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Governor under bridge “from small time gamble. Please pass through the casino bill in order to designate all citizen as the gambler”


  • *您Tanioka Itirou赌博博彩协会主席我
    The [ro] which is Ichiro [tsu] [te] valley Oka chairman of gambling & gaming academic society

    • 551“您是否与政府财政是”不是none如果一个人没有经济劣势呢? 551 “In regard to the public finance of the prefecture as for ru ” Demerit there is no either one economically It is not
      • 不,我不反对缺点没有一个人到一个W在东京薯芋经济 NULL

    • Hashishita,我认为这是一个单元,如果W和开始泛滥Shitoru Under the bridge as for this that you think being how w In the first place pachi it inundates and takes and

      • W Warota赌场会作出有利于溃疡单元

        • _NULL_

          • “○││││”我的状态Pachonko元缔的警察,只有日本国民凯林赛赛车赌博治愈“。──────────────────└│商业赌博会元缔我我元缔国家将┘───────────────────是人民的杀

            • →爆发帮派竞争抑制→→关西警务我右轮,以确保穷人能够容易地进入赌场完成→→→平息暴乱计划的贫困地区的重建计划和纳鲁→艾日嗯府営赌场开始→847新来的地区艾日嗯

              • 不是说,留给赌场和马,所有弹弓停业我是江东 NULL
                • 到目前为止,以赶入韩国人的球并不好赌场合法化 NULL

              • 严峻的国际竞争境界的968胜立即断开需要的是一个经济教育和金融教育,你教,我怎么能得到所有的赌博不会辜无 968 Harsh international competition to attain victory economic education metallurgy molten education is necessary Method and the like of gamble as for the necessity to teach completely nothing it will not be

                • 为什么你不Tsubusanai柏青哥赌博负456为什么?嗯,我不认为这只是一个短期的,无论左,右的极端我这样的人 456 Unless the pachinko house it crushes with something when you gamble deny being useless Only thing of the Usa regardless of extreme person tsu te foresight you think
                  • 梅鲁决心权利和证据,在“理论缺乏政治决定留下来的感觉和出轨扩张 Usa what it decides is political judgment at the place where it does not have basis” that cherished opinion was developed in derailed feeling

                • 人们现在来自国外和韩国都没有关系
                  The current Korean Korean and the crossing the sea person completely there is no relationship

                  • 人们需要掌握整个游戏Surunai的法规允许他们不知道所有的弹弓 NULL
                    • 你最好弹弓507 NULL
                    • 即使这样,我做我要你柏青哥下降,从有关的税金,而生存 NULL
                    • 哦,可以控制得到弹球商场,如果你想摆脱它和 NULL
                    • 在任何情况下,即使发生这种情况,弹子房Nakunaran NULL
                    • 往往是丰富的,令人上瘾的弹球游戏元素 NULL
                    • 我一点也不规范弹球,但我不认为穷人 NULL
                    • 我打了个电话,跟其他资金的项目批准了五个柏青哥 NULL
                    • 然后,一个弹子房行业目前是绝对不可能的警察 宽 会民主党人 NULL
                    • 这是5不是溃疡柏青哥 NULL

                  • 人口672弹弓什么,我并没有说我一定下降?所以我要下来赌博的人越来越多,日本的人口水平Gyanbu were m谈论这个例子将是一个下降明显增加,但我不同,并不是因为我想 我将展示下降,大阪什么是连一些赌博,你不只是利润有咕咕叫什么?楚色调吗? NULL
                    • 嗯,我背后的流行弹珠弹珠,你是能够在日本褪色赌场赌博,因为没有其他像样的柏青哥赌博无所谓过低的期望 NULL
                    • 认为赌博是一种消极的后期开始为负,而大多数人不希望庄家的盈利来源,但他们不知道,大多数人的期望,不仅基本上是负面的预期值完成赌博赌瘾的损失更象是一个巨大的,如果它是采取首先从地狱返回TTA的,现在我想大概只需要一负回报 NULL

