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Developing the educational program which used [arudebaran] and human type [robo] “NAO”


  • 206按摩是不知道,只有Geru ll乘以海滨吐拉他的对手双方都提前,我有一种技术,我Gottsu Janpingusutonー 206 Massage it is not known but you hooking your own both toes to both sides of the partner the bu it is you throw the jumping stone tsu also skill has the ze which is
    • Janpingusuton ll吹飞自己右边的数字部件的所有技术,从他的! So and others by his blows off with the skill which by his set up Jumping stone

  • 672对双胞胎的房子,“鬼你会鄂,他会清除所有的坏!”“等一小冰块”,“多克的时刻,没有冰的时间,同样的事情了!”通过攻击。我又回到了反弹 672 At pair child shrine If “the person is defeated illusion goes out entirely ” “Just a little waiting the glacier” “ do ke instant the glacier which is not time in addition in the same thing ” So attack It is repulsed
    • 672对双胞胎的房子,“鬼你会鄂,他会清除所有的坏!”“等一小冰块”,“多克的时刻,没有时间!”通过攻击。我又回到了反弹 672 At pair child shrine If “the person is defeated illusion goes out entirely ” “Just a little waiting the glacier” “ do ke instant the glacier which is not time in addition in the same thing ” So attack It is repulsed
    • 不明白的解释是一些错误的时刻,“我的天鹅舞哎!”“别冰川,同样的事!”将被吹的,你会再飞 When something is strange in instant it is explained not be able to understand “Whirl the swan ” “Good glacier in addition in the same thing ” So and the blowing tsu it is thrown together

  • 832 射手座星矢风神围绕主人公的故事中发挥重要作用(和教皇将是一个保释TTA的雅典娜)布凉(戴羽毛的原因与一些)•射手座箭老板杀手(包括电影版),我认为这是我的偏好是摩羯座看出至少 832 Star arrow of leading part shooter seat aiorosu around the important part was the schedule which becomes the pope with the story Athena was rescued Saintly the robe katsukoii why being attached to the feather the ru Shooter the arrow of the seat includes the boss killer movie edition At least if you see from Capricornus we you think that you are favorably treated
    • 摩羯座,该名男子仅在圣斗士黄星 As for Capricornus the man who in the yellow saintly fighting loyal retainer becomes the only star

  • 98俺u,但你的座位,比如扎西的眼睛很容易呃处理发病率12我从未似乎是一切,做了很多想别的狗太不幸癌症 NULL

    • Kurumada漫画说:“这是什么啊 ”“这改变了 在一起”和线一样,但是如果你伸展或拉下周的数字,看来最有可能并不重要我觉得一个了不起的人喜欢穿 As for cartoon of car rice field “They are… no what as for this…” “This… just ” However it pulls up to the next week with like lines and rise of the person extends Generally the characters being surprised with how good thing the air the ru way does

      • NULL ゚ no ゙ REPT ゙ hu i ゙ ゙ REPT No i ゙ ゙ i i ゙ i i DREPT ゙ REPT i i ゙ i ゙ hu ゙ i r ⌒ i and i ゙ i ゙ i ∠ ゙ ⌒ i 92 DREPT ゙ REPT n ゙ and r ゙ i ゙ i ゙ i i ゙ ゙ REPT i ゙ i REPT ゙ i ゙ i REPT ゙ i gt i i hu ゙ ゙ r II ゙ i ゙ i REPT ゙ REPT ゙ ゙ v ゙ i ⌒ REPT i i i REPT ゙ REPT 92 ¯ ゙ REPT ゙ REPT r ゙ i ゙ ゙ REPT i i ゙ j ゙ REPT REPT REPT ゙ REPT Y i ゙ i ゙ REPT ゙ REPT i j i REPT ゙ REPT i ゙ REPT ゙ i i ゙ REPT ゙ ゙ i i j i i i REPT re ゙ r REPT REPT REPT i Two ゙ r 92 REPT shi ゙ ゙ ゙ i ゙ i ゙ i 92 ゙ REPT
        • 。ヽ。 ゙゙ヽ ¯ ,Ÿ NULL
        • 。ヽ。 ゙゙ヽ ¯ ,Ÿ NULL
        • 。ヽ。 ゙゙ヽ ¯ ,Ÿ NULL

