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“Dew President 仙 valley director tooth dance color red lead visit plan? You do not comment one by one”


  • Kokumin国外和恐吓产经新闻习惯很快排除什么腰只

    • NULL □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
      • 121布鲁诺 评论 121 No comment
      • 1“也没说 1 “You do not call at all
      • NULL □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
      • 从字典中迅速取出,如果它不工作,我在日本 If it does not work stopping quickly go away from Japan
      • 全国销售代表研究员孙 Sale Country Person Day Book Generation Chart
      • 哪是什么呢?并说什么,做什么,因为我觉得我不知道我说Ttara When if anything You do not understand how it should have done how you should have said Therefore the tsu te you feel
      • 如果你不能工作,我,我下世字典中的任何讲话滚装船 It cannot work if stop Well please stop
      • 我希望我喜欢你会说一想到这个埃塔 1 After thinking like this saying if the ru it is but it is to call
      • 我还没有被访问,迄今只有两次机会 Chance and the like the wa which only 2 times visits so far

    • “ITI的ITI公司无可奉告”,但如果他的云战国,战国援引梅德韦杰夫是照火的日常刷新我的腹股沟 “You do not comment one by one” the 仙 valley person So while saying northern territory between the crotch of the 仙 valley medobejiehu had been dizzy feeling hot
      • 我舔粉尘质量是天堂(笑) The mass rubbish it is licked Laughing
      • 梅德韦杰夫还引述了日常的腹股沟舔我的新鲜战国时艰 Northern territory between the crotch of the 仙 valley it licked medobejiehu fiercely and turned

    • “”总理战国!还参观了齿舞和色丹Medobejefu!“”为什么不呢?滚装哇塞情况下,如果俄罗斯大使迫切的问题!“”是的,因为不仅是中国藩属国到日本“,”战国总理 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku medobejiehu visited even in tooth dance and the color red lead ” “Why is Inquire to the Russian ambassador urgently ” Because “Japan just China does not make tributary it probably will put out is” “Prime Minister Sengoku
      • “”总理战国!还参观了齿舞和色丹Medobejefu!“”为什么不呢?滚装哇塞情况下,如果俄罗斯大使迫切的问题!“”是的,因为不仅是中国藩属国到日本“,”战国总理 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku medobejiehu visited even in tooth dance and the color red lead ” “Why is Inquire to the Russian ambassador urgently ” Because “Japan just China does not make tributary it probably will put out is” “Prime Minister Sengoku
      • “”总理战国!还参观了齿舞和色丹Medobejefu!“”为什么不呢?滚装哇塞情况下,如果俄罗斯大使迫切的问题!“”是的,因为不仅是中国藩属国到日本“,”战国总理 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku medobejiehu visited even in tooth dance and the color red lead ” “Why is Inquire to the Russian ambassador urgently ” Because “Japan just China does not make tributary it probably will put out is” “Prime Minister Sengoku
      • “”总理战国!还参观了齿舞和色丹Medobejefu!“”为什么不呢?滚装哇塞情况下,如果俄罗斯大使迫切的问题!“”是的,因为不仅是中国藩属国到日本“,”战国总理 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku medobejiehu visited even in tooth dance and the color red lead ” “Why is Inquire to the Russian ambassador urgently ” Because “Japan just China does not make tributary it probably will put out is” “Prime Minister Sengoku
      • “”总理战国!还参观了齿舞和色丹Medobejefu!“”为什么不呢?滚装哇塞情况下,如果俄罗斯大使迫切的问题!“”是的,因为不仅是中国藩属国到日本“,”战国总理 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku medobejiehu visited even in tooth dance and the color red lead ” “Why is Inquire to the Russian ambassador urgently ” Because “Japan just China does not make tributary it probably will put out is” “Prime Minister Sengoku

    • “如何在日的检察审查会议”,建立案件的公正裴柳田稔办公室接受检察官的证据隐藏Oosaka区改建公共推出了第三方的起诉审查会议提交了第一次会议10日至重建所有14个成员表示“,由检察机关以外的第三方专家”是谁在日审查会议(由司法部长担任主席之前,题跋惠子)3月4日推出

