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It was possible to enter to this company of 9,000,000 Yen in annual income in 30 years old! Love degree of corporation ranking…As for 1 rank “Mitsubishi Corporation”, as for the worst “USEN”


  • 304我的意思是,这个排名3 NTT DoCoMo的日本NTT公司:日本NTT集团销售总额的骄傲电梯约70%的
    304 With you say or, as for NTT of this ranking 3 NTT [dokomo]: You are proud group of the sale about of 7 tenths of the whole NTT

    • 329 NTT通信集团是不是企业是艰苦的工作为封建领主镇压积极的榜样Tsuyoi,因为他认为最好的国际基础设施 329 NTT COM holding down international line below is good from the ru Just it is not Daimyo trading putting out intense duty You think that inside the group it is best

      • 6最近,我有多年均体现出真正的日本广播协会NHK的Netouyo许多人来叩我,处级官员30地方政府
        6 However something recently, [netouyo] which makes everything the NHK hitting is many 30 years old of actually NHK the [ze] which is local government employee level

        • _NULL_
          This open designated school system of what Mitsubishi Corporation Hiring of new graduates Year Adoption Adoption result school 09 years 195 Celebration 應 40 Tokyo University 36 Waseda 27 Kyoto University 10 One bridge 10 Osaka University 6 East manufacture 5 Sophia 4 Doshisha 4 Nine large 3 Outside 3 east Kobe 3 Other things 08 years 184 Celebration 應 44 Tokyo University 34 Waseda 22 Kyoto University 17 One bridge 9 East manufacture 7 Osaka University 6 Sophia 5 Nine large 5 Doshisha 4 Hokkaido University 3 Outside 2 east Other things 07 years 148 Celebration 應 33 Tokyo University 29 Waseda 22 Kyoto University 13 One bridge 8 Nine large 5 Doshisha 4 East manufacture 3 Nagoya University 3 Hokkaido University 2 Osaka University 2 Sophia 2 Other things 06 years 139 Celebration 應 30 Tokyo University 25 Waseda 22 Kyoto University 10 One bridge 10 East manufacture 3 Kobe 3 Sophia 3 Hokkaido University 2 Nagoya University 2 Tsukuba 2 Doshisha 2 Other things 05 years 107 Celebration 應 20 Tokyo University 18 Waseda 16 Kyoto University 9 One bridge 8 Nine large 3 Sophia 3 Osaka University 2 Kobe 2 Resignation 2 East manufacture 1 Doshisha 1 Other things 04 years 100 Celebration 應 25 Waseda 18 Tokyo University 9 One bridge 9 Kyoto University 6 Nagoya University 3 Kobe 3 Osaka University 2 Sophia 2 Blue study 2 East manufacture 1 Side country 1 Doshisha 1 Other things 03 years 123 Celebration 應 27 Tokyo University 24 Waseda 21 One bridge 7 Sophia 6 Kyoto University 3 Nagoya University 3 East manufacture 3 Resignation 3 Nine large 2 Doshisha 2 Osaka University 1 Kobe 1 Other things 02 years 108 Celebration 應 29 Waseda 19 Tokyo University 14 One bridge 7 Kyoto University 5 Nine large 3 Sophia 3 Study 3 Osaka University 2 Blue study 2 Nagoya University 1 East manufacture 1 Kobe 1 Other things 01 years 103 Celebration 應 21 Waseda 13 Tokyo University 11 One bridge 6 Kyoto University 4 Osaka University 3 East manufacture 3 Sophia 3 Center 3 Nagoya University 2 Nine large 2 Kobe 2 Northeast 1 Other things 00 years 111 Celebration 應 24 Tokyo University 16 Waseda 14 Kyoto University 9 One bridge 6 Sophia 6 East manufacture 4 Osaka University 2 Northeast 2 Side country 2 Kobe 2 Center 2 Blue study 2 Other things

          • →去到严重的儿童就业的行列中贸易稳步
            Piece by piece seriously entrance into a school -> the child which is employed even with the trading company the mere clerk

