24:42。主持人:20 65 44 61 Ap yournet ne jp知识产权硝酸钾你无法控制自己管理自己的连胜嗯奇怪?其他更多的理由拆除2★:4。信息未经所有值钱的土豆被·去除门柱,请不要跟我们的讨论目的,而不是一个严重的情况为准故事板· 5从精神。与线程原意是董事会的目的无关的公告,发布一个不同的董事会 NULL
乞求黑帮永远运行!请消费! !什么我的网站依靠湿重69:致命名无Shisan:2010 10 14(星期四)20:24:42。主持人:20 65 44 61 Ap yournet ne jp知识产权硝酸钾卷起自己的某种奇怪的例子我无法控制?其他更多的理由拆除2★:4。信息未经所有值钱的土豆被·去除门柱,请不要跟我们的讨论目的,而不是一个严重的情况为准故事板· 5从精神。与线程原意是董事会的目的无关的公告,发布一个不同的董事会 NULL
可能结婚的人谁没有唐氏症这里,将是整齐,我可以结婚 The person who gets married with the down symptom how it does not stay probably will put out and neat marriage how probably is not possible and
来到“我们的婚姻和她的儿子”出了 NULL
哈亚狭间因肺炎引起过敏来自于各种化学品,来的材料,从过敏性 NULL
善Mitsubachi不能呼吸死它了继续生活像赤冢Huzio _NULL_
在吸烟者享受肺气肿的苦难认为我有它来908,茶分布于从物质上喷枪侧流烟,那么我和愤怒 _NULL_
基诺结果出来了奇怪的是,百分之90人的是事实,我在我死的讲话90癌症治疗癌症的人谁喝酒的结论之前,我曾在一个治疗喝:穆谁喝酒成为癌症 The research result of the surprise was produced it is fact 9 tenths of person who dies being the cancer drank the liquor from the time before 9 tenths of person who the cancer the finishing is cured had stopped the liquor while remedying Conclusion The person who drinks the liquor becomes the cancer
基诺结果出来了奇怪的是,百分之90人的是事实,我在我死的讲话90癌症治疗癌症的人谁喝酒的结论之前,我曾在一个治疗喝:穆谁喝酒成为癌症 The research result of the surprise was produced it is fact 9 tenths of person who dies being the cancer drank the liquor from the time before 9 tenths of person who the cancer the finishing is cured had stopped the liquor while remedying Conclusion The person who drinks the liquor becomes the cancer
我围着一个非吸烟活动家文艺春秋鄂只感高兴来到现场与其他人怎么按,吸烟的日本社会已经走出了公开信的“文芸春秋”10月7日发行 Pushing the how to live to others the non smoking activist which remembers pleasant sensation Centering on Bungeishunju Ltd the Japanese non smoking academic society put out open question condition Being published “liberal arts spring fall” October of 07 the edition
我摸着他戒烟的摄入量和肺cancer 不 Inhaling in the person who has smoked hurting The lung cancer” saying the multi when tsu te not smoking and the te becoming the “lung cancer” Separately lt lt Contradiction gt gt It does not do
他们年轻的时候,我想我感动的时间Gabigabi在肺部和吸烟的同时吸收库设计用来喷洒现在胶水 When being young the tsu te which uses the spray paste for design and sows Inhaling also the tobacco simultaneously hurting You think that the lung is gabigabi
吸烟与肺癌患者中吸烟者肺癌不用说太多的家伙是一致的,是与其他的我会 The lung cancer the multi calling to the person who has smoked when You do not smoke and tsu te also the te becoming the lung cancer It does not contradict separately
它不会降低风险,但如我做了一个完全烟雾,肺癌是可以避免的,不会管理日 It is possible to lower risk by the fact that the tobacco is not inhaled but the lung cancer perfection Japan it probably is unreasonable to evade
我自己从来没有听说过,或者没有在世界上525 NULL
我努力这样Kiru 224 NULL
我试图欺骗在烟草行业已成为一个大师缠身和工业部的反对,认为这些损失87 things re 87 Such to be ascertained because compensation for damage the chi ya uninformed vis a vis the industry occurs frequently The thick labor ministry and the industry becoming guru it has been about probably to cheat with the tobacco it is
医生和部,并考虑癌症的原因,新鄂权 The ro where the doctor and the thick labor ministry think of the cause of the new cancer and are
或者“你说什么?Tteta病人摄入,也烟草!因为我是会是吸烟的,”我只是不知道说例如气体排放?万维网你们愚蠢 In other words “What Also does this patient inhale the tobacco As for a cause with tobacco tsu lever” The waste gas tsu te just you cannot say It is understood Furthermore fool before and others www
根据一项专家调查,将without ll吸纳市民的烟一为你检查自己的同胞纪伊Hanayo ü摄入大量二手烟 此外,4000和物质种它们很少包括三大污染物称为焦油,尼古丁和一氧化碳,但它似乎是大量的材料,包括罕见的癌症,从嘴中的尼古丁进入我不来,这莫伊是的,他们被分解在侧流烟从火源Tachinoboru反思 According to the investigation with the specialist certainly the person of the tabacco smoke 1 these As for also the not inhaling te becoming the secondary flow smoke of the people who are inhaled is large… furthermore 4000 type thing chemical substances being included Also the departure cancer gun substance is included fully including nicotine the tar and the carbon monoxide which are called three large contaminants so is but The nicotine which does not go in the mouth the fire original trifoliate orange which burns it moves to the secondary flow smoke which is climbed but it disassembles so is
