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The high age person of the hard-worker “transfer employment to the young person!”


  • 2 - 4周Warota结论是在
    2 - 4 So conclusion it has come out [warota] w

    • 437 OB的连接老人做工作,因为没有新的工作,即使只有一半惚,如没有新的中年以上的差异 437 The old person of connection OB doing because ru work is not new work Half being preoccupied the te those which new middle age compared to you do not make a mistake
      • 在新的一万亩,甚至惜,OB的麻烦酝酿的时间,我 Because even the time which is trained from one it is regrettable turning to OB the ru it is to put out

    • 841刑事罪行是外国人驱逐出境或没收的家族,我很喜欢我迅速死亡 841 As for the foreigner who commits crime with property forfeiture whole group forcing repatriation it is to do in prompt decision capital punishment combining
      • 应该能创造就业机会和驱逐到中华民族问愚蠢的 If you make force have the Chinese repatriate the expectation which can create employment rather

    • Jijibaba保健,足额支付不问任何问题! ! ! !
      Medical nursing and being of [jijibaba] indisputable, payment in full individual payment! ! ! !

      • Jr的婴儿潮,婴儿潮世代将会是一场以明确,学生运动和我有一个莲花Uhouho忘记,气泡产生
        Quarrelling to the nodule and nodule jr and elbowroom, [uhouho] have been done student movement & the bubble generation who Being it is to forget is

        • m机茹价值涉足机械总公司 When gt the machine is inserted the added value of the amount where the person becomes easy is something which the corporate body which inserted the machine obtains
          • 人一旦成为进入机器舒适分钟 u003d的价值及其对一公司除了米茹进入机 When the machine is inserted the added value of the amount where the person becomes easy is something which the corporate body which inserted the machine obtains

        • _NULL_
          In Cabinet minister inside propulsion theory and democracy bellow of rally * Original article: 121 Name: Name it is not @ ten lap year : 2010/10/31 (day) 15: 10: 18 ID: Vb5wUCV30 However you call to the fool, as for TPP just tariff abolition of agriculture saying Circulation of money, also freeing the insurance and freeing etc the labor force including, the [ru] [tsu] [te] The mass foreigner worker flowing into to Japan, there is no step which is prevented Increase of social security, increase of unemployed person and in deflation stimulation etc. In good thing viewing Also the multipara ministry in TPP changing in hesitation, now only the Cabinet prefecture and Japan Federation of Economic Organizations as for propulsion group the circumstance which is not Doing, the slave of wages increasing low, to export the fact that it does profit just Japan Federation of Economic Organizations which becomes easy is what Because the party of the Cabinet prefecture receives enterprise donation, this and being tasty reason,… The Democratic party, reopening enterprise donation

          • 一括日给我,但婴儿潮一代穿着叩而在宝宝学校高潮从学校毕业的中学是做机器的正常工作,现在,我举的翻译效率的,例如人的思维相同的运行时间相同,双在婴儿潮原来的名称叩确保人们兜售他们是不是在现有奥马的差异 Furthermore hitting in the nodule tsu te one binding however the ru as for high soldier finishing and medium soldier finishing of the nodule Handling job in like the current machine it is increasing productivity with meaning When the same human counting same time it makes work unless time it sells the existing people as for hitting under name of the nodule the large mistake
            • 一括日给我,但婴儿潮一代穿着叩而在宝宝学校高潮从学校毕业的中学是做机器的正常工作,现在,我举起肯定生产力叩翻译原婴儿潮这些人的名字ooma公司是差异 Furthermore hitting in the nodule tsu te one binding however the ru as for high soldier finishing and medium soldier finishing of the nodule Handling job in like the current machine it is increasing productivity with meaning When the same human counting same time it makes work unless time it sells the existing people as for hitting under name of the nodule the large mistake

          • 一般来说,当没有赌徒和掌握游戏预计只刚辉我的时间,我真的需要看到张等。 Generally as for the gambler and the gambler when there is no possibility that it can defeat by his turning to seeing it does not stretch it rubbed

            • 但是,你就得去体验,因为他们还年轻,聪,它是人的业务的,当他在做什么,但现在他们可以爆裂或改变 Therefore the experience person the tsu te young person is cautioned however it is as for that the time where that person did With business now changing reaching

