<尖 official building> As for instigating the counter Chinese demonstration of Japan the representative man and Tamogami of right wing - the Chinese media ★5
00:21编号:688 Nv91O9kW0紧急■■名称:无 名称圣人部旭日 发表于:2010 10 12(星期二)20 51:据未经证实的18 00 21 ID Nv91O9kW0 Emergency 688 Name There is no name of the sunrise zu ru place sage Contribution day 2010 10 12 fire 20 51 18 But lack of confirmation…
好主意,Harouinrashiku 397! 397 Halloween it seemed don t you think it is good the e
来源: Source
气氛平了二百四十三瓦特 243 The ge which it does atmosphere was w
石原慎太郎瓦特ー516〜啊〜啊,我又一次把它 516 a a w The grommet it is the ro in addition and the tsu chi ya tsu it is
(笑) Laughing
3月24日,在北京日本大使馆和中国当局省会城市在召集和主持互联网挂示威中受伤,不断有各地的日本总领事馆附近加强了保安 The Chinese authorities on the 24th, continue around the Japanese consul general mansion of the Japanese embassy and every place of the provincial city and Beijing which have calling the anti-Japanese demonstration on Internet strengthening patrol
479联合航空,请听你的,我觉得你真的要疯了还是什么话和性冷淡?如果仅仅是演示下去,中国是“绝对不訳Gozaimasen提供尖阁列岛是日本领土”,不说什么?对中国,以坚定的民主党人的态度,“什么是日本尖阁列岛!”,或者说已经退出?是否绝对? Udaro分歧,谁是真正的目的(中国)的方式的权利,开始挑起暴力,非理性的手脏了,有人愿意牺牲作为牺牲 479 The a you hear in you When in kichigai and the frigidity it becomes somehow in word thinking with maji If this demonstration continues As for China absolutely “excuse it was not the 尖 official building is Japanese territory” that saying without fail The Democratic party “the 尖 official building is Japanese ones with resolute attitude vis a vis China ” With proposing That without fail The ro which is different and is Someone true purpose starts raging China the ro which is expedient in order to make induce It just has been about you will not pollute your own hand to make sacrifice who as a sacrifice the ro There is no just China waiting for the fact that the person who is attacked vis a vis the Democratic party appears in the country the ro where is just the ru The demonstration which is not such a many maneuvers The fact that the person where after all anyone rages from calling is present is just is expected
513 Tyuugoku绝对“悪Ugozaimashita,是在日本的尖阁列岛的事情,”牛说,党的另一个奇怪的肉Waru,谁讲外国Hashitsu 513 As for China absolutely “it was bad the 尖 official building is Japanese ones” that you say and Another party which changes to minsu does pee ku diplomacy
NULL 479 The a you hear in you When in kichigai and the frigidity it becomes somehow in word thinking with maji If this demonstration continues As for China absolutely “excuse it was not the 尖 official building is Japanese territory” that saying without fail The Democratic party “the 尖 official building is Japanese ones with resolute attitude vis a vis China ” With proposing That without fail The ro which is different and is Someone true purpose starts raging China the ro which is expedient in order to make induce It just has been about you will not pollute your own hand to make sacrifice who as a sacrifice the ro There is no just China waiting for the fact that the person who is attacked vis a vis the Democratic party appears in the country the ro where is just the ru The demonstration which is not such a many maneuvers The fact that the person where after all anyone rages from calling is present is just is expected
531“支那”是一种说法,这似乎是起源支那自豪地介绍说,他们的人来到印度支那 NULL
年轻人在中国最近的报告和豌豆的样子看着我只只想呼吁政府为诱导的风你不批评,其实只是抗日 When recent reporting you see as for the Chinese young person there is no anti Japanese something truly the te In order the harboring tsu te which government criticism does to induce in the wind which is said only it is to be visible
Tamogami相当Netouyo领导人月底的赞助看作是主要的,不能据以消除普通人Netouyo支持者的限制萝莉动画ETE的抱怨 As for Tamogami appealing [rorikonanime] regulation, removing [netouyo] from the supporter
Unless it places the normal person in the main force of the approval person, the head of [netouyo] being looked over, it finishes and is
TTA的极右687万维网WWW的右翼思想的面具下的日本帝国万岁 687 The extreme right www which wears the mask of left flank idea Jipango banzai www
燃料排斥和促进左倾思想保守思想,什么是愤世嫉俗的政权最左边瓦特瓦特 W where extreme left administration fans removal of left flank idea and maintenance idea promotion The sarcasm w which how is said
Uze m在网或狂热狂热的工作热情 _NULL_
WWW的权利和公正和平 _NULL_
_NULL_ Protest activity in order to protect the 尖 official building archipelago!
