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  • 1,“河野先生说,在城市公共安全官员来访时,它是1975年冲绳糸满在7月,他被王储皇帝,夫人车队的,空瓶子和扳手把人的东西仿佛一个巨大的铁管尖端的“攻击”谁“,靖弘前部长”哦,多么美妙的人,我!“ 1 “According to the public peace authorized personnel as for Kawano the occasion where His Majesty the Emperor was visited Okinawa prefecture to 1975 July of the Crown Prince age in Itoman city In the car line of the husband and wife throwing those like the fragment of the empty bottle and the spanner and the iron pipe the person whom “it attacks”” The minister of state of the public peace top “well how it probably is splendid human what ”

    • Netouyo“这不是一个威胁到小学不要让游客和安全”
      Permit [netouyo] “this are the safe traveler and the elementary school student are intimidated”

      • NULL Why the “Japanese citizen” are not and “the Japanese citizen where sovereignty exists” “In constitution preamble… here sovereignty existing in the citizen declaration…” with a certain way “sovereignty is the Japanese citizen” Is because with the notion that where you say having emphasized stipulating Next it continues “it is based on the collective will” with what thing Being able to meet the national private individual at the time of constitution enactment from the fact that it has not shown individual intention with those like election It is shown “mere public opinion” “temporary public opinion” as for differing completely it is self explanatory Namely the country Japan was formed and while continuing was brewed by the Japanese who exist On “continuous it is based universal intention” that other than interpreting it is not In other words “it is based on the collective will of the Japanese citizen where sovereignty exists” with since being born of the country Japan “the people who are the citizen Being something which is based on the collective will” very the symbol being the emperor in the citizen who has expressed that “collective will” It means very being a sovereignty Most important item of the Japan constitution basic idea is put out in 1st chapter 1st provision “national sovereignty symbol emperor ” So we abandon the fact that it is we have not possessed the qualification where becomes in the first place Assemblyman You understand If it is the citizen of the country Japan being the existence which possesses sovereignty in Japan universal continuous If what denies the existence emperor who symbolizes this on the basis of intention is the Japanese As for pure Osamu Kawano although being the Japanese citizen this kind of “attack” it did the fact that is self contradiction Because it is self denial we to abandon the meaning which exists as the Japanese citizen personally therefore “representation of citizen Cannot become barrel Assemblyman” In other words because it is violation of constitutional provisions thing plan election and the like it is clear to be invalid
        • 皇帝“将继续)现有通用日本(日本主权”河野Sumiharu国民基于畜生的存在,因为有日本被遗弃的,主要有资格成为国会议员卡里一刻,你还不知道? Because the emperor is the existence which “the intention which is universal continuously in Japan the main authority of Japan ” is based Pure Osamu Kawano has abandoned the fact that it is the Japanese citizen it has not possessed the qualification where becomes in the first place Assemblyman Understanding

      • “琉球。旗帜”Tteru我怎么知道?例扰乱美国国旗,也可以在全面使用,但当天的统治下,“琉球。旗”船到中国和台湾,鱼线,并确保美军在船上“海盗”的皮瓣,我出手
        “琉. The flag” [tsu] [te] knowing, the [ru]? Under the US military ruling not be able to use Stars and Strips or the circle of day, “琉. When it makes the flag” the boat flutter and goes to the fishery it shoots, as “the pirate” in the Chinese and Taiwan boat it is

        • “第四阶段的Ntsukyouso←反皇帝”,将断裂阻力
          ” <- Nitukiyou group emperor anti Destruction of fourth gradual “resistant will

          • 一般来说,这种混乱是日本政府的事情做好了,使 Generally as for this confusion the ro which is something which the Japanese government created
            • 然而,提请条鸠山已开始混乱 But confusion started in Hatoyama one word

          • 不过,我谁是涉嫌非法持有毒品,因为他基那Shiyoukiti冲绳的民主党总统,因为参议院元
            Even with Councilor original even the happy paying/inserting 昌 good fortune person of Chairman prefecture Democratic party Assemblyman Okinawa It is the person who is arrested with the drug illegal possession die

