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Evildoing disclosure… of the Chinese pleasure customer you make eat by the brim spitting fish “in the pond, place not caring large urine such as exultaion and in the child inside the streetcar”


  • 1丰桥市自然史博物馆位于丰桥动物园和植物公园
    1 As for the Toyohashi natural history museum it is in the Toyohashi comprehensive flora and fauna park

    • 248 中国Netouyo坏形象,确保我 248 gt In China as description below honest venture business gt Although it is netouyo of part the Chinese image bad gt It has done it is don t you think
      • 248 中国Netouyo坏形象,确保我 248 gt In China as description below honest venture business gt Although it is netouyo of part the Chinese image bad gt It has done it is don t you think

    • 477社区,教育,收入,文化水准,即使细微的签证规定,希望通过真正中国新富层下Genai为年收入在应用不同的社会地位 477 Area it differs in educational background annual income and social position Without lowering with annual income important matter maji of the entry visa of the Chinese we want Although standard of living is delicate at even affluent layer

      • BB心跳池塘鲤鱼可以吃它是一颗子弹
        The BB bullet has been made to eat by the carp of the pond

        • [东京]板桥富裕谋杀或团伙犯罪的白天,这意味着参与请愿的同伴[10 / 08]
          Itabasi wealthy person homicide, Japanese-Chinese gang crime or report book of companion participation suggestion [10/08

          • ※※Tyuugoku奖金迅速增加,畸形的孩子谁告诉选择真理的诺贝尔和平奖! 〜8000万中国年,1 2亿儿童出生畸形污水油(油地堑)TTA的食用油从肛门鸡肉和腐蚀(油地堑)TTA的石油TTA的鸡肉制成 肛门和腐蚀。 。石油价差 The selection person of Nobel Peace Prize talks truth Being defeated China The deformed child increases Annual 800 000 1 200 000 deformed children are born In China sewage oil graben oil From the anus of the chicken and the meat which rots the edible oil the graben oil The oil which was made from anus of the chicken and the meat which rots The oil spreads
            • 在中国,我在做饭津市753油污水工程 753 In China making the edible oil from sewage the ru it is

          • ●韩国人害羞的需要时,我他妈的Hiridashi(s栗岛 The kuso hi ri putting out at the time of the ru shy needs Cori un… ko ゙ chestnut
            • 我在一Shaininguuizado他妈的Hiridashi The kuso hi ri putting out at the time of the ru the plain gauze inning wizard shelf

          • 。TTP的:/ / 2 bp.blogspot.com / _ HaQt8 - pBKFY / TA6 _ crg3uhI / AAAAAAAAJQo / uEvy _ 8xBYig / s1600 / 19 _ 36 _%E5公司%公元前%A0的E6的%%%8楼9楼第8A%E8的%% 9D1。JPG格式
            ttp: //2. bp.blogspot.com/_ HaQt8 - pBKFY/TA6 _ crg3uhI/AAAAAAAAJQo/uEvy _ 8xBYig/s1600/19 _ 36 _ % E5% BC % A0% E6% 9F % 8F % E8% 8A % 9D1. jpg

            • 中国人民有较低的人是丑陋的阳性肠
              As for the Chinese scurvy deviation from droppings race shelf Just low race

              • 中国儿童被分配屁股裤子TTP的:/ / blog.goo.ne.jp / notra08 /电子/ 49f9bbe501a639f052f434a6a273d923 TTP的:/ / ameblo.jp /呼和浩特/入境- 10001964741的HTML。
                As for the Chinese child the rear end crack pants it is ttp: //blog.goo.ne.jp/notra08/e/49f9bbe501a639f052f434a6a273d923 ttp: //ameblo.jp/huhehaote/entry - 10001964741. html

                • 中国是一个国家的比例高,但燕丽茹阶段的差异性有从日本男人即使坏 The manner is bad to also the Japanese however the people where stay the ratio One of much more high countries the Chinese
                  • 是的,事实是不是我们的日本客户的困难礼仪 The manner of the customer of the Japanese is grateful truly is

