 27 693 000 cases gt 9 28 715 000 cases gt 9 29 707 000 cases gt 9 30 714 000 cases gt 10 1 727 000 cases gt 10 2 745 000 cases gt 10 3 752 000 cases gt 10 4 772 000 cases gt 10 5 765 000 cases gt 10 6 763 000 cases gt 10 7 766 000 cases gt 10 8 756 000 cases gt 10 9 859 000 cases Portuguese China e uma nacao terrorista 9 26 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 29 191 000 cases gt 9 30 191 000 cases gt 10 1 186 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 187 000 cases gt 10 4 184 000 cases gt 10 5 184 000 cases gt 10 6 204 000 cases gt 10 7 209 000 cases gt 10 8 209 000 cases gt 10 9 214 000 cases Italian La Cina e una nazione terrorista 9 26 183 000 cases gt 9 27 181 000 cases gt 9 27 182 000 cases gt 9 29 181 000 cases gt 9 30 183 000 cases gt 10 1 183 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 188 000 cases gt 10 4 188 000 cases gt 10 5 191 000 cases gt 10 6 193 000 cases gt 10 7 191 000 cases gt 10 8 203 000 cases gt 10 9 204 000 cases Today being half day in the English sphere 210 000 cases UP In French sphere 120 000 cases UP In French sphere 330 000 cases UP Portuguese sphere 20 5 000 cases UP In Italian sphere 1 000 cases UP It did
                                                                  • NULL English China is the terrorist state 9 27 8 960 000 cases gt 9 28 9 020 000 cases gt 9 29 9 570 000 cases gt 9 30 9 570 000 cases gt 10 1 9 680 000 cases gt 10 2 9 680 000 cases gt 10 3 9 220 000 cases gt 10 4 9 220 000 cases gt 10 5 9 220 000 cases gt 10 6 9 550 000 cases gt 10 7 9 670 000 cases gt 10 8 9 670 000 cases gt 10 9 9 880 000 cases French La Chine est une nation terroriste 9 26 691 000 cases gt 9 27 693 000 cases gt 9 28 715 000 cases gt 9 29 707 000 cases gt 9 30 714 000 cases gt 10 1 727 000 cases gt 10 2 745 000 cases gt 10 3 752 000 cases gt 10 4 772 000 cases gt 10 5 765 000 cases gt 10 6 763 000 cases gt 10 7 766 000 cases gt 10 8 756 000 cases gt 10 9 859 000 cases Portuguese China e uma nacao terrorista 9 26 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 29 191 000 cases gt 9 30 191 000 cases gt 10 1 186 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 187 000 cases gt 10 4 184 000 cases gt 10 5 184 000 cases gt 10 6 204 000 cases gt 10 7 209 000 cases gt 10 8 209 000 cases gt 10 9 214 000 cases Italian La Cina e una nazione terrorista 9 26 183 000 cases gt 9 27 181 000 cases gt 9 27 182 000 cases gt 9 29 181 000 cases gt 9 30 183 000 cases gt 10 1 183 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 188 000 cases gt 10 4 188 000 cases gt 10 5 191 000 cases gt 10 6 193 000 cases gt 10 7 191 000 cases gt 10 8 203 000 cases gt 10 9 204 000 cases Today being half day in the English sphere 210 000 cases UP In French sphere 120 000 cases UP In French sphere 330 000 cases UP Portuguese sphere 20 5 000 cases UP In Italian sphere 1 000 cases UP It did
                                                                  • “英语★中国是恐怖国家。9 27 8960000 9→评语 28 9 020 000 9→评语 29 957 00万9→评语 30 9570000 10→评语 1 968 00万10→审查 2 968 0万10 3评论→审查 922 00万10→ 4 9220000 10→审查 5 922 00万10→评语 法文★9550000美国东部时间6评语香格里拉茅根新英格兰国家terroriste。9 26 9→评语691 000 693 000 9→27评论 28 715 000 707 000 9月29日→审查 9→评语 30 714 000 10→评语 1 727000 10→审查 2 745 000 10→评语 3 752000 10→审查 4 772000 10→审查 5 765 000 10→审查 763 000 6评语★中国é葡萄牙的UMA nacao terrorista。9 26 9→评语188 000 188 000 9→27评论 27 9→评语188 000 191 000 9→29评论 30 191 000 10→评语 1 186000 10→审查 2 188 000 10→审查→审查 3 187000 10 4 184 000 10→审查 5 184 000 10→审查 204 000 6评语★意大利拉支那é乌纳nazione terrorista。9 26 183 000 9→审查 181 000 9 18 27 27→审查 ” English China is the terrorist state 9 27 8 960 000 cases gt 9 28 9 020 000 cases gt 9 29 9 570 000 cases gt 9 30 9 570 000 cases gt 10 1 9 680 000 cases gt 10 2 9 680 000 cases gt 10 3 9 220 000 cases gt 10 4 9 220 000 cases gt 10 5 9 220 000 cases gt 10 6 9 550 000 cases French La Chine est une nation terroriste 9 26 691 000 cases gt 9 27 693 000 cases gt 9 28 715 000 cases gt 9 29 707 000 cases gt 9 30 714 000 cases gt 10 1 727 000 cases gt 10 2 745 000 cases gt 10 3 752 000 cases gt 10 4 772 000 cases gt 10 5 765 000 cases gt 10 6 763 000 cases Portuguese China e uma nacao terrorista 9 26 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 29 191 000 cases gt 9 30 191 000 cases gt 10 1 186 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 187 000 cases gt 10 4 184 000 cases gt 10 5 184 000 cases gt 10 6 204 000 cases Italian La Cina e una nazione terrorista 9 26 183 000 cases gt 9 27 181 000 cases gt 9 27 182 000 cases gt 9 29 181 000 cases gt 9 30 183 000 cases gt 10 1 183 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 188 000 cases gt 10 4 188 000 cases gt 10 5 191 000 cases gt 10 6 193 000 cases 193 000 Case Today in English sphere 330 000 cases UP In Portuguese sphere 20 000 cases UP In Italian sphere 2 000 cases UP It did
