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“Capital young people regulations, the regulation of open characteristic description it is proper”, “how this regulating, in the net radical picture inundation”…The Yomiuri Shimbun Company


  • 12日东京都议会全体会议◆/ 15(星期三)13:00,开放的到达顺序在招待会门票从12号楼二楼分布(186份)外住院期间。如果他们有这个画廊是免费入场门票信息→
    * The Tokyo national assembly plenary assembly 12/15 (water) 13 o'clock the opening of a meeting, from 12 o'clock at acceptance of the Diet building 2 floors in first-come order admission ticket (186) distribution. Hearing guide -> If only the admission ticket it is, halfway admission leaving is free

    • 18 +件wwwwwwwwwwww Warosu

      • 608与该行,因为所有的障碍,培养自力更生的向日
        608 There are even times when all OK obstructs independent cultivation

        • Akudaikan老毒贩与正义的事业,右边距u003d 582是不透明的,如腐蚀Etigoya秋田,
          582 The opacity the bad local magistrate of former times and the Akita of the vice merchant = Echigo house way Rots the edge just occurs the [ro

          • Aniwota消灭w的一个是泪填充的眼睛说了出来。美国和在额头和抗日报纸锅是无声的狐狸 1 While aniwota wiping tear eye shelf w With you say In the United States the eyebrow as for the nabetsune newspaper of counter day say nothing
            • Aniwota消灭w的一个是泪填充的眼睛说了出来。美国和在额头和抗日报纸锅是无声的狐狸 1 While aniwota wiping tear eye shelf w With you say In the United States the eyebrow as for the nabetsune newspaper of counter day say nothing

          • Erubeki会考虑的假设信息,孩子的教育会看到所有 As for information with the prerequisite that education of the child the te which is seen entirely you put away It should think
            • 我假设你逃跑为什么政府 The fact that government drives recklessly with something is prerequisite what

          • Golgo 13横山三国志或法规或...
            Yokoyama Sangokushi and [gorugo] 13 regulation?…

            • NULL With mentioning punishment law ru sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse similar behavior Or between the next of kins who marriage are prohibited The sexual intercourse which you can put Or you praise sexual intercourse similar behavior unjustly and or exaggerate The way to describe and to obstruct the formation of the healthy judgment ability regarding the characteristic of the young people or by expressing the young people Those which is a possibility of obstructing healthy growth Flat four regulations 19 flat 13 regulations three 〇 part amendment Omission If they are creative ones setting of the age place is free and overhead age in the first place the world where value standard differs completely When it makes the stage it is probably will be
              • )和性接触年轻Shiku刑法或类似行为近亲性交Shiku青年类似性行为是禁止结婚,或不是来赞美过于夸张,描绘或代表,葛干扰了完善的决策能力有关青少年性行为,内衣泳装,可能有害于青少年的健康发展形成?但是我能怎么做 With mentioning punishment law ru sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse similar behavior Or between the next of kins who marriage are prohibited The sexual intercourse which you can put Or you praise sexual intercourse similar behavior unjustly and or exaggerate The way to describe and to obstruct the formation of the healthy judgment ability regarding the characteristic of the young people or by expressing the young people Those which is a possibility of obstructing healthy growth Flat four regulations 19 flat 13 regulations three 〇 part amendment Omission If they are creative ones setting of the age place is free and overhead age in the first place the world where value standard differs completely When it makes the stage it is probably will be
              • ),并Shiku年轻他妈的触及刑法的行为一样是或性交Shiku年轻性,禁止近亲结婚是一种行为类似性交,或不公平的,夸大表扬,或描绘通过,阻碍了正确的决定锗对年轻人,特别是那些代表权问题能力的形成有没有对有害青少年健康成长 With the sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse similar behavior which is mentioned punishment law or Way praise the sexual intercourse or sexual intercourse similar behavior in between the next of kins who marriage are prohibited unjustly and or exaggerate To describe and to obstruct the formation of the healthy judgment ability regarding the characteristic of the young people or by expressing healthy growth of the young people Those which is a possibility of obstructing Especially the ro which is not problem and is

