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“Plate gold -> pachinko -> legal office -> glee & [mobage]…Trading which eats the people of downstream”?…The president “the splendid thing ★2 there is no either cloudiness in point”


  • 220 212 169 Kussowarota s6Im7CYD0傻瓜猜瓦特瓦特青梅一个充满矛盾的,我完全的W瓦特字节或教育程度较低的调度绿色耻辱Kashikunee来生活?瓦特 s6Im7CYD0 169 212 220 The kutsusowarota w fool is ome gesu w Completely contradiction being lazy shelf w Low dispatch glee byte w of educational background living the te it is shy well w
    • ←268 s6Im7CYD0 m愚蠢的家伙 268 s6Im7CYD0 lt It is dense is foolish what

  • 251“地方”,高收费cut re去卖了,并提出一些负面的我就砍线接起来 如果只是为了毁掉一些愚蠢的游戏我沉迷于工作它仍然是一个自愿 251 Creating “the place” it has sold by the piece it is the shelf And as for high rating with the place as useless until going to mowing when there is also a ru 0 … Being fixed to job Gaea something you say that just the ru fool remains independently
    • 您不停止收费,他从该阵列约2000日元的权利与自由Netoge以前Murashi不包括数以十万计Totsugi Free netoge and the ro which is simultaneous In the past about 2000 Yen it has rated are the person who does not stop is packed several 100 000 and the next it seems

  • 642清音t是由猪流行性或Netoge残废,但这样的话科泰与净栽负面形象不是你这样做 642 T pig S the netoge disabled person making be popular the negative planted image in the net but it will be word quickly it is it is not
    • 十大更多的事情要做,但我没有看到一个大型Komitai However the Mega ten doing included you want already it probably is unreasonable

  • BPO的欺诈相关或完全通过左机翼,但不是在日本或日本捏造出来的右翼抗议或什么奈达奈达侵犯人权报道的人我
    BPO [tsu] [te] Human rights violation [nida] of resident Fabrication reporting [nida] due to right wing Only such protest it does Left flank fabrication related to resident completely through

    • NULL As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean As for pachinko illegal business of resident Korean South Korean The pachinko doing as for the ru welfare receipt person the cherry tree of the resident Korean South Korean

      • RMT的你们是这样一个废物申奥成功收费你比我同意刚才我湿重390 The party whom such bids successfully does in addition to of RMT is waste rating being yo ww 390 I so think
        • 他们负责Kano ll游戏一样魔兽按月结算项目辉想想看,头像的每月三分之二的海滨稼茂木 As for item rating Gaea party WoW of month amount rating Every month abata two bu it is how thinking that it starts making the combining of the ru

      • Yangus to不可思议的相当奇怪的地牢Tteta才能进入你的电话,但我玩了坚实的预安装版本(两个hundred小时之久iii)所有在未来的时刻,这完全是另一个葬在那里,即使有用的物品如果开庭周一500日元,但我什至不有一个新的地牢,但我立刻放弃了所有太丰富,是浪费 Has entered in the k tie before John Don of yangasu and wonder Although it is preinstallation edition you could play without the fragment about two and 300 hour When after just a little it is buried already entirely coming being frame If it rates there is also John Don where also the convenient item is new but it is Month 500 Yen it is wasted passing the wa which you give up Don t you think it is everyone rich person

        • 上乘Seshi收取747移动父母的钱,不问任何问题,从商业银行采取采摘
          747 Money of parent Adding in portable fee, from bank account indisputably the insect [ri] the commercial law which is taken

          • 不知怎的,我觉得我的微笑,因为他们在偏远地区如
            You just say you laugh that something, it is geographical on such a remote region, but you feel,

            • 中,格力被指控剽窃陈头像我成功了?瓦特
              So, as for GREE as for [abata] plagiarism doubt the [do] - it became? w

              • 主人的网络Riaha辉Hanayo雅虎拍卖交易,并在高
                As for the [ku] ゙ [riaha] ゙ tar being large amount transacted with [yahuoku] and the like, the [ru