                  • 但真正的经济和商业,因为我做,直到我死了863,游戏流程的长度不知道正确的事?当你承受贫困突眼知识或如何摆脱Geru好运气,当我知道如何承受中文报业利润行业,在这些事情压制或如何投资的泡沫时请不要做,只要你不明白赌博 863 So until it dies you do actual economy and business therefore it is As for knowing the flow of long game the ro which is important When Deme is bad how it withstands how it withstands in the industry type which is pushed in China When making a profit fortunately how it escapes is investment how controlled at the time of the bubble If to be long there is no such as a gamble it is not to be understood
                    • 但真正的经济和商业,因为我做,直到我死了963,游戏流程的长度不知道正确的事?当你承受贫困突眼知识或如何摆脱Geru好运气,当我知道如何承受中文报业利润行业,在这些事情压制或如何投资的泡沫时请不要做,只要你不明白赌博 963 So until it dies you do actual economy and business therefore it is As for knowing the flow of long game the ro which is important When Deme is bad how it withstands how it withstands in the industry type which is pushed in China When making a profit fortunately how it escapes is investment how controlled at the time of the bubble If to be long there is no such as a gamble it is not to be understood

                  • 作为宣传的和平与人道“。┃[核武器] ·────────────────────────↓─┠过时的导弹拦截河野谈话第五阶段┃┨──────“う剥夺鄂部队,并考虑使用自己的媒体教育和宣传工作。”生产┃。红山废纸质量转换珍闻2通道━━━┏┛━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┗在洗脑━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                    • 你不仅写得更多,所以请你站起来一个新的线程 NULL
                      • 349 349 349 349
                      • 810 779 810 779
                      • ヽ () ()· · · REPT …
                      • 只写,因为已经有一个新的线程,请站起来 NULL
                      • 如果你不同意这样的目标 NULL
                      • 我也失去了刚辉有些人从608 NULL
                      • 这是正确的九百零九瓦特Ittara○○ 909 When that you say the ro w which 0 is done and is

                    • 你也TTA的Hashishita生长在贫民窟的父母,因为邪恶的赌博,你会看到我们很多的贫困儿童也Okurenai体面的生活 Under the bridge and you were brought up in poor people town therefore it is with consequence of the parents of the gamble misfortune honest life The large quantity you looked at the pitiful child who is not late probably will be
                      • 梅鲁是一个技术Hashishita注意收集销售打我的目的 Purposely quarrel selling attracting attention is under the bridge technique

                    • 债务在其自身的痛苦。这家伙是一个人的成长同类Etara魔鬼
                      With debt pain our. When it increases, as for [koitsu] the human of type of ogre domesticated fowl and animals

                      • 儿童的生产计划,工作尊严的蔑视滚装船
                        Valuing of labor the chill drain mass production plan which is made the 蔑 [ro

                        • 出来塔拉Kunaru赌场安全是坏!喜欢你的人会说电视类似,但这些人都在那里,甚至在那里的行动站为现成的柏青哥游戏采取免费鉴定它可能have ll NULL
                          • 在日本,有什么权利我说无处不在非法赌博? The ro which in Japan everywhere is the illegal casino and is What you say
                          • 那么,非法赌博和大阪老虎机作为他们分散在全国相对超自然纳卡索诺青少年同意,如果只有一个条件,新的和困难的地方,我认为每个县(正是禁止兑现)是一个条件,全面禁止和 Well you think that just Osaka is difficult but if the condition for calling to each prefecture just one place approval kana The illegal gambling pachinko which disperses in however entire country accurately conversion place prohibition being conditional global ban

