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The woman who cannot desire childbirth with your own ovum receiving the offer of the ovum, the case which you give birth increases


  • 102卵母细胞和胚胎冷冻保存自己我可以
    102 It can freeze can retain the maturity ovum and the fertilized egg itself is

    • 706哦,就像飞行员和乘务员
      706 Well, don't you think? the pilot and the passenger compartment crew of the aircraft it becomes rough,

      • 830非自然怀孕甚至自费,剖宫产是新生儿重症监护室,我是一个公共开支和医疗保险
        830 As for unnatural pregnancy, as for cesarean section and NICU you call health insurance even by individual payment It is public funds burden what, don't you think?

        • do not have 246株端粒不可能再宽限了问题点?因为卵子捐赠是一种DNA相对大多是相同的,但如果你的家人,我会使用它,甚至不是她丈夫的精子 246 Because the clone is a problem of teromea the excessiveness it isn t Therefore as for ovum offer large portion from the relative the same it puts out DNA So it is not and the te uses the spermatozoon of the husband and if the ru it is the family
          • 另一个原因是,当放纵,一个“女人”,毕竟是孩子在另一个人的DNA When it does from the woman It is wake which is the indulgence “After all the child of DNA of others”

        • Iguuuuuuuuuuuuuuu吃鸡蛋
          The ovum being able to eat, [iguuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

          • NULL 369 gt Getting married with divorce from 20 generation latter halves the child it is not possible and the te the hospital goes immediately is not rubbed and gt Generally as for the man the hospital and inspection disliking produces normally gt So like this while doing passing many years it becomes advanced age it is with Don t you think it is our industry complacency Health insurance you must apply to such a with something Although the person where it does not go to the hospital and becomes the hand lag and dies being the cancer it is Mukai Aki something the hospital going with medical examination although it was called precise inspection margin After all it neglected uterus all picking out it puts out The human tsu te which in reproduction auxiliary medical care of this hand becomes desperate “If that time it has done well ” our industry complacency type large portion However reproduction auxiliary medical all prohibition margin you do not say Cannot be using the spermatozoon and the ovum of others
            • 369 出租中老年人一般不愿在很多时候我将在?氖喜欢有它的到来,我要申请健康保险,为什么不呢?东西向井亚希一些人死于癌症的是缓慢进入这一行实物上总医院是子宫彻底清除,但赎回Hottarakashita审议四郎第高架葛线检查对我说,在医院事无巨细地辅助生殖 369 gt Getting married with 20 generations the child it is not possible and the te the hospital goes immediately is not rubbed and gt Generally as for the man the hospital and inspection disliking produces normally gt So like this while doing passing many years it becomes advanced age it is with Don t you think it is our industry complacency Health insurance you must apply to such a with something Although the person where it does not go to the hospital and becomes the hand lag and dies being the cancer it is Mukai Aki something the hospital going with medical examination although it was called precise inspection margin After all it neglected uterus all picking out it puts out The human tsu te which in reproduction auxiliary medical care of this hand becomes desperate “If that time it has done well ” our industry complacency type large portion However reproduction auxiliary medical all prohibition margin you do not say Cannot be using the spermatozoon and the ovum of others

          • Www nhk or jp 特别 libraly 02 l0005 l0525的。html www nhk or jp special libraly 02 l0005 l0525 html
            • TTP的: www nhk or jp 特别 libraly 02 l0005 l0525的HTML。 ttp www nhk or jp special libraly 02 l0005 l0525 html
            • TTP的: www nhk or jp 特别 libraly 02 l0005 l0525的HTML。 ttp www nhk or jp special libraly 02 l0005 l0525 html

          • 一些人声称的免疫应答受精卵的精子与另一人造成
            The immune reaction to the fertilized egg by the ovum and the spermatozoon of others is also a theory of cause

            • 不为我处理胎儿的危害是降低妇女怀孕基鲁阻力
              Resistivity of the pregnant woman falls riding Because damage ones it does not handle the fetus

              • 不会造成贫穷的儿童免费送货费用由一对日本妇女怀孕检查是不是免费的生活水平
                Pregnant woman medical examination gratuitous conversion Childbirth cost gratuitous conversion The cause of not bearing the child with the Japanese standard of living is not poverty

