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900,000,000 Yen which appears!! Net income 670,000,000 Yen! Search the person where influence becomes good in net “Yamaguchi prefecture!” “It searches!”


  • 指数及股息应纳税温达珍惜差异
    > As for dividends taxation object It is different from the lottery, it is the shelf

    • 1 56 3 00亿平均寿命除了程Rashii薪水,我会定得低了交易时间,因为税收和养老金和保险Kareru这里 156 gt Average life allowance seems about 300 000 000 Furthermore tax and annuity and insurance are pulled from here it is the ze which is Room it passes
      • 1 56 3 00亿平均寿命除了程Rashii薪水,我会定得低了交易时间,因为税收和养老金和保险Kareru这里 156 gt Average life allowance seems about 300 000 000 Furthermore tax and annuity and insurance are pulled from here it is the ze which is Room it passes
      • 它也是从税收免税通过一种特殊的根部※ Because the special route it passes also tax is tax free

    • 13 14( C )的 13 14 ha
      • 因为你已经331年 331 Therefore fish year…
      • 有点像一个六百零八瓦特 608 Something calling w
      • 约有72亿人有权利 NULL
      • 给我一个人呆着,做1周 1 Relieved being and w
      • 超过11缤纷Gidaro 11 The ro which is playing too much
      • ( ·Ω·)一 Ω � � � � �

    • 300000000 350000000向我周五更换电力或电信公司(KDDI公司日本NTT)的股票,其余的银行
      To exchange 300,000,000 to the gold, dissolving As for 3.5 hundred million electrical or communication company (NTT KDDI) In stocks As for remainder bank

      • 798 如果600万元,购买2 0亿股,其中烧毁上升 798 If gt 600 000 000 the stocks which among 200 000 000 them finish to go down are bought
        • 如果6 0亿收购200000000股,其中,烧毁了上升 If 600 000 000 the stocks which among 200 000 000 them finish to go down are bought
        • 我并不需要操作一个6 0亿 600 000 000 It is not necessary to use

      • 9000万日元的收入税,税收明年会到300万日元,6,000日元奇怪的国民健康保险
        In income tax 90,000,000 Yen and inhabitant tax 300,000,000 Yen of next year, national health insurance charge about 60,000,000 Yen oak and others

        • 962是的,222进行的犯罪。勒索罪
          962 To be, out Criminal law 222. Threat crime

          • Rubeshi我睡7小时20分钟才能转化为维生素A浴
            The vitamin taking, 20 minute baths entering, 7 hours should sleep

            • Tteru买多多被调整到一个随机的,不是他们需要的分钟万拉超过1000万次点击大,我应该出价过高toto3 BIG1息负债表,概率投诉 3,只有数字很好,大铁为什么指定买什么无法理解 As for toto adjusting random buying the ru Hundred million something it does not need because 10 000 000 or more it should have hit big to be unit cost too high With BIG1 toto3 either probability 1 3 in the number of draws does not become even dissatisfied the griddle designated possibility Why whether BIG you buy understanding failure

              • “人”,并表示对U型“梦想”的一条腿去的性格 It tries every single the letter and “the dream ” letter “person” adding

                • “甚至想象,事实上膨胀后的扩展,但我越来越舒服,它完全背离 ” With imagining Actually when it increased it increased becoming comfortable but the ru it is it is not left over completely

                  • 一个人类智慧的残留物...唉,什么样的武器
                    The mankind it left, 叡 Satoshi's one… well, the weapon?

                    • 一些球迷“可以取消数百分之一至约300亿到它的舒适性 Because a certain fan about 6 000 000 enters “even with the 1 number can be cancelled easily up to 300 times
                      • 你可以从居住舒适度约600万1个百分点 Because about 6 000 000 it enters even with the 1 it can live easily

                    • 不要买一单站比赛连续三个洞投注于真实故事的比赛日期为狙井诞生了,出生Ttetara购买日期投注,如果有一件事万日元的数字53 True story With the race lace which with horse racing with the hole aim does not buy three connected single betting tickets with birthday date the birthday date betting ticket buying 1 times it has transformed into the cod and 530 000 Yen
                      • 购买单一投注Ttara故事三胞胎出生日期在洞的比赛真井狙一个数字它有一个五千三百点○○万日元 True story With the race lace which with horse racing with the hole aim does not buy three connected single betting tickets with birthday date the birthday date betting ticket buying 1 times it has transformed into the cod and 530 000 Yen

                    • 人民有充分的理由和实际权力的故事土屋丰富的色调寻找安慰臭愚蠢的说教其中w分钟神奇哦其实我也已经渗透但这些从成立我不要太多 When the preachment here you look at ill smelling purport truly are convenient to the rich person and the person in power the story whose The wa which understands whether it has filtered into the populace w Well because really as for the fool it is many however it probably means that such consolation is formed
                      • 人们不会来,即使流动是永远富不紧税收奇诺696 696 Unless it makes the rich tax system hard Passing how long it does not flow to the populace

                    • 什么,我不知道这之间的银行或税务机关泄露个人信息的种
                      Such riding, private information it probably will leak from relationship of the bank or the tax office?