                        • 即使是孩子们喜欢成人节目“侮辱,情况下,如果其他产品”,但我包括日本经济稳步降温 NULL

                          • 反复盗窃-不仅要准备照片证章标志设备东京电力公司员工分为A,日元,援助社会“和债务偿还Pachi”浸泡在生活费和柏青哥警察,“执行主任茨城县的1100万涉嫌盗窃娱乐费用,如“强父母-杉并杀害,死刑的生命Nitidai原来的”无情的残暴罪行和贪婪世代偶像玩弹球可爱周五,“ -狂暴拘捕三名曹大破坏弹珠机,海上自卫队的早晨”但每个已经Tteta从打“,金上士挪用会费陆上自卫队:驳回了上士/山形”我过去喜欢弹球
                            Logographic mug shot entering it prepares to the nameplate and the Tokyo Electric Power Company employee dresses up and steals and repeats you used “in cost of living and the pachinko” Ibaraki prefectural police from Master Patrol Officer and mutual aid union pleasures expense of repayment and [pachisuro] etc of 11,000,000 Yen swindling suspicion “debt” Suginami the parent and child it is strong shooting, original Nippon University raw the capital punishment statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment “Pachinko generation and the like the gold which plays we want, coldheartedness, cruel crime” Pachinko breaking the stand, Maritime Self Defense Force 3 曹 the large raging Although it has struck from arrest “morning, the area does not come out” Land Self-Defense Force 2 and the like the friendship fee usurpation of Sergeant: Sergeant such as 2 disciplinary dismissal /You used in the Yamagata “pachinko and the like” We fear. As for the gold which repayment of the gold boys arrests of… suspicions “threatens “with the fixed amount benefits and” takes in the pachinko and the like” Was used in the pachinko… Sanyo small Noichi staff who health insurance charge 1,480,000 embezzlement Kirishima bank robbery: In defendant 7 years the statement of the procecutor's opinion on the punishment - district court/with the Kagoshima “pachinko holding debt” Private bankruptcy 5 year continual decrease Inside Shizuoka prefecture of last year But as for wasteful type rear not cutting off “Education expense of joint and several guarantee and the child and that the pleasures expense with other than and the pachinko etc cost of living compensation debt is many you say” Non people of locking. Aim to creep in… 37. Crime 350 case “streetcar generation a little more than of theft offense and rates at inns of hotel, applying to pachinko” Inclination including with suspicion of fraud the Oobu arrest “two people knew each other closely at the pachinko store of Osaka city” ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐ │ × “Gamble favorite Japanese

                            • 嗯,我现在在东京? NULL
                              • 不过,当然,也Yareyo NULL

                            • 在接下来的比赛,因为这是介绍它被认为看起来Pachinkopachisuro商场,投币游戏和赛马游戏二十一点和大多数消费者的外观 NULL
                              • 从远古时代,父亲或断开现实赛车,负载通过弹子房家庭主妇了,你是如何破坏家庭 NULL

                            • 大阪。计划,特区计划和贷款业周五,赌场,看特区的计划,他们必须支持的例子还不是桥本彻螨只是觉得他们会想到春天蛆 Osaka Looking at conception money lender Special Economic District conception and this casino Special Economic District conception Still when the grub has grown in the head only you cannot think the party who supports Tetsu under the bridge
                              • 大阪。计划,特区计划和贷款业周五,赌场,看特区的计划,他们必须支持的例子还不是桥本彻螨只是觉得他们会想到春天蛆 Osaka Looking at conception money lender Special Economic District conception and this casino Special Economic District conception Still when the grub has grown in the head only you cannot think the party who supports Tetsu under the bridge
                              • 我们看起来像疯了似的TTA的总督桥本是栗子曼荼罗读那么多 When just that you read tochi like it deviates there is no governor under the bridge

                            • 大阪府知事桥本彻,28岁,并与议员们交换意见,在东京开设蛊惑“赌博强国论”,他描述

                              • 大阪府警方有良好的线路,我看到的东西下知一次尿液和血液检查的桥梁

                                • 大阪的振兴是直接的,如果赌场,几乎没有新的日本伊朗的权利 NULL
                                  • 我也泼了妓女是一种犯罪行为,然后在同一时间湿 NULL

                                • 将输入有感到太可怜哟的目标是使挥霍恩戴,并呼吁包括志富)在你身边做维护世界赌场831,黑手党黑帮安全,拉斯维加斯(场景,背后将主导 NULL
                                  • 即使是拉斯维加斯和澳门赌场本身也房子,我not m超越 NULL
                                  • 在一个典型的印度人结算成功,伟大的,但我们已经有了一个赌场做奖励,或成为一个丰富的一饮而尽 NULL

