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“It gets off and the passenger who stands certainly the [te] is surprised without at all the service division 8 percentage unsold item of the Shinkansen which difference is not” “new Aomori station” vicinity


  • 801八。茹家的厨房瓦特乙连接到的地方穿梭列车出瓦特我通常火车或训练一个什么样的惩罚青森Hatinohe蓝色木材
    801 Eight. 厨 Quaintness w Normally, the shuttle train rank which connects to the Shinkansen it comes out w It is the blue forest railroad or what kind of punishment game from Yato to Aomori

    • Asa肯定是否他们需要的不是817,相对于弹出关青森如果新的中央火车站Udaro新下认为这是一样的,我不能坐火车到海接近过度出租 817 Asa does not need certainly but if it starts as the comparison with new Aomori That it is new Shimonoseki the ro which you think and is As for the central station being too close to the sea the Shinkansen the place where it cannot drive is same
      • 感觉就像觉得它们不是免费的了,而青森 On the other hand the one which is not at all seems Aomori you feel The air kind of does

    • Kiyo的,住在从角落里的加贺谷(79)通过了周围观看的笑
      Kagaya [kiyo] (79) which lives with the section, smiling wryly, looked around the around

      • Shikanai宏是市长,而是一个模糊的挫折在四月份新闻发布会上,现在切开放TTA的一个月前,没有取得任何进展
        Mayor Hiroshi Sikauti made the irritation spread in April this year press conference, but 1 months were cut to opening, even now, there is no development

        • _NULL_
          At the time of junior high school the baseball you do at the new Aomori parking zone and/or at the time of high school the winter attend school from new Aomori The signboard in the completion prognostic chart stands in new Aomori distant future, being able to turn to such a place? How thinking, the shelf That 20 years or more which probably will be entwined… Already blue. Leaving, Tokyo coming coming out, nearly 20 years Everyone what it has done, it is the [ro] which is Quarrelling with the parent sibling, annoyance applying, the [te] it does not return anymore long without either the face which it adjusts So and as for view of that time now remaining clearly in the head, the [ru] Close shrine Stationery house [puramo] house [chiyari] house Mother and child dormitory The field… there is also a place where already it is not, it is probably will be Each time with this the new Aomori letter is viewed to the thinking which can tighten longing and heart surges simultaneously With being open to traffic of the Shinkansen it probably becomes convenient, but for by yourself the distant home You have asked peace and happy living of the Aomori people as the Aomori prefecture person

          • “但即使在睡眠TTA的土地永远无止境 gt “With as for the land passing how long the drill which slept
            • “但是,即使在睡眠TTA的土地永远无止境 “With as for the land passing how long the drill which slept

          • “归纳和住宿设施不繁华的商业规模的冲突” “The scale which does not compete with central urban district The commercial facility and the accommodations are induced”

            • “自从我离开了剩下的土地已出售的土地空不幸的是,你必须作出忙碌筹备弹出的喧嚣和” “Regrettable the land remaining unsold because it continues to be the vacant land If it does not prepare in order to create the crowd ”
              • “而且事情会更容易,如果购买,会忙” “Also shopping becomes easy and it becomes bustling”

            • 下面的文字是有问题的781
              781 It is unable to agree to the composition under

              • 你的访问者行与我密切Ekinaka 783?嗯,北站东或超市选择和当地的餐馆到颜色县首府TTA的消费在整个这是一个积极的董事会像骂
                783 The [ekinaka] [tsu] [te] sightseer [be] [tsu] it is being all right with the [ri]? Well, it does northeast and such feels generally? While eating-house town which turns off super with local color enters selection of the station of prefectural capital was correct

                • 善山口站出现,但在大阪生活在山口县(Ogoori岁),所以我认为他们是被浪费的15年出生的残忍
                  But with Yamaguchi prefecture graduate the Osaka residence (old Ogori) here 15 years before the Yamaguchi station it will be able to go out of use, but the terrible way you think

