827因此,他们立即有痔疮是许多男人和女人,而喧宾夺主,我没有从那里得到的细菌,它们在没有过度使用浴盆茂木 827 So on the other hand as for the hemorrhoids having uotsushiyuretsuto you use the fact that the woman is many preponderantly in the man too much Whether the normal resident in germ not staying there is no from tsu chi ya tsu te ru that
627哦!痔疮得太好了一点,因为这不仅确保你擦 627 a There is a just a little hemorrhoids Therefore don t you think you cannot wipe well is
827因此,如果许多痔疮,而在男性,因为他没有你有没有,他们利用细菌在茂木过度浴盆 827 So on the other hand uotsushiyuretsuto you use the fact that the hemorrhoids is many in the man too much Whether the normal resident in germ not staying there is no from tsu chi ya tsu te ru that
Bottom m干净,我想从肛门肿瘤及最有效地桩的污垢 As for the rear end we would like to make clean It is when the anus is dirty it becomes swollen to be cut off because it becomes the hemorrhoids
。甚至阻止,好更会被使用,而不是从青年当中 While being young from you think even for preventing that the one which was used is better but
后的卫洗丽“猴子在我们擦拭污渍,以减轻痛苦”丰艾希桩我认为这一点是博Tokii As for rear uoshiyuretsuto being kind in the hemorrhoids “the soiling is wiped and ru pain is eased” you think that the tsu te point is large
当桩一旦他们喜欢或治疗仲仲 Once when it becomes the hemorrhoids it does not heal easily die
智有许多妇女有痔疮是目前一 1 As for the hemorrhoids having the woman is many preponderantly
来清洁肛门,以防止恶化有五百五十五种常识桩 555 As for because the hemorrhoids is not deteriorated making the anus clean becoming common sense the ru
痔疮是真正最好小心点 The person who notes with maji is good to the hemorrhoids
痔疮是,你最好让他们出去湿捻肛门拉屎的淋浴出发前 When it is the hemorrhoids before putting out unko the shower doing after being able to dampen the anus hineri the one which is put out is good
身体不好的是一定要睡觉,如果我结婚,他们想出复制和粘贴的唯一途径开展紧张的臀部和狗屎我从药物涂层得到的是痛苦的痔疮不丈夫 The wife sleeping physical condition being bad because the cod and the husband the hemorrhoids are painful the medicine painting you question it is the rear end which secret is directing kopipe which is caused you remembered
首先是卫生间的淋浴阻力痔疮,自从成为,这不是卡卡 First there was resistance in the shower equipped rest room but Since becoming the hemorrhoids you cannot miss this
Akushon排队!变坏! akushiyon Queue cue It is ill smelling the tsu
T诽谤? tonsura
一些钠类由326山田咏美 326 Being Yamada 詠 beauty like it is because
做这些事情762 762 Such
哪一年的分析和湿重314 314 Don t you think what analysis and it is ww
我不wwwww wwww巴洛 Don t you think wwwww bar low row wwww
水,她叫176和 176 Priming shelf
男性多于女性,一个漂亮的好故事,请你听好了 From the woman the man as for being neat The story which is heard well
芒斯肌肉了! ! un muscle man Say
这也是我的690 wwww 690 Wwww where am I
,谁, Person
→Kimotsu粗俗野蛮Busamen精彩!反正瓦特权 _NULL_
一个男人什么斯卡,并描述了一种新认为,虽然可能田间持水量田间持水量肛门闻闻 _NULL_
不给我时间在浴室前舔梅鲁泥泞的肛门有洗 _NULL_
不要走立即牛仔和化妆品的小瓶子有类似的印象,它和它瓦特 NULL
旧时,超过身着驱动器只对西方有著名的牛仔查尔斯布朗森厘米 NULL
与作家的关系,我想为什么不瓦特还有多少像这样疯狂的不再出售整本书,充满了清楚地看到为什么出版公司里赤字 Why such kichigai is many in relationship of the writer don t you think it is probably will be w The whole book becomes unable to sell everywhere publication company is well recognized the deficit being lazy the reason
部队必须说奇怪,因为我不是一个作家,我 Therefore the writer it is not necessary the tsu te unreasonably to say strange thing it is