      • Www2。Plala or jp VAIO笔记本 L及M 逻辑与矩阵 日记 text awards 002 seiya htm www2 plala or jp vaio L M LOGIC MATRIX diary text awards 002 seiya htm
        • 我觉得范例也是一丝不苟地热ー太丰盛的最大忠诚,雅典娜 Don t you think you think also that it is too honest it is the thing The degree of loyalty MAX to Athena and it is

      • [当然]你还瓦特我知道圣斗士摩羯座Purikon权力的支撑作用
        After all becoming saintly fighting loyal retainer star arrow [sure], it is high w The power pre- cone of Capricornus of supporting actor we

        • 一 这两个动作的死亡方式,死刑的方式回到两位数 三个敌人是谁把这些信息来的敌人,谁被处死 事物的四个中队是一个随机井出一个很大的区别,但性格特征在一死亡,且无技能公牛 One as for selfish conduct capital punishment Two as for the person who directs the back to the enemy capital punishment Three as for the person who applied feeling on the enemy and the person who applied capital punishment Four as for those which disturb the squadron capital punishment In one letter difference large difference shelf hetare bull
          • 32山羊哪里? 32 Don t you think that goat
          • 在极少数情况下,如果对一个长一点,早,晚克惹生产金牛座我得了癌症 Already if to be a little quick it has been born if with the bull seat it is slow it is the Cancer
          • 山羊,鱼,牛,没有蟹 There is no goat a fish a bull and a crab
          • 是好还是真的认为这是好的,如果金牛座 If the bull seat that it was good being serious you thought

        • 万代圣神话出来之前做你(小鼠)或购买Tteru系列?最近部分丢失斗士星矢星矢现在写续集穿着周刊少年冠军Kurumada凝固后做Gorudoseinto良好,阿斯加德Goddouoria,当然我的四个交叉体和三维神此外画布。利奥战场Tteru Your Bandai producing the ru seinto mythical maisu series buying the ru The God cross has multi layerized as many as 4 bodies recently Of course also gotsudouoria of gorudoseinto and asugarudo has multi layerized The rear car rice field now the continuation of the star arrow writing with the weekly boy champion the ru The star arrow lost canvas which past of the star arrow is the compilation The Jishi seat fighting the ru
          • 上周明星冠军。在漫画,但我记得12生肖星座,星座天秤座,虎,而非W Star of champion of last week However with cartoon the ecliptic 12 constellation is recalled in Libra place the tiger seat w

        • 下一页阎王维的手代木Kurumada的神话和神话冥王哈迪斯之间的区别是内部和再谈谈圣战,但在同样的原因何在?
          NEXT of car rice field DIMENSION 冥 King myth Tesirogi's THE LOST CANVAS 冥 As for king myth Although it is story of the jihad before the same with something, content is different?

          • 之间的特殊黄金圣斗士实力的传奇
            Even in gold saintly fighting loyal retainer as for strength of saga another case

            • 但事实上最弱,和15。鉴于不可能真正的敌人是不坏的感觉,最微妙的天蝎座的人不坏,但一个小混混的敌人,包括我在内 But really most weakness 15 Unless it gives the enemy cannot be pushed down To tell the truth the small fish enemy including either 1 people have not pushed down Scorpius does the most delicate air
              • 这家伙有什么它Teiu天蝎只是一个薄弱领域,我们看到完全没有区别鄂单井田 但都表示,他们仍然恶 The person whose Scorpius is weak and how says is but that is the mistake Simply climax just is nil … Furthermore but you can say that it is bad

            • 但我是天秤座,我是一个从天秤座也被认为是saying ll Moraezu孩子欺负的孩子的气质,被欺负的优势相反的意思,而不是泡在茹 But I am Libra as for time of gaki to be hard on because it was tsu child disposition calling Libra believing instead of it cannot have soaks in the superiority complex you were hard on conversely

