“Pachinko house…Many Japanese, large noise one Japan and China sitting down motionlessly in the tabacco smoke, [ru]…I escaped immediately”,…The Chinese student
279即使是中国,西藏种族灭绝囚犯Kokintou一些,我自己也是天安门坦克人 279
If, [kokintou] of the Tibetan slaughter offense it is in even the Chinese, the tank man of the Tien An Men incident it is, it is
39:15编号:gFfIOmIJ0■Kankoku m诱惑6月30飞韩,弹子房覆盖韩国的法律对弹球 39 15 ID gFfIOmIJ0 Korea prohibiting the pachinko with law To Korea where we would like to collect materials the Korean pachinko in 6 ends of the month
228名▼:Shisan名无 十周年 发表于:2010 10 21(星期四)13:41:52编号:pLkJ3Ci10我是一个动物的脸167 228 Name Name it is not ten lap year Contribution day 2010 10 21 wood 13 41 52 ID pLkJ3Ci10 167 The face of the domestic animal it has done
3万亿日元,自然韩国的30万亿日元,日本Waranai和有趣的是在规模膨胀的日本之多,似乎也成为受害者浩菊 Because 3 000 000 000 000 Yen of Korea does not change 30 000 000 000 000 Yen of Japan even on a scale similarly to Japan 膨 Because it was viewing it seems that also damage becomes large
洋菊规模从日元一万六千五百点零零零亿日元3 Scale became large to 3 650 000 000 000 Yen to the Japanese Yen
Tteta时间线单元甚至抽烟,但我觉得没有什么特别强烈的气味比Kunaru衣服,你可以拍摄和塞和吸烟,我走进了商店,你第一次出手尝试到H Ttara或分居的距离也更不可能再有人在房间里,一个旋转头坏似乎是空间狭窄,大家一起再次吸收Warerya,我不应该担心你的领域 Smoking pachi it has gone as for time other than the clothes become intensely ill smelling especially nothing felt but it is Stopping tobacco and pachi whether it tries striking after a long time that when it enters into the store the wa which already is unreasonable… If the interior is distance it is left the ri field in the air viewing Everyone is inhaled simultaneously in that narrow space and the ri ya head kurakura does already and may collapse becomes
You m像一个现代版的鸦片烟馆鸦片战争 Today of the opium 窟 at the time of opium war the edition like [ro] which is rubbed
“店歌”你可能会流血傻瓜疯狂的傻瓜Shiishi肯定Warota “Song [warota] of store”
It is ridiculous certainly and the [kichigai] [ji] seeing, whether the [ru
“的店歌”是一个富有的华人,淀川,鱼篭,祖父,登的喜爱,而且在其他 As for “song of the store” we love the Chinese wealthy layer, 淀, the fish basket, the grandfather, [noboru], and so on it is, but is
不足为奇,因为一个男人和嘈杂,你成了一个笑话,洋基拒绝TTA的,夫妇增加埃塔 The man unexpected noisily or you were witty and the Yankee decreased and the couple increased
中华民族是不是也奇怪五月蝿大声说话,她跑到下一个普通自行车 While side and running with the bicycle, the Chinese whom you speak with yell it is noisy there is no fragment
中学平均只轻轻您能回答的问题,例如769的是796,所以我很抱歉,如果使其他意义,但无 796 769 Because while answering to question lightly as for like soldier finishing there is no meaning of making the partner the me it is
难道我只是说为什么阿万至百分之796 796 Therefore the bubble it is comparatively with speaking there is no ru
为了Pachinkosure铜绿他们不再流向兼职专业Muyounishiteiru三月军舰,但写得很好 But in pachinkosure the side business professional whom it has tried to write Well warship march becoming unable to flow lonesome thing…
但我确实对房地三月军舰,以使流量530 530 Therefore warship march flowing inside the store it hurt
二是我已经通过我的财富梦想通过剥削工人在柏青哥汝底部是不可避免的,它可能不是同情 However the base workers who dream of a catching lot of money commute to the pachinko and have stuffed
It is helpless to be exploited, don't you think?, there is no either margin of sympathy
