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菅 Also secretariat Director comment denial 仙 valley Yosito regarding Prime Minister and assistant selection Naoto produced to sink silence in the same way, “it escapes, 菅” administration and the product sutra newspaper


  • 的总理,亚太经合组织梅鲁总统事务部(横滨亚太经合组织)外交和甲酸稼点,政府旨在提高
    > The prime minister the Asia Pacific economic cooperative meeting which serves chairman country (Yokohama APEC) and the like makes score in the diplomacy aspect, aims for administration floating

    • 528我说这样的事情,正确的按摩Monai呢?唯一的负面民主党在市政补选上院在这TTA的胜利 NULL
      • 上议院也是第一次进行的,因为我最终赢得了第二杯,甚至是在下届大选中多数是不可能的 In the first place because House of Councillors the last time has won the eye all the way majority is unreasonable even with the following election

    • 589战国简卑鄙小人的权利
      589 菅 With as for the 仙 valley the [ro] which is the atrocious person

      • 669 所有村庄后,即使在城镇和鲜为人知,因为它是前官僚 669 gt After all there being a degree of distinction therefore as for town village bureaucratic graduate
        • 所有631之后,即使在不太知名的城镇和村庄,因为它是前官僚 631 After all there being a degree of distinction therefore as for town village bureaucratic graduate

      • 694为什么“职业官僚” 等 694 Why the “carrier bureaucracy” Et three REPT no It is dense it is person what which has enormous hostility that w With difficult something we have decided to finish with kopipe w
        • 694为什么“职业官僚”,这个家伙,我将有很大的敌意,它(瓦特恩戴繁琐复制和粘贴得到该(宽 694 Why in the “carrier bureaucracy” it is person what which has enormous hostility that w With difficult something we have decided to finish with kopipe w
        • “ ヽ家伙等三种氨基 ” Et three REPT no It is dense the original bureaucracy laughing

      • 75第BS - TBS电视台早在比例选举制度,在战胜贫困的人可以在该选区是谁!我是说,选举制度的缺陷和

        • Iruyan或者被指责的,所以媒体和自民党615 615 Therefore It is criticized from the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and it is
          • Iruyan或者被指责的,所以媒体和自民党616 616 Therefore It is criticized from the mass communications and the Liberal Democratic Party and it is
          • 充分Arieru Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu 615(宽 615 The u u u u u u u u u u u u u u which can be sufficiently w
          • 就是这样,因为它不是什么或如何将子敏Minsyu There is no story which our people melt and say how democracy how

        • Kiritsu收到大家打气
          It received the scolding encouragement of everyone [kiritsu

          • Sayoku你的艺术宫,Uchigebamanse!
            Specialty of [sayoku], domestic violent affairs man Say!

            • Tv dee cc jlab丸 秒 maru1287932781018:。TTP的JPG格式 tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin目录 jlab 的DAT 秒 713464:。TTP的JPG格式 uploda。电视 jlab 直播 的K S live1287932852408 TTP的。JPG格式TTP的: tv2ch com jlab 10 秒 :10s275293。JPG格式 市场uploader com 新 型钢 1287932944236。 JPG格式TTP的: 马岛0 2 ch at 秒 news2ch101178。JPG格式 tv dee cc jlab maru s maru1287932781018 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 713464 jpg ttp uploda tv jlab live k s live1287932852408 jpg ttp tv2ch com jlab 10s s 10s275293 jpg ttp market uploader com neo src 1287932944236 jpg ttp tsushima 2ch at s news2ch101178 jpg
              • “ ヽ等三种氨基 ” Et three REPT no ttp tv dee cc jlab maru s maru1287932781018 jpg ttp tvde web infoseek co jp cgi bin jlab dat s 713464 jpg ttp uploda tv jlab live k s live1287932852408 jpg ttp tv2ch com jlab 10s s 10s275293 jpg ttp market uploader com neo src 1287932944236 jpg ttp tsushima 2ch at s news2ch101178 jpg

            • Www kantei go jp 日本 iken html好,大家好! ! Zimintou TTP的: www jimin jp 济民 goiken index html的我们认为有更有效的,如果许多Kerya www kantei go jp jp iken html a everyone The Liberal Democratic Party ttp www jimin jp jimin goiken index html You think that number are the multi ke ri ya many extent effects
              • TTP的: www kantei go jp 日本 iken html好,大家好! ! Zimintou TTP的: www jimin jp 济民 goiken index html的我们认为有更有效的,如果许多Kerya ttp www kantei go jp jp iken html a everyone The Liberal Democratic Party ttp www jimin jp jimin goiken index html You think that number are the multi ke ri ya many extent effects

