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“The person fearing the snake as for the professors of the instinct” Kyoto university is research result announcement


  • 101其他蛇蛇,有一种方法种偷渡 101 As for the snake the tsu te which is made other than the snake secretly there is the meaning of saying

    • 355这不是一个香蕉蜘蛛?
      355 That, there is no [ashidakagumo]?

      • 3岁的男子在极其premature m仍是一个鸡蛋,我说Oru NE可能有蛇的恐惧也是一个成年人的实验时间为20 3 year old children of the human of super premature delivery are still to be the egg don t you think the causing re which is the time when fears the snake even with experiment 20 of adults with we say
        • 34 4岁的人随着年龄的变化,表明了相同的实验趋势进行了20只成年 34 4 year old children the same tendency was shown even with experiment 20 of adults and there was no change with age
        • 34 4岁的人随着年龄的变化,表明了相同的实验趋势进行了20只成年 34 4 year old children the same tendency was shown even with experiment 20 of adults and there was no change with age
        • 34 4岁的人随着年龄的变化,表明了相同的实验趋势进行了20只成年 34 4 year old children the same tendency was shown even with experiment 20 of adults and there was no change with age
        • 34 4岁的人随着年龄的变化,表明了相同的实验趋势进行了20只成年 34 4 year old children the same tendency was shown even with experiment 20 of adults and there was no change with age
        • 3岁的男子在极其premature m仍是一个鸡蛋,我说Oru氖可能在赛季蛇蛇的恐惧 3 year old children of the human of super premature delivery are still to be the egg don t you think the causing re which is the time when fears the snake even with experiment 20 of adults with we say

      • 526万维网wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 526 www wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
        • 144或类似? 144 Such when
        • 876 wwwwwwwwwwwwww 876 wwwwwwwwwwwwww
        • 丈夫做10 wwwwwwww 10 The husband wwwwwwww whom you do
        • 嗯,我确实不知道现在wwwwww wwwwww分钟 NULL
        • 它已经相当完 It is another end
        • 我并没有黑猩猩? Also the chimpanzee so something the tsu ke which is not
        • 这就是你刚杉744瓦特婴儿万维网 744 This w which is what The baby to be too strong the ro www which is
        • 这就是我921 NULL

      • 552 ID是无法核实
        552 ID was not verified

        • 565我也害怕Vietnam ll蛇从山上拉来蛇的恐惧覆盖了薄薄的感 565 However the snake we feared After moving in the mountain of the snake being lazy The fear impression faded

          • Shimahebi蛇?蜥蜴?如果罚款约
            As for snake sima snake? Japanese lizard? If extent it is unconcerned

            • Shishibana橡胶蟒蛇或完全不同的东西和Gabonada Buraminimekurahebi我也会大致括石蛇和一个可爱的东西通常Sunaboa
              The snake being bound at a stroke, don't you think? [buraminimekurahebi] and the Gabonese adder it is different quite [shishibana] or the rubber bore, [sunaboa] something it does normally lovely,

              • TTA的钢铁集团已更新版本(公牛)的纪律的技巧
                The group which had iron manufacture technical skill from after (the bull) it is controlled

                • ü爬行动物爬行在皮肤寄生虫的地方,是173 .....
                  173 That Crawl area under the skin the reptilia which the parasite.

                  • 不开花,蛇,蛇鳗,海鳗,卡特彼勒,他们都希望类似的事情在回答检查,如果对蛇 In those which is not the flower and the snake and the te the snake and the eel the sea eel and the green caterpillar etc are similar in the snake We want inspecting whether it reacts
                    • 例如,只有视力,我就觉得还是感到疯狂耙鳗鱼节 The eel scooping or the air deviating with the festival day only the ru the spectacle which cannot be thought

                  • 世界上教皇ETI的丰田时,丰田汽车行业
                    If you mention Aichi, the paternal home of TOYOTA of the world, it is Toyota of automobile industry