              • 另一个原因变得更加海藻SMAP的斗士的故事版本
                Furthermore when it becomes story of the SMAP edition star arrow, already the reason [wa] pot

                • 吴已成为邪恶和天蝎座摩羯座生日强调,野蛮人,该市将失去他们的水瓶座地方来了,投入线,因为冰
                  When it is date of birth concern, the 蛮 becomes Capricornus and the wicked military affairs become Scorpius, Because the glacier it wears the city of the Aquarius, there is no destination

                  • 哇塞金牛让我说,巨蟹座,双鱼座的人感到失望,对不对?
                    We of the Cancer makes say The bull seat, the [ro] where Piscis Austrinus one is [gatsukari]?

                    • 哦,532,SMAP的远虐待坤
                      532 The [tsu] and the insult of SMAP are to there

                      • 在SID被冥王章索伦托奥尔德巴伦殴打被殴打已经被打了一段时间后出现 It was done was done with the 冥 boundary compilation when appearing after being already done in Sorrento and in shido and arudebaran which is
                        • 本胡尔坐骑里赫尔,织女星来了,毕宿五是吗? As for the horse which appears in Venn ha the tsu ke which is Rigel Vega and arudebaran

                      • 在主银,(圣战)黄金是一种不得已的紧急情况
                        The silver by the main force, as for gold is last expedient of emergency (anti- jihad)

                        • 处女座看现在AFAIK,罐,双胞胎,女孩,蝎子会
                          If now presently you know, with as for advisory of the Virgo, The water jar, the twins, the maiden and the scorpion, probably will be

                          • 外面有多大的把握说,当时只有一个办法武进高新技术产业开发区
                            There was the proverb for WIZ certain there

                            • 如果是五平八Ikeru Etazima魔鬼桃太郎日期赤石
                              As for 1 Momotarou Wicked ogre Date Akaishi If Etajima flat eight 5 people [ike] [ru

                              • 射手座和天秤座是不是一个故事,好似一个小过出租圣斗士
                                Libra and the shooter seat turns of the saintly fighting loyal retainer being too few, do not become news item

                                • 射手座金牛座我马上罗胜在女性的牛奶摄入量予

                                  • 建造来到秃头如天上指南早期延续
                                    Make the continuation of the heavens compilation quickly the baldness

                                    • 当我Erai审计署图片搜索
                                      When the picture it searched with NAO, it became [erai] thing

                                      • 当涉及到处理,双鱼和巨蟹编辑阎王章...( 阿`)
                                        When 冥 it comes with the Cancer and Piscis Austrinus treatment of the king [hadesu] twelve signs compilation,… (the ' A `)

                                        • 我 确定 圣斗士湿重的对手应该是不可避免的看一次明子的技能也可以拍摄15轮,例如在同一时间寻找我认为557招,并非不可避免甚至发现一这神圣的战士的家伙,除非权力不能交货,我不在那里别说眼睛疼痛,如果我只有一哭墙负回报的WWW技术的喜欢的食物后坐的是我的Tteta他们一起好它仍然不是所有的漫画W和她的脸Tsukumo没有严格的去面对你的决定品种全,理想 Whether star arrow sure ww 557 When it tries thinking it is special skill 15 departure with one time also it is possible to strike When one time you look at the skill of the partner the saintly fighting loyal retainer of the expectation which is avoided seeing the one shot it is not avoided Furthermore it is dense instead of other than the place where the saintly fighting loyal retainer cannot show power it is not defeated there is no even painful eye it is the ze www which is Has received the fact that your own skill rebound in the wall of sighing well that everyone to be the tsu it does and w which is the yo After all this cartoon is decided with the varieties and the face it is the ro which is Or the massive rock it is attached it is not even with the woman face don t you think ideal lux something w
                                          • 第879部分阎王将成为主要击中立刻就成为了星矢的流行后期压顶,或什至恢复流行七龙珠漫画瓦特这是彻底的黄金事业 879 The 冥 boundary compilation first volume was popularity reviving pushing away the dragon ball the top It becomes the second volume and becomes star arrow main and discontinues w The finish gold cause of popularity was cartoon