              • 但是,那些做工精美不平衡的信心并不快(青年),更好的完成时间一定会到稍微慢肯定(老人),我计算的立场 Work is fast even every request but from the person young person who is unevenness Some being slow because the one senior citizen which finishes securely according to date calculation stands it is good
                • Eru m确保雇用了很多弱相比,成年男性 You can employ extremely cheaply in comparison with the adult boy it is
                • 如果他们不愿意从年轻强硬污染安全,就业老人囊豆在此之前,你坚持 kitsui it is dirty is cheap from the young person who is disliked it is natural to employ the senior citizen who is done piece by piece in the bean

              • 例如,考虑最高价值和追求自己的利益,他不认为其他人缺乏的是“被认为是整个国家的鄂日本”心的兽性世代在此之前,很少有人可以质疑我们的权利被证明声称的记录,就好像它是坏的,但 You think of that it pursues his own profit value of supremacy the generation like the beast which is lacking in the heart which is bothered about others is they as for that without questioning the left and right that “of thing of the whole nation Japan is thought” only too natural thing like whether just it is badness of is proven even from the previous offense which you insist
                • 例如,考虑最高价值和追求自己的利益,他不认为其他人缺乏的是“被认为是整个国家的鄂日本”心的兽性世代在此之前,很少有人可以质疑我们的权利被证明声称的记录,就好像它是坏的,但 You think of that it pursues his own profit value of supremacy the generation like the beast which is lacking in the heart which is bothered about others is they as for that without questioning the left and right that “of thing of the whole nation Japan is thought” only too natural thing like whether just it is badness of is proven even from the previous offense which you insist

              • 保健人员的工作与新标准强制性Mitsubachi五年公务员年度支付遣散我应该做护理,我已经老了,所以
                Therefore [a] The old person should have done nursing, it is Government employee in retirement lump sum grant provision condition nursing job work of five years Require

                • 公司,甚至没有专职办公室工作,或保安人员,工作样的我,是一个前雇员流连接,不给了 Until at enterprise the regular member does the office work work which is not the guard There is work of that hand but it is flowing to the former employee connection it does not go outside
                  • 一旦工作是肯定薄,牛人谁使用时间将剩余的全部工作中的介质薪金不是安全无利润适合当前Sudake我出去,以确定价格 If work becomes thin being left over among them you use the ru person and with allowance of the regular member profit is not agreeable Deciding unit cost just it lets flow cheap work outside

                • 关闭退休金的年龄是同情电梯,甚至在成本的荒谬
                  Annuity receipt start age pulling up is worthy of to sympathy, but as the compensation absurdity

                  • 其实我父母和我爷爷奶奶喜欢的×我没有工作,但都没有问题,即使孩子的恢复正常,甚至如果你问他们,以协助失业人士一分为二 Actually by your having helping in the grandparents and parents × 2 from the ru Having become inoccupation normally the lady the child it is but there is no problem but it is don t you think But there is no job …
                    • 我没有在面试时我没有在援助的国家,虽然它未能在 That saying is the failure with interview Help from the country saying it is certainly

                  • 只是给大家一个就业的债务是不够的,你都将返回
                    If only employment is transferred, it is insufficient Return with the debt ending [me] [e] and others of the [te] [me] [e] and others

                    • 在日本等发达国家相比,我想对生活标准常态
                      With advanced nation other than Japan standard of living rising normally, the [ru

                      • 在过去443工程我,钱不是很好,但并不一定有时间去拉屎,工作环境是最差的,当它下降到手和脚刀在空气中或 443 Period manufacture of former times how the gold however it is good the spare time when unko it does or When the worst it puts out working environment and the air cutter with the hand and foot drops to that

                        • 失业保险与再就业ー員贝鲁轰炸机的外国学员,不便宜。 Erabenee但我的职业生涯与老工厂迁移海外退休赔偿
                          Cheap trainee and foreigner [pa] of employee [re] [be] [ru] - with Unemployment preservation. Old person after the retiring of the compensation being attached Working together Overseas moving of factory Already the occupation how gill [be] well

                          • 如何利用团体集会反日政治团体和邪教井
                            The extent which well the anti-Japanese political organization and the cult group use in meeting?

