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The shrine ball park tumultuous in UFO which comes flying to the sky! The extraterrestrial reconnoiters?


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    • 丶岛 °。 ヽ 岛。 ヽ我 棉花ー关于对 二 ° u003d两个 ö ° ヽ 丶 我,丶 我,丶 92 92 丶 i 92 REPT i 92 REPT i 92 wa It is It does So It does Two ¯ 92 Two ¯ o ¯ 92 REPT 92 丶 92 i 丶 92 i 丶 92

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    • 鸽子«布鲁诺⌒⌒ヽ 瓦特瓦特瓦 山«⌒γ 二二二 NULL

  • Thumbnail image rakuten com lgtr detail02 IMG公司 et01 b jp 秒 ? 0 商场 合川 柜 字符 img10532496689。JPG格式 thumbnail image rakuten com lgtr detail02 img et01 b jp s 0 mall aikawa cabinet character img10532496689 jpg
    • TTP的: www nobuparty com lgtr detail02 IMG公司 et01 b jpg ttp www nobuparty com lgtr detail02 img et01 b jpg
    • TTP的:。 thumbnail image rakuten co jp 秒 0 商场 合川 柜 字符 img10532496689 JPG格式 ttp thumbnail image rakuten co jp s 0 mall aikawa cabinet character img10532496689 jpg

  • Www sponichi co jp 棒球 新闻 2010 10 11 图像 KFullNormal20101011094 m jpg圆柱你见过像他这样 www sponichi co jp baseball news 2010 10 11 images KFullNormal20101011094 m jpg The cylindrical person you have seen with such feeling
    • TTP的: www sponichi co jp 棒球 新闻 2010 10 11 图像 KFullNormal20101011094 m jpg圆柱你见过像他这样 ttp www sponichi co jp baseball news 2010 10 11 images KFullNormal20101011094 m jpg The cylindrical person you have seen with such feeling

  • [远东研究所(远东研究公司)],这将有助于从客户端的各种挑战,去一个私人研究机构的研究直接救济方式原始
    'Fur yeast research (the Far Eastern research corporation)' It is the private investigation agency which is solved instantaneously the various difficult problems which are moved aside from the client, with individual examination method

    • “人择原理”在这浩瀚的宇宙,我什至不能提到了独特的思维方式,从飞碟外星生命
      Instead of “human principle” empty UFO in this immense outer space as for terrestrial type life the trap which can do also the how to think of being unique,

      • “虽然科学和技术立刻有一个压倒一切的力量,这不是幼稚的行为只能翻译氖W”或“这是一个陷阱!”一这样想 “With preponderant technology power while only such immature movement don t you think the meaning which it is not possible the ro w which is” “Is this the trap ” With you think probably will be
        • 勉强移动眼睛的囊速度增加,很高兴以为我依稀有可能你可以去其他星球技术 Chasing with the eye moving at last speed if the te that technical power you thought the kana whose also it is possible to go to the other planet blankly

      • “这是神仙!”我工务局局长
        “This is super normal phenomenon! Don't you think?” how, w

        • ⇒广岛,核武器不知道是否微妙
          As for the Hiroshima ⇒ total destruction of nuclear weapons you do not know whether or not it is, Sensitivity

          • ≡││( )≡│〜((((-)≡↓足球不不不不布鲁诺

            • 一个简单的伎俩我不同的大脑电视机115 115 It is different the television brain The wa which is the simple trick

              • 不包括回了这么多的碎片瓦特

                • 不明飞行物(最真棒图片)这是喜欢做的事情Hazime诚矢追我Emasu看看 UFO the most enormous image arrow pursuit Junichi This like the fake is visible in me
                  • 在学术,飞碟被认出我将永远不会被 There are no times when scientifically it can recognize UFO no matter what

                • 不是我的飞船只有899岩体的?