                • 不过,我并不想嫁给2000万日元出于对自己的孩子,如果你让我们有可爱的孩子恩戴从精子有人想在我 However the wife it does not enter we want the child it is Someone the kana which with we spermatozoon lovely the child is not borne If about 20 000 000 Yen however it can put out

                  • 中国女性的卵子是不是或甲方安排的民主共产党是一个党代理共产党是不是一个高的可能性of ll共产党,种族清洗的
                    With the mediation by the Chinese Communist Party Don't you think? ovum of the Chinese woman -, this The Democratic party produces the stooge of the Chinese Communist Party, Possibility of the race purification by the Chinese Communist Party it is high, it is it is not, this

                    • 举例来说,即使DNA差异,我认为,一个胎儿脐带和母亲立即胶“胶血崛起”将是一个来源的说法
                      Proverb DNA being different, very the umbilical cord connects the parent and the fetus probably is origin “of connection [tsu] [te] word of the blood”

                      • 产妇DNA可以提供给受精卵没有参与这对我刚好
                        The parent which the fertilized egg is offered to participate in DNA completely, saying

                        • 他还Warenaku情妇之前你说这仍然是551 551 Even now it will not be said by you and also the te probably will enter the person who the mistress is

                          • 件。奖从幼儿的倡导者和支持者外包。要求
                            Piece. Even from propulsion group and outside order conversion propulsion group of childcare prize. Necessity

                            • 体外首先受精失败。 。例如儿童越来越多
                              With in the first place external fertilization obstacle. . The child increases

                              • 冈山医学研究中心主任新生儿科主任,忠山内薰日本,“他们将缺失的,可以对一个孩子到Kasenai手厚] [在新生儿重症监护病房和治疗活在体外受精和其他生育比如我的印象中,孩子是逐年增加Mareta
                                As for Yamanouchi 芳 loyal Okayama medical center clinical research department manager of Japanese immature child newborn baby academic society director To in the child who enters “the newborn baby who cannot miss careful remedy 'intensive care unit', There is an impression where the child who is born with sterile remedy such as external fertilization yearly increases

                                • 函数681医疗生殖应用于一个问题,我认为这是合理的医疗保险
                                  681 As for the medical care which cures reproduction functional trouble as for health insurance application you think that it is proper,

                                  • 即使当孩子想有arguendo,这是常有的消极踢肚子Munotteiu Yadayada从根感伤的原因只在她的错我不是好adoption妾腹在逻辑思维? The grommet when we want the child assuming that it became with the mistress stomach and calling saying with the adopted child in logical thought Can be entwined in emotional argument only of the woman whom you bear with the yadayada my stomach and riding say the losing stamina tsu te densely it is not

                                    • 即使是做试管受精和microinsemination wwww相同
                                      Doing, as for [ru] thing although it is the same external fertilization and microscopic insemination, wwww

                                      • 因达江东无我看到了我父亲的脸我,我想我Ttena石头最可惜的是他的生命 Me your own father tsu te face you have not seen but it is that life maximum it is unhappy how it is not thought die
                                        • 如果你要对所有的鸡蛋,就在父亲的父亲也没有孩子茹 Entirely there is an ovum if it is the ro which is not the expectation the child being similar to the father and is

                                      • 在Wareru我怀疑,我认为这与常理我应该先父遗传育种中要 So between the breeders becoming common sense ru telegony this is related it is it isn t The tsu te it is doubted

                                        • 在德国,他的儿子萨基[DNA的鉴定。世界是繁华Wasemashita禁令]
                                          Around ahead in Germany 'father and son DNA discrimination/reference. Prohibition bill' world It could enliven

                                          • 在无病,除非defintely更好的住房费用单独支持儿童人口,他们把当时她丈夫的年轻,好故事,如果它真的来了作为一个妻子住 If equal to the number of heads of the child the method which supports residential cost is not the considerably sickness finding the husband in young time if you have lived as a wife it is good story
                                            • 在无病,除非defintely,她的丈夫看见他们把年轻的时候,好故事,如果它真的来了作为一个妻子住 Considerably if it is not the sickness finding the husband in young time if you have lived as a wife it is good story

