10:18编号:DqFACAxSO“起初我有一个良好的怯埃塔昂扬攻击他的状态,然后我被打得这么残忍,请这样做正是这不到一(西站下来)顶礼膜拜和观看的人有可能出差别高低调“的到来,人们就会想到怒鸣茹他们的行动,正跪在地上反复揉搓怯埃塔他的头部与空气克如多 10 18 ID DqFACAxSO “First it means that power is good but your own attack completely did not hit and the good way being done increased So when it does already please stop with high class so it had been about it will kneel on the ground with the circumstances which become frightened terribly probably to present the watch” When the partner who comes to the head in the conduct yells in order to rub the head with the circumstances which become frightened more and to attach repeatedly kneeling on the ground it was
编号:i6q MaPI0可怜的便利,代理商是完全正确的,被认为你在哪里故意打哑?换句话说,它是一种虾,这并不意味着它准确反映 ID As for of i6q MaPI0 being inconvenient pretending ignorance intend when you look at the ru place The ro which is the operative completely In other words as for the shrimp the thing shelf that it is not reflected completely
243 总结几个证人的故事“,在海老蔵Nishiazabu着想”阶梯是第一家开始元1,“”同性恋酒吧风格的餐厅 243 When gt gt story of the group of witnesses is synthesized Ebizou in west Azabu 1st the “ladder liquor” is begun as for gt gt Restaurant of gay bar wind
680“人评为高级海老蔵以往熟悉的面孔 680 “As for man and Ebizou of senior case from the time before face familiarity
六本木附近,但许多目击者的事件似乎已经参观了餐厅,他奠定了插科打诨法海老蔵 In the Roppongi neighborhood the witness of incident was large number But the u gagging is spread at the eating house and the like which Ebizou visits
247年前,据一些体育纸张,那么,是球员Akahoshi肯広阪神虎(34)爆发海老蔵四名球员席,比喝 247 In addition according to the part sport paper 5 years ago at that time Ebizou intrudes to the seat which the Akahoshi law wide 34 and others 4 players who are the player of the Hanshin Tigers drank
455“无论什么愚蠢的行动,罢工TTA的只是可怜的”一个趋势的话,我觉得我有坏的举止不熟练生活在一个社会,限制我的火车 455 “What kind of will do the conduct which acts playfully also just the person who beats is bad” tsu te tendency only hetare It does also the air which bears the society where the manner being inside the streetcar is bad
有一种倾向,想要做或有市民用谎言上方Geru We want somehow the tendency which raises liar race
Garetara模噪声处罚的问题,几个月前长远的计划,我有一个非常狙歌舞伎 When CM penalty problem makes a noise, in long-term plan from several months ago, you aim for the Kabuki boundary itself
TTA的罢工的人,或与押尾学夫酒井法子吸毒事件,群体中出现了醉酒袭击名称朝青龙 The man whom you beat belongs to the group where name surfaces even in Noriko s Osio study and Sakai medicine incident and the extreme intoxication assault incident of the morning blue dragon
TTA的罢工的人,或与押尾学夫酒井法子吸毒事件,群体中出现了醉酒袭击名称朝青龙 The man whom you beat belongs to the group where name surfaces even in Noriko s Osio study and Sakai medicine incident and the extreme intoxication assault incident of the morning blue dragon
↓影音的殴打留言看到Ebihara尤里财经 Looking at the ↓ plop-plop AV warehouse, the Ebihara friend village speaks a word
≒≒卖家白人黑火药外国≒摩托车黑帮团伙 Gang of hot-rodders ≒ mob
Black person ≒ white powder
Foreigner ≒ connection
○○入Runari的房间不好,好像没有用,无奈电话 我必须做的119和非理性“,”朋友说:一,被告押尾○○,是人的一群,高级Tadasu佐藤“证人“继续留在房间里唯一的一段时间,关于真理的故事,另一个逃跑后”公诉人,“什么是Watta奇怪的情况,”证人“我在外面阳台上押尾与一些人的,似乎是没有好 0 enters into the room to become it is useless it is useless if you did not telephone useless useless and unreasonable doing 119th it did” lt lt As for 0 with the friend of Defendant Osio inside companion it is person who makes senior case gt gt Staying on for a while the witness “in that room bare fact you speak is the story shelf continued” Is trial counsel “circumstance to change ” The witness “some person it is to have appeared in the veranda but Osio is useless