五月蝿他们中收集到有关在混乱中通过人民的共同等待支那清晨到深夜我很遗憾在陌生的工作室公寓移动支那 Moving to the studio apartment only of the support 那 person, you have regretted
Nighttime the support 那 person getting together early morning, on the passage of the common section speaking in [gochiyagochiya] Chinese, it is noisy
什么是人类吸烟者的最低水平Pachinkasu _NULL_
从你,我失去了最近北花也说投诉不是什么新闻了瓦特 You recently anymore it stopped calling also complaint to without being news w
从你,我失去了最近北花也说投诉不是什么新闻了瓦特 You recently anymore it stopped calling also complaint to without being news w
他们并不总是知道她正在为2 625取笑她?我不明白他,正如我只Surokona Moe的路线后,他没有击中瓦特瓦特 625 The ru you do not know with 2 always to foolish If it goes to the rear seeing however you understand Sprouting surokona you probably will bite it is not w Because the person who strikes it is not w
只有当持续时间很长,即使找到他们的屁股周一本能的水平。而我认为这确实是愚蠢的毟客户 yaba it is at instinct level and even the place it is understood is Long haul continuing to be there The customer tsu te which is torn there is no foolish something truly that
他们是叛逆烦总是愚蠢和偏执的,我的主人说,这是一个诱人的例子,有悲伤,他们扭转 Always being oppose, partial being execution, also the noisy fool, in speech of the master
The place where it cannot oppose stimulates pathos
他们采取了政府怨我,为他们的第一次选举,他的弹弓议连投票中心无知促进Minsyutou怨Munarakorewozutto If you grudge, voting to them with the Democratic party central pachinko discussion ream, and the general election ahead which propel this directly administration grudge the foolish people who are made to take
但CNN和BBC警察勾结,让我,我希望我可以告诉世界 _NULL_
但我会多次line ll愚弄的感觉Dzukanai Because so the fool does not become aware however the line tsu chi ya you bore at anything degree
像老虎机店的人是愚蠢的,你现在相当 Suitable being foolish it does that nowadays it is in pachinko house something the yo
柏青哥是一个日本人和韩国人 The pachinko is not the Japanese It is the Korean
余沉浸自己,只有日本柏青哥很多韩国不要做这样的事情从来没有能像 Also the Korean feels such no kana However the Japanese is made the many pachinko soaking by his does not do no matter what like
嗯,我不是在日本柏青哥店 Because well as for the pachinko house there is no Japan don t you think
柏青哥权利,更多的有害气体的空气和coming ll规定说,如果是中 The Chinese tsu te everywhere you say the gas tsu te ru As for that air of the ro which is more harmful than the pachinko house
你决定什么人是否尴尬梅鲁803八○二瓦特Youkaiotsubouyomi一胎通常存储的预期价值预计梅鲁晚上(或清晨),偶像从并行可爱的人 802 Or ji pepper pot u reading 803 Whether or not expectation it forces The ro w which is something which the person in question decides Usually nighttime or yesterday from the person lines up into the store which can anticipate expectation
你刚刚说他很苦恼最近抱怨没有尝试的弹珠我刚Tsuta Recently either without endeavoring in order to win complaint is said with only the person who is troubled with the pachinko
你和你的客户打电话通知了书店的角落书店的书我买嘈杂,一〇四瓦特 104 The bookstore tsu te where the second hand book house is noisy… Customer of the butsukuohu negotiation corner it calls and the ro w which is announcement
104但二手书店,书籍 104 But second hand book house book off
呼叫出来,宣布客户购买你的右下角一个书店的书,大声我瓦特 The bookstore saying noisily … Customer of the butsukuohu negotiation corner it calls and the ro w which is announcement
你是唯一的赌博博览会在日本和市民涌 _NULL_
