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You cannot be employed to 5 people 1 people even with large soldier/finishing, “super glacial age”…In the person to whom Akira Ikegami would like to be employed the advice ★3


  • 23嗯,我会扭转? 23 Don t you think well opposite
    • 银行或便利店或旅途中或 konbini or travelling or bank

  • 61有什么“天才”嘿辉卡诺我会说什么?如果电源有没有工作,但我们有理由相信温达能力未获通过,我想我们大家都有了脖子?像 61 With what “there is an ability” the tsu te saying the ru it can combine Although there is an ability if it is not adopted you think that there is a reason which is not adopted it is Something other than ability was the neck it is the kana which is not Face
    • 能讲就好像它是一个对别人自己的优秀,否则你哇 Superiority of others like whether you are your own thing of don t you think the ability to talk is enormous you

  • 848人不可貌相?是什么,毕竟我不觉得我为我休息 848 It is vain It is what that tsu te after all because of soothing there is no with tsu lever

    • 862如果你可以,因为它只会有我想我还是要争取一点点Shitakattara 862 You want to call also the notion that whether or not it is possible even with the filter which is done and think there is no other choice but to endeavor depending
      • 868然而,一个努力,我只是一少,但我觉得如果Shitakattara 868 You want to call and with so and the filter which is done think there is no other choice but to endeavor depending
      • 但你只有我觉得我还是要争取一点点Shitakattara You want to call and with so and the filter which is done think there is no other choice but to endeavor depending
      • 请与我联系頑張862企业家 862 Persevering please start a business

    • NHK的官员柯浩秒(汤摩莉退休福利)是我不知道
      NHK [ho] ゙ the staff (retirement lump sum grant tongue Mali) it isn't understood?

      • ·智商的计算方法,句子不看过去,不同的这个网页↓我。池。一个活生生的愚蠢言论 Comparing IQ with the age which differs gt basically there is no meaning The calculation method of gt IQ is different former times and now The sentence which cannot read this page of the ↓ Pond As for the fool you speak it is
        • 他们平均计算的感觉是低入息的人数比上一个图像工资结构基本调查“的金额,这必然是符合日本厚生劳动省”,实际的数字是不是所有的聚合 In order for annual income to be lower than social image you are moved but this to the last the public welfare Ministry of Labor With the average amount which was calculated on the basis of “wage structure basic statistical research” it is not the number which totaled the actual condition entirely

      • “我喜欢这个工作,”我有一个奇怪的向井地与这样惊人的,确定“)的前※(池上: “Also such work met it is ” that the kind of work which is surprised unexpected are times when it is faced it is” Ikegami Before

        • “我知道自己是什么一个人的性格首先,尝试只看方式向井地工作,他补充说, “First by his You know whether it is the human of some character you try directing the eye to the service which is faced on that
          • “我知道自己是什么一个人的性格首先,尝试只看方式向井地工作,他补充说, “First you know whether by his is the human of some character you try directing the eye to the service which is faced on that

        • “所以我打了反正死!,究竟是怎样的新的假想”生活是比较容易得到机会的公务员唉Teiu恩戴每死亡的影响! “”我不知道什么晃艾希!“”Kiru学生不知道为什么!“你必须要呟 Because “how the se it dies doing whatever the emptiness forcing ” Until it dies the tsu te which probably will be enjoyed what you say is influenced as for life entirely accidentally ” You do not know whether “something is correct ” “The reason which lives is not recognized ” With to you who have murmured
          • 如果我的回答是842啊? “所以我打死,无论如何,究竟是怎样的新假想!”我觉得生活比以前更容易将公务员Teiu恩戴死亡唉 842 It will try answering Because “how the se it dies doing whatever the emptiness forcing ” Until it dies you think that the tsu te which probably will be enjoyed those where you say are life

        • ■IQ是智商的重要指标和工作记忆,使良好的关系,智商是不能忽视,以确定 IQ is important index Because there is a strong relationship in IQ and working memory you cannot neglect IQ under any condition
          • ■IQ是智商的重要指标和工作记忆,使良好的关系,智商是不能忽视,以确定 IQ is important index Because there is a strong relationship in IQ and working memory you cannot neglect IQ under any condition

