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Osaka city, pinch! Welfare expense, finally 271,400,000,000 Yen. 5 years later to failure…So as for the average annual income of city section chief ★2 of 10,000,000 Yen or more


  • 01:23编号:AqXNyB9YO棕褐色或欺诈行为破坏了大阪,送到国家公安委员会 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to National Public Safety Commission
    • 破产后五年城市经理 但平均年收入2★1000万日元以上892: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 13(星期六)09:01:23编号:大阪AqXNyB9YO的欺诈或黄褐色,破碎,被送到警察 5 years later to failure even with… as for the average annual income of city section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more 2 892 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 13 Saturday 09 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to the prime minister official residence
    • 破产后五年城市经理 但平均年收入2★1000万日元以上892: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 13(星期六)09:01:23编号:大阪AqXNyB9YO的浓度为棕褐色或打破爱知县县警方送往 5 years later to failure even with… as for the average annual income of city section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more 2 892 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 13 Saturday 09 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to the prime minister official residence
    • 破产后五年城市经理 但平均年收入2★1000万日元以上892: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 13(星期六)09:01:23编号:大阪AqXNyB9YO的浓度棕褐色或破损,发送到唐宁街 5 years later to failure even with… as for the average annual income of city section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more 2 892 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 13 Saturday 09 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to the prime minister official residence
    • 破产后五年城市经理 但平均年收入2★1000万日元以上892: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 13(星期六)09:01:23编号:大阪AqXNyB9YO的浓度棕褐色或破裂,送到警察 5 years later to failure even with… as for the average annual income of city section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more 2 892 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 13 Saturday 09 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to the prime minister official residence
    • 破产后五年城市经理 但平均年收入2★1000万日元以上892: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 13(星期六)09:01:23编号:大阪AqXNyB9YO的浓度棕褐色或破裂,送往大阪府警察 5 years later to failure even with… as for the average annual income of city section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more 2 892 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 13 Saturday 09 01 23 ID AqXNyB9YO In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud It transmitted to the prime minister official residence

  • 13.010亿的主任,经理主任一千一百四十三日元,1031日元,助理经理资7.54亿,稳定的生活,退休后干Tamotsu稳定的退休养老金,你做这个高工资
    Bureau Chief 13,010,000 Yen, department manager 11,430,000 Yen, section chief 10,310,000 Yen, chief 7,540,000 Yen Whether seniority, life stability and retirement lump sum grant possession, annuity stability after the retirement age, on this high giving

    • 2714亿储蓄近两年零10年的大阪八月★福利成本,五年后在大阪的崩溃,总结2009年度一般会计的财务业绩 Welfare expense of Osaka city finally 271 400 000 000 Yen Savings 2 year failure after the rear zero 5 years Osaka city on the 10th collected 2009 general account balancing of accounts
      • 13福利支出费用。我跑去增长9%至纪录增加了27140 000亿 As for annual expenditure welfare expense 13 With 9 increase past it expanded in the highest 271 400 000 000 Yen

    • 3太阳城,0月薪。 29%,0月奖金支付。下拉Geru宣布,他们15个月的分钟。
      As for city on the 3rd, allowance month amount 0. Bonus of 29% and December provision 0. 15 months's amount it lowers respectively Announcing thing

      • 7年中的年总支出费用的增加和福利。 4%为八年和万点零亿日元积极,增加了6964
        As for annual expenditure sum total welfare expense and the like With increase preceding year ratio 7. The way of 1,696,400,000,000 Yen and 8 years of 4% increase plus with it became

        • 868 871 869 872在日本和Zitirou(Zitirou:地方工会官员非法,势必工党Bitsuiteiru朝鲜)的阴谋,欺骗社会保障资金向朝鲜 NULL

          • 877格兰特在日本的特权?或者,作为福利开支(相当于日本的?)失业?