                                • 必须考虑到每桥下Rashiku前法律总顾问,在商业和工业贷款高利贷
                                  When it takes part in the loan shark under the bridge of corporate lawyer former commercial loan it seems and is

                                  • 我们Arujan就业Kidzania 978儿童教育 978 There is a kitsuzania tsu te it is with child education of employing
                                    • 我们Arujan就业Kidzania 978儿童教育 978 There is a kitsuzania tsu te it is with child education of employing

                                  • 我卖掉了周围的土地泡沫50泄漏。我要现金智力Tteru As for a leak time of the bubble the land selling 50 The cash having the ru person knowing the ru
                                    • 我卖掉了周围的土地泡沫50泄漏。我要现金智力Tteru As for a leak time of the bubble the land selling 50 The cash having the ru person knowing the ru

                                  • 我坚定地积累和赌博沉重,因为许多小赌场赌博,从赌场的法案过于依赖以及增加男性捕食者是否有必要将其合法化赌场的游戏也需要掌握所有的人如果你想掌握市民透过游戏请别赌博,而不是让人民,例如行会只是有教育和经济金融教育与人 Although the casino and various gambles gamble is accumulated securely from small time all citizen is designated as the gambler if it is necessary to legalize the casino Also prostitution therefore please peters out in order to increase the meat diet boy and passes through the casino bill We would like to designate the citizen as the gambler if is it is not to make gamble the citizen do Financial you should have educated vis a vis the citizen and you educate economically just it probably is
                                    • “我坚定地积累大量的赌博,因为他是小,”应该被限制在赌场,如果你有钱立即 “Gamble secure from small time the accumulation” If the casino you do it should make rich limitation and
                                    • 为了提高赌场正确,很少采取非法赌博收紧 Properly servicing the casino manage the illegal gambling
                                    • 他们只是让我将使用日元一个月弹球机后13万元,我认为这一点已成为公务员受身赌场 When it makes month about 130 000 Yen using with the pachinko but about the ru If it becomes the casino it gains already and a little thinks as the re ru
                                    • 和卖淫应该合法化,以增加男子的猎物,如果有必要把赌场合法化的国家赢得了老师 Although the citizen is designated as the gambler if it is necessary to legalize the casino The shelf which should legalize also prostitution in order to increase the meat diet boy
                                    • 因为赌博圈小企业的积累,同时也为全国人民争取他的主人,请赌场法案通过,“元要求立法者赌场合法化 Even in order accumulates gamble securely from small time to designate all citizen as the gambler That please pass through the casino bill” requested casino legalization from the Assemblymen
                                    • 我等待着关于人陷入赌场赌博就该Doukou六十点〇 〇 〇万瓦特,调节和抑制是不是一个问题,我Doukou About annual 600 000 being caught in connection with the gambling ru w In other words the casino how like this regulation and oppression how like this there is no tsu te problem
                                    • 所以,你会怎么做网上收受或者更确切地说,它在北海道和冲绳地区从网上赌场或公共Oosaka Rather than Okinawa and Hokkaido Osaka from the public online casino It should have made online bookmaker Special Economic District don t you think it is
                                    • 所以,反过来可能导致他们在就业,家长和赌博从早熟品种小赌场 Although the casino and various gambles gamble is accumulated securely from small time all citizen is designated as the gambler if it is necessary to legalize the casino Also prostitution therefore please peters out in order to increase the meat diet boy and passes through the casino bill We would like to designate the citizen as the gambler if is it is not to make gamble the citizen do Financial you should have educated vis a vis the citizen and you educate economically just it probably is
                                    • 该声明是稍有不妥,根除弹弓,然后让你赌场 Speech is strange delicately but Eradicating the pachinko if the casino you permit
                                    • 赌博圈积累因为较小公司,同时也为全国打他的主人,游戏高手,如果你想讨好的人比让赌场赌博,而通过立法的公众DO只想对金融榜样教育与经济教育向公众对抗线 gt Please accumulate gamble securely from small time pass through the casino bill even in order to designate all citizen as the gambler We would like to designate the citizen as the gambler if is it is not to make gamble the citizen do Financial you should have educated vis a vis the citizen and you educate economically just it probably is
                                    • 赌场也是国强(确认)条例草案通过请“ The casino legalization please pass through the bill even in order to make strong country”
                                    • ( ·Ω· )我一动一大赌场根据柏青哥链 The Ω the major pachinko chain in the casino movement therefore the ru it is

