2“每个人都好看的记者和新闻主播在电视上独占鳌头的地方,奇怪的是,没有人谁愿意自己的体重 2 “The reporter and everyone of the anchor who appear in the first place television news the figure graceful Itself it is strange for the person who has gotten fat not to be
5824评论或编辑记者在(笑)部分,蓄意隐瞒的信息在于贫困Itenai您预定方便,但中期可能 5824 Thought of editorial or the reporter laughing other than the part without being written it does lie the yo As for intend concealment of the information whose are inconvenient for the medium however it can be
我不是绑成的582,我是这样的一个蓄意编程 582 Because it is tied up however you think that is not such program has formed intend
588 我摸索着与布什总统向水岛的严重性,因为我不会做任何业务 588 gt The seriousness to of the clumsiness of President Mizushima coming out but the ru it is as a manager that the wa which is useless
588 我摸索着与布什总统向水岛的严重性,因为我不会做任何业务 588 gt The seriousness to of the clumsiness of President Mizushima coming out but the ru it is as a manager that the wa which is useless
652全国步枪协会,如“同在一组电源”保持它的根,抗议美国的草 652 “The NRA like one group power protesting to having” Root maintenance of the American grass
650全国步枪协会,如“同在一组电源”保持它的根,抗议美国的草 650 “The NRA like one group power protesting to having” Root maintenance of the American grass
全国步枪协会的本质652,我什么你朽智业的利益集团, 652 As for the essence of NRA that decaying in the industry interest group the ro which is ru tsu te thing
NPR的白痴,并认为TTA的足够可靠 You thought that it is worthy of to NPR how tasteless drying and sufficient reliance,
Sayo小伤口关在那里,他们已经有足够的自信地说:没有无用的社会太混蛋肯定能生活得舒适温暖的感激之情,甚至卖国〜〜茹Syakai无用的东西让我有一个叛徒? WWW的同意, Also the traitor pulls out, the society which it pulls out and can live about [hu] ゙ [sayo] which is not either heart of appreciation and useless it declares confidence viewing
The [a] - [te] [me] [e] - and the like as for the society where the traitor can exist useless [tsu] [te] thing? As for that www which is agreed
TTA的一个非常局部覆盖 gt Segregation of the especially television being extreme gt Conservative system and liberal system moderate group and political color are put out extensively gt Reporting which is inclined rather is done
电视极端伤害,尤其是保守的,自由主义,中,提出充分的政治,非常TTA的部分报道 gt Segregation of the especially television being extreme gt Conservative system and liberal system moderate group and political color are put out extensively gt Reporting which is inclined rather is done
TTA的,我认为这是较少的信息是最广泛持有Tokyoite Tokyo person weakening, most feeling you thought that is established theory, but…
“全国步枪协会,支持保守”我认为长子危机 “The NRA support = conservative” [tsu] [te] viewpoint is dangerous
“国会”,而不是一个值得信赖的组织,公众的信心顶部损失的,“军事”是美国人民现在萧条,在昭和日针对。类似于普通市民,当你深陷在日本 Confidence losing “of the national assembly” 墜 with in the organizational top which can be relied on in the opposite direction “the troop” [tsu] [te]
As for current American people, Showa panic Japanese-Chinese game. It has been similar to the people of Japan of time of quagmire conversion
“民主”是“原则”成为,好像“绝对多数”被认为是一种个人的政治车前马,或抑制反向 “Democracy” converting “principle” when just it becomes “many without fail” idea it oppresses the individual conversely and or becomes politics of topsy turvydom
大多数人(国家),是国家,他们来逃避压迫 The many people nation with it was the country of the party who escapes from the oppression and
“第四阶段的Ntsukyouso←反皇帝”,将断裂阻力 ” <- Nitukiyou group emperor anti
Destruction of fourth gradual “resistant will
○瑞士政治。所谓“民防”TTP的:/ nokan2000。/诺布ody.jp / switz /战争的第一阶段的间谍战争时没有入侵的敌人“,包括散发,政府的主导梯队上 ○ Swiss government. Work “civilian defense” ttp: //nokan2000. nob ody.jp/switz/
The case where the hostile country invades war it is not war
To send the first gradual “operative, holding the government higher stratum of society section
不以盈利为微型企业单位,如近视,私营部门将建立以查看可能的长期管理TTA的宏观全国性 It is not the profit pursuit of micro of shortsighted the enterprise unit the private way,
