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With the Korean shelling by North Korea the Korean school gratuitous conversion second look… tall tree literature course phase


  • 165朝鲜族学校的会计透明度的金融否定什么?
    165 The Korean school denies the transparency conversion of financial accounting with something?

    • 3 /韩语学校韩语学校教科书的四个特点中使用的,教育部的,这是截尾人民民主朝鲜共和国是建立在合作教育与朝鲜大学校部悠悟书房,日本该研究显示教科书TTA的当然不是沿
      3/4 Feature of the Korean school As for the textbook which is used by the Korean school, those which the classmate publishing drew up under cooperation of the Korean large school Korea It is something which the democracy people republic education ministry censors, in the course of study which the Japanese education scientific ministry shows It is not the official approval textbook which parallels

      • 55:31编号:8j8fwm9b0 672我觉得奇怪,政府将批准这样的事情: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 24(星期三)12:35:27编号:免费5oo1NbliO的占用权的一致性审查的原因是我给它虽然被允许免费的吗?最初没有指定恐怖主义国家? 619: 周年十Shisan名无:2010 11 24(星期三)12:19:39编号:M2g PuGQ0 Kikomoru我把新的东西很难说,民主党 55 31 ID 8j8fwm9b0 Astonishment to the administration which you think that such a ones become sanction measure 672 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 24 Wednesday 12 35 27 ID 5oo1NbliO But the gratuitous conversion second look naturally what Gratuitously having converted allowing the reason and consistency it comes off so far The tsu ke which terrorist nation is not appointed originally 619 Name it is not ten lap year 2010 11 24 Wednesday 12 19 39 ID M2g PuGQ0 When such a difficult thing is called to the Democratic party it pulls and is confined
        • 266名:皮肤干燥刷牙(东京)发表于:2010 11 23(星期二)21:13:08 67编号:Mme8Hw930日本257在你妈妈的,但我住在萨瓦北德塔从两高的国家,韩国我 266 Name Dry cloth friction Tokyo Contribution day 2010 11 23 fire 21 13 08 67 ID Mme8Hw930 257 The mother being the Japanese however up to high 2 you have lived in Kitazawa the homeland is Korea

      • Chongaki日本教育后备军为反恐怖主义反是现有的877暴力犯罪的后备军
        877 Doing anti-Japanese education, [chiyongaki] which is the extra troop of the anti-Japanese terrorist already the extra troop of the brutal offender

        • Minsyu不应该做一个人的背叛自己的国家现在是从朝总联板栗瓦特租金贡献
          Treason democracy of the [ri] which donation you receive from the Korean entire ream and sow such a thing w which is not the expectation of doing

          • NHK和朝日Tteta虽然我说这样的话,他们有韩国学校没有关系,朝鲜和 NHK and Asahi something between related to Korean school and North Korea seem that how quite is not Although thing you say

            • NULL The disabled specialist whom education expense gratuitously it converts decides political judgment 更 something is the second look in the homeland The disabled specialist whom gratuitously it converts decides does not have to enter but Because this time it was shelled a time provision is stopped However the tsu te it has contradicted You will push this way and will inhale and the do it is probably will be w As for the judgment which is reopened doing with some thing When the tsu te you hear When at the time of appropriate it comes the tsu te which is judged saying the ru it does Political judgment without legal basis going the ru However this the national eye line tsu te of the Democratic party probably is natural shape what of ambiguous ones which are said
              • Haitsu决定给予教育的政治代价将时间度过,我不喜欢这一点,但我赶停止冲突提供了一个点,我被轰击它瓦特决定恢复这将是什么做的或囊?但我不知道掩盖身份的人在这个所谓的第一行的行民主党是我,我没有法律依据,我听到一个政治决定,我要去判断时间,如果它出现在正确的 Into education expense gratuitous conversion political judgment does not have to enter but Because this time it was shelled a time provision is stopped However the tsu te it has contradicted It pushes through this way it is probably will be w As for the judgment which is reopened doing with some thing When the tsu te you hear When at the time of appropriate it comes the tsu te which is judged saying the ru it does Political judgment without legal basis going the ru However this the national eye line tsu te of the Democratic party probably is natural shape what of ambiguous ones which are said
              • 专家们呼吁这个样的一个自由的国度不能决定你现在正在检讨我是什么尺寸要求返回Morae回家相同的开始,半岛的人谁可以伪造它,我回到祖国这是和平的更好 Even such country you say the ro which is from first to understand After so long a time something is the second look The disabled specialist whom gratuitously it converts decides has returning to the homeland As that the one where also the person faked of the peninsula of the same race has returning home because of peace the shelf
              • 免费的W大的决定权作为还是停下来Remai瓦特暂时免收费的责任,日本试图把一个办事处,分公司税间接敌对国家 Serious decision even then it converts gratuitously The ro w which is Assuming that gratuitousness conversion it cancelled temporarily as for the responsibility which it tries to throw tax to the destination system of indirect hostility country of Japan w will not escape
              • 高木很高兴我能恢复到空白的重大压力的屈曲,但我不知道他们是不是疯了,毕竟原来的负 Originally it was negative there is no tall tree After all it submitted to the pressure of the head strange party however it is probably will be The good material where gratuitousness conversion is reset to the white paper may be produced