            • 一些大多数商业金属资源收入(炼焦煤)和什么,在部门和BHP确定我挖同一店铺和Rio
              Therefore commercial matters something large portion of profit metal resource (coking coal) what, Sector BHP and Rio similarly it is the excavation house,

              • 为了得到一个好员工,重要的是你有一个良好的环境,有较好的治疗 The good environment where the work where is good to the employee is made to do it is important well to treat

                • 人从一间公司,因为它不交出谈顶部的行业,我鄂谁不能自我投资支出增加一分钟我会在交易收入相匹配的阶段,好吧,我不喜欢那个适合 Therefore super as for the trading company man who is attached the top and story of the industry the reason which is attached don t you think the wa which becomes the earnings which are agreeable to sled ya stage Don t you think the wa where also expenditure increases that much Oneself don t you think as for the person whom it cannot invest as for the trading company the wa which is not agreeable

                  • 人的公司,直到30年代大部分时间在世界各地飞行对我和我住在泰国的豪宅去年秋天已经40岁的戴驰 The friend of the trading company man in the most worlds flying about to 30 generations the te Being 40 years old settling at last living in the mansion of the tie the ru
                    • 我从来没有小制造企业销售130至100日元,日元对这些原料的国内劳动力成本?营运利润比我妙用 Selling those of prime cost 100 Yen of domestic raw materials labor expense for 130 Yen the how se the manufacturing industry of trading which is dense From something the wa where trading company makes a profit

                  • 他们没有向我只是对他的生活和守类似愚蠢的消防官员和国防挂
                    Unless Self-Defense Official and fire fighting something also such a fool must be protected with the life 懸 [ke], it is the [ze] which is

                    • 他加入了从某铁路公司的中型便利店,现在有近六百万火车司机
                      From [konbinibaito] halfway joining a company, presently at the certain railroad company engineer 6,000,000 or less

                      • 你没有资格来挑战从来没有善待大学教职员 Treatment passing well the university staff how doing the ro which is and is not and is
                        • 诚河内艺术或治疗是最ESSEY理系扬 As for treatment being good most literature or ese science it is

                      • 例如,“但你们可能是在日本的精英,他们不知道任何外国大学毕业的公司名称可以从您的 For example however perhaps “as for you in Japan the elite in the foreign country your graduation universities and company name No one knows
                        • 在西方世界,不通过,以确保所有的日本公司的教育背景 In other words in the European American societies the Japanese educational background or company name do not pass completely

                      • 四百九十五瓦特Muridaroune我们还聘请临时工作人员来清理,但管委会艾希辉公司只负我关心恰到好处的清洁请基姆Dzukanai没有愚蠢的大麻或W 495 Don t you think it probably is unreasonable w Being employed temporarily in the cleaning staff but as for that the enterprise which cleaning has been done to contract it is not the Mitsubishi Corporation The ro w where is just the texture te ru with the extent fool or the hemp which does not become aware especially

                        • 在发情我等待你会出现在敌人包围在主机保持一份工作,甚至是什么样子
                          So, now being similar and/or approaching and/or rubbing every recruiting four surface 楚 song [ma] [tsu] it is temporary

                          • 在右边的“代扣”和“通知特别税征收特别税都民税”,根据2004年的工资收入大约为1200万日元
                            “Withholding certificate” of the right description and “special inhabitants of a ward tax citizen of Tokyo tax Special collection tax assessment According to the notification book”, allowance earnings 2004 are approximately 1,200 ten thousand Yen

                            • 奖励是不会受到“条款的”末班车回家也是部门,加班超过30小时,立即头打100倍的月亮“是不是我的工作本身是否违反労基法瓦特黑色大便这家公司尽管我们Nosabara为什么黑人企业 As for expectation in remuneration aspect It is not possible” “every post as for the return by last train as for overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but in 30 hours the top limit” Don t you think labor fundamental law violation w Itself working at such a droppings black enterprise black enterprise is although it is the reason which has been taken apart
                              • 什么是“末班车回过处,加班是足够大,该公司立即如果头打100个小时超过30小时,一个月,一个来自Janee是Tarekome根据劳工? gt Every post as for the return by last train as for overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but it tops out in 30 hours If the company of that much scale to droop to the labor basis and include the one shot well