                • 也许是因为 已经成为各地的喜悦?电梯门 金巻文Mobage任何人在任何地方可以通过电话 From the time where With carrying who and gold hoist Gaea which it is possible anywhere
                  • 因为这出现了什么学位?请添加日期,我过于苛刻Mobage From the time where the glee gains force kana mobage chasing day it became terrible

                • 从上周五梁风的客人到韩国和朝鲜运气Bareru The gold which was hoisted from the customer is carried to North Korea and Korea
                  • 再见Baiin Kitatyousen只有245线? 245 North Korea it should have gone don t you think it is

                • 代理商往往有一条线“尝试妒”是出
                  It was in the operative and tend lines “was jealous” and came out

                  • 代纳销售,48105 M在我家的一半,BtoC的销售中,24053小User出价具有有效的24053亿日元我 When we assume that the sale of DeNA among 48 105M the sale with BtoC is half 24 053M When we assume that the effective user was 1 000 000 unit cost is 24 053 Yen
                    • 40那么,你像中医,关于 40 Well it does with performance on such a CM the yo

                  • 但我会从一个没有人拉桶,这是一天我尝试了另一种方式,例如,我知道我的意思是这样,我觉得你好像我放弃我挂 However for example the other side we you saw that it has consented you call that the human who to the place where day hits is not caught or abandon and the ru way you think

                    • 但我永远不会遣遣TTA的孩子,我认为即使是日元惊讶的是他来到突然中止的收费说是不顾一切地Tteta遣排名的比赛,我就会陷入困境 However also one Yen you have not sent sending the ru child setting chi ya oral ya sending the ru You say that in the ranking entering of the game it becomes desperate That person it recessed suddenly The claim amount coming you think that it is the surprise red sandal wood
                      • 手机游戏“绿色”相“贝鲁免费玩”的高要求后立即 “Being free carrying which you can play” game “glee” large amount claim it follows one another

                    • 但我没有邪恶的人相处格力谁收费我不收费
                      The GREE [tsu] [te] rating person and the non rating person relations are bad, it is,

                      • 但是,这些游戏都not m肯定与米德尔斯堡 So doing as for the ku and such game with the rag the ru
                        • 在第一个180是免费的,正确的 180 First the ro which is free is

                      • 作为自卫队士兵将志愿者为穷人美国军方,年轻的男人需要一个像韩国征兵制派兵到中东和东中国海,日本经团联,自己的油轮和货物听起来你想要的护卫舰
                        With the Self Defense Force troop conversion the American way, the like shelf where applies for poor layer to the soldier, the Korean way takes conscription system in the young person, the Middle East and Dong Hai dispatches troops, as for Japan Federation of Economic Organizations and others, would like to make the tanker and the freighter guard of oneself and others

                        • 例如,如果收据上就业结构调整和团体管理这些,立即赢得了日本经济团体联合会和瓶塞,零售商的回避,由当地的净销售额,获得了200年的近20万亿美元的收集和汇总当地分行总部设在东京本公司保留,例如在越南循环,让干燥的外国投资,而国家消除饥饿和人民的下游。战略大屠杀,韩国专家在北金家,政治家和官僚的亲属来操作复杂的潜水包括复制并粘贴日本经济团体联合会,柏迪收集世界独裁者在政治和经济新自由主义的20国集团‥ Dodome日本人
                          The former restructuring of the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations and the victory group managers and to employ and refrain, local small stand removal and Tokyo gathering and summarizing etc of the local branch office headquarters with the stop and net sale conversion Collecting in these 20 years, as for retained profits of 200,000,000,000,000 Yen exceeding which can, with the one for investment overseas, domestic drying making rise, downstream eradicable race starvation. As for holocaust maneuvers, know-how of the North Korean [kimu] whole group, the Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations [kopipe] It makes enter to work the politician and the bureaucracy of the relative whom, meeting of the political economic dictators in the new free world G20. As for [dodome], in case of Japan

                          • 免费的基本电脑和粪便在贝鲁不是很有趣相比,出租Netoge
                            When you compare with basic free PC [netoge], the droppings passing, it is not funny

                            • 只有一个人[收费] Hakoniwa格力免费 - 喜欢他的工作;
                              [hakoniwa] rating person exclusive use 1 Don't you think?

