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Dissenting opinion to the maternity leave of hot water promontory governor “very the sense of value of the governor under 8 percentage 140 case if bridge it does not change, society does not change”, that refutation


  • 3。鄂取决于社会的任务是生产商品,尊严的目的是发展技术创新碰巧有一个进取的精神 It assures the reformation of technology with the mind of 3 進 taking and developing producing the commodity which is dignity it answers the entrustment of society
    • 我知道我没有工作,了解责任,接受人民的信任 Receiving the trust of the citizen ru thing does not understand at the time of duty

  • 699你知道,没有记录在博客中刚满省长,什么是无忧无虑的假期?从那里他们将通过它,为什么把可用的类比“育休宣言”的通过某种方式(Kawasou批评)你的意思是赞同 699 That just became when it has not been either the result in roku holiday easefully in is the governor Because that it does not pass that acquiring the reason which seems in somehow you will obtain support “growth 休 declaration” criticism probably will be exchanged to do with the tsu lever the yo
    • 一份工作计划,使他们采取育儿假他人与自己的工作不采取总督离开了父亲 Those where the system which makes maternity leave others take is made being work by his taking maternity leave there is no coming out with the work of the governor
    • 为了得到建议,促进育儿假制度,首先建立224个县,给需要照顾的名称在定期的孩子,他说,人以为 224 In the first place the wa which you think that it is the story that in order to advertise the maternity leave acquisition recommendation system which the prefecture newly founded usual holiday is taken with childcare pretext
    • 育儿假及陪产假不采取在142第一幕,尽管它是一个正常的假日托儿所名义 142 First the conduct that you take maternity leave Not to be maternity leave but usual holiday what of childcare pretext

  • 768行,如果你照顾的孩子在吴?

    • 844尚志彻运転扬敏哦
      844 To - it is to see normality driving which is done it is

      • ACCA的网络公司副总裁英彦Hazime Yuzaki
        Hot water promontory Hidehiko Former [atsuka] networks vice president

        • Bareru地位的选举产生,以及私营部门的公务员,谁是在所有情况下的不同

          • 不反对在该地区道路系统的青睐,让世界在运动中来
            Or, the movement of society entrust the approval and the opposition to road state system

            • 事实上,更多的政治家将县政府,“公的妻子的帮助下,”我认为这需要的工作Ttena As expected that it probably is prefectural government you think that about the politician “inside help Isao” there is no necessary work tsu te

              • 产假,有薪假期前5天确认和产后我:采取任何意义,直到我们有我们的三岁大的孩子?封闭走向大众,所以我取消Yanaino一个月无薪,而这个定义可以被模仿?我不知道这一切后,总督是不是没有好呀就像我说欢迎鄂如用于饲料的教育方便他们自己的孩子,例如周一个月后,在总时间和腿。不要做任何努汝浩索诺狭间合起来,如果你把弯扭 The paid holiday which front and back 5 days of childbirth is recognized Childcare suspension of business Until the child reaches to 3 years old being optional as for the meaning of taking Be able to imitate the general people unpaid From the point of view of this definition there is no one monthly tsu te going to bed too much cancellation ya When time is added you can use in the sending receiving of the total one month child that it is you say it is it is not probably will be Way and this governor of the tsu pa the wa and your own are useless are convenient growth The 捻 ji bending the ru If you take collecting taking at that time the official business you do altogether is
                • 总督桥本假期托儿这种方式。 Ttara派和“知识要求他的”育休总督请了解,所有的批评没有说服力 In such a manner governor under bridge childcare 休 When it is unnecessary group when you know “The growth of that governor 休” completely it is found in criticism that it is not persuasive power
                • 育儿假:产假,有薪假期均确认为5天前和出生后的我:是不是太大休息一个月,我尝试从这个定义,任何未付直到我们可以得到我们的三岁大的孩子?我不知道这一切后,总督是不是没有好呀就像我说欢迎鄂如用于饲料的教育方便他们自己的孩子,例如周一个月后,在总时间和腿。不要做任何努汝浩索诺狭间合起来,如果你把弯扭 Maternity leave The paid holiday which front and back 5 days of childbirth is recognized Childcare suspension of business Until the child reaches to 3 years old being optional be able to acquire unpaid From the point of view of this definition there is no one monthly tsu te going to bed too much When time is added you can use in the sending receiving of the total one month child that it is you say it is it is not probably will be Way and this governor of the tsu pa the wa and your own are useless are convenient growth The 捻 ji bending the ru If you take collecting taking at that time the official business you do altogether is