      • 。 。地狱“是,是,北领地,北领地”,“海岛?关于这一点,我不博赫分钟!你看,我现在在日本销售采取 NULL
        • 。 。地狱“是,是,北领地,北领地”,“海岛?关于这一点,我不博赫分钟!你看,我现在抛售日 NULL
        • 我没有参加自民党有机会返回北方领土返回花了50年后的战争是 NULL
        • 我没有参加自民党有机会返回北方领土返回花了50年后的战争是 NULL

      • 一个人,我希望日本从来没有真正发生Tatte The tsu te which Japan how how becomes true it is to call the shelf it is dense…

        • 一个细腰不是一个我会说没有好笑话 koitsu which is useless The slim waist or joke saying in ru case it is not
          • 一个细腰不是一个我会说没有好笑话 koitsu which is useless The slim waist or joke saying in ru case it is not

        • 不管你是否支持我的状态可能有关放弃苏联发射过来的地震 And earthquake occurring when becoming a state perhaps the Soviet Union abandons probably being it helped
          • 不管你是否支持我的状态可能有关放弃苏联发射过来的地震 And earthquake occurring when becoming a state perhaps the Soviet Union abandons probably being it helped
          • 而我只会有一轮的利润,如果你只是来帮助我的身体 If it helps having with just the ru is the circular profit
          • 而我只会有一轮的利润,如果你只是来帮助我的身体 If it helps having with just the ru is the circular profit
          • 而我只会有一轮的利润,如果你只是来帮助我的身体 If it helps having with just the ru is the circular profit

        • 不要做的事,但一位发言人,内阁官房长官,作为媒体是最终将会找到我,请听行,其中部长的权限没有?是啊的更多,对吗?战国的?这也是内阁官房长官是相当厚的肚皮 NULL

          • 中国已经用敬语,但是,在俄罗斯,我不使用敬语我不知道 NULL
            • 中国已经用敬语,但是,在俄罗斯,我不使用敬语我不知道 NULL

          • 仁和相同的人,我在中国的伺肤色苍白是一条评论,我不认为例如万维网

            • 他们在做肮脏交易的自民党,不仅是放弃粘连 NULL
              • 他们做的肮脏交易子敏,恰到好处地放弃粘连 NULL

            • 他们烧的,并添加到了日本人民的政府解散可以做什么?难道我还有两年呢?我真的只是失去土地和海上,等待,直到两年后Ttetara NULL

              • 他等(简,战国,筑紫,大谷),无疑是赢家

                • 但他们不知道440人? 440 But someone you do not know
                  • 让我说我的屁股踢的相当一代人 Someone you call to substituting Gatun

                • 但是,毕竟军,无论是疲惫的双腿Gokko播放Binisuginai革命,革命的纯粹是看学生在一些严重,红色的案件造成的,一个左派学生运动是快速时尚的时代埃塔衰减 But less than you grow tired of revolution gotsuko which after all is no more than a play the student of part being serious purely When revolution is planned Red Army incident is caused as for left flank student movement as a fashion of age It became weak quickly

                  • 假装无知如果不作进一步的评论在591现在,那将被显示而不是对抗的东西从第一 591 After so long a time if it does with no comment and the mule tsu gives from first confrontation attitude something it should show it was not
                    • 248 ll做到这一点,我不德岛县秸秆转移 248 Such a thing it is not transmitted to the Tokushima prefecture people
                    • 559 我说的例子,当听到这条道路布鲁诺在德岛, 说评论Iyagatta 559 If gt so you say when the road hearing with Tokushima no comment and word you disliked
                    • 例如这样说时,在德岛,布鲁诺的方式听到 说评论Iyagatta So if you say when the road hearing with Tokushima no comment and word you disliked