                      • 今天上午,我和爸爸谈谈适当情况下,我采访了车我90 0亿Atattara唉如何使用播放可爱的偶像,我终于跟我说话一案计划增加资本或各项战斗在路上,他们使用了www When today early morning my 900 000 000 Yen it hits the car discussing the tsu te story which how is used properly You play as for me when it increases that to finances discussing various plan Www which quarrels finally with use
                        • 六点〇亿日元在手,跳上了火车,所以我必须包括舞蹈再见 When it makes 600 000 000 Yen hand it dances and deviates and flies to the streetcar and 込 is it may be

                      • 他煽Tta m怎么办,如果在事件可疑死亡
                        The person whom it fans when it does even with 10,001 strange death, is intention what which how is done

                        • 会受到诱惑,观看这些高收入纳税人,人们在名单上瓦特
                          When the populace is recorded before the large amount taxpayer list, the [ru] which is tempted and sows w

                          • 但自行车是什么,我会被征税乐图
                            So, [chiyari] LOTO to impose a tax, [chi] [ya] [u]?

                            • 你错过了凯林赛比赛官员和经文中的贪污Reyo亿万采取更多的税
                              More, tax you take, The [ro] which [sutsu] it is the government employee scratched several hundred million which usurp in the competition wheel regatta and is

                              • 元不仅是右后卫出来自动存入银行乐天乐天从银行各地我Chariroto我在前面238 238 Therefore before that what by way of the chiyariroto tsu te all optimistic bank It just is paid automatically in the optimistic bank the ro There is no element where the guard is present
                                • 例如,不仅不能买电子Chariroto至32? 32 You can buy with only chiyariroto te ibanku it is it is not

                              • 凯林赛赛车等,但临时收入0 5税收收入从临时收入total m适用于其他收入倍的钱,需要临时性质的收入通过正常的不同,永久开启我呼吁,征税的目的,总可爱日 Therefore the earnings of horse racing competition wheel etc occasional income 0 5 doubling other income totaling tariff you apply it is Because occasional income is different from the gold which enters literally chronically with temporary income Usually when sort totaling it imposes a tax the pitiful tsu te the gist which is said
                                • 所以我并不意味着更高的消费税,一做他们鄂鄂遣消费或口袋中的所有废物在其456政府官员? 456 How whether it goes out in bosom of the se bureaucracy therefore either one whether it goes out with squander of without the meaning of making high taxation don t you think

                              • 制定并不仅取决于门票的销售Monakarou山口山口居住的地方
                                Separately the car ticket counter with just Yamaguchi residence area Yamaguchi probably is not the case that it is decided

                                • 即使是090000万日元股息征税的税务人先下一年度居民收入税,纯收入预计只有约六万七点零零零万日元
                                  Though 900,000,000 Yen say, as for the dividends in the taxation object, in the man income tax and inhabitant tax of next year catching, As for net income the possibility that it reaches approximately 670,000,000 Yen

                                  • 即使是头脑冷静的人,我会有奇怪的流浪生活完全吸收Karezu亲戚,像宗教或者,转向后,这是捐赠四郎塔卡增加端到端的朋友,你只挂按招标Tekisou奇怪 Don t you think it becomes the being disgusted ya completely life strange The friend and the kindred increasing the hawk and others re so even with the not making merry calm person Rear contribution margin or the religion inserting strange inducement crashing is rivaled the shelf… which
                                    • 912这个E mail邀请同时,并没有唠叨鳕鱼 912 The not hitting te the inducement mail comes persistently

                                  • 另一方面。居民税条例草案只从任何新年的居住日绒毛排除不像竹中平藏
                                    Conversely. If the Takenaka flat warehouse just New Year's Day pulls out inhabitant vote likely, there is no claim of inhabitant tax from everywhere

                                    • 只要我们的较大的地段的唯一财富,这是人的死亡是一个女人只有从人教我们Etara爱人在两年前他们说,因为我得到很多访问 Although the lottery it is large that it hit it is it is the tsu te where one which is visited becomes many you say consist of When about 2 years ago you teach that it hit to just the lover don t you think one of the women who kill it was

                                      • 哦,我希望我们的人民被迫返回或迄今采取的巨额税款,并从彩票是不珍惜我希望我能提高相对鄂从未听过或见过这样的未来 Well because there is no lottery tax being taken That it is huge to here it cannot avoid declaring As for the person whom it applies the kindred either seeing from now on you have not heard increases it is probably will be…