            • 中国是一定要来台湾,尖阁列岛,如果台湾冲绳冲绳〜行,您必须断开电源守り同时适合美军 China Taiwan comes to taking if and the 尖 official building be sure to be possible Okinawa… As for the Taiwan Okinawa line either the US military must keep power together
              • 83以为我是真的疯了,在处理工作,而且我敢肯定,我听说每个人都在谈论推出来具有讽刺意味的尖阁列岛问题 83 To tell the truth it was demonian treatment even at the workplace but it is after sarcasm problem of the 尖 official building occurring especially it reached the point where everyone hears story

            • 中国目前尚不清楚,一个很好的例子,美国别想 China about America is good also cannot think the thing being recognized
              • 151可能不是日本人 151 Perhaps it is not the Japanese but

            • 为了羞辱我国自开国皇帝的君主国是世界上现存最古老的,列宁,斯大林,毛泽东,金日成还活着Tteru本世纪剩余转化的思想家,像杆Zyoniru崇拜罪犯恐惧本身是新的过滤
              His Majesty the Emperor it is the monarch ever since our Kunitake country the world where it exists to oldest is disdained, the metamorphosis idea house which worships the historical large offender such as Lenin and Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il still surviving, [ru] thing itself is fearful

              • 九月份名护市议会选举,这就是为什么在反对派的胜利又收到机场
                In the September Nago city parliamentary election, the fact that among other things acceptance group of objectors of the airport wins overwhelmingly is the reason

                • 人们远离废料或废物与冲绳或杀死我们所有人将像以前一样有一个真正方便内地中国 As for the Okinawa person when it is everyone murder the rubbish kudzu you as for being like Both in taking it probably is truly favorable existence
                  • 因为我党和共产党的经济和军事同盟在东亚共同体的目标 Also east Asia also in aiming toward economic military alliance with the same body therefore the ru party don t you think

                • 什么东西Ttetara,进入流亡皇帝的百济王室后裔的血
                  The blood of the descendant of exile king family of hundred end entering into the emperor house, when it is cod no what

                  • 今天的左派反编号:dT4wietr0编号:F3OILXC7P编号:vXUtM6jFO编号:3DPA1E /计划生育编号:MedSwbPT编号:ptmZLWuV编号:5V2bi24h0
                    Anti-Japanese left flank of this day ID: dT4wietr0 ID: F3OILXC7P ID: vXUtM6jFO ID: 3DPA1E/fP ID: MedSwbPT ID: ptmZLWuV ID: 5V2bi24h0

                    • 他们不关心,如果我进入它只是希望那家伙出去冲绳 If you say that does not like it accompanies and should have kept coming out of Tsuga Okinawa sufficient story
                      • 题跋Uyo粪便成为一个部长和儿子汤米只是叩昆达冲绳 Although the tomi child and Chiba become the minister of state Just Okinawa hits droppings uyo it is

                    • 他被评为岛混蛋这样瓦特瓦特土民 It is not such a ro ku election or w Insular shelf w of earth people
                      • 然后,我碰到最了不起的人当选 This person who is elected was surprised most don t you think it is

                    • 你明白吗?但是,他们应该有一个投票,如果他们碰巧叩众所周知的恐怖主义,但冲绳的话,我没有那么废话端午之前,你浪费没有了我要的人杀?河野停止破坏,或者如果它是什么?有什么好处Kunaru日本?哪个国家是如何解决?教我们是否有任何好处 You could understand When it is the terrorist having known if you voted is being hit but the proper So although it is not as for the Okinawa person it is everyone murder it is the rubbish kudzu saying as for you something would like to do it is So if it does Kawano stopping subversive activities Japan becoming good The country being settled You teach whether there is some merit
                      • ー头啊,我看不好,(我知道坚持瓦特什么,他们不知道,但离冲绳做端午与垃圾的人杀说败类Tteta The extent which becomes the head it is good the stick You know or w It is what although you do not know does the Okinawa person say everyone murder is the rubbish kudzu is