                            • 如果年轻人希望有更多蛋糕更像一块会不会来送我111次,但银更艰苦的工作 111 We want silver dispatch like easy work steadily It is in the young person and kitsu is and only work turns
                              • 他喝时世行222是确保你喜欢或比较年轻,但瓦特DQN 222 The person who goes to drinking in your such times the young person rather than w which is DQN

                            • 如果我们只扩大到445宏观经济,人类进步的机械化没有用完 445 If only macro economy it keeps expanding mechanization advancing Human labor becomes insufficient
                              • 所以,现在,人类的败类的工作,人类活动的所有黑色 Therefore now the workplace where human labor of the human is utilized everyone black

                            • 学习院大学经济学和铃木亘,教授谈谈您的养老金
                              You spoke the Suzuki of university department of economics Professor Gakushuin 亘 concerning the teacher and annuity

                              • 对婴儿潮一代老人令人不安你付出高昂的租金在Ibatsu为什么不让我工作
                                The fact that it is the disturbance not working, the salary which is high receiving, being proud, is [jijii] of the [ru] nodule

                                • 当机器进入四百五十八分钟债务和退休生产上要分,低于寿司或不是一个人这是不可能的,或者如果配额Geru 458 When the machine you insert are repayment amount of debt and amount and the norm where productivity rises increased That is not possible if the person only is decreased

                                  • 忽略的历史背景下,作为年轻的毕业生多达美化昭和时代的愚蠢谈论婴儿潮理论认为谁的胆量或 Ignoring the historical background about the same as the large soldier finishing of the nodule which talks nature theory The young person who beautifies Showa thinks that it is the idiot
                                    • 上市公司,但我不这样想我的工作框架租金Outo高中教育,大学毕业生 General enterprise raising high soldier finishing working the large soldier finishing framework it seems that you do not try probably to receive it rubbed

                                  • 我们想租来的年轻人知道的事情是照顾老人的背包S的间接成本
                                    The young people being conscious of the fact that the compensation of senior citizen welfare has been done the back negative [wa] indirectly, we would like to receive

                                    • 我会说我只是想我,如果你有创业能力是有限的,这样我724的馅饼?当前青年创业需要做的是实际发生的事情我觉得我不是他们所说的话翻译 724 The pie being limited therefore the ru it is So if there is an ability starting a business and depending and saying although is just the ru Actually as for the present condition which the young person starts a business and the oral ya is not good Because there is no excuse very happening you think that the ru it is but

                                      • 我公司生产的在发展中国家和劳动密集型,发达国家在工资上的分歧正在做这么少的机械化生产设备,毕竟,从来就必须依赖于劳动生产率
                                        Developing country which has been produced with human sea tactics and, as for the difference of wages of the advanced nation which the machine has almost produced After all, it depends on the development condition = labor productivity of place mechanization, it is

                                        • 我只是不停地Ippaiippai既得利益?
                                          With just maintenance of acquired interests [itsupaiitsupai]?

                                          • 我只是想,停止雇用年轻人更是倍
                                            Employment turning, the young person stops immediately, it is the [ro] which is

                                            • 我只有624的事情企业家?伊予隆障碍 624 It should start a business saying thing The hurdle it is high
                                              • 甚至开始启动一个新的业务,场,风Kiga贫困 In the first place it starts a business doing the place wind direction is bad

                                            • 我试图了解更多信息,并尝试了一套完整的年轻人们为负,但只有一半的青少年99字节 99 Half of the young person is the byte The young person is defeated and unites and it is being lazy It probably will study more
                                              • 现在的年轻人在一个没有挤压煤泥1级的武器和装甲 The weapon guard there is no current young person at level 1 in state slime suppression

                                            • 我还用它的钱可以回收世界各地的一段较长时间后,从其他年轻人 Using the gold because of that because afterwards to be long the young person in the world becomes the partner you could collect
                                              • 我也用了钱,是从世界各地收集了较长时间后 Using the gold because of that because afterwards to be long the young person in the world becomes the partner you could collect

                                            • 政治家们变得像一个老男人,我会投智富
                                              The politician being the rich person and the number of votes having, the [ru] old person becomes good,

                                              • 既得利益和地位的工程本身不发送期间
                                                There is no dispatch status itself of period manufacture of the times acquired interests

                                                • 日本NHK电视台关注的国家“的失业男子的90〜
                                                  Doing from NHK of government-managed broadcast, “90 generation jobless men -

                                                  • 日本是一个国家,一个工作只能普通中国和韩国,如我在日本逗留超过500亿人谁不从,以及接收到的字节 As for Japan it has become the country which you cannot be employed to like China and Korea and In Japan the person who does not pass even in the byte stays as many as 5 000 000 or more it is
                                                    • 日本是一个国家,一个工作只能普通中国和韩国,如我在日本逗留超过500亿人谁不从,以及接收到的字节 As for Japan it has become the country which you cannot be employed to like China and Korea and In Japan the person who does not pass even in the byte stays as many as 5 000 000 or more it is

