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“柏青哥賭博機是違法的,法律及華潤過高,”駁回原告的訴訟請求 - 名古屋地區


  • 原告“知道老虎机赌博,情绪困扰收到数字为”立委提起赡养费诉讼对国家公安委员会和风営法负当量),损害赔偿(只株发射提起诉讼,索赔
    > The plaintiff “knew that the pachinko is gambling, received mental pain” that doing, You oppose the enactment person of National Public Safety Commission and wind barracks method, damage (are defeated respectable amount) compensation and The lawsuit which claims consolation money was caused

    • 1 是一个基础薄弱的索赔,被告的国家严厉追究点 1 gt “Whether or not the pachinko is gambling” with concerning when the pachinko of the plaintiff it is gambling gt Because the basis which you insist is weak the national side of the defendant this point is harsh pursuit
      • 全国执法机构,一个弹子房客厅是一个地方,赌博显然是非法的,超过半个世纪,并没有抓住同时承认 As for police agency of the Japanese entire country While above half a century recognizing the pachinko store of the place where it is the casino which is illegal clearly it did not expose

    • 2★:。事实指控“被告人组织根据”工业协会游戏机在日本是一个指定的提示控制游戏机使用的游戏弹球机槽,及所有有章程(以下简称“纳克的CPU”“V4的”) 2 Prosecution fact Suffering prosecution group the “Japanese game machine industrial guild” all pachinkos and the tip chip for game machine control which is used for the slot game machine “knack CPU” “V4” appointed with the bylaw
      • 国与国之间的分歧河内Hazime设置为被告,驳回申诉例如,如果我根本就没有什么老虎机公司 The origin of the mistake appealing the pachinko trader that the defendant is set to the country there was no cod rejection

    • 512多远喜欢这些人?他们不结束,其余的案件也很有趣,但我觉得 512 You do to this human there combining Even because the judicial precedent which acts playfully is not left we should do to end however with you think
      • 最高法院的决定是一般的先例 As for the judicial precedent which generally is judgment of the Supreme Court

    • Maajiyan商店或第7号,第2条第1款,穆2人在同一段8号经营销售,除了上述的规定,对业务的信息,根据游戏的奖品结果不提供 2 Well the ji of the 2nd provision 1st section 7th number and is the person who operates the house or the business of the same section 8th number besides the fact that it depends on the stipulation of front provision does not have to offer the prize in regard to that business according to the game result
      • 和功能收到外部输入信号机●安装的游戏,它有可能成为决定结果的客人娱乐,是发达国家在现实中的控制技术游戏机,你已经存在的情况是控制的非法游戏机这 Outside it is loaded onto the game machine as for signal acceptance function it becomes possible to influence the game result of the customer game machine control technology is developed in actuality has reached to the situation where the game machine is controlled illegitimately

    • [摘录] [确定]目标地址:[法院]“&华润弹珠赌博机是违法的,他们支付过多的诉讼,”拒绝为关键字科原告的诉讼请求〜冈崎名古屋地方法院:解开免费电话的鱼:0
      Object [sure]: “The pachinko illegality & it passes gambling & the CR machine and pays lawsuit” Rejecting the claim of the plaintiff - The Nagoya district court Okazaki branch Keyword: Sashimi Extraction less number: 0

      • ○×柏青哥弹珠赌博法投注差博览会 × As for pachinko gambling ○ As for pachinko Difference Law Betting Hiroshi
        • 哪里可以看一个赌博柏青哥只是,我不认为例如 1 How seeing from wherever only gambling you can think the pachinko but it is

      • 。 ⌒⌒ 一场骗局,然后在一家古玩店鉴定,损伤率的计算使用现金 :: (●)(●) 。。 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 After the antique house judging even they are false pretenses as for damage amount it calculates at conversion rate 92 human REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴
        • NULL 92 kiritsu 92 92 92 The premium inside the toy of the plastic the antique house buying accidentally just the ru human 92 ⌒ ⌒ ¯ and ¯ ¯ SIME ⌒ and ni ゙ r iso ⊃ l ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 It buys the antique other than the premium 92 92 ⌒ ⌒ 92 After the antique house judging even they are false pretenses as for damage amount it calculates at conversion rate 92 human REPT 92 ⌒ REPT No 92 ku 92 ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴

      • 一个法治国家,但它只是创建了一个法律TTA的分钟,只有这样,在排除了一个洞法

        • 不要紧,过右翼柏青哥赌博问题
          Right wing or left flank there is no relationship in pachinko gambling problem

          • 不,没有任何人,“没有痛苦和激动,因为他们有知识,赌博游戏TTA的柏青哥”我一句话吗? 1 Don t you think well well “ after knowing that the pachinko is gambling because it played the decision there is no mental pain and the like”
            • 不,没有任何人,“没有痛苦和激动,因为他们有知识,游戏是TTA的老虎机上赌博:”我会一句话吗? 1 Don t you think well well “ after knowing that the pachinko is gambling because it played the decision there is no mental pain and the like”
            • 我猜想,我们可以证明,赌博只是因为我曾指出的礼物流通181 181 But it just points out that the premium is circulating even gambling expectation what which can prove thing
            • 经过对色情业中的退保有趣的侵犯和对赌博罪的原告 When the plaintiff surrenders with gambling crime and businesses which may affect public morals method violation it is funny

          • 事实上,被称为弹弓合法化的法案将提交国会会议的普通明年会容忍这种情况瓦特现金方法不讨论法律和
            Because it is in fact legalization with the alias pachinko bill where next year is submitted to ordinary diet session w Conversion system not to argue legitimacy illegality, acquiescence present condition

            • 从这种诡辩那种捍卫司法法将成为一纸空文
              Because administration of justice protects such quibble, to ruin it converts law

              • 他将放弃管辖的驻日美军犯罪是初犯,也禁止报纸报道,美国士兵犯罪
                He first crime Jurisdiction to the American soldier who commits was made to abandon to Japan, also the newspaper reporting the crime of the American soldier was prohibited

                • 但是,215,我在那里注册赎回金额回被列入立即弹出我已经超过贵金属商店,这是在扭转时,现金,黄金价格并立即想成为让出来,一 215 So if the conversion place tsu te it puts out with a pop when gold quotation rising in batsu and instantaneous this being reversed the conversion place compared to the precious metal house the one which was brought the amount has been after
                  • 你对我所包括非现金池的地方是相反的,当对黄金的价格想要更多的钱珍贵的房子 When gold quotation rising in reality this being reversed the conversion place compared to the precious metal house the one which was brought the amount has been after

                • 你以为我应该打电话,呼吁支持者集体诉讼案我申请
                  The support person collecting, you think that it should have made class action, And it is appeal

                  • 你可以从赌博珍惜周五现金彩票

                    • 你真的愚蠢到我Nettouyo一五二瓦特 152 Don t you think it is truly the netsutouyo tsu te foolish w

                      • 例如,证据薄弱声称自己是为什么是我碰到一个弹珠游戏原告 你知道,如果立即行只 不知道该结算所?我只知道快,如果你听的人在这里?你白痴 我会投注这薯芋骗局 When the pachinko of the plaintiff is done because the basis which you insist that why that is gambling is weak Obtaining If it goes whether it is understood immediately that The switching central is not recognized If you hear in the person of around there side it is understood immediately Fool or this and ro tsu The ro which is gambling fraud
                        • 你有没有更好的词翻译from m弱不赌博游戏赌博一月奖品目的换钱的交接,并将会增加,球被太弱的原因为借口而老虎机游戏 When the pachinko it is gambling Because the basis which you insist is weak Even the ball increasing therefore intended game what which you exchange with the premium which it changes into gold gambling it is Whether the excuse which is not gambling the weakness well
                        • 例如,证据薄弱柏青哥赌博认为,原告立即 你也知道,如果该行唯一 不知道该结算所?我只知道快,如果你听的人在这里?你白痴 我会投注这薯芋骗局 The pachinko of the plaintiff because the basis which you insist that it is gambling is weak Obtaining If it goes whether it is understood immediately that The switching central is not recognized If you hear in the person of around there side it is understood immediately Fool or this and ro tsu The ro which is gambling fraud
                        • 行,三点计划赌博,甚至杀人方法的三个点是确定,如果我们杀了你Naranee谋杀的人,我问别人,如果这一理论瓦特荣 If three point systems of gambling OK also three point systems of homicide are OK Asking others if you kill the person if in murder well if this chiyon theory w