                    • 举例说,考古的角度来看,人们喜欢一个危险的地方,我住在神社有害物质,IDE将起草一份关于它的故事,我要诅咒他们和他们的默认的侵蚀所以,我诅咒新愚蠢的白痴,自杀是不科学的,甚至是理性Esze
                      If you say from archaeological viewpoint, as for the human the dangerous place, celebrating the dangerous creature, Spinning the story on that, when it damages that, as for being a 祟 [ri] and the [ma] inhaling and making especially [dehuo] Therefore, the 祟 [ri] how it is ridiculous, when non it is scientific, what special attack it does is the [ese] rationalist

                      • 也许这就是剥皮中继接收输入性状的古代爬行动物的统治时代
                        Whether the character which is input in the times when the ancient reptilia are dominated being succeeded don't you think?

                        • 什么本能,人格是一种罕见的突发备活,而他们尝试捕获罕见预先在自私的基因组水平的?怎么样?例如,猫不是陈天敌宝宝后不久,另一名男子或出生于乳房,你看看你的 The instinct tsu te being installed beforehand at level of the selfish gene The origin the character which has been provided Those the way For example Being born the baby of the cat which between already is not the natural enemy of the human searches otsupai
                          • 655蛇,所以没有其他人类基因天敌的,他们讨厌蛇,已逐步消灭 655 Because the snake already is not the natural enemy of the human The gene of snake dislike has been broken gradually
                          • 什么本能,人格是一种罕见的突发备活,而他们尝试捕获罕见预先在自私的基因组水平的?怎么样?例如,在不久的婴儿出生的猫,你看看你的乳房或陈 The instinct tsu te being installed beforehand at level of the selfish gene The origin the character which has been provided Those the way For example Being born the baby of the cat which between already is not the natural enemy of the human searches otsupai

                        • 仲间香蕉蜘蛛吃蟑螂囊839
                          839 [nakamagokiburi] As for eating [ashidakagumo

                          • 会知道是否涉及任何安排蛇燕丽不好,如果你比较所有生物体的基因序列,他们并不害怕恨飞蛇和生物
                            If the living thing of snake dislike fly does not fear the [bi] it compares the gene arrangement of the living thing which entirely some arrangement You know whether it is related to snake dislike, probably will be

                            • 但为什么它咬理论分钟的股份定义挛缩我在干什么?我想,如果你有额外的时间去怕蛇蛇 噛 You see in defined theory and the reason which is attached does not understand but is what it has been involved is If there is a time when the snake fears the snake don t you think excess so you think

                              • 但是,他们也讨厌我的大蛇和其他爬行动物,三年级的女儿是好的
                                But by your abhorrence also snake and other reptilia, The daughter 3 year of elementary schools is unconcerned

                                • 例如,哺乳动物和鸟类是温暖因此毛(羽)在
                                  For example, as for Mammalia and the Aves being warm, the hair (the feather) it is

                                  • 关于蛇的,我会滑倒 邓小平与茹会近寄 Generally as for the snake when it comes near because it escapes with sutsu don t you think
                                    • 关于蛇的,我会滑倒 邓小平与茹会近寄 Generally as for the snake when it comes near because it escapes with sutsu don t you think
                                    • 由于耀西基诺蛇,因为我是没有准备支持小 As we of the snake lover from small time it is unable to approve

                                  • 包括我前崇敬和敬畏,有所神圣和T.梅鲁,敬畏神的是这里茹
                                    Former to include the sense of awe and veneration, holy ones to be something which is revered, fear God As for [ru] this

                                    • 去虫→驰集团回地面的时代爬行动物和两栖动物→微生物→胜人→→→大型哺乳动物早期哺乳动物恐龙
                                      When it goes back times, at the land Victory group Microbe -> Insect -> Amphibia -> Reptilia and dinosaur -> Early Mammalia -> Large-sized Mammalia -> Mankind

                                      • 后者是和病菌一样的感觉如草芥,讨厌蟑螂,是不是感觉吨智没有梅鲁确保包括所有
                                        Latter, when [yakuza] and the cockroach and the pathogenic bacteria are disliked, in the same feeling, the feeling which is revered completely being included It is not