○○入Runari的房间不好,好像没有用,无奈电话 我必须做的119和非理性“,”朋友说:一,被告押尾○○,是人的一群,高级Tadasu佐藤“证人“继续留在房间里唯一的一段时间,关于真理的故事,另一个逃跑后”公诉人,“什么是Watta奇怪的情况,”证人“我在外面阳台上押尾与一些人的,似乎是没有好 0 enters into the room to become it is useless it is useless if you did not telephone useless useless and unreasonable doing 119th it did” lt lt As for 0 with the friend of Defendant Osio inside companion it is person who makes senior case gt gt Staying on for a while the witness “in that room bare fact you speak is the story shelf continued” Is trial counsel “circumstance to change ” The witness “some person it is to have appeared in the veranda but Osio is useless
我不想要对方名称是说“,”检察官的男子得到一个表,因为它似乎显示出书面清单迷住男人的名字,“检察官”的老百姓谁知道为什么做“证人”,因为被告没有与特恩布尔良好的关系,以确认你要行想起了我“,”男检察官,以表示对证人名单和重新似乎 We would not like to call the name of the person is” lt lt The man trial counsel assuming that it has specifying in the chart seems that shows the list where name is written on the man gt gt In the trial counsel “common acquaintance it is why to communicate ” Because Defendant and relations witness “Osio were good communication has done to think as kana for verifying” lt lt The man trial counsel seems that again shows the list in the witness
一个成员,他们手染差梅鲁塔蒂勒索和贩毒 gt In the member the party where the character which dyes the hand to blackmail and medicine buying and selling is bad
一个成员,他们手染差梅鲁塔蒂勒索和贩毒 In the member the party where the character which dyes the hand to blackmail and medicine buying and selling is bad
上午蓝龙 你多叩Karenai即使我海老蔵 Although morning Seiriyuu gt gt gt gt gt Kawana gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt it is Ebizou don t you think Remainder it is not hit it is the shelf
上午蓝龙 你多叩Karenai即使我海老蔵 Morning Seiriyuu Although gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt it is Ebizou don t you think Remainder it is not hit it is the shelf
上午蓝龙 海老蔵 Although morning Seiriyuu gt gt gt gt gt Kawana gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt gt it is Ebizou don t you think Remainder it is not hit it is the shelf
出于某种原因,他们认为这个数字我就嚼浮动位置安装在松本Koushirou海老蔵罢工 Why the Matsumoto happiness four 郎 beating Ebizou with mount position the ru form came to mind
茹刚才不知道的故事叩海老蔵知道为什么受害者 Why whether only the article which hits Ebizou who is the victim it comes out being strange
袭击一个人?轮奸? 因为我有海老蔵挑衅,而是大大减少赔偿 One person assaults Mass riot Because Ebizou has provoked compensation the substantial reduction shelf
下降的是立即播放自称是国宝级人民生活的声誉 Reputation of the person of calling human national treasure is the abnormal play falling
也浑身是伤的身体,大脑核磁共振成像异常或不试验 _NULL_
他们会需要什么样的日本人民永远歌舞伎的百分比?然后,有一个案件归档其他时间税 Several percent of Kabuki how Japanese citizen have needed it is The next turn the tax which is packed to the other things there
哪个国家是你这个人也付出每年2亿日元?它是一种浪费税收 The country provides also annual 200 000 000 Yen to such a person it is Tax it is wasteful
你值得拥有七光日的艾希辉感知社会地位的差异 _NULL_
倍的粪便以及这样一个周一的作用仅仅是寄生虫 _NULL_
共模噪声是一个问题,我开始罚款,如果我将非常狙歌舞伎 When CM penalty problem starts making a noise, the aim Kabuki boundary that riding, probably is thing
内置在这里↓光碟英财政部和金融生长激素留言 ↓ It is dense, it is dense, and others with the CD warehouse and the EF warehouse and the GH warehouse speak a word
制造K表著名的蓝龙的问题和早餐和酒井太郎,前 除了在六本木外国俱乐部也司机主任一川奈石井一,AV m也是管理处 With Osio s and Sakai and morning Seiriyuu case it became famous Kawana of the driver of the original K 1 Ishii curator Other than the Roppongi foreigner club you manage also the office of AV
影音集是,“你呼,我们的茶”,而一个人谈 You say that as for the AV warehouse concerning the man with “ it is speaks the tea” and so on