                    • 冲绳人是要受到的规定 对中国解放军有港岛线狙声援,请先頑張 普天间会喜欢这一举措頑張我在关岛的任何地方 As for Okinawa joining with the first archipelago line the People s Liberation Army deciding the aim Because it is as for the person who would like to be under the Chinese controlling persevering Futenma Guam and where In order to move please persevere
                      • 此外,军队“总书记Zenroren”聋人的頑張声援时说,人民解放和TTA的(TTA的说真的)关闭不大厅,一人有一对夫妇的百分之三十下降TTA的瞬间 When after the general secretary of all the labor reams “joining with the People s Liberation Army it probably will persevere” you said with maji The meeting place do it is to pull as for 2 3 tenths the person decreased instantly

                    • 冲绳人,但我离开从内地流都包括在内,他们想成为一个堡垒投注身体
                      The Okinawa person, left flank flowing into from the mainland, the [ru], betting the body, we want becoming the breakwater

                      • 冲绳是最低的国家勤悟,证人应的东西,作为一个傻瓜都知道测试的政策
                        Okinawa which has become scholastic ability entire country least significant should be conscious of the fact that it is the living witness who is made the laboratory-table of foolish people conversion policy

                        • 只有在充分的鹿儿岛县鹿儿岛总督的控制之下合并
                          Absorbing combining in Kagoshima, if you place under the controlling Kagoshima nomarch, the sufficient

                          • 名护市九月,大会选举“,以执行打击搬迁,”他抱怨哎
                            In the September Nago city parliamentary election it appealed that “it is thorough transfer of facilities opposition”,

                            • 名护市签署了我原本可能还记得,早活动 Originally as for the Nago citizen quickly recall you sign is active the one which calling
                              • 花名护市民更好地记得,早已经签名活动 As for the Nago citizen quickly recall you sign is active the one which calling

                            • 和固定的草案,日本政府狡猾,习惯了自由驰骋大陆Tteta靖靖分裂人

                              • 在家庭的家伙,那我会谢谢你们的邻里关系?如果你不设法召回涉嫌在冲绳左翼活动家,我也可能转移到新的硬盘 Knowing obtaining accompanies don t you think the family about neighborhood Unless somehow the left flank go getter which has immigrated to Okinawa as for the recall whether it is difficult
                                • 这是 负战前日本 深度进入战争,反对左派,和美国之间的军事情报Ranu美国反对 变得混乱 This While it becomes and left flank enters knowing It becomes the American perplexity

                              • 在此之后,基本上成为更激进的新左派分为解散的日本社会党和共产党,情况并没有让人感动的中心,无论防反外国人入籍的变化 After that Japan Communist Party and old Japan Socialist Party etc separating being after more radical new leftist as for circumstance it did not change basically and the anti Japanese foreigner the counter Nituki conversion person were center and were moving
                                • 624艾希周一要划分例如,它早 我我是在一个根本的区别?是啊 Separating quickly desired the potato it is 624 gt Making a mistake at we fundamental place the ru The u it is

                              • 在此事件前的尖阁列岛(尖阁列岛问题不是)的推出来了,对中国情况(尖阁列岛问题不是)推出来的时候,我仍然反对美国军事意图的规模和性质的中国白痴 尖 official building incident before this is not 尖 official building problem occurring the Chinese incident is not 尖 official building problem occurring the Chinese essence and intention understanding still the US military the fool who who is opposite
                                • 当时发生了什么事之后,在此之前不断恶化的事件,美军在冲绳的尖阁独立的关系 Incident of the 尖 official building before this becoming independent Okinawa if after the US military and the related deterioration how becoming it is high

                              • 夏天的大海是浪漫尽量Datsu解放军来美国撤军甚至瓦特
                                The US military removing, the People's Liberation Army just comes the [tsu] [chi] [yu] - w