                              • 右边是典型的代纳虚业希望重复市场上的扩张收购资本瓦特
                                As for Dena the [ro] w which is model of the emptiness industry which repeats purchase with the current price sum total which swelled up

                                • 向导是一个免费的forced ll买它像我付的钱没有追求差异魔术264 ü龙 264 It is different at all The money paying magic with dorakue it seems that you buy rubbing it does Non rating the sorcerer you do not obtain
                                  • 中医我要去什么我为自由付出WWW的五 No charge saying with CM however the ru whether the gold paying www

                                • 嘿,是一个温床,社会贡献和贩运妓女牦牛
                                  Becoming support intersection and the hotbed of illicit sale of the yak, don't you think? [te] social contribution the [e

                                  • 在你责怪这些胡说八道的人结婚是490 490 There is a responsibility even in you who get married with such a foolish man

                                    • 在测试中,它似乎是一个场景美浓吉见女主人
                                      The synopsis shelf that the [kiyaba] girl of his own taste appears [zakuzaku],

                                      • 头部的主立即有一种身临其境的游戏水平差只是为了促进犯罪 It is accustomed to absorption in crime promotion simple Gaea the owner of the poor head
                                        • 可怜的头立刻变得简单得多主疯狂的游戏 It is accustomed to absorption in simple Gaea the owner of the poor head

                                      • 如果你敢用积极的例子,市民的警觉性作为卖淫的温床,如果他们遇到了厨房和小型表面层次上,可能超过
                                        If they are the general people the encounter 厨 and as a hotbed of minor prostitution, the place where it is cautious utilizes thoughtless exceeds degree boldly positively

                                        • 如黄金和虎子接管费,如果要求的萨拉
                                          In order passing to pay and to be claimed in the plate gold and Takefuji Corporation

                                          • 它有101场比赛,这是件好事,如果你要的游戏,游戏不 101 Also the te the game is possible the game splash without the game machine it is If that favorite
                                            • 手机游戏很可能是,DS和Kawaran比赛很可能是打击 With carrying the fact that the game it does and the fact that the game it does confronting with DS the tile it is to do

                                          • 它的恶性战术已经支付了萨拉Mushitta五比金钱更为重要
                                            The passing paying gold insect [tsu] it is it is vicious method above the plate gold

                                            • 家庭被盗偷窥市民。威胁。周五春野诗格不收费,如果你是一个小偷春野堇写Gudaguda周五罗马:就让雅师哥春野撤消你是一个小偷
                                              Stealing 撮 stealing of general house garden. 脅. Gold. It is the [gu] where the thief Haruno being completed [re] is the [gu] as for or non rating [shige] Haruno which has been written the gold. The [ro] which is the thief To make withdraw, [shige] Haruno of the house withdrawal from membership margin

                                              • 寄生虫,以激起创业用这笔钱来做,所以我
                                                So doing, parasite trading which it fans in order to make the gold use

                                                • 尽管20%或10%的用户收费大多低于500日元,(6 000日元 u003d年),我认为不可能 Assuming that the rating user is 1 tenths or 2 tenths the majority 500 Yen or less 6000 Yen thinks at year that it cannot there be
                                                  • 会笑,你是世界上一个小家伙,我只是有点专横收费 Although it just has rated just a little so the person scratching greatly the just a little laughing tsu chi ya u world
                                                  • 用这笔钱太多,他们负责在用户TTA的哈马,代纳在六月以下项目 The hammer tsu is the user with item rating one after another distantly to use the gold DeNA was moistened

                                                • 当您登录,并已链接到家庭主妇的leisure m永远在线的人,总是觉得 When login doing the housewife who has been linked thinks when it is online putting out spare time human what always always

                                                  • 当您运行的钱了,干脆停止携带不能够收取非过滤有点吓人,但转移Mobage弹子房,绿色和收费制度将弹射未成年人和儿童在没有罪恶感 When the money becomes insufficient the pachinko stopping simply from carrying however it shifted in glee mobage how nothing being the place where it is fearful to be able to rate The minor and the child the system which unintentionally rates without the sin impression
                                                    • 但疯狂是不好的法律,从交易我高兴鼓掌绞刑 But pachi and the good glee not being caught with good method is okashii
                                                    • 柏青哥退出半年前,绿,是免费做,但不知何故转移Mobage The pachinko stopping half year ago however it shifted in glee mobage how nothing being able to rate it is