            • ⌒( 人 )⌒ ┃ ┃ ヽ┃¯ ┃ :。∴〜·:,° :°, ┃ヽ )一 ∴·∴° °〜°:,∴° ┃(::)(::)∴° ° °〜ヽ ┃ )∴° °:°〜 ┃ ( )0┗ u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d┛0 u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d u003d ♪丁 三3 333 333 333 333 333 333 │0 ∞∞∞ :: ∞∞研究所∞∞ :: ∞∞∞ :: 0 二 :: :: ━━━━┏ ⌒ human ⌒ 92 ┃ ┃ ┃ REPT ¯ ┃ 92 THEFR MARU MARU ┃ THEFR ゜゜ THEFR MARU THEFR ┃ REPT ゜゜ THEFR MARU ┃ ゜゜ THEFR MARU ┃ ┗ 0 0 ┛ 92 chin ♪ 33 333 339 865 424 592 896 92 0 │ XXINF XXINF XXINF XXINF XXINF Rice field rice field XXINF XXINF XXINF XXINF XXINF 0 Two ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ l Two ○ ○ □ │ ┌ ┬ ┐ ┃ 仙 valley 92 ┃ ┌ ┬ ┐ □ ○ ○ II iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii three ├ ┼ ┤ ┃ ∧ ∧ ┃ ├ ┼ ┤ three il iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii i ○ ○ └ ┴ ┘ ┃ ∀ REPT ┃ └ ┴ ┘ ○ ○ II iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii li ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┃ ┃ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ li iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii l ○ iiii ○ ┣ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┫ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┣ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┳ ┫ ○ iiii ○ II iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii l ○ ∫ ∬ ∫ ∬ ○ II iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii li 0 iiiii III II iiii 0 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ○ ○ ○ ○
              • NULL NULL
              • 战国无可奉告 No comment 仙 valley

            • 不分男女老幼,上台导致暴民统治的民主或独裁 Ancient and modern east west the fact that group of people folly is led was dictatorial power or democratization power
              • 375意识纠正一个独裁,我很 375 That dictatorship you questioned and bore in correct sense

            • 不必将派出以每前田朝圣者辞职不足以结束这一年?邮寄至任何图谋再次育成迦巴,辞职于明年年底
              Pilgrim resigning on about year end, you are supported it is it is not around Maeda? So, again even in the domestic violent affairs strategy mail the [hame] and others [re] [te], resignation to the next year end

              • 不称职的习惯,自我扩张,我会为这个从特许权的缰绳
                Disabled lose doing, because power is controlled self revelation desire and because of right, it becomes like this, it is

                • 与此同时,总理,亚太经合组织梅鲁院长事务(横滨亚太经合组织)外交和甲酸稼点,政府旨在提高
                  On the one hand, the prime minister the Asia Pacific economic cooperative meeting which serves chairman country (Yokohama APEC) and the like diplomacy Score is made in the surface, for administration floating aims

                  • 主席町村信孝十拿九稳自民党国会议员之前,Hokkaidou辞去选举“五区北海道”政治与金钱选举5众议院区通过适当的一个问题是一定要成为自民党选出先生孝诚城镇和村庄Mashita Our people town village person this definite Hokkaido 5 Ku assistant selection The Assemblyman before the Democratic party as for the House of Representatives Hokkaido 5 Ku which accompanies resigning with problem “of politics and the gold” by election the Liberal Democratic Party town Village Nobutaka became election secure
                    • 小林逮捕来到赢得631在去年十月以违反选举如果我不是愿意辞职 631 If there is no air which wins Kobayashi has resigned at the point in time when in October of last year the arrest person is present with election violation

                  • 今天的投票率在百分之39的选举是338左右Minsyu
                    338 As for poll ratio with present election democracy about 39% shelf

                    • 但在当时,律师资格考试 是毕业于东京大学,战国通过在学校,中途辍学的东京大学,谷垣祯一在学校不能通过毕业时的延迟一个松散的解释 Because so at that time administration of justice test gt it was Tokyo University soldier finishing As for the 仙 valley which passes while attending leaving Tokyo University As for Tanigaki whom it cannot pass while attending Slippery also the interpretation that is possible graduation was late

                      • 但我现在想什么,他们成为一个主要的,你好吗?周一我是一个主要的竞选小泽 Never by your became measure that with you think Selection of measure all together it is it is election what of Ozawa s