                            • 奖励是不会受到“条款的”末班车回家也是部门,加班超过月球三零小时立即头打100倍“是公司援引的一个原因之一,忠诚没有 As for expectation in remuneration aspect It is not possible” “every post as for the return by last train as for overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but in 30 hours the top limit” and so on It is increasing to the reason which cannot have love corporation mind
                              • “哪部也是最后火车回家,30小时加班立即头打超过100倍的月亮”被引用的理由不为有这样一个忠诚的公司 “Every post as for the return by last train as for overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but in 30 hours the top limit” and so on It is increasing to the reason which cannot have love corporation mind
                              • 这个词枯竭向所有部门Yorikeri As for everything Depending upon the post the ke ri It finishes in this one word

                            • 如果用正确的安全公司最坏的Arusokku中兴保全jk的上市公司
                              If presentation enterprise as for the worst the [ro] JK which is Secom and [arusotsuku] of the security company

                              • 它不像现在他们得到了挫折与低迷对出租 It is to like but being troubled too much being together it reached the point where it will be nervous

                                • 它似乎很国家的外国谈判在国外的黑暗与地下部分,我也需要调整公司与地方军阀的黑手党和国家从IS充满狗屎 Underground such as negotiation with trading company tsu te foreign country there is a part of the darkness but so very much don t you think Therefore as for the foreign country yabai country you are lazy and also the adjustment of Mafia and the militarists etc of local end probably is necessary and
                                  • 当然,从这个方向越来越要求高的水平,谈判将改变人们获得更多的高层次 Because also required level the other side became high In order to have alternating to the person whose level is higher the schedule which is negotiated

                                • 就不会远到偏远地区如果天然气瓦特Toukyou
                                  If the Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. probably there are no either times when it goes to the remote region to there, but… w

                                  • 山田电机万维网Warota狮子座宫殿
                                    [yamada] electrical machinery and appliances and [reoparesuwarota] www

                                    • 工会活动的UsEn女性雇员没有做什么?你已经购买了叩Kareru谈判Shinakerya
                                      The woman employee of USEN does not do union activity with something, it is? If the group it does not negotiate, you buy and just are hit the [ro

                                      • 平均寿命是一个主要的贸易公司,我对听到的57岁
                                        Average life of the big trader about 57 years old the [tsu] [te] you have heard

                                        • 您有31多年甚至我七九四瓦特至15万元的年薪Koe辉 794 The ro w which more is and is 31 years old annual income 15 000 000 exceeding with even we the ru it does
                                          • 33岁,我在一个抑郁症的650万年薪Muttedondake奢侈品 33 years old the tsu te do which is dented at annual income 6 500 000 just it is it is the luxurious person
                                          • 600万的第一年工资为15年在其第四个100万 At first year annual income 6 000 000 it was 15 000 000 at 4th year
                                          • “900万美元的年度收入一点没有在30年 gt In 30 years old 9 000 000 Yen in annual income Don t you think it is little
                                          • 但当地政府官员28岁,你有450万年薪5 09 But local government employee 28 years old 9 time at 5 o clock annual income 4 500 000 shelf
                                          • 但是,正如九百万的年收入可能有ー So about annual income 9 000 000 is exactly whether
                                          • 年收入15万元,约2小时加班一个像我这样的小天 We something being small in about overtime work one day 2 hour annual income 15 000 000
                                          • 年收入百万,我是我唯一的鄂电熨斗厂每一天。 At annual income 2 000 000 everyday only steaming evaporation the iron applying at the factory where you obtain ru we tsu te …

                                        • 您违反劳动基准法。管你在做什么
                                          The [ro] which is Labor Standard Law violation. Tube what it has done