                                        • 我会拉一个偏远地区,包括本人,因为我白羊座
                                          Therefore as for we the Aries the pulling [tsu] being packed on the remote region, it increases

                                          • 我已经看到了动漫体育俱乐部萨霍族,说实话没有真正可怕的双子座没有关于黑面,从土豆的实力性质的传奇,Kogane ve看到可怕的,感觉有点不是我老板没有被遗忘 Section life saho ゙ tsu te animation you see the time where the Gemini face is black being serious we feared After honesty natural shape of saga being discovered because gold you saw awfully you cannot forget the imaichi impression with the boss of the just a little strengthening

                                            • 我希望我仍只一二迹象原动画编辑中的创伤 When was just twelve signs compilation of the original although still it was good … To trauma it converted with animation

                                              • 我想如果我是缩小的肩膀上,而不是 确定 ,他们知道什么是同性恋或蟹,鱼和牛肉 sure of cow and fish and crab and okama However something you do not know it does the thinking where the shoulder body is narrow it is
                                                • 你是不是螃蟹厌恶故障WWW的恐怖的564 564 The ro www which as for the detestation impression of the crab is not consequence of fear and is
                                                • 奶牛和鱼,蟹我想如果我是缩小的肩膀上,但他们不知道的东西 As for cow and fish and crab However something you do not know it does the thinking where the shoulder body is narrow it is
                                                • 牛蟹最低水平井在圣小金? As for crab and cow in golden saintly fighting loyal retainer most weak level

                                              • 我是一个摩羯座摩羯座修罗憧或你的神剑 shiyura there was no Capricornus We Capricornus which yearns to the x kalium bar
                                                • 也许是因为螃蟹一直是很好的感觉不喜欢这么多恐怖娜 So the detestation impression it was not in consequence or the crab of fear lover
                                                • 癌症是不是一个故事,但一旦他们留在记忆的山羊 As for the crab however once it becomes news item as for the goat it does not remain in memory

                                              • 我是改造技术的作者停止等待的阴影围绕我记得我有一个同性恋,他们不安排您入座漫画ü卡诺悟终于发生了?但是不要忘记它,直到影响Iteta中间的技术Souiya声明 The cartoon which you do not know whether how it becomes final Piscis Austrinus memory stopping with about the okama tsu te the ru Writer of shadow skill rimeiku You have written So well shadow skill there is memory to only the middle
                                                • 我装载Tteta路法老TTA的漫画迷? The paro tsu it is cartoon it has been recorded with the fan load don t you think

                                              • 我是金牛座,但究竟是说,我们将捍卫艾尔帕兰
                                                How being said, the bull seat we protects [arudebaran

                                                • 我看着有把握的 的期望附加到名称艾尔帕兰圣斗士 我应该仍然 After all becoming saintly fighting loyal retainer star arrow sure the ru arudebaran te name at the point in time when you saw expectation the wa which is attached
                                                  • 圣斗士那里,但Seintoseiya的细胞转化 Saintly fighting loyal retainer star arrow That it could convert with seintoseiya But carrying

                                                • 我道歉的金牛座处女座和双子座的儿童417
                                                  417 Apologize to we of the bull seat of the child of the Gemini and the Virgo

                                                  • 报警,公羊,狮子,射手会
                                                    Warning, the ram, Jishi, probably is the shooter

                                                    • 摩羯座摩羯座在射手座射手座星矢由香Ryou的瞬间处女座处女座天秤座库禁止狮子座狮子座那智癌症癌症晃Hazime双子座金牛座金牛座的恶魔宣言崇高的白羊座白羊座的后几年保护区水瓶座水瓶座双鱼座市Pisukesu冰川的邪恶武
                                                      Several years later of [sankuchiyuari] Your ogre of Aries ant s Bull seat tow lath 檄 One shine of Gemini Gemini 那 Satoshi of Cancer cancer Jishi seat rheo 蛮 Instant of Virgo [barugo] Purple dragon of Libra libra Star arrow of shooter seat [sajitariasu] Wicked military affairs of Capricornus Capri cone Aquarius Aquarius glacier City of Piscis Austrinus [pisukesu