假装所有1韩国人在日本 1
That the Korean whom the Japanese shook entirely
刺耳的电视是不正确的欲望来判断它由日本电视娱乐,可以从老年痴呆症是老年痴呆症弹弓只看嗯,我会觉得不舒服,我还与日本 As for the television being noisy also the Japanese thinking unpleasantly the ru Seeing well therefore only is dementia With amusement of dementia we do not want the pachinko or the television judging the Japanese with that
如果你想打的家伙从飞来拓谷拓我会不舒服时,自动门街道设置得太低了在客厅前面的一个弹子房 That the automatic door opens with the timing which passes by before the pachinko house it becomes unpleasant You beat the person who comes out of in and stop wanting to throw
升 RLRAdc0一大津是疯了激烈的伊森 有一个六个骰子,哟,你愚弄我不希望超过僵硬Karaji具有传染性,所以不晚 l RLRAdc0 Tremendous coming difference Assuming that there is a die of 1 6 The ji it is possible to scratch densely sufficiently from the tsu because the fool moves well is after
812号:升 RLRAdc0一大津是疯了激烈的伊森 骰子有六,哟,你愚弄我不希望它远远超过僵硬Karaji是会传染的,所以不晚 812 ID l RLRAdc0 Tremendous coming difference Assuming that there is a die of 1 6 The ji it is possible to scratch densely sufficiently from the tsu because the fool moves well is after
只有一击约12小时,比胸部更足够的战争准备边境 Preparing the sufficient wherewithal, 12 hours just it strikes the stand which border from here is exceeded
后勤工作你正在泄漏是不透明slurping是日本以外的资金流量大,现在他们不使系统不仅设置了流动的声音,可直接上周五起国有化 When it is the current system the big flow of the gold Japan leaking to opacity overseas slipperily the ro which is the ru It can play back the employment physical distribution with nationalization Unless the flow of the healthy gold is reset how it will do it is not
政客们的区别分钟行动空前的财富所有那些在外国公司和国内公司 As for the politician the fact that management can be let do to domestic enterprise The difference which fortune it can point at overseas enterprise it is not understood
吾诈遥控弹球。我知道Tteru赌博? Pachinko [tsu] [te] remote manipulation 詐. The gambling [tsu] [te] knowing, the [ru]?
商店及电子产品商店和超市出租店和相扑人与游戏,让挑剔的罗Kunaru真正的痛苦的头部少了,我想Nebai死亡 The rental video house and the game house and the home appliance house super it is noisy truly The head becomes painful That the person who has been permitted thinks that time below it should have died
商店及电子产品商店和超市录像带租赁店,人的头部与游戏,让真正的我Kunaru恼人的疼痛,我想Nebai死亡 The rental video house and the game house and the home appliance house super it is noisy truly The head becomes painful That the person who has been permitted thinks that time below it should have died
噪音和污染应找到第一个地方,我现在与中国的代名词 In the first place, noise and pollution what, now it probably is the Chinese pronoun
回报,但他们说没有站在字w是多余的肚皮沉溺在他们自己的大脑分泌汁抑郁,一半模糊的术语胶乐趣器件,它拿钱挤压 However you become angry, w which is not the word which is talked back
Being drowned to the brain juice of the self who is secreted excessively, become dim and be connected to the half-day pleasure device in the surface, to squeeze the gold it is taken
在一个由居住在日本的井底部,他是因为我想结束女孩 Well, therefore as for being the lowest layer with the people of the Japanese residence [gachi
在共产主义。谁拥有奴隶在火车上大声 Medium common property. As for the slave person May 蠅 it is in the streetcar,
多么响亮是新书店TSUTAYA Bukuofu,我做的事情?纪伊国屋,我悄悄地Bukuofu TSUTAYA设置背景音乐太大声来最低的,为 Noisy book store [tsu] [te] [bukuohu] or thing kana of TSUTAYA?