                  • 土地是农民没有手动释放798和政治家的方式,这是一个从几十价值的时候,我有先进的基础设施 798 Because as for those where the farmer and the politician do not release the land like this doing when below service advances value reaches several dozen times
                    • 你有没有这样,因为其中大多数是农民和政治家798 798 The farmer and the politician being connected therefore in ru case the majority

                  • 地面目前是日本最大的地下大面积的地下作Reyo留在日本· · · ·一直是空的土地永远上不来空了(笑)像要溢出浪漫或地下室一楼125
                    Underground town of Japan one make As for the land which now is with while it is the vacant land Becoming Japanese one immense underground town… and the vacant land, (laughing) So the underground 125 floors or the romance the feeling which overflows

                    • 城市的发展,是约3公顷 - 一共有18个,共有九个舱
                      City servicing approximately at 3 9 hectares total 18 division

                      • 天王寺区鹤边的车站,他们并不需要815 816,但大部分站点亚撒在山阳新干线你也是这样一个完整的共管与偏远地区 815 The ro which is Asa It is the station which most does not need by the Sanyo Shinkansen 816 Tennoji Ku side of the crane bridge station is the apartment being lazy Such a remote region and it makes simultaneous
                        • 鹤等大部分的用户,只是通过检票口出去大门右侧,我每天在那里我觉得 The majority of the users of the crane bridge everyday utilizing reaching just passes by communication examination of tickets will appear in outside examination of tickets The ro which with you do not think and is

                      • 如果这些建设站就是山不符合五无“ If this when as many as five the station was built in the mountain simultaneous it is not”
                        • 山口一样都不是我有五个站 As many as five there is a station in Yamaguchi don t you think it is

                      • 它不象由东京站高层建筑宏伟
                        There is no Tokyo station like tone high building separately

                        • 山口Niiyama口,因为他仍然在下降或祖父井敦促县本身,而是你多么可怕頑張
                          Because Yamaguchi the prefecture itself has atrophied with tremendous spirit Even then, new Yamaguchi persevering, is [ru] one

                          • 崛起Ramase期望,越南已经从40年三夫妇请我住在靠近
                            Add the expectation, nearly 40 years from within three which live with the married couple it crossed over

                            • 常常在没有像冷战时溃疡,但行坤是谁靠近市中心汽车站在青森?埃塔最好走老线正常Hatinohe开关
                              Time crushing at the cold place where such a at all it is not, someone goes to central urban district around the Aomori station by the bus, it is? The one which normally is changed to the local railroad line from Yato is good

                              • 我为这个城市是不值得足够的地下750,走正常更换现有生产线的是鄂这将是很乏味
                                750 That to underground it converts it is the city where it does not have about either value, however you think, Don't you think? the local railroad line it probably is difficult normally to change,

                                • 我必须说,新青森站,立场“适度发展”是
                                  Around the new Aomori station the word [wa], it is the stance, “development about of extent”

                                  • 我想他们在买房地产占据了我,我想我知道这样的政客们都站了脚腕24
                                    24 The peripheral [tsu] [te] of such station the politician being connected after all, the [ru] The real estate agent buying up, don't you think? the [ru] it is probably will be

                                    • 我期待着这个隔海相望的地图,并认为我很喜欢TTA的山口县,常常不知道
                                      When you look at this map, forward crossing the sea, it puts out, well not knowing, the Yamaguchi prefecture [tsu] [po] it was and as kana thought it is

                                      • 或在红灯区面前?周青森站。 TTA的我应该逝
                                        Before the station manners town? The Aomori station lap. The 逝 [tsu] it is the kana whose one is good

                                        • 新大阪站北站等我期待殆公寓有半世纪,几乎相同
                                          The new Osaka station septentrional the apartment is the majority Appearance of the station approximately half a century, almost the same