                                                      • 星矢信息法规办公室的圣经癌症立法会第8卷
                                                        For the oiler of the Cancer as for 8 volumes of star arrow LC Bible

                                                        • 星矢卡诺玛莎有把握的] ... [让我穿的是从空气人马座星矢...但仅小金
                                                          Never star arrow [sure]… Because it was the shooter seat, the star arrow wearing, even in appreciation… golden as a single unit the air

                                                          • 是SMAP东京记得那是锯琴不是金色的回忆 There is the memory which looked at the musical of SMAP but As for TOKIO being gold there is no memory
                                                            • 488 MADw感 488 A certain meaning MADw

                                                          • 是否有空手与双鱼座打架?

                                                            • 最糟糕的是,我有一个崩溃的平衡状态,但最强的星座的性格被篡改昆虫哭 Although being worst cries and it is insect fumbling kiyara it is in a state where the balance that has deteriorated it has the strongest constellation

                                                              • 没有对胜志 所以我的哥哥,特别是906 906 So it wins and it seems that is not group… Especially younger brother
                                                                • 我:妻子舒拉:我会赢得相当立即成立加缪? We shiyura Wife Camus It wins well enough don t you think group

                                                              • 激励机制一直说,一旦我离开射手座射手座,因为他们是作家!
                                                                Speaking once, but As for the shooter seat being favorably treated Because the writer is the shooter seat, is!

                                                                • 看来和平说,教皇,所以我在星座歧视黄金在会议期间TTA的庇护Aioria和米洛“不是这样和紧急很少穿西装,其他每到圣”黄金时间是,黄金是在大约一人生肖,反过来会附着在后卫 Gold appearing When it discriminates with the constellation aioria and miro meet in the sacred precincts “The kind of emergency and the like to which the golden saintly fighting loyal retainer adjusts the face it is not rarely” that because the pope says In peacetime as for the gold which is in twelve signs with about one person it probably has been attached to patrol with alternation
                                                                  • 78一个母亲 父亲 母亲节之母B有许多书面↓这样的作品,但不是唯一的瞬时斗士晃Hazime↓↓ 78 Mother A Father mother B ↓ ↓ ↓ One shine Instant Star arrow Writing goes where is the mother is well countlessly with feeling
                                                                  • 圣殿周围出现了黄金会议期间TTA的Aioria和米洛“不是在这样的紧急情况,很少穿其他适合每个圣为”教宗黄金随时间的和平,因为我说千万有多少人在小金二宫之一,是将依次连接到后卫 When the time where gold appears aioria and miro meet in the sacred precincts “The kind of emergency and the like to which the golden saintly fighting loyal retainer adjusts the face it is not rarely” that because the pope says In peacetime as for the gold which is in twelve signs with about one person it probably has been attached to patrol with alternation
                                                                  • 我带歧视斗士十二生肖,欺凌 The saintly fighting loyal retainer star arrow bringing To discriminate with the constellation ijime
                                                                  • 我觉得有乐趣,一圣卡通狗“在希腊语中,你可以TTA的线”,作者们记录,我认为他们是有趣的小TTA的 When the saintly fighting loyal retainer it is funny as a cartoon however the thought cup “It has not done to Greece” the tsu te the writer who is declared thought that just a little it is funny

                                                                • 穆卡的问题,而是小学生阅读的冠军了,有一次,为什么不从现在的蝎子的儿子,我们得救的种姓问题 但星座 The current elementary school student reads the champion or but doubt Once because the current child is rescued from constellation caste there is no calling But as for scorpion doubt…