                                                  • 日本青年之间的良好关系为青年与老人梳想争取日本人民的外国人哇塞龟甲壳是比较成功的年租金不一样狡猾端到端教学工作 It has been about that the foreigner will have the Japanese fight Old person anti young person The Japanese it will make chummy As for the young person work teaching to the crafty old person receiving From shell of a tortoise Isao of year

                                                    • 有些公司是广告的工作-穆请求!养老金领取者!长者欢迎!道歉 - 有些甚至找
                                                      In enterprise, with recruiting announcement With the fact of the matter which is also the place where it collects

                                                      • 然后你就会知道了医院,只有前警察和前卫生保健工作者每年聘请,但我会重新雇人士
                                                        Knowing, the [ru] hospital, every year employing the re-employment person, however the [ru] Only the former policeman and original medical work person

                                                        • 然而,只有停止在20世纪90年代日本的生长 But just Japan Stopping growth from nineties

                                                          • 现在也开始工作,并在我脖子上挂着即将现金津市
                                                            Now beginning work, the neck hanging the time where it realizes the [ru] trap

                                                            • 现在,为青年就业项目的紧急应变措施,安装时收到的租金,他们周五职业培训
                                                              While this time, at urgent employment policy business of the young person object, the gold receiving, occupation training it receives

                                                              • 现在,我们想成为潮叶德娴Bitatameni大选政治也不是一个在年轻一代,经济不景气集中的伤害,但问题而扩大,说TTA的停滞的社会中,大多数传媒叶德娴和结节已报告歪曲事实 Politics and to think of the thing of election because you flatter to the nodule the problem such as the blockade impression of deterioration and society of the result and the economy which damage concentrates on the young generation was expanded you flattered to the nodule which but the mass communications is majority group twisted the actual condition and reported
                                                                • 你需要优先考虑的安全性和创造就业机会有很大的影响和既得利益和选举的大多数,对年轻一代的牺牲的结果,这一差距已导致停滞不希望比现实更美好这是一个问题 In a word it is majority group and the result of preferring the employment and guarantee of the vesting generation who is big influence in election designating the young generation as sacrifice furthermore is to be the differential problem which brings the blockade impression above the good actual condition
                                                                • 对在工作场所的僵局我是非常普遍的价值观念在当今社会,他现在成了他们最上方 Now their senses of value which have become the top being spread in present society has raised the blockade impression of the workplace
                                                                • 现在,我们想成为潮叶德娴Bitatameni大选政治也不是一个在年轻一代,经济不景气集中的伤害,但问题而扩大,说TTA的停滞的社会中,大多数传媒叶德娴和结节已报告歪曲事实 Politics and to think of the thing of election because you flatter to the nodule the problem such as the blockade impression of deterioration and society of the result and the economy which damage concentrates on the young generation was expanded you flattered to the nodule which but the mass communications is majority group twisted the actual condition and reported
                                                                • 现在,我们想成为潮叶德娴Bitatameni大选政治也不是一个在年轻一代,经济不景气集中的伤害,但问题而扩大,说TTA的停滞的社会中,大多数传媒叶德娴和结节已报告歪曲事实 Politics and to think of the thing of election because you flatter to the nodule the problem such as the blockade impression of deterioration and society of the result and the economy which damage concentrates on the young generation was expanded you flattered to the nodule which but the mass communications is majority group twisted the actual condition and reported

                                                              • 立即有247土地,富裕,前公务员金光闪闪的金牙
                                                                247 Land having, wealthy person, gold tooth glaringly original government employee

                                                                • 结构问题具有taste m老马在工作中剩余的,如补贴
                                                                  Problem with respect to the structure that remainder a taste in regard to employment those where such as grant there is the aged person,

                                                                  • 自下而上的公司,我来想出一个取代他的主聘有没有这样的公司 Thinking on the 克 under such as bottom up of enterprise there is no ru enterprise
                                                                    • 464公司没有其他的工作,我 464 Another work how it is not at enterprise

                                                                  • 蜘蛛接受一个习惯,把近188退休金至每月20万,“嗯,这是不够的,”哇,我觉得我贪心,远远deprived ll做一个好工作中的音乐,而你断开并见入日 188 Annuity in the habit which also nearly month amount 200 000 is received “this it is not enough” that while omitting Being easy taking the work whose observing is good the ru it is To somewhere avarice the wa which is thought