                                          • 在第一次684,什么是有意义的比较?快乐的我可以做一个比较?辅助生殖医学。什么是幸福的,因为它主张○○允许更多的时候 684 First being the meaning of comparing before that As for happy tsu te being to compare Reproduction auxiliary medicine Protection person tsu te with sometimes Happiness than 0 Therefore it is permitted
                                            • 在第一次684,什么是有意义的比较?快乐的我可以做一个比较?辅助生殖医学。什么是幸福的,因为它主张○○允许更多的时候 684 First being the meaning of comparing before that As for happy tsu te being to compare Reproduction auxiliary medicine Protection person tsu te with sometimes Happiness than 0 Therefore it is permitted

                                          • 复制并粘贴到某处-处理-立即-亮[ - ]亮氨酸名称(苏鲁)“,”图说“与”疾病或伤害,重新
                                            From certain place [kopipe] [chi] - [ri] [yo] [u] (- [reu]) [Name] (The sail) << also the “[ji] [ri] [yo] [u]” >> corrects the sickness and the wound

                                            • 多数男性不孕女性不孕的原因,但460是另一个问题,低生育率是被忽略的圣诞蛋糕,是20个全职的育龄谁是没有问题的,如果怀孕的妇女生下的孩子在他们的第一个我Hazime马里
                                              460 But as for cause of man sterility another problem As for large portion of the woman sterility if a child you have given birth with 20 generations, problem the human being lazy which is not In other words the fact that the Christmas cake where the woman is pregnancy childbirth marriageable age was ignored are start what of few child conversion

                                              • 如果你能保存鸡蛋Kukara早,但问题可以解决公平和 If it can retain the ovum from early on as for problem it can solve rather although

                                                • 如果孩子出生长大,我们得到更多的快乐,而不是很好,但是我觉得 If the child who is born is brought up happily as for we however it is good with you think …
                                                  • Iku辉Tteru穆纳说,产生451,所以 451 Therefore you bear you raise saying that is the ru

                                                • 如果市民身体旋转Naatsu●,迪克斯情侣×谁组织的一般条件希望通过公众Naatsu旋转(1)25年,60几年无论是( 2)至少有两个10多榻榻米房间的房间(厨房的大小和正在采取的房间 In case of public oh rotation group as for DINKS married couple × In general condition to adoption applicant of public oh rotation group 1 either one of married couples 60 year old of 25 years old or more under 2 space of the room at least being 2 room 10 tatami mats or more the kitchen has become the room and the adopted child
                                                  • ●我以为这里,他们的年龄,孩子们现在将通过母亲的年龄限制的,似乎谁最想收养,但是否有年龄限制的实际 Age of the children who after all are become age restriction and the adopted child of the mother Well whether or not the adoption applicant most as for making the air is age restriction with respect to substance is

                                                • 如果平均有限公司○马Utsukushima程度,如关于模具 If the even u exhausting ma ○ ko the extent which rots it is
                                                  • 臭鸡蛋接近纯粹的野蛮TTA的旧双人床一个星期只 The year just was repeated gets near to the egg which rots purely

                                                • 如果我站在孩子们后者从684 Mareta,但它更可能或分歧TTA的TTA的看法?我听到你说嘿嘿不这样做,毕竟 这不太可能是出于他们的孩子说他们喜欢 684 When you saw at standpoint of the child who is born even at latter rather than thinking that it was different but it may be Unless just a little saying you hear after all your own child or… you may propose
                                                  • 为什么恩戴在从后者684,但它更可能或分歧TTA的TTA的看法?我听到你说嘿嘿不这样做,毕竟 这不太可能是出于他们的孩子说他们喜欢 NULL

                                                • 孕妇的身体。适婚年龄,生育年龄有
                                                  In body of woman 妊. There is a marriageable age and a childbirth marriageable age

                                                  • 孩子口吃,但我强烈认为,通过适当的教育Tsumon才怪分配到教育的重要性 The child stuttering if you have raised carefully unexpected you are brought up powerfully securely however you think that it rubbed

                                                    • 当然,这是不是一个合法的孩子,我不会有任何继承权
                                                      Because there is no legitimate child, naturally, there is no either heirship, don't you think? probably will be

                                                      • 很多。不是不可能的,在体外精子受精和护理水平,我打出了一个鞭采取一个健康的身体女人每天注射。该业务 Multi When the spermatozoon of medical care other than external fertilizing is unreasonable tsu te level everyday injecting into the body where the woman is healthy whipping harvesting adopting Operating you call…
                                                        • 是什么级别的不是在体外受精和一个男子的精子不合理的,我打出了一个鞭采取通过注入一个女人每天健康的身体。该业务 When the spermatozoon of the man other than external fertilizing is unreasonable tsu te level everyday injecting into the body where the woman is healthy whipping harvesting adopting Operating you call…