                • 中国的农村公共厕所飞芒果衰落衰落下的东西从她的,比如说(笑) Therefore as for public rest room of the Chinese countryside from under complete visiblity woman something mango complete visiblity laughing
                  • 难道我在中国没有公共厕所因达房间门? There is no door of the Chinese public rest room tsu te private room it is the tsu ke which is

                • 人们喜欢将在高峰时间,你把人从车辆的空白,他的身体只是螺杆剪切关闭滤液下任阿姨篮四溢的背包TTA的,并在世界面前,我们的形势我 When rushing when it becomes something the person only is to overflow from the vehicle The grandmother who shoulders the basket is dragged lowering You screw in your own body to the opening and ride in a car such a circumstance is the natural world
                  • 请忽略枪不能克如没有人愿意帮助在地面上按老妪的损失 There is no either reason which helps the grandmother who is detruded in the land as some one person cancer gun disregard

                • 你甚至都不在一些垃圾的旅客,三个外国人,外国的,异国情调的拉丁狗屎披头散发的人,就会有不愉快的Ue的不堪重负。及污染分析
                  So the [ro] which is, also the Latin imported person being slovenly in the rubbish and the dog droppings it is in addition to the Mikuni person So in imported person, as for there hate on overwhelming. It becomes pollution consist of

                  • 你看上去很可笑,但很快TTA的出行 The strange face doing however it kept coming out directly
                    • 哪些重要的是,教育和文化的独生子 The so just it is it is education and cultural tsu te important

                  • 内记吃吐日本也将在池塘里的鱼,丢,孩子们玩这样可爱的Idol m You make eat by the brim spitting fish in the pond exultaion Doing such a thing the child who plays it enters even in Japan
                    • 戴上项圈,我做它瓦特 The brim coming and being popular it is w We

                  • 内记氧气浓度会吃在池塘里扔吐水母和鱼 You make eat by the brim spitting fish in the pond exultaion Doing such a thing the child who plays it enters even in Japan
                    • 内记,吃的鱼在池塘里吐吐 You make eat by the brim spitting fish in the pond exultaion
                    • 我也吃的鱼,如果内记Bisuruwa领wwwwwwwwwww When the brim the fish which eats it is the wa wwwwwwwwwww which we is overjoyed

                  • 只有在中国没有诺贝尔和平奖的正常关系。化学与物理可以教他们如何衣柜当地人哑然用于辞去水是绝对不可能的滚装我
                    Only peaceful prize it is low brain which does not have the edge in the Nobel Prize China. Native Therefore the physics prize and the chemical prize without fail the excessiveness, abandon Teaching also the how to use the flush toilet, it is

                    • 只要203“的狗和人Irubekarazu方案”已经签署了一个公园 203 Therefore former times “dog and the Chinese person it does not should enter” that there was a signboard in the park
                      • 它遵循的死亡案例567 567 Below China die

                    • 和侵略应割让给它很快会居座...我本身非常精明的,安全理事会习惯,我有核国家对发展
                      Gradually it should you invade cede the shelf… which Generally the nucleus having in habit of underdeveloped country, remaining shrewdly in permanent member, [ru] thing itself is abnormal

                      • 和已经相当有关中国人!市中博中国,在中国福泽谕吉例如按照分初,具体一点吗?
                        The people of the Chinese sphere it has relation! Large China and small China = special sub- Luck 澤 attending to Yukichi!

                        • 哦,和承诺。所以,我中断的历程,认为在一个成年人栏辉哈市总是湿重 a then promise Therefore as for interruption proper In the line the adult has done argument always and ww
                          • 哦,和承诺。所以,我中断的历程,认为在一个成年人栏辉哈市总是湿重 a then promise Therefore as for interruption proper In the line the adult has done argument always and ww

                        • 嗯,我不想同一个地方Dekinakya困扰生活在那里的行为,我知道这 If well it can live and is not as for being troubled it is understood but it is We would not like to act at such a same place
                          • 不能流至733,但我仍然在良好的条件,但周一 733 Not being let flow is is still good state
                          • 哇ぁああああああああああああああああああああ528 528 The u wa a well well well well well well well well well well
                          • 薯芋你那愚蠢的前24 24 Your aho and ro
                          • 这是一 This shelf
                          • 这是真的,228 228 It is that truth
                          • 远离恐惧,他们关闭了14人解释世 14 Because we fear you closed immediately someone please explain