                        • 但是,看看下一步是什么 有人吗? W是不是空的 So as for the following face… someone being No one is w which is not
                          • 像这样的中国的大客户是委任制提供? aka is there this kind of appointment system favorite in China

                        • 冈田克也秘书长,头24日,在德岛县小松Itizima“预算是很重要的
                          As for Secretary General Katuya Okada on the 24th, prefecture Komatsu Tokushima “Supplementary budget is very important in island city

                          • 匿名候选人,如果民主党赢得这一次我真的最好不要只是站在仍然派出候选人票之差和辞职寻找未知目无胜小林30 000立即举行选举舞弊在民主投票 The Democratic party being serious if the air which wins Just it does not raise nameless candidacy it is mashi This time the Democratic party With Kobayashi s election violation by election of Assemblyman resignation There is no chance with seeing Nameless candidacy was supported Even then as for vote difference 30 000 vote
                            • 730不一定匹配“Mainitishinbun”所以像傻瓜w是在这个线程“9万张选票,但它确实很好地采纳了!”这不是只有更好书面或W 730 To the last therefore “everyday the newspaper” w Don t you think foolishly likely it is in this sure “you took with also 90 000 vote it is ” Just you do not write it is mashi w

                          • 又是一个领先指标,表示对政治局势的行踪后
                            That It is the leading indicator which shows the whereabouts of political situation after

                            • 双声道Netouyo自此成为讨厌Wareru From that netouyo reached the point where it is disliked with 2ch

                              • 反小泽势力旨在拉上窗帘提前举行议会出价

                                • 只有将上升到嘴子敏的负面惜 ,而且我列入民主党人仍继续被愚弄,因为这是唯一感到惊讶。什么最民主党人,北?系统或 Being defeated to our people regretfully the ri way… continuing to be this much deceived you insert in the Democratic party still and 込 are So it is with you were surprised Though democracy 党員 or north System

                                  • 可爱的偶像比选Zimintou沃勒塔句号自民党在政治经济核定预算
                                    The Liberal Democratic Party obstructing supplementary budget formation by all power The Japanese economy compared to political situation Liberal Democratic Party [warata] which is chosen

                                    • 哪里是行TTA的Uyorenko局长瓦特
                                      As for [uyorenko] general secretary w which goes to somewhere

                                      • 在选民投票率下降是民主的无声抗议,但
                                        As for decrease of poll ratio protest shelf of silence to democracy

                                        • 大企业是你Oshisusume科泰楚美国和工业产品自由化
                                          Way it does and recommends and as for [ru] it would like to gain with the freeing the United States and the manufactured products big business,

                                          • 她说,她发现我垫片,并没有什么关系瓦特存放最好不要停止当您想成为鸠山对小泽 However it starts sinking the tsu te says forming what or w As for the highest Ozawa Hatoyama Stopping when rising without being

                                            • 如果你注释掉或任何情况下奄美大选的主要受害者,但也
                                              But by-election something comment provide to also the Amami O-Shima sufferer, if the prime minister

                                              • 如果我试图想 出502(宽 中 502 It tried remembering w 92 92 92 In ⌒ ┃ mi ¯ before Three Being interwoven ru u r DREPT Shigeru 92 ┃ 彡 之 ¯ ¯ l l TY ⌒ ni ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 REPT” ¯ REPT ”
                                                • 398 , 中 NULL
                                                • 669 , 中 669 92 92 92 In ⌒ ┃ mi ¯ before Three Being interwoven ru u r DREPT Shigeru 92 ┃ 彡 之 ¯ ¯ l l TY ⌒ ni ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 REPT” ¯ REPT ”
                                                • 中 92 92 92 In ⌒ ┃ mi ¯ before Three Being interwoven ru u r DREPT Shigeru 92 ┃ 彡 之 ¯ ¯ l l TY ⌒ ni ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 REPT” ¯ REPT ”
                                                • 如果我试图想 出502(宽 中 502 It tried remembering w 92 92 92 In ⌒ ┃ mi ¯ before Three Being interwoven ru u r DREPT Shigeru 92 ┃ 彡 之 ¯ ¯ l l TY ⌒ ni ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 REPT” ¯ REPT ”

                                              • 子敏330未提交 选民在这方面,我有一个Minsyu 330 But this time even at non party layer our people gt democracy what
                                                • 420★★★←: 自主:2010 10 24(星期日)23:36:19编号:d6jwJAh 在补选前或在如此低的投票率不 lt 420 Non party 2010 10 24 day 23 36 19 ID d6jwJAh With assistant selection as for poll ratio being low it is natural

