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<尖 official building video> Capital Governor Ishihara “the human whom it flowed out is the patriot. Being a qualification where the treason Cabinet penalizes!”


  • 米惩治司法当局是不是法院和内阁成员,这Kichigaijiisan堆你是什么?
    As for penalizing there is no Cabinet and to be the [te] courthouse, but administration of justice authorities what, as for this [kichigaijiisan] something accumulating, the [ru]?

    • 7:丶`∀ )的内容为:2010 / 11 / 13(星期六)02:20:50编号:AVunnKmZ你们的链接一看吓了一跳第二PDF格式做
      7 : 丶 `∀ ' (' Ω `) (`[ha] ' ): 2010/11/13 (Saturday) 02: 20: 50 ID: AVunnKmZ You, PDF ahead second linking seeing, it vibrates, is

      • 946也许,毕竟可能不知道的母语 946 Perhaps when it does perhaps consist of it becomes native language
        • 946也许,毕竟可能不知道的母语 946 Perhaps when it does perhaps consist of it becomes native language

      • [投票]船只发生冲突的录像与中国渔船的YouTube有罪或无罪的-你是谁投票视频流-中国船舶碰撞事件,你觉得呢? [投票]应该被释放中国渔船录像群岛的冲突-或东西-投票-投票-投票哪个国家的嘉人要求有人辞职,内阁官房长官森谷
        Video image of the Chinese fishing boat collision incident in YouTube UP as for the person who is done guilt or innocence? Video outflow of the Chinese fishing boat collision incident You how think? It should release the video image of the Chinese fishing boat collision incident? As for 尖 official building archipelago those of some country? 仙 valley Yosito secretariat director resignation request poll

        • [本来,我在那里做子敏]诱导首当其冲,迫使它这样做
          'Thing' and the spearhead which our people did originally even in the excessiveness doing are induced to there

          • ★Sheriff是“爱国”,船相撞的视频流-石原在记者招待会上东京都知事石原慎太郎9月12日,有关事件的录像泄露冲绳群岛出发,当船碰撞中“我认为,人们排爱国者
            * As for sheriff with “patriot” = fishing boat collision video outflow - capital Governor Ishihara As for Governor Sintarou Ishihara of Tokyo in press conference of 12 days, the Chinese fishing boat with Okinawa 尖 official building archipelago open sea “The human whom it flowed out thinks concerning the video image outflow incident of collision that it is the patriot,

            • ー好!干得好!石原省长!我很反好人内阁充满民意
              [tsu] plain gauze -! It is good! Governor Ishihara! As for the current Cabinet opposing to the public opinion of the good citizen completely, the [ru

              • 与之相对应的秘密可能已经学会在国家公共服务法的职责“
                It isn't to correspond to the secret which with respect to duty of National Public Service Law it can know?”

                • 主任石原吠了!你说的没错,这是很好的表弟
                  Bark more Ishihara! The [ro] where there is your well cousin

                  • 举例说,端到端的情况下,仅仅因为肇事者被逮捕罢工我试图引爆飞机的罢工TTA的人,像我鄂殴打的投诉
                    Comparing, if you say, beating the criminal whom it has been about to explode the airplane, because it obstructed, saying, That it seems that appeals the person who is beaten, with assault crime it is

                    • 事实上,Sheriff是受追求
                      On the contrary sheriff is restrained and is overtaken

                      • 什么内阁有权惩罚出卖国家的人对自己“和描述的所有被认为是一个反面说明处罚的人员泄露了海岸警卫队视频识别元
                        Being a qualification where the treason Cabinet penalizes?” that you expressed, recognized the outflow of video image You conveyed negative idea in punishment of marine sheriff

                        • 什么是出卖国家的人对自己的内阁有权处罚由内阁或有权惩罚内阁的背叛自己的国家或国家都有权惩罚背叛自己的 Being a qualification where the treason Cabinet penalizes Being a qualification where the treason Cabinet penalizes Being a qualification where the treason Cabinet penalizes

                          • 其废物死亡的故事,他是真的,如果两个人死于袭击,并根据谁对中国海岸警卫人员须
                            Marine sheriff being attacked by the Chinese, if a story that is true 2 people it died in harness, Their deaths do not have to be made wasteful,

                            • 底轨,应减去过滤王建华民主党人从他的敌人都讨Tsubeku人民力量
                              In order that their enemies are attacked with national everyone, it pulls the Democratic party from the seat of administration and the 摺 [ri] must lower

                              • 当然更重要的是什么,从一个市民,我是正确的康复中知道的人,公务员服务法,更遑论滑稽太相信法院的规章制度违反
                                Naturally, therefore the citizen important what, therefore the right the citizen to know was made to recover, Government employee method the notion that where is strange you judge with the [ro] or bylaw violation,

                                • 总理兼国家公安委员会动议Kaseru
                                  And being able to move national public peace chairman Prime Minister

                                  • 总督是什么,不仅969名警务人员负责,如果工资,我没有人事权 969 As for capital governor the allowance payment of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department staff just is borne as for personal right does not have

                                    • 我不知道没有工作,从安倍和福田Minsyu?破坏它想政府不被间谍Chankoro不是握手,我要把你们而Kawaranee Because Abe and Fukuda were useless the ro which is democracy what It makes either one passing such a tile well From that being swung in the chiyankoro operative it is to make national government unstable

                                      • 我们航线共公海约15小时,而在接受空中加油,并没有飞越
                                        Flight while being aerial and receiving oil supply, to be done with the public sea over meter approximately 15 hours, violation of aerial domain We have assumed that it has not done,

                                        • 我设法Shiteyatsu从警察,因为这对石原的顶部,你
                                          Ishihara It is your Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department top, therefore it is, somehow,