                      • 停止做日本柏青哥弹珠我说,如果你做自己的弹弓仍然得到所有赞美读 雅之高山(记者)在日本被禁止赌博,麦克阿瑟回到了朝鲜民族虽然我们在等待你,梅萨是由日本政府承认做弹子房客厅 The pachinko the Japanese who is done should read everyone Furthermore even then if you say that the pachinko is done it should have made selfish Stop the pachinko Takayama Tadayuki the journalist In Japan as for gambling it was prohibition but as for MaARTHUR until the Korean returns in the country between The fact that the pachinko house is done was made to recognize to the Japanese government
                        • 55是否会赌博,我想听到的和司法部长 55 Whether or not you think as gambling hearing in legal phase like

                      • 养老保险,鹿儿岛浪费柏青哥 杀人的实力,主审法官起诉下午在鹿儿岛杀害老夫妇联系赎回城市Miwachō抢劫杀人,没有。被告人白滨昌宏(71岁)被指控的16个问题,其中包括柏青哥过程描述和浪费退休金 Wasteful… Kagoshima strongly shooting in the afternoon with annuity and the pachinko the statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment With judgment member judgment of elderly married couple murder incident of Kagoshima city the same city Sanwa Cho which is questioned to burglar murder and the like nothing Governmental wide Defendant Shirahama 71 with defendant question of 16 days It explained concerning the details and the like which wasted annuity with the pachinko and the like
                        • 白色。被告“金钱是个弹弓的时候,如果没有转移了手,他们在家里和妹妹在家里看书留现场”作证 White The defendant “when being the gold did the pachinko when being being confined into the house of the older sister who lives together read and helped the housekeeping” that you testify
                        • 起诉作为犯罪动机,和白色。他们切断,并在其饮料和养老金老虎机被告使用声称由于资金TTA的麻烦 Prosecution as a motive of crime white The defendant consumes annuity and the like with the pachinko and the drink money for the sake of it is troubled with the gold insists

                      • 冈崎的法院具有对原告的住所管辖分行是先进的间歇我自去年年底,但进展一直在我和审讯法庭诉讼
                        Judgment was advanced in the Okazaki branch which governs the residence area of the plaintiff, intermittently, argument at the court interrogation was advanced from end of the last year

                        • 刑法典(游戏)的人谁条第一八百赌博,或罚款不超过五十万日元是一个小的治疗
                          With criminal law, (Gambling) 185th provision The person who does gambling executes in the fine or the fine of 500,000 Yen or less

                          • 博弈机来控制芯片,它拥有的特性,我将接受非法赌博机外部信号名义措施

                            • 及很多关于刑法第23章的犯罪和赌博暴富的,第2部分★(図利博览会和赌博)和赌场博览会2 186,或盈利数字谁TTA的赌徒结合被处以三个月和五年监禁
                              * Criminal law 2nd compilation 23rd chapter The crime regarding gambling and the lottery (Figure interest such as casino exhibition) 186th provision 2 It exhibits the casino, or connects Hiroshi vain and the person who assures the profit executes in penal servitude of five year less than above March

                              • 可能,即容易使工业区和弹子房弹球接近底部的收藏家或工人区沉醉于Rubeki机制必须建立,不仅居住在开发区 When it is possible pachinko Special Economic District making to the side of the factory zone where the base worker is easy to get together And in the pachinko unless there must be an inhabitant vote inside that Special Economic District it should make the mechanism in the interest ji ru