乌米萤和时间被用于浴盆,您的热水(水)将不出来,因为如果腹股沟成为跪姿覗了喷嘴等粪便中关于扎实 When uotsushiyuretsuto using in the sea ho barrel because the hot water the water does not come out Becoming the half sitting posture when it looks from between the crotch the droppings being attached to the nozzle it became firm
同时授予原干工作的Wataya原杆,但须使一个正在评估和国外 As for cotton valley and simultaneous prize winning of Kinbara s for topic making but Kinbara s work is appraised the ri does in the foreign country
嘿罗石塑担心,国家358的恶法 _NULL_
在卫洗丽是不是这么多的狗屎流洗,浩纪伊最好不要采取任何意义的情况擦拭干净后的文件 NULL
但我是一个女人,但穿了一个浴盆,一个从未被使用,不超过3 4倍 NULL
卫洗丽被使用,即使检查这两点 NULL
埃塔,但我期待在他的周围仪式三个额外的芥川奖,61 Niso _NULL_
头那好吧? wwww _NULL_
好东西来日本在韩国为580教师差异朝鲜人不是傻瓜是如此不同寻常的徒手清洁厕所用 580 unko lover of the resident Korean is abnormal Making the rest room clean with the bare hand ru foolish teacher difference it is not in the Korean
好东西是没有得到教师的差异在韩国韩国是这样的愚蠢错误赤手空拳与清洁厕所 unko lover of the Korean is abnormal Making the rest room clean with the bare hand ru foolish teacher difference it is not in the Korean
好吧,如果我没有作家芥川龙之介397工房安倍晋三,川上弘美是一个很好的基达 _NULL_
对于一个女人,我得到了喷嘴的水可能会非常不拉屎的Ru默认另一淋浴和卫生间的水去,所以我使用了一个坏榜样,难道不认为出 In case of the woman to the nozzle where the unko water of others is attached being able to make clean because the ru you cannot think the water which because comes out it is hateful Not using the shower rest room with destination is dehuo
净身喷嘴和越来越漂亮了,没有例子使用例子并不认为 uotsushiyuretsutonozuru outside To being able to make clean because the ru you cannot think you cannot use
对我来说,只是“一个proctologist”的投机! _NULL_
巨人厕所“纳皮尔说:”根据一项调查,而猫去是关于温水冲洗马桶座,人类曾用60 4%,而女性只有22 3百分之仍然 In addition according to the investigation of toilet paper major company “ nepia ” in the rest room ahead going out warm water washing flight the seat The occasion where it has been attached to manko as for the man who is used the 60 4 it is but on the one hand woman has been restricted to the barely 22 3
883残留文件附加到她的猫厕所 883 Concerning manko as for ru the refuse of the toilet paper
我不希望left擦大便的厕所中,如果没有使用的浴盆,但不知道他们anyone标明Unkasu在外出Oshuretto wash清理你的手指hand scooped来自水是用来例如,因为有我用屁股擦到宝宝流流动厕所 As for we where the unko wiping leaving is hateful However in the rest room which does not have uoshiyuretsuto you use ahead going out without understanding someone s unkasu has been attached From the flowing water scooping by the hand To wash cleanly with the finger because you cannot use oshiyuretsuto the rear end wiping which can be let flow to the rest room of carrying type for baby is used
但在家里用,不知道坐盆不符合在旅途中不能使用它的人Unkasu,我来擦拭宝宝的屁股流流动厕所 However in the house you use ahead going out because you cannot use uoshiyuretsuto which does not understand someone s unkasu has been attached the rear end wiping which can be let flow to the rest room of carrying type for baby is used
我不是个有抹色彩,他们看到后,他们不臭狗屎的(他们感受到纸张的气味),直到擦拭 NULL
Ttara奇怪的气味,并认为他们与固定眼垫等东西,这是 NULL
我们的心突然Tezu 640是好的方法,使屁股像离中心线商店确保头发有点自私,在你的周围像一 640 Suddenly in order to soak the ketsu hair not to apply to the center in order to turn it should have tried to keep facing little by little on the center is