            • 897 - 902 63条司法警察成员的刑事调查刑事诉讼法,被告应根据移交或被告人的人,问题是否属于轻微案件管辖范围内的,本节依照规定应当接受
              897 - 902 Code of Criminal Procedure Criminal investigation norm 63rd provision As for the administration of justice police member barrel policeman, the person who accuse, prosecute or surrenders thickly is the time, This must be accepted depending upon the place where it decides in this whether or not it is incident inside jurisdiction area, paragraph of regardless,

              • Gesuru为经济基础的地方,或在每个办公室降落伞(贪污),也只有指定的设施,或者也安装了Office中提供的设施或盗用办公室降落伞所有私人服务,私人储备激活的竞争和私人服务,政府服务措施一起 In order to raise totally the activation of regional economy as for each government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation crime designated facility and the window of all private services as for the government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation facility installing or providing The buried deposit people it becomes as one unit and assures the competition conversion to administrative service and private service and makes activate
                • Gesuru为经济基础的地方,或在每个办公室降落伞(贪污),也只有指定的设施,或者也安装了Office中提供的设施或盗用办公室降落伞所有私人服务,私人储备激活的竞争和私人服务,政府服务措施一起 In order to raise totally the activation of regional economy as for each government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation crime designated facility and the window of all private services as for the government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation facility installing or providing The buried deposit people it becomes as one unit and assures the competition conversion to administrative service and private service and makes activate
                • Gesuru为经济基础的地方,或在每个办公室降落伞(贪污),也只有指定的设施,或者也安装了Office中提供的设施或盗用办公室降落伞所有私人服务,私人储备激活的竞争和私人服务,政府服务措施一起 In order to raise totally the activation of regional economy as for each government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation crime designated facility and the window of all private services as for the government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation facility installing or providing The buried deposit people it becomes as one unit and assures the competition conversion to administrative service and private service and makes activate
                • Gesuru为经济基础的地方,或在每个办公室降落伞(贪污),也只有指定的设施,或者也安装了Office中提供的设施或盗用办公室降落伞所有私人服务,私人储备激活的竞争和私人服务,政府服务措施一起 In order to raise totally the activation of regional economy as for each government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation crime designated facility and the window of all private services as for the government office inner thigh in the compulsory usurpation facility installing or providing The buried deposit people it becomes as one unit and assures the competition conversion to administrative service and private service and makes activate

              • NULL 879 As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean
                • 福利受助人将正常工作只有当你不想移民到纳税人,如果他们能找到快乐恩戴国尖阁列岛移民的屏蔽,如果你问 If the welfare receipt person immigrates to the 尖 official building If it becomes the shield of the country rejoicing it pays tax If immigration hate properly function

              • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • ■■回到全体董事会频道2 最新50 小寒玛莎 大阪 捏!福利开支,最后27140 0亿 Don t you think 2 ru It returns to the bulletin board Entirely 1 Up to date 50 Osaka city pinch Welfare expense finally 271 400 000 000 Yen
                • 现在ー怎样来的,年迈的父母与我同住一个滚装tive收集到位 Is the empty the a as for the welfare person and the old person Gather in one place the tsu te

              • 三分之二的好处减少购置税的平均私营部门的黄金储备(250万日元葛赶上了平均工资最高限额下的基本型,高性能支付加班费这一部分)的埋葬在一起的人促进指挥系统采取了一系列行政改革设立的目的是竞争 Buried deposit gold tax treatment in 2 3 of private average acquisition reduction lowering to average annual income basic upper limit amount 2 500 000 Yen it makes part efficiency wage allowance for overtime work depending on doing Competition conversion of buried deposit people one body is assured and chain of command to the match to reform of the administrative structure is made to promote
                • 三分之二的好处减少购置税的平均私营部门的黄金储备(250万日元葛赶上了平均工资最高限额下的基本型,高性能支付加班费这一部分)的埋葬在一起的人促进指挥系统采取了一系列行政改革设立的目的是竞争 Buried deposit gold tax treatment in 2 3 of private average acquisition reduction lowering to average annual income basic upper limit amount 2 500 000 Yen it makes part efficiency wage allowance for overtime work depending on doing Competition conversion of buried deposit people one body is assured and chain of command to the match to reform of the administrative structure is made to promote
                • 三分之二的好处减少购置税的平均私营部门的黄金储备(250万日元葛赶上了平均工资最高限额下的基本型,高性能支付加班费这一部分)的埋葬在一起的人促进指挥系统采取了一系列行政改革设立的目的是竞争 Buried deposit gold tax treatment in 2 3 of private average acquisition reduction lowering to average annual income basic upper limit amount 2 500 000 Yen it makes part efficiency wage allowance for overtime work depending on doing Competition conversion of buried deposit people one body is assured and chain of command to the match to reform of the administrative structure is made to promote
                • 三分之二的好处减少购置税的平均私营部门的黄金储备(250万日元葛赶上了平均工资最高限额下的基本型,高性能支付加班费这一部分)的埋葬在一起的人促进指挥系统采取了一系列行政改革设立的目的是竞争 Buried deposit gold tax treatment in 2 3 of private average acquisition reduction lowering to average annual income basic upper limit amount 2 500 000 Yen it makes part efficiency wage allowance for overtime work depending on doing Competition conversion of buried deposit people one body is assured and chain of command to the match to reform of the administrative structure is made to promote