                                        • 和恐惧不再提取从猴子的大脑松果体的中继电路 When the pineal body of the junction circuit is extracted from the brain of that monkey it stops fearing

                                          • 哦,Keelback,而且还因为他们有很多其他无毒的蛇Shimahebi Well however there is also a consequence where the snake which does not have poison such as yamakagashi and sima snake is many
                                            • 哦,Keelback,而且还因为他们有很多其他无毒的蛇Shimahebi Well however there is also a consequence where the snake which does not have poison such as yamakagashi and sima snake is many

                                          • 在○○× × ×的本能,这结果被证明是一个“的演讲, The latest result shows the fact that × × × is instinct to 0” you say
                                            • 我们的研究结果已经表明,贞子本能的恐惧“一直在谈论与 The latest result shows the fact that fear to sadako is instinct” you say
                                            • 我们的研究结果表明,鳄鱼本能“的谈话恐惧 The latest result shows the fact that fear to the alligator is instinct” you say

                                          • 在人类的适应不良行为问题,只需一分钟的先天或后天关闭
                                            It becomes the demarcation whether problem of maladapted conduct of the human, inherent acquired of

                                            • 在问题上的斗争,对人类生存的一个盲点,但站在那里的作用,甚至是致命的,所以不得不离开,剩下的机会Tteru If you refer to the person it is not useful to struggle for existence at the place where it has the blind spot but Leaving because either the te did not become the fatal problematical point remaining accidentally the ru

                                              • 在驱虫剂,这就是为什么我说“垃圾和尸体,”大概是因为该集团希望 Because so as for evading the insect something speaking hugely in you probably will crowd “the rubbish and the corpse”

                                                • 尽管Ashidakakumo会吃蟑螂
                                                  As for [ashidakakumo] Although the cockroach is eaten

                                                  • 我不想超越甚至是蛇的恐惧是一种本能的存在
                                                    As for we which does not fear the snake even instinct the existence which is surpassed

                                                    • 我不知道问题的所有“旋转蛇”的错觉,我的意思是,人们没有看到有很多人认为他们知道我是不是可怕的是推荐我 Completely however there is no relationship “the rotary tsu te of the snake” the optical illusion which is said is enormous is However you think that the person who has known is many as for the person you have not seen the recommendation
                                                      • 在他们来之前,你的大脑正常339蛇义务教育并再次尝试从毒蛇或W 339 Inside your brain being the snake viper Do again to do from compulsory education low brain w

                                                    • 我也Mareta睨蛇蛙,蛇,甚至是第一次接触,即使是丢失或只运动本能 Also frog tsu te being glared in the snake stops being able to move instinct kana Even if that even with the first contact of the snake
                                                      • 不同的人之间我不想说,我怕总是奥凯要么青蛙或蛇或蛞蝓瓦特 As for person either snake or frog or slugs If you say that be sure to fear although you are not wrong w

                                                    • 我也住在这里,但主要的蜈蚣 确定 ,我一直争取争端是因为害怕蜈蚣三爱推出W或杀死蜈蚣杀苏卡 Centipede sure of main But we the resident here Quarrel now occurring with fear of the centipede ru w You kill the centipede or whether you do not kill dispute

                                                      • 我将老鼠与猴子的实验或170应该足够了,然后? 170 Then if it experiments with or the monkey don t you think sufficiently
                                                        • 人是正确的,然后他像松鼠猴 The ro which as for the human before becoming the monkey was the lith like person and is

                                                      • 我才21岁涂料蜗牛寄生虫
                                                        21 As for the parasite of the snail [yaba] it is,