→瘙痒疼痛,停留在适当的时候为他 It is itchy you see and gt it is end with pain like suitable moderate time
你是无法忍受的痒屁股肯定,如果有剩余的擦拭 When there is the wiping leaving ketsu being itchy the ro which is not the ginger and is
和那么严重,我不尴尬,把你的屁股的头发在纳卡抵达纳卡 When majiresu it does it does not take easily and the te is troubled that it is attached to the ketsu hair it is
宝宝屁股的头发理得最近的经历往往留下来擦拭 Recently the ketsu hair passing baud baud you wipe and leaving occurs well
我们的心突然Tezu 640是好的方法,使屁股像离中心线商店确保头发有点自私,在你的周围像一 640 Suddenly in order to soak the ketsu hair not to apply to the center in order to turn it should have tried to keep facing little by little on the center is
我有我的肛门舔,左到右或其它清洁不礼貌 Although anal it makes lick you wipe and the ro which is impolite in the leaving or the partner
考虑,但留给他们擦屎脏屁股!但是,这是件好事 It is dirty ketsu where you wiped regarding and unko and left But that is good
通常,我会恩戴故障剩余质量屁股发 Often being entwined to the ketsu hair the lump remaining the ru it does
我已经干明出生于一个商人原江户Teiu善169 _NULL_
我应该TTA的医院和257线?你不明白药吗? 257 The hospital the kana where the one which does is good The medicine it is not received
我想对任何药物的东西Rassharu Something doing the medicine and others don t you think the tsu plain gauze ru it is probably will be
我很幸运,肛门球的情况越来越严重,真正做到我痔疮 _NULL_
我是有点洁癖外,当然还有一定会在家里使用 _NULL_
我的意思是一切,我不明白为什么他们总是瘙痒,Kimochiee研磨times ll屁股伸出手指同时强烈恩戴驴头发,但一咽掴掻坤! ! !仅不包括毛发Tamannee Buchibuchi! !如果我做,我不能有一个凸起的硬,就像是浴肛门点如果你的愿望上升 With you say or why are itchy always it is with you scratch but it is grasping the hair at once while stretching the finger strongly when guriguri it turns kimochiee The hair coming out buchibuchi tamannee The tsu te doing the cod what if in the bath rising to be hard potsuchi like it was possible in the anus it is
Nikake右脚浴屁股屁股在浴室里出来,我沐浴在我们的右手按住左手戈和他的肛门宽 NULL
但不能达到水面,必须采取最后被抹去,包括hesitation ll果皮纸在你的手指轻轻肛门屁股 Because only the surface the water reaches as for end it is necessary to wipe off with the extent paper which thrusts the finger to the anus lightly
只要你们在报纸上擦拭屁股说,我Tteta proctologist像砂纸把它的屁股 When it is kind of something which uses the file on the rear end hole anus course medicine calls that the rear end hole is wiped with just the paper
妈的,必须一直坚持到肛门怎么连擦 unko how wiping by all means has come in contact with the anus
我不是很容易从排出的污物时,一个女人的感觉便秘肛门 Therefore as for the woman constipation feeling when excreting the anus is difficult to become dirty it is
我喜欢通过肛门坏肠胃炎之后转交 When unskillfulness it does gastroenteritis you are infected from the anus
我的意思是一切,我不明白为什么他们总是瘙痒,Kimochiee研磨时间,同时强烈伸展恩戴掴会拉你更接近你的屁股头发,但掻坤! ! !仅不包括毛发Tamannee Buchibuchi! !如果我做,我可以提出点喜欢的事是很难肛门 With you say or why are itchy always it is with you scratch but it is grasping the hair at once while stretching the finger strongly when guriguri it turns kimochiee The hair coming out buchibuchi tamannee The tsu te doing the cod what if in the bath rising to be hard potsuchi like it was possible in the anus it is
我觉得肛门俗称最好是干净的,我这样一个独特的人 Both oneself and others as for the anus however you think that clean one is good such unique person it is don t you think it is