                                                                  • 穆舒与比641比Senkuu可爱的红眼睛奥尔德巴伦比vs德国。本人Daimaji比与比铁Fudou莫斯双胞胎。富士与迷宫。千绘Rihaku比与比虎丸迪斯马斯克可以鬣狗对比豺狼与皇帝与天野沙丁鱼主场迎战志郎与比与你说话日期Aioria魔鬼沙卡与约翰岐与比与桃太郎与老虎的小孩有一次他们解决这个樱桃红色魔鬼比与比绍瑟Shusseki好与武藏与原子米洛与善与睿似乎确实比中午柳如月与肯与风神景成人与里基与例如睿赤石修罗与大象吱吱最喜欢的方便与雷伊与比源
                                                                    641 [muu] vs [senkuu] vs [shiyuu] the vs or [wa] [yu] it is, the vs red eye [arudebaran] vs Germany. The current dust vs moth which is iron vs [hudou] vs Twins. Labyrinth vs 冨. Tiger circular vs [rihaku] vs nonglutinous rice obtaining vs hyena Death mask vs. Imperial vs jackal vs sweetly it is dense vs. Wicked ogre Or the [aioria] vs Date vs [kenshirou] vs [u] it is how, vs [jiyonshiyaka] vs Momotarou vs [toki] vs it is and the [chi] how the [re] is the vs crimson cherry tree Even if child tiger vs wicked ogre vs [sauza] vs palpus [tsu] weir vs Musashi [miro] vs so the [re] it is and way the [ge] it is it is the [hi] [ru] in vs thin vs, vs 如 month Don't you think? the [aiorosu] vs king adult vs [riyuuken] vs [ho] it creaks, [u] vs [rikishiyura] The vs Akaishi vs ray vs [re] say vs [sunaipakamiyu] which it probably will come after Consequence [gi] vs white wolf before the vs 卍 circular vs [jiyuuza] vs building Aphrodite vs flying Tsubame vs [yuda] vs the vs cross which probably is clean Pope saga vs Etajima vs [kaiou] vs it is and the [chi] how the [re] is vs Red [kabuto] [ru] which wins now

                                                                    • 立法会并没有出来,但在绘画,音乐将是瓦特不同方向的艺术,但我法老出来,我的心永远为。但是天平广场上作出立法会瓦特难道我进来出青铜龙或天鹅或主角? However it does not appear to LC still because in the picture and music directivity of art probably will be different or w So the pharaoh was present it is as usual heart However it has placed in the pair of scales w So if you say with LC the swan or the dragon of leading part class the bronze tsu te the tsu ke which comes out
                                                                      • 它已和院子里的困难,我确实没有提到的品种埃塔瓦特慢出,神736新人三大双胞胎哭泣,在最后三面铜牌 736 But the behind newcomer it arranged the last bronze and three leaders and the wailing three person and twins God As for as expected being troubled with the storage space until you say w which is not
                                                                      • 立法会并没有出来,但在绘画,音乐将是瓦特不同方向的艺术,但我法老出来,我的心永远为。但是天平广场上作出立法会瓦特难道我进来出青铜龙或天鹅或主角? However it does not appear to LC still because in the picture and music directivity of art probably will be different or w So the pharaoh was present it is as usual heart However it has placed in the pair of scales w So if you say with LC the swan or the dragon of leading part class the bronze tsu te the tsu ke which comes out

                                                                    • 立法会或荣誉康复钕,你知道,有时候我看到的评论一样,现在我温达的差异,没有任何意义的恢复名誉Wasshoi Because reputation it recovered with ND or LC however sometimes the ro which is good and is like opinion you see it is different it is After so long a time reputation recovering the tsu which is not meaning it does the yo
                                                                      • LC和钕名誉康复,你知道,有时我会见到这样的意见,现在我温达的差异,没有任何意义,恢复名誉Wasshoi Because reputation it recovered with ND and LC however sometimes the ro which is good and is like opinion you see it is different it is After so long a time reputation recovering the tsu which is not meaning it does the yo
                                                                      • 我们不知道是什么样子,我们可以说钕立法会喜欢的 ND or LC being said whether something thing it is from the wa