                                                                  • “英语★中国是恐怖国家。9 27 8960000 9→评语 28 9 020 000 9→评语 29 957 00万9→评语 30 9570000 10→评语 1 968 00万10→审查 2 968 0万10 3评论→审查 922 00万10→ 4 9220000 10→审查 5 922 00万10→评语 法文★9550000美国东部时间6评语香格里拉茅根新英格兰国家terroriste。9 26 9→评语691 000 693 000 9→27评论 28 715 000 707 000 9月29日→审查 9→评语 30 714 000 10→评语 1 727000 10→审查 2 745 000 10→评语 3 752000 10→审查 4 772000 10→审查 5 765 000 10→审查 763 000 6评语★中国é葡萄牙的UMA nacao terrorista。9 26 9→评语188 000 188 000 9→27评论 27 9→评语188 000 191 000 9→29评论 30 191 000 10→评语 1 186000 10→审查 2 188 000 10→审查→审查 3 187000 10 4 184 000 10→审查 5 184 000 10→审查 204 000 6评语★意大利拉支那é乌纳nazione terrorista。9 26 183 000 9→审查 181 000 9 18 27 27→审查 ” English China is the terrorist state 9 27 8 960 000 cases gt 9 28 9 020 000 cases gt 9 29 9 570 000 cases gt 9 30 9 570 000 cases gt 10 1 9 680 000 cases gt 10 2 9 680 000 cases gt 10 3 9 220 000 cases gt 10 4 9 220 000 cases gt 10 5 9 220 000 cases gt 10 6 9 550 000 cases French La Chine est une nation terroriste 9 26 691 000 cases gt 9 27 693 000 cases gt 9 28 715 000 cases gt 9 29 707 000 cases gt 9 30 714 000 cases gt 10 1 727 000 cases gt 10 2 745 000 cases gt 10 3 752 000 cases gt 10 4 772 000 cases gt 10 5 765 000 cases gt 10 6 763 000 cases Portuguese China e uma nacao terrorista 9 26 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 29 191 000 cases gt 9 30 191 000 cases gt 10 1 186 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 187 000 cases gt 10 4 184 000 cases gt 10 5 184 000 cases gt 10 6 204 000 cases Italian La Cina e una nazione terrorista 9 26 183 000 cases gt 9 27 181 000 cases gt 9 27 182 000 cases gt 9 29 181 000 cases gt 9 30 183 000 cases gt 10 1 183 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 188 000 cases gt 10 4 188 000 cases gt 10 5 191 000 cases gt 10 6 193 000 cases 193 000 Case Today in English sphere 330 000 cases UP In Portuguese sphere 20 000 cases UP In Italian sphere 2 000 cases UP It did
                                                                  • 今天,评论向下向下向下3000意大利语在同英语法语葡萄牙语8 000 26 000评论 Today in English sphere same In French sphere 26 000 cases DOWN In Portuguese sphere 8 000 cases DOWN In Italian sphere 3 000 cases DOWN It did
                                                                  • 英国★中国是恐怖国家。9 27 8960000 9→评语 28 9 020 000 9→评语 29 957 0万9→评语 30 9570000 10→评语 1 968 0万→10→评语评语 2 968 0万10→审查 3 9220000 10 4 9220000 10→审查 5 922 00万10→审查 6 955 0万10→审查 7 967 00万10→审查 8 9670000 10→审查 法国9880000★美国东部时间9评语香格里拉茅根新英格兰国家terroriste。9 26 691 000评论→9 27 9→评语693 000 715 000 9→28评论 29 707 000 9→评语 30 714 000 10→评语 1 727000 10→审查 2 745000 10→评语 3 752000 10 4 772 000 10→评论→评论 5 10→评语765 000 763 000 10→评语6 7 766 000 10→审查 756 000 10→评语8 9评语★中国é 859 000葡萄牙的UMA nacao terrorista。9月26日188 000 9→审查 27 188 000 9→评论 27 9→评语188 000 191 000 9→29评论 30 191 000 10→评语 1 186000 10→审查 2 188 000 10→评语 3 187 000 10→审查 4 184 000 10→审查 5 184 000 10 6→评论204 0 English China is the terrorist state 9 27 8 960 000 cases gt 9 28 9 020 000 cases gt 9 29 9 570 000 cases gt 9 30 9 570 000 cases gt 10 1 9 680 000 cases gt 10 2 9 680 000 cases gt 10 3 9 220 000 cases gt 10 4 9 220 000 cases gt 10 5 9 220 000 cases gt 10 6 9 550 000 cases gt 10 7 9 670 000 cases gt 10 8 9 670 000 cases gt 10 9 9 880 000 cases French La Chine est une nation terroriste 9 26 691 000 cases gt 9 27 693 000 cases gt 9 28 715 000 cases gt 9 29 707 000 cases gt 9 30 714 000 cases gt 10 1 727 000 cases gt 10 2 745 000 cases gt 10 3 752 000 cases gt 10 4 772 000 cases gt 10 5 765 000 cases gt 10 6 763 000 cases gt 10 7 766 000 cases gt 10 8 756 000 cases gt 10 9 859 000 cases Portuguese China e uma nacao terrorista 9 26 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 27 188 000 cases gt 9 29 191 000 cases gt 9 30 191 000 cases gt 10 1 186 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 187 000 cases gt 10 4 184 000 cases gt 10 5 184 000 cases gt 10 6 204 000 cases gt 10 7 209 000 cases gt 10 8 209 000 cases gt 10 9 214 000 cases Italian La Cina e una nazione terrorista 9 26 183 000 cases gt 9 27 181 000 cases gt 9 27 182 000 cases gt 9 29 181 000 cases gt 9 30 183 000 cases gt 10 1 183 000 cases gt 10 2 188 000 cases gt 10 3 188 000 cases gt 10 4 188 000 cases gt 10 5 191 000 cases gt 10 6 193 000 cases gt 10 7 191 000 cases gt 10 8 203 000 cases gt 10 9 204 000 cases Today being half day in the English sphere 210 000 cases UP In French sphere 120 000 cases UP In French sphere 330 000 cases UP Portuguese sphere 20 5 000 cases UP In Italian sphere 1 000 cases UP It did