              • 不是从他的长子危险的位置,你还拍摄了委员会立即在短短数日内,向私营部门?快点让我失去了松树白痴
                Because setting forth private trust conversion in several days which pass your own position are dangerous it is not kana? Vanish swiftly the foolish pine

                • 与此同时,经济衰退的税收收入是33个企业公民的收入支柱的城建税。 0%(509亿美元),显着降低
                  On the one hand, at annual income The corporate body citizen tax which is the pillar of city tax revenue entrance with business deterioration 33. The 0% (50,900,000,000 Yen) it became the substantial decrease

                  • 为了减少一半的公司或部门外包给私人号码的人员一般是私人黄金储备,以填补洞我一半的黄金储备,衡量一个地方经济 1 Normally reducing in staff several halves of the buried deposit gold you assure the activation of regional economy by entrusting to the private trader or people in half stopgap of the buried deposit gold
                    • 为了减少一半的公司或部门外包给私人号码的人员一般是私人黄金储备,以填补洞我一半的黄金储备,衡量一个地方经济 1 Normally reducing in staff several halves of the buried deposit gold you assure the activation of regional economy by entrusting to the private trader or people in half stopgap of the buried deposit gold
                    • 为了减少一半的公司或部门外包给私人号码的人员一般是私人黄金储备,以填补洞我一半的黄金储备,衡量一个地方经济 1 Normally reducing in staff several halves of the buried deposit gold you assure the activation of regional economy by entrusting to the private trader or people in half stopgap of the buried deposit gold
                    • 为了减少一半的公司或部门外包给私人号码的人员一般是私人黄金储备,以填补洞我一半的黄金储备,衡量一个地方经济 1 Normally reducing in staff several halves of the buried deposit gold you assure the activation of regional economy by entrusting to the private trader or people in half stopgap of the buried deposit gold

                  • 他像什么利益870多瓦
                    870 Don't you think? the Dowa right [tsu] [te] person

                    • 估计是日元有效地减少劳动成本修订为62五千八点零零亿日元的13.010亿,平均年收入百万日元1031修订处长,处长1143日元,754日元署长,助理经理
                      When there is a labor cost reduction effect of 6,258,000,000 Yen with reform, estimate to do, as for average annual income after the reforming You say that the Bureau Chief 13,010,000 Yen, the department manager 11,430,000 Yen, the section chief 10,310,000 Yen, the chief reaches 7,540,000 Yen,

                      • 你在所有的500万美元的年度收入忠志Hazime国家官员
                        The government employee of entire country everyone even annual income 5,000,000

                        • 你死像是个高薪官员乞丐?
                          The beggar die first from high giving of the public official with to do, the [yo]?

                          • 元研究小组的研究小组,其中包括建立律师的问题上没有采取现金以外的大阪市政府官员,环保机构和行政副市长,其他部门官员的服务,除了配置外部成员是前检察官和
                            Cash pulling out problem of the Osaka city staff Outside to the investigation team installation which is included The investigation team constitutes, also external member such as other than the staff of the secondary mayor and environmental bureau and general affairs bureau and attorney of investigation graduate adding,

                            • 发出牌照的助力车收入恐怖主义和沉默running m如此绝望,他们减少税收是不是官方 Number is not delivered to the field attaching It does not become the tax revenue That the staff probably will decrease the tax revenue desperately Silent terrorism While executing it is what