            • Of m高兴,如果一开始摆脱作为国家停止了我国免费,理由是国际和平可笑Tyousen反对动荡在一起,我的制裁时,它等待着一个荒谬的开始好吧,我不有 But as for gratuitousness conversion opposition You use with sanction is If the extent which stops gratuitousness conversion in the reason that it is outrageous country where Korea disturbs international peace From first if it should not have done it is as for being outrageous country it has not started soon therefore it is
              • Waru是韩国自由涉及到此类制裁,但它是用来对付 But as for gratuitousness conversion opposition You use with sanction is If the extent which stops gratuitousness conversion in the reason that it is outrageous country where Korea disturbs international peace From first if it should not have done it is as for being outrageous country it has not started soon therefore it is
              • 你可以做什么,但这么多的制裁时说 When you call the sanction which you can do there being only this extent it does the yo

            • Oh ll也作为租金担任部长森谷神让这家伙辞职
              Densely resigning always, holding an additional post also literature course phase in 仙 valley God, the [ze] which you probably will receive

              • _NULL_
                & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww & #51312; & #49440; & #51064; Tear eye wwwww

                • “不足的饮食。回应,内阁的分歧,万维网政府的看法,认为政府欺骗。简正确的事情,然后开火,战国翻译万维网 ” Emptiness at the National Diet Reply Cabinet mismatch and government opinion two tongues www Government seeing If it reverses 菅 and the ro www which is neck ones of the 仙 valley
                  • “不足的饮食。回应,内阁的分歧,万维网政府的看法,认为政府欺骗。简正确的事情,然后开火,战国翻译万维网 ” Emptiness at the National Diet Reply Cabinet mismatch and government opinion two tongues www Government seeing If it reverses 菅 and the ro www which is neck ones of the 仙 valley
                  • 朝鲜。战国说,枪声 “学校免费韩国停止”TTP的: raicho 0 2 ch net 测试 read cgi 的正版 1290565628 仙 valley person “Korean school gratuitous conversion is stopped” ttp raicho 2ch net test read cgi newsplus 1290565628

                • “和残暴朝鲜没有关系的孩子学习
                  “As for the North Korean atrocity and study of the children there is no relationship

                  • “阔 韩国学校免费对朝总联,自由的条件”修改教材内容“,”透明度“财务坚决不肯回家订单 ” The wide The Korean entire ream “textbook contents revision” “accounting transparent conversion” of gratuitous conversion condition firm denial You order from the home country
                    • 即使没有这个问题,日本人民是自由的,我不可能,我只是听在日本的朝鲜人学校的声音,人们认为我错了津市 There is no latest case the Japanese citizen is thinking that it is strange the ru is You can hear the voice of the Japanese citizen and how you cannot there be the Korean school gratuitous conversion therefore it is

                  • 。 Monka部长二○一○年十一月十一日高木委员会Monka“指定外国学校,包括朝鲜族学校,其中应客观地确定方案,从教育的角度是一个独特的高中课程到,这些决定应该通过外交手段来确定,而不是认为我会建议我们,有一个条例草案达成共识,政府也已被证明学校的学费在讨论高 Literature course commission 2010 November 11th Tall tree literature course minister of state “Concerning the appointment of the foreign school which includes the Korean school When it is the level which is similar in level of high school being something which is judged objectively from viewpoint in regard to education That it is not something which it should judge with the judgment and the like with respect to diplomacy say The notion that where every consent it was it is the government standardized opinion which is shown at the time of deliberating the high school gratuitous conversion bill is it came to be with you think
                    • 4月4日韩国学校校长柳树前。夏天(75)“这只是一个导弹演习在自己的国家,我可以Waru关于国家主权的,人这样做!过滤或塞子!在什么滑稽 4 4 The former principal of the Korean school Willow Summer 75 “As for that just you practiced the missile in your own country Being to relate to the sovereignty of that country don t you think The person does that Stop With it is strange to say
                    • 我不是通过肌肉的预期,绑架。而独裁者的个人崇拜活动,韩国与朝鲜的关系,即使是即将崩溃,而不是由金出武雄和你不容置疑的,韩国学童谁Bitsukeruyari一旦有结果,是政治和韩国炮击南滑稽 And tsu pa muscle it does not pass 拉 As for relationship between cult of personality and North Korea of behavior and dictator with ignoring Although the money it had been about probably to put out phasing out when there was the shelling to Korea it is it is The method which ties the child of politics and the Korean school is strange