                                • 因此,继续Kimashi柏青哥赌博和原告的赌注。致听取了侵犯

                                  • 国家警察■:社区安全及行政部主任,协助行贿取得了巨大的有组织犯罪的柏青哥

                                    • 在他们的“完美的机会”从来没有创造出来,他们什么都不知道,我只是哇塞我们认为,如果他们划清界线,好像人不公平以及在数学物理 “Complete probability” how coined word you putting out with by your in the people who what or as for knowledge and others physics or are not mathematics Just like whether fair pulling out selection is done of making think just the ru is what
                                      • 在他们的“绝好机会”退出我创,我只是哇塞我们认为,如果他们划清界线,如果它是公平的人,他们什么都不知道 “Complete probability” how coined word you putting out with by your in the people who what or as for knowledge and others physics or are not mathematics Just like whether fair pulling out selection is done of making think just the ru is what

                                    • 在日本,被杀害的悲剧继续取悦儿童的柏青哥店的蒸汽在停车场 On the one hand in Japan the pachinko house The child steams at the parking zone and the tragedy which is killed continues

                                      • 在韩国,我说囊509柏青哥游戏,就像一个硬币扑克是日本变为现金,说妳 509 In Korea the pachinko tsu te as for saying the cash coin as it is called in Japan is inserted Those like the poker game
                                        • 一旦选举要好得多不发出公告弹弓348锗作为小泉 348 Koizumi s way putting out the pachinko in issue when it elects it is good extent
                                        • 总之,在高中和更好的过滤埃塔恐惧教育的柏青哥 Temporarily with high school the person who taught the fearfulness of the pachinko calling
                                        • 韩国一直被法律禁止老虎机“是韩国人的重要产业 In Korea the pachinko is prohibited with law but “It is strategic industry of the resident compatriot

                                      • 地区法院法官谁也排除了派遣自卫队是为伊拉克重建违宪

                                        • 天才很快编号:01O6rRTMO我说,我们应该投降,该死的好?我在外野合适的人哑口无言
                                          Gradually the genius ID: 01O6rRTMO As for the person the one which surrenders is good the [tsu] [te]? Also outside Nonohito being cut off, the [a] the [ro] which is the [ru]…

                                          • 奥特洛是唯一的,我不再遵守他们的食物不感兴趣我看守好警察 Well the police you patrol Unless right is protected eating it becomes without the ke when consist of it is the outlaw

                                            • 如果他们说这是合法的,我是一个小学,如果我不这样做,如果他们捉住了三点法你也可以扑克麻将赌博赌波呢?但实际上做,是不是你只需抓住?嗯,Tenjan冲突 If you say that this is legitimate if the poker and mah jongg gambling and soccer gambling with three point systems it is not caught if it is the elementary school student doing it is thing When so you do really being exposed the ru it is the ro which is It has contradicted it is
                                              • 283赌博是一般法律所禁止的所有刑事诉讼 283 Gambling is prohibited by the criminal law which is all general laws
                                              • “这是赌博和记录做了”你了解我租的钱比我赌鄂 Above “this understood and gambling” receiving the tsu te cash the gambling tsu te you can understand the ro which is
                                              • 亚拉也让我如果不是小学柏青哥赌博 If the pachinko there is no gambling can let do to also the elementary school student
                                              • 他们说话很快,你不赌博我不是法院决定柏青哥店 Quick story the courthouse gambling being the pachinko house being the case that it is decided it does the yo
                                              • 他们说,赌博,甚至离奇的新Uruka 252 252 Even gambling it can say is doubtful
                                              • 因此,实行警察参与,我觉得我被忽略,尽管赌博 Therefore even in gambling and is left the ru is you think that also the police participates grandly in spite
                                              • 女孩是赌博,结局,恶魔等虚假或荒谬的计划有三个商店狡辩 Being gachi gambling We assume that error demon conversion so with three store systems or laughable quibble
                                              • 如果他们说这是合法的,而我也不会这样,如果他们捉住了三点法你也可以扑克麻将赌博赌波呢?但实际上做的,不是你将暴露?嗯,Tenjan冲突 If you say that this is legitimate if the poker and mah jongg gambling and soccer gambling with three point systems it is not caught if it is the elementary school student doing it is thing When so you do really being exposed the ru it is the ro which is It has contradicted it is
                                              • 我敢打赌万维网Janakattara When gambling it is not it is no what www
                                              • 有关详情赖木弱的理由声称弹珠游戏 The pachinko the basis which you insist that it is gambling is weak You ask in detail
                                              • 用于接收数字的心理伤害已经错过了的风景柏青哥店如雨后春笋般的赌博 The pachinko store which is gambling was flooded and because of there news item the mental damage received view
                                              • 这样做,没问题,如果你不赌博小学 There is no gambling if it is the elementary school student doing there is no problem
                                              • 阿呀呀拍手鼓掌这个旧货店→→→一个客户,赌博应 This When pachi house A gt the customer gt antique trade gt it is pachi house A the expectation which becomes gambling