                                        • 嘿,我希望我希望我会改变我的生活Waru Life it changes don t you think the e Calling It is good
                                          • 90我希望!我希望! 90 Calling Calling
                                          • 今年,该公司目前有充分的发言Memasu Temporarily the company stops this year being full

                                        • 因此,如果你没有在资产管理的信心,大约一半是在国内和国外安全,也许是最好的一个多元化投资ETF的?即使在通货膨胀和日本经济崩溃,生活一度无法 If with such a reason property there is no self confidence which is used as for about half in domestic ETF diversified investment safety the kana which is not Japan failing economically and or becoming hyper inflation once it can keep living and

                                          • 在此之后,你拍电影,世界青年男子的肩膀进入
                                            After, the movie it makes, or the shoulder inserts in Kurounin of the young man

                                            • 好了,邻里银行家说Tteru我们的智慧只有两三亿人,我Bareru Because the bank clerk talks well it is discovered in neighborhood 300 000 000 two people who hit knowing the ru

                                              • 将采取的税收,每年因为它是临时失业挤压Gappori直到他死的? Until this it dies temporarily assuming that it was unemployment state Every year with tax being taken squeezes and the tsu po ri keeps
                                                • 我没有工作,直到他们死去而不是11 11 die until the te it have work and

                                              • 山口人,大6亿元。当您捐赠奄美,并会突然成为名人
                                                This Yamaguchi person, 600,000,000 large. When it contributes to 奄 beauty, suddenly you become the famous person, probably will be

                                                • 我买了它根据世邮件,但很多点 However the mail point large quantity buying don t you think please prepare …
                                                  • 它提供了指向下世邮件,但很多 However don t you think the mail point please prepare many …

                                                • 我会同意它没有降低成本费用在网前的200 200 Shaving even in the cost which you spend to the net do selfishly

                                                  • 我会要我们鳕鱼9 0亿,罗马:来试一试,然后请你把你目前的计划TTA的他说,100亿元的乐趣,同时PacPac屁股发表阿迪 When we applies 900 000 000 meado releasing hole pakupaku of ketsu point Because funny thing 1 000 000 Yen present plan is held in the person who was said Your challenge margins

                                                    • 我喜欢通过电话供词证实了一彩票经营公司总裁冠军
                                                      That the president of the management company of the lottery verification telephoned to the successful candidate confessing, the shelf

                                                      • 我就买了100万股股票,生活感兴趣的电力公司,如果我离开100000000储备基金税,一半,一半的投资经费的做法
                                                        If we tax and 100,000,000 leaving, electric power company stocks buying, the [wa] which is interest life As for 100,000,000 half reserve fund, practice fund of half investment

                                                        • 我想象什么是正常的生活奢侈Giteruttekotonanoka 816石塑囧我每天都很累 816 Some normal living it is imaginative is … orz Handle usual we being extravagant too much being with the ru tsu lever
                                                          • 惟,没奖金,但不能从丰富的,,, However because there is no either bonus luxury is not possible but

                                                        • 我明白,如果有人需要一个最终的回报,因为税收的人

                                                          • 我用12个高收入纳税人已处理的名称和释放
                                                            12 Because former times as for the large amount taxpayer address name was published, don't you think?

                                                            • 我等待行程835愚蠢的决定,成为daily m高兴你伸展你的翅膀,正是因为我有一个艰难的一天 835 Because there is travelling no Tetsu leprosy every day very there is a happiness which extends the feather it is When that becomes every day it is trivial being decided terribly the ru
                                                              • 好不好835 835 The sled ya which is useless

                                                            • 据私人信贷研究机构,松冈是在资本5000万日元,为今年一月份结束的财四千九百六十零万点零万日元年净销售额
                                                              According to the private credit investigation agency, Matsuoka Capital 50,000,000 Yen, period the gross sales of the January this year balancing of accounts 49,600,000,000 Yen

                                                              • 排名前纳税人损伤,如果出版,成为山口第二,但名字被揭发
                                                                If the large amount taxpayer official ranking list in professional sumo wound, it is open, with Yamaguchi Reaching 2 rank, although name was discovered,…

                                                                • 无损检测我有一个贷款对金肯辉甚至懒得回家,或进入按揭只是希望使登记册
                                                                  Although the house there is a thing gold which is built, uniting loan specially, You insert the mortgage just in order to show to the register book

                                                                  • 是上班族,次年居民税扣缴工资或减百万...
                                                                    When it is the office worker, as for the following year inhabitant tax of hundred million units being deducted, Is salary 0?…