                                                        • 我有TTA的release m蛇在爬行时,实验组的婴儿在一,我不是一个时间本能地害怕蛇肯定我不想所有的沙子从本能的恐惧希望深度的结论,这是 However there was the experiment which shot the snake in the group of the young child who mu oak high high has been done it did not fear completely The snake was cut in instinct it is not to be because the te instinct fear fears it was the conclusion that it is the ri included which that is done
                                                          • 你永远不要我本能地160蛇,让恐惧的本能反应,我会做的更好蛇进化的? 160 The snake was cut in instinct it is not to be way the te and instinct fear react Don t you think snake evolution red sandal wood

                                                        • 我等待着所有疯狂的可怕开始看到了更多的bug
                                                          The 蟲 starting from the appearance, the [wa] which everything does and [yabai] is hideous

                                                          • 我觉得好东西来活着,成为百分之原因,如果509 509 If with reason you think that it is the creature which extremely is accustomed to the favorite

                                                            • 我觉得黑猩猩书是在我读池谷Yuuzi
                                                              The air which was read even in the book of Yutaka Iketani two does, but It was the chimpanzee?

                                                              • 我读工房安倍的“老蛇”蛇吓人,他是肯定的文章,即使你知道蛇的生活条件和家长担心,只点结束时他们很难想象生活条件或不好的情绪立即不再恐惧湿滑泥泞的数字,我也没什么可说的它到底
                                                                When Abe public room which former times was read “concerning the snake” with it is the essay which is said Because the snake can imagine living conditions and is difficult fear is felt, when it is, it was concluded If only the snake and familiarity living conditions it is understood, fearing, when it stops The feeling trick whether the form which the [yo] [ro] is done purposely in the [yo] [ro] of, fear completely there is no relationship, you called that it is,

                                                                • 挑战是什么,他们担心他们会不会限制270? Kundoku还观察到,即使敬畏你是怕Osore
                                                                  270 Fearful ones do not limit are evaded? Fear and fear as for Japanese reading seeing [oso] [re] So it does, the [yo

                                                                  • 换言之,“本能”的地区,社会之间的证明“在太空”深度的,不属于任何“第三空间”,即“人要敬畏蛇”是“第三个领域,“无非是说,美 In other words between the territory the territory “of instinct” of the “social surprinting” it does not belong to in each case “the third territory” It is you call thing “ of the third territory” there are no times when “the person fears the snake” besides the fact that

                                                                    • 本人线程在这里几年前,我走进一家CAT基因备突发挑战蛇
                                                                      The gene which evades the snake being provided to the cat, you saw as the [ru] with [sure] here of several years ago

                                                                      • 比如我认为一个良好的减肥很好的例子,鳗鱼和因达因达,我想我可以克服重柏迪我讨厌蛇,但他们长大后变得越来越小,因为要区分好的坏的 Because favorite hatefully you distinguish from small time Becoming in the adult it cannot overcome snake dislike it is The snake how If the u you think as the gi it is good it is If the u you think heavily it is good it is
                                                                        • 这是什么感觉火灾幸存者97人 97 Like the mankind overcomes the fire it is unable to feel

                                                                      • 没有关系的Yamata这大蛇Susanouo是不是?
                                                                        This without being anything related to [susanouo] between [yamatanoorochi]?

                                                                        • 爬虫类动物,但也毫不掩饰的女人是有关昆虫。特别是他们的恐惧和G和G和G和G

                                                                          • 的LD50 u003d 123 Keelback实力和5 3μg,集线器(54μg)的10倍,毒蛇(16μg)3倍Keelback 123 As for strength of yamakagashi LD50 5 3μg and hub 54μg 10 times mamushi 16μg 3 times yamakagashi
                                                                            • 本人Irashii 123 Keelback毒痛,很少咬回来 123 The poison of yamakagashi is painful it seems 噛 the rare lever it is

                                                                          • 知识389混合误解Zatteirundaroune 389 Also misunderstanding blends in the knowledge don t you think it is probably will be
                                                                            • 知识689混合误解Zatteirundaroune 689 Also misunderstanding blends in the knowledge don t you think it is probably will be