The management which stands in medium long-term range of vision of macro level of the whole nation probably becomes possible
事实上,166是一个弱Sayoku比猴子聪明(笑) 166 Actually because sayoku the head is weaker than the monkey laughing
猴子不只是停止思考,例如考虑从贫困正确 Because it is correct because it is bad with thinks stops only the monkey which is not thought
什么是真的,“是一种思维方式,我变得更根本 Such is what” With how to think of saying becoming already the basis the ru
326 323 326 323
三年后,也许739 739 The kana which is not 3 years later
它的股份是否可以自己分钟湿重 Don t you think you do not understand whether or not you it is ww
寻求即时的或后来2 2 It continues to later
我们只是那么讨厌166 166 Therefore just it is disliked
美国还没有正确的,那么713 713 Well also America so the ro which is what
什么,什么? NHK的怎么样? Something or other NHK how did
如何在每一个国家在同一天上瓦特 The same thing you do the country of everywhere w
但当然,我还可以考虑到465人的企业家,?但不是刚开始一个新的业务,也没有所有的企业家只有Tegatada五珠 465 Entering into consideration even the starting a business house as a talent of course however the ru Being the case so also being the case that it starts a business just for making money which is all abnormal plays of the entrepreneur
459因此,帐户没有自私的创业人才Hayo索诺采取的不被纳入 459 Therefore that as for the talent whom it starts a business not inserting in consideration applying story
但是我不会改变,例如现在我已经从他们中的一些球迷穿着笨重毫升 gt The 尤 and that boorishness arriving because the ru fan it is it is not changed after so long a time however probably will be don t you think
但现在我不会改变的例子,我有一些球迷穿着他们的天空很 The 尤 and that boorishness arriving because the ru fan it is it is not changed after so long a time however probably will be don t you think
但是更多的美国人一个问题,日本的高度政治觉悟 1 However problem multi American Political consciousness is higher than the Japanese
但是,如果他们说他在这个意义上肯定伤害利润,良好的人说钱囊我可能只是出于日本聪明的人请排队 Though if the human tsu te where the head is good saying you say in the sense person whose money making is good certainly as for them whether it keeps coming out of Japan don t you think
产经新闻的报告并没有被压倒公众反对 As for the fabrication reporting product sutra from the citizen it is not made the partner
但我不穿,但只有所有工作明亮的火花冷清五珠 The person where the head is good everything working simply just for making money ru reason or
例如认为只有Bakkari楚五,电梯Detchi,太多的假新闻 Word tsu temporary thought and invent of money making Fabrication reporting is too multi
作为宣传的和平与人道,“惠悠羟基泽兰酮9゚゚Hatoho←。厨房管家第五阶段的保护“我们将考虑自己的权力被剥夺鄂利用广告等媒体和教育 Peace and mankind love as a propaganda utilization” <- [hatoho] ゚ [tsuho] ゚ Friendship 9. 厨 Defenseless 厨
The power which you think by your making use of fifth gradual “education and the advertisement media etc is taken
你不必说或隐瞒,也没有比日本多一点点的基本媒体 Therefore as for the necessity to hide the fact that it should call It is less than the Japanese mass communications basically
例如,如果员工对公司本身的合作和类型的企业作为股东,而不是资本主义,自由梅鲁兴奋工人自己的产品开发工作,该公司主动请 For example, if it is the cooperative type kind of enterprise where the worker himself of the enterprise becomes the shareholder,
On the other hand you can strive for commodity development the worker himself who works at the enterprise than capitalism system, actively freely
军事百科全书(间接侵略)TTP的:/ www003。/ Upp.so - net.ne.jp / Zbv / sub31方法。HTM和间接侵略,侵略是不直接由不规则的军事入侵该法案是一个统称 Military encyclopedia ( Indirect aggression )
ttp: //www003. upp.so-net.ne.jp/Zbv/sub31. htm
Indirect aggression is not the direct invasion which uses the troop, it is general term of the invasion behavior with irregular technique
军队和大公司的媒体,但不会放弃聋人们观察它的生活悬架悬挂在人们生活中谁服从 Big business and the mass communications do not try probably to protect the citizen with the life 懸 but
Because the troop protects the citizen with the life 懸, don't you think?