                  • 关于北方领土的谈判将无法干预的权利这个映射怒Rashitara

                    • 内阁放弃这一业务,取得了罕见的事情存在茹

                      • 决定电影“屁股蛇臀目”女主角:演员菅直子小泽和子冈田Katsuko鸠山由纪子美术○村田良子战国:梅德韦杰夫承担。 。老放屁杆忠云2MB的其他生产工作:民主党“屁股蛇臀目”视频公开。政策委员会

                        • 北亚利桑那大学是损害国家利益战国分散了不信任的人不舒服

                          • 和科诺Tamotsu。左翼部长,而背叛自己的国家的外交一个人的,我会转而通过司法和安全机构

                            • 四郎尽早提前举行大选是太无能和不负责任的事情,我很抱歉,我想我会在我的总理,这入脾这个家伙 It is dense by his thinking even Prime Minister the ru it is probably will be Being foolish being disabled it is too irresponsible It is quick dispersion general election margin also this rupi

                              • 国家爬行,甚至在美国不能只是中国和俄罗斯恫。它只会成为一个傲慢

                                • 奉献我们的阴凉的地方,即使亚太经合组织侃,apr镳内政部乐泛滥

                                  • 如果它是坏滨崎步Yuzuru乃木熨斗Hikiokosu比一个大,而火花

                                    • 如果条目立即接受波茨坦宣言,没有战争的解决办法也是一系列爆炸事件

                                      • 小金的唯一领导日本人民呼吸

                                        • 尖阁群岛问题548 -维基百科TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E5公司%%96%B0的九个人口众多%E8的96%± 3%%%B8座AB的%E5公司%B3的%E5公司B6的%%%95%8楼九个人口众多%± 1%8C条

                                          • 帝国总部的新闻发布,“内部事务正在访问俄罗斯的,你希望看到强有力的领导”在外交政策上不称职的业余剁碎的真正目的,并希望俄罗斯引导舆论,仿佛它是不负责这个“立即开枪结束与领土争端的机会,如果没有返回“绝对正确的,它表明,表达的意图 NULL
                                            • 我筛选的讲话被认为是丧失工作能力的,你必须作出反应 NULL

                                          • 总理早战国!很难!就我部是一个“设计,朝鲜一直以”为什么?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!“”这似乎对国内问题 It is quick Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious It seems that North Korea attacks but” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • “总理战国!是伟大的!朝鲜一直是我部的!”“为什么不呢?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!”“这似乎对国内问题 “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious North Korea attacked ” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • “总理战国!是伟大的!朝鲜一直是我部的!”“为什么不呢?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!”“这似乎对国内问题 “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious North Korea attacked ” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • “总理战国!是伟大的!朝鲜一直是我部的!”“为什么不呢?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!”“这似乎对国内问题 “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious North Korea attacked ” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • “总理战国!是伟大的!朝鲜一直是我部的!”“为什么不呢?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!”“这似乎对国内问题 “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious North Korea attacked ” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • “总理战国!是伟大的!朝鲜一直是我部的!”“为什么不呢?迫切的问题都筛选综合哇塞中国大使!”“这似乎对国内问题 “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious North Korea attacked ” “Why is Inquire to the Chinese ambassador urgently ” “Domestic problem it probably will put out is
                                            • 你是你打算怎么战国节瓦特万维网 Sengoku w which how is completed It is the celebration www
                                            • 记者:“内阁官房长官,尖阁是一家集设计力量在中国登陆,”战国“这是不够的评论ITI的ITI公司 “It seems that secretariat Director and the Chinese troop reporter land to the 尖 official building but” Sengoku “it is not the extent which you comment one by one

