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  • - 。── - ,R的一个)⌒ヽ〆───∠¯ ¯ ¯ \ _ _ 001 \孩子ー中国中乙,乙\ヽ,\房车 - 。,我/ {{ヽ,默认情况下,\ Ÿ诺诺\ {默认{\ヽ 菜单_
    . - ─ ─ - , r ' ) ∠ ─ ─ ─ REPT SIME ⌒ ¯ ¯ ¯ \ _ _ r , \ - It does with the Chinese Chinese child . [i] [i] \ REPT \ rv -, DREPT [i] /{ { REPT [to], \ Y [nono] \ { . [to] {\ REPT ' , [me] _ _ \ } ⌒ REPT } To HKRPT | [hi]) \ [i]. HKDRT \ REPT - No // = No [to], '. - No ///\/ / \ /. { HKRPT / [re]// } Y ' \ /¯ ¯ `REPT : { REPT REPT ⌒ > / [re] & TT [a] ⌒ >, _ \ /. i /[he] \ REPT \: V { \ └ ' / . [i]/ /ll | /≦ _ _ } ; | ! | /_ _. x [to], L and _ [to]}: … V { > - ┬ | / ! . [ino] | | | / ¯ ¯ ¯ / ; | ! [he] c [mori] l [mo]! oV It is what? [ri] & [i] | /: | l _ | ' ' ' | | | | _/ ; | ! | . [to] r [tsu] [tsu] | . | : That person, it is who? /{{ | | = = = | | | | _ _/ ' No 斗 [ya] f [te] `Y [tomi] REPT /It does, | | | | = = / // | /. [i] / {[tomito] v | ' ' HKRPT } [nono]: l }: / REPT REPT l = = | / / l : /[i] { HKRPT. Vr-[heto], ! [ha] / [i] \ \ = | /// | ! | Y ⌒ ' [mi] {DREPT = ' | /[i] | < ≧ - [mi] DREPT | // [to] REPT Person | ! /\ : \ \ \ > ∠, /\ `' ┬ ' Toe ' ' REPT : \ \ SIME [ha] HKRPT _/ \ : /{ | | . | = ' ' } :

    • ...,这项协议是“有些人认为他们有一个新的和遗憾,做了许多人的日本爱好者意外的行为感到惊讶
      … That one it was taken”, if the person who does the thinking which is vexatious it is, The person who is surprised to the unexpected conduct of the Japanese mania it was many

      • 832 Tyuugoku好了,你被教导的线路我们是在中国和日本的同类过滤?瓦特 832 China the filtering which is similar to China even in Japan being done being taught the ru ru w
        • 832哎呀,不,我不知道该怎么做 832 Whether the te how it corresponds at all it is from the wa

      • Yanoko到您的版本Tenanmon麻袋警长(Amayasu的地方),我介绍了她的军事最佳影片机枪和坦克或节奏的孩子?
        As the [ya] saw version of [gani] sergeant The Tien An Men child (it is easy sweetly Angle is dense) With paste of military large encyclopedia tank or machine gun There is no animated picture which it has introduced?

        • _NULL_

          • “日本民众有一些人觉得,为了中华民族傻瓜 ” And as for the Japanese the person who feels that the Chinese is made foolish it is in

            • “日本鬼子”的Guguruto,但我要很多人的性格萌拉瓦特 gu accomplice and sprouting kiyara the large quantity are caught with the “Japanese ogre child” but it is w

              • “青年参考”在这被张贴到网络上发表言论将被载入中国人民矮人
                With “youth reference”, the comment which the Chinese people contribute to the net was placed

                • 世博会期间,为了参加由日本馆Anisonaidoru组织的活动,动画迷都有点中Nakunakatta只是企图驾驶飞机一路
                  At the time of the Shanghai international exposition, it had been about to run in order to participate in the event of [anisonaidoru] which has at the Japanese mansion, specially by the airplane Either the Chinese animation fans were not few

                  • 二三瓦特爱媛迈肯迈肯和歌山地方,我有过,但是Himeko石川
                    23 Wakayama tangerine Ehime tangerine w But Ishikawa child princess how place name it met, it is