2010 October 30th (Saturday) 12:30 - end time undecided
Place New town north park (Nishi Ku)
Demonstration route The new town north park ⇒ proceeding east ⇒ south Hisashi treasure Teramachi 3 ⇒ hall muscle going south ⇒ wreck Takashimaya Co., Ltd. front ⇒ origins throughout the city the park (Oyodo Ku)
Afterwards the Nankai electric railway “wreck” station “What [marui] west side before the sidewalk” Takashimaya Co., Ltd. town declaration activity
Protest activity in order to protect the 尖 official building archipelago!
2010 October 31st (day) 13:30 - end time undecided
Place Wakamiya avenue park mini- sport open space
Demonstration route Mini- sport open space ⇒ Wakamiya avenue ⇒ arrow place Hisashi house Seinan crossover right turn
⇒ Hisashi house west line ⇒ brocade according to of ⇒ Otsu ⇒ Wakamiya avenue ⇒ mini- sport open space
Meeting afterwards
Protest activity in order to protect the 尖 official building archipelago & the motion which requests the release “of the Nobel Peace Prize” Liu dawn wave person!
2010 November 6th (Saturday) 12:00:00 - 19
Place Hibiya field music hall
Demonstration route “Hibiya field sound” - “Tokiwa bridge park”
Afterwards in Yuraku Cho “before the traffic hall” town declaration activity
下月14日,福冈市市长他们让我代替热又摇,当前行的末尾民主市长请 As for 14th of next month the Fukuoka mayor selection Democracy hot handshake was exchanged as for the future of present mayor
不知道从该行的问题,并认为不是那么容易的,例如453 453 So because you cannot think that it goes simply problem with reason
我发现,一旦发现本市城镇453 453 The way it was in the be It is found immediately
与日本关系恶化后,但这些家伙不仅成为中国,朝鲜,包括面值现在,我们希望它也 When Japan and relationship deteriorate it becomes like North Korea such as China but is The people either do not think the
与日本关系恶化后,但这些家伙不仅成为中国,朝鲜,包括面值现在,我们希望它也 When Japan and relationship deteriorate it becomes like North Korea such as China but is The people either do not think the
中华人民共和国,日本,在一个位置被剥夺继承中国的资产TTA的共和国,刚刚被列为恍然大悟,更换Eyou抓住资产的补偿由日本政策的变化,他们冲进无 As for People s Republic of China there is a standpoint where the Japanese property which the Republic of China takes is succeeded The duplication taking just stopping being possible The policy has not changed by the fact that the Japanese property is robbed of changing into compensation
也可以要求中国道歉和赔偿的相反 Conversely also it is possible to require apology and compensation vis a vis China
中国共产党发布较小刘先生投诉,如果有一个和平的敌人 _NULL_
丰臣秀吉,所以坚决不肯上午,证实了日本的独立性) Because Hidekiti Toyotomi refused discernment morning firmly, the Japanese independence decided)
临时补偿金,日本,中华民国中国时,日本资产的回报?而且违背了支那意图莫拉茹,估计需要许多接受来自日本付款 When Japan pays compensation temporarily the Republic of China returns the Japanese property It is estimated that in contrast to the plan of the support 那 person Japan receives many from the payment
义和团起义...宣布在其他国家的失礼Shintyou战争 North it is clear event … Association method violation and declaration of war to the foreign countries which are by the Qing Dynasty
事实上,最高法院监狱政治犯铃木Muneo先生,逮捕成员石川县,小泽先生肯定Borokuso叩至,并已被压迫人民的所有政治犯为代表的 Actually the Supreme Court commitment does Muneo Suzuki in the jail as a political offense, Assemblyman Ishikawa is arrested, hits Ozawa in [borokuso] with,
Representation of citizen is oppressed as everyone political offense
他们的军队,以燃料从煤转向石油,煤炭质量2级在日本,进口煤炭TTA的Kajifu补偿保费英国)是优势对面巡游TTA的这一点,二战战斗是针对美国 As for the fuel of the troop from the coal having converted to petroleum The quality of the Japanese coal they were 2 classes but importing the first class English kajihu charcoal it supplied This predominance turning conversely the World War II which becomes anti American game