                  • プギャアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアア

                    • 不会攻击日本儿童在没有原来的瓦特,我是反对自己的免费学校高,但也反对对退出的钱一所职业学校,通过这个民主党人徘徊在哪些事TTA的肌肉第一次我徘徊了类似的视频时,你的东西真的不会尖阁 W as for attack probably there is no reason which the child of resident did Originally but opposition to high school gratuitous conversion itself putting out providing the money to the vocational schools opposition there are no any which muscle passed at all there are no in this straying of the Democratic party or … Something it is the way of straying which is similar to the time of video of the 尖 official building
                      • 不会攻击日本儿童在没有原来的瓦特,我反对自由学校本身,而一个职业学校中的金出武雄也反对,而且该缔约方徘徊通过民主就没有在all TTA的肌肉我喜欢第一次不尖阁迷走对同一视频或东西 W as for attack probably there is no reason which the child of resident did Originally but opposition to high school gratuitous conversion itself putting out providing the money to the vocational schools opposition there are no any which muscle passed at all there are no in this straying of the Democratic party or … Something it is the way of straying which is similar to the time of video of the 尖 official building
                      • 我对学校的思维方式随意说,弹出钱的问题是在各个学校之间的差异 Therefore as for high school gratuitous conversion problem of how to think but it is to call the fact that the money is provided to the vocational schools was the mistake
                      • 韩国学校免费的东西,是不是我在等待,以决定从一开始之间的差异?这是韩国对北朝鲜停战 The ro which Korean school gratuitous conversion something from first by mistake it has been decided and is This time it is shelling for the North Korean Korea

                    • 不包括这个国家回到齐声保护剥离团结的韩国人现在开始号码!我们将会把对兄弟的骄傲的力量!
                      The resident compatriot stand up Now, agreeing uniting, you will return home simultaneously and probably will keep the homeland! Probably exhibiting the power of the proud high coming compatriot!

                      • 丶 ∀ 阿〜Nyidadadadadadadadadadadada Minsyutou→“政治教育的另一个孩子!”这种显示器的报复攻击? S的自由和显示器没关系! !的人权监察歧视! ! !萨克剥夺了机会,要学会不容许显示器的URI! ! ! !可怜的显示器分为日本统治下我必须说,例如朝鲜半岛? ! ! !梅鲁监测立即为Aaa级赔偿和道歉的要求免费的! ! ! ! ! ! 丶 ∀ niidadadadadadadadadadadadaa gt As for the Democratic party “politics and education of child difference ” This time retaliatory strike nita ゙ Gratuitousness conversion nita ゙ which is not relationship Human rights discriminatory nita ゙ As for taking the opportunity which the gourd studies nita ゙ which is not permitted If you mention the original wa nita ゙ whose it is bad for the day emperor to divide the Korean Peninsula nita ゙ aaa which instantly requests gratuitousness conversion apology and compensation
                        • 丶 ∀ 的Nyidadadadadadadadadadadada〜!这个显示器的报复攻击! S的自由和显示器没关系! !的人权监察歧视! ! !萨克剥夺了机会,要学会不容许显示器的URI! ! ! !可怜的显示器分为日本统治下我必须说,例如朝鲜半岛? ! ! !梅鲁监测立即为Aaa级赔偿和道歉的要求免费的! ! ! ! ! ! 丶 ∀ niidadadadadadadadadadadadaa gt As for the Democratic party “politics and education of child difference ” This time retaliatory strike nita ゙ Gratuitousness conversion nita ゙ which is not relationship Human rights discriminatory nita ゙ As for taking the opportunity which the gourd studies nita ゙ which is not permitted If you mention the original wa nita ゙ whose it is bad for the day emperor to divide the Korean Peninsula nita ゙ aaa which instantly requests gratuitousness conversion apology and compensation
                        • 出卖国家的人对自己被看作是构成Minsyutou奇怪的沙沙声Idaro我不喜欢自由感觉的审查 The ro which as for the treason Democratic party the air which takes a second look gratuitousness conversion how is not smooth and is The hen the pause is shown

                      • 什么人从北方间谍机构,是不是在防止颠覆活动法适用问题
                        Therefore one what of the construction systems north, the [ro] which is not problem even with the Anti-Subversive Activities Act. application and is

                        • 代理战争在日本北部和南部的日本。究其原因逐渐习惯于淘汰场地一切,日本居民的村庄韩国国内那么有像韩国自相残杀 The north and south alternate game in Japan due to resident Desire Korean village the murder meet to the meeting place with the Korean And it is accustomed to the reason which resident entirely it starts hitting from the country from Japan
                          • 713 Rupiuyo也许他们都为韩国和硝酸钾瓦特 713 Therefore rupiuyo the Korean whether and you do because of our performing don t you think w