                    • 互联网在日本的“运动萌萌”在前面,给迷茫中寻找野人(惊讶)采取了,而不是无奈
                      In Japanese Internet, “it sprouts and sprouts and before, the Chinese mania astonishment (oh the [ke]) is taken the maneuvers,” there is no either smut [be

                      • 人机界面的处理手法佐贺柏迪二三瓦特
                        23 Saga treatment human ゙ [su] w

                        • 可我摇的差距,这个孩子我WWW的中国中国
                          The [ri] which the Chinese Chinese child how slips and sows it is, cousin www

                          • 哈尔滨,像剑,或神凉宫很明显,他来到受欢迎的人物,尽管
                            The wicked God saber or cool shrine Haerbang the reason which popularity comes out unanticipated it puts out,

                            • 在这个运动中,如果我做的中国政府鳕公开侮辱日本恩戴汉字火盾我没有钱“上,日本也开始之前,数来侮辱你:我很生气他妈的爱国者wwww“运气和相当抗日。但也许纯煽Tteta萌] [所以,我来到台湾人民也有利于时报记者从英国新音乐不伸手从中国政府的鬼子,日本中国爱国者日本,如果你发现成一个真正的男人纳入这个动作我真的很罕见
                              In at this movement, [kiyara] where the Japanese insults the Chinese openly making, cod Chinese government thinks that the gold shield it did not move, Is with “the [ho] and others [ho] and others, the Japanese increases you insulting, Get angry stand up patriot wwww” on the other hand anti-Japanese luck. Fanning, don't you think? it is high So it is pure, 'it sprouts and therefore', it cannot interfere the Chinese government or the Chinese patriot the Japanese ogre child Because it is pleasant, the Taiwanese and the English human times reporter approaching, if the air is attached, being taken in by the Japanese, the [ru] At this movement is enormous truly It is not provoked in fanning [netouyo], the individual route penetrates and the [wa] which is the people wise men in the [ru] Japanese ogre child

                              • 如果在大陆现在(甚至内部)不是共产党国家?
                                If from the country which is the current continent don't you think? also in (also in) -?

                                • 小日本!小日本!小日本!AAAA级哦胡扯我梳各种Yooooooo万维网取消该事件或损失Anisonaidoru华...如果我得到同样的人囧和
                                  Small Japan! Small Japan! Small Japan! The [za] well [a] [a] [a] [a] [a] www Obtaining huh Whether event discontinuance of [anisonaidoru] [chi] [tsu] paragraph [yo] [o] [o] orz With The identical person doing, cod [warosu

                                  • 岩井岛没有好或一个孩子?什么样的形象是完美的...
                                    Simako Iwai being useless? But image exact what…

                                    • 恶魔“...我有一个真正的萌乱舞另外,在此失败,水手们淹没... ...船开始下沉,我说,如果你问老师玲子鹿岛他去世也中我最与邪恶的果实生长...这似乎值得佛...哈哈“
                                      The ogre child “to tell the truth also the between of… this sprouts and fails in scattering and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] [te], as for the crew drowns as for… boats sinks… Though if you have Kashima Reiko of the master say, also the Chinese dying becomes of evildoing of this person the end… It is, the French way virtue so… [hahaha]”

                                      • 我画埃塔约一个月更换 - 该月的结果,我没有真正研究公司和政府机构
                                        Approximately, however the search result was repainted in one month, enterprise and the Government agency which are researched as expected how it is not

                                        • 我说一定要画的画,甚至Kudaro腋下,假装pixiv分数茂木稼的故事
                                          News item it does to shake and the time also the score income of [ya] [pikushibu] draws becoming, saying, the [ro] which you draw and is

                                          • 支持。 Miha读该死的“你的牛信浓”我
                                            Support. Domesticated fowl and animals raw You read “, Don't you think? [chi] [ku]”

                                            • 无论如何,那件衣服是必不可少的中国
                                              Temporarily, the China dress the necessary shelf

