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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

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'pixiv' deleting “TOKYO” from the copyright! Tokyo which keeps being disliked


  • 353日本东京,从这个意义上,我在日本,东京,日本东京后出来之前,这是太多了
    353 TOKYO JAPAN Therefore so, Tokyo [tsu] [te] semantic what which is Japan, when you remove TOKYO, JAPAN It is natural to come off,

    • 487这是一个小人,这是不够的,因为作为一个分区分区意见Komikereberu青年杂志我会一点,因为我应该是在谈无年龄限制18 +杂志智Itokitsui男孩说该杂志青年杂志

      • 63个美国人,这样的内容,内容淫秽,残暴描写过多,捆绑,他们绘制的公然性,Wareme(单线)和“绘图淫秽”,是因为感人的法律因此,没有 NULL
        • 我没有什么道德的美国人在63 63 Morality how it is not in the American

      • Ekupatto 531(基督教原教旨主义组织“基督的。矫风会”,即假冒非营利组),教堂(商法和神圣的灵感贩运梅鲁吨孙明博月亮机构的建议),我们在后面有蠢我也同意什么是创价学会的组织,主要是这两个家伙会也有类似的心态,这些信徒或追随者,他们已对这一做法也有利于监管少,但我认为(·ω·)
        531 Eku Pat (Christianity principle principle group “Christ. The NPO group which 矯 wind meeting” has disguised) Unification church (The sentence clearness of advice is revered God Trade in human life Group of inspiration commercial law) As for having wriggled with the latest reverse side however also these two group kana Soka academic societies think are approved with mainly Also less have done ones probably are this believer party or these believers and the party where mentality has been similar with regulation approval ( Ω)

        • Fuzake喜欢你是因为房子被监管已成为现在预订
          Even the book was in the house Soon becoming, the [ro] which is regulation or the [huzake] [te] [ru

          • Golgo 13仍然在中学时我读的书没有?我添加了一本书,没有R18的角落? Furthermore even then As for gorugo 13 the junior high school student as for reading being the books which is not good Being the books which it should you thrust to 18 prohibited corners
            • 我开始订购谁已被禁止Golgo 18? gorugo becoming 18 prohibition someone is troubled it is

          • [众议员]平泽Katsuei表决自民党“外交普选的问题,”杀佛的欺诈! [03 / 24]──新公明党,愿意给的理由为它投票将被视为
            Assemblyman Katue Liberal Democratic Party Hirasawa [butsuta] cuts the deceptive characteristic of “foreign carrot administration problem”! [03/24] ─ ─ Komeito, doing to there, the reason which is enthusiastic to denizenship grant is thought something, probably will be

            • _NULL_
              Uni- clo TSUTAYA Book off Asics Corporation Hirohumi hall book store Giraffe beer Itoh garden Saw TEX [sohumatsupu] Personal computer atelier Hirohumi hall book store Tokyo Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd. Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitubishi Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries [pasokonsukuru] [abiba] Plain wood house Fish people Laughing laughing Surprise donkey Superb [dotorukohi] Aoyama of coffee Cascade of care for the aged [komusa] [de] mode [izumu] avex 100 Yen shop “die/di saw” Tokyo Disneyland The Nippon Meat Packers, Inc. Takarazuka opera group Tokyo banana [sutajiojiburi] Studio Alice (photographer) It does not make the Japanese UNICEF and the like fund-raising next absolute

              • “东京”要是我能理解,“日本”,消费者有任何的例子可能是你为什么
                If “TOKYO” just it is understood, but even to “JAPAN” Will the fact that it goes out why probably be?