                              • 同时,京都市内公交车司机的年收入一千二百点零零零万日元
                                On the one hand, annual income of the driver of the Kyoto city bus 12,000,000 Yen

                                • 哈哈哈哈哈来吧,如果你是自拆台脚,因为它是wwwwwwwwwwwww
                                  As for [a] as for [tsu] wwwwwwwwwwwww If it should have self-destructed that way it is

                                  • 哦,还有的年收入董事或1000万
                                    With section chief annual income 10,000,000 fool…

                                    • 在大阪市唯一的评语是TTA的买小的变化和重新使用的果汁袋发表的采访
                                      As for Osaka city announcing in interview, only the case that you bought the juice with reuse and the change of the bag,

                                      • 在此之后崩溃,但未来松原公民。什么是城市吗?食物they ll炒作?
                                        But the Matsubara citizen of next door when this it fails. City how something? Fanning food and others [tsu] [chi] [ya] [u]?

                                        • 大阪市政府Zaikarachokottotaretokukedo ü知道他们不仅是不真实的过程中,更多的价值可以是其他城市在日本大阪府从省人事浩纪伊从这里苍白Chugoku地区在东北部和亚拉呃我的意思是没有差别的大小我应该付了前束或在你面前,但这种“生野区”,“西成区”非。他们如何迅速切到前面强请日外国人的福利已采取了W和著名的故事,大阪上升根据当地官员的方向旋转谁是贫困生活在名古屋TTA的周围 However the bias of the person who does not know is and droops solves the u za the empty little bit and The tsu te where scale is different from other municipalities of Hunai s at all you call the Osaka city hall Northeast the Chinese local present yo bo of there to be because the prefecture compared to the staff and amount are large But as for the method which of course more lowered salary being better natural Before that “Ikuno Ku” “Nishinari Ku” non It blackmails in the foreigner and is taken W where the one which welfare the front is cut is quick When it is famous story is unable to make a living around Nagoya the person who the public official of local end in the indication It rolled to Osaka city and or often was it seems
                                          • 大阪市政府Zaikarachokottotaretokukedo ü知道他们不仅是不真实的过程中,更多的价值可以是其他城市在日本大阪府从省人事浩纪伊从这里苍白Chugoku地区在东北部和亚拉呃我的意思是没有差别的大小我应该付了前束或在你面前,但这种“生野区”,“西成区”非。他们如何迅速切到前面强请日外国人的福利已采取了W和著名的故事,大阪上升根据当地官员的方向旋转谁是贫困生活在名古屋TTA的周围 However the bias of the person who does not know is and droops solves the u za the empty little bit and The tsu te where scale is different from other municipalities of Hunai s at all you call the Osaka city hall Northeast the Chinese local present yo bo of there to be because the prefecture compared to the staff and amount are large But as for the method which of course more lowered salary being better natural Before that “Ikuno Ku” “Nishinari Ku” non It blackmails in the foreigner and is taken W where the one which welfare the front is cut is quick When it is famous story is unable to make a living around Nagoya the person who the public official of local end in the indication It rolled to Osaka city and or often was it seems

                                        • 大阪新闻在该破产的边缘※纪要没有支付高台官方贝拉 Related news Failure as for Osaka city which is before the sun size it understood that staff allowance is high in latch baud
                                          • 该分不付※新闻崩溃的边缘贝拉柏高的大阪市官员 Related news Failure as for Osaka city which is before the sun size it understood that staff allowance is high in latch baud

                                        • 巴士的市民,政府部队将停止全部或柏迪笑然
                                          Administration of the [ba] power citizen being lazy laughing probably is stopping [ma] viewing

                                          • 市环保局,我被带到与技能,听取官员,大多数官员说,“很久以前,被without ll取现金”,并认识到元
                                            That city environmental bureau, heard in the technical skill staffs and when you take, the most staff “from before, the cash and the like was pulled out extremely”, that recognized, you say

                                            • 当国籍条款附加条款公共福利援助的人士,也是有组织犯罪的非法收据出于某种原因,竹下自动TTA的 When the nationality provision it is annexed to the welfare receipt condition of welfare Why also illegality receipt of the mob decreased automatically is
                                              • 附加条款后,受助人的国籍条件的福利也收到诈骗团伙为什么竹TTA的自动降低 When the nationality provision it is annexed to the receipt condition of welfare Why also illegality receipt of the mob decreased automatically is

                                            • 总经理是不到10万的市
                                              When it is the self-governing community inside, in department manager class 10,000,000 or less shelf

                                              • 我也喜欢谈滑稽同一导演级薪俸260万城镇人口和城镇人口数万人?
                                                Section chief class of population several tens of thousands of cities and the city of population 2,600,000 taking part the same giving, don't you think? strange story?