                                          • 意见,但不是在工作-正义-春柳田正志,“他后来听到”“如何在日审查会议的起诉,”森委员。公务员由内阁官房长官出庭律师

                                            • 慰安妇和南京事件,但他们和竹岛问题既成事实

                                              • 我就住在医院焦虑?在亚太经合组织

                                                • 我无我只是觉得他的支持者多数派主导,或者说725战国

                                                  • 我知道这只是六百一十二元Zenkyoutou社会主义

                                                    • 我绝望的失业整齐的先生们,我已成为一个英雄站起来走的道路战国之旅

                                                      • 战国“并非如此,因为中国有困难的事挂像!而是支持俄罗斯!”我放弃了二战工作作为内阁和其他民主党人万维网的无能,背叛自己的国家真正的一 NULL

                                                        • 战国是一个证明,在一个纤细的腰肢怜悯韦杰夫委员会

                                                          • 战国说这并没有访问过日本的后代,从国内“荏先生,注册日本销售到俄罗斯境内传递一个叛徒!”是啊,所以我就挑他们抬起食品 When Japan does not visit like this calling the 仙 valley to future From the country “cowardice president the traitor me which sells Russian territory to Japan ” tsu te The pressure it receives therefore it is
                                                            • 其中我们的时候,你不太可能有偏见到战国中丧生的种族清洗 The spirit shelf among those of we in the race purification may be killed in the 仙 valley
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 四郎被击落的飞机离开该地区,如果日本男人汉奸战国 The 仙 valley it is dense Traitor If Japanese territory producing the fighter plane downing margin
                                                            • 战国“在考虑与俄罗斯的关系,真的是你想成为一个不 Considering in relationship of the 仙 valley “anti dew as for such whether the leprosy which you stop
                                                            • 战国它的确切伊予花没有外交能力,而不是国际上,但我说什么,我认为他们是我们可以接受的 The 仙 valley is not diplomacy ability completely unless you call at all although it is thought that you have admitted internationally
                                                            • 战国政府优先 国家 仙 valley priority Administration gt 菅 Cabinet gt third power gt territory gt citizen
                                                            • 日本说,这并没有访问了该国临时从“荏总统,直至通过俄罗斯境内的叛徒和日本出售!”是啊,所以我就挑他们抬起食品 When Japan does not visit like this saying temporarily From the country “cowardice president the traitor me which sells Russian territory to Japan ” tsu te The pressure it receives therefore it is
                                                            • 该集合是叛徒集团哈吸引了来自民主党的政治拉剪下来 It is the group where the Democratic party ha traitor gets together it will drag from national government and will lower

                                                          • 是战争的反思后只有日本longing ve,今后50年的战争后,回头看看亚洲,各国首先在日本,中国,台湾,韩国,朝鲜和其他邻国,折叠他们把情况下,我们应该做的,请仲良 To be in the midst of postwar reflection as for the Japanese yearning You had turned away the eye from Asia but after the war 50 years now when it passes First neighboring countries such as Japan China Taiwan Korea and North Korea You attach coming to terms keep doing chummily it should is
                                                            • 紧张的通信解决方案Kitatyousen Tyuugoku古巴是一个渴望发动一场革命,反对美国进入了越南战争和反深度什么人stupid ll差异以此作为一个停顿,美国主义 As for China which cause revolution the Soviet Union North Korea Cuba which yearning It is the mark it is different from the foolish populace vis a vis America which enters into the Vietnam War deeply the pause Anti American as was taken