                                          • 我不是聋的人制造,出售634 634 Because the person who makes is it is about probably to sell it is it is not
                                            • 563是可怕的? 563 It is enormous

                                          • 我也说,子公司或治疗效果不佳勉说比努可能下降总公司的那要看的10 000名员工在课堂上对公司在东京证券交易所上市公司 Calling the subsidiary company because there are also times when at the Tokyo Stock Exchange part presentation enterprise it recommends from high quarters at the company of employee 10 000 class Unconditionally it is not the case that treatment is inferior in comparison with head office duty
                                            • DoCoMo公司,478在总部工作的毕业生,有专门的她我的情况里诺塞托莫,Tteta多的话,我住800年的临时埃塔在头发业务 478 She of we acquaintance with special soldier finishing dokomo head office duty the year 8 000 000 says with the work where the hair grows in dispatch wa

                                          • 我提前退休办公空间的某些电气设备制造商五十年在Pasona(笑)从£ 1200万个就业机会每年的收入,对一些主要的零售交易系统
                                            We, early of the certain electrical machinery and appliances manufacturer of 50 years old retirement list Raman (laughing) from annual income 12,000,000 Yen, To certain big trader type retail industry by way of [pasona] re-employment

                                            • 我有我的丈夫在东京95小时预算每30个月,包括加班津贴只有380万的年度总收入岁,已在关东地区的各种直辖市是羡更好地得到高达30小时的加班 Master of the Tokyo I type 30 year old all the treatment included annual income 3 800 000 Overtime work monthly average 95 hours While being budget overtime work generation you can receive to 30 hours Kanto deme town village is enviable

                                              • 我本来的UsEn,非法占用,非法占领,并定期在光看坏粪便会社一月占用费
                                                Originally, the USEN [tsu] [te], for illegal occupying, illegality occupation and charge for occupying you step on and push down and the droppings company of the regular are

                                                • 我真的要想想Tteta横流的公司,但仅限于634贸易公司或交叉电流,以确保有一个权利是有选择性的价值 634 It is the trading company abnormal play however just it has illegally sold with you think really there are also times when it is added value The trading company just of illegal disposition is selected certainly the ro which is
                                                  • 他是什么样的家伙,但请听我们每天都为他们的公司?我不是一个连接吧? Will not however and others you hear the trading company being the person tsu te what kind of person who is inserted And the combining which is tsu pa connection

                                                • 我知道我会做,通过一个单一选区是谁?我是臭名昭著的Mayugepengin
                                                  Knowing, someone passed through small constituency system, the [ru]? It is that ill repute high coming [mayugepengin

                                                  • 技术固然重要,但在仅仅以避免辍学Ginaindakara楚,说事情极端的例子,如果这项技术,我需要什么技术利润魔法 But as for technology the importance it is no more than an expedient in order to gain after all therefore it is If extreme thing is said if there is no technology with it makes a profit technology how unnecessary
                                                    • 如果他们要求我要添加技术,重要的是要避免与之前的路线图辍学楚科濡 If we would like to chase after technology it is important to attach the way in order to gain before that

                                                  • 政府办公室会腐病大多是收钱做任何他们想做的Marukara他们是一个松散的监测月底有一个可怕的赤字,但最高薪政府指定的城市 As for government office government ordinance designated city the highest giving shelf Also the deficit is enormous Because the gold gets together in habit of the end whose supervision is loose We would like to do at will with most it is rotted
                                                    • 若干雇员指定城市(大都会勉勉)的平均加班时间为周一120 30出头(包括节假日),我得到的施用量 They are the certain government ordinance designated city staff this agency duty 30 generation first half but Being overtime work and even month 120 hour holiday going to work containing Equal to the amount which it applies appears

                                                  • 施乐则恩戴一旦他们成为不熟悉的系统,该系统可以认为是质量工作的所有员工一样,很容易的事 As for XEROX of that time all employees way it can work the same quality Having become the system which is considered if it adapts to the system work very It was easy to do