                  • 今天是什么日子不明飞行物近距离接触,这是一个红色的西装能看到超级拯救地球!碰撞和碰撞和正在发生的飞在天空中我从来没有梳更长的手工处理 When a certain day UFO shelf it is that rescue the approach encounter and the earth the red super suit It was verified The place handles and loses the instruction manual already serious Flying through the sky it collides and or it falls
                    • ü谎言 f选项ーーSshi Onmakaina马伊傅处的直径 U It is lie F Or the hu o it is the ma O Will not but the tsu palpus
                    • 我不明白,这种导弹将可以旋转801 807飞碟実景木材和合成 801 Will the missile is turns probably be from such a reason wa … 807 Synthesizing wood and UFO in the actual view
                    • 最近飞碟和大声甲酸,我做什么我 Recently that and the UFO shelf it is starting making a noise the ru don t you think
                    • 有一天,与不明飞行物近距离接触正路过一个红色的超级套装拯救地球嘛!碰撞和碰撞和正在发生的飞在天空中我从来没有梳更长的手工处理 That rescue a certain day UFO and the approach encounter and the earth the red super suit It was transferred The place handles and loses the instruction manual already serious Flying through the sky it collides and or it falls
                    • 检查如果您尚未证实不明飞行物不明飞行物飞碟可爱Idol ll不是空 Still if lack of confirmation UFO If it was verified the disk which is not UFO and the sky it flies
                    • 然而,飞碟坠毁事件发生后,我得教技术,捕捉外星人权力精英 But after the UFO fall incident The power elite capturing the extraterrestrial It had teaching technology
                    • 那么,如果你什么都不知道正确的不明飞行物 If sled ya something there is no wa can the ro which is UFO

                  • 会说不明飞行物已经到了“移动技术的存在是为了让星际水平”意味着,你可以看到有鬼魂“当我死自己,零感也永远不会是没有限制,可能会继续在一些时尚意识“,这意味着 UFO comes the fact that “the technology which makes the movement of level between the fixed stars possible exists” is meant As for the notion that where you can verify that the ghost is “after by your die it becomes zero nothing with not to limit consciousness the fact that it is the possibility consciousness continuing with a some method” is meant
                    • 所以在我已经死了,非常害怕成为新的过滤零一电脑电源关闭TTA的意义 Therefore after dying power source like the personal computer which is cut it is very fearful to become zero consciousness

                  • 但是,开始在椭圆形气球银

                    • 你是说这是一个Kitatsu夺回国人带来了外来战舰丝川隼是日本帝国删除?死了吗? ( `)

                      • 你的教练和导演若松Ikeyama 703?

                        • 你真的应该TTA的Warota太多行,你们医院的精神分裂症患者
                          Integrated malfunction symptom patient too multi it is [warota] Your hospitals the one which does is good, with [maji

                          • 即使是前几天轰炸广岛时,UFO已经采取
                            UFO is photographed also before atomic bomb dropping several days of Hiroshima,

                            • 在参拜靖国神社的做法在击球时,发现银色机身飞行网高高在上的背面 With shrine during shock practicing The flight body of silver appears in the far sky of back net side
                              • 在参拜靖国神社的做法在击球时,发现银色机身飞行网高高在上的背面 With shrine during shock practicing The flight body of silver appears in the far sky of back net side

                            • 在结束“特殊超自然勇敢”就把事情做对
                              End of year with “the fungus it does and may do super normal phenomenon special”

                              • 地球的形状,当他被忽略了另一个灵魂的倾向,为什么连人的地球,请阅读解决方案于急性猪排! Ibogaeru金星型,鸡型火星,歌乐外国人,外国人天蝎座,二星级谁似乎Esasa! !
                                Form shape of the time where you passed with the other planet, you read conscientiously even to tilt tropism of soul and, and the reason which has become the terrestrial person solve! Venus person of [ibogaeru] type, Mars person, the clarion star person of chicken type, the extraterrestrial and the [esasa] two star person of Scorpius appear! !