                                • 大阪的数字接收有关搜查单独贝鲁县警方大规模调整一小把Syamin甚至很多我讲民主左翼极端分子节等亚拉核心亚拉玛贺亚拉革労协亚拉日本赤军从包裹 To democracy also to the corporation people just a little just inspects the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Osaka prefecture police policing residence search was received pertaining to the large quantity but Japanese Red Army leather labor cooperation kakumaru core it probably will let do about the story how mountain of the radical group sect which was said coming out because you wrapped
                                  • 你永远都不会有大约有一堆了教派极端主义只有在红军大量亚拉贝鲁Syamin等核心亚拉亚拉亚拉革労协加来道雄丸是一个小的调整Minsyu To democracy also to the corporation people just a little just inspects the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Osaka prefecture police policing residence search was received pertaining to the large quantity but Japanese Red Army leather labor cooperation kakumaru core it probably will let do about the story how mountain of the radical group sect which was said coming out because you wrapped

                                • 好627,627,在民意我有时会失去自主权的民主党人从冲绳的U,因为它似乎是我没有预料到 627 Well 627 With the tsu te opinion the Democratic party autonomous right there probably are also times when you take from Okinawa We even shortage so expects that
                                  • 冲绳县冲绳人的眼光,你会认为,民主党怎么办?或一个国家,两种制度,主动或留30000000 As for the Okinawa person as for Okinawa vision of the Democratic party how thinking the ru Country two systems 30 000 000 human stay conception

                                • 如果你看看具体释放的借口?日本宪法被迫搬迁不喜欢的:那是什么?即使日本的损失独立自主,为什么不能有其他非重复?冲绳的经济资本。如果我们钻什么的,六月我,我可以说毫不逊色 Seeing releasing inhaling how it does concretely With the Japanese constitution the excessiveness you do and cannot immigrate don t you think it is If even independence becomes the Japanese damage besides the fact that it repeats it is not it is it isn t Okinawa economy resources If excavation with it keeps being moistened perhaps it stops saying excessively
                                  • 如果你看看具体释放的借口?日本宪法被迫搬迁不喜欢的:那是什么?即使日本的损失独立自主,为什么不能有其他非重复?冲绳的经济资本。如果我们钻什么的,六月我,我可以说毫不逊色 Seeing releasing inhaling how it does concretely With the Japanese constitution the excessiveness you do and cannot immigrate don t you think it is If even independence becomes the Japanese damage besides the fact that it repeats it is not it is it isn t Okinawa economy resources If excavation with it keeps being moistened perhaps it stops saying excessively

                                • 如果儿童色情和163冲绳,冲绳的利益差异,但没有更好的 163 If Okinawa and the child pornography not to be wrong Okinawa one the national interest shelf
                                  • 失去自己的国家利益来为日本 That national interest is lost for Japan you do not have to do

                                • 如果我不喜欢依赖美国,日本自卫队的宪法修正案,有趣的讨论核武器,不主张加强日本 Just disliking that it depends on America if unless you insist the Self Defense Force strengthening constitution amendment and the argument of the Japanese nuclear armament it is strange

                                  • 如果这是我在一则宣称朝鲜居民和乞丐废物
                                    As for this one as for the prefectural people with the rubbish the Korean of the beggar insisting from the [tsu] coming, it is [ru] one

                                    • 对不起,我不知道的灾难,而不是遇到的优惠待遇,结果反日
                                      You do not know that you do not encounter to the disaster of the end of anti-Japanese favorable treatment, it is probably will be