                                  • 无损检测我从喜悦,我们同意议连一旦有了借口反设施梅鲁承认日本 If it makes the pretext facility which recognizes the Japanese Anti Japanese discussion ream rejoicing because you approve is
                                    • 无损检测我同意他们的喜悦反从议连一旦你贬梅鲁日本下一个设施的名称 If it makes the pretext facility which looks down upon the Japanese Anti Japanese discussion ream rejoicing because you approve is
                                    • 没有你“所有的人”。“大阪”如果你同意 If there is no “all citizen ” “Osaka” approval

                                  • 是啊,我会到双方协议的事情 柏青哥溃疡的游客在赌场 The pachinko the wa which collapses At the casino the sightseer the wa which comes Obtaining obtaining thing zu paragraph and wa
                                    • 你疯了瓦特好吧,如果你喜欢弹球溃疡 It is sanity or w Well if the pachinko it crushes it is good
                                    • 如果您消除一切努力支持赌场合法化柏青哥 If casino legalization pachinko abolition it supports by all power

                                  • 更严重的家伙,我渴望侠义异常强劲
                                    About the serious person, the yearning to chivalry is to force unusually the shelf

                                    • 最近的评论有点好笑?什么词或短语,或试图采取另一种县知事育休
                                      It is what, recently speech it is not strange? Besides the fact that growth 休 you take, the governor of the prefecture complaint it tries saying,

                                      • 本人defintely有更多的智能和有趣麻将,纸牌游戏,赛马 NULL

                                        • 柬埔寨驻日本大使今川幸雄说我Tteta元
                                          The [tsu] [te] Imagawa Yukio original stop Cambodia ambassador says

                                          • 桥Sanrashii下,想要狗组成一个鄂金贷萨拉周五客户增加 NULL
                                            • 在一座桥下新增,我是在一个单元也被辩护? NULL

                                          • 桥本彻旅游,在下列业务伙伴关系 和 咽Birune Nawanai批评扩大外需洗澡线从 NULL

                                            • 桥本彻维生素是把哑巴投票?一名吸毒者?
                                              As for the Osaka prefecture people who inserted vote in Tetsu under the bridge being foolish? Being the medicine addict?

                                              • 正常的人是“好事更好”,而是应变,像一个孩子的大脑和一堆做“可怜的人,所以请好”和评估 NULL

                                                • 没有你,你会进入一个赌场或拉斯维加斯634旅行?玩家观看赛马和自行车赛的马匹,我也认为这是一次奇特的线 634 Las Vegas or the casino entering into sight seeing course the ru it is the tsu ke which is not Don t you think we as for horse racing and the competition wheel the horse and the player in seeing we would like to go to one time seeing
                                                  • 柏青哥最终流进了赌场每明确规定高的下降率,降低IT After all flowing to the casino whose restoration ratio and hitting establishment are high clearly as for the pachinko it atrophies

                                                • 父母死在Geru权的社会致力于小型卡拉OK无用的浪费生命,但是没有任何意义的歌手可能会旨在预防?也是同样的事情 In the society which becomes familiar from the time where it is small to the karaoke Although it is tone deafness you probably will aim toward the singer and the ro which it can prevent the waste of the wasteful life that is It is the same thing as that

                                                  • 电梯销售和会计是一个缺乏Kasazu每一个日元出版

                                                    • 管理和经济没有作出,因为我没有立场,是不是和经验correct的教育方式做厨房应该是那个谁是孩子在赌博业务 NULL
                                                      • 什么人赌博作为一个整体降低,那么就会有其他正当的业务流程你现在在你的钱流入柏青哥 NULL