                                            • 如果你开始用二项分布正矮鲁莽的NP(1 - P)的一
                                              Just the reckless valor shelf of the dwarf In the first place, if binomial distribution dispersion np (1 - p) it becomes

                                              • 如果有任何问题,是不被禁止12没有问题,现在所有的法律没有被列入候选人的承诺,禁止弹弓 12 If it prohibits with law what as for problem it is not being the case that as for problem puts out pachinko prohibition in pledge the candidate who The thing shelf which does not appear at all

                                                • 如果每隔几百米的公路沿线,日本今天的数字,有一个私人赌博

                                                  • 帕蒂是赌博! Ttara和人民说,因为这是赌博 pachi is gambling When with the citizen says therefore as for that gambling

                                                    • 帕蒂的天才科学家编号:01O6rRTMO Narimasuta问题[确定],他们听取了讲故事的湿重
                                                      Genius [pachi] scholar ID: 01O6rRTMO Inquiring about explanation/learning explanation/releasing, it becomes [sure] which it asks it is ww

                                                      • 我不仅从我们面前消极,他们从未在媒体报道立即和我们会赢 NULL
                                                        • 对于通过商店的例子,是一件好事模型刚辉刚辉 The type which it can win it should have commuted to just the store which it can win thing

                                                      • 我想每个人到了赌博,但我打赌他会从行
                                                        Everyone thinking as gambling, therefore the [te], gambling going, although the [ru] don't you think?

                                                        • 我的钱转移到韩国系统,而不是赌博
                                                          Rather than calling gambling, it is the remittance system to Korea

                                                          • 日本鱿鱼朝鲜战争与底部,如果底部的丑陋
                                                            The dispute where the base Japanese vs base Korean is scurvy…

                                                            • 柏青哥与柏青哥从日本,一个民族就难以赌博你?付恩戴是因为我鄂资金超出以上一〇 〇 〇 〇小时日元利率是国家为条件例如考虑,但魔法分钟职位是合法的Tetakunai驻波不关心赌博,但如考虑如何我几百元每小时我和你一样会被断到现在为止国家耐彻丽卡非法殴打?在球场上的勇敢的决定,黄金当莎拉邀请 Japan which is pachinko establishment means very thing consist of It does with pachinko gambling the yo The money of 10 000 Yen or more goes out in one hour therefore it is It is with as for payment hourly wage several tens of thousands of Yen how How thinking don t you think gambling However also the standpoint of the administration of justice which dissension we would not like to raise you understand thinking from viewpoint of national interest unless it resolves illegality in the country whether until now sort of it becomes doing at will it is The decision which is courage in the same way as the time of the plate gold is sought from the courthouse above
                                                              • 你柏青哥赌博?付恩戴是因为我鄂资金超出以上一〇 〇 〇 〇小时日元利率是国家为条件例如考虑,但魔法分钟职位是合法的Tetakunai驻波不关心赌博,但如考虑如何我几百元每小时我和你一样会被断到现在为止国家耐彻丽卡非法殴打?在球场上的勇敢的决定,黄金当莎拉邀请 It does the pachinko with gambling the yo The money of 10 000 Yen or more goes out in one hour therefore it is It is with as for payment hourly wage several tens of thousands of Yen how How thinking don t you think gambling However also the standpoint of the administration of justice which dissension we would not like to raise you understand thinking from viewpoint of national interest unless it resolves illegality in the country whether until now sort of it becomes doing at will it is The decision which is courage in the same way as the time of the plate gold is sought from the courthouse above
                                                              • 因此,“临时的娱乐提供了”是一个礼物,是不是犯罪,但是,如果它是一个不错的游戏律师Ihanai差异,正是这个问题是Naranaimashi,三点法现金是一个完整的游戏 Therefore when “those which are offered to temporary amusement” are the premium it is not crime with say it is gambling There is no difference especially If the attorney honesty such a thing does not become an issue Increasing as for conversion with three point systems complete gambling
                                                              • 我不知道从茹官方现金赌博警察来检查日常用品,警方在进入大开放交流的唯一保费岂不是行,如果没有客户 When the new stand it enters before the opening because the police comes to inspection It probably is gambling what of police official recognition If as for conversion being impossible only premium exchange of the daily item OK the customer it stops being don t you think probably will be
                                                              • 日本是一个国家承认的柏青哥弹珠Raretara我从这也很难对我敢打赌,将不排除禁忌成年人口 When this it is recognized Japan which is pachinko establishment means very thing consist of As for pachinko gambling tsu te taboo The fact that it does not put out to the mouth is rule of the adult
                                                              • 请于赌博的礼物一百万日元以上的热情是我之所以万元或以上的非法煽茹简单的卡在礼品店之一,我解释正常,并决定将它作为我值得一万元礼物交换(现金)我做了激情,如燃料赌博是赌博 It is simple reason Because morphism happiness heart is fanned as for placing the premium of 10 000 Yen or more being illegal The premium of the pachi house increases being decided to 10 000 Yen suitable When this is interpreted normally premium exchange of 10 000 Yen or more conversion Being possible fans morphism happiness heart and it is gambling