                                      • 对于不理解它到底是什么位置的时候,冲绳你自己花,但我不知道,我会说,平均基本工资四郎翻译冲绳或内地“怎么做,如果一开始Kitara普天事故!“,而唤Ki和更长的时间我只去学校一个安全的地方,那么,即使自卫队说,他们不希望学校美军进行寿司或对搬迁 如果我们说分钟,神奇不希望自卫队不过,我并不希望加强日本自卫队补贴,但要这些岛屿拥有非典型或唤 So in case of Okinawa Whether by your are in some position not to be grasped completely the te the mainland it is from base burden margin or the meaning wa thing calling to like Okinawa the ru it does If when accident occurs “with Futenma how it does it is While” with screaming Then when it becomes the tsu te which will move to the safe place in also just the small school moving opposition of the small school you propose and If the US military hate if you call… even at Self Defense Force you understand but hate produces Self Defense Force and hate it puts out the Self Defense Force strengthening with that we want screaming the ru it does the subsidy 尖 official building archipelago problem occurring China burning Okinawa territory ambition although the ru those problems do being perfection through and putting out spirit to the disturbance of the US military rubbish picking up the ru … Already you do not understand at all whether the Okinawa would like to being what whether we would like to do what
                                        • 涩谷,东京,名古屋冲绳媒体的沉默下一个状态是一个星期的星期六示范去年在东京!尖阁列岛抗议详情,日本媒体报道,通过一个辉煌的54★ Circumstances of the previous demonstration which the mass communications ignore Tokyo Shibuya Nagoya Okinawa The next time this week Saturday is in Tokyo As for details this 尖 official building protest demonstration as for the Japanese mass communications gorgeously through 54

                                      • 您现在两个新的冲绳奥齐一直愉快地一直不好,距日本和Okinawa m不是我给你开一些中国人更 2 Ogee now Okinawa the ze which already will be lifted to China Being delightful separated from Japan which also the Okinawa person dislikes it does the yo
                                        • 我不Nejan冲绳中国 Okinawa it is and don t you think and others it is Do in China
                                        • 现在是2,你在冲绳奥兹 2 Ogee now being in Okinawa

                                      • 我并不是说他们有多邪恶很少添加研磨出435 435 Don t you think just a little you chased and came out and inhaled and expression were bad
                                        • 被排斥他们的理由353 353 If you are not lucky by your removal

                                      • 我所关注的独立性,就如何利用预算的像我在一座桥下,我们会说用“权力下放”正是“区域系统”我也很不同
                                        The bottom of the bridge saying, as for independence [tsu] [te] specializing in use of the budget the [ru] way also “road state system” is different with “decentralization of power” accurately don't you think?

                                        • 我煽了间谍人数垃圾量,韩国抗日的人民在冲绳,Ntsukyouso谁,Zitirou,大部分来中国大陆,但实际半天店 Fanning counter day with Okinawa in the ru with several people Nitukiyou group autonomous labor the mass rubbish As for large portion the Chinese person and the Korean operative who come from the mainland the half day house is the actual condition
                                          • 到目前为止,529剂(或炒作),但我想你没有累的事情很多,继续坚持重要祝你好运 529 When the operative or to fan it is many to here however you think that there are also times when it will be boring persevering don t you think It is important to continue to insist

                                        • 捏造和有偏见的,因为我只报告在东京主要车站
                                          Although even Tokyo network does only fabrication and deflection reporting

                                          • 据官方报道,时间证言,河野先生是“防止不官井着陆讲话太血腥的战争,”筹备委员会和解放联盟已宣布冲绳(关闭的解决方案),活动家

                                            • 无论如何,恫。你们需要一个明确的无视冲绳蜗杆人类国家在共产党地区所有权利的! ! 111“我承诺得到(但我说之前,我一直在说,最近经常害怕)左右,日本冲绳见你傻?停止搞乱了!我会说 In any case now 恫 Also during of national human rights disregard clearly In a word the bean jam cod for Okinawa territory Al of insect country 111” declaring because the ru You said from the time before however speaking recently frequently we fear Focusing on Okinawa don t you think with the Japanese entire country fool You act playfully With probably saying
                                              • 冲绳也有必要为你们做翻译它与中国共产党496瓦特或杀死每个人,甚至在日本,即使在美国,每个人都可以杀死杀死每个人,甚至中国独立 496 In a word the bean jam cod for Okinawa also in simultaneous tsu te meaning or w Being everyone murder in Japan even when in America being even when being in China everyone murder Becoming independent everyone murder

                                            • 日本内阁本身没有什么比一个更邪恶的汉奸集团
                                              The Cabinet itself for Japan the group of the traitor who the harm only is not

                                              • 梅鲁或愚蠢的普通百姓的生活,如神隆
                                                Such the foolishness which like the living god reveres the human who exists everywhere

                                                • 每个人的代理人,我认为日本领土尖阁
                                                  Everyone of the operative, the 尖 official building is Japanese territory, don't you think?