                                                    • 日本NTT通讯:国际电话,长途
                                                      NTT communication: International call and long distance communication

                                                      • 是不是要在坚持否认,如果追求利润,因此企业应注重技术工程师魔法柱但是,如果你买的脸颊伊特叩一叠大公司 There is no reason which denies that you do piece by piece but if it means that enterprise pursues the profit the technician buy produces should concentrate on the technology which makes a profit if big business hitting the cheek with the bundle of notes should
                                                        • 例如,极端说,我就买在脸颊Tatte叩伊特我一叠虚业技术在Ida运行 If thorough argument is said hitting the cheek with the bundle of notes which is made with the technical how emptiness industry the tsu te which you buy it is good

                                                      • 是啊是啊是啊是啊是啊,让你wwwwwwwwwwwwww你们慢ü在大脑的实际收入自不敢马虎万维网
                                                        The annual income proud [u] [ze] inside your brains it can be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able be able to obtain, wwwwwwwwwwwwww To some extent actuality see, www

                                                        • 最糟糕的,以确保日本NTT缓慢的响应Norarikurari
                                                          Correspondence being slow idly, the fact that it is worst was NTT

                                                          • 本人交易,是不是地球上原有的公司并不需要
                                                            The trading company how, originally the [ro] which is the company there is no necessity for on the earth

                                                            • 标准普尔531系统,但同意,你不要害羞,在研究领域的新反派?我想我这样的例子 531 But as for the system being bad agreement air weakness on of site the researcher It makes the bad guy and builds and it is the chi ya useless and it does yo … As for we such you think but what
                                                              • 会胆怯,会体弱多病,如果他不是邪恶的邪 It probably is air weakness but it probably is sickly but the bad person is bad

                                                            • 正是我躲在我的父母家中奇诺或富裕,但它的的确确是捐款数十万元,以支付孩子移植390所有的开支吗? 390 Don t you think transplantation cost of your own child it is the extent which is maintained entirely with fund raising you are Several 10 000 000 homes or the rich parents home it has hidden it is the tsu ke which is
                                                              • 有没有多么丰富的曼荼罗郗施嗯点在结束痛苦死亡 When end it dies suffering the do just it is there is no meaning even with the rich person

                                                            • 毕竟,为什么不挑战它,右键Shikere很容易处理的方式处理事务鄂五 In the first place the gold where doing is and can handle with transaction That should have been pleasant the ro which it is not and is
                                                              • 不能忍受的政治左派不起作用 Unless politics is possible from work it cannot survive
                                                              • 如果你能容忍一些站在程度与工作 Work degree of patience If how much you can be patient
                                                              • 我离开他不仅是这么爱社高度 Therefore only the person where the love degree of corporation is high it remains
                                                              • 我认为我们应该这样做容易Shikere 149 149 That should have been pleasant it is the kana which is not
                                                              • 毕竟,不是一种权利周五的交易处理鄂挑战 In the first place the gold where doing is and can handle with transaction That should have been pleasant the ro which it is not and is
                                                              • 没有办法,神奇的纹四百五十九分钟 459 Such it is you understand the ro which cannot boil and is
                                                              • 然后,我帮助609 NULL

                                                            • 没有高学历Kuiru爱社只要不是为黑色,虽然年收入之间的差额, It is being long in black as for without being the case that the love degree of corporation is high in the same way however it probably is difference of annual income

                                                              • 然后,你的妻子支付703,我没有17万 703 Salary of your wife either 170 000 does not come out
                                                                • 小寒河内的缺点,但我哇塞案件与妻子见面时间 But the wife and the face ru time being long together difficult point

                                                              • 的UsEn但我是从瓦特触摸输入
                                                                After USEN entering, however it became correspondence impassability, w

                                                                • 真正的男性伴侣的MC 59年的平均寿命有多长?
                                                                  Average life [tsu] [te] 59 year old [tsu] [te] [maji] of boy employee of Mitsubishi Corporation?