Kinokuniya was quiet
[bukuohu] and TSUTAYA BGM are too noisy
它吹嘘一自称Pro插槽,但机器博客自己的长寿种板 确定 插槽我说的经验,对工作没有出现在27岁,目前封闭,奈勒狙我们发明了马铃薯 You boasted that it is the calling slot professional employment history there are no 27 years old longevity sure of the slot type board which by the fact that descending disembarking overlooking it does becomes topic burogu of the self is established but you aim in nera fabrication being discovered presently in the midst of closing
当然 我在自己的世系巨魔呢! ?事实是怎样 Even now devastating sure with this human descending disembarking overlooking the ru Truth how…
完善的一种不同的是,中国或耳朵或在嘈杂的人独自Urusaijan 1 As for the Chinese it is noisy it is as a single unit It is noisy one by one Making the ear it is different it is kana
我说的东西,这对中国的了解 You can understand the fact that this Chinese says
是啊,我喜欢外国人发挥作用一个人谁听到一个响亮的单独Urusaijan As for the foreigner it is noisy it is as a single unit It is noisy one by one Making the ear it is different it is kana
思考能力下降218 218
Decrease of thought ability
我一定要保存流,我喜欢在书店里嘈杂的音乐或电视?如果我有一个店或做安静的古典音乐或流 NULL
人们谁也不会甚至不屑店从早上平均恩戴我总要泄露出货量 Volume leaks to outside the kana which is not how kana and others Also the people who have lined up probably are the disturbance from morning to the store but it is not
我已经离开采取非法赌博作弊是因为什么?你喜欢谁胜电脑 Something illegal ikasama gambling is left in the reason and takes it is The combining where someone can win the computer
我已经离开采取非法赌博作弊是因为什么?你喜欢谁胜电脑 Something illegal ikasama gambling is left in the reason and takes it is The combining where someone can win the computer
我想很多人都没有问题,当它从耳朵分离 When this leaves from the ear you think that how the person who is not with the tsu lever it is many
但是,这种做法实际上会做,如果我从来没有 Actually when it is accustomed how there is no with tsu lever it is probably will be however
我想很多人都没有听说这从远处 You think that the person where this does not leave from the ear it is many
我死后,我还是会打万维网 Even then striking ru we die www
我花了从总的阅读马塞卢,开始数,数中的静态提前购买Yanakyaikenaittenoha书店? If quiet there is no bookstore go saying because the Chinese without buying it completes entirely with browsing is
关于礼仪和道德的事情,唯一的中文文字Waretakunai In regard to the manner and moral thing would not like to say in just the Chinese
数学(概率,二项分布等),物理(如弹性碰撞)的学费将被立即设置克惹一)亮胜(损失将非常可疑的给排水管的约二○○○○○○○日元已在死蜡 If mathematics physics such as probability and binomial distribution it is bright elastic collision and the like Although it becomes victory group tuition first it learns the loss which does uncertain thing probably will be sufficient about 200 000 Yen but
购买儿童,如果你写的关键字和机械等作为摆在面前的并不多(百分比发生),工作二项式概率 Because the amateur so is multi when keyword is written first Machine percentage Child actor With appearance ratio the binomial distribution in probability and working
日本柏青哥出Kurerya日本Chankoro ll还需要涌涌不是很好,否则我将是一个宁静的乡村瓦特 Pachinko house chiyon In a word chiyon and chiyankoro coming out of Japan the tsu te giving ri ya As for Japan there is no with tsu lever which becomes the country which is possible to be quiet or w
会扣雅Chankoro出与日本日Kurerya还需要涌涌不是很好,否则我将是一个宁静的乡村瓦特 pachi house chiyon In a word chiyon and chiyankoro coming out of Japan the tsu te giving ri ya As for Japan there is no with tsu lever which becomes the country which is possible to be quiet or w
日本的“柏青哥”弹珠台是一个故事,我不是唯一的信息你真的只有日本 gt As for the Japanese “pachinko” Because the tsu te … as for the pachinko there is only Japan It is truly wretched story …