                        • 四条腿桌子和椅子,吃任何动物害虫只在中国的例子之间的差异,你会从一○罢工精心治疗,在严厉的惩罚,违反野生动物保护法,但是,它是由 As for not eating with four feet the animal just of the desk and the chair The Chinese noxious insect say you beat Making a mistake when the ○ it does With birds and beasts protection method violation it is executed in severe punishment Pay attention empty…
                          • 这些人是不一样的害虫种群浪费许多学生很少离开 Because as for the people it keeps being born with just population it is many wastefully The same as noxious insect

                        • 因为这些人是最的中国共产党恐怕已经瓦特
                          Therefore and others it is dense for the Chinese Japan Communist Party to fear most, w

                          • 在中国的餐厅突然银座三越8只。 。 ASM的粉尘
                            Suddenly at the Ginza Mitsukoshi Chinese restaurant 8. . The dust comes, the store

                            • 在日本看到中国游客也通过威胁日本的举止态度Rubeki烈怒, When also the Japanese the manner looks at the Chinese sightseer who has violated in the Japanese country it should get angry in tremendous threatening attitude

                              • 在旧中国Kukara各大城市的北部,由于明清王朝的首都,三代前也有许多历史遗迹
                                For a long time the Chinese north section Because at the important city, original discernment clearly royal court 3 generation makes the capital city, the place of interest historic spot it is many

                                • 在未来,开始与日本排除在日本我要超过中国的人口
                                  Population of the Chinese exceeding the Japanese in the future Japanese rejection starts, it is probably will be

                                  • 在车站附近的后巷川崎街合理确定人们今天,我开始在白天广大申请一对夫妇的中国人
                                    With the alleyway reverse side which is approximately present Kawasaki station nearby traffic, The man of in broad daylight boldly Chinese couple stands and Shaun has done the [wa

                                    • 塔蒂如此差劲,我不需要额外的事情,比如猴子到人的习惯 kuse of the human doing monkey like thing it does it is The wa whose excessive character is bad

                                      • 婴儿潮一代开始进入肩部或为什么这样一种珍稀动物
                                        As for in the first place nodule whether why the shoulder inserting in such a rare animal…

                                        • 御殿场八海Oshino,只有我们中国,请气味是很肮脏请
                                          The Oshino eight sea of Gotenba, with only the Chinese, to be dirty became ill-smelling very

                                          • 总之,中国人民不希望肮脏的浴室,并把他们几乎没有一点没有顾忌在洗涤污垢,随地吐痰,痰,小便一些当地人还向公众,起始编号,野蛮人水平 The Chinese is impure in any case The bath it does not enter and either it does not wash almost The rubbish you throw away jauntily 痰 spit standing urine what it is unconcerned with public and it does Native savage level

                                            • 您ー 米觉得那样狗屁东西日本人会议,在中国开始编号 Road unko something of China the ro which is feeling what about of Japanese standing Shaun s
                                              • 任何级别的“狗”,但动物 中国 Completely “Dog level” It is the animal gt The Chinese

                                            • 我从来没有听说过的声音我是鸡鸣出来,从头部剧烈Metara绞拉Kishita一个连胜来Ttara穿上屋檐和呕吐时不要太苛刻而Kappetsu返回wwwwwwww家很长一段时间的父亲 After a long time when it returns to the parents home The father and others spat in katsupetsu and the front eaves during year and tsu te te Don which is sown pulled Because it is terrible in remainder The voice plop plop the neck 絞 me cod hue hue you have not heard it has put out wa wwwwwwww
                                              • 苏云将要切换到吃米饭,都成了我会喜欢,当她来到卷起连胜迎来了一个真正的厌恶到呕吐年舌,而我的父亲今年Kappetsu The wa which is the ri where also the father inside spits holds sows the katsupetsu tsu te tongue always and the tsu te te which is sown the detestation impression truly and The rice eating when at the time of the ru it is done buchi it is cut off and becomes so