            • ーーKimowota不反对侵略的春宫秀Kimowota我们调节中学女生
              Regulating secondary [ero], protect the girls from the hand of the demon of [kimowota] [kimowota] It is it is - to be,

              • 一个月万元的成本,至少需要 1 000 000 catches in lowest being in the cost 1 months
                • 顺便说一下,一万线仅一个月 By the way in 1 months 1 000 000 the last line

              • 一个杂乱的监管反对派和亲调控的结果
                It is distinction of group of objectors to regulation group of supporters, the result regulates

                • 上帝的私生子,在身体上,因为有巨大的生活技能,不幸的是,Bokaseru The God way because my raw child is an absurd life ability it can gradate on the body of the unhappiness
                  • 私生子的人,生活是凄惨的,因为在这之后,孩子们很难 Therefore as for my raw child of the human after that life misery it is hard in the child

                • 交易与高中浪漫即使是有限的小偷带一个坏协议之间亲吻和偷盗
                  Limits any which handle the romantic love of the high school student to kiss Also those which handle theft such as thief group are useless

                  • 但是孩子做Janakattaro 463本杂志吗?你可能会调整,直到该杂志已落在我们身后一名年轻男子Desubeki青年杂志
                    463 So it should do in the boy magazine the [ro] which is not? It should be the youth magazine With the shade it may be regulated to the youth magazine, is

                    • 例如,没有任何科学证据表明危害(茹是不可能取得证据),因为他或诉讼谈论一个新的转基因交流,例如只有它到底食品吗?也相同 For example there is no scientific basis which shows danger that basis is obtained was impossible from saying Completely the new gene recombination food advancing it mentions The same as that

                      • 凋落物质量扑民主早稻田岩田弘庆应义塾大屠杀的残暴正常水平,以隐瞒或试图要强调的庆应义塾儿童石原慎太郎,自民党秘书长立即解除有一个犯罪已经诞生,以谋杀罪都知事石原慎太郎咆哮收集一堆谁就会是愚蠢的自杀并没有注意到照片匍匐
                        As for the democracy hitting is low as for the brain group homicide university Waseda celebration 應 mass rubbish of non human level the child with the celebration 應 The [ze] which is the offender group which in order it conceals Sintarou's Ishihara Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General filth absolutely, raises, homicide to do is born Ishihara Sintarou capital governor filth collection & kneeling on the ground photograph Notifying, as for the fool who commits suicide it is not

                        • 厕所涂鸦世界日报(以统一教会)圣响北海道新闻报纸读卖新闻Asahishinbun Mainitishinbun东体育馆Gendai(以创价学会)┿━━━━┿━━━━┿━━━━┿━━━━┝ Mi 8型彡88┥━━━━┿━━━━ Scribbling the toilet Worldwide daily report standardized association affiliation The Hokkaido newspaper Asahi newspaper Everyday the newspaper East supo Gene die di The Yomiuri Shimbun Company Saintly teaching newspaper Soka academic society affiliation ┝ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┿ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┥ 88 彡 mi 8

                          • 另外,我现在正在评估和艺术的。本人was ll受到批评?换句话说,未来可能不会来的工作进行监管,可能是一个艺术作品 After now artistic being appraised the ru and hanging It is criticized it is the ze which is In other words in the future the work which can become the artistic work being regulated there is a possibility of stopping coming out
                            • 情色谋杀,当然也可能不再是画,只有刑事,无论是从解决不了问题,因为该条例的严格监管,即使我不敢说它 Unless as for ero there is a possibility also homicide and crime behavior stopping being able to draw of course now it is Speaking when therefore regulations you do not understand whether with it is regulated is strengthened

                          • 可以很容易地通过立法来保护后一成立的人权条例的执行这样一个简单的理由和暴力
                            Being such an easy, when it justifies rough regulations enforcement Also the protection of fundamental human rights bill simply approves and is formed