                • “中国”或“韩国”你会 It becomes “china” or “korea” it is the ro which is
                  • 你会发现天堂等待感到幸运待定搞笑 Strange thing what the air being attached it has been decided in the ru the ro which is

                • “你可以调节○○?”请听的人,“条例”,并表示不知道什么时候接受 “Also 0 regulating ” With will the person who is heard probably agree upon when it is said that “it regulates”
                  • 你太可憎的规管 The ro we should regulate It is too obscene

                • “就让它成为你会看到很多人互相尽可能的工作”Pixiv宗旨是阿和“,而不是其它同类中的每个”持续专业的高品质的东西要求我论坛“我觉得这种情况下,享受我们看到了照片,“因为我 “Many people will look at the mutual work as much as possible and will make the re ru way” As for Pixiv aiming “the professional place which continues to seek those whose quality is high” not to be the te “In class mutually showing picture Being agreeable in that feeling” tsu te reason which it enjoys

                  • “日本东京”因此,我则是在
                    “TOKYO JAPAN” So it was set, don't you think? it is

                    • │ ° ° ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯─(∀゚°) (°∀゚) “ ” “¯ ° 92 │ ¯ 92 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ─ ゚ ∀ ゚ lt Occasion cartridge occasion cartridge 92 92 │ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 ∩ ∧ ∧ ∩ 92 ゚ ∀ ゚ lt Occasion cartridge occasion cartridge occasion cartridge Occasion cartridge gt ゚ ∀ ゚ 92 lt 92 ” 92 ” ¯ ¯

                      • ╋━┃━╋━:┛┗┗┛━╋┏┃┓┗
                        ━ ╋ ━ ┃ ━ ╋: ┗ ┓ ┃ ┏ ╋ ━ ┛ ┗ ┗ ┛

                        • 一个共同的策略只沉浸归档恐吓人看起来软弱
                          Intimidating the person, normal 套 expedient of the person whom it souses in limpness

                          • 为了pixiv好成绩可以查看该命令或由我了吗?但我确实让行你似乎失去太多的图片,看到了一种怪异的太糟糕了 The pixiv tsu te still indicatory order it cannot make appraisal order or book mark several orders Being too unskillful becoming guro like the ru picture being too multi the air which goes to seeing vanishes it is
                            • 215不敢或不落实评价似乎令 215 Being able to meet appraisal order it is not mounted it seems

                          • 之间没有强奸罪的,你一直描绘的故事不同,被裁定为邪恶的行为了,他们都受到死刑不 In other words in story Not to be wrong rape crime was described but as for the behavior as an evildoing It is the case that it is denied is dead punishment
                            • 或“野蛮的私欲基础上谋杀行为”是不涂,因为他们是邪恶的 In other words “the murder behavior which is based on selfish desire” is the case that it is drawn as evildoing

                          • 也有应对对条例的修订东京青年的投诉明显健康发展 Somehow there being a dissatisfaction for the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan it probably is correspondence

                            • 人们现在来自国外和韩国都没有关系
                              The current Korean Korean and the crossing the sea person completely there is no relationship

                              • 什么图片和一个P -九pixiv我们有利可图? qqqqq
                                The pixiv [tsu] [te] picture p which is applied doing, it becomes the money? qqqqq

                                • 他们在SNS的苍白虚弱像我以前见过你怎么恨
                                  Such it does and the [yo] [bo] is and SNS there is some grudge young it is you who are

                                  • 你愿意,我会进入东舛添要
                                    If the extent which is inserted in east the [wa] which is inserted in Masuzoe

                                    • 例如,你在书店购买阅读漫画在火车上Munayo一百八十七瓦特 187 Buy with the bookstore w Cartoon you read by the streetcar is

                                      • 例如,你杀了猴子和蟹蟹猴首 For example whether ru in battle the beginning The monkey kills the crab

                                        • 例如,大Memashou副儿童基金会还朋友和熟人转移
                                          Even in the friend acquaintance the UNICEF vice it will convey and will spread

                                          • 副都心,必须有地下Ue的,这导致从火车站乘坐转换行 There is a sub center line there in addition to transporting this in large quantities it changes the station From each line OK
                                            • Yurikamome线运输能力不如别人,但有效 The lily rub movement capability it is inferior to other things but even then validity