        • ー好吧,我必须得不好一起在这里,我只能对我的爱恩就业是我第一次頑張 However the ma it collects here and others well receives and is bad Persevering the workplace searching With only say it is the trap

          • 专业技术职称的专业知识也是一个狡猾的研究生学位,专业777级(几乎平等的地位和准专业学院副学士学位)四年的专业或高度专业化的(我也承认级研究生学位入学作弊),有
            777 The special loyal retainer (short-term large bachelor and quasi- bachelor almost equal), above 4 years system there is, a high-level special loyal retainer (also the graduate school entrance qualification which corresponds to bachelor is recognized,) as the designation where also special soldier/finishing corresponds to degree but

            • 中心的举行做,其中大专314你目前的百分之70高考资格考试的所有科目考试将采取Renakattara在七个科目五门课程的考试,如果酒吧低成就系统,如将不会罢工
              314 5 subject 7 subjects making take an examination at current center, when all the subject 7 tenths you do not take It reserves university entrance examination qualification and administration of justice test should have made likely three swing systems If this scholastic ability large soldier/finishing stops being low

              • 也许不太好,如果我雇你扔他们使用四百十一瓦特Sorujareberu嗯,我也不会从那里爬取决于个人的才干瓦特 411 If disposable sol jar level whether it is good employing w Well whether you can climb from there with ability circumstance of the individual w
                • 埃泰认为他们仍然可以在前面的野生稼Gishi不容置疑的结构对不同的口径学术谱系 With ability circumstance it makes a big hit in speculation with gate geography history ignoring and is ready group and while also success is thinking

              • 什么一个人在五,活着o我喜欢这家伙不偏离正确的例子说,大约35或 If 1 human tsu te you say to 5 people at deviation value the ro which is about 35 or less Such a person it is the viewing wa
                • 一个男孩,我想将是如此,但其他东西比 Therefore we want the person mono may become even a little it is

              • 什么整洁岁有发展障碍的一个完整的(° Asuhe,多动症,LD)的老?
                Jobless neat [tsu] [te] advancement obstacle ([asuhe] ゚, ADHD and LD) being being lazy?

                • 但是,小型和中型和小型的全职业务,不能得到帮助,因为我从大学毕业至少専学
                  Being small-to-medium-sized and small, therefore as for the regular member lowest large soldier/finishing or 専 graduating from school business matter only the shelf it is,

                  • 你们都是正确的继任者问题工匠或小型企业
                    Or craftsman of small and medium-sized business successor problem all right something

                    • 你还在等待停止小企业在自由竞争的世界中小型企业,但仍有理由
                      Stopping while small-to-medium-sized small business is small-to-medium-sized small business with society of free competition, [ru] after all is a reason

                      • 制造商的业务系统是业内人士的高度重视越来越相变,无论
                        Work-site operations system of manufacturer Industrial high being done the treasure as usual, the [ru

                        • 否则,如果“在发展中国家,以领先的大学”是
                          Password is “to the first-rate university of developing country”

                          • 和罪犯,间谍和侵略者,日本政府和日本国民等鄂给予奖学金,中国学生在恐怖手术
                            The Government of Japan which gives scholarship and the Japanese nationality etc. to the Chinese student where it is the offender, is spy, is the aggressor and the terrorist operative

                            • 嗯谭越南有十亿人学士学位的垃圾人
                              The cleaning husband who has the bachelor's degree exceeded 100,000, when it is

                              • 在数学,在这三个联立方程4个百分点,也是53 72至0 7%的人希望在 With also mathematics simultaneous equation in 3 from 53 4 rose to 72 7
                                • 在数学,在这三个联立方程4个百分点,也是53 72至0 7%的人希望在 With also mathematics simultaneous equation in 3 from 53 4 rose to 72 7
                                • 在数学,在这三个联立方程4个百分点,也是53 72至0 7%的人希望在 With also mathematics simultaneous equation in 3 from 53 4 rose to 72 7