                            • 叶德娴愚弄我们,它的姿态Bininariyagatte叶德娴
                              That flatters to posture and it becomes flattery and [tsu] [te] [aho

                              • 在新的妇女民意时说,他们将中央公论放置在便利店
                                When you call the central public theory new corporation, woman public theory is put in [konbini

                                • 如果您不维护的权力基础,以支持该条例的通过,我不对赢得下次大选都议
                                  Unless support from the support parent is maintained through regulations, the [ro] because it cannot win the next capital parliamentary election,

                                  • 寻找受害者,你将结束第一Kimowota
                                    [kimowota] damage as for receiving 1st the [tsu] lever which probably is last

                                    • 市公立高中和初中反对派还家教
                                      Furthermore as for public junior high school of capital and PTA group of public high school opposite standpoint

                                      • 市条例的修订是正确的只看到未满18岁的出售意愿不希望有人认为另一个邪恶的?我感觉不好或做了很多的早,那么确定子敏叩承诺做不劳而获石原慎太郎 As for capital regulations amendment you think that it is not bad separately but It sells you show under 18 years old just becoming the ro Relationship or Something Ishihara and our people are hit less did in the past many air but Characteristic komi it is worst
                                        • 市条例,不仅是销售给18岁以下的人看我希望我不希望到另一年的邪恶?我感觉不好或做了很多的早,那么确定子敏叩承诺做不劳而获石原慎太郎 You think that capital regulations it is not bad separately but It sells you show under 18 years old just becoming the ro Relationship or Something Ishihara and our people are hit less did in the past many air but Characteristic komi it is worst

                                      • 我不认为任何效果调节,就像米奈Mangawota瓦特成人漫画杂志的唯一办法控制的女孩如果你要保护未成年人而不是客观的? Only mangawota everyone it will be lawful age comically regulating however you think that there is no effect w On the other hand we would like to make young people protective purpose if is when for the girl it regulates the magazine
                                        • Chimae自定义控件中国成为刚刚好,我去沙英镑 It is good already selfishly margin Just we like regulating in China the refuse before the tsu chi

                                      • 我也看到了吧付款方式同人志Kurimuso的...
                                        The member magazine of [kurimuso] ゙ [n] you see and supply [a]…

                                        • 我喜欢漫画,漫画书在书店到处不再阅读,开始编号 Don t you think as for cartoon and the comic book becoming not be able to browse the bookstore of any the ru
                                          • 不只是漫画书和游戏727 727 There is no just cartoon and a game

                                        • 我喜欢红色Ntsukyouso绝对的邪恶被认为是从执法排除伦理道德教育
                                          Nitukiyou would like to unite, [aka] causes and removing morality and ethics from education, it is public power absolute bad idea

                                          • 我的原始Manaita条例,防止性虐待的受害者茂木,孩子们可以评估“,以跟 Sexual abuse to the child is prevented the victim You say you can appraise with regulations because you do not bear ”
                                            • 我的原始Manaita条例,防止性虐待的受害者茂木,孩子们可以评估“,以跟 Sexual abuse to the child is prevented the victim You say you can appraise with regulations because you do not bear ”

                                          • 我认为这是一个正确的决定,我之前没有他们会笑你笑你的例子是不爱国?不要再这样下去我喜欢梅鲁人类法律不承认他的Shiin你喜欢被剥夺自由,任何国家的囊艺术家 When it is the non citizen the laughing wa laugh It is not thought that it is the judgment where your that is correct Such a although the country takes the freedom of the writer is equal it is The human who cannot make at all recognizes such a law don t you think it is the e
                                            • 我不认为这是一个决定,他们是在你正确的吗?不要再这样下去我喜欢梅鲁人类法律不承认他的Shiin你喜欢被剥夺自由,任何国家的囊艺术家 It is not thought that it is the judgment where your that is correct Such a although the country takes the freedom of the writer is equal it is The human who cannot make at all recognizes such a law don t you think it is the e