                                                  • 河野先生说,1997年,六个公共安全官员在六月在接受报纸采访,报纸的采访,“皇帝”在拜访冲绳1975年7月,他被冠于皇帝王子糸满市的时候,车队的夫人的,瓶子和扳手把人的东西仿佛一个巨大的铁管尖端的“攻击”谁 According to the public peace authorized personnel as for Kawano 1997 June with interview 6 of the newspaper publishing company with interview of the newspaper publishing company “Emperor “The occasion where His Majesty the Emperor was visited Okinawa prefecture to 1975 July of the Crown Prince age in Itoman city In the car line of the husband and wife throwing those like the fragment of the empty bottle and the spanner and the iron pipe the person whom “it attacks”
                                                    • 河野先生在1997年6月事件的报纸,在接受采访时,以“现在,我们希望有关皇帝和冲绳战役,并移动到看起来很现代的突然,有一个美国军事巨人同一线路上,”振动与日was ll回报 Concerning incident as for Kawano 1997 June with interview of the newspaper publishing company “When of the problem of the emperor and Okinawa game is thought today the eye is moved suddenly there was an enormous US military base on the identical line” that you had looked back

                                                  • 然后你就可以上天,如果是为了钱。攻击者的进去呢?我参加了他们不必说是从日本自卫队或美军需要示范?我喜欢那个人种是一个真正的平行荣格认为,一些日本本土 You because of gold if heaven It is elected attack offense Either the US military base does not need saying that and either Self Defense Force does not need it participates in demonstration Don t you think it is like chiyon truly As for we as for such human You think that it is little in Japan proper
                                                    • 不要成为一个在冲绳的美军基地威慑来尝试自己的地缘政治。冲绳会不会有危险 Seeing geopolitics unless you put the US military base in Okinawa as a deterrent by yourThe Okinawan probably will be dangerous
                                                    • 然后你就可以上天,如果是为了钱。攻击者的进去呢?我参加了他们不必说是从日本自卫队或美军需要示范?你是真实的,我不是那种人涌到大陆认为平行小 You because of gold if heaven It is elected attack offense Either the US military base does not need saying that and either Self Defense Force does not need it participates in demonstration Don t you think it is like chiyon truly As for we as for such human You think that it is little in Japan proper

                                                  • 田代的儿子汤米内部安全委员会成员国的代表全国公共冈崎武
                                                    National public peace chairman Okazaki [tomi] child The member of the house of representatives Tashiro

                                                    • 留下来的选票赢得了日本教育的第三阶段,内地执行防教育工作组举办的,更不用说停止工作已经取得了日本居民在冲绳反并移动到第二阶段左翼反第一阶段,但是这是颠覆性的左派抗日。击败感应 This is destruction construction of anti Japanese left flank First stage Anti Japanese left flank immigrates to Okinawa Second stage You become the local inhabitant finishing anti Japanese construction With open sea teaching group formation anti Japanese education construction In operative poll election Third stage Left flank of the mainland open sea Inducing hitting
                                                      • 像413区。该目标的代理商必须引导舆论转让 413 Likely territory Inducing public opinion in transfer is the aim of the operative