                                                • 我们使用了受害人的乞食ü主要税收脑杆会蜱寄生虫会生虫ü点是好的纳税人
                                                  [namapo] parasite tick insect [u] [ze] [e] Beggar [u] [ze] [e] Being used tax to such a As for first victim good taxpayer

                                                  • 我喜欢组织市,我有同样的865 Ukara规模差异Kaseru权利运动的管理者在大型 865 Being the organization same self governing community don t you think even with ru section chief because scale of the authority which it can move due to scale is different quite
                                                    • 在直辖市,但我得到在即将退休的首任董事约7 0万 The self governing community inside just before retirement age most receiving the wa which is about 7 000 000 even with ru section chief
                                                    • 行政的整体水平。可怜的脑子里,但职位相比,平均10万我是一个绑经理 The average and entire flat of section chief Comparing but the te head the bad article As for even 10 000 000 tsu te of the section chief the ge which is done

                                                  • 我疯狂地想反正大阪崩溃
                                                    In any case that it will fail Osaka, becoming frantic, the [ru

                                                    • 我试着说,在目前的声音Mutokino 24
                                                      When cutting the time of 24, effective sound Trying saying

                                                      • 据市,处长透露,九月征询平松市长和市议会城市环境24位参加者收到举报 According to city the city discussion which receives the whistle blowing of the authorized personnel consulting Mayor and city environmental Bureau Chief Hiramatsu on September 24th it is detected
                                                        • 也许吧,但我可以Shirenshi市议会环境行政Minsyutou The Democratic party city discussion causing re it is to do although the environmental Bureau Chief causing re it is don t you think

                                                      • 推动空气过滤田濑包括纽约,我有一个单程票,他减少了我们的家乡西成老人这样的无家可归者
                                                        Single ticket to the home being able to give in Nishinari [otsusan], push in into the airplane New York so doing, decreased the homeless peolpe

                                                        • 本人在大阪兑现谁购买一枚硬币的速率两个4单元4单元日元利率Baiin我是来自税收基达弹球柏青哥是好的,但它是相当于2日圆至2日元税的休息!如何是现金,可罚款Gomakashitara庄园吗?
                                                          Therefore as for the Osaka person the pachinko lover pachinko tax you should have taken, it is 4 [pachi] fees are designated as 2 [pachi] fees The ball buying for 4 Yen, but conversion equivalent what it designates as Yen, it remains, 2 Yen in tax! When you cheat hole side and conversion side, the penal regulations it does How is?

                                                          • 棕褐色或欺诈破坏了大阪,主管政府官员已经打破尖叫恩戴我破大笑话,不合理的市长从较低的收入和公务员收入少的公民,而TTA的Bonasugattsuri租金,公共服务和补贴格子勉杆从 In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud As for government employee If destruction it is it is destruction sufficiently you shout Earnings of the government employee and the earnings of the mayor particularly not decreasing bonasugatsutsuri while you receive Because citizen service and subsidy power tsuto it is possible
                                                            • 欺诈或黄褐色破坏了大阪,如果你打破恩戴我尖叫破大短刀,公务员的公仆市长从下不合理收入,减少收入,而TTA的Bonasugattsuri租金,和公务员,可以帮助勉杆格子 In addition the Osaka destruction it is it is fraud If destruction it is it is destruction sufficiently you shout Earnings of the government employee and the earnings of the mayor particularly not decreasing bonasugatsutsuri while you receive Because citizen service and subsidy power tsuto it is possible