                                • 奇特的早稻田大学教授听到的意见,榉树宏
                                  We would like to inquire about the opinion of Professor Otsuki of the Waseda University Department of Science and Engineering

                                  • 宇宙中的人去观看我的养乐多对广岛消化游戏麻烦?战斗或偶然圣洁的人? Specially the Yakult Hiroshima game of the digestion tournament the extraterrestrial who comes to seeing how it is to be By any chance saintly fighting uncle

                                    • 完全一样出现在318吸尘器 318 You saw clearly with completely the same
                                      • 3 3 3 3 3 3
                                      • 380宾果! ! 380 Bingo
                                      • 468( ·ω· ) 468 Ω
                                      • 696就是这样 696 It is such
                                      • Futoku的非常好 Good Suddenly the ku Tasty
                                      • Sukari! ! ! ! sukari
                                      • ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー斯库利! sukari
                                      • 什么Iitsu 7ー! ! 7 Good tsu
                                      • 以议员马易特啊〜〜♪案件代理 Tea a k i bamboo ma n ♪
                                      • 在此之前可以Datsu 243! ! ! ! ! 243 The tsu which is natural
                                      • 我开始用铁人说话或动画 Iron man So if you say animation it starts it was
                                      • 比如有246之间的差异 246 You do not make a mistake
                                      • 这实在是令人震惊的飞碟影片 This maji shocking UFO image
                                      • 远东研究有限公司有限公司。 NULL
                                      • 陈曼,你拿3 3 The ro which is the bamboo man
                                      • 鸟!是飞机!陈曼抓住它! It is the bird It is the airplane It is the bamboo man

                                    • 宫本益力多“这(标识)没有允许每个无聊”,是进入tsukkomi “When natural shape is trivial ones with this you do not permit Yakult Miyamoto” that tsutsukomi was being inserted
                                      • 宫本益力多“这(标识)没有允许每个无聊”,是进入tsukkomi “When natural shape is trivial ones with this you do not permit Yakult Miyamoto” that tsutsukomi was being inserted

                                    • 就像在我身边的外国人,以极大的热情欢迎!一旦这样做与Indy Pendeisu日! Kuruzero 50000000 … As for the extraterrestrial the friend tsu po to be ardent welcome With you did immediately indei pendeisu day 50 000 000 kuruzero
                                      • 明年我要参加正式的接触外国人 Next year the extraterrestrial takes the contact formally
                                      • 空间 人,以极大的热情欢迎!一旦完成与Indy Pendeisu日! Kuruzero 50000000 … Space other person ardent welcome With you did immediately indei pendeisu day 50 000 000 kuruzero

                                    • 干酪乳杆菌代田菌的显微照片
                                      1 Microphotograph of [rakutobachirusu] [kazei] [shirota] germ

                                      • 恶作剧有躁狂症在附近放风筝,你师哥
                                        The kite the maniac of the pleasant offense which has done to fry in that side

                                        • 我们以前存在的远程控制,甚至自然灾害
                                          Even natural disaster remote manipulation natural society

                                          • 我已经包括新闻界窥探相机,飞机,飞艇,扭他的头,一路处理两者之间的差异气球ü You peered the camera of the press corps whom it photographed but the fact of the matter which twirls everyone neck in the shape which is different with the airplane the airship and the balloon
                                            • 我已经包括新闻界窥探相机,飞机,飞艇,扭他的头,一路处理两者之间的差异气球ü You peered the camera of the press corps whom it photographed but the fact of the matter which twirls everyone neck in the shape which is different with the airplane the airship and the balloon

                                          • 我所有的气象气球147 wwwwwwwwwwwww 147 Entirely whether weather balloon wwwwwwwwwwwww

                                            • 我有一个问题,一些绝望的外星人吗?您能否谈谈以人骑我最近伤怀 But extraterrestrial desperation there is question But the recent unrequited love red sandal wood the kana which does not ride in consultation
                                              • 绝望的外国人494万维网 494 Extraterrestrial desperate shelf www
                                              • 茹有时甚至作出一些外来 There are times with it is possible with a lot of extraterrestrial

                                            • 我的意思是真实的,在棒球运动的形式自从大萧条和第二次世界大战明年有一个“不相信的东西”未来,人们说的球迷大沽地飞到黑暗 In other words is there being a true panic and a war damage as for the baseball with present form after the next year When it is the baseball fan future person who “wanted to be that indirectly comes flying it is gone ”