                        • 以培训朝鲜间谍日语税将是重要的
                          It probably is important to train the Korean operative with tax of the Japanese,

                          • 你再这样的免费的,但民主党决定叛徒
                            This way when gratuitously it converts carries out, as for the Democratic party the traitor decisive shelf

                            • 北基内试图释放这些国家我知道这是原本打算shake m现在做什么我 North originally probably is such country but That knowing the basis which the te gratuitously it tries probably to convert was what it is the ro which is What after so long a time the blurring te it is
                              • Hayo Kita m现在做动摇我才知道这将是原先的那些国家的自由 North originally probably is such country but That knowing the basis which the te gratuitously it tries probably to convert was what it is the ro which is What after so long a time the blurring te it is
                              • 免费描述月底的改变了一点扭曲,向审核→ The second look gt description contents somewhat modification ochi which gratuitousness conversion does after all
                              • 回顾?不要从一开始的愚蠢或免费 Second look From first it converts is gratuitously aho
                              • 我试图解救这个基础上我是什么 Gratuitous the basis which it tries to convert was what it is …

                            • 北方没有一个什么权力基础的民主审查
                              Therefore north one what of the support parent of the Democratic party there is no reason which is taken a second look

                              • 卡制裁朝鲜,但我很抱歉,我打算用它像亿盟自由梳用尽做Arakata再假装我是我揉自由不是免费的执行情况,我是个闹剧等到你决定,在那里他们被送到这里六个月一年,因为我不是在过去Wareru追溯支付,资金流动量的北面,日本金额血人在使用相同的Wareru Don t you think the sanction card for North Korea does is mostly already and is not exhausted It probably is intention what which utilizes this So it converts gratuitously not doing having trouble the fact that it shakes ru is farcical what don t you think When gratuitous conversion execution is decided going back to the past therefore the reason which is paid Half year one year being the place where you make send here the amount which flows to north amount of blood tax of the Japanese citizen who uses is same
                                • 会以这是一场闹剧参数在这里我不忙 As for extent this which is caught to such a farce there is no spare time it is

                              • 和弘,是民主党一个机会改变那种捏上午埃泰。并有权投票的自由学费,或权利人权法,即使他们不同意的人叩然而,改变的手,改变产品,我相信有一个既成事实,炎热 The ho tsu it is with the Democratic party tsu te changing also such pinch into chance Morning Tuition gratuitous conversion and denizenship human rights protective method How when it is opposite to the citizen being hit to change the hand changing the item Little by little having in fait accompli the ku …
                                • 和弘,是民主党一个机会改变那种捏上午埃泰。并有权投票的自由学费,或权利人权法,即使他们不同意的人叩然而,改变的手,改变产品,我相信有一个既成事实,炎热 The ho tsu it is with the Democratic party tsu te changing also such pinch into chance Morning Tuition gratuitous conversion and denizenship human rights protective method How when it is opposite to the citizen being hit to change the hand changing the item Little by little having in fait accompli the ku …
                                • 如果恢复的恐怖主义赞助这个在全国免费韩国学校。犯罪和违反信托 Now if Korean school gratuitously it converts reopens terrorist support the country It becomes breach of trust

                              • 唯一的问题是将在日本北部,而不是逆向歧视,而这些外国Tyousen底部一半的国家优惠政策及愤怒了!应立即取消
                                On the other hand very opposite discrimination to the Japanese it probably is problem North, furthermore favorable treatment policy and the like to half-day nation to lower Korean regardless of such foreign country absurdity! On the same day we should abolish

                                • 回顾韩国学校的自由!见Nashita结果↓,自由!我敢肯定,将是
                                  The Korean school gratuitous conversion it takes a second look! ↓ The result which you consider, it converts gratuitously! It becomes, certainly

                                  • 在教科书,你接受星星射击朝鲜进行核开发和晃晃,“阴谋活动,试图破坏了朝鲜総联日本政府”,并查看新闻首页的一份报告,如朝鲜中央或写它完全一样的东西[7],金日成194倍,107倍金正日传递给我“亲爱的”“大”重复与其他修饰符被形容为
                                    With the textbook, discharging nuclear development and the light star by North Korea Receiving, “that the Japanese government will collapse the Korean entire 聯, military artifice”, that and so on the Korean center of the home country which is said Completely same ones as the opinion which broadcast announces being described, it reaches, [7], as for Kim Il-Sung 194 times, as for Kim Jong-Il in 107 times Crossing, “it reveres” attaching the modifier “of greatness” and so on, repeatedly it is described