只有将保护557线的传统日本画,这难道不是清楚地种行为问题儿童的穷人应该?镍是一个小的野生狂欢站在Tetakunai ITI的ITI的鲸的眼睛,这一事件将无法捍卫 557 We would like to protect the Japanese tradition but very as for the problem child where such conduct is not good It should acquire distinction it is not clearly Some the eyebrows we would not like to raise greatly one by one in playing but as for this it seems that can be protected Probably there is no incident
如果你想利用文化照顾618日语,这样的问题孩子要出来的子弹 618 We would like to make the Japanese culture important if is such a problem child should drive out
哎夷爬行穿着质地沸石宣传黑帮恶棍想成为国宝代理 The operative who would like to designate national treasure as the villain boiling acrawl, the [ru]
[yakuza] protection texture obtaining [e] [e
哦,是的,如果是这样鄂周五从国家租赁,我希望我的生活中,我没有什么可恐慌 The sled ya a the gold you can receive so from the country if you are hasty in life and how are not
哦,是的,如果是这样鄂周五从国家租赁,我希望我的生活中,我没有什么可恐慌 The sled ya a the gold you can receive so from the country if you are hasty in life and how are not
在场的川奈,简称为石灯笼这帮年轻律师恶棍最后的审判的权利人的日本研究的基础Syamintou拍摄黑手党中野蛮猛冲过来正好有一个警察也没有权力对外国人靖修麻布因此,有真正的暴力,而不是充当警察系统在六本木Nishiazabu结算,麻布警察暴力的单位,他们是出生在一个温馨的恶棍皇后之间的关系最后年轻帮派 As for Kawana who is called the Japanese last gangsters existing
It is shortage of anti- foreign public order power of the Azabu station
The stone lantern having, pipping atrocious Chinese Mafia which rushes forward
The fact of the matter where bets on judgment in corporation people party type human rights attorney
The police as a violence device in west Azabu & Roppongi
There is a actuality which functioning is not done
Then, violence device of the Azabu station, last gangsters You call Kawana
Relationship of adhesion is born
外商看摩托车团伙情况下,他们有一个黑人朋友里诺塞聪 _NULL_
对金钱的浪费量和最优惠的穿着上升到外国学生和居民中的儿童受益 The rose winding in foreigner such as child treatment Chinese foreign student and resident favorable treatment, the [ru] gold wastefulness
屁插科打诨她不能吃太多的公共泡菜诅咒? With eating too much kim chee with public cursing the fart straw bag woman?
当前海老蔵“照顾”到“业力”,而在观念的差异? (Suponichianekkusu) 雅虎,我感到非常激烈,从一案组的熟人都不错里诺塞聪如果消息流海老蔵照顾我,因为它是坏我的熟人是喝醉了酒饮?集团不仅如此块状你帮忙看就像我被打的例子海老蔵熟人 Ebizou style “nursing” was misunderstood “connection” suponichianetsukusu Yahoo News The acquaintance who was drunk together getting drunk because it had collapsed when it does Ebizou style nursing From the group of the acquaintance of the acquaintance who has collapsed the bo the bo being done densely densely Does the group which the bo densely the bo is done densely try to help the acquaintance doing in Ebizou the ru way being visible
我照顾它,并且没有任何常识万维网WWW的这种情况下,它的命运是当然Tsukenakere海老蔵报仇的另一面来WWW的吸收发生Tenaijan吸收海老蔵 Whether that nursing completely there is no www common sense www Being retaliated on being disgusted ya opposite side if Ebizou does not attach connection naturally as for such an incident It does not happen it is our industry complacency of www being disgusted ya Ebizou s
海老蔵名人,深入犯罪分子更喜欢办公室担心框给Minamiza吝啬态度,因为他是一个很大的区别的立场 As for Ebizou show biz celebrity of around there side Standpoint is different Therefore attitude is huge Stinginess is attached the criminal who worries in entertainment of the south seat
该报的554明天,我不应该赎回海老蔵wwww打击基地组织 554 Don t you think with wide show of tomorrow as for Ebizou coming to the point of being attacked in arukaida the ru wwww
当前海老蔵“照顾”到“业力”,而在观念的差异? ,该男子文紧张的伤害事件的受害者 Ebizou style “nursing” was misunderstood “connection” suponichianetsukusu Yahoo News The acquaintance who was drunk together getting drunk because it had collapsed when it does Ebizou style nursing From the group of the acquaintance of the acquaintance who has collapsed the bo the bo being done densely densely Does the group which the bo densely the bo is done densely try to help the acquaintance doing in Ebizou the ru way being visible