                                              • 我认为这是一种隐形卫星Tteru老 Thinking that stealth it is the satellite from former times the ru

                                                • 昨天,梅田序列的两个风筝像Geirakaito埃塔遵循的铝制气球数量金光闪闪的彩虹膜蒸发(实际上,三丁目Douzima北区旁边的日本NTT建设的首位Telepark)以上的建筑物放牧虽然这是飞在你的表格W膨胀到足以崩溃一塞斯纳飞机和直升机等故障,如果你规模 Yesterday kirakira two connected kites of the geirakaito condition which large number attends the aluminum evaporation film make balloon of seven colors which shine Osaka Umeda accurately the north Ku hall island 3 Chome NTT teleparc first building of the next door the sky the wave had flown in the form which skims over the building but w If that scale if the Cessna machine and the helicopter being entwined it falls it is sufficient
                                                  • 人们谁作证说,解除风筝形戈,根据光束在附近的居民等阈值,你认为这是解除风筝 When we assume that it is the kite you fried with apparently to come according to the inhabitant of neighborhood of the place Frying the kite of such shape a testimony that the ru person is

                                                • 有许多不明飞行物你几乎可以感觉到其他不明飞行物都是骗人的,但它编造那些非科学 As for UFO existing the ro which already almost is common sense Many the one that non is scientific everything of information of a certain UFO sight is lie and fabrication

                                                  • 朝鲜的隐形侦察机是稍微谣言(?)预测 The North Korean stealth spyplane which a little becomes rumor With it estimates

                                                    • 本人飞碟开始与对象“无论如何,我不知道,”你是说我,“这是一个飞碟!”人们会说我谁马里荣升“这是一个身体种不知道!”所以我会说我是 In the first place UFO tsu te the ro in “the object tsu te sense that you do not know well what it is ” “Is that UFO ” The tsu te saying the ru person is plugged and “as for that it is the object which does not know well it is what ” The tsu te saying it is the case ru
                                                      • 1 UFO是为什么我不知道Sugidaro取笑我下来 1 Why it does not get off UFO it is probably will be The ro which 焦 it seems it passes and is

                                                    • 武器的地点东京数超过中国的军事秘密,因为这将是根据美国军用空中交通噪音Gigaattajan飞碟?这可以发生在中国极大的自由在中国的威胁,也意味着你可以自由攻击
                                                      Because as for Tokyo sky it is under the US military flight control It probably is the US military secret weapon The UFO noise was at several places of China? Including also the intimidation to China It can appear freely in the Chinese sky Say that it can attack freely,

                                                      • 环论的东西在公寓旁边的电视或广播昨天我一直在被拍摄的不明飞行物 It was yesterday with some television on side of the apartment UFO on the ring being photographed being broadcast the shelf

                                                        • 短的安装一恩都Syuusaku Tteta语文课本我风筝铝制或

                                                          • 神宫球场,总部迁至科斯莫不被外国人收购

                                                            • 神秘的数字更小的光Shiku,运动员,领导人,“鸟,是飞机,但没有飞碟”是极不平静和临时 In that form which shines small doubtfully The player leader position became “it is the bird it is the airplane well it is UFO” that temporarily tumultuously
                                                              • 神秘的数字更小的光Shiku,运动员,领导人,“鸟,是飞机,但没有飞碟”是极不平静和临时 In that form which shines small doubtfully The player leader position became “it is the bird it is the airplane well it is UFO” that temporarily tumultuously

                                                            • 科幻需要几十倍的速度比光盘驱动器空间只巡Ritakattara像星球大战和宇宙战舰大和
                                                              The Star Wars and space battleship Yamato of SF you want to scamper outer space likely, Or more of speed of tens of thousands times that light becomes necessary

                                                              • 突然间,我们公司的快速增长葛遂世界领先的研究专家
                                                                Suddenly, we accomplish rapid growth as a worldwide prominent research special enterprise