                                          • 即使是从石原慎太郎自民党,自民党派系卡通监管和叛徒的钱,你要改变这个国家的稻草闪烁
                                            Also Sintarou Ishihara doing from the Liberal Democratic Party graduate, the Liberal Democratic Party cartoon regulation group ruins the country The traitor and the strange straw it is the [ro] which is

                                            • 原来我是无损检测版权以往只要我日本东京
                                              In the first place until now with something TOKYO The JAPAN how copyright you are inserting it is

                                              • 图像共享服务条例的修订影响到东京[健康发展pixiv(pixiv)]从版权符号青少年“日本东京”看来,消费伊塔
                                                In the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan influence illustration joint ownership service 'pixiv ([pikushibu])' from copyright inscription “TOKYO JAPAN” It seems that goes out

                                                • 在iPhone看,我离开了日本东京
                                                  When you see with iPhone, TOKYO JAPAN remains

                                                  • 城市公交车,交通动员活塞,所以我会以凄喷码机会说我可以运行一个无声的地方 你可以坐出租车或转让就没有Comiket肯定的是,很多地方就难以茹 With Tokyo Metropolitan bus service general mobilization piston transport The taxi saying nothing you say that it runs also the te to the meeting place It is tremendous don t you think certain and others…… When komike moves is gone or The various place probably will be troubled
                                                    • Comiket,我没有,不要移动位置很快 komike unless the place is moved gradually probably is unreasonable
                                                    • 以前,一个代表有解除comiket不买航空母舰和故事中的代表是花了米泽Tteta钓鱼嘴说 Former times American 澤 representation and with news item Purchasing the aircraft carrier komike doing there Doing to fish directly calls representation the ro
                                                    • 行善Comiket同时Ijan 328 328 If it makes simultaneous occurring frequently komike it is good it is

                                                  • 基督教也有利于麻生促进而不是正确的信仰为基础的法规和128个左右
                                                    128 The [ro] where are not Usa and are religion system Aso which is regulation promotion group the Christian

                                                    • 如果你想抗议日本日本东京以外在一起是因为我应该离开消失的权利,只是进出东京 If we would like to remove TOKYO because of protest as for JAPAN with the expectation which leaves Because we would like to turn off JAPAN you just removed also TOKYO together the ro
                                                      • 开始的版权,但我想一说,日本东京 1 In the first place copyright TOKYO The JAPAN te entering ru one…

                                                    • 如果神奈川,不用担心交通住宿,没有太多的食品有 If Kanagawa the accommodations and traffic flight and worry or the food it is many
                                                      • 只要有一个可怕的住宿设施数量在东京 The accommodations there is a quantity where also just the inside of capital is enormous and

                                                    • 对宗教团体的最终目标would m回好了,所有被驱逐性
                                                      Well ultimate goal of the sect of the back probably is exile what of all sexual expressions, but

                                                      • 就个人而言,购买图书了,如果你不想鄂的孩子不过是一个美丽就在那儿,但我认为,我认为我们已超过20年对他好 Privately only clean ones we would like to show to the child to there if is Already 20 years old or more it should have made to be able to buy the book it is the kana which is not However with you think don t you think
                                                        • 他们似乎在孩子看书我,我将不得不购买成人 As for the child when you have the adult buy read the book saying with feeling

                                                      • 就因为我穿的,不佩戴217获得了良好的图纸绘制工作,“仿瓦特Iidaro工作很好,我觉得你真的是很好,如果有需求在模仿 217 Drawing with work the ru it is not to be drawing with the te lover therefore the ru it is with saying The ro w which is good “even with imitation and is If well and there is a demand with work whether it is to call it is not with imitation also however you think
                                                        • 你还穿着仿制Iidaro被穿着很好,你不利用工作,工作二一七瓦特嗯,我想你会非常好,如果有需求的仿画 217 Drawing with work the ru it is not to be drawing with the te lover therefore the ru it is with saying The ro w which is good “even with imitation and is If well and there is a demand with work whether it is to call it is not with imitation also however you think