                                                      • 成年人的时候毫不犹豫地肯定Ttara好运当然流体在直羊膜在教育中的正常儿童发育不良的残疾儿童,我新高臭鸡蛋英寸这当然,我的父母照顾生病的直 Rotting even with the fresh ovum when you are brought up with the amniotic fluid which is stagnant being abortive the obstacle child course ma tsu it does the gu and others The time where you become an adult fortunately even with the healthy child high The nursing course ma tsu of the parent it does the gu and others It is abuse as for this
                                                        • 什么孩子面前,真正的设施,以接受痛苦的负面情绪,从他们的父母暴力虐待 As for the child which is in the facility before that inhumanity it is from the actual parent and receives abuse and has gotten injured to heart

                                                      • 我不是683体外受精保险福利
                                                        683 External fertilization is not effective insurance

                                                        • 我不要产生作为女人,我烙印Rashii缺陷儿童
                                                          As for the child not being able to bear as a woman brand of the inferior goods the [wa] which seems

                                                          • 我会被视为不给予照顾终身埃泰情妇买了一套房子的门?你能吗?例如,我很满意案件增加养分Kiga扰乱甚至妻子和孩子一起工作
                                                            One you buy the house to the mistress and give and life trouble see it is? It is possible? Working together increasing even the wife and children not be able to raise satisfactorily although the [ru] [tsu] [te

                                                            • 我还没有一个被遗弃的577几个孩子的监护权已经通过,岩男条件艾希在日本, 577 When it is Japan when the adopted child condition in order to receive is harsh Parental authority the children who are abandoned saying few it is

                                                              • 据悉,有权决定子女的梅鲁?这是, With you say but As for such a thing the ro which means that the child decides So is
                                                                • 533或没有,但事实上,不管它们是什么感觉不好琦琦愉快的贫困 533 There probably is the fact but it probably will not be but feeling bad ones feeling are bad

                                                              • 无法准备鸡蛋666自己,认为这是孩子们的另一种方式郜觉得我太好了,我是他的生命是注定要被选择性工具hey ll看到你那儿!我想说的是什么 666 At the point in time when you cannot prepare the personally owned ovum it is destiny what which is selected Thinking that just there is your own life it is grateful think of the other road with Don t you think as for child instrument of your existence verification e Don t you think the tsu te we would like to say

                                                                • 日本妇产科学会不承认我的卵子捐赠者
                                                                  The Japanese obstetrics gynecology academic society has not recognized ovum offer

                                                                  • 有在体外受精胚胎的模式我从其他妇女
                                                                    Outside the body the fertilized egg which is fertilized is made to bear to the other woman is also a pattern

                                                                    • 本人期待已久的医疗技术的发展,从一个孩子需要被强迫穆20 Now when with special care medical technology advances it is not necessary specially to bear the child with 20 generations
                                                                      • 不能否认从任何方面来说,它是一台机器产生一个孩子亩 How seeing it will deny but with the machine which is not bears the child the shank

                                                                    • 温达我认为日本和公正变得更为常见哦系统采用的“家”,因为社会实际上已经通过了一个孩子,但我没有支付租金的背包我是比较温和的小梨我喜欢简单的生活基拉 You think that more the adopted child system should have become generally but it is Therefore as for Japan “house” society shouldering the burden of that appearance in the child which becomes the adopted child unless you must receive however Well you can live the small pear really easily but it is

                                                                      • 然而,体外受精和怀孕的目的不在于不寻常的生殖功能障碍作出完全康复,但很多次的人如何谁
                                                                        But, whatever degree doing the external fertilization and the like which, aims toward unnatural pregnancy the people in question Reproduction dysfunction the finishing there is no reason which heals

                                                                        • 现年40岁的“性性退出它”,而女人“的性别,出生出来:”我觉得 The current 40 years old with “sexual desire sex the fact that it puts out” The woman thinks that “sexual desire childbirth it is thing what which is put out ”
                                                                          • 从现在起40年,他们生下的卵母细胞的健康年轻,但我更没用 Because the current 40 years old are young there is a physical strength which you give birth but The ovum already is useless what