                                                                • 编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0编号:WScgzYQc0
                                                                  ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0 ID: WScgzYQc0

                                                                  • 老实说,我不自然的光线折射现象造成的,如海市蜃楼

                                                                    • 航空自卫队调查已经了解的真实性质,没有披露
                                                                      In the investigation of Air Self Defense Force natural shape was grasped, but publication was not done

                                                                      • 西贡发现什么外来侵入疯子,我很喜欢看棒球Eraru Zadondake直接从最好的座位在排练时,或外来的或
                                                                        No [za] [do] which will see the practice scenery from the special and so on seat of directly above just it is the baseball maniac it is the extraterrestrial [deisukun] star person, or [eraru] star person?

                                                                        • 该圆盘状飞碟Rashiki结束,预测有一个漂亮的锯齿TTA的,当一个合成图像,背景图像和日元。 Emasu也被视为最终隐藏影像之间的差异 UFO seems end of coming disk condition as for being notched had considerable projection The case where image synthesis is done the background image and circle As hidden the difference with the end of image even it is visible
                                                                          • 我不769飞碟结构,即使没有 769 It does not care either the te UFO how without
                                                                          • 该圆盘状飞碟Rashiki结束,预测有一个漂亮的锯齿TTA的,当一个合成图像,背景图像和日元。 Emasu也被视为最终隐藏影像之间的差异 UFO seems end of coming disk condition as for being notched had considerable projection The case where image synthesis is done the background image and circle As hidden the difference with the end of image even it is visible

                                                                        • 该船舶的养乐多分钟关那样,“乳酸”不是在某个时候,否则认为基马里

                                                                          • 返回到观察室设有一个年轻女子的目的不是为世人研究

                                                                            • 这不是一个不可能的善不能在阳光下吃PacPac PacPac♪ This eats the sun the ♪ Unless pakupakupakupaku it does useless it is to cause it is not
                                                                              • 这是不是无用的,不能PacPac孙新 Unless solar pakupaku it does useless it is to cause there is no this

                                                                            • 遥控飞艇796或告别?但不是在卖空气辉卡诺知会,但如果你操作对象Mareta钢筋混凝土酝酿,运作系统以外推进。该系统要求学生去尝试,如流体动力学和机翼, NULL
                                                                              • 遥控飞艇796或告别?但不是在卖空气辉卡诺知会,但如果你操作对象Mareta钢筋混凝土酝酿,运作系统以外推进。该系统要求学生去尝试,如流体动力学和机翼, NULL

                                                                            • 陈有庆罗宾来自星星也可爱243 243 It came from the robin star The robin was lovely
                                                                              • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                                              • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                                                              • “这是一只鸟,飞机上,没有超人”你 “It is the bird it is the airplane well it is the superman” The ro which is

                                                                            • 飞碟 Yakiu UFO gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt And it comes the u

                                                                              • 飞碟感兴趣,而在技术方面产生
                                                                                On the other hand there is an interest on the technical side in order to produce UFO

                                                                                • 飞越711号,在检察官的自由裁量权罪的非法入境者被捕,返回的空间是唯一正确的问题稍微
                                                                                  711 Well, violation of aerial domain and after arresting with dense entry, You do not accuse of a crime to with judgment of investigation and just return to outer space the [ro

                                                                                  • :::: ,ヽ ::我 :::我 ヽ ヽ :::: ゙ DREPT REPT i r DREPT i i DREPT l i i DREPT l No REPT ゙ HKDRT DREPT REPT ¯ l i No No HKRPT r REPT ¯ i r i r REPT i i REPT REPT i REPT i DREPT i REPT ttp www youtube com watch v uykQJAQDUfY
                                                                                    • 。: , ,研究 ,ヽ ::我 r REPT r ゙ DREPT REPT i r DREPT i i DREPT l i i DREPT l No REPT ゙ HKDRT DREPT REPT ¯ l i No No HKRPT r REPT ¯ i r i r REPT i i REPT REPT i REPT i DREPT i REPT ttp www youtube com watch v uykQJAQDUfY

                                                                                  研究 開発