                                    • 在早晨。对学校的开支是违宪的!梅鲁 共同努力,制止国家的纳税人,民主党不得不大规模行动的政府 Morning As for expenditure to school violation of constitutional provisions … To stop the taxpayer of entire country cooperating the government Democratic party Class action There is no other choice but to do
                                      • ●早晨。对学校的开支是违宪的!早晨。学校教育,反日教育以外的民族教育自己的名字在日本管辖 Morning As for expenditure to school violation of constitutional provisions Morning As for the school outside jurisdiction of education of Japan… anti Japanese education of the name individual race education
                                      • 在早晨。对学校的开支是违宪的!梅鲁 共同努力,制止国家的纳税人,民主党不得不大规模行动的政府 Morning As for expenditure to school violation of constitutional provisions … To stop the taxpayer of entire country cooperating the government Democratic party Class action There is no other choice but to do

                                    • 在民主的人,“朝鲜的愚蠢!虽然我是一个小更Mukitsu”我觉得我生气,我会瓦特 As for person in democracy “the North Korean fool Already although just a little was the i the mukitsu ” tsu te getting angry you think as the ru w
                                      • 韩国学校的学生和领导的北朝鲜没有任何关系,只觉得不可能分钟 As for the North Korean leader and the pupil of the Korean school there is no relationship As for such unless you think separately

                                    • 它也为学校在韩国负责朝鲜学校免费违宪?民主党人浇它纳入公共上升到敌人或非法占领了竹梁滚由纳税人无论从日本人?
                                      Gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school and gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school are unconstitutional! The Democratic party probably being the blood tax which it hoisted from the Japanese or is the rose to sow in the hostile country people who occupy the bamboo island illegally!

                                      • 对死亡的束腰人进行最后恩戴?你是个恐怖的国家,我向太大的伤害 1 The person dying the waist was lifted at last Therefore terrorist national what it expands damage with a lot of
                                        • 这是日本民族的亵渎 As for this to the Japanese nation Blasphemy So it is

                                      • 对民主党,公民被绑架的日本,似乎更有价值,如果它被攻击的非韩国 For the Democratic party as for Japanese kidnapping From the fact that Korea is attacked the like shelf which is not value
                                        • 如果你给我新的喜悦,这项由民主党的方式醒来,也有点 Like this doing if also the Democratic party little by little wakes up it is happy
                                        • 最低Minsyutou The Democratic party lowest
                                        • 民主党和我总是要纠正后 The Democratic party must correct always afterwards is

                                      • 当然,应该是没办法的目标发射了,因为你很有趣的枪战?我的意思,我说我来Warenaku由于韩国学校自己的自由 Naturally but it should remove from the object because shelling game happened the tsu te it isn t strange The te you say or the propriety tsu te of gratuitousness conversion itself became unable to say with consequence of the Korean school
                                        • 如果我决定晒黑了我朝鲜的自由,我收到批评信Mitsubachi甜漩涡 The tsu te which North Korea converts gratuitously it decided if it is Accepting receive the criticism
                                        • 朝鲜的生命是一个可怕的噩梦 As for the North Korean life there is a nightmare like the hell

                                      • 当然,没火参与,没有向学校神秘外援
                                        There is no relationship in shelling, in the school of the foreigner help puzzle unnecessary

                                        • 很明显,它已经从家里家指示北-朝总联- nected回,是必然链命令到一个单一的马铃薯执导韩国学校
                                          The indication from the North Korean home country becomes clear by the fact that, the home country - Korean entire connected - Korean school with indication order system in one It could support the fact that it is tied

                                          • 我们看到了朝鲜亚运 太日本国旗在领奖台上(照片)11 23 在对那些与这些国家的国际舞台上谁是这样做,教育,帮助你的人 With the commendation stand the Sun flag the North Korean players who are not seen the photograph 11 23 In the graduate person of the country of the people who do such a thing with the international stage education is helped the person it passes

                                            • 我只是试图攻击朝鲜免费炮弹,那会做的民主党人为什么这么生气?韩国政府是什么,我什至没有一所学校的盟友韩国 Although it just tried that North Korea shell attacking probably will convert to Korea gratuitously is the Democratic party the lever is what to be gotten angry As for Korea as for the Japanese government in ally of the Korean school or being whatever it is
                                              • 我只是轰炸北朝鲜,即会做的民主党人为什么这么生气?韩国,我没有在日本的盟友 North Korea just shelled Korea although is the Democratic party the lever is what to be gotten angry Korea ally of Japan in or being whatever it is
                                              • 日本政府决定向朝鲜学校消防朝鲜自由 The Japanese government decided the gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school North Korea shelled Korea
                                              • 竹岛是正义的,因为我的国家,站在讲捕获后,立即在韩国的军事演习在日本罕见的进攻射门竹岛附近,请 Therefore as for the bamboo island my country the tsu te Japan being the bamboo island soon when military affair it trains the shell you shoot in Korea and are packed passing story

                                            • 我想拉屎自己的国家元首Shimo鹤背叛我像白痴说移民生育率下降剧烈同意推荐538
                                              538 It is extreme agreement Immigration recommendation saying with first few child conversion measure, even also the [ru] treason [ku] [so] fool it hangs and wants making the neck