                              • 外国法律失控的官僚机构“入籍的永久”问题巢的反现实,“正义”方案目前30万外国学生,外国学生15万,已支付的税款每月十五点零零万日元
                                Reckless driving of judicial affairs bureaucracy Foreigner the actual condition “of permanent residence naturalized” problem Hideout of counter day “Ministry of Justice” Foreign student 300,000 plan Presently, it is provided to foreign student 150,000, from month amount 150,000 Yen tax

                                • 外部需求不断扩大的高日元的疲软。提高工人的工作
                                  With demand enlargement outside weak yen, high. Increase the recruiting of the worker

                                  • 大家谁是由解放军雇用没有鼓起辊
                                    Is not everyone, but it is the troop register person whom the People's Liberation Army scouts

                                    • 如果你笑它是543房间,但我觉得我是情报瞄准了更积极一点 543 Already has aimed elbowroom the air the way does a little active intelligence but Laughing shelf

                                      • 如果你选择工作或者我不能保证工作到退休,公正地让你的岗位将是努力改变工作,但最终还是生活在那里,所以我一定做 When you are employed because there is no end with that To retirement age the guarantee which it can work how or If it does not choose but work so a certain tsu te certainly After all becoming destitute in life it means to switch jobs

                                        • 如果你需要改变社会是不对的,但有可能成为恐怖分子和所谓革命,我认为今天的日本是不会远 But society being strange if reform necessity perhaps the revolutionist and the terrorist tsu te there are also times when you say You think current Japan that you do not say to there
                                          • 因为它不能,不要试图做什么大学改革 If it tries probably to do Because we cannot assume that very that the university it does not reform

                                        • 如果医生,医学院毕业后,平均已通过国家考试居民的年收入只有约300至4亿日元
                                          In addition in case of the doctor, after the medical department graduating, average annual income of the study medicine which passes to state examination 300 - 4,000,000 Yen is no more than

                                          • 如果只作为商业环境继续这样的腐烂,肯定有没有台词都肯定我什至想考虑事件的职业生涯 When it is in such environment 10 001 to switch jobs would like thinking that it continues to rot as a businessman completely there is no about to go

                                            • 如果治疗而更象一个秃顶羡定居点
                                              The kind of baldness which is in area of living in peace enviable treatment

                                              • 守卫在家里,所以内向的性格
                                                Because it is introverted character, becomes the home guard

                                                • 岩田弘772文科或学士学位杀死了所有的资格(相当于高中毕业生有很多专业的九州,东北,北海道)德塔家伙说过习惯的差异和人文老年人发挥高中的四年中,应让他什么是 772 The literature university crushes entirely or as qualification of the bachelor invalidity the specialty as for the same high soldier finishing Kyushu and northeast Hokkaido It is many it should do 4 years you play with the person and refuse literature 3 year of high schools difference of the person saying what
                                                  • 普通高中,在东京制造商的工厂不能帮助小女孩到科学本身是没有太大的509九州和东北和北海道 Even in Tokyo Is in the factory of the manufacturer as for the proper high soldier finishing which Kyushu and northeast Hokkaido It is many 509 Because the women itself who go to science are few there is no manner

                                                • 当时更多的高中毕业生,现在。在运行多毕业生
                                                  High soldier/finishing person of that time, now. Much than as for run large soldier/finishing on

                                                  • 我会说前任或现任冰河期是明确承认这一点。让这个例子是没有Ue的一个冰川爬行 bu tsu chi ya ke current elbowroom saying glacial age the origin of the ru As glacial age It is not on this of u ze obtaining thing
                                                    • 新建。尚志尚志如果我们把冰河时代,而且也将像四十多岁,一个真正的全时退休 New If glacial age converts to constancy it becomes also the manner regular member 40 year old substantial retirement age probably will be