                                                                    • 是什么让我的眼泪的人,但昂贵的宝赌博的地段?什么是罚款数额为600万美元,但稍微有太多人使用一个统一但我只有一个解决方案之间的业务Tsukkondara体面 The large amount lottery the straw raincoat manual book you give even with gamble it is When so 600 000 000 tsu te delicate amount shelf approximately it thrusts to business oh with while saying it may dissolve it puts out You use alone in various ways the sensitivity

                                                                      • 杆诚家银行还希望在该国的朋友,如果当选,是昂贵的城市,搬到另一第一名的居住地 The house as for the person the bank and the trust gold like the acquaintance with countryside Large amount when it is elected inhabitant vote will be moved to the city and the like of another place first
                                                                        • 我也有钱,以及他们用这笔钱氖纹太国家代码 The gold having don t you think the te do countryside passing use of the gold it is

                                                                      • 津乐参数应该是一种娱乐,而谋杀的发生是因为彩票珍惜 Lottery with cause murder case There are also times when it occurs and The shelf which should move

                                                                        • 然而,东方省和投票的网,因为大多数人都没有赌徒西方赛车场是合理的,这里有后湖公民鄂熟悉美浓自行车赛和赛车,我认为是如此疯狂的有关DQN由于书房,血腥谋杀创新张茹筌约我今天或明天他们来买奔驰AMG瓦特 Because poll with the net say the prefectural east as for the western human there is no competition wheel place Most gamblers regatta are absorption automatically So when you think Hofu citizen te it is applied to have familiarity in the competition wheel Because here is the hideout of DQN today around tomorrow with yanase at the time of the Hari tsu the ya It comes to the AMG Benz buying w
                                                                          • 216 DQN确实很多,但今天的AMG昨天的突然袭击筌是不对的我会照Pokan wwww现在有空吗?双手插在没有工作的心情,我想我瓦特 216 As expected the ro wwww which charging to yanase suddenly at today of yesterday is not AMG with a lot of DQN and is Don t you think now it has made pokan When it is we w which you think that either work is not attached to the hand

                                                                        • 现在,来自美国的强势日元。有关一十亿买例子吗?再见,NTT公司宏靖电力公司,但你只买股票和创新?
                                                                          Therefore now increase in yen value, the United States. If about 100,000,000 you buy? After don't you think? if the buying [tsu] it solves even with NTT stocks and electric power company stocks, peace?

                                                                          • 给我单独或遣Reyoーーーーーーーーーー,他们使用壹岐一些我ーーーー0900000000 which is 900 000 000 Yen tsu te how much Or which it can consume Relieved being send
                                                                            • ーーーー但如果能够用于从壹岐几个Iーー0900000000 It is 900 000 000 Yen tsu te how much It can consume kana

                                                                          • 网络宗教权利银行家Bareru 75
                                                                            75 It is discovered immediately with religion network of the bank clerk

                                                                            • 羡更好了 谁当选,祝贺( ω ) Be too enviable………… The person who is elected you question with the me the Ω
                                                                              • 自从他被选为停止在封闭的链接博客的日常工作(店垫) Because it was elected it stopped burogu main business the tatami mat store to closed also link

                                                                            • 而备受关注,因为赛马的股息税应税收入,而这仅仅是工资税办公室技术“知道”Madashimo收入他们是自由的,他们会买一辆汽车,加快建设的房子匙或者,我很清楚,在证券,并大量投资突然
                                                                              1 Old woman heart, because as for the dividends of horse racing the taxation object of income tax therefore, the [chi] it is as for per [ke] there is no “technology of income grasp” in the tax office, rather, when you build the house and/or being flat, the fast car you buy, the huge securities invest suddenly it is grasped

                                                                              • 赤塔下降到贪婪,甚至是中国平均美浓日本人吗?
                                                                                Also did the Japanese fall to the Chinese average worshiping gold principle?

                                                                                • 这是本州最南部的山口县称为农村,高收入的纳税人将很容易到达巴利
                                                                                  When it is most Nisibata's of the main island, Yamaguchi countryside prefecture, the large amount taxpayer probably will put away the [bare] [te] simply

                                                                                  • 通字是没有发现400万美元的罚款十月有罪,证实 It was sentenced the conviction of fine 4 000 000 Yen in October decided
                                                                                    • 作为一个公司的公司罚款4亿日元(requests 注册商标) As for the same company as a corporate body fine 4 000 000 Yen seeking Same

                                                                                  • 静静地生活在喧嚣的都市喧嚣
                                                                                    We would like to live quietly with bustle of the city

                                                                                    • 麻烦的Eyo 844?多焦皮下脓肿,但我,我是削减另外300分以上的湿重
                                                                                      844 The [me] it is [do] habit to obtain? But as for we abscess under the skin occurring frequently characteristic The [wa] ww which 300 places or more is incised already

                                                                                      研究 開発