刚才我是美国人,但它会是圆的最好是有他们,作为一个平衡的,或左或右主张权利的明确承诺,从 Therefore the right group insisting commitment clearly from the right in the left wing counterbalance When the one which it tries to make take is good however it becomes that it is the circular tsu drill current United States
即使是一个傻瓜无法理解这一立场纳卡因国家而异Wareru勋说觉得我更新到虎瓦特Hikkon法国远在日本的权利,日本媒体要在这“正确的位置由右”极端从可爱的偶像叫,Uyo的日本头弱,“舒展极右势力在欧洲Biteru Even the notion that where the position where it is called mean depending upon the country is different the fool whom you cannot understand thinks that the hi tsu it is densely with the cod it is good w The French extreme right how in Japan it probably becomes the position from right and Because that also the Japanese media calls “the extreme right” uyo where the Japanese head is weak the extreme right extending “even in Europe the ru
抗议日本同胞心中有趣的事情有关,因为被卡住的标签彼得蒙特贫困Netouyo系统和方便 The air being attached to the strange thing of Japan as for the 輩 which protests Because are inconvenient on the establishment you paste the label of netouyo and monpe
周一定期提高退休金,这是一个全职长工,我要实现的人间天堂,没有良好的氦氖只存在于 Regular member lifetime employment periodic raise in salary retirement lump sum grant annuity
If it is, that existence die in only the terrestrial paradise -, you are not conscious such, it is useless
在上半年,这种趋势是:“我匆匆从2000年代”,“自伊拉克战争”,并称,我想给一个理由Yarase TTA的竞争和评级丧失信心,在下半年,奥巴马香港地产建设商会与政府表不满,是一个故事 Although with the first half “after thrusting in 2000 age” “after the Iraqi war” it explains such tendency it is increasing audience rating competition and yarase etc as the reason which loses confidence It has become the story that at the latter half this is the manifestation of dissatisfaction to obama administration
但上台以来,增加有线电视台,电视新闻的收视竞争陷入激烈,强烈的色彩也包括娱乐新闻台的立场给观众的眼睛,我们的第一生产 But after cable TV station increasing power television news rushes to keen audience rating competition News program of every bureau entertainment color is strong production of audience rating aim is conspicuous
在日本NHK电视台,日本优于(笑),他们甚至有 Increase than Japan
Because there is to the public broadcast, (laughing) NHK in Japan
在日本,一个微弱信息,因为信息晃Toshii相信60%的粉尘质量 Therefore in Japan the feeling weakness where 6 tenths believe mass rubbish information that it is correct
248 TTA的趋势,他的扬垃圾和群众日教组 248 As for making the tendency the mass rubbish and Nitukiyou group it is
如果不是出生在任一系统不一样的最低工资,但马克思的概念?我的意思是共产主义,马克思主义经济学有我的想法,因为我还没死了 But if there is no minimum wage or Marx s concept there is no system which is not born Communism rather than Marx economics already death is the tsu is seems the way It is not thought
如果你真的不愿意,最低工资和退休金,并不会引发他们以及保险 Being serious if you dislike unless it keeps throwing away either minimum wage and annuity and the insurance system etc
如果作为一个民主国家,如果政治制度,经济制度,导致消极的政治梅鲁占大多数为穷人很快扩大 If it is democracy as a political system,
Such an economic system the poor layer which occupies the majority group which it keeps expanding eventually denying reaches the point of politically
如果糖果是我的房子,因为我声明,适度但靖森喜朗在日本瓦特的问题,,原来你留下了一个花圃麦加电视和报纸,垃圾大众媒体的偏见,同时声称你会保护的中立性和以下信息太茹太大的问题根本我是一个傻瓜已经铅垂 As for ame inside it has declared that it is moderate is maintenance therefore it is w As for the Japanese problem although the newspaper television all together is the left winding of the flower garden as for the mass rubbish in between position Maintaining while the ru insisting deflection reporting and feeling weakness to be swindled korotsu being don t you think Basic ru is problem what
如果糖果是我的房子,因为我宣布适度是森喜朗靖问题,在日本瓦特,原来你留下了一个花圃麦加电视和报纸,垃圾大众媒体的偏见,同时声称你会保持中立,信息和疲软的问题是,我被垂直和反对 As for ame inside it has declared that it is moderate is maintenance therefore it is w As for the Japanese problem although the newspaper television all together is the left winding of the flower garden as for the mass rubbish in between position Maintaining while the ru insisting deflection reporting and feeling weakness to be swindled korotsu being don t you think Basic ru is problem what
富士长焦望远°的TBS电视台NHK的早晨太阳 NHK day tele & tele as for morning [huji] TBS