拓拓谷干燥的肛门,只希望你的眼睛睁得大大泪 NULL
注射之前保留肛门潮湿混乱 Before doing the droppings injecting it soaks the anus
浴缸相当于一分钟的淋浴擦洗肛门 With the bath about 1 minutes applying the shower to the anus goshigoshi you wash
特别是,时间“元有的甚至注意到,在肛门里出来辞职”是绝对不会交给擦拭 When especially “it probably puts out being starting to appear to the anus the te you abandon” wipe no matter what it cannot
看到了人屎的肛门约,所不同的可能已经没有Gennari Being able to observe at that unko it has been attached in the anus in the man gennari it has been done difference it is not
阅读完美的印刷Oronain包括上升到肛门,如果你渴望洗澡 If what if in the bath rising in the anus it surprints even with oronain it is perfect
我粘贴了一个人的形象在肛门扩束案件是有人 _NULL_
我认为这需要一个棕褐色和它进入阴道及绘图工具Nyutsu的Bitekuru进入 _NULL_
我说,不寻常的,个人主义的(笑)假装气质典型的厨房瓦特 _NULL_
擦拭离开学校,但当时,我丈夫和我都是在一个风扇风阵取SIM卡谋杀 _NULL_
无损检测Hogusou浴缸,甚至怪罪于放弃了许多出租 _NULL_
湿婆的随地吐痰,在她的阴部一定Geru高腰到我的鸡巴被抓和混合Guchatsu Zeru最后通过手指 When shiba lifts my waist high in manko spitting the saliva In addition when guchiyatsu you stir in with the finger chinko was inserted at last
“你受苦?”希巴的,就像我的头肯定颔不经手指按下表大致Shitsuketa我们的手 “It is painful ” When you nod in the same way shiba it pulled out the finger applied the hand to my head and pushed to the sheet roughly
漂移囊般的一具男性尸体的气味,甚至身体的汗臭味色调周围的公鸡 _NULL_
由于芥川奖狗屎?没有人怀疑 _NULL_
该名男子在那里确认组织擦擦拭干净一次又一次,直到他们擦拭污渍或者说两个,我只是擦伤了她的论文数的三倍的时候,我决定把我擦拭干净启动塔卡没有确认 The man until it becomes clean wipes at anything degree The tissue which you wiped is verified That is dirty Rather than saying that you wipe 2 and 3 papers inhaling just the ru As for the woman deciding the frequency which from first wipes You do not verify whether it became clean
299有两个已经表示,他们擦拭污垢,是不是不关心此事涌在你面前只是擦伤了我们一个额外的三个文件 299 It is it is That is dirty Rather than saying that you wipe 2 and 3 papers inhaling just the ru 1 Furthermore excess chiyon which is care Don t you think in you relationship the ro which is
扁桃体是留给做什么是最好的清洁? Wiping in the ton sail and very leaving the best… being
隆河内湿巾率其余的擦拭她的权利,结束相当温和,男性比女性花花公子 As for wiping leaving ratio being high from the man the woman The ge obtaining which it does wiping suitably as for the ro woman who finishes and is
请你来擦拭假名痛苦的痔疮607硬伊藤?通常不会 607 Being painful in the hemorrhoids it is difficult to wipe it does not solve Normally you think as… where it is not
而且我不擦好了I类 Well when it becomes we class you do not wipe but it is
这不是在所有的闪光灯,甚至没有一个新闻记者,我想如果他们停止 At all bulletin or it is not news 1 You think that the reporter it should have stopped
但是,打破了它的陷阱哦氖 Don t you think well even by the fact that it promptly reports separately the trap
这个女人女人好像每一个女人,我不是一个人在拥抱幻想“狗屎幸运的人”,你是否会觉得除了 NULL
退出后,从谁穿了一个大的,看到这样一来章鱼嘴肛门的第一个例子拓地狗屎 _NULL_
食物是OK的,因为韩国是狗屎 _NULL_
首先,“以前,我很惊讶地知道的事情,我不得不用我的男朋友坐浴盆例”,并切出抢东西,甚至擦拭纸,温水冲洗厕所(淋浴厕所来)注意到,很多人使用 First “in the past you knew that his person who is associated uses uoshiyuretsuto and were surprised” with cutting and coming out wiping with the paper in the paper what the regarding which it has Warm water washing flight it refers the man who uses the seat shower equipped rest room being very many