                                                      • 当然,平泽等许多成员都在日本朝鲜人的权力基础创价学会,都意味着对选举的案件将梅鲁强大坚实的基础
                                                        Hirasawa Naturally, because the resident Cori un member is many in Soka academic society of the support parent, the meaning being agreeable, for the sake of the election basis is set is strong, probably will be

                                                        • 我会步行帕奇菲科哈马囧无论哪种方式,即使我狭窄 Whether pashihuiko … from hammer station walking… orz To either one the narrow wa
                                                          • 然后太窄33超级竞技场 33 The super arena it is too narrow

                                                        • 我只想说叛徒230枝
                                                          230 The traitor [tsu] [te] just we would like to say jy

                                                          • 我只是三天在夏季220号 220 Well even summer is just 3 days

                                                            • 我太晃忠大或幕张我的地方,是严重的,将出售,甚至开放鄂增加用户的公共交通还412 Nanotsu Uhauha Comike,对酒店及有无公司的OTA在当地餐馆怪胎,一个真正的无无以湿重 412 Furthermore also the transportation increases the user and it can sell also the branch store This meeting place how Makuhari which maji it is possible it is too large don t you think Honesty uhauha riding with komike and being ota enterprise in without the te The ro which is the eating house and the hotel of local end well well truly ww
                                                              • 23事实上,只有两个最大的大小或大阪,现在的场地可以容纳幕张Comiket我离开的时候,他们将有明 3减少 23 Actually when the daybreak it is expelled komike there is only meeting place how Makuhari or the Osaka rank which can be held Furthermore in 2 3 of current scale reduction

                                                            • 我相信东京→琦玉,札幌,新泻,名古屋,大阪,像Hukuoka Certainly Tokyo gt occasion cartridge Sapporo Niigata Nagoya Osaka and Fukuoka likely
                                                              • 204,是不是还有别的事情要团结人,我新泻 204 Well don t you think what other than that the ro which is Niigata how

                                                            • 我说了我什么样的家伙疯狂盗版的“丛林蛇,”我很抱歉,我叫
                                                              The party of the infringement of copyright stripe chestnut says what Such “and the [bu] snake” [tsu] [te] you say, it is probably will be

                                                              • 据称敢于形成健康的文化是在东京文化上瓦特非平凡即使无味,无嗅毒片
                                                                In just Tokyo tries forming with healthy culture, w Is not either the fragment of the poison tasteless odorless trivial culture

                                                                • 整个城市的酒店都客满最后孙先Comike
                                                                  As for the hotel of the various parts inside capital, as for [komike] preceding day first full the room

                                                                  • 是不是狗屎做全世界,但仅知然“东京”〜如果你只知道有关法规,如果删除的水平太低,东京

                                                                    • 最近成为暴力的描写,基本上说,以拳男孩杂志之间的东西我在跳的差异囊中,现在无法序列紧我从来没有自我调节 Basically recently description became radical the mistake As for the boy magazine self restriction becoming hard the ru Current jump something it can serialize the fist of the great bear absolutely and is
                                                                      • 日本小学可爱的偶像,但罚款的,孩子的性别整个杂志 As for the Japanese elementary school student although everything is learned from minute ero of the boy magazine

                                                                    • 有大量的fanzine上出售,如果董事会56 56 If member magazine spot sale meeting it is a lot of

                                                                      • 横滨站位于步行距离之内,而从地面浩纪伊 It is rather large from the meeting place to have the Yokohama station on walking inside
                                                                        • 就像我有一个从品川站仅几步之遥有明 It seems that from the daybreak is the Shinagawa station on walking inside it is