              • 从试验和错误,以及每个候选人旁边的奴隶组成的广岛和他们的脚蜘蛛丝切断蜘蛛丝瓦特地狱底部
                While trial and error to do, the composition, w slave applicant who the [chi] [yo] it is cuts the thread of that spider one after another at the bottom of Hiroshima prefecture and the hell where the thread of the spider is done the foot and others

                • 优先于私人生活的公职人员不能正面
                  Those which are in the public office cannot affirm privacy preferential [te

                  • 但是,我们的州长有七到我孩子,包括家长给不具备收购,律师在“行政公务人员,是合理的,我们最终会采取育休”,并描述固体 7 children is in the governor but including attorney age maternity leave acquiring It should not have been “as for the government employee and the head the fact that it keeps taking the growth 休 lastly is muscle” that you expressed
                    • 但是,我们的州长有七到我孩子,包括家长给不具备收购,律师在“行政公务人员,是合理的,我们最终会采取育休”,并描述固体 7 children is in the governor but including attorney age maternity leave acquiring It should not have been “as for the government employee and the head the fact that it keeps taking the growth 休 lastly is muscle” that you expressed

                  • 作为一个系统已经878已经出台,总督这样做只是如果我感觉一种气氛,只需要一件事育休Inan精神差异采取或不育后采取休这不是游戏我是一个傻瓜,因为他们来与像咬了甚至不知道正确的桥本龙太郎 878 Already as a system being introduced just the difference how mental problem whether the rear growth 休 takes or does not take of Whether or not there is an atmosphere which is easy to take the growth 休 just is It is correct this governor to have been about probably to do in such sense Hasimoto either dividing it is not recognized likely and the fool who bites is therefore it is it fights unless

                    • 你不是从一个支助小组组长注意?
                      It was noted it is it is not even from sponsor staff?

                      • 你是空降鸠山,Yuzaki更像什么大师麻原彰晃
                        In the sky as for floating Hatoyama, the flax field founder or the hot water promontory extent shelf

                        • 假设无约一个月,会议期间分娩期间,起始编号,交通,儿童学前教育,我休息Mutoiu有限的时间内,如果必要的国内传播的手 NULL
                          • 假设无约一个月,会议期间分娩期间,起始编号,交通,儿童学前教育,我休息Mutoiu有限的时间内,如果必要的国内传播的手 NULL
                          • 假设无约一个月,会议期间分娩期间,起始编号,交通,儿童学前教育,我休息Mutoiu有限的时间内,如果必要的国内传播的手 NULL
                          • 假设无约一个月,会议期间分娩期间,起始编号,交通,儿童学前教育,我休息Mutoiu有限的时间内,如果必要的国内传播的手 NULL
                          • 假设无约一个月,会议期间分娩期间,起始编号,交通,儿童学前教育,我休息Mutoiu有限的时间内,如果必要的国内传播的手 NULL

                        • 做了我从一开始,这个星期一performance m做到这 When is from first so it should have done and such is simply performance what
                          • 344的表现就像我“我只是星期一 344 gt Such is simply performance what
                          • 不允许做的事情的整体表现我的意思 The te you say or do and ru thing being performance extensively is permits

                        • 即使是休假假期手指455狡辩,不工作

                          • 县。工作人员导演和他的妻子,包括家务劳动几乎全军覆没昭义,也死了Awaya市市长,其他几乎殴打
                            Prefecture. The member fall good fortune internal affair department manager and spouse beginning most total destruction and the city hall the foxtail millet house mayor death, Also the other things are done almost

                            • 受伤的副处长,长野等损害经济主任,信息省长立即倒这个阶段是真正令人痛心面持
                              As for secondary general wound, Prefectural economic Department Manager Nagano the wound etc. and this phase the governor indeed is sad countenance in the information which it comes after

                              • 因为我会在这段时间工作的一个新的孩子,即使这一部署的人,我以为我很惊讶 The child making anew in this time therefore about the ru this development was unexpected with even this person that you think whether it is it is not
                                • 很惊讶有旧的东西是出奇地低2 2 Although something former times unexpected are low you were surprised

                              • 因为无论是普通工人,在850公务员,地方公务员法,劳动基准法豁免
                                850 Because in general government employee also being the worker, outside application of Local Officials Act. and Labor Standard Law

                                • 在当选的公职选举的古,我保证选民和 Being elected in election tsu te the fact that it is engaged to the public office is promise what of the voters
                                  • 例如,如果我算是一个公共服务,而不是一个商人的权利 How thinking of the public office the ru it is the ro which is not the white collar worker and is