                                                                          • 纵观做法,缓解眼睛可以看到的几何形状,例如隐藏警惕苗木和焦虑,你笑了安全意识,他们走出了眼睛,再看看做法 When seeing is accustomed the eye which is seen you feel at rest form hides by the fact that precaution and insecurity the bud You see again and you start laughing in the sense of relief where the eye which is accustomed appears
                                                                            • 纵观做法,缓解眼部可以看到,不同的形状和警惕 When seeing is accustomed the eye which is seen you feel at rest form hides by the fact that precaution and insecurity the bud You see again and you start laughing in the sense of relief where the eye which is accustomed appears

                                                                          • 罗Surusurusuru推力塞移动收缩原则蛇的人〜不寒而栗贯穿这个情况,我无法查看到移动你的身体我
                                                                            Pinpoint someone portable principle of the snake The sail sail sail - [tsu] [te] body contractively, it is moving When you look at that movement, shivering runs

                                                                            • 而我Beppin最后,我想这意味着面临更多的强烈刺激性欲 Don t you think and the be tsu pi is tsu te after all the face tsu lever which stimulates sexual desire more strongly probably is what

                                                                              • 蛇的舌头Chirochiro Kawaiijan到黑眼睛,又大又圆
                                                                                The snake it is lovely it is [chirochiro] the tongue which is put out, the [bu] and others the black pupil highest

                                                                                • 蛇蛇,一个讨厌的[无情]人民共同的浮动汇率制度了。与
                                                                                  snake snake; Crafty [coldheartedness] person; Joint floating exchange rate system. With it came out

                                                                                  • 蜈蚣,甚至是危险的,但危险是其他蜜蜂的蜘蛛,蛇为什么?和 Also the centipede is dangerous and bee spider in addition as for danger although it is with something the snake With it becomes
                                                                                    • 孩子们得到良好的蜘蛛不想害怕蜘蛛532 532 The child of the person who likes the spider does not fear the spider

                                                                                  • 蝰蛇不是什么Kunaitsu没有恐惧地下defintely讨厌虫子,更
                                                                                    If the viper it is not, we do not fear at all Handle, G and the 蟲 considerably the ear

                                                                                    • 这些人不知道的蟑螂存在的文化精华,展现厌恶或三爱 As for the human who is the culture which does not know the existence of the cockroach the detestation impression is shown unless
                                                                                      • 什者,“做人民要五鬼何惧”,以了解更多 This compared to “as for the person why fearing goki ” one would like to know

                                                                                    • 那么不要TTA的690湿重食物的味道不仅支撑着文化,也是重要的辨别能力,他们有好的和坏的东西对身体 690 Or ww which you ate Well the sense of taste is not sufficient ones which support culture Those which are good to the body it is the important ability to distinguish bad ones
                                                                                      • 此外,它从来没有经历蛇的恐惧,已经表明,一个敏感的进攻态势,对他们的Kera成年蛇一 To react in the same way as the adult sensitively to the snake even with 3 year old children who do not have the fear experience by the snake attack attitude The fact that it is distinguished was shown

                                                                                    • 隐藏的垃圾,他们是一群上升甲壳虫善于五鬼沙沙在移动平均只,仿佛回到了那将是令人厌恶的生物Wareru来罢工 kabutomushi dry moving in like goki being proud to hide You crowd in the kitchen garbage if the living thing which strikes the time you are disliked in the same way probably will be

                                                                                      • 青蛙不敢塞青蛙是怕蛇,所以迄今蛇是一个很好的石头打剪刀,但怕塞,他为什么不赢一纸上 The slug fears the frog The frog fears the snake It is good to here The snake fears the slug Why is Although it wins the scissors it cannot win the paper the stone Why is
                                                                                        • 为什么不接触青蛙和乌龟我咬Tokanai专业化或只是很少或完全安全Shimahebi NULL

                                                                                      • (加上一个体面的宏萨基)所以虫“你是害怕本身对象 Plus approximately size Then the ro where the insect” itself is object what of fear
                                                                                        • (加上一个体面的宏萨基)“虫”你是害怕本身对象 NULL

                                                                                      研究 開発