                                              • 日本Monaku令人惊讶的是鄂根强认为,从古代的行业卢姆角色扮演恶魔流行,因为外国人的不仅是感情的恐惧
                                                When of the ram popularity whose [kosupure] industry is deep-rooted is thought not to be unexpected thing To be in Japan, to be able to do, because from there was also a feeling which is not just fear in the ogre which is the stranger

                                                • 更多的华人,我想这样做意味着大约Hukumoto画太郎
                                                  As for the Chinese one, by all means we would like to have doing in such as picture Taro or Fukumoto

                                                  • 温达785青森县和北海道有认为这是一个浪漫〜
                                                    785 As for Aomori and Hokkaido you think that it is phase thought mutual love, but it is, -

                                                    • 现在的心情是威胁我们的关系,我们Kitsuketa叩漫画宅男“萌”的效果,这不是那么多的挑战
                                                      Relationship of both countries was accustomed to hitting now of serious mood, the Japanese cartoon mania, “it sprouted and” with there was no that much effect in the challenge condition which is said

                                                      • 癌症Gareyo你在日本鬼子的人家伙,我不是中国逐渐意识到“在我看来,什么什么的生活更轻松日本酷”在中国,我洗脑
                                                        People in the Japanese ogre child Cancer [re] Although the bean jam cod and the Chinese are not conscious, “the Japanese people growing gradually, something pleasantly so The super COOL” [tsu] [te] Chinese it has brainwashed, it is and with

                                                        • 简直是荒谬! “现在,”一会儿。支那的孩子“我认为一些人留下茹担心我会做的性质,即在 It is ridiculous at all ” This time “in That it seems that also the person who is worried whether it is not to make to kiyara support 那 child” stays
                                                          • 我接到了支那全面的反应! The support 那 reacting in earnest the ru
                                                          • 简直是荒谬! “现在,”一会儿。支那的孩子“我认为一些人留下茹担心我会做的性质,即在 It is ridiculous at all ” This time “in That it seems that also the person who is worried whether it is not to make to kiyara support 那 child” stays

                                                        • 而日本人喜欢小日本鬼子820,你已去信攒够了标语牌和横幅,我不会画画
                                                          820 The Japanese ogre child and small Japan likely, writing on the placard and the banner, when we ask, drawing

                                                          • 请Arigatagari如天上贬损从中国长期的启示,只有不断Busayo抗日活动,请相信我可能会不感兴趣 It is and as though disrespectful name from the support 那 it is revelation of the heaven wishes Also busayo which continues anti Japanese activity you do not think funny probably will be

                                                            • 那么,即使吸盘洞,没有什么是正确的瓦特
                                                              The [ro] where well, there is even a hole and the [ya], is not relationship and is w

                                                              • 里面。支那孩子被踩死的屁股让你做一只兔子,我为我自己做日亚? In As for the support 那 child by your making and suffocates the tsu te rabbit are with the rear end with to do the yo
                                                                • 里面。支那孩子想请你自己日亚 In As for the support 那 child making and the tsu te by yourself

                                                              • 魔鬼Metara故障,甚至指称支那画一个孩子,是啊哎悄然消失
                                                                Drawing the support 那 child, when it can be entwined with the ogre child, without being observed the shelf which may go out

                                                                • 鸵鸟的声音...关注的俱乐部,我想我觉得我宁愿要我[不要按!就像]?
                                                                  Voice…… [tsu] [te] of fear On the other hand making, desiring, the [ru] way you are moved, but it is Ostrich club 'you push, is! ' Even like it is?

                                                                  • ##Mpj mynippon##lovejapan尖阁
                                                                    # mpj # lovejapan # mynippon # senkaku

                                                                    • (编辑结论:原广子美)日本鬼子我做的视频我新秦字符莫伊(Ry的前中国的反应2010年1★[确定]母鸡/ 12 / 19(星期日)22:17:25
                                                                      (End Compilation charge: Yuuko Maibara) [sachina] Animated picture Japanese ogre child [tsu] [te] sprouting [kiyara] making, (ry The Chinese reaction compilation Front [sure] * 1 2010/12/19 (day) 22: 17: 25

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