                                                    • 经济学和管理将拥有976个真正的赌博本身,而是你要去逃避只有一个权利,赌博,使垃圾试图推动风险的人? 976 As for actual economy and management although it is gamble itself As for you whom it has been about that by your will escape from gamble The ro which is the kudzu which it has been about to push risk to someone

                                                      • 统一教会,宗教法人授权撤消创价学会,日本真正的曙光开始从三个受伤的刑事罪行或以上的居民被驱逐出境?我会投票给居民,而不是民主党和公明党之间的斗争SKG公司
                                                        The unification church, the true dawn of Japan starts from approval cancellation of religion corporate body of Soka academic society and retreat forcing of resident above previous offense 3 offense! Rather than calling the Democratic party, concerning resident denizenship Soka academic society Komeito is desperate, don't you think?

                                                        • 老虎机,扑克,轮盘,二十一点,掷骰子多,地点是小反应迟钝,不采取人工成本 NULL
                                                          • 老虎机,扑克,轮盘,二十一点,掷骰子多,地点是小反应迟钝,不采取人工成本 NULL

                                                        • 该协会在东京开了酒店,旨在赌场合法化出席两党“议会旅游发展国际(议连赌场)”的国会议员
                                                          同学 meeting is opened being the hotel inside Tokyo, “international sight-seeing industrial promotion Assemblyman union (casino discussion ream)” of the nonpartisan which aims toward casino legalization members of the Diet attend

                                                          • 说话私营部门的平均工资和奖金4公务员
                                                            4 Government employee allowance Bonus is lowered to private average

                                                            • 赌博具有比绍布依赖性强的拟合
                                                              As for gamble there is a dependency where the 嵌 ball is stronger than [shiyabu

                                                              • 赌博是一种零和游戏,零生产
                                                                Gambling to be zero-sum games, production zero

                                                                • 这就是所谓的“war ll夺取政权”。━━━┏┛━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┗┃第一阶段┃┓━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━“,包括派出间谍,洗脑控制了政府高层“政府┃。第二阶段┃┨──────────────────────────────↓─┠只是我看到这么沉浸政府宣传“

                                                                  • 这是一个公共官员,所以利益的赌场赌场温床。 Kera m赌排序
                                                                    As for public casino hotbed shelf of casino right Therefore public. Gambling is assorted, it is

                                                                    • 这项声明是修辞称赞Shidaro杀某些“赌场”健康Nimashi你好比尔是许多其他支持者主张鄂

                                                                      • 选民们在大阪什么总督桥本彻在没有体面的青睐?大阪是一个愚蠢的选民?一名吸毒者?
                                                                        The Osaka voter has supported Governor Tetsu under the good sense nil bridge with something? As for the Osaka voter being foolish? Being the medicine addict?

                                                                        • 那么,我该怎么做,对资优教育将麻将从我的童年废话?
                                                                          Obtaining - with, mah-jongg being able to point from time of the child, meritocracy the kudzu, it is?

                                                                          • 销毁的民族意识,“因为我是个孩子★打赌,处理人民内部总集团疯狂孙裴蒙特教育┃轻松。 ←治愈只有新!第四阶段┃┨──────────────────────────────↓─┠“将断裂阻力
                                                                            Destruction of national consciousness” The ┃ elbowroom education day mania group citizen is designated as entire [monpe] handling * From time of [gaki] betting. Soaking <- New! ! ┠ ─ ↓ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┨ ┃ Fourth stage “Destruction of resistant will

                                                                            • 阅读它已经具备了学费水平,这是一个很长的老眼

                                                                              • 韩国的朝鲜居民在日本:在人权的宪法权利的地方担保无奇争议全世界人权■■没有普及神学不存在
                                                                                Resident Korean South Korean: * Human rights do not exist in the place the world commonly there is no mortgage of constitution * The world human rights of theology dispute do not exist commonly

                                                                                研究 開発