                                                            • 柏青哥赌博应该是,在奖金都的吗?
                                                              If the pachinko is not gambling, as for the premium conversion place just being what?

                                                              • 柏青哥,如果非法赌博,赛马,自行车比赛,这是赌博是合法的,认出我
                                                                If pachinko, illegal gambling, Horse racing, the competition wheel legitimacy is the gambling which is recognized

                                                                • 武藏709很像是一个旧的,雷诺,大Dorimusebunjunia,欧式,和泉天丰4号井,规模,Kureijiresa,大力士,野兽,椭圆形猫,仍是基于即使转到现在的东西有Shidashi Bakka,我就退出,因为有净Surun 709 Former times varieties oh seed musashi rino and big van Dream seven junior Continental 4 the machine hot spring heaven magnitude and the Cray Gee racer herakuresu the gold coin still it was with animal king and the cat but now there being a news item goto system the tsu oak to put out because there is a net it ends it is immediately don t you think
                                                                  • 我继续现在轮到我向警方Nechinechikuremu From we this nechinechikuremu in the police the wa which is continued to insert

                                                                • 每次下注是因为我只看过日本和鼓励腐败 When every betting urges the degradation of the Japanese is because you read
                                                                  • 每次下注是因为我只看过日本和鼓励腐败 When every betting urges the degradation of the Japanese is because you read

                                                                • 游戏机这可能会影响结果游乐客户●“法实施条例有关工商及公众道德规规例”第9条“游戏能激发显着的激情为赌博标准装备“违反 As for the game machine whose it is possible to influence the game result of the customer “to morphism happiness heart “regarding regulation such as businesses which may affect public morals and the rationalization etc of business considerably you violate the standard of the game machine which has a possibility of stimulating” the legal enforcement systematic” 9th provision

                                                                  • 游戏正式被视为完全在室内公众的视线从柏青哥“现金办事处”相当于1000日元硬币和奖章赌博tive收集是我不是不使用五,替换奖品价值5000日元你不是赌博仕方Naijan嗯,这是现在合法销售礼品店买礼物,如果你需要建发生杆六合 When you see from the national eye line completely gambling Because so type there is no “conversion place” in the pachinko interior there is no gamble The gold using the ball and the medal gathering exchanging with 1000 Yen suitable and 5000 Yen suitable premium Accidentally rising in the vicinity it sells the premium at the store which buys the ru premium Current law this does not become gamble therefore it is it is helpless it is