278 ,该男子文紧张的伤害事件的受害者 278 As gt several people drunk among those in the January this year the original sumo champion morning blue dragon 30 You say that gt the man who makes the victim of the injury incident which is caused it was
我喜欢喝几人,其中前横纲朝青龙在一月(30)说,男子案件的被害人受伤的发射紧张 As several people drunk among those in the January this year the original sumo champion morning blue dragon 30 happening You say that the man who makes the victim of the injury incident which it crosses over it was
我喜欢喝几人,其中前横纲朝青龙在一月(30)说,男子案件的被害人受伤的发射紧张 As several people drunk among those in the January this year the original sumo champion morning blue dragon 30 happening You say that the man who makes the victim of the injury incident which it crosses over it was
我喜欢喝几人,其中前横纲朝青龙在一月(30)说,男子案件的被害人受伤的发射紧张 As several people drunk among those in the January this year the original sumo champion morning blue dragon 30 happening You say that the man who makes the victim of the injury incident which it crosses over it was
我希望你这家伙从歌舞伎放逐 Although if you should have banished from such a person Kabuki boundary
我开始“的首张完整长度的红色和白色的厕所宣言”是在容易大米,大米在这里的污渍也期待 Beginning the rice concerning “rest room crimson white no cutting declaration was the pleasure with first participation ” but also this rice is the pleasure
我想我受伤了约打对Raretara作为一个喜剧演员无行为能力的一 Although when it could be injured plop-plop in recovery impossible extent as an entertainer
我经历了它罢工Iitsu 474,你可能会说我希望我可以提出爱看 474 The tsu which it is possible to beat the u combining and present condition circumstance being don t you think story
愤怒的家伙人看见它,它的脸TTA的罢工 The companions of the man who looked at that rage say that the face was beaten
愤怒的家伙人看见它,它的脸TTA的罢工 The companions of the man who looked at that rage say that the face was beaten
愤怒的家伙人看见它,它的脸TTA的罢工 The companions of the man who looked at that rage say that the face was beaten
愤怒的家伙人看见它,它的脸TTA的罢工 The companions of the man who looked at that rage say that the face was beaten
愤怒的家伙人看见它,它的脸TTA的罢工 The companions of the man who looked at that rage say that the face was beaten
我经历了它罢工Iitsu 474,你可能会说我希望我可以提出爱看 474 The tsu which it is possible to beat the u combining and present condition circumstance being don t you think story
我说的不是权力罩美国oojar,我喜欢,我什至不能指定全球犯罪集团?这些家伙是谁回来了?我喜欢涉及警察,政治家和官僚显然 In the punk who no cod combination how is said such a thing it is not possible in such a power or the wide area designated mob don t you think And others it is dense back tsu te who However the police bureaucracy and the politician and others to see clearly and the tsu po be
集团指定犯罪团伙,呕吐一次,以便加强 Appointing this crime group to the mob collecting with that tighten
报告不包括传闻才刚刚碰到一个这样的工具到一个临时 Because those place ridges on the side of a sword it has built, only such stupid hearsay reporting is made
日本人出国旅行的路线,即使我们请参阅外交部网站Tamotsu靖海外,你可以检查信息的旅行国家风险 When also our Japanese go to overseas travel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sea There are times when dangerous information of the country which refers the outside safe home page makes passage is checked
日本人出国旅行的路线,即使我们请参阅外交部网站Tamotsu靖海外,你可以检查信息的旅行国家风险 When also our Japanese go to overseas travel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sea There are times when dangerous information of the country which refers the outside safe home page makes passage is checked
是不同的,因为孩子们住的大恩戴日 After bearing the big boy of the eye that it divides