                                                  • 您不得允许这种强盗,小偷都列在谢疯狂Tteru
                                                    You permit such a gang and the [chi] [ya] are not good and, as for Tokyo Stock Exchange which made theft group present deviating, the [ru

                                                    • 我们可以说,我働Kiari 497,充电许多愚蠢的,因为你沉浸优越的感觉,因为你做翻译略有缓和申我没有使用这笔钱勉强Yarasa我的意思 497 Is To work the tsu te being said hate 々 being let do because there is no ru meaning The gold without using enjoying therefore the ru it is Because we would like to soak in the superiority complex the tsu te the fool who has rated saying the multi it is thing
                                                      • 我们可以说,我働Kiari 497,充电许多愚蠢的,因为你沉浸优越的感觉,因为你做翻译略有缓和申我没有使用这笔钱勉强Yarasa我的意思 497 Is To work the tsu te being said hate 々 being let do because there is no ru meaning The gold without using enjoying therefore the ru it is Because we would like to soak in the superiority complex the tsu te the fool who has rated saying the multi it is thing
                                                      • 那么被添加到池塘底部,如帮助手机充电游戏 The kind of swamp which rates in telephone Gaea as for being thrust to base there is no ginger

                                                    • 我会在玩游戏中的合作,感谢社会哈马仁 However you do cooperation and opposition play with on as for social very the hammer re it is

                                                      • 我只是最低的败类层使用,我们Gurimoba懒得说有可怕的问题 Awfully only the layer how lowest kudzu which utilizes gurimoba that there is a problem specially it is
                                                        • 五味应改名或Kuzugetaun Name it should modify in gomi or kudzu Gaea town

                                                      • 我吃下游良好的商业人士,这是正确的,但他们说星期一 Trading which eats the people of downstream Good thing you say it rubbed Just like the shelf
                                                        • 无子女或亲属,但我觉得可怜的下游向下游天然气毒害我们的食物Wareru However the downstream which is eaten is not thought as yes 哀 thought as for the child or the kindred of downstream unfortunate

                                                      • 我是一个扰流尾翼瓦特字节狂欢我将维护该公司使用瓦特把欺诈代理商在W 2声道瓦特高兴,它的大小从一个是一个众所周知的尴尬香椎难道你试试狗屎猜瓦特瓦特 Byte or w The fraud company it is protection stripe chestnut barebare what w Don t you think the glee 2 the operative using in the ru therefore as for ru famous w The droppings seeing shy byte shelf w it is w gesu w
                                                        • 一旦媒体将最终有483 BPO的监管转播,我喜欢极。可能是因为他将是浪费或手术我在日本的固体 483 Once there is a BPO tsu te audit system but After all mass communications OB or the pole The resident operative with being set from the ru Perhaps it probably is wasteful

                                                      • 我毕业从高中到真正的Warota哈马柏青哥业界唯一一浸
                                                        1 High soldier/finishing of pachinko soaking of company to real hammer [tsu] [te] [te] [warota

                                                        • 我看到这样的未成年人是无效的负责喜欢什么,他们已经得到了退款支付业务从对民事法律?教?色情的人!
                                                          Such riding, therefore as for rating of the minority invalidity with respect to civil law Passing you pay likely in repayment business viewing? Teaching? [ero] it is, the person!

                                                          • 我试图在自己的测试方法,因为这很有趣他们喜欢什么,并认为鄂Kudaranakatta真相,我会付出真实的生活垃圾 By the way however by your tried doing in trial it was nonsense truly … Because you can think that such a ones are funny it probably is to pay truly nonsense life when is
                                                            • 我试图在自己的测试方法,因为这很有趣他们喜欢什么,并认为鄂Kudaranakatta的真相,这很可能要送一个非常糟糕的生活 By the way however by your tried doing in trial it was nonsense truly … Because you can think that such a ones are funny it probably is to pay truly nonsense life when is

                                                          • 我试试看,我购买美格现在我很好奇,安全
                                                            MAG so to put out funny, because it is cheap, the [wa] which it tries buying temporarily