                                                                      • 此外,这些图片在东京pixiv Roriero,因为他可能是从公司消失 Whether such roriero also the picture is turned off from pixiv Because the company is Tokyo in the reason which is said
                                                                        • 暴力不是小说或色情的感觉那家伙的故事一瞥 Suddenly being the violence novel tsu te person whom you see and is not the ero novel tsu te feeling

                                                                      • 然后再Comiket新泻,水户,琦玉,松户,幕张,会使用所有的港未来哦!国民经济的激活应该Maware为一年罗斯场地!哦,在东京的自由 The ze which already as for komike Niigata Mito and occasion the cartridge Matsudo Makuhari you will see as everyone and the leprosy you probably will use entirely rote doing the meeting place each one year if entire country it turns in domestic economic activation The a there is no Tokyo with

                                                                        • 的MX -电视14ch现在这样在东京都议会广播
                                                                          Metropolitan Assembly broadcast doing with MX-TV of 14ch, [ru] now

                                                                          • 石原新的大选中落败,听吧!公民的方式把目光移开Kareru的健康发展产生不利条例修正案去年在东京青年(略)也是一个严重的出版商逃离东京
                                                                            New Hearing Ishihara capital governor selection defeat! The Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment of last year influences badness The [so] [tsu] [po] you face in the citizen of Tokyo (Omission) also escaping from Tokyo of the publisher is serious

                                                                            • 经济衰退时期,石免费活动,除了每年两次我有规模Comiket经济的影响 This depression the event which is the economic result of scale of age and komike every year there are no 2 how other things and
                                                                              • 其实,真理,在那里你知道多少经济效益 Actually we would like to know whether the true place there is which extent economic result don t you think

                                                                            • 该条例的修订12月15日在东京向青少年健康发展的通道,说这可能是由多数投票通过将公布至今拒绝
                                                                              Approval and rejection of the Tokyo young people healthy rearing regulations amendment plan are announced on December 15th, you say but that may be a possibility of being approved for the present at approval large number,

                                                                              • 说实话,而不是禁止Janashi Tatte regulations ll对我有希望了381线到东京Hairan Because honesty it did not enter into Tokyo we want keeping coming out 381 The regulation tsu passing there is no reason which becomes departure prohibition
                                                                                • 寇宏381或382 NULL
                                                                                • 说实话,而不是禁止Janashi Tatte regulations ll对我有希望了181线到东京Hairan Because honesty it did not enter into Tokyo we want keeping coming out 381 The regulation tsu passing there is no reason which becomes departure prohibition

                                                                              • 这对学校管理的专业书籍的问题161 NULL
                                                                                • 您是不是也发生了什么实验か管理信息给予鄂 When the information which it gives is managed having done even with the experiment how it becomes

                                                                              • 这将是无尽的根Ranobe漫画和动画这将是无知的东京都议 M也相信,在我们在这次经济衰退是做什么的限制都一样 Don t you think Tokyo and capital discussion probably are recognition and insufficient Member and cartoon and animation and ranobe as for source all same what Regulation what you think in this depression it is

                                                                                • ( )问Geru因为它利用其对□Pixiv起始编号自己网站的关心,但我会使用(或不关心东京瓦特在这种情况下是没有任何瓦特细则 A q □ Therefore our sight you start trouble Pixiv using however the ru To W which does not become aware As for Tokyo in this case there is no relationship don t you think it is w
                                                                                  • ( )问564□(恩戴我做它来选择图片中画着是敏感的手机游戏公司到W A q □ 564 To Choosing the drawing coming where the portable Gaea company is delicate that doing ru w

                                                                                • (三)pixiv日本琦玉(三)pixiv日本神奈川(三)日本千叶pixiv你想要哪一个?
                                                                                  (C) pixiv SAITAMA JAPAN (C) pixiv KANAGAWA JAPAN (C) pixiv CHIBA JAPAN Either one is good?

                                                                                  研究 開発