                                                          • 没有什么是最好的浪花!喜雅滑在几乎任何其他外国的国家!我也唱老扎西,我会很好确定ULFULS
                                                            There is no something, the [te] as for [naniwa] the highest! In other things ratio edge [ya] foreign similarity! You sing also [tsu] [te] former times [uruhuruzu] to do, well it probably is all right

                                                            • 河办公室工作人员,“十月的1森林。听证会上午在从下周反弹 业务经理 突然来找我说:”(问:Peishiyoutoshita隐藏?)“嗯隐藏Peidesho Staff of rivers office “On October 1st forest Because chief of operations with meeting of morning the hearing does from next week with speaking suddenly” Q It tried to conceal It does “with sled ya concealment the yo
                                                              • 河办公室工作人员,“十月的1森林。听证会上午在从下周反弹 业务经理 突然来找我说:”(问:Peishiyoutoshita隐藏?)“嗯隐藏Peidesho Staff of rivers office “On October 1st forest Because chief of operations with meeting of morning the hearing does from next week with speaking suddenly” Q It tried to conceal It does “with sled ya concealment the yo

                                                            • 真正的平衡890亿日元上一财年的利润平均美浓3
                                                              Guaranteeing substantial income and outgo the black-ink balance of preceding year common 389,000,000 Yen

                                                              • 私人公司的平均年收入公布一)按照减少内部在国税局九月(2008年约为4 3亿,因为是公共和私营部门也分霍德 National tax agency following in September therefore average annual income of the private enterprise which publishes reduction 08 years approximately 4 300 000 Yen There is hodo even in government and private sector differential
                                                                • 它已宣布削减行政按照市人事委员会的建议,千万年均收入超过日元仍 Following to the advice of city personal commission but it published reduction is even then the average annual income of the section chief 10 000 000 Yen or more

                                                              • 税收收入下降最大的城市为7。 0%(471亿美元),但录得负,例如税务补助金,以确保八额外777000000000,共七个。 4%1万亿元,增加六万九千八百二十零点零零零亿日元
                                                                As for annual income city tax revenue entrance 7 where past it becomes maximum decrease width. Although 0 of the 0% (47,100,000,000 Yen) was recorded, as for tax allocated to local governments and the like To guarantee 77,700,000,000 Yen of 8 extras, as for sum total 7. It was 1,698,200,000,000 Yen of 4% increase

                                                                • 结果,案件不饿死了死亡后,没有收到切人排队在办公室福利大会堂TTA的日本的Kera
                                                                  The Japanese citizen who goes to the window of the result and the city hall without being received welfare The case that does not cut off after you are starved to death,

                                                                  • 请提供一个良好的生活到更稳定的 Because the life the one may be cheap can be offered
                                                                    • 前※: Before

                                                                  • 金本,新井,捐赠给大阪桧山小
                                                                    Kanemoto, as for Arai and Hiyama in Osaka city contribution margin

                                                                    • 韩国韩国880朝鲜居民人均福利在日本的朝鲜朝鲜居民多乘多↓居民有资格申请在日本使用日本流行的名字朝鲜↓许多居民? ! ! ! 880 The resident Korean South Korean using many name ↓ As for resident Korean South Korean multiplex inhabitant register ↓ The resident Korean South Korean to apply welfare multiplex concerning one person multiplex receipt
                                                                      • 朝鲜在日本的朝鲜居民不发生有日本国籍,“歧视!”因为这是尖叫列为日本恩戴,正如就是日本。这些数字来统计的表 The resident Korean South Korean who does not have the Japanese nationality discriminates “ Because” with you shout To be classified as the Japanese as resident It is not expressed to the number of statistics

                                                                    • (记录投降,报道。及检控记录和记录)当收到投诉或数字时,数字或口头投诉,收到的64条投降,投降通知或记录。记录或记录应收取 Surrender written record announcement Written record and prosecution written record etc 64th provision When receiving surrender or when receiving accusation or the prosecution with oral the surrender written record or announcement The written record or the prosecution written record must be done
                                                                      • 2巡查塔如法警,被告应根据投降的人或被告人,立即,成员必须移交给司法警察人员今 2 As for the administration of justice policeman barrel policeman the person who accuse prosecute or surrenders thickly is the time At once must move this to the administration of justice police member barrel policeman

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