                                          • 或系列的报知新闻社月刊读卖巨人,但有一个新的中央公论
                                            That it is the Yomiuri series, monthly Giants of the information newspaper publishing company, as for the magazine of the central public theory new corporation however it is

                                            • 春天青年小人物(笑)当修正案是可怕的,但是这一次他们产经新闻现在扩大到所有年龄茹变得更加模糊不存在严重的Meta including ll拉由读卖新闻诱导误导如PTA和宗教群体“的原则,由卫生狂热的社会,”我仍然认为感情
                                              The non existence young people of the spring (laughing) at the time of amendment plan the product sutra was terrible, but This time the Yomiuri misleading induction is terrible Non existence the pulling [tsu] was included, but furthermore it reaches the point where it can expand to all age ambiguously, As for those you called PTA and the sect “Mania trust healthy social actualization principle person” The oven which sun/size chests three is thought still

                                              • 条例的修订,以加强健康发展,规范东京青年18岁以下者由第15届东京都议会全体会议上获得通过,销售,离及格的观点

                                                • 梅鲁和要求源不是太粗糙,因为我到159瓦特绫Hazime Nizuーーー,健康发展的条例是在东京的青年1964年,不应该有这样的事 159 The source which is not too rough is sought with w From 1964 in young people healthy rearing regulations of Tokyo zu Therefore one sentence which has entered there is no expectation of being such a thing
                                                  • 梅鲁源159和要求,并不是因为阿亚Hazime瓦特我不得不把从1964年的青少年健康成长条例Nizuーーー东京的应该没有 159 The source which is not sought with w From 1964 in young people healthy rearing regulations of Tokyo zu Therefore one sentence which has entered there is no expectation of being such a thing

                                                • 此地带条例表面元素将包括贸易,尽管害怕,我认为该法案获得通过时,她的措辞可以控制前伸展 As for the latest regulations as for the zoning redeingu aspect as for the element which is included although it is When it expands interprets the front it can regulate and it thinks that it is the fearfulness where regulations plan of chi ya u wording is formed

                                                  • 此外,P是一个小城市的公共学校参加家长会,文京区,世田谷区,足立区,荒川区,目黑区,Hinohara村,大岛(Ōshimachō)Koudushima(村Koudushima)Hatizyouzima(镇Hatizyou)志摩信(新岛)是一个组织,只猴子
                                                    Furthermore as for capital small P participates the public small school PTA which, Bunkyo Ku, Setagaya Ku, Adachi Ku, the Arakawa Ku and Meguro Ku, 檜 field village, Oshima (Oshima Cho), Kouzu Shima (Kouzu Shimamura), Hachijo Jima (eight height towns), Niizima (new Shimamura) It is the basket organization that only it is,

                                                    • 此外,我与家长同意本质上是一个小城市,我只是P
                                                      After, any PTA [tsu] [te] it is approved are just substantial capital small P,

                                                      • 没有高自我规管,而更可能松动或而不是由政府干预 With you say or on the other hand the possibility self restriction becoming loose is higher with the intervention of administration it is it is not
                                                        • 有多高是没有可能松动而不是由政府规章或干预,而 With you say or on the other hand the possibility regulation becoming loose is higher with the intervention of administration it is it is not
                                                        • 有没有政府的干预也走出了电视上的乳房了 It stops being able to put out otsupai with the television there is no reason which has the intervention of administration

                                                      • 法或儿童色情?淫秽什么?
                                                        Child pornographic method? 淫 line?