                                          • 据文传电讯社,俄国防部8月12日,俄罗斯空军远程战略轰炸机,“图波列夫95MS说:”四架飞机,飞行巡逻挪威在北冰洋和太平洋地区,韩国和日本的自卫队部队,军事很明显,该数字得到了总共10战斗机跟踪
                                            According to inter- fax communication, as for the Russian Defense Department on the 12th, the long distance strategic bomber of the Russian air force “The [tsuporehu] 95MS” 4 machines the same day, the sky of the Pacific Ocean and the North Pole sea to patrol fly, the Japanese Self Defense Force With it made that of the Korean troop and the Norwegian troops receives the pursuit 10 of fighter plane total clear

                                            • 斯通。他们讨厌的石头。非典型形式的个人感情志瓦特或许只是讨厌共产党情报人员(螺纹细腻的,这是双方都接受可能瓦特)
                                              Stone. As for dislike stone. 憎 It does, writing with just private feeling, the [ru] w Information operative causing brick also in (Can be both the place where tastefulness w of this [sure])

                                              • 柏迪捧腹大笑和立场半钟的记者的神奇热狗屎太多相信总督将观看影片Maryan
                                                Animated picture seeing [ri] [ya] governor becoming hot you understand The semi- laughing of the droppings reporter becomes angry

                                                • 没有必要是无辜的,或至多三个月的工资晋级,但是他显然是,这个想法对一级苏木确实随机控制的组织
                                                  The reason which is not necessary to be innocence, as expected disturbs the control of organization it puts out, Whether it is not the level which so at the very most reduction of salary 3 month, may be that, that

                                                  • 犹豫,在尖阁列岛摆在首位普天间的问题,我有一个世界知赖希引起国家安全问题的波动
                                                    尖 official building problem there is cause in informing about the fact that the security of Japan is fluctuating with in the first place Futenma problem, the world,

                                                    • 由于叛徒混蛋不会死在美国的资格资格资格惩罚学生谁Kiru Your like and others the traitor there is no qualification which the qualification which penalizes the person lives or a qualification which dies being Japan
                                                      • 如果你不喜欢从起诉那些从这种价值观念的处罚信息 That such it penalizes it is not worthy of from how to investigate message it should have given out

                                                    • 石原-东京是新的银行- “泄露”信息元雇员状告前雇员说,“让我知道我是怎样在银行都会遭受新的”反对[新银行东京Syakai前雇员; ...状告电视,杂志注定“酱油,我列入”
                                                      New bank Tokyo that “information it leaked”, suing the original line member The original line member refutes “for the sake of you make know the citizen of Tokyo how sustains damage at the new bank,” New bank Tokyo the original line member the suit… television, in the magazine the empty “it droops and is packed” real state

                                                      • 菅自由和战国正在做汉奸嗯补偿给韩国总统后,也自杀死亡
                                                        Through the being less crowded of the traitor 菅 with the 仙 valley death make up for Also Korean president harming our, the [ru

                                                        • 警方移动Kaseru和国家公安委员会
                                                          And as for being able to move the National Police Agency National Public Safety Commission

                                                          • 警长的行动“的激励TTA和认为你应该告知市民,是爱国的,”捍卫 In addition “when we assume you thought the conduct of sheriff that the citizen should inform motive is patriotic” that It protected
                                                            • Chankoro Chaujan我得到这么爱国无罪同级 Therefore when patriotic innocence is done the tsu chi ya maggot ya it is in the same level as chiyankoro

                                                          • 评论时间在电视上与良,如果___丑闻丑闻子敏,如果坚持贴近民主的责任辞职后任命,并Ramase扩张洋菊叩闲聊的任何丑闻在_ _我忽略任何重大丑闻就业,不保护他的不当行为梅鲁努力,避免了通过将批评的焦点
                                                            When giving comments well with the television, In case of scandal of our people _ _ _ Largely add the story after hitting, it presses for appointment responsibility and resignation persistently with any small scandal In case of scandal of democracy _ _ _ In order to ignore with any big scandal, you serve, the scandal which cannot protect shifts point and in order for criticism not to concentrate, endeavors

                                                            • 责任内阁,花954周一推到整个海岸巡防区公共检察官办公室和
                                                              954 As for responsibility everything is pushed it is the Cabinet which it is in area inspection and sea preservation

                                                              • 通常情况下,应该追求,但视频正值公布证据不公开的船。被释放时,尖阁列岛“我们”不能与其性格,甚至没有要求该船舶修理费
                                                                If originally, as if here releasing evidence, although we should overtake Video does not release, the boat. It releases, it does not produce either the letter “of the [se]” of the 尖 official building, even repair generation of the boat it does not claim

                                                                • 那么,视频问题与此,你违反了法律TTA的公务员,但有些人不能想我会说我完全不同,它Machigai
                                                                  Being good, as for problem of this video and tearing government employee method, unless you think completely separately good The [tsu] [te] saying, however the [ru] person is, As for that [machigai

                                                                  • 邪恶的133犹太人返回为好
                                                                    133 The Judean person returns favor with the enemy

                                                                    • (共同社)航线8↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓:丶`∀ )的内容为:2010 / 11 / 13(星期六)02:23:01编号:VRGP + 6sL战国7“揭露日本自卫队这个东西,或者你喜欢什么
                                                                      (Cooperation) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Flight route 8 : 丶 `∀ ' (' Ω `) (`[ha] ' ): 2010/11/13 (Saturday) 02: 23: 01 ID: VRGP + 6sL 7 Sengoku “Self Defense Force releasing this kind of ones how the thing?

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