                                                  • 我只是来进厂承包商或分包商,而只是在521正规就业?在就业的大,尽管在有限的制造业或然不是我不明白日本的家伙,教育是需要在进入植物 521 But as for the trader who enters to subcontract or the factory only the place of formality employment Because as for the big place when going into the factory education needs even with the manufacturing industry not just inside Unless you can understand Japanese and it is it is the person working hard employment ma viewing

                                                    • 我投他们的父母放弃民主
                                                      The parent generation is the poll red sandal wood in the Democratic party, abandoning

                                                      • 我自己Iirashii从海上陆上自卫队的工资,如果日本自卫队885
                                                        885 If Self Defense Force Maritime Self Defense Force salary calls from Land Self-Defense Force and seems

                                                        • 我说没有ü核任期(终身雇用)站。平衡的国立大学研究员任助理教授
                                                          Like this tenure there is no we which is said, (lifetime employment) the station. The researcher where informal decision of help teaching of the national university comes off

                                                          • 放松管制放松管制的临时合同工,不能被开除,例如他们要的是公司提出作为另一种系统,可以积极进行人员之间的交流
                                                            Flexible regulation & layoff regulation abolition of the dispatch contract employee is not possible, if, The system which can make the talent interchange between enterprises active we want the alternative obtaining plan of the extent which is made

                                                            • 旅游和体育设施的市中心,一旦被人们充满了年轻 At one time business quarters and view Kouti and sport With the facility and the like the young people overflowed
                                                              • 你这些休闲设施前,不 It is not the leisure facility because of you

                                                            • 星期六溢价“!泡沫转到时间鼓机,”2010年/ 11月21日06:00〜2010 / 11 / 23 06:10(富士电视台)一个剧院Yakushimaru伊布正人奥吉彰茂裕子一枝伊藤吹石凉子阿部宽广末凉子Touhou 06 Dentsuu小学馆Iizima惠美子直子富士浩Iizima
                                                              Saturday to the premium “bubble GO! ! As for time machine drum system” 2010/11/06 21: 00 - 2010/11/06 23: 10 (Fuji Telecasting Co.) Hiroshi Abe Riyouko Hirosue Blowing stone one blessing Yuuko Itoh Theatrical company one person Ogi Shigeru light The Italy military affairs elegance sword Yakusimaru wide child Naoko Iijima Iijima love 06 year Fuji Telecasting Co. & Dentsu & Toho Co., Ltd. & Shogakukan Inc.

                                                              • 晴朗的天空,我岩男艾希减少工作的绝对数量
                                                                Absolute several decreases of elbowroom & work [so] and others harsh [wa

                                                                • 更多Minsyutou环境税(轻型汽车税)→差。二氧化碳25%的大型企业减少→种族灭绝屠杀
                                                                  Furthermore as for the Democratic party Environmental tax (it is light automobile tax increase) -> the poor people. Slaughter The 25% reduction of CO2 -> big business murder

                                                                  • 曼陀罗十点〇〇〇亿从全国死亡人数约80万日元,将支付你从保险公司与国防部的合同 When it dies because from the country 100 000 000 approximately 80 000 000 Yen it is provided from the insurance company which it has made a contract with the defensive ministry

                                                                    • 最近值得做的暴跌增加了更多切实药剂
                                                                      Recently, also the pharmacy section is increased and the [tsu] [te] value which is sown is decreased sharply and

                                                                      • 然而,与去年相同的问题“鱼翻译”(6小)正确答案的百分比为33,写了百分之八(节选) 70分 9个百分点至37 1“享受该GEN汉“(3),26 也2% 9%,由40至67点,上升三 On the one hand with comparison with the last time of identical problem “the fish the anther” small 6 as for correct answer ratio of the dictation 33 8 extraction Empty in 70 9 37 1 points “Seeing did hangen funny” in 3 from 26 9 to 67 2 Also 40 3 points rose
                                                                        • 然而,与去年相同的问题“鱼翻译”(6小)正确答案的百分比为33,写了百分之八(节选) 70分 9个百分点到37“津津乐道该GEN汉“(3),26 也2% 9%,由40至67点,上升三 On the one hand with comparison with the last time of identical problem “the fish the anther” small 6 as for correct answer ratio of the dictation 33 8 extraction Empty in 70 9 37 1 points “Seeing did hangen funny” in 3 from 26 9 to 67 2 Also 40 3 points rose
                                                                        • (不足部分),“翻译鱼”(6小)33个正确答案的,用了8%,百分之写作(摘要)9 3( 37 1“是汉根津津乐道的”70分),也26 67 9% 2%上升到40 3分 Part abbreviation “Fish as for correct answer ratio of dictation of anther” small 6 from 33 8 extraction in 70 9 37 1 points “Seeing did hangen funny” in 3 from 26 9 also 40 3 points rose to 67 2