                                                                  • 编号:n9k2QFy90,根据审判人员在第一次成功的载体 他们说,人类管委会
                                                                    ID: n9k2QFy90 According to, with carrier test 1st the bureaucracy which passes with < < the human of the Mitsubishi Corporation It is [tsu] [te] story

                                                                    • 论资排辈贸易公司住友公司恢复10年的主要井加入了下一阶段是改革人事制度,是一个主要的贸易房子全资
                                                                      The big trader makes seniority revive As for the Sumitomo Corporation as for joining a company 10 year complete seniority The major general trading firm following one another, it has reformed the personal system

                                                                      • 该学院没有习惯甚至反对,我决定提请贡献富士即时备案,“秋天,不管怎样!”饮料语言与社会Ttetara超过10亿元,年收入,您 是真的我开始明白 我看见Tteta工资提高梁说,超豪华婚礼在国外 University age even the partner in the habit which is not done Snuzzling instantaneously is decided in huji “Somehow you drop ” With you drink saying in the meeting cod… Sled ya annual income 10 000 000 it exceeds and if seriousness puts out… However you say that super luxurious wedding was listed in the foreign country Annual income seeing you agree upon
                                                                        • 每年的收入,我不想继续活下去,但这么多辉哈市意犹未尽,我很高兴来品尝鄂加班的时间不按摩 We however it is not many so to keep living receiving sufficiently the ru does annual income Because time can be used in te hobby without either massage overtime work it is satisfactory

                                                                      • 请注意,该货物已工龄线。我最终更稳定的贸易
                                                                        The commodity where seniority is thorough. Don't you think? the trading company stabilizes after all

                                                                        • 这也是日本在海外工作在如此冷淡我租赁或不是的每年900万的收入不是来自很多人住? Yanaitodekinaidesho好野鸡 Annual income 9 000 000 receiving because it is oversea duty The person who cannot live nonchalantly in Japan is many it is it is not Without being able to assume that the favorite it is not it does the yo

                                                                          • 这就是为什么工程师们的工作,我不是他们扔在其领土或绝望要么考虑如何盈利的Kera Erubeki Therefore very the technician throwing away business with the territory consciousness which does not go down how How doing it should think desperately whether it is gained of
                                                                            • 如果你想研究的技术人员需要做出金钱为前提 If the technician would like to research it is necessary to gain as major premise

                                                                          • 这是一个从浩靖,除非很喜欢时间的变化煤矿
                                                                            If the colliery age itself it does not change likely, because it is peace

                                                                            • 这是非法的右手,立即头打加班时间超过100小时,周一30 gt Overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but it tops out in 30 hours The ro which is this illegality
                                                                              • 这是违法的池头打加班时间超过100小时,周一30 Overtime work exceeds month 100 hour but it tops out in 30 hours Being illegal the shank

                                                                            • 那么,13万年薪30岁,上午8点 下午5时休息日工作,你的家在整整两个周末,他们将只对k,我认为他们是很好的公司中, The u it is in 30 years old annual income 13 000 000 8AM just 5PM working weekend accurately with two day day off Work k it does with being at home you think however that also the company inside is very good
                                                                              • 并购你们能怎么样?你只是不知道M&M巧克力?你不能辞职,或 M A or the bean jam cod it is possible But M M the ro which and others is not and is The ro which resignation it is not possible and is

                                                                            • 邮船?爱社排名最低?我们将在刚克如永久的幸福?一个客户端是一个随时间如大米,浴缸,但我没有忠于自己的公司 U plug Love corporation ranking least significant It just can work with the regular member it probably is happy Ahead dispatching it makes the basin turning love corporation mind how has and the way it is not but it is

                                                                              • 顺便说一下,我的妻子和消化内科勉勉支付像做梦一样
                                                                                By the way I of the wife the duty medicine like dream such as paid digestion

                                                                                • 预期寿命是两年多没有在它离开后,死在59岁

                                                                                  • ,因为他们能灵活应对,但良好的条件
                                                                                    Therefore so condition good type it can correspond to opportunism

                                                                                    研究 開発