                                                          • 是来的女儿到日本度蜜月普京“,”托管侃将工作!“儿子汤米冈崎出席制定反日本首相战国!我会说,克林顿和国家安全,而不是摧毁他们的自我斗争,总靖靖部长就向总理! “”我是内阁官房长官?Kan是一个素数!“,”总理战国!难!日本沉没!“”为了使方舟!唯一的女性有power m还年轻!“ The daughter of puchin prime minister in newly married travelling comes in Japan so is” “Hospitality probably is work of the 菅 ” The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity Prime Minister Sengoku In regard to security struggle unless the prime minister it summarizes personally when security it is cancelled Clinton the word tsu The te it is ” “Is we secretariat director The prime minister is the 菅 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious Japan sinks ” “Make the one boat Those where it places are just the young woman ”
                                                            • 只有规模与305仙石五点“的想法愚蠢的人喜欢被评估的崇高战国确保家高,与国内外无法理解 ”他评论说,这是它的钢笔 Nantara鳕鱼杀死他们 wwwww 305 Attaching 5 point perfect score to Sengoku “being domestic the foolish citizen without understanding 崇 the high idea of Sengoku s who is appraised high… where it is” the cod nun cod pen name of the person whom you have commented here is kill wwwww
                                                            • 是来日本度蜜月普京女儿总理“”的娱乐将成为勤工作!“,”总理战国!他们会说,克林顿和破坏我们的安全是不总结首相,并尊重他们自己去奋斗靖靖马苏!“”我是内阁官房长官?Kan是一个素数!“,”总理战国!难!日本沉没!“”让方舟!唯一的女性有power m还年轻!“ The daughter of puchin prime minister in newly married travelling comes in Japan so is” “Hospitality probably is work of the 菅 ” The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity Prime Minister Sengoku In regard to security struggle unless the prime minister it summarizes personally when security it is cancelled Clinton the word tsu The te it is ” “Is we secretariat director The prime minister is the 菅 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious Japan sinks ” “Make the one boat Those where it places are just the young woman ”
                                                            • 是来日本度蜜月普京女儿总理“”的娱乐将成为勤工作!“,”总理战国!他们会说,克林顿和破坏我们的安全是不总结首相,并尊重他们自己去奋斗靖靖马苏!“”我是内阁官房长官?Kan是一个素数!“,”总理战国!难!日本沉没!“”让方舟!唯一的女性有power m还年轻!“ The daughter of puchin prime minister in newly married travelling comes in Japan so is” “Hospitality probably is work of the 菅 ” The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity Prime Minister Sengoku In regard to security struggle unless the prime minister it summarizes personally when security it is cancelled Clinton the word tsu The te it is ” “Is we secretariat director The prime minister is the 菅 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious Japan sinks ” “Make the one boat Those where it places are just the young woman ”
                                                            • 是来日本度蜜月普京女儿总理“”的娱乐将成为勤工作!“,”总理战国!他们会说,克林顿和破坏我们的安全是不总结首相,并尊重他们自己去奋斗靖靖马苏!“”我是内阁官房长官?Kan是一个素数!“,”总理战国!难!日本沉没!“”让方舟!唯一的女性有power m还年轻!“ The daughter of puchin prime minister in newly married travelling comes in Japan so is” “Hospitality probably is work of the 菅 ” The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity Prime Minister Sengoku In regard to security struggle unless the prime minister it summarizes personally when security it is cancelled Clinton the word tsu The te it is ” “Is we secretariat director The prime minister is the 菅 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious Japan sinks ” “Make the one boat Those where it places are just the young woman ”
                                                            • 是来日本度蜜月普京女儿总理“”的娱乐将成为勤工作!“,”总理战国!他们会说,克林顿和破坏我们的安全是不总结首相,并尊重他们自己去奋斗靖靖马苏!“”我是内阁官房长官?Kan是一个素数!“,”总理战国!难!日本沉没!“”让方舟!唯一的女性有power m还年轻!“ The daughter of puchin prime minister in newly married travelling comes in Japan so is” “Hospitality probably is work of the 菅 ” The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity Prime Minister Sengoku In regard to security struggle unless the prime minister it summarizes personally when security it is cancelled Clinton the word tsu The te it is ” “Is we secretariat director The prime minister is the 菅 ” “Prime Minister Sengoku It is serious Japan sinks ” “Make the one boat Those where it places are just the young woman ”
                                                            • 民主党人挣扎在当前时间的自由民主党外交事务只要632你在干什么?汤米冈崎孩子参加工作了菅直人仙石莫洛托夫鸡尾酒成为一个庞大的警察抗日或公民的行动是亲?瓦特 632 The Assemblyman of the present Democratic party what has done in the time when the Liberal Democratic Party has fought desperately in diplomacy is the tsu ke which is The Okazaki tomi child puts out spirit to anti Japanese activity As for Sengoku in officer throwing molotov cocktail 菅 As for Naoto professional citizen activity Was w