                                              • 它也被剥夺了选民的低投票率民主党政府不

                                                • 它使线我要奄美御见舞赶紧把狗屎菅
                                                  It is, [kuso] 菅 Quickly going to visit to Amami O-Shima, it is dense

                                                  • 废物大众媒体认为,他们仍然是受欢迎!也许我觉得Tteta? hetare二战日本人民的民主,我仔细观察,一个不称职的痛(☆∀☆) Believing reporting the mass rubbish by your still are the popularity person The tsu te you think kana ww As for the Japanese citizen hetare of the Democratic party the ku seeing the disabled tsu pu ri it increases ∀
                                                    • 毫无疑问,这是自战后最大的民主集体无能 Not to be wrong as for democracy the largest disabled group ever since postwar period

                                                  • 总理没有进入的(TPP)的官邸副部长曾在地区选举公告后24天的部长在首相伙伴关系协定仪式后,陆上自卫队的意见,并请太平洋战略经济开放组研究的光我们玩的时间表和
                                                    After the assistant selection notifying even one time constituency the prime minister who does not enter on the 24th, attends the review of Ground Self-Defense Force Pale e.g., after, the Cabinet ministers and pacific strategic economic cooperation agreement (TPP) study meeting is opened at the prime minister official residence, 々 and schedule were handled

                                                    • 我不要你是灾难性的,但迄今为止,选举与选举同时融化

                                                      • 我得说,傻的傻瓜,“看”请不要说这样的田原如何塞 (01月26日,2006“活到早晨电视”于)百白痴万元的总菅直人,民主党人在一个上午的电视直播,2006年1月,讨论了一亿总白痴 Ridiculous thing saying from the ru ” 菅 “Such an expression of Tahara please stop” …… From “to morning raw television” 2006 January 26th 100 000 000 entire idiotic conversion 菅 Naoto of the Democratic party in the raw television discussed to morning of 2006 January broadcast concerning 100 000 000 entire idiotic conversion

                                                        • 我现在的新公明党是自由选举的戏剧源结束后,NHK的大河
                                                          Komeito this time makes freedom election, passing, As for source NHK immediately after the big river drama ending

                                                          • 我花了909九百一十一瓦特美食 911 The accomplice w which you pass 909 Shelf
                                                            • 108无差异消费鄂权 108 Not to be wrong the ro which goes out and is
                                                            • 325嘿 我希望如此 325 … But should have been it is the e
                                                            • wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                            • wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                            • Wwwwwwwww屈辱屈辱囊囊wwwwwwwwwwwww The ku palm it is and the u wwwwwwwww ku palm is u wwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                            • 产经新闻wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Product sutra wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                                            • 啊啊啊啊啊啊二战工作放弃各种啊啊 Work abandonment ww The za well well well well well well well well well well
                                                            • 我认为这是不行的第三50?瓦特 50 3 rank it probably is useless what w
                                                            • 比如我增加了3万维网 3 Increasing ru www
                                                            • 津市8嘿!万维网 8 It is dense and others the tsu www

                                                          • 所以,一个在政治,经济政策党专政是农村家庭。中国是不是仇恨或在此之前奴役
                                                            Therefore, political with a party dictatorship, as for economic policy the farm village door. It is natural to dislike China of slave system,

                                                            • 提示287:设置100%的超低投票率和北方教育招生
                                                              287 Hint: Ultralow poll ratio and north teaching group 100% mobilization

                                                              • 无损检测我不知道这是因为它是在北海道的奶制品
                                                                Therefore Hokkaido of dairy farming zone it has been completed with this the [ro] which is

                                                                • 无知和人民群众的谴责无知的人很容易
                                                                  It is simple to denounce the thing of the foolish people foolish people and the public,

                                                                  • 是你在真正Minsyu在日本和其他地方右翼青睐
                                                                    As for democracy having supported already from intention left flank and the [ro] which is resident rank

                                                                    • 有些老师!我们最小的是绝望的叛徒在这里,政策的可能性铁路的背叛自己的国家的汹涌激流你多少钱?