                                            • 我只是行为値切池塘,只有书店的第一本书在我也是一个欢乐的游客前来当地人大小合适,我想这钱Mottara中 When the Chinese has the gold that it becomes like this the ro which understood and is The native sightseer coming rejoicing ru first just The book is haggled with the bookstore and or swamp just behavior
                                              • Katazu我只捡后,他们和日元的法案,请用好中国在旅游中来我 您喜欢(笑)你的屁股拉屎 Doing the droppings at the place where the Chinese likes when you wipe ketsu with thousand Yen bill the Japanese picking up that from after one zu ke te ru … Chinese view shining the ro which is such feeling laughing

                                            • 我大多运行由中国进入了中国餐馆最近,我真的不寒而栗是这样看的故事 Recently when it enters into the Chinese restaurant the mostly Chinese has managed but when such article you see the wa which will be been scared truly

                                              • 我已经和Yakaku不礼貌的中国游客,我不觉得它是老的是 我们说的事情,同样的洞,他刻狢Kishimen甚至对日本文化的涂鸦嘿,我觉得 That the manner of the Chinese sightseer is bad remainder and like this it thought from former times that it is to be said but… However also the Japanese scribbles in the cultural assets and or the tattoo does and or is the 狢 of the same hole with thinks don t you think the e
                                                • 如果你做更多,更涂鸦的文化遗产在中国完成Yakaku过于苛刻,而不是太雕像不大,因为日本Itashi涂鸦Kishita愚蠢和一个小例子之前,我这样说 If it is completed in the Chinese country do steadily Because scribbling to the cultural assets also the Japanese is terrible remainder and like this call it is Just a little the fool who before is scribbled in the moai image it does

                                              • 支那冲半岛和其他支付或不喜欢去的,在出
                                                Already, support 那 with the cover doing in the [chiyon] peninsula, in order for the 蟲 in to go outside and not to be the [re] margin

                                                • 日期和游客满意度将访问中国超过90%“想体验下洗澡”希望中国游客正站在第一“纪念一代”和项目,外国游客访问日本针对日元平均80460004或游客一我们整个中国六千八百七十零万○一十三日元,五百○三亿日元TTA的1229 5万以上的总 As for degree of satisfaction of visit to Japan Chinese sightseer 9 tenths or more “The next experiencing mixed bath the desire like” is conspicuous As for the Chinese sightseer “gift generation” has extended foreign sightseer the average per 1 of the whole visit to Japan 48 046 Yen confronting The Chinese sightseer 136 870 Yen rose to 50 362 290 000 Yen at total
                                                  • 日期和游客满意度将访问中国超过90%“想体验下洗澡”希望中国游客正站在第一“纪念一代”预计,总的外国游客到日本针对日元平均八零四六零零零四日元我们或一个人,中国游客在TTA的12290010 As for degree of satisfaction of visit to Japan Chinese sightseer 9 tenths or more “The next experiencing mixed bath the desire like” is conspicuous As for the Chinese sightseer “gift generation” has extended foreign sightseer the average per 1 of the whole visit to Japan 48 046 Yen confronting The Chinese sightseer 136 870 Yen rose to 50 362 290 000 Yen at total

                                                • 昭和Kahori看是令人怀疑的,甚至容忍这个指挥
                                                  Dubious so the face doing also the conductor, it was Showa or the [ho] [ri] which has acquiesced

                                                  • 最糟糕的方式从来没有这样的事情不会那么做的220中国人民从一开始就知道 220 They probably are Chinese how such a ones As for the manner being worst there are no times when from first it is understood
                                                    • 黑格的交通方式和套房220活跃()相当星期一 220 With the traffic manner active babaa and suitsu considerably it is

                                                  • 有一个女人失去了胃口 Furthermore woman… Appetite it vanished…
                                                    • 你可以东京541 541 The ro which is Tokyo thing

                                                  • 本人作为中国蹲下来大便权力,在西方马桶
                                                    Riding flight on the seat of the foreign style toilet, like Japanese style the Chinese who defecates