可能是因为你有情趣,滨崎步地Wakimaezu 1分钟 1 Not to discern amount to play the ro because you are walking
熟人(川奈)茹我已说服刑事案件里诺塞聪→ Acquaintance Kawana acquaintance gt criminal The wa which you can agree upon…
你们这些人有一个朋友里诺塞聪案 gt Acquaintance of acquaintance The ro which is others
同其他人一样我有一个朋友里诺塞聪案 Acquaintance of acquaintance They are others don t you think
我的情况 我有一个朋友,里诺塞托莫! Acquaintance… of the acquaintance it is plugged and it is we
熟人(川奈)茹我已说服刑事案件里诺塞聪→ Acquaintance Kawana acquaintance gt criminal The wa which you can agree upon…
狂言师(除家庭)什么是好的,我并不想在鼻子的行为具有良好的日本歌舞伎Kukara还可以充当奇怪 But the farce teacher that family is excluded favorite what as for the Japanese Kabuki performer Because conduct and speech and behavior are attached to the nose strangely the favorite it is not
在长期的经济衰退,歌舞伎本人,客户,但我会稳步下降,(这方面是与摔跤 In this long depression Kabuki how as for the customer decreasing steadily although the ru As for here sumo wrestling and simultaneous
对我来说,老实说,也有已婚的姐妹关心歌舞伎 For honest we Kabuki and the wife sisters how are good it exists
当代表演艺术和电影687放置技术的基础上,从身着日本歌舞伎 687 Today stage art or the movie establishing as a basis on technique from the Japanese Kabuki the ru
约557居民福利的看法?真是浪费纳税人的,不是吗?就是你来日本,并通过他,我在海老蔵叩问题,而不是 557 Concerning the welfare of resident how you think Very that wastefulness of blood tax it is not Hitting with Ebizou s case the ru and hanging when it becomes especially of resident don t you think it is through
557 你是通过对一个人的事我不是第一个在日本叩事项海老蔵 557 gt Hitting with Ebizou s case the ru and hanging when it becomes especially of resident don t you think it is through
这一事件打击TTA的海老蔵,我们之间的差异是WWW的男女在颜色黑,谈论如何在黑色或颜色,外观照片,他 Www which beat Ebizou in the latest incident has been wrong with the man of the dark complexion Whether so the do just it is the dark complexion it becomes topic also the photograph of this person appears
给它的开口! 流行说唱歌手K表配音Shine的评论Akko镍Omakase!森辙与事件有关的似乎使用全Itikawa海老蔵的蔵表现为老证人对夜海 Entrust to the cotter Popularity wrapper K DUB The comment of SHINE entrusts to atsuko Appearance It appears the intention te which it is related to Ichikawa Ebizou hurubotsuko incident as one testimony for Ebizou of the night
和一个小拉头发,张慈慈相信这样的碰撞 gt According to the story of the person whom you witness you drink and collapse and when Ebizou “is the man in the man who has collapsed you have collapsed well ” And so on with saying It did e g gt it pulls and or pokes the hair
和一个小拉头发,张慈慈相信这样的碰撞 gt According to the story of the person whom you witness you drink and collapse and when Ebizou “is the man in the man who has collapsed you have collapsed well ” And so on with saying It did e g gt it pulls and or pokes the hair
嘿,你有辙关心海老蔵森,一名男子被坏海老蔵蜂蜜饮料模糊,“我们不是被坏男人再见!”据说有这样一个小突起相信你一定会拉你的头发,张津和 It is and the intention te which Ebizou nurses Drinking collapsing when Ebizou “is the man in the man who has collapsed it has collapsed well ” And so on with saying It did e g it pulls and or pokes the hair
根据目击者的故事,该名男子是坏海老蔵蜂蜜饮料模糊,“我们不坏再见是一个男人!”据说有这样一个小突起相信你一定会拉你的头发,张津和 You witness according to the story of the person whom you drink and collapse and has collapsed in the man who Ebizou When “it is the man it has collapsed well ” And so on with saying It did e g it pulls and or pokes the hair
确定这样一个小突起 If gt is witnessed according to the story of the person who you drink and collapse and has collapsed in the man who Ebizou When gt “it is the man it has collapsed well ” And so on with you say pull the hair It did e g gt it pokes
确定这样一个小突起 If gt is witnessed according to the story of the person who you drink and collapse and has collapsed in the man who Ebizou When gt “it is the man it has collapsed well ” And so on with you say pull the hair It did e g gt it pokes