                                • 大冢专员烧死在官邸去世,女儿回来了,色调援助
                                  General Otsuka is burnt to death at the official residence, the lady and the daughter have been saved

                                  • 如果你没有时间做这些Pahomansu下,开始工作,并使其更容易作出育儿假计划 When pahomansu which does not go down there is a spare time when it has done the kind of system which maternity leave it is easy to do The work margin which it makes
                                    • 我一ー,我不能陪产假如果总督,奥凯我下定决心要建立一个足球之类的有关条文 Whether The governor does not come off maternity leave if it is the text making such rule with something the bucket
                                    • 我是一个产假上诉不敢说 That being able to meet calling maternity leave it appeals it is the shelf
                                    • 育儿假,这不是441 441 There is no that maternity leave it is
                                    • 陪产假可以得到第一的人可以得到总督陪产假 The governor being able to acquire maternity leave the subordinate can acquire maternity leave for the first time

                                  • 对此→,而拥抱一个人被肯定和积极的反馈是,试图打破目前的意愿,休育儿假的人少现任总督,但也有许多批评,认为它哗众取宠,投票那一刻,他们是洋菊 gt Although the person who holds the favorable thought of the appearance of the desire of the governor that it will break down the present condition where the man is difficult to take maternity leave concerning this is the critical mind that you see and it is grandstanding large number for and against has divided largely
                                    • 对此→,而拥抱确保他们的积极反馈和动机现正试图打破一个困难的人来接替现任总督陪产假,但批评者说,有很多意见哗众取宠,利弊一刻,他们浩菊 gt Although the person who holds the favorable thought of the appearance of the desire of the governor that it will break down the present condition where the man is difficult to take maternity leave concerning this is the critical mind that you see and it is grandstanding large number for and against has divided largely

                                  • 广岛县,谁是你不只是炸弹破坏原有的基因放射性有东西。 Gukarana噪音瓦特
                                    The gene being broken with the radioactivity, the [ru] it is the [ro] which is As for the Hiroshima prefecture person when there is something, the atomic bomb field. Because it makes a noise, w

                                    • 广岛总督“的大照顾”这个星期五下午反驳批评总督的总督桥本育休说Yuzaki赎回记者Hashishita问题的印象,在县“很容易,我们一直采取的政策育休这是一部分,“他解释道 Furthermore Hiroshima governor “it is large care” To the governor under the bridge of painful word refutes to the growth 休 This day in the afternoon as for hot water promontory governor who inside the prefectural government questions the thought of speech under the bridge from the press corps “taking as for us the growth 休 We do the policy making which is easy it is the link” that it explained
                                      • 广岛总督“的大照顾”这个星期五下午反驳批评总督的总督桥本育休说Yuzaki赎回记者Hashishita问题的印象,在县“很容易,我们一直采取的政策育休这是一部分,“他解释道 Furthermore Hiroshima governor “it is large care” To the governor under the bridge of painful word refutes to the growth 休 This day in the afternoon as for hot water promontory governor who inside the prefectural government questions the thought of speech under the bridge from the press corps “taking as for us the growth 休 We do the policy making which is easy it is the link” that it explained

                                    • 广岛的原子弹的战争日记:。第三部TTP的/一- bombdb2。/ Pcf.city.hiroshima.jp /临时区议会/ PDF格式/ sensai3 1.15MB。PDF文件(P16蛋白/ 231)
                                      The Hiroshima bomb war damage magazine. Third volume ttp: //a-bombdb2. pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/PDB/PDF/sensai3. pdf (P16/231) 1.15MB

                                      • 广岛省长Ikumen报关,特殊服务,得到一个月产假无育休制度,度假,和田彻 Hiroshima governor of ikumen declaration to maternity leave 1 month acquisitions Special job there is no growth 休 system usually is holiday
                                        • 凡已经成为一个新的子Ikumen更加Ikumen Already in the place where it is ikumen the new child being possible furthermore it became ikumen
                                        • 广岛省长Ikumen报关,特殊服务,得到一个月产假无育休制度,度假,和田彻 Hiroshima governor of ikumen declaration to maternity leave 1 month acquisitions Special job there is no growth 休 system usually is holiday

                                      • 当子女的第四Ttara育休英国前首相托尼布莱尔,我想它的普及
                                        When English [burea] former prime minister is the child of 4 public attention, when growth 休 you took, support ratio it rose, don't you think?