                                              • 排除了政治原因,以避免电荷韩国学校免费↓↓冲突与Ntsukyouso反日教育在学校中公开批评补充私立学校公立学校学生人口↓↓确保就业稳定Ntsukyouso突然负责政治审查的原因是朝鲜的Hazime射击自由↓忠说他们不应该被翻译
                                                Stabilization of employment of Nitukiyou group ↓ Guaranty of the number of heads of student ↓ Public high school gratuitous conversion private high school assistance ↓ Criticism to the Korean school gratuitous conversion ↓ In order to evade the contradiction of anti-Japanese education in the public school of Nitukiyou group We should remove in the political reason, unless, excuse doing, even gratuitous conversion ↓ Urgently in the political reason of the North Korean shelling the gratuitous conversion second look

                                                • 教育内容和绑架没有关系或W Ttejan说,像反日教育及日本被绑架者,日本的情况往往是题材,一考虑,我们对韩国射击这并不是说?瓦特 Quality of education and kidnapping problem that there is no relationship you say w In other words like anti Japanese education and Japanese kidnapping when the object is Japan how being good The latest way when the shelling partner is Korea being the case that you consider the shank w
                                                  • 支持率低迷,而是火,预计发出民意反弹,我认为这船过来了? The matter where support ratio hovering and rally of public opinion were expected it puts out Shelling was timely offer it is the kana which is not

                                                • 斯蒂芬这是我在学校的148人赞成韩国的自由吗?什么是这样的自由民主党?是啊,但我认为它会导致什么自民党发挥出的代理商都将这些早〜 148 This 馳 tsu te person was the Korean school gratuitous conversion approval With something it is in the Liberal Democratic Party combining You think that very expelling such operative quickly is connected to the Liberal Democratic Party playback but it is
                                                  • 我不明白为什么日本希望代理商或子女 With something as for resident whether you wish to designate your own child as the operative it is from the wa

                                                • 无损检测的喜悦倚第一次,这Netouyo但我仍然在自由民主党喷涌不Shisurubeki wwwwwwwwwwwww审查朝鲜schools m In the way of reliance on others of netouyo which you rejoice in this with the counter 吐 the ru wwwwwwwwwwwww The Democratic party should not do to take a second look the gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school
                                                  • 我疯了我有空和韩国学校本身通常会被 If normal no charge conversion itself of the Korean school deviating although the ru
                                                  • 本来,虽然我对韩国的过错没有免费的学校为什么我是我!你疯了 Originally although gratuitousness conversion of the Korean school how it is not can be entwined with something the ru The ro which the head is strange and is

                                                • 日语假名四郎日本对历史检讨道歉的友好得到韩国人在日本丰道歉所有蹂躏的国家有韩国重复了会议哇塞可怕极了!我死了!日本的韩国人在说谎狂潮,这段历史不会忘记 As for Japanese Second look history Apology margin To be easy greatness Korean Repetition Meeting to terrible eye Rich country is devastated It is Japanese Resident Korean everyone Apology margin We should die The ru which is attached and sows lie Japanese The Korea race This history is not forgotten

                                                  • 最初采取什么样的决定负责的一致性,并采取收费瓶塞,但相反?
                                                    But originally opposition to gratuitousness conversion Consistency of deciding and cancelling the gratuitousness conversion coming off?

                                                    • 民主党人也请求支付罗马:恐怖主义来体现党的赞助商
                                                      The Democratic party of the terrorist support political party as for the treatment beggar who is supported reflection margin

                                                      • 现在四郎和冻结的朝鲜人学校的账户,我将Souren紧急!
                                                        Account of entire ream and the Korean school freezing margin Now it is emergency, scared!

                                                        • 现在,这些家伙做卡诺花与评论此事在北方和南方瓦特这种干扰?不过,“这对朝鲜族学校的问题是免费没关系!,日本因达一切邪恶!”你强与湿重弁? How you comment and others the a it is dense in disturbance of the latest north and south concerning case kana w Even then “as for this problem and the Korean school gratuitous conversion there is no relationship it is Entirely Japan is bad it is ” With or ww which it quibbles

                                                          • 第189号? Netouyo我们这样做时,我信浓撤消谢谢袭击了韩国与日本被绑架来的故事,免费的,但不是解决问题的思考以任何方式强迫?有趣的是你吗? 189 Calling obtaining That way you do not think our netouyo Although Japanese kidnapping problem has not solved what subject of gratuitousness conversion coming up You question doing when Korea is attacked it is cancellation It is strange is don t you think
                                                            • 所以,要“免费的(Kiritsu”↓因为有炮击,或停止免费也许“这将转移到排水方式,并声称民主Sasugada这么远还不稳定,恭维Metaku Therefore it converts gratuitously kiritsu ” ↓ Because “there was shelling gratuitousness the causing re which stops it is” Tumbles to either one insistence of margin and democracy does not stabilize When it comes to here when as expected is it stops wanting to praise