                                                        • 消费者的PC游戏,游戏,成人产业不仅是特定的人,我很喜欢动画片不是预行或自我调节,没有任何意义,因为没有选择,因为净我不是自我本身的重量清洗?翻译表示你要解除或不正确的路线,这就是一个单独的问题,我 Consumer game and PC Gaea as for adult industry self restriction completed Just cartoon animation dividing special it does not go to reason don t you think because it could not be prudent could not self purify it is helpless don t you think Because there is a net there is no meaning Therefore with saying the ro which does not go to the meaning which it shoots and is that and this the wa which is the problem which becomes independent
                                                          • 由于有526个行业自律的时候,行政法规和不需要 526 Because industry independence it had regulated as for the regulation which is by administration there is no necessity

                                                        • 照片Ntsuseki 弯腰略有动摇奥巴马皇后 Publishing the photograph where red day… obama president shakes hands to Her Majesty the Empress a little in leaning forward attitude
                                                          • 一张照片的手握手姿势异常通常是皇帝奥巴马 Publishing the photograph where metamorphosis… obama president shakes hands to His Majesty the Emperor usually with posture

                                                        • 现在不是合适的时间隐藏在风暴Uikirikusu看过他们的信息 Now being uikirikusu disturbance as recognized information The ro which is not the times when it hides and is
                                                          • 在coming ll的规章所藏有我的348 348 Hiding You explaining tsu te by your the ru it is

                                                        • 现在,我不是说茹那么至少能逃脱其他规例可说他们把尽可能多的标签 Saying attaching temporary with a lot of it keeps being possible also to regulate With how much it is designed in such a way that it can do the dodge it is
                                                          • 偶数通道2“的规定,他们写了许多不道德的”, Don t you think 2 “because immoral entry is many it can regulate” even the ru

                                                        • 现在,正如我们在态度或任何修正案任意当局透过它看到我用什么手段,鄂很强的不信任感 With using any expedient as now seen you remember the very strong distrust whether 恣 mind attitude of the administration person whom it tries probably to pass through reform plan
                                                          • 现在,正如我们在态度或任何修正案任意当局透过它看到我用什么手段,鄂很强的不信任感 With using any expedient as now seen you remember the very strong distrust whether 恣 mind attitude of the administration person whom it tries probably to pass through reform plan

                                                        • 现在,青少年在网上下载色情电影容易 The current junior high and high school students have downloaded adult animated picture simply with the net and
                                                          • 我也认出那是我,你在社会上孤立的成人内容 As for that adult ones being separated being recognized even socially from ru thing the ru

                                                        • 由于这是第一次提交的修订建议,如出版业向东京都政府,“对表达自由的侵犯”,“漫画文化削弱”到下一个相位相反和艾达 First amendment plan being submitted by the Metropolitan Assembly later from publication industry and the like That “it atrophies “the infringement cartoon culture to freedom of expression”” and so on opposition followed one another

                                                          • 盖伊落入数字和数据自以为是的理想主义是从一个毫无意义
                                                            Because as for the number and the data there is no meaning in the person who falls to self-righteousness ideal theory

                                                            • 穆卡调节自己的孩子阅读色情漫画?穆噢嗒不仅要严格阅读色情漫画?和儿童,现在已经或正在我不知道怎么Wota? Because the child reads ero cartoon it regulates There is no harboring which regulates wota which reads ero cartoon Or now being with the child wota tsu lever

                                                              • 网规例第495个国家496一个月已经是不可能解除禁令不应该你是一个日本的马赛克。这是一个立场,即他们赤脚根?瓦特我很少读给萧条,但它是流行 496 In one country being impossible it does net regulation the yo When is the shelf where also Japan should rescind the mosaic Already it is unreasonable 495 Large The gene of the naked foot was put w So that popularity it was Until it becomes ragged it is read
                                                                • 你在等待决定做的主要互联网法规 1 As for next net regulation is done being decided and the ro which is the ru
                                                                • 网规例第495个国家496一个月已经是不可能解除禁令不应该你是一个日本的马赛克。这是一个立场,即他们赤脚根?瓦特我很少读给萧条,但它是流行 496 In one country being impossible it does net regulation the yo When is the shelf where also Japan should rescind the mosaic Already it is unreasonable 495 Large The gene of the naked foot was put w So that popularity it was Until it becomes ragged it is read