                                                                        • 生殖健康倡导者,如体外受精,是一个很大的大拇指,当然
                                                                          Propulsion group of reproduction medical care such as external fertilization naturally large extolment

                                                                          • 而且我有一个在没有大的障碍,如果我被分配在爱家亲生父母教育 To that you raised with the home which is love if in absent how great handicap of the biological parent the viewing tsu te
                                                                            • 家庭和乐队Biteiruna应寻找和哲学问题 The parent and child what and with it has the philosophical topic which is said

                                                                          • 自我满意为自身的利益,相反,因为我是从雇佣军性质与儿童的父母,而我住在世界许多茹
                                                                            For self satisfaction of my interest selfish desire, becoming pregnant conversely, calculatingly naturally even the parent whom you bear, the large quantity stays in society don't you think?

                                                                            • 虽然严重的案件移交胚胎在分娩过程中的出血Kunaru没有案件Shika牛聪恩戴兽医经常用于什么,比如我现在扣
                                                                              However only the case of the cow you know with veterinarian teacher something, The case where bleeding at the time of fertilized egg transplantation [tsu] [te] childbirth becomes terrible occurring frequently, now refraining, the [ru

                                                                              • 蠢蠢的外国人越来越像我不认为对所有良好的医疗技术,经济援助,可能生育的夫妇回Rubeki You think that everything of medical technology there is no virtue Rather than such a foolish foolish forcing thing doing it should turn to the financial assistance for the fecundity possible married couple
                                                                                • 检查是否在医疗技术,是在比较旧时代的老化过程是肯定要慢比尔 Certainly medical technology it rose if and you compared with former times advance of aging became slow

                                                                              • 认为,人权倡导者和研究员米 607,和隐藏的问题,从遗传的诞生历史,走出了邻里 607 Way huemi and the human rights disputant insist to details of be inherited birth When it conceals problem of there arises

                                                                                • 谈到在您看来,如果你的孩子正在上产生冲击的克隆来吧,我也 If you refer to your opinion if the child should have been produced ringing with the clone is with also the tsu lever becomes
                                                                                  • 谈到在您看来,如果你的孩子正在上产生冲击的克隆来吧,我也 If you refer to your opinion if the child should have been produced ringing with the clone is with also the tsu lever becomes

                                                                                • 这是一段时间内为您傻瓜,如果年轻人,我应该反思 Unless young time you must reflect that you passed the man foolishly

                                                                                  • 这是叛乱的生殖本能,我不拥有余下的基因
                                                                                    Therefore rebellion to the reproduction how instinct which cannot leave your own gene

                                                                                    • 通过旋转,有一个儿童咨询中心,有在当地政府的管辖区域差距相当大,因此
                                                                                      It passed through the child advisory board and the like, because oh rotation is jurisdiction of the local self-governing body, considerably there is a regional disparity

                                                                                      • 鄂救赎或任何类似的例子并不支持他们的孩子陷入危机的父母的身份大小的遗传是,你所创造就没有四郎造成痛苦,甚至绝望的天真一些家长提高她是父母自己,提高 The child which falls to the identity crisis where the parent in regard to heredity does not understand Whether it supports in some wind and can rescue agonizing and the like of not yet experience how it will do it is not with the foster parent a lot of probably will be Anyhow therefore making the cause of that parent himself what of raising
                                                                                        • 在你正工作?没有经验的年轻人 是的,但不是通过资格。老头 So either one is adopted Not yet experience youth gt possession sutra But the old person gt gt gt gt there to be a qualification the sutra Old person

                                                                                      • (即使我说我放弃了前财产情妇孩子的车长,他的孩子的权利是不是如果我能卫)孩子虽然我不能接受和公认的人类基因井田通道不合理的稀有气体 Lover kachiyan saying in advance property of the child the tsu te which is abandoned right of main person of the child is protected also the te it seems like whether it was not of Although you say that the gene the child it cannot recognize the human who is succeeded the inert gas which has the excessiveness
                                                                                        • 然而他们没有发现石女值得,我自豪的事情权利立即生产的孩子赢,妓女好象他们更愿我原来的立场 Barren woman what there is no value But it seems like you were triumphant by the fact that the child is borne obtained some right of The field stands more in the sale woman

                                                                                      研究 開発