                                                          • 第十五约八卦一天,民主党在于九四孙
                                                            Rumor of person on the 75th, as for lie of the Democratic party 49 day

                                                            • 罗马:快来停止接受日本瓦特Kitatyousen公共援助
                                                              Welfare receipt of the North Korean resident quickly stop margin w

                                                              • 而且看来,即使解决绑架首先,这样做就OK葛bulletin充电直到肖像钱与家庭教育anti然而,或为审查事件负责,也不是直接损害到日本为什么而奇怪的故事出来 Solving also original kidnapping don t you think the e to do the portrait picture of the gold parent and child putting out and anti Japanese education doing the ru Through doing although it is gratuitousness conversion OK with something directly is not the case that damage it is in Japan The gratuitous conversion second look the one where subject comes up is strange in the latest incident

                                                                • 这个论点是他反对从原来的不足,但是什么?他们不主张改变佛陀反对死刑的死刑,千叶和三个数字如例子翳Ttara请继续后突然流行
                                                                  But by your from the origin group of objectors as for shortage of these grounds which are what? After all it continued to advocate capital punishment opposition as though it is Buddhist invocation, The leprosy where popularity darkens it stops coming, from Chiba which is made three human capital punishment it is not different

                                                                  • 这是日本民主党的视频杂波流Dosakusa群岛渔船相撞事件
                                                                    The Japanese Democratic party administration is the [ma] [gi] [re] lever [u] in [dosakusa] of 尖 official building archipelago fishing boat collision incident video outflow

                                                                    • 阚但学校免费韩语。铜工的军事轰炸。你威胁武装起来,成为一个军事独裁政权是稳固的教育做欢呼? But the Korean school gratuitous conversion Korea With shelling military Germany Hurray education doing from the ru The ro military dictatorial politics becomes the 磐 stone and does the threat with military force
                                                                      • 一旦你支持免费的。从瓦特崩溃 Now when it converts gratuitously support Because it declines heavily w
                                                                      • 铜工在韩国的军事学校。你威胁武装起来,成为一个军事独裁政权是稳固的教育做欢呼? In the Korean school military Germany Hurray education doing from the ru The ro military dictatorial politics becomes the 磐 stone and does the threat with military force
                                                                      • 阚免费韩国学校,但也被绑架的日本人。你有什么建议,我想要看看在直火 The Japanese being kidnapped but the Korean school gratuitous conversion Korea It takes a second look with shelling the suggestion tsu te How it has become is

                                                                    • 韩国人是“歧视”你真的了解这个词的天堂?由于日本社会是太多的激励,我会觉得我是日本人自己一样吗?比如我付遗产税 Has the Korean understood the word “discrimination” truly The Japanese society favorably treats too much with the consequence where by its as the Japanese the same and the thought tsu chi ya tsu te ru Inheritance tax pay