                                        • 总督Yuzaki“获取育休”中表示,3月19日
                                          Hot water promontory governor as for stating “growth 休 acquisition” this month 19th

                                          • 总督桥本是记者,“政治是创造一个安全的环境,使人们采取育休政府的作用”,并展开理论 As for the governor under the bridge in the press corps “making the environment where the world can take the growth 休 securely is role of politics and administration” With developing cherished opinion
                                            • 总督桥本是记者,“政治是创造一个安全的环境,使人们采取育休政府的作用”,并展开理论 As for the governor under the bridge in the press corps “making the environment where the world can take the growth 休 securely is role of politics and administration” With developing cherished opinion
                                            • 理由的非技术理论(说教)到更沮丧,我从纵向累 Justifying unskillfully cherished opinion preachment to drooping ru makes be attached furthermore ira

                                          • 总督桥本酋长休育的,“尽管在狭间智代”,取得育儿假的市长和21名州长箕面,大阪哲夫仓田英彦Yuzaki广岛,大阪府知事桥本彻在“(一育休采取),而是为了促进这一势头,但现在在日本的情况已不再是封闭,我想我可以休息 NULL
                                            • 总督桥本酋长休育的,“尽管在狭间智代”,取得育儿假的市长和21名州长箕面,大阪哲夫仓田英彦Yuzaki广岛,大阪府知事桥本彻在“(一育休采取),而是为了促进这一势头,但现在在日本的情况已不再是封闭,我想我可以休息 NULL

                                          • 我同意很多会产生相反的,我是谁,广岛爆破 There is an opposite approval variety however probably will be as for something the tsu chi ya ke te it is the Hiroshima tsu te
                                            • 我同意很多会产生相反的,我是谁,广岛爆破 There is an opposite approval variety however probably will be as for something the tsu chi ya ke te it is the Hiroshima tsu te

                                          • 我总是想回家爸爸的歧视性措施Shiteyare就像著名的人或有

                                            • 我有良好的管治晚期病例私有化
                                              The good example where private property conversion of governor job advanced

                                              • 按照现在的情况不能穿过它,直到提前TOMONOURA
                                                Don't you think? either inlet building a bridge of the 鞆 does not advance as it is now

                                                • 摆在我们面前是一个愚蠢的他们,但总督Hayo河野政治家,公务员下一步的行动,就是以在会后能升空接受居民税居民直接到广岛县的财政状况的我认为加息税前居民的居民育休 米步进那块石头 As for you the aho shelf as for this governor it is the step loyal retainer as for the following move Way the prefectural people accept pulling up the inhabitant tax in order to rebuild the Hiroshima public finance The government employee taking the initiative inhabitant tax it increases taxes it is it is not first from the prefectural people or the growth 休 is the preparation for that
                                                  • 广岛县今年采取的是企业与小育休一周以上的员工就创建了一个系统,提供高达3000万奖励 As for Hiroshima prefecture this year employee 1 weeks or more The system which provides the subsidy of maximum of 300 000 Yen to the small and medium sized business which takes the growth 休 just was established
                                                  • 广岛县今年采取的是企业与小育休一周以上的员工就创建了一个系统,提供高达3000万奖励 As for Hiroshima prefecture this year employee 1 weeks or more The system which provides the subsidy of maximum of 300 000 Yen to the small and medium sized business which takes the growth 休 just was established
                                                  • 广岛县今年采取的是企业与小育休一周以上的员工就创建了一个系统,提供高达3000万奖励 As for Hiroshima prefecture this year employee 1 weeks or more The system which provides the subsidy of maximum of 300 000 Yen to the small and medium sized business which takes the growth 休 just was established
                                                  • 广岛县今年采取的是企业与小育休一周以上的员工就创建了一个系统,提供高达3000万奖励 As for Hiroshima prefecture this year employee 1 weeks or more The system which provides the subsidy of maximum of 300 000 Yen to the small and medium sized business which takes the growth 休 just was established

                                                • 无用的状态,有没有任何事态正常状态我必须做什么工作,无论百分比育休罗斯
                                                  You say that several percentages of workplace do not stay with [rote], growth 休 regardless of If to normal state it does not convert state, useless

                                                  • 日亚和Geru Meshita采取蜡我过去529瓦特Detchi反对从食物与我被 529 It invents w However it tried probably to take rally receiving it cancelled
                                                    • 日亚和Geru Meshita采取蜡我过去五百二十五瓦特Detchi反对从食物与我被 525 It invents w However it tried probably to take rally receiving it cancelled