彻底地捍卫了刑事起诉备案民主党人邮件诈骗案埃塔交流前任秘书饭岛Zimintou _NULL_
我不知道是什么样子狗仔队854 854 Father latch seeing the te it is from the wa
Paparatchi 854湿重 854 pa pa and others tsu chi ww
我不认为目前Waru相当怪异的音乐,怪异的546 _NULL_
我有轻微日本可疑相信我会腐烂你是我的美国色调你会腐烂分钟我可以塑造它是人民的最大的问题,我相信媒体 The citizen having trusted the media first problem Rotting also the te rotting that the ru tsu te understanding ru is American Rotting although the ru it does not doubt that and believes chi ya tsu te ru is the Japanese
嘿,我是日本人电视以下媒体 The media below the Japanese television how well
手76另一方面,保守的报纸,杂志及街号自由民主党联合动员德之人的会议宣你只需要填写一份鸬鹚呑组织者宣布 76
On the one hand, as for the newspaper and the magazine of conservative type as for town declaration mobilization number of people and Tokunoshima meeting number of people of our people
Sponsor announcement was designated completely as gullibility with to do, the [yo
日本NHK广播电台留在最近几年。气味已越来越紧张,我很羡慕美国 Also the Japanese NHK radio recently the left. It is ill-smelling, but because it became hard, America is envious
日本NHK的,这是无耻的媒体坚持黄金柯氏辉楚国喜欢 Because as for Japan adhering to NHK like country, there is a media which has made money,
Don't you think? it is unspeakable
日本如果“上演”可以是一个大问题,因为一个问题,他们在这里展示爆裂谈论结束有关的新闻,晚上模仿 1 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
如果日本“上演”可以是一个大问题是一个问题,他们对我们的节目在这里说爆裂完一个有关晚间新闻的模仿 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
如果日本“上演”可以是一个大问题是一个问题,他们对我们的节目在这里说爆裂完一个有关晚间新闻的模仿 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
如果日本“上演”可以是一个大问题是一个问题,他们对我们的节目在这里说爆裂完一个有关晚间新闻的模仿 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
如果日本“上演”可以是一个大问题是一个问题,他们对我们的节目在这里说爆裂完一个有关晚间新闻的模仿 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
日本如果“上演”可以是一个大问题,因为一个问题,他们在这里展示爆裂谈论结束有关的新闻,晚上模仿 1 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
?如果日本“上演”可以是一个大问题是一个问题,他们对我们的节目在这里说爆裂完一个有关晚间新闻的模仿 If Japan assuming that “let do” with this it ends also the kind of problem which becomes large problem at the extent which with news parody program of the night becomes topic
日本是做更多的困惑与权威和公平的损坏公共实体 The public vessel and authority of fair fair society doing to attach, unreasonable painful brown doing, from [ru] Japan
日本的左翼和瓷砖没有绝对的邪恶,那么这个战争 This it is not different from the Japanese left flank which designates prior to world war 2 as absolute badness
显然不是一种立场:“哦!这是一个中性的”,它是做嗯,我通常科雷然后,他们成为 With stance as clear “ kore is neutrality when ” the tsu te it is done kore becomes no shelf with normally
正是593,从美国是什么,有许多渠道 593 Because as for that just there are very many channels in America it is what
特别是在日本。如果美国没有太大的好转,但羡喜比尔只有电视亲 Japan special If compares to the television only of approaching it is the extent whose America is enviable
相反 的,甚至在美国的民主意识与共产主义,共产主义经济制度 > In feeling of the American as for communism and democracy the counter electrode is, but
As for communism economic system
纯粹意义上的。纯资本主义。从共产主义 打扰了自由的思想,而是企图活的历史个案的实证分析反理论观的冲突冲突,我觉得辩证唯物论的意见,然后辩证地看待马克思的历史,我再也不能说鄂有趣例如更改为一个辩证的社会实际情况更资本主义阵营,陷阱我是自我毁灭的不只是让社会变化的辩证更具有讽刺意味的社会主义阵营的瓦特本身的辩证好了,不知何故翻译是不显示所承诺的东西,以指导确定方向的方式, A certain semantic purity. Capitalism is pure. From communism
You can say that it became > without first
Don't you think? it is funny opinion
Dialectic legal view of history of Marx's materialistic dialectic view of history arguing, thought righteousness counter opposition trouble you bear combination and come out inhaling, but thought
On the other hand the freedom capitalism camp demonstration changes society legally with business circumstance, the socialist camp society refuses the fact that demonstration legally it changes even in sarcasm and the trap w which is the disintegration red sandal wood
Well dialectic itself shows the road which in order to lead to the direction of some oak and others is promised, mono with the meaning which is not, furthermore not to be the meaning which Marxism likely shows the road map of fight
Simply idea and phenomenon One of method of advancing only was shown with the meaning…
编号:nyhfuFIm0错误,波蒂Tyousen韩国泡菜吗?我想以较低的白菜价?瓦特 ID: nyhfuFIm0
How it did, the kim chee of Korean [pochi]?