                                                    • 本人的任何地方小便,以下月狗(宽)日本和Chinese m问你没有训练狗(瓦特) It is large urine anywhere how below the dog it is w Japan refuses the dog and the Chinese who are not trained w
                                                      • 余大小便的地方,狗或中我湿重 tokoro kamawazu large urine tsu te as for the Chinese whether dog ww

                                                    • 来源:MSN和要购买的“回来护照家族当地居民公司产经新闻新闻,靖基米的等待在门前立即产量色拉寺,”表现出你是提示我,这强加元占有非罚款50常见的情况!警报领事馆
                                                      Source: MSN product sutra news When the local resident representative family of enterprise returns from shopping, with Monzen it is ambushed in public peace, is required “the presentation of the passport”, the case which is assigned the fine 50 origin with the non- possession occurs frequently! Consular mansion note awakening

                                                      • 水杨酸有排便朝向便器在浴室对接快车道
                                                        Directing the rear end to the urinal at the rest room of SA of high speed, there was a mark which defecated

                                                        • 玉川赛车鲤鱼。 。我吃哇塞瓦特
                                                          In carp of the Tama river regatta. . 喰 [wa] [se] [te] [ru] [wa] w

                                                          • 由于整个中国Nihaotoire瓦特
                                                            Therefore China [nihaotoire] w

                                                            • 经过“愚蠢的”,“”老头“”猪“,”Benjomushi“我只是重复一遍又一遍的四个 After many degrees keeps repeating the four “of fool” ““ jijii ” “cover” “ benjiyomushi ”
                                                              • “长颈鹿Bakajijii”Itsuita让他觉得,此案载字和一个孩子的话 The fact that “the bakajijii alone child of the giraffe” combines word with word was happened to think

                                                            • 编号:aqhWwx750议员推荐
                                                              ID: aqhWwx750 NG recommendation

                                                              • 编号:aqhWwx750靶向制剂的病毒和格罗斯[确定]我的粘在人口减少
                                                                ID: aqhWwx750 Pasting [guro] and the virus, the operative who aims for the population drain of [sure

                                                                • 茹不共存的国家一级,并提出了乞丐
                                                                  Race and coexistence co-prosperity etc of beggar level there is no reason which it is possible

                                                                  • 诚河内也许更吸收Madashimo专政
                                                                    Being disgusted [ya] rather dictatorial system is good the causing [re

                                                                    • 该文件没有在皮肤流和消灭可能觉得像狗屎 kuso as for not letting flow the paper which was wiped when truth it seems you felt with the skin
                                                                      • 关于粥德塔,有些客户甚至不进来滚动擦拭溢出 Has come after the gruel the part customer to drop either you do not wipe with the ri which is sown

                                                                    • 这足以养活有何粪便,以促进鳗鱼瓦特
                                                                      The droppings doing in the rearing place of the eel, therefore the extent which it makes the feed w

                                                                      • 远离新的迹象表明,华人与狗是非常积极,我骂 The Chinese and dog It does not should enter With as for the building signboard which is said It was correct very it is the shelf

                                                                        • 重罪犯和昆虫,而不是说有智能人形哎
                                                                          Outside the person say as for the human type putting out insect compared to there is an intelligence

                                                                          • 随地吐痰,而不是11,是不是站在烟草开始我无法呼吸?他还不习惯于经常吐烟的疲惫不呕吐生命 11 Rather than calling the saliva spitting it starts inhaling the tobacco passes and the ro which is thing The tobacco is inhaled still and the person who is not accustomed spits the saliva well it seems
                                                                            • 他们是基本的,但它不是吐痰或痰或Okamai Don t you think basic he et al is the saliva 痰 is not concerned
                                                                            • 在中国建立一个结构略有痰“我ー!Petsu”我要去 As for the Chinese place not caring 痰 “ tsu The pe tsu ” you do

                                                                          • 随志摩您的商店要求一小将军八一四瓦特 814 Already at just a little the general store W which we ask
                                                                            • 你知道如果我会用电子邮件814锥形扬声器 814 If the ho ゚ ka house knowing the ru

                                                                          • (编辑:隼人如月)
                                                                            (Compilation charge: 如 month Hayato)

                                                                            研究 開発