                                                  • 更多的工作是必要的,必要的客户服务在同一个成功消除Geru必须从事过剩,疾病已下降Tsuto筛或耐力将立即 NULL

                                                    • 每一天,我们将讨论不同的意见是有利的舆论茹Reyo然后取一满一个月如果正确育休茹我借此来表示对总督范围育休导致2育休他只是象征育休,只是给早期和中期没有提取育休过这个问题了时间像我还好,不过我告诉总督 The governor taking the initiative in order to show example If growth 休 the tsu te which is taken you take in one month full growth 休 as properly So when it does approval opinion and dissenting opinion probably will emerge but it becomes argument However in growth 休 of 1 2 hours concerning the 1st also being whatever When growth 休 with it names mere leaving early and the medium coming out The growth 休 it seems that OK tsu te governor shows with that it rubbed
                                                      • 该条例还使产假强制收购呢? Waranai改变一切仅仅因为这是采取的分娩假期总督 If it makes even with the regulations which require the acquisition of maternity leave Because this governor took maternity leave tsu te nothing changes

                                                    • 每周四关天的制度,对伊万石原慎太郎在抱怨?要获取产假,但请以咬

                                                      • 毕竟,即使从旧藤田。我们很敏感的情况下,不喜欢从四面八方梗死组藤田 After all even from Fujita group Being disliked even from Fujita group eight one being filled ru circumstance
                                                        • 毕竟,即使从旧藤田。我们很敏感的情况下,不喜欢从四面八方梗死组藤田 After all even from Fujita group Being disliked even from Fujita group eight one being filled ru circumstance

                                                      • 没有任何问题“,因为它是不正确的指示时说”我认为他们在外面和翻译服务,因为他们说,口蹄疫和赤松部长出访的脚 There is no with something “because the indication it put out properly there is no problem” that Excuse of travel abroad even the minister of state who is done the service industry remembered with Akamatsu foot and mouth disease
                                                        • 我觉得部长,因为服务部门,因为立法会议员 NULL

                                                      • 法律学位,63岁男子Ooyama Ryouhei Kyoudai业务挪用公款大阪律师协会和律师被捕
                                                        In addition the Osaka bar association post attorney arrest The [ji] [ji] of 63 years old it is with usurpation with respect to business, Oyama Ryohei Kyoto University method soldier/finishing

                                                        • 激励制度可以阻止Chimae育休,市民最好是美达
                                                          It stops also the growth 休 subsidy system and before the [chi], the prefectural people desire that

                                                          • 特别服务,因为“该法的规定并不适用于”只有我,在伪装,“是不是好挣脱规定 ”我的法律我可以说鄂 Because it is special job “does not apply the stipulation of this law” with just the tsu te Speaking conversely “it is good deciding holiday freely” the tsu te what can be said is legal basis

                                                            • 由于茹观众可以休产假103个临时工作,而一名男子在试图采取陪省长蜡封闭普及而这个笨蛋,妻子或产假,钨,如果工程尤其是如果两个轻Ketara休假,对我使用的公共机构向家长和儿童保育?然后,我不能这样做呢? 103 Temporarily even with working together the man maternity leave to take way it is possible While having been about probably to take the day off which this foolish governor names maternity leave As for wife whether in maternity leave w If so working together when all the more both holiday you open using the parent and the public system childcare it does it is with to do the yo If now that is not possible with something
                                                              • 在103个使用临时而试图采取陪省长蜡封闭普及而这个笨蛋,妻子或休产假的瓦特,Ketara明假期,更可同时或一起工作,如果他们的父母你必须使用一个公共系统育儿我吗?然后,我不能这样做呢? 103 Temporarily even with working together while having been about probably to take the day off which this foolish governor names maternity leave As for wife whether in maternity leave w If so working together when all the more both holiday you open using the parent and the public system childcare it does it is with to do the yo If now that is not possible with something

                                                            • 育休也是一种模式,我希望得到它育休早退,你就只能在一个单一的词排除...
                                                              Growth 休 with saying, the [ru] Coming out and leaving early in mere it puts out, With this as model of growth 休 acquisition…

                                                              • 育休病假或采取为什么不采取
                                                                Although growth 休 you take, why as for sick leave not taking?