                                                                      • 韩国学校免学费主要部长高木,“自由的希望希望永远不做“家庭集团绑架”。“ In the first place Korean school tuition gratuitous conversion gt Tall tree literature course phase “you wanted to convert gratuitously and you wanted how it will do kidnapping which is not” family meeting “…”
                                                                        • “我在日本的朝鲜人学校培养,所有的人”的思想Dattarou “You raise the Korean school with Japanese national everyone” and the wax which is tsu te idea
                                                                        • “我开始,如果我说,韩国学校,说他们在外面收费或现在重新考虑民主党 ” tsu te When the Korean school side started saying the Democratic party proposed after so long a time the gratuitous conversion second look
                                                                        • 一个傻瓜,会是什么免费看忠Shimo排除 The fool what second look probably is outside the gratuitous conversion object but
                                                                        • 不要一开始从这么自由 1 From first it converts is gratuitously
                                                                        • 但不会是这样回顾了炮击,如果我没有正确释放 Gratuitousness conversion being correct you did if it is but the expectation which is not the kind of times when it takes a second look with shelling
                                                                        • 嗯,我想我什至没有想到这样做定期免费体面的头 NULL
                                                                        • 国家和教导我不知道什么是TTA的步进第一名的解脱出来,我发现什么 As for contents and the homeland where in the first place you teach relationship saying It finished to step on in gratuitousness conversion it is the ro which
                                                                        • 如果我们回到养活整个朝鲜半岛,朝鲜学校不再需要我第一次有 NULL
                                                                        • 如果这样的纹拨款,我会做到这一点,在训练之前,院校和培训协助 If it is it converts such gratuitously first assisting in the study private school and practice thing
                                                                        • 当狗我从来没有缴纳税款的正式指控 When gratuitousness conversion how it does temporarily absolutely the tax payment cup
                                                                        • 我不知道,有可能成为下一个格兰特之一,首先从韩国学校 1 From first the ro which is the times when the Korean school gratuitously it converts and profit it is
                                                                        • 我应该做的,从所有的韩国学校取消了良好的机遇 Therefore the good opportunity although the Korean school it should have abolished entirely
                                                                        • 我是研究和审议,修改或者它是正确的,也是免费的例子,不仅与我们的结论是,我认为有 However the second look was examined it is correct to convert after all gratuitously don t you think When with it carries to the conclusion which is said only you cannot think
                                                                        • 或免费韩国高中,按哥里只是没有理由运行真正适用于我 The Korean high school gratuitous conversion only not serving to reason truly gori you push and execute
                                                                        • 所以这就是我们的方向正好有后门,民主党自由运行 With that stealthily carrying to the direction which executes gratuitousness conversion the Democratic party
                                                                        • 收费或停止?政府或停止? Gratuitousness conversion it stops Administration it stops
                                                                        • 政治 教育 韩国学校免费“已不可逆转 The Korean school gratuitous conversion “it cannot withdraw after so long a time
                                                                        • 最初,你可能会说,宪法反自由 NULL
                                                                        • 有没有更好的表现较好,任何情况下有可能不再免费 It was good it was good does in something may there is no gratuitousness conversion
                                                                        • 本人存放它即使是韩国侵略免费为胰岛通过 Next gratuitousness conversion how it stops even in the Korean system which invades the bamboo island and dissolves
                                                                        • 毕竟,你曾在高中的自由浮动的钱,我想我有时间或核武器 After all the money which floats with high school gratuitous conversion turns to nuclear development or the weapon it is it isn t
                                                                        • 民主党试图成为哥里,然后推免费政治 gori doing to push that politically has been about probably to convert gratuitously the Democratic party
                                                                        • 的 高木部长的朝鲜族学校收取学费,“自由的希望希望永远不做“家庭集团绑架”。“ Tall tree literature course phase “you wanted to convert gratuitously and you wanted how it will do kidnapping which is not” family meeting “…”
                                                                        • 试图想如何免费Tteta不能承担这个?在Gidaro愚蠢 1 Without supposing either such a thing you intend probably to convert gratuitously The ro which aho it passes and is
                                                                        • 韩国学校学费免费教育对象是思想的一半 Half day idea have educated Korean school tuition gratuitously it converts opposes
                                                                        • 韩国学校收取学费的政治问题没有无所谓 As for political problem there is no relationship in the Korean school tuition gratuitous conversion it is the tsu ke which is not

                                                                      • 韩国学校免收学费对一个国家的问题仍然是“不知道,可能有一个很大的决定,使” “不知道,可能是”这意味着我不能没有可能重新考虑 1 After all “you must decide seriously concerning the Korean school tuition gratuitous conversion problem which is the home country whether you do not understand” … As for the notion that where “you do not understand whether” Being the case that it can partly due to the fact that it does not take a second look the shank
                                                                        • 它应该是学校免费韩国仍然在一个国家 1 After all also the Korean school which to the home country is should convert gratuitously
                                                                        • 完全免费的火灾事故,他们说我没有弹出 Securely relationship saying you propose shelling incident and gratuitousness conversion
                                                                        • , 关于免费的问题,韩国学校的学费“不知道,可能有一个重大的决定,使” “不知道,可能是”这意味着我不能没有可能重新考虑 “You must decide seriously gt concerning the Korean school tuition gratuitous conversion problem whether you do not understand” … As for the notion that where “you do not understand whether” Being the case that it can partly due to the fact that it does not take a second look the shank

                                                                      • 韩国学校是免费的东西呢?认为它有趣,当试图注入纳税人
                                                                        The Korean school it converts is gratuitously with in the first place something? It probably will be strange at the point in time when you think that tax it will throw,

                                                                        • 鸠山森顺带递解离境递解离境递解离境。递解离境递解离境递解出境也把额外侃
                                                                          Forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation next Hatoyama 仙. In addition attaching also the 菅, forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation

                                                                          • ,侵犯人权,他们什么,如果他被驱逐出境,所以没有问题,如果,因为没有这样的事情朝鲜学校作为一个自由,不存在歧视(我有一个对象会有NO)和浮来Yatsurano梳福利开支最便捷驱逐出境驱逐出境驱逐出境驱逐出境的事情充满了良好的Uhauha
                                                                            If what human rights violation, forces repatriates them, there is no problem So, if it does, it becomes without Korean school gratuitous how ones it becomes and, without either discrimination (the object stops being, don't you think? it is with) Furthermore, it comes and the [ya] and others also welfare expense floats it is to force, thing being lazy [uhauha] Forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation forcing repatriation the profitable step

                                                                            研究 開発