                                                    • 相反累了,但它也取决于犯罪621迦巴纳卡鸠山一郎却相信他们已经死了,该计划目前仅限于选举之声的人,我Funami众议员泥到下一个,因为它有权利溃疡削减他们的民主权利和迎合。的作用是为三年,我不能等我,因为我认为它应该是指日可待 However it depends on also crime don t you think 621 It grasps the margin which that Ozawa in the force and others re The ro which as for Hatoyama the dying fleeing ku as for the plan collapsed already with this and is Also the following election it is it is to put out also the Assemblyman abandoning the mud boat it flatters to the voice of the citizen the ro which is Traitor of democracy and That you think the crack whether you can expect it is it is not gradually Waiting also 3 years and others the re it is
                                                      • 相反累了,但它也取决于犯罪621迦巴纳卡鸠山一郎却相信他们已经死了,该计划目前仅限于选举之声的人,我Funami众议员泥到下一个,因为它有权利溃疡削减他们的民主权利和迎合。的作用是为三年,我不能等我,因为我认为它应该是指日可待 However it depends on also crime don t you think 621 It grasps the margin which that Ozawa in the force and others re The ro which as for Hatoyama the dying fleeing ku as for the plan collapsed already with this and is Also the following election it is it is to put out also the Assemblyman abandoning the mud boat it flatters to the voice of the citizen the ro which is Traitor of democracy and That you think the crack whether you can expect it is it is not gradually Waiting also 3 years and others the re it is

                                                    • 相反,日本移民到大陆严格
                                                      As for the change and entry examination to Japan proper strictly

                                                      • 编号:PU1c5CWQ0剁碎间谍绝望的是在早晨
                                                        ID: PU1c5CWQ0 From morning [minsu] operative desperate shelf

                                                        • 美浓浩平均数丰富的冲绳的主要城市,我瓦特不变27秒超
                                                          Large 人数 shelf w like constant 27 human [tsu] [te] government ordinance designated city Okinawa [tsu] [te] super rich

                                                          • 自卫队现有的培训基地。 Kiru我努力看作是苍白的条件方差除以在冲绳的,进一步火上浇油运动看作是在反对这样做 NULL
                                                            • 首先,日本政府必须立即开始准备保卫日本自卫队的活动 First the Japanese government Self Defense Force starts defense activity with preparedness

                                                          • 艾达不喜欢大阪的个性。独立的权利?当我被入侵,单方面减少各自国家的领土从 Therefore dislike character of the Osaka person large The ro which does not become with independence and is You reducing the territory of the country by your the cod it is invaded unilaterally
                                                            • 艾达不喜欢大阪的个性。独立的权利?当我被入侵,单方面减少各自国家的领土从 Therefore dislike character of the Osaka person large The ro which does not become with independence and is You reducing the territory of the country by your the cod it is invaded unilaterally

                                                          • 这样的说法,我在日本现在有时间是和平 The side which insists peace such age met temporarily even in Japan it is
                                                            • 曾经有一段时间我在日本现在的一种和平 Now peace such age met temporarily even in Japan it is

                                                          • 选举法是职业生涯中披露,禁止假“历史”是没有规定的有关内容;
                                                            The Public Office Election Law has prohibited the fact that personal history of untruth is made public, but Concerning the contents “of personal history” it has not decided

                                                            • 通道的代理商吗?别担心,我在前面共产党间谍,我不认为你
                                                              The [ri] which is the [ku] of the operative? Relieved margin, as for we you it is the operative also in with it is not thought

                                                              • 鄂间谍笑公然到目前为止瓦特
                                                                To here w which can be laughed in the open operative

                                                                • 阪神大地震的745村山内阁是一个Zimintou联盟的中心,但...
                                                                  745 But as for Murayama Cabinet of Kobe earthquake that time the Liberal Democratic Party central coalition government…

                                                                  • (万年严重事故,雅子妃的未来皇后Tarubeki※)的发行是从痛苦雅子妃,文仁亲王的王储→→悠仁皇帝宝座甚至直线Wareru
                                                                    (* The future empress barrel should Princess Masako which in the [nin] serious accident) Princess Masako is opened from pain, His Majesty the Emperor -> fall under the 篠 palace -> to Crown Prince 悠 benevolence Imperial Prince, also the Imperial Throne succession is done straightly

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