                                                                      • 有没有意见没有意见的,Soresoresoresore,♪Yoiyoiyoiyoi
                                                                        Therefore no comment no comment [a], [soresoresoresore] and [yoiyoiyoiyoi] ♪

                                                                        • 民主“红雇佣军”是反对党自由民主党→,各方当然 As for “傭 soldier of crimson” of the Democratic party gt Naturally the Liberal Democratic Party of the opposition party the party of everyone
                                                                          • 当然,自民党,“雇佣军”胭脂派将写入叩像叶德娴 Naturally group in “the 傭 soldier like 媚 of crimson” is hit even at the Liberal Democratic Party

                                                                        • 民团674报纸文章和反民主的TTA的笑,直到它的W Choso说没有我说的完全一样,信徒喜欢Minsyu Choso瓦特 NULL

                                                                          • 河野龙福是364,公明党表统一地方选举中至少在与民主党联合政府的谈判,直到我无法忍受 364 When it is this flow Komeito at least to standardized local selection Becoming open the Democratic party and alliance conference is not possible
                                                                            • 任命一个初级赢得了党只有这样,才能帮助明年的统一地方选举,成为三弹性美图 gt Appointing the young man to party three part victory directs to the standardized local selection of next year probably becomes the bounce

                                                                          • 看看这次选举的结果,民主党众议院准备在下次选举失败
                                                                            Looking at this election result, the Democratic party was prepared next term Lower House election wipeout

                                                                            • 离开通缩560,太阳。其他法律改革,公务员制度改革的方向过滤后,熔化亲反对党议员的薪金,划分为 560 Deflation leaving day Legal reformation opposition government employee reformation backward you insert Assemblyman allowance day dividing opposition dissolving
                                                                              • 我们只是看着Ppoku 836,从来没有解决的法律或事实时,试图实施 836 That tsu po ku showing when it tries that with just the ru will execute really legal amendment it is not settled no matter what

                                                                            • 而我的看法是这样的一个人是有区别的荣格的U,我会说我一直在出售自己的国门,但生活 Don t you think so doing by his opinion the person who is different while chiyon and the treason tsu te calling it is intention what which keeps living
                                                                              • 以前的“叛徒!”大声洗澡或去九州 Previous “traitor ” The hoot above is poured probably will be

                                                                            • 而显示公司在该杂志上一篇文章在这所学校池“贫困”股会议。Asou“(在”家族企业麻生缺陷“ (新)也被拘留一个有缺陷的产品问题报告给现实无论如何,该公司10月30日举行了一天的新闻稿,去年发行的“缺陷和不认为例如,”他说已经削减TTA的 While showing the company internal data with this journal preceding issue “Stock meeting Aso” below ““even at Aso family enterprise small school pool inferior goods” poorness lt The actual condition of new defective product trouble was announced 拘 relation The same company opens interview on October 30th of the preceding issue sale day “the defective does not think” that you declared
                                                                              • 从试验阶段 增加两颗子弹传了出来 以认真的调查本杂志还报道了铁路运输系统!麻生家族企业“,也是在学校的游泳池有缺陷” 穷人(新)资料?同时 厚颜无耻分钟他们说什么 From experimental stage…… Also railroad transport mechanism embarked on real investigation in this journal reporting “Even at Aso family enterprise small school pool inferior goods” poorness lt New data procurement gt At all it is impudent opinion

                                                                            • 豪 LZ0bKO或倾斜这是真的 这是令人遗憾 NULL
                                                                              • 你好,是固体604编号:浩 LZ0bKO 604 Comparing that is ID ho LZ0bKO

                                                                            • 选民在选举中投票率是在与去年看齐,差异超过20,000票穿有+
                                                                              When it is poll ratio like the House of Representatives selection of last year, difference above + 20,000 vote being attached, it does with the [ru], the [yo

                                                                              • 隆悟Netouyo的415自由的451。标签卡,即使他将不得不打官僚叩Kishimen 451 415 So selfishly netouyo high study When the hitting bureaucracy it has done to hit label pasting in ru habit
                                                                                • 如何教育我希望我可以,给我在日本也做 Educational background how how from calling Japan is made vigorous

                                                                              • 顶四五五秒线从之前的最后一句我说,整建TTA的为 455 Second line you called last line from above vis a vis the whole it is
                                                                                • 四郎我可以说,结构调整还需要存储文本 In a word it is Bunya restructuring margin

                                                                              • :: ヽ 默认 L :。我ヾ升 ヾヽ 我:: 。l NULL
                                                                                • ° · 的电源按钮 。我 NULL
                                                                                • ::: ヽ 默认 L 我。我ヾ升 ヾヽ : :: l 。 REPT 92 to l i DREPT l REPT DREPT i l

                                                                              研究 開発