Price of the Chinese cabbage it went down? w
美国广播公司(谁不喜欢羊),看CNN和他们都Rubeki ABC (the one which is not the sheep don't you think?) with CNN both the shelf which it should see
而奇怪的事情出来的部队在突发表 Those which appear in the chart and due to the power change
而且它的影响力已经成为几乎同样 And the power generally has become equal
至少在这一点上,“政治中立”并不存在,报告的中立性的思想是说,不能否认我的手 NULL
正如在日本,“我们是中立的,”但后来他们说部分覆盖TTA的,悲剧性的情况我相信很多人中性 The Japanese way “we are neutrality” that while saying it does reporting which is inclined The circumstance which believes that many people are neutrality is tragic what
视频传达这个消息插入削减不过去有关会议,他喜欢的,如果你画了几万收藏 gt In the image which conveys this news cutting the meeting which does not have past relationship was inserted like whether several of everybody got together just of you showed
要告诉新闻片段,插入过去无关削减涨势,期待就好像是你画的数万集 In the image which conveys this news cutting the meeting which does not have past relationship was inserted like whether several of everybody got together just of you showed
视频传达这个消息插入削减不过去有关会议,他喜欢的,如果你画了几万收藏 gt In the image which conveys this news cutting the meeting which does not have past relationship was inserted like whether several of everybody got together just of you showed
视频传达这个消息插入削减不过去有关会议,他喜欢的,如果你画了几万收藏 gt In the image which conveys this news cutting the meeting which does not have past relationship was inserted like whether several of everybody got together just of you showed
视频传达这个消息插入削减不过去有关会议,他喜欢的,如果你画了几万收藏 gt In the image which conveys this news cutting the meeting which does not have past relationship was inserted like whether several of everybody got together just of you showed
请写信给我们在亚洲的情况,纽约时报记者中,不能保证所有的信用 It can trust the Asian situation which the Chinese reporter of NY [taimusu] writes completely and is
足球偶像对阵韩国,韩战或故意or ll说,光伏发电在日本播出的电视背景的消费者或方式在围绕太阳是没有差异Shinachonmasugomi世界最低水平(笑) Soccer day Korea game specially the Korea day game saying turning off the circle of day of the background of PV of idling specially as for the Japanese television which it televises Not to be wrong shinachiyonmasugomi laughing of worldwide lowest level
电视蛆虫螨不想,或者说Tteru非常流行的韩国偶像。孙恐怖主义局在那里,战争港币同一只狗在朝鲜吗?公司整体的事情,你到韩国? Still the grub television to want to see the Korea style idling saying large popularity the ru There is to a bureau Day terrorism dog HK the same on The Korea day game When the company thing it moves to Korea roundly
运作制度,并留给了阿里TTA的,即使你反映,我的态度是在这可能会导致左派政权遂 In regard to administration management and your way etc you flatter on left flank and the [tsu] are as for thing that you reflect, assuming,
Finally, the result where it could do left flank administration is this way
难道你以为美国和确保有一个男人的钱是魔鬼厌倦的选择希望陆地和老太太看着日本的东西有一个有线电视电缆电视是得到一个自己的好滋味我可以很容易地看到老人,我觉得NHK和相扑Kareru一个解决方案是很容易,只要你看看美浓的平均比从在洗脑品质的免费通道在一个更好的地方离你释放日本NHK我认为这Hajimere The handle choices it is little you think that it is The cable television like the ogre there probably is certain America Japanese something the ground wave you see the senior citizen and with The human who is the gold probably sees the cable television of the hobby which by his likes The senior citizen simply with like NHK quality on mashi being free looks at the channel from that if the re ru You think however that it is solved simply from brainwashing First you think that it should have begun from the place where it separates from the sumo wrestling and NHK
655日本NHK拜托认真调整操作或议会权力 655 The National Diet management can be fumbled by NHK power when You pardon with maji
非commuting m为媒体工具,仍然激动 Any media many [u] things even now former times are the instrument for 煽 motion
)日本,小泉的象征,作为一个政府是在一个赤裸裸的资本主义和一个返回剥离出来原教旨年新自由主义在最近的名称和ü说,如果日本经团联的政治参与显然, In this Japan as Koizumi administration symbolizes With revolution to bare principle principle capitalism of the name new principle of freedom of recent years it became open If you look at the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations political intervention it probably is clear