                                                                • 育儿假是作为该名男子现在在私营部门,我觉得是时候把这个国家就逐渐认识到个人的本地公司的工作状态 Now in order for maternity leave of the man to take at private enterprise the district grasping the present condition of individual enterprise you think that it is the time when it approaches the country
                                                                  • 我要立即与安全官员差往往私营部门的社会阶层中,在商业方面我不能要求工人的权利 Status guarantee at private enterprise right of the worker how different from the government employee of tsu chi tend You cannot insist on management side

                                                                • 英彦Yuzaki广岛县知事,陪同我到“生育第三个孩子的一部份”陪产假的意向显示,超过获得26县,140个反对派贡献电话和电子邮件显然,当时正在色拉寺 Governor hot water promontory Hidehiko of Hiroshima prefecture the intention which acquires part “maternity leave” attendant upon the birth of the 3rd child Centering on the fact that it shows as for the prefecture on the 26th the telephone and mail 140 case of dissenting opinion being moved aside It made clear

                                                                  • 该Datsu 723七百七十五瓦特(二) 775 723 The tsu which is w second time
                                                                    • 的Boomerang Datsu wwww(4) The tsu which is the boomerang wwww 4th time
                                                                    • 该Datsu 1 775万维网(三) 775 1 The tsu which is www third time
                                                                    • 该Datsu 723七百三十五瓦特(二) 735 723 The tsu which is w second time

                                                                  • 请不要尝试所有的部,但在和平与公民的生命只有和平抱怨归化公民,你会狙诺贝尔和平奖,但这个家伙市长秋叶增加

                                                                    • 辉河内叩这里,总督是正确的,我要一生育休青少年湿重菊相当哎呀,让他,穷人,但总督甚至不能这么做,我认为婚姻是必要的即使你打电话,但一天几个小时,而在西方并不意味着它是有点浪费,但我知道他们得到公平育休代或政客坚持认为不适当的占领 The governor hitting here as for ru as for the notion that where the lifetime growth 休 takes the tsu lever Toda ro ww where substituting is effective The te about such a person poverty to put out because either marriage is not possible As for such a governor non needing however you think that it is thing Within one day several hours the tsu lever which has wastefulness it puts out even with when you say However how Europe and America in you do not know as for growth 休 acquisition the politician as for the occupation where substituting is not effective you think that it is inadequate
                                                                      • 同样在这里,即使没有这种怪物,就在你湿重575,让他和贫穷不能结婚,但我不无育休湿重 575 It is not and as for also the te being the same the ro ww which is your thing The te about such a person poverty to put out because either marriage is not possible but unrelated what to the growth 休 ww
                                                                      • 这将采取总督做的事我育休菊呼叫,即使该法案是相对的一天几个小时,但我认为这是不必要的,但在西方,意味着它是没用的,知道他们是否我没有得到公平育休一代政治家的职业或坚持认为不适当 As for the notion that where the growth 休 takes from tsu lever Toda where substituting is effective As for such a governor non needing however you think that it is thing Within one day several hours the tsu lever which has wastefulness it puts out even with when you say However how Europe and America in you do not know as for growth 休 acquisition the politician as for the occupation where substituting is not effective you think that it is inadequate

                                                                    • 还有布政司和田边黑田是一个警察局长和首席会计石原小笠原伤害
                                                                      Other than Chief Kuroda private secretary and Tanabe, accounting Section Chief police Department Manager and Ogasawara Ishihara who does the wound was there

                                                                      • 这是一个批评家的三个类型。人们不仅致力于运行2型)其正常的法律(Hashishita。 Mareta偏颇公务员谁惠(1 guyz)3。谁从未有过的工作(2 guyz)散装的意思是,不要让她的倡议下,节日放假我不要我 As for the person who criticizes this three types 1 The person whom with only effort make always in your own method service type under bridge 2 The government employee who favors the person who has been biased will not and others 1 3 The person it has not worked will not and others 2 The te the umbrella and on are said taking the initiative unless holiday is acquired you do not rest under
                                                                        • 但是,正是因为公务员,我认为立法应首先致力于为私营 Therefore the government employee you think that very we should endeavor first in private method service but

                                                                      • 这超过三万元的工资,这是因为大多数永远省长退休五百万四年就业与我同在官僚降落伞,一定不要使用这种浪费无

                                                                        • 高税收和愚蠢的事一天拍摄的死亡(主要是公务员薪俸及民事)将支付给死亡唉 Once upon a time death sewing until thing and the fool high tax salary of most government employees it dies The tsu lever which you pay

                                                                          • (他们的发现已成为Sumasu男性参与育儿线与变化,社会结构∵
                                                                            Childcare participation of the man is required more and more (attendant upon the change of ∵ social structure

                                                                            研究 開発