如果你真好,我会还吸收消化吸收 你将有一般人认为没有恐惧我什至没有一间厨房烟雾吸入试图证明它吮吸 我不会纪伊Hanayo大家伙从U二手烟和烟雾吸入 的可能性,我想将厨房和戒烟了大部分的恐怖吸收Ininaru没有进一步坏富裕起来 If also the not inhaling te it becomes it is possible to inhale smoking which… it tries to justify that it inhales 厨 Also the not inhaling te becomes how we fear the normal person who is thought as… As for also the not inhaling te becoming the secondary flow smoke of the people who are inhaled is large… furthermore the hateful smoke which becomes hateful 厨 Well it will not inhale and also the te probably will become but when it inhales as for the probability which becomes as for rising markedly it is fact scared
根据一项准确的调查或专家之一,在香烟的烟雾,他们很少含有4000多种化学物质,尼古丁被认为是发展三焦油污染物,包括一氧化碳,癌症这似乎是包括大量稀有材料,尼古丁不会进入我的嘴很可能会导致吸烟Tachinoboru炉,教育部从追赶侧流的退化 According to the investigation with the specialist certainly the person of the tabacco smoke 1 these As for also the not inhaling te becoming the secondary flow smoke of the people who are inhaled is large… furthermore 4000 type thing chemical substances being included Also the departure cancer gun substance is included fully including nicotine the tar and the carbon monoxide which are called three large contaminants so is but The nicotine which does not go in the mouth the fire original trifoliate orange which burns it moves to the secondary flow smoke which is climbed but it disassembles so is
这一般都是我从来没有与空气中的一氧化碳碳 Carbon monoxide how normally it has been filled in the atmosphere but it is
非吸烟导致肺癌,如果你问我从厨房里说戒烟是一台二手的家庭滴水槽,因为烟雾和在工作场所吸烟 If you make say to the hateful smoke 厨 As for primary factor of lung cancer gun of non smoker It becomes consequence of the secondary flow smoke discharging which is by the family and the smoker of the workplace consist of
死于二手烟是一个家伙,所有关于它毕竟是 _NULL_
洋菊,约4600名妇女的损害,共约3600多一半的预期吸烟工作中的被动 The woman approximately 4600 people and damage to be large as for approximately 3600 people above the half among the whole at the workplace It is seen as passive smoking
第1号 主题死亡(70 000)和肺癌是肺癌烟我不能!你和我们以前 Death number of cases 1 rank 70 000 person The lung cancer does not inhale the tobacco and also the te becomes separately the lung cancer The ro which is natural
不过,由于她的父亲死于肺癌,遗传性的可能性,它似乎不 Simply because the father died the lung cancer gun it seems that is not the possibility of being inherited
为什么不测试是否肺癌香烟妈现在每天摄入 It should have tried trying it is not whether or not everyday the tobacco it inhales and it becomes the tsu te lung cancer gun which is sown
也不是因为我相信作为摄入与肺癌 Because it inhales it is not the case that by all means it becomes the lung cancer
也许在社会问题急剧增加,其中肺癌患者 Whether to social problem it converts with lung cancer patient rapid increase among those
我不是香烟的摄入量,Ine ll愉快地前往皇宫真是无耻每天罚款肺癌 The tobacco it does not inhale but it is being the lung cancer fine everyday the Imperial Palace running from the tsu When the ho it is with is don t you think it is delightful
我肺癌将不吸烟!这是正确的 gt The lung cancer does not inhale the tobacco and also the te becomes Don t you think so is
本人肺癌将不吸烟!嗯,是因为Kiritsu The lung cancer does not inhale the tobacco and also the te becomes kiritsu The ro which becomes the sled ya and is
父亲吸烟肺癌Suwanai 106(腺癌)没有 106 It became the father who does not inhale the tobacco the lung cancer gun the gland cancer gun not to be
第1号 主题死亡(70 000)和肺癌我什至不吸烟!你和我们以前 Death number of cases 1 rank 70 000 person The lung cancer does not inhale the tobacco and also the te becomes separately the lung cancer The ro which is natural
肺癌不会突然变成40岁和20至开始用尽 Starting inhaling with 20 there is no reason which in 40 years old suddenly becomes the lung cancer
肺癌娜好吧,我想如果这样的刺激 If there is such stimulus the trap which becomes the sled ya lung cancer
肺癌是模具没有在我不796?虽然哮喘可能 796 There is no lung cancer gun with the mold it is it is not Perhaps it becomes the asthma but
编号:vtTA / TDD0 u003d编号:Dq71SEyC0 _NULL_
罗不得不害怕的烟草和肺癌的效果最重要的是不是一个体育 _NULL_
职业灰尘或吸烟者真空非,有严重的空气污染,提请焦炭你进入室内空气污染和慢性 _NULL_
肺气肿,而不是693? _NULL_
肺癌癌的风险比吸烟者喝高是948,一个大字典。我认为不但没有证据表明类 NULL
肺癌癌的风险比吸烟者喝高是948,一个大字典。我认为不但没有证据表明类 NULL
膀胱癌食管癌胃动脉粥样硬化的危险因素...肺气肿等(`) _NULL_
蚊香与肺癌的关系,我简要地描述的所有 _NULL_
这将无吸→我不再吸收烟草人有严重瓦特 The person who does not inhale the tobacco became gt it does not inhale and also the te becomes As for this terrible w
不管怎么样,希望叁级和土方的烟草讲话梅奈 Temporarily sanji and the manual laborer without stopping the smoking we want
连狗粪便 他们想要灰尘在风中舞蹈变得干燥,,,我不仅会新鲜空气成分tobacco ll打开窗w说亚达被拘留的人,直到你的成分Reyo狗! Even droppings of dog Drying becoming the dust those which soar with the wind Opening the window as the fresh air inhaling with ru reason w Component commenting of the tobacco saying the ru person relates to the component of the dog hood