                                                          • 是真正的人权团体206人,他们能听到你认为这是诺贝尔和平奖,他的狗会说 波龙福彰森谷芳登,内阁官房长官,“权利是人权问题,因为某些敏感的问题,深我的屁股,请查看该差异的神秘包括演绎“ 206 When it is human rights group truly such a thing probably is a word cup You inquiring about thought concerning the Nobel Peace Prize prize winning of the Liu dawn wave person… Because 仙 valley Yosito secretariat director “human rights issue a certain kind is delicate problem we would like to refrain the opinion which is thrust deeply”
                                                            • 不知道什么计划自卫“,美国军方滚出去!”仙石,也只是跳舞好现代人出生在Yawara忠志模糊宣传鄂字都像Sayo There are no many self protecting plans “the US military coming out the ke ” With you can say Today only of the peaceful becoming dim citizen who dances in sayopuropaganda was good being born the 仙 valley…
                                                            • 战国骗我?我说狗没有的恩戴走出自己,包括日本领土总统的外交?为什么我不能评论ITI的ITI的强盗进了屋,如果你 ? 仙 valley tsu te aho In Japanese territory president of foreign country Depressing selfishly what word cup The burglar entering to the house of the te me obtaining One by one comment plug

                                                          • 有关修改宪法的目的,大联合政府是可以接受的

                                                            • 森谷芳登版权所有(政治哲学)噢,没有十胜分钟教育博爱情况以及听起来像一个痛苦Misae资源也尊重饥饿,与例如和荣誉的其他在场的每个这样梳作为全球公民的世界,你要好的朋友和周围的人从森谷芳登家苦思梦想变成现实(政治哲学) 仙 valley Yosito home page political belief from The person of the world it will make chummy as a terrestrial citizen You will respect mutual existence and will prosper together Even hunger and pain it probably will share also the resource You will cultivate friendship and will designate big dream as actuality 仙 valley Yosito home page political belief

                                                              • 民主党人至少这家伙立刻。剪切起飞和下降的情况下,内阁官房长官

                                                                • 然而,民主党和Koumeitou Eyou鉴于外国人选举权 NULL
                                                                  • 新公明党的Syamintou?在目前的国会会议上,从来没有看到它 NULL

                                                                • 由于内阁官房长官秘书工作的意见ITI公司,ITI公司秘书一职 像Dzukedaro发言人?不要让我们一评论,如果我的讲话 As for secretariat director commenting one by one even work the ro which is general secretary reporting official like positioning You cannot comment if the kana which is not stopped
                                                                  • 内阁官房长官甚至不理解ITI的ITI的评论工作? As for secretariat director commenting one by one even work the ro which is general secretary reporting official like positioning You cannot comment if the kana which is not stopped

                                                                • 相反,“ITI公司ITI公司不评论,”这不是很好做的比男人更好的大米 邓小平? On the other hand “does not comment one by one” one to escape the rice compared to the man it seemed don t you think it is to call

                                                                  • 立即击落飞越不加评论!爱也是一个新的信心!

                                                                    • 粉尘质量不谴责这种言论,即使它的确切瓦特广播法“责任报告,公开和民主的投资”和国家其他和冷漠我浪费土地面积的入侵,一个法治国家的价值埃克万维网

                                                                      • 约587倍硫子敏车道,只有俄罗斯的领土野心吸引了超过两岛归还没有拓Tamotsu或出卖国家的人对自己,帮助你彻底,这是造成地震时 587 How you probably will say but our people age it did not do the running pulling which goes round Russia and northern territory ambition and They were 2 island returns or treason full opening when and earthquake occurred it did politely to help
                                                                        • Tsuyou国家已成为对日本的领土野心等 Therefore each country reached the point where it has territory ambition vis a vis Japan
                                                                        • 你是从古代北方领土外交在日本也善于“将只返回四个岛屿,”因为我坚持认为,俄罗斯“它将把两个岛屿上,”我说Wareru Don t you think Japan is unskillful diplomacy from former times Because “just 4 islands return” also northern territory the tsu te you insist “the patience margin tsu te it is said to Russia with 2 islands”
                                                                        • 有没有解决北方领土不会进步民主党人说,他们来了,如同他出去Tteta Northern territory unless it is the Democratic party does not advance to the solution that you say the person come out
                                                                        • 而且,人们不感兴趣,主要在北领地 And in the first place citizen there is no interest in northern territory
                                                                        • 而且,人们不感兴趣,主要在北领地 And in the first place citizen there is no interest in northern territory