                                                                • 蒋介石在第二次世界大战期间美国冲绳的故事,需要我们提供的不是听到什么 America at the time of termination of war as for Okinawa that heard a story that in Jiang Jieshi you examined whether it needs

                                                                  • 街宣(竞选演说),并发放传单只有30分钟,15 由日本主办的“涩谷蜂,”市民广场站的前面是计划完成頑張12 00 19街广告!国家行动委员会,第16次会议2010年10月31日:示范日记 成员国家和地区(六)有 Town declaration roadside speech and is only the leaflet distributing gt 15 30 At open space before “the Shibuya” station bee public street advertisement activity 19 00 End schedule Sponsorship Persevering Japan Nationwide conduct commission and the meeting of grass 莽 nationwide local assembly Heisei October 16th of 22 Saturday

                                                                    • 该基金会的支持,战国,战国的可能是母亲年龄Zenkyoutou
                                                                      In the support basis of the 仙 valley, the old home of the 仙 valley of non-sect non-political students group age it probably will put out, is

                                                                      • 请把全厂动员国家法律日本经济团体联合会
                                                                        The Japan Federation of Economic Organizations factory please keep having entirely with national mobilization method

                                                                        • 请求日本其余人质获释 Release of the hostage where the Japanese remains is required
                                                                          • 请求日本其余人质获释 Release of the hostage where the Japanese remains is required
                                                                          • 请求日本其余人质获释 Release of the hostage where the Japanese remains is required

                                                                        • 这是你的代理人的身份证ETE的麻烦是什么改变原先一个小时吗?
                                                                          ID changing, with hardship as for the shank operative Hourly wage no origin?

                                                                          • 这是福利。我不想要工作,而我们把中共的帮助Syanhai你的ini加入在香港以香港的竞争派系不喜欢北京和上海?

                                                                            • 这种恐怖行为和恐怖行为模式相一致的协议 As for this conduct Behavior of terrorist Terrorist pattern and agreement Agreement it does
                                                                              • 这种恐怖行为和恐怖行为模式相一致的协议 As for this conduct Behavior of terrorist Terrorist pattern and agreement Agreement it does
                                                                              • 这种恐怖行为和恐怖行为模式相一致的协议 As for this conduct Behavior of terrorist Terrorist pattern and agreement Agreement it does
                                                                              • 这种恐怖行为和恐怖行为模式相一致的协议 As for this conduct Behavior of terrorist Terrorist pattern and agreement Agreement it does

                                                                            • 通讯软件是不是在旧金山和平条约签署

                                                                              • )。妇女(富它)Nishinomoto南部群岛以南的岩(小笠原群岛,包括火山群岛和马恩岛及
                                                                                ). Lady ([so] [hu]) south of south of rock The archipelago (the Ogasawara archipelago, Nishinoshima and the volcanic archipelago are included

                                                                                研究 開発