至道的是什么海老蔵,我是失望的对我喊 _NULL_
茹覆盖面和所有六本木意料之中的每个阶段,迎接Dotakyan出,翻录,他们加入了梯子酒案件里诺塞聪摩托车团伙的熟人,小屁股我拉头发的扩大,他们倒塌的一醉他们,“你是个男人!”如果我关心的虾和“做一些他妈的复杂的饮料,然后你来了!”我们说的人,谁打击黑和外国式的,地板满身是血从一九层大楼逃跑了,但她不在家加起来归档,虾TTA的回报超过深度乘坐出租车,妻子“逃来,来Yattsuraga来了!” When each reporting is arranged dotakiyan to do stage greeting the chestnut put out to Roppongi to flow together with the gang of hot rodders of the acquaintance of the acquaintance the ladder liquor Pulling the alone hair which passes out poking “the ro which is the man When” with the shrimp has nursed “You made drink don t you think it is the e ” With it was said by the person where the foreigner wind is black and was beaten While from the first floor of the building to the ninth floor becoming bloody until it flees boards to the taxi While you being applied the last spurt “escape to the shrimp and the wife who return to the home The coming ya tsu and others comes ” With you scream The wife does and 110th places the shrimp in the ambulance and “we fear to be one person ” that you jump in the parents home of the master Furthermore Ebizou has testified whether somewhere someone you drank that e g you do not know nani of the ji tsu applying
虾值得看来,一个职位增加358 358 Our industry complacency of shrimp increase with the article was found
因此,“应该”是正确的合身是罕见 Also it is unusual for “our industry complacency” to do this much exactly
该行业作为一个整体,它可能被浪费的钱是流动的? A lot of wasteful gold flowing to all industries the ru it is probably will be
该行业作为一个整体,它可能被浪费的钱是流动的? A lot of wasteful gold flowing to all industries the ru it is probably will be
请撕下你的腹部和宽度,我拉出来的肠子从胃部您 When vertically and side it cuts the stomach and tears it is to pull out the intestine from midst of your that stomach
责任维持一个公民的六本木麻布警署安全?我放下,如果你问我想要把自卫队山口 - 龟尾的老板被捕 One citizen was entrusted the Roppongi maintenance of public order from the Azabu station? The Yamaguchi group foreman Self Defense Force throwing likely it restrains, if it should have made suppress
贫穷或太愚蠢 编号:i6q + MaPI0 Being too foolish, pitiful > ID: i6q + MaPI0
这是否成为一个问题在于川原510三,滚动推进两个乞丐现在辉 _NULL_
这海老蔵“这是令人怀疑的人嘿再见!”不醉汉男子粉碎“咦?提木什么语气天上来到这里来!”海老蔵“哦,哦,尝试照顾”你guyz对于海老蔵“这是令人怀疑的人嘿再见!”每天我们的同事从“ (视而不见)”海老蔵“嘿,我基罗格利戈关键模型参数淇Ø湿重” This time When it is the Ebizou “man it has collapsed well ” Companion “ a of passing out man teme and the condition which are what densely it is this it is dense and ” That Ebizou “you will obtain and… well you will nurse ” Will not when and others is When it is the Ebizou “man it has collapsed well ” Will not and others the companion “… seeing the inclination which you do not see ” Ebizou “be occur ki mo o ta ww”
是不是坏的海老蔵,太糟糕了毛泽东小林做了他的妻子站在东西大约110报告“(周刊记者) Also Ebizou is bad but 110th informing also correspondence in Kobayashi flax middle of the wife who aggravates thing was bad” the weekly magazine reporter
通州■案例 1937年7月29日事件发生后三个星期Rokoukyou,仁北(北京),■五其发生大屠杀的日本大型警察中国通州东(什么是令人震惊那么,谁弱,请注意阅读Manai)■ 事件悲剧通州(S的经验) 杀死所有的地狱日本画 ▲■ 认为这个人的头部皮肤的井出了它在青竜刀剥夺学生 From state incident… Lu Gou Qiao incident occurrence 1937 July 29th of 3 weeks later North flat Beijing the large scale Japanese slaughter incident due to the Chinese preservation party in the state east occurred 其 five Because they are shocking contents as for the person where the air is weak please do not read Tragedy of state incident The experience talks of S hell picture of Japanese everyone murder That the skin of the head of the person of this man is that the student tears off with the Seiriyuu sword