(日本是英国的煤炭质量等级2,进口煤炭TTA的Kajifu补偿溢价)是这场战斗的优势是颠倒巡游TTA的国家是第二次世界大战对美国 The quality of the Japanese coal they were 2 classes but importing the first class English kajihu charcoal it supplied This predominance turning conversely the World War II which becomes anti American game
但我不喜欢Netouyo艾达,必须依靠移动或多或少他们做什么,这是不可能的,因为它会平衡的思想,这将是反中亲中,这就是为什么镇静剂避难天堂,并采取及时你们,我这将是观望 嘿,但在国外,请取出咬见境无好,如澳大利亚,俄罗斯和法国,美国,我跳过它我将和你们不同我Netouyo啊仲良确保每个人都做我生活 As for we we dislike netouyo But if the person becomes large and becomes small and does not depend on some muvu Balance of mind probably will not come off Therefore it probably is in the counter but it probably is in the parent but Therefore that has been converted to your spiritual stabilities We have decided to calmly watch… So in America and France and Russia even in Australia and the like There is no distinction and 噛 see in the foreign country and stop the fact that it is attached … We everyone did chummily different from your netouyo started and smiled…
如果单独留在家中,而驾车从叶德娴茹肯定见境无 NULL
低学历,低收入,失业,Kikomori论点,侮辱和虐待不是逻辑片段,但处置左翼线 It is low, the denunciation where educational background, earnings and inoccupation, it pulls low and is confined, is not either the logical characteristic fragment insult, is the throwing away speech left flank
可怜的鸦片战争是卖毒品的英国贸易赤字 As for opium war England which sells the drug for trade deficit cancellation is bad
嘿,我为了从中国共产党的党现在有一些免费的853 853 When there is something China which demonstration is done immediately Therefore Japan Communist Party order well
133的话,我又回到了共产党还在 NULL
国家运动是一个先决条件截断我Netouyo Those where [netouyo] is truncated are essential condition of national motion
在一个字地说:“你最好别犯傻不必要的,不只是原始的结果,甚至一些愚蠢的白痴”是什么意思 When you express in one word “The fool the one which excessive thing is not done is good whatever fool doing only the foolish result you bear” tsu lever and kana
null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
在日本和中国,因为有一个中国的人口差异,如果有1000个临时示范单位在这个意义上,在日本相当于大约100人示威。临时在日本每千如果在中国的抗议示威活动,示范单位的感觉,相当于10000人。 In Japan and China because there is a difference in population when in the Chinese country there is a demonstration of 1000 human units temporarily in the feeling in Japan it is suitable to the demonstration 100 When there is a demonstration of 1000 human units temporarily in the Japanese country in the feeling in China it is suitable to the demonstration of 10000 units
正如我一定会抓住这一真理,是所有美国暂时的,那么怎么办?? America has grasped temporarily entirely assuming that is true therefore how margin
在谈到如何! ?瓦特 NULL
左边是一个自我毁灭的可能导致公众的舆论,不排除在公共叛逃,不知道傲慢的白痴 Because left flank being arrogant it did not remove the fool of ignorant of the world causing the estrangement of public sentiment self destruction it is intimate
如果它恶化中日关系日益自毁他自己 NULL
我不喜欢自卫队之间的权力差异,我被解雇的中国将领瓦特 _NULL_
我们立即打出来的政策支持梅鲁要求对富人的负担和确切数量,更喜欢大 If concrete amount and the policy of calculating burden from wealthy layer are set forth support spreads
我想如果这是一个小530 530 As for that you think how just a little
我有11月6日大游行在健全一套,388日々矢野 388
There is a large-scale demonstration of Hibiya field sound gathering on November 6th
我有一双大大声吵闹Gishi街宣驱动器出现在右机翼刚刚在日本 As if resident right wing here being agitated by the town declaration car
It is noisy, but it is
我要让他们知道我有一种奇怪的方式我不知道为什么这么多的焦虑煽TTA的,但温家宝也 NULL
你在等待,挑起反华的国家决策,因为一只手的不信任逆转奥巴马 NULL
我说,如果你问Netouyo,说这将让我有被纳入历史自虐查看洗脑还包括自卫队向我 If you make say to [netouyo], including also Self-Defense Official, we probably would like to say, that it is brainwashed in our 虐 view of history, but