这种情况是我一个人TTA的县亚行抢购吗? This Chinese person went into the pachi house of some prefecture it is
日本采取的资本主义经济,是建立一个大的金字塔结构锗贫富差距,人民努力工作,我提出了旨在建立惜努力上岛津 In Japan which adopts capitalism economy difference of wealth and poverty is expanded and pyramid structure is constructed,
The people without sparing hardwork and effort, have succeeded in life by the fact that you aim toward higher stratum of society
昨天,在柏青哥多年做任何进店,我TTA的,我赶紧跑出去麻石早矢香Amarino Yesterday after several years the pachinko it is not popular and it entered into the store but it is it appeared in the noise of remainder directly
Tteta试图想 不要单元的大小商店例子,我想我骗过对方井 Intends the byte to do at the pachi house… If well you think as the aho partner there is no how thing
一旦禁止弹球,Biteirutoiu年用量 When the pachinko is prohibited you say that consumption has extended
中国的朋友,那么单元不仅雅致,如果您的要求为抢劫 If Chinese and the burglar it does we ask at just the pachi house
中国,我也充满了韩国老虎机 But also the Chinese and the South Korean have done the pachinko all the way
他们不希望利润从今天早晨,不要做柏青哥 Because we would not like to make the party gain the pachinko it is not popular
但是,日本这样做是为了弹弓,我不认为即使漏斗进店 But the Japanese the pachinko it is not popular and it probably will enter to the store also you do not think
取名“老虎机”哦,不,“韩国球进”中,你知道 NULL
如果你有一个良好的制度,如果你不能禁止持牌弹球 The pachinko cannot be prohibited if it makes license system it is good
我试图完全取消一柏青哥店,所以 1 Therefore the pachinko house the ze which how will extensively be abolished
政府断然禁止和弹子房 And kitsupari The Korean government which prohibits the pachinko
昨天,我走进一家柏青哥店或进入TTA的多年,我赶紧跑出去麻石早矢香Amarino Yesterday after several years it entered into the pachinko house but it is it appeared in the noise of remainder directly
柏青哥五月蝿进一步说,中国自己不说五月蝿qqqqq _NULL_
柏青哥基本上是顾客疯狂 _NULL_
柏青哥是一个奴隶制“犯罪率的”中国是你用你 平区瓦特 Crime ratio of the person who the pachinko is done is” the slave Special Economic District of China” Escaping w which how it does
我还没有回来柏青哥耻辱,日语 Therefore the pachinko the Japanese shame talk back it is
柏青哥是“中国奴隶的”用它做 平带我瓦特 The pachinko store is” the slave Special Economic District of China” Escaping w which how it does
犯罪率如此高的人弹弓 Crime ratio of the person who the pachinko is done so high
柏青哥是烟草的宣传和倡导,它只是一个像狗屎的家伙 _NULL_
现在我回到我已经赢得了36个100日元剑pachislot茉莉花 _NULL_
现在,我写了:“什么?”我认为他最好TTA的TTA的删除 In we now writing “what ” The tsu te as for the person who is thought The one which you go away is better
电子商店是不打开或关闭的目的是你敢不敢啊?在这样一个大的噪音,或认为这是不可能的,他们购买产品或功能的瓦特数十万 The home appliance mass sales store not being inserted boldly purposely Removing ru In such a large noise function of some 100 000 shopping W examination it probably could not be
编号:0uufEycEO是疯了 ID: As for 0uufEycEO [kichigai
随机噪声的车间时,他是一个很大的柏青哥一蟹弹球骑楼或什至听到它肯定不采取 Certainly When the Gaea plug with the pachinko it does sound is huge at random but at the pachinko store you hear that and do not take
他们并没有显示时,我感觉不错我柏青哥 Honest sensitivity doing the cod pachinko house how it does not enter
我如何辨认出像他们增加了一个中餐厅,我看到到处瞬间 1 If it makes extent everywhere and over there where it becomes the pachi house like the Chinese being able to expel
随着人体免疫力的最高水平。或有害于病人Pachinkasu监狱... It has the immunity of mankind strongest level. The jail person harmfulness of [pachinkasu] you are nonplused?…
韩国人把球做一次浓烟窒息 The Korean magazine pocket doing, the [ru] person suffocation dies with the tabacco smoke