                                                              • 认为是正义的,而不是规则,代表了爱好的味道,我会尽量扒窃非哇塞永恒案 Being hobby idea it is not to make right of expression regulation regulations it will fit right and fault it isn t
                                                                • 而不是在永恒的口味和利益,我会尽量扒窃非哇塞永恒案 It is not to make right with hobby idea it will fit right and fault it isn t

                                                              • 该法案,把这些漫画成人节,指出在不到18岁的不卖,无意禁止出版 Amendment plan makes such cartoon the adult corner does not make sell under 18 years old With the contents which are said there is no gist which prohibits the publication

                                                                • 读卖周刊,也已被放置以及便利店已经停业读卖新闻PC m,不得不暂停出版的杂志今年相扑
                                                                  Yomiuri weekly and YOMIURI which have also the [konbini] putting PC not only it has already suspended publication, The grand sumo tournament of the sumo wrestling magazine this year suspended publication

                                                                  • 读卖新闻UpStage手机的吉尼斯认证的骗子,他们增加了水的循环
                                                                    Yomiuri which inflation lie being attached, Guinness recognizes the circulation greatly so

                                                                    • 赞美的规例,以强奸和乱伦的描述完全一致
                                                                      Regulation of the description which to the last praises rape and near relation incest

                                                                      • 还规定了一个出版物销售,但在网上是一种性的影像充斥暴力 1 How sale of the publication being regulated the picture of radical characteristic description is inundated on the net
                                                                        • 即使无论怎样规范了出版物的销售上了网,是一种性的影像充斥暴力 gt How sale of the publication being regulated the picture of radical characteristic description is inundated on the net
                                                                        • 甚至销售的出版物受到限制,但在网上是一种性的影像充斥暴力 How sale of the publication being regulated the picture of radical characteristic description is inundated on the net

                                                                      • 这是什么问题?与这样一个禁忌和权力,以及对原漫画常识,我已经开发出一种装置,可以做豆腐,打破他们的呢? Something is problem what Originally as for cartoon vis a vis such taboo and power and good sense It developed by the fact that the device is elaborated it breaks to some wind it is
                                                                        • 我觉得动画片和漫画,下鳕鱼会各自茹,但它就是力量 Thinking as cartoon and animation the cod next come to by yourself that is power

                                                                      • 远的愤怒是政治家,我的东京都知事
                                                                        Those where we can be upset to here are Tokyo governor and the politicians

                                                                        • 重申了“正确的汽车街宣说:”这个问题的本质 - 日本 - 是的,泡菜泡菜
                                                                          You reconfirm essence of “town declaration car right wing” To be and be, the kim chee kim chee

                                                                          • 问题也进行了测试的情况下作为一个正义的问题,如这个暂时的,“这是一个伸展过度管制”似乎心事重重的区别一样,我不会失败,抽象理论
                                                                            The thing plan the latest way temporarily being made questions as problem of administration of justice test, To in order to begin and end “the fear like abstract theory of the excessive regulation due to enlargement interpretation”, the [wa] which becomes disqualification not to be wrong

                                                                            • (但是,R18的是考虑到在城市铁路委员会),这一法案,我能够被逃跑寻求私人机构的批准,他说, Even then capital forcing voting at commission 18 prohibition it was designated The story that without obtaining the approval of the private association it tried the latest regulations plan to be able to drive recklessly
                                                                              • (但是,R18的是考虑到在城市铁路佣金),本条例是为了让你逃跑寻求私人机构的批准,他说, Even then capital forcing voting at commission 18 prohibition it was designated The story that without obtaining the approval of the private association it tried the latest regulations plan to be able to drive recklessly

                                                                            • )8布鲁诺 布鲁诺8 ヾ 8 no no DREPT 8
                                                                              • 367 378它最初做 367 378 That has done originally
                                                                              • 我想你不知道的性质512 512 Way essence it is not understood the shelf
                                                                              • 我相信,我被教导的权利,从 So because it is taught so it believes it is
                                                                              • 谢谢51( ω ) 51 sankusu Ω

                                                                            研究 開発