所谓的慰安妇问题,南京大屠杀的运动,你的论点积累重量我精心制作,一个左翼假屁股逆转 With generally known victory girl problem, with the Nanjing holocaust campaign, the accumulation of fine demonstration, pierced the fabrication the left flank and destroyed
接下来的演示带来了大规模的抗议活动Minsyutou塑料垃圾 With next demonstration you carry protest pura to the Democratic party mass rubbish
一些党切断民主的撤退,因为585 585 Is in order to cut off the retreat of the Democratic party
支那服装,旁边支那,中国将不转换输入法在日本无论如何是不正常的 The support 那 clothes support 那 side the support 那 cannot convert with IME and in any case Japan is abnormal
日本 我是一个新的移民法已经石原慎太郎是说我们也应该提高反应在法律研究员制度Kattara例如欢迎移民到了大量的时间非常有限的众议员新的,而不是在(Hinshuku)皱着眉头,甚至购买了TTA的 Sintarou Ishihara New immigration method You said that I when Assemblyman age you apply should service the system which receives immigration substantially even legally but The reaction inside the companion quite is scanty that rather than saying you grimaced and 蹙 verged and the yu ku even it was something which is bought
石原慎太郎,一个10岁的年轻Kattara(如果)他们没有想到,但总督桥本 When Sintarou Ishihara 10 years old is young If Being only expectation in the governor under the bridge
日本信用保证Mamama人,谁死了,我们真希望...妨碍司法公正罪名,而不是中国的队长,他会杀了人的罪 The sea preservation person… dying in harness with [mamama] and [maji], the [re] instead of… Chinese captain… official business execution disturbance crime, shooting
The [ze] which is human crime
日本更是更好地公开感谢菅原(以及后来的丰臣秀吉) The Japanese more the person who appreciates Sugawara road truly publicly is good even in Hidekiti rear Toyotomi
昂山素季或波龙福晃(发言流量)或 [aunsan] [suchi] or Liu dawn wave ([ri] [yu] [u] The [gi] [yo] [u] is)
最糟糕的御堂筋ーー特克请这样做-例如,我们ーーー做你车列塔ーー大罂粟配乐 _NULL_
武警部队是在一个兰州数量动员,请关闭一小时后举行的演示 The many armament police unit was mobilized even in Lanzhou, they were nearly 1 hours and it stopped demonstration
石原慎太郎据说Tteta我对同几个听到来自政府 Sintarou Ishihara, says that you inquired about the same thing from several people of government source,
而在近代,他们征服支那的国家,他们是吞噬的立场,日本固定的DO不想让自己感到整体而言,中国(和韩国)和历代,没有准 As for and today as for those countries is conquered by the support 那 the 併 is 呑 putting As for the air which becomes the servant completely as for Japan which is not support 那 with Korea you did not associate with the successive royal court
因为刚刚与TTA的情况下作为一个主人,不可阻挡 Because it just associated it makes the servant it does not accumulate
蜡创建民兵捍卫家园 Militia organizational homeland defensive party probably will be made
该国北部山区已成为一个临时的孤儿近400名游客肯定,但救援工作仍在继续的Kera With mountain zone of the same national north section 400
The close sightseer became temporary isolation state, but rescue activity is continued
转移Emashita有中国,日本示威反,因为他们似乎都不知道有反华示威 Because being demonstration in the counter knowledge and others it was improbable The fact that it has the demonstration in the counter was conveyed even in Japan
2000年来到中国人民示威455例反俄巴 455 For example we assume that 2000 people it came in demonstration in the counter
Geru坐在政府重,这是我唯一要继续我们的例子中演示的人抱怨 NULL
不只是示威,抗议甚至更多,不要让 There is no just demonstration and the te protests more and more you cannot permit
反中国示威Shatsugetto的Tw NULL
在三月牛或字传输批评Waru When you criticize that it is transmitted with demonstration march you say and
我试图证明,没有政府做一些事情吨 NULL
无损检测周围的中国大使馆采取a ll有一个即时的效果只是 Surrounding the Chinese embassy demonstration you just do with yell Therefore effective immediate what
转移Emashita有中国,日本示威反,因为他们似乎都不知道有反华示威 Because being demonstration in the counter knowledge and others it was improbable The fact that it has the demonstration in the counter was conveyed even in Japan