                                                                      • 罗马:来分发绝对下降的工作,我做在下届大选中有人Sanakya排名

                                                                        • 罗马:请来吻归咎于智利,仅不包括同性恋人在这个髋关节

                                                                          • 耶鲁发送战国蜡! !“汉奸叛徒!”(; )系统

                                                                            • 诚河内部长向你喷的家伙?但可怕的事实Ginai Minsyu了吗? Becoming dim the ru person doing the director the te being good But democracy truth is not too terrible

                                                                              • 详细的新人们,让我解释,我把所有的表作二战“如何在日审查会议的起诉,”题跋惠子公布14部)的正式成员(前司法u003d▽主席省三郎石田(律师)井上晃仁▽教授(东京大学)江川绍子▽(记者)原信夫佐藤▽(前东京高等检察厅检察官)后藤晃▽(宏教授一桥),佐藤英彦▽(警察行政元)信彦嶌▽(记者)高桥Shiyunsuke▽(证监会庆应义塾研究所高级六名成员) ▽。周四Hazime隆(总检察长元)奥卡Ryou▽。部(高等法院专员Hukuoka元)原田国男▽(原东京高等法院

                                                                                • 这是最终的和不那么大众的支持也越来越期待Minsyu

                                                                                  • 题跋惠子,吉永通产省的孩子,绍子颖川,哈拉佐藤信夫,Kore的 不要站在天真?其他人的情况下混乱,愤怒Minsyutou显示的方式进出,我要Tachiagarou天圆了! NULL
                                                                                    • 题跋本Gōbara,颖川,吉,我会做的不仅仅是一个成员更不公平的 NULL

                                                                                  • (笑)哇它肯定改变了国家日本和邪恶之间的关系,在每一个难堪 Laughing The relationship with Japan changing badly the country of everywhere is not troubled
                                                                                    • 我所做的任何时间照顾自己这样,经过的事情,即使唯一的麻烦 Such a thing the tsu te which was done after all by his Although time it just is troubled afterwards

                                                                                  • :。: ヾ〃 彡ヾ 〃 〃。::ヾ 彡 祢 二十二氨基彡 二 谁ヽ丿哦 升米惠卢武铉 u003 92 DREPT 92 彡 DREPT DREPT 彡 92 mi 彡 No 22 Two 丿 REPT human l No he HKRPT mi 彡 ─ ri REPT No DREPT i ¯ REPT REPT 彡 ─
                                                                                    • 。ヽ( 人谁ヽ丿 升f噪声哦 u003 REPT Human 丿 REPT human l No he HKRPT HKRPT l human i r ⌒ REPT 92 he REPT l
                                                                                    • 。ヽ( 人谁ヽ丿 升f噪声哦 u003 REPT Human 丿 REPT human l No he HKRPT HKRPT l human i r ⌒ REPT 92 he REPT l
                                                                                    • 我 , u003d ヽヽ 。 ヽ 。ヽ ,Ÿヽ 。徐::: F ¯ F (海外 ::ヽ i 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 92 REPT 92 92 92 REPT i and 92 The Soviet Union he 92 ¯ 92 he 92 O REPT
                                                                                    • 我 , u003d ヽヽ 。 ヽ 。ヽ ,Ÿヽ 。徐::: F ¯ F (海外 ::ヽ NULL
                                                                                    • ,,,─ ,ヾ ヾ〃 彡ヾ 〃〃。::ヾ : 。:彡 祢 二十二氨基彡 二 米 ─ DREPT 92 DREPT 92 彡 DREPT DREPT 彡 92 mi 彡 No 22 Two mi 彡 ─ ri REPT No DREPT i ¯ REPT REPT 彡 ─

                                                                                  研究 開発