                                                                    • 要进展机械化的生产力 u003d 451 u003d鄂 u003d我想提高生活水平的附加值。 451 Mechanization advances productivity rises added value increases standard of living rises Is
                                                                      • 同一张脸,有成效的事情我能够取得今天的问题 It is the tsu te thing which can guarantee productivity without problem from the same face today

                                                                    • 贫困连接,直到60年的退休五年的食物,他们已经是非常困难的
                                                                      Until annuity you can receive 60 years old of the pauper, as for 5 years eating and connecting the difficult industry

                                                                      • 转移到老人的座位是年轻! !退休金抑制我! !一个肯定行到医院! ! The old person transfers the seat to the young person Annuity modesty margin It goes to the hospital
                                                                        • 在我退休之前,我是我ü前缀表示转让320 320 Before transfer stopping before the retirement age the ru wa
                                                                        • 我希望我可以转移到别的兰花,五Munohayametekure包括我到死水塘 However it is good separately even with 譲 viewing until it dies the gold it stops the fact that it entraps

                                                                      • 辉卡诺有收入甚至养老年金payment ll?

                                                                        • 这个问题的原因 与非正规工人的差距?这是因为婴儿潮, Non proper employment differential as for cause of problem As for this consequence of nodule
                                                                          • 结节老头告诉有力民主党的支持层欺诈 Therefore as for nodule jijii powerful bearing stratum of fraud political party democracy
                                                                          • 这个问题的原因 与非正规工人的差距?这是因为婴儿潮, Non proper employment differential as for cause of problem As for this consequence of nodule
                                                                          • 鄂代主张实际上没有更多关于婴儿潮一代不知道自己有一个请求权 Actually about the nodule generation not knowing about the body there is no generation who advocates right insistence

                                                                        • 这样的事情,是一个东西我就知道我是学校规定的拇指在中间,不Kashiku尴尬?如果你带忍受努力,其中有高中棒球和黄铜,学校领导留茹著名的合唱比赛刚尚志无权 As for such a thing even with the junior high school student knowing with rule of thumb although it is ru thing Without being shy If you endeavor intently if it bears fruit the high school baseball and the brass band As for the specialty leader who stays in the invincible school of chorus competition the ro which is unnecessary
                                                                          • 这样的事情,是一个东西我就知道我是学校规定的拇指在中间,不Kashiku尴尬?如果你带忍受努力,其中有高中棒球和黄铜,学校领导留茹著名的合唱比赛刚尚志无权 As for such a thing even with the junior high school student knowing with rule of thumb although it is ru thing Without being shy If you endeavor intently if it bears fruit the high school baseball and the brass band As for the specialty leader who stays in the invincible school of chorus competition the ro which is unnecessary

                                                                        • 这种放纵是年轻的一代没有收入来源只有一个至关重要的问题
                                                                          Such as for hobby, in the young person generation where revenue source is only one life and death problem

                                                                          • 队。我有一个森喜朗的就业是显而易见的公共设施都下Maryan
                                                                            Group. As for employment being active the public facilities seeing [ri] [ya] under capital clear

                                                                            • 除了人类的人,总是在做机战的话,我会让你拼设备和软件都 The human has a match with the machine always in addition to the human and Making the machine and the software you have a match with the ru person
                                                                              • 例如不使用机器对年轻人,他们无法工作 You cannot use the machine the work without of being possible to the young person it puts out

                                                                            • 颓废和逃避现实的年龄甚至认为Dattari自己的邪教,飞碟Wota
                                                                              Also oneself actual escape is the end method idea cult, UFO [wota

                                                                              • 高收入者是不是非装载的养老保险费支付?
                                                                                The large amount income earner the default does insurance against annuity charge, it is it is not?

                                                                                • 高,在过去一代TTA的投票率有公心,其中已被压制,梅鲁强大的婴儿潮一代现在已经没有更多的影响力和公共精神,详细阐述情欲自负的一代, Until now in the poll ratio where the generation who had public heart is high it was still controlled but it is the generation of the thorough egoism which furthermore as for the nodule generation who strengthens influence is not public heart and the like from now on is covered in selfish desire
                                                                                  • 高,在过去一代TTA的投票率有公心,其中已被压制,梅鲁强大的婴儿潮一代现在已经没有更多的影响力和公共精神,详细阐述情欲自负的一代, Until now in the poll ratio where the generation who had public heart is high it was still controlled but it is the generation of the thorough egoism which furthermore as for the nodule generation who strengthens influence is not public heart and the like from now on is covered in selfish desire

                                                                                研究 開発