那么,亚太经合组织颜射政权,而不是蚊蚋飞 Instead of the sled [ya], APEC the administration [bu] [tsu] it flies
霸权的发展中国家,中国里德逝我 As for developing country and China of hegemonism 逝 [tsu] [te] reed
顶峰。冲突“时,发现子弹在赤塔秋季入海巡逻艇船员,委员在内存中船舶碰撞 ”石原慎太郎是一个电视节目,“随便听”5★曝光 lt 尖 Collision gt “When the patrol boat crew member with the bounce falls to the sea the Chinese fishing boat member pierced with mori ” capital Governor… Ishihara with TV program “仄 hearing” disclosure 5
顶峰。冲突“时,发现子弹在赤塔秋季入海巡逻艇船员,委员在内存中船舶碰撞 ”石原慎太郎是一个电视节目,“随便听”5★曝光 lt 尖 Collision gt “When the patrol boat crew member with the bounce falls to the sea the Chinese fishing boat member pierced with mori ” capital Governor… Ishihara with TV program “仄 hearing” disclosure 5
顶峰。冲突“时,发现子弹在赤塔秋季入海巡逻艇船员,委员在内存中船舶碰撞 ”石原慎太郎是一个电视节目,“随便听”5★曝光 lt 尖 Collision gt “When the patrol boat crew member with the bounce falls to the sea the Chinese fishing boat member pierced with mori ” capital Governor… Ishihara with TV program “仄 hearing” disclosure 5
顺便说一下,今天谴责控方起诉审判你有赎回的路线,知道,从新闻自由的压迫这些人摆脱困境的起诉?双通道在日本尖阁列岛,连我都注意到你解除了,但不要忽视这一切吗?明天有可能进一步计划提交一份抗议声明,要求董事会秘书处东京地方法院检察第五次会议在东京,支持小泽Itirou By the way does this day impeaches investigation investigation making clear inform that the demonstration and the like which relieves the citizen from the oppression by the investigation mass communications was done Even at the 尖 official building in Japan being able to have with 2ch picking up it increases but this because it is all disregard Furthermore tomorrow the schedule which submits the protest sentence declaration sentence questionnaire probably will provide to Tokyo 5th inquest of prosecution meeting executive office where the meeting which supports Ichiro Ozawa is Tokyo district court is
骑士画了一个镜头,并立即开始了中共党和Tamogami The one-on-one contest with Tamogami and the Chinese Communist Party started
高校学生展示 中国,批评了去年中国共产党的政府! “你是贫富差距的无一大堆开车!愚蠢共产党和中国总理温家宝的!”,“支持一方诺埃。” 我画的开端,是可怕的情景! ! Chinese Oobu demonstration finally large criticism the Chinese Japan Communist Party government “There is no difference of wealth and poverty or The Chinese Japan Communist Party doaho of warm heirloom ” “A party support Opposition ” Also China fearing started
高校学生展示 中国,批评了去年中国共产党的政府! “你是贫富差距的无一大堆开车!愚蠢共产党和中国总理温家宝的!”,“支持一方诺埃。” 我画的开端,是可怕的情景! ! Chinese Oobu demonstration finally large criticism the Chinese Japan Communist Party government “There is no difference of wealth and poverty or The Chinese Japan Communist Party doaho of warm heirloom ” “A party support Opposition ” Also China fearing started
龙福晃波有与达赖喇嘛的诺贝尔和平奖 _NULL_
(支那日本脆弱的除外),以确保其自己的燃料和其他国家的资源,日本,美国通过。从干扰的能力,保护石材无障碍沟通,二)在未来新的困难(世界战争中的失败使 As for the Japanese vulnerability above support 那 Japan being personally owned to guarantee the fuel sources at the same time American other countries From disturbance The protection ri there is no ability to be able to pass and in the future it is difficult therefore in the World War II defeat
目前还不清楚是否是我想要做的反支那的意思 Whether how we would like to do counter support 那 tsu te what therefore semantic obscurity
(支那日本脆弱的除外),以确保其自己的燃料和其他国家的资源,日本,美国通过。从干扰的能力,保护石材无障碍沟通,二)在未来新的困难(世界战争中的失败使 As for the Japanese vulnerability above support 那 Japan being personally owned to guarantee the fuel sources at the same time American other countries From disturbance The protection ri there is no ability to be able to pass and in the future it is difficult therefore in the World War II defeat