                                                                      • 现在,不能够对一个学生的工作,不仅是要具有广泛的目次你的视野?即使在短短的时间并没有成为一名足球运动员,他们也这样做什么工作 Have the tsu te you just say more the range of vision widely vis a vis the student that now you cannot be employed the ro Even the soccer player does not leave overnight and Even any work so is
                                                                        • 日本是一个225的国家,不能只对普通中国和韩国,如我留在日本超过500亿人谁不从,以及接收到的字节 225 As for Japan it has become the country which you cannot be employed to like China and Korea and In Japan the person who does not pass even in the byte stays as many as 5 000 000 or more it is
                                                                        • 日本是一个587的国家,不能只对普通中国和韩国,如我留在日本超过500亿人谁不从,以及接收到的字节 587 As for Japan it has become the country which you cannot be employed to like China and Korea and In Japan the person who does not pass even in the byte stays as many as 5 000 000 or more it is
                                                                        • 日本是一个国家是不能工作,只有普通的中国和韩国,如我留在日本超过500亿人谁不从,以及接收到的字节 As for Japan it has become the country which you cannot be employed to like China and Korea and in Japan the person who does not pass even in the byte stays as many as 5 000 000 or more it is
                                                                        • 现在,不能够对一个学生的工作,不仅是要具有广泛的目次你的视野?即使在短短的时间并没有成为一名足球运动员,他们也这样做什么工作 Have the tsu te you just say more the range of vision widely vis a vis the student that now you cannot be employed the ro Even the soccer player does not leave overnight and Even any work so is

                                                                      • 终身雇佣和论资排辈来705,我不提升公司工会戈
                                                                        705 When it comes with lifetime employment seniority, Unless company union is listed, don't you think?

                                                                        • 茄子为强日元减少了雇员的622(没有多少性能相关)使用文书削减,许多剥离 一间附属公司清盘下无利可图的业务整合 622 Increase in yen value correspondence Eggplant reduction of the employee achievement gearing it is many Office work adoption cutting of system Integration clearing off of non profit business of affiliation To subsidiary company amount corporation With varieties

                                                                          • 萨特没有,什么变化Waru社会变革Erubeki不,所有的新闻着力培养个人是不合理的 There is no monkey torr but very society it changes as for should change well to effort of the individual everything pushing There is an excessiveness
                                                                            • 或作出新的净销售额。 Erubeki可以考虑税 Or new net 販 Perhaps it should think of tax

                                                                          • 行医执照决心像一个大大的高考Marukara
                                                                            Because doctor license is decided substantially with university admission examination, don't you think?

                                                                            • 负责发射活动也摆放在学生没有什么
                                                                              In what and conduct there is a responsibility on the student side which is not caused

                                                                              • 资703终身雇用,并
                                                                                703 Lifetime employment and seniority shelf

                                                                                • 转移一个细微或Waranai不够的,但也许只是不知道是不是接受一个单一的输入,如果有理由仅仅结束,A的,如果碰巧一个生活在这个世界,因为它的Mareta后Mareta生活,刚度,可以发动全加在一起,其他的选择,我想我有机会说 But very perhaps whether the nuance not being transmitted it just is not accepted simply If piercing it stuffs A it is accidental to be born in this world as A is After being born as for all things which can happen to A you think that you say accident you do not obtain is
                                                                                  • “所有的生命都受机会!”是 “Life is influenced entirely accidentally ” So is