                                                            • 日本企业的问题,我的投资为60,我不在那里?这个问题不应认为这疼痛或排序的事情发生了抢劫或谋杀的Mobage债务善懒得做家庭Mobage解体? 60 Separately there is no problem in having consumed vis a vis the Japanese enterprise it is it is not mobage doing suffering from debt pain of te one house dispersion or mobage burglar homicide After such happening problem apparent it should do it is not

                                                              • 有些人喜欢傻瓜的人,但我卖掉买U在雅虎拍卖Mobage小偷肯定的东西高 Selling what of the mysterious thieves of mobage high with yahuoku however the te the person who buys is aho like
                                                                • 此外,雅虎拍卖也有人卖外地你们 Furthermore that with yahuoku you having sold

                                                              • 有趣的是虽然在近网或玩游戏无聊的书,一个熟悉的故事 However main part it is trivial net opposition is funny when with the recent game well a certain story

                                                                • 现在的问题是在这第64条?这不是你现在的和平? Ukara我也认为这Kizuki Betsuni好,不关心 64 Somewhere of these articles is problem apparent Now it is with densely the ro which is peaceful what Because you think that we is the good mark coming separately it is not made problem

                                                                  • 的外国人数量的福利受助人:9,朝总联458人,教学人员的公共援助的韩民团,人数如此积极寻求在非
                                                                    Inside, the number of foreign welfare receipt people: 9 and 458 people The Korean entire ream, as for resident Korean people group as for the person who does not have job way positively welfare is received, in the midst of guidance

                                                                    • 立法是绝对必要的或10000日元,不到一个月的帐单限制
                                                                      Rating limit amount of 1 months is designated as 10,000 Yen or less when Legal regulation absolutely necessity

                                                                      • 简报第一季度结束2011年3月31日第二季度演示材料3月31日,2011(第一部分问) 什么促成了双方的销售伸长的数量 2011 March period 2nd quarter the balancing of accounts explanatory meeting data 2011 March period 1st quarter balancing of accounts explanatory meeting the question and answer compilation gt 1st In regard to “the game related sale” of quarter ARPU the gross sales per 1 of users with the rating user gt It probably means that either extension of number contributes to sale
                                                                        • ARPU值was m Shirabeyou,具体的数字,但文章也没有盈利但 But as for ARPU that you will inspect the red sandal wood however it does not put out concrete numerical value to either the balancing of accounts explanatory data

                                                                      • 管理是排名高,在30年代初世界上最富有的
                                                                        As for manager with 30 generation first half on millionaire official ranking list in professional sumo higher rank of the world ranking in

                                                                        • 织田信长的野心的统一中,目前他们最舒适的自我满足,成为幕府Kanpaku
                                                                          Public standardizing with Nobunaga's ambition, becoming Seki white, and conquering barbarian large General oneself filling up, the [ru] instant is most pleasant

                                                                          • 绿色Exchange电子邮件地址和我去钓鱼的ID在Mobage
                                                                            Fishing with [mobage], with ID of the glee mel addition exchange

                                                                            • 绿色家庭福利,单亲母亲家庭中,有24喘不过气来空运援助费用
                                                                              The glee 24 hours has sucked up, the protective expense of welfare household and family of mother and child household

                                                                              • 贵族和命运值得新的国家的成功已经海绵销较低高尚愚弄新律师万维网noble m日版新流向中国,而且Korea所以,唯一的负米德尔斯堡
                                                                                Being swindled in the attorney whose humble downstream is humble, it is you drive to the success person It is suitable in the end road of humble country www Therefore the rag it is defeated to China and South Korea, it is, as for the Japanese

                                                                                • 这家伙是收费呢?周一刚Tteta认为氧气过,因为他将立即与排名进入或干出你 The person who rates in that it is Ranking entering the can inside with the element from the ru You think that you did it is it is the victory
                                                                                  • 164 Netoge不是货币化游戏? 164 netoge there is no rating game

                                                                                • 雅虎拍卖757的目标,而不是一个S阿哈自己硝酸钾瓦特
                                                                                  757 Original our performing there is no [aha] ゙ tar buying and selling of [yahuoku] w

                                                                                  研究 開発