                                                                    • 爱知县总督Oomura英昭的自民党众议院议员选举,投标

                                                                      • 现金是“博彩的事实,”但落到了警察自由裁量权“容忍”这是现实
                                                                        As for realization although it hits to “in fact gambling”, The police “having acquiesced” is the actual condition with discretion

                                                                        • 确定是否是在赌博警方逮捕的决定,如果他们确实有一个100法以外的弹珠梅鲁我们认识到,实际上它是左行,其中现金为党的第三只不正确的礼物我只有 100 The ro where are not just the premium and are Leaving the third party in fact conversion is done There is a law which recognizes that somewhere If you do that other than the pachinko you are arrested entirely Whether or not with discretion of the police gambling it only has decided
                                                                          • 他们发现它不遵守政府组织日本生命和财产从现在看什么非法居留的外国人为日本的国家遍布世界,我离开了线我赌博 In the national how world which leaves the illegal gambling which the foreigner has done searching the ro which is about Japanese ones It is found even from here that it is the organization where the Japanese government does not protect the life property of the Japanese

                                                                        • 警方检查它是否为177?以及如何定期检查?此外,由于满溢在视察的第一贿赂,他们不知道没有更好的 他们没有自己的一个makefile弹弓认为这是做不好的屁股从固体调整这方面的矛盾呢? 177 As for the police inspecting that In addition inspecting periodically The eye by bribe and the like after at the time of inspecting 溢 doing and without being … When you inspect around this as yourself who does not know the pachinko well you think that contradiction can be pierced but it probably is useless

                                                                          • 购买赛马博彩禁令禁止18岁以下未成年人进入的柏青哥店
                                                                            Pachinko house Entering the store prohibition under 18 years old Horse racing Minority betting ticket purchase prohibition

                                                                            • 赌博不能证明正确的,因为它是软弱无力的指控,原告的柏青哥赌博?
                                                                              The pachinko of the plaintiff because the basis which you insist that it is gambling, is weak Obtaining. If it goes, whether it is understood immediately, that. The switching central is not recognized? If you hear in the person of around there side, it is understood immediately? Fool or this and [ro] [tsu] The [ro] which is gambling + fraud

                                                                              • 金条证券认为我永远不可能846
                                                                                846 What the bullion is regarded the securities has the excessiveness

                                                                                • 长岛是负责。哉裁法官说:“驳回原告的诉讼请求 You took charge Nagashima The 哉 judge “rejects the claim of the plaintiff
                                                                                  • 长岛是负责。哉裁法官说:“驳回原告的诉讼请求 You took charge Nagashima The 哉 judge “rejects the claim of the plaintiff

                                                                                • 随机到达了许多额外的,例如见大豆蜡试图看到的疲惫在任何速度旋转你的钱早在没有欺诈 In addition the reach to be many the end is fraud at random What it has been about it will inhale the money with the fake quick revolution and probably to take is visible and it is being visible
                                                                                  • 230罪犯“,取得了一个假的奖金已经采取措施来使它们傻瓜买”证明我承认欺诈 230 Because the criminal “swindling the false premium it made in order to make buy” the tsu te it made confession false pretenses were proven

                                                                                • 随机或AT,美术我需要很长的硬Mutomouchotto限制)新分配的故障(有时间,我希望更多的可能来形容一个正常的水平分布 When probability fluctuation or AT and ART are entwined however already just a little difficult distribution is taken When long term is a restriction time but is level it becomes easy to explain with normal distribution
                                                                                  • λ569 但是他们应该做的漂亮图表接近正常分配是否符合50 569 If Λ gt 50 has been filled up generally But the expectation which the graph which is close to clean normal distribution applies
                                                                                  • 随机或AT,美术我需要很长的艰苦Mutomouchotto故障的新的分配(年),我希望更多的可能来形容一个正常的水平分布 When probability fluctuation or AT and ART are entwined however already just a little difficult distribution is taken When long term is a restriction time but is level it becomes easy to explain with normal distribution

                                                                                • 霍尔居民在战后掠夺的土地纠纷营Dosakusa
                                                                                  Being mistaken in postwar [dosakusa], as for the hole of the resident which plunders the land forcing accommodation

                                                                                  研究 開発