                                                                    • 胶水胶水主人Kurumada P P和死亡面具是一个字未列明 As for car rice field paste P Family Computer The death mask and the old age teacher were paste P language
                                                                      • 胶水胶水Kurumada P P禅师的话,就像一个死亡面具和 As for car rice field paste P fan The death mask and the old age teacher were paste P language

                                                                    • 获奖的TTA的毕宿五马纪念奖和皇帝,这是一个非小月瓦特
                                                                      Satuki prize and Arima commemoration and emperor prize [arudebaran] which wins is not shelf w

                                                                      • 萨沙接过飞马适合除了623立法会潘多拉Pandora和沙织的例子,记得过去生活中,我的时代,“嘿,爱也是相关的女神!”美穗时间,他们进入了它的苍白无标记战争阴影的沙纳 623 The LC times when Pandora and Sasha scramble the Pegasus Remembering previous life in addition to ru Pandora and Saori don t you think “as for just romantic love goddess relationship the e ” shiyaina and the unlabeled times when Miho whose the shadow is are thin participates
                                                                        • 萨沙适合采取立法会除623飞马潘多拉潘多拉的例子并记住过去的生活沙织次“爱太可怜可怜女神!”美穗时间,他们进入了战争无标记光沙纳影子 623 The LC times when Pandora and Sasha scramble the Pegasus Remembering previous life in addition to ru Pandora and Saori don t you think “as for just romantic love goddess relationship the e ” shiyaina and the unlabeled times when Miho whose the shadow is are thin participates

                                                                      • 购买一对,是说不要说太多志胜,即使这些线程,他们认为新的铜绿狮子座 It is called victory group comparatively even with such sure not to become excessively topic The Jishi seat which does the thinking which is lonesome
                                                                        • “尽管处女座的人 ”他本来疲弱,无损检测,沙加是个神妥善 “Although it is the man shiyaka just was God Virgo…” for the person who has been troubled
                                                                        • 我:我的哥哥处女座:双子座最强兄弟 We Virgo Younger brother Gemini The strongest sibling

                                                                      • 这是一个巨大的游戏8bitPC
                                                                        It was the gold letter tower game of 8bitPC

                                                                        • 迪斯马斯克癌症强度阿芙罗狄蒂双鱼座11 12 10 Aioria米洛天蝎座射手座狮子座9风神7修罗8金牛座毕宿五老虎儿童天秤座摩羯座6 5 4亩加缪水瓶座双子座白羊座3佐贺处女座沙加1 2我认为这种反对意见是维持秩序,但似乎梅鲁时将设置认可互角Rashii

                                                                          • 鄂Baldios罚款之间的差额,通常金牛座
                                                                            You make a mistake in the bull seat and the val D male at good frequency

                                                                            • 金,银,我们的收入雅典娜的青铜圣?或上班族?
                                                                              As for earnings of Athena's of gold, silver and bronze saintly fighting loyal retainers? White-collar worker?

                                                                              • 阿达到我的学校的名字是不可能发出做其他家长到学校Kitakunai线的过程中,“同性恋人”是 Already we would not like to go to the school … The nickname which is attached to we in the school which the excessiveness you do in the parent and is sent out was of course the “ okama guy”
                                                                                • 就拿一个694 那家伙,你晃之所以这样妈妈的男孩或娜塔莎 694 The way you remember and take… If such reason natashiya The mazakon guy it puts out

                                                                              • 除了铅青铜是858,但我不记得我Tteta战争英雄和其他战争场面或W银,我就知道原来的米诺斯承认它,喜欢Deddoribitoru站,整个故事具有广泛的笑容立法会是美好地认为真理 858 Because the bronze was the leading part anyhow Other than the silver tsu te protagonist it fights there is no memory but it is The bu tsu chi ya ke original knowing the aggressive scene of ru and minosu The stand of detsudoribitoru grinningly the news item which is done being a various parts As for LC you think that it is splendid truly
                                                                                • 作为一个人谁是48和24银12铜,金 Gold 12 The silver as 24 people The bronze makes 48 people

                                                                              研究 開発