一个或ー,操你使用浴盆我认为我的女朋友埃塔 kanojiyo and yaru thing uoshiyuretsuto which you thought whether you use being it does the yo
一旦习惯了浴盆,但不热的旅行 When it is accustomed to uoshiyuretsuto overseas travel is harsh
不,老兄,我也很愉快的石头地衣卫洗丽 Well even with the uoshiyuretsuto tsu te man enormously the feeling calling and
净身,而不是从旧的知识,通常是喷嘴出来炸毁从第一稍 After uoshiyuretsuto however you do not know normally first gushing the fact that it is old a little the nozzle comes out
在不到一周的时间,例如不要使用浴盆喷嘴布满狗屎我遇到 After 1 weeks while passing encountering the unko being covered nozzle uoshiyuretsuto you cannot use
妈出每一个邦之一,甚至抢什么擦拭纸,我需要的东西兰花净身 Each time zubatsu and the one droppings coming out wiping with the paper in the paper what the regarding which it has uoshiyuretsuto something main point viewing
屁股拉屎不采取擦拭Matowaritsuita头发,而不是卫洗丽 The mark wa ri unless there is uoshiyuretsuto it cannot wipe off unko which is attached in the ketsu hair
我不削减,通过引人注目的一个女人是用浴盆 uoshiyuretsuto buchi it has been cut off in the woman who is not used
我没有更漂亮,我想我会卫洗丽 The uoshiyuretsuto tsu te thinking at all more cleanly viewing than the ru however
首先,“以前,我很惊讶地知道的事情,我不得不用我的男朋友坐浴盆例”,并切出,温水冲洗马桶座(带淋浴和卫生间),而不是很多人使用特别要提到 First “in the past you knew that his person who is associated uses uoshiyuretsuto and were surprised” with cutting and coming out wiping with the paper in the paper what the regarding which it has Warm water washing flight it refers the man who uses the seat shower equipped rest room being very many
首先,它保持或两个提前组织湿足够捏擦组织再次与未干冒水,他们组织湿纸巾擦拭我是一个TTA的留在最后,他们用干擦是他们的下一个目的擦拭该小组发现,他们完成情况Wase m上升 About two knobs soaking the tissue beforehand First wiping purposely with that wiping with the tissue which dries next lastly It remained getting wet wiping with the ru tissue the moisture with the tissue which dries in order to take Wiping once more but combination what completion
他不直接坐在这实在是太多了厕所?或看到的地方,卫生纸,用酒精擦拭马桶Kudaro As for the person who sits down directly in the toilet it is not many The ro where you put in place the toilet paper or flight wipe is with the alcohol for the seat and
但我还没有交给左擦 擦大便松散的感觉完全由 However as for we you wipe and there is leaving… Therefore soft flight feeling it cannot wipe completely
在发痒,这是不好的东西越擦 Because it becomes itchy it has not crossed over to wiping securely
当我擦拭纸以外,大肠杆菌是要通过的文件移Rurashii When wiping with the paper the colon bacillus moves to the hand through the paper it seems and
我要留下来的瘙痒和狗屎,它绝不是无残余物的清洗 unko remaining because the ru it is itchy there are no times which wipe absolutely and leave
我需要水的含义好后擦拭纸是 After wiping securely with the paper the water is poured from is meaning it is
整理它们擦去组织再次与未干冒水,他们组织擦拭用纸巾一个我擦,他们是在湿TTA的最终留在了未干就下他们抹了:第一,保持湿润足够捏英国或两个预哇塞的情况下,我发现了一双上升 About two knobs soaking the tissue beforehand First wiping purposely with that wiping with the tissue which dries next lastly It remained getting wet wiping with the ru tissue the moisture with the tissue which dries in order to take Wiping once more but combination what completion
累了,我的淋浴间和厕所,我觉得我没有用额外的污染,他们几乎是采取Tteka抹去 After the handle the shower rest room tsu te it is cleanly wiping off unless you use the excessively dirty air does