                                          • 正如我暂时离开了24站,接下来是什么? 1。两辆出租车的调查。十和田步行的目的是为现在开始的这三个。 4我不知所措。乘下一班火车(无需等到下一个一天˙· ·但是)
                                            Temporarily 24 Assuming that it got off the station, the next how it does? 1. The taxi you search 2. Temporarily Towadako aiming, it starts walking 3. You give to the way 4. It rides in the following train, but (it does not wait to the next day and the [te] does not become,…)

                                            • 然而,维持车厢站周围青森市的仍然是最畅销的,它仍保持平静 But Aomori city serviced around the station As for division the majority remains unsold still continues to make quiet

                                              • 然而,迄今为止的销售仍然在任两家公司的办事处和块汽车租赁
                                                But, as for being able to sell so far, the rental car company It was restricted to 2 divisions of the office and the office building

                                                • 申岩国,你看我什至不负责分配奥萨
                                                  New Iwakuni, either the Asa how eye is not applied

                                                  • 科马库里原原敬,第一station ll太疯狂,但没有,我没我的意思是我司的COM The chestnut frame plateau station first simply the field tsu field with you say or only the rice field were

                                                    • 站安静当机立断:青森:区域:读卖新闻在线(读卖新闻)
                                                      Quiet before the station Abandonment departure : Aomori : Area : YOMIURI ONLINE (the Yomiuri Shimbun Company)

                                                      • 胶囊到车站,酒店或商务酒店,你将有一个良好的性位置,如果只建立一个漫画咖啡店。他们站在周围的位置,田濑
                                                        If the capsule hotel or the business hotel or cartoon tea drinking are built before the station, it is good Prostitution. The around letting stand

                                                        • 见在冬季景观津軽平野开放你好吗?
                                                          When beginning operating don't you think? it is to call with the Tsugaru plain winter view?

                                                          • 该信浓即便如此,东侧发育异常
                                                            Nevertheless, new Yokohama station east side to develop, the bamboo grass is abnormal

                                                            • 该市目前的“城市发展的基础上站概念”紧凑型城市为核心,以JR青森,明确发展政策元新青森站
                                                              As for city before the present JR Aomori station town layout It makes the nucleus, “compact city conception” in prerequisite, development policy around the new Aomori station was decided

                                                              • 请排队,在青森Tteta而是知识,我和新青森站(呆)你是一个国家,你会怎么做我什么不方便的,包括故意站下车蜡一样多青森( ·ω·`)
                                                                As for going to Aomori however you have known, the new Aomori station and the [wa] (呆) Therefore countryside what, it pulls to the Aomori station with a lot of and includes simply in the wax Specially how it does to inconvenient (the ' Ω `)

                                                                • 越是先进的超过80%4出站的建设,准备方向的数字十二月开幕,参加了改观了最后阶段 Construction of station premise about 8 tenths advancing The preparation which is directed to the opening December 4th approached to last stage

                                                                  • 这感觉更好,如果他们提出824围绕新县山口站
                                                                    824 If the prefectural government is moved around the new Yamaguchi station, the good air does

                                                                    • 进入本月,试骑事件“疾风”青森站到新的一骑之后 Entering this month the new Aomori station which “the squall” for test drive meeting drives successively
                                                                      • 谁的人来行我→青森县青森站站→新的人认为小 The wa which you think that the new Aomori station gt the Aomori station gt the person who prefectural government tsu te approach is done it is little

                                                                    • 那是什么你进入商店塑料工程799。模型 799 As for that puramo house where you have entered manufacture Model
                                                                      • 那是什么你进入商店塑料工程799。模型 799 As for that puramo house where you have entered manufacture Model

                                                                    • 青森站步行看古董之间没有距离的差异,有可能被删除遗忘浅虫温泉
                                                                      Walking sphere of the Aomori station the insect hot spring may be forgotten shallow not to be wrong declining in prosperity,

                                                                      • (Oogaki浩)我区普通住宅周围包裹立即站在左边空地Muyouni
                                                                        (Yutaka Ogaki) In order to surround the division while it is the land cleared for housing purpose, residential town which stands in a row

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