                                                                                • 零资格车道免许无同步迪克西国民议会的公务员只接受最好的公司和(某些最高学府)仍然在30多岁失业 Zero driver s license there is no either qualification only first rate enterprise and a kind of National Diet civil service examination to have received the same period which applies the certain highest study prefecture still with 30 generations inoccupation
                                                                                  • 做对的事,想发泄Ttara长160 公司工作的丈夫说,厨房是最不知道该上诉 160 When you think that something extremely boasting it has bragged gt As for the husband of first rate enterprise duty as for the appeal 厨 you say that it is not in the eye

                                                                                • 顺便我,向井地甚至破产字符不是什么工作 The character failure person where we is not faced any occupation by the way
                                                                                  • Metara认识它,它可以导致自责崩溃 When it recognizes that because self responsible theory fails don t you think

                                                                                • (二)进入青春期的平均年龄下降了 (三)的平均智商却上升了。和改善营养是A)的主要理由(及(b),因此这将是一个吝啬的解释,如果它也负责( c)项。如果年轻一代智商比旧日本显然■高 b the average age of puberty has fallen and c average IQ scores have risen Improved nutrition is the major reason for a and b so it would be a parsimonious explanation if it is also responsible for c The generation who is younger than the Japanese of former times clearly IQ is higher
                                                                                  • 智商高的国家日本 105德国 0 102美国(白 100美国(黑人 85日(1950年 79德国(1954 76西德1954至2002年:24分,法国1949至2002年:超过25分,荷兰1952至2002年:24分日本50年至02年:26分积分升至26←←←←←←! ! !美国1918年至2002年:26分,英国1900年至二〇 〇二年:点以上。30个人,我喜欢理查德林恩论点的主要因素是改善儿童营养和早期发育过程中三。在过去的100年,工业化国家所看到的引人注目的趋势:(一)平均身高有所增加 (二)青春期的平均年龄下降了 及(c)的平均智商得分已经上升会。改善营养状况是主要的理由(一)和(b),所以它吝啬的解释是,如果它也很高负责(三)。■如果年轻一代更比旧日本显然是智商 The rise of IQ of each country Japan 105 Germany 102 USA white 100 USA blacks 85 Japan 1950 79 Germany 1954 76 West Germany 1954 2002 24 points France 1949 2002 over 25 points Netherlands 1952 2002 24 points Japan 1950 2002 26 points lt lt lt lt lt lt Also 26 points rise USA 1918 2002 26 points UK 1900 2002 30 points or more Personally I like the argument of Richard Lynn that the main factor is improved nutrition during development and early childhood Over the last 100 years industrialised countries have seen three striking trends a average height has increased b the average age of puberty has fallen and c average IQ scores have risen Improved nutrition is the major reason for a and b so it would be a parsimonious explanation if it is also responsible for c The generation who is younger than the Japanese of former times clearly IQ is higher

                                                                                • (民间社会的非公开文件处理的案件大幅度美国士兵的“国家犯罪”,并批评-琉球新报国会图书馆文件。司法部/政府禁止的罪行的压力下,阅读/录音美军特权
                                                                                  (Or less abbreviation Document non disclosure of American soldier incident processing “Crime of citizen group country” and criticism - The Ryukyu new information The Ministry of Justice data of the National Diet library/government. By pressure perusal prohibition/privilege recording to American soldier crime

                                                                                  • (短部分)“40年 随着时间在同样的问题,”崛起勉悟“的趋势德塔 Part abbreviation gt At that time with identical problem is tendency of “scholastic ability rise” in 40 years
                                                                                    • “40年 与当时同样的问题,”崛起勉悟“的趋势德塔 gt At that time with identical problem is tendency of “scholastic ability rise” in 40 years
                                                                                    • 随着时间在同样的问题,“崛起勉悟”的趋势德塔 At that time with identical problem “scholastic ability rise” Is tendency
                                                                                    • 随着时间在同样的问题,“崛起勉悟”的趋势德塔 At that time with identical problem “scholastic ability rise” Is tendency

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