“The resident under it is noisy! The gas sending!” 61 year old men, 1 years spending, hole penetration to under the floor. The gas it sends with the gas hose…Tokyo
890可能会更安全,如果案件终于得到deems m包括非诚基房屋河内也许只是更多的噪音问题的联合覆盖,认为自己本来有可能在数麻烦物凄在我离开的合同,我不知道回家的居民接受一个担心,这是一个Idzure 890
In case of at this incident perhaps
The number of troubles is tremendous and
Originally the one which you think that there was no noise problem itself,
Whether it is good Simply off base in apartment-house
It probably is safe to think that the complications 込 it is the [ji] it waited,
Contract remaining, the [re], returning to this house of sooner or later, the wax which you wrapped
As for resident fear shelf
921 - Syakai]女生用坦克吨相撞死亡15→红灯时 - 从警方→平驾驶摩托车该死... 3★Oosaka [Syakai - 战斗打到六年级女生自行车故意喝醉男大学生Oosaka突击逮捕附 921
While woman Takao, motorcycle driving -> escaping from the patrol car with no hell, to collide to [tankurori] of the ignoring a traffic light -> 15 tons, death… Osaka * 3
The boy university student becomes intoxicated and throws the bicycle to the small 6 girls purposely and acquires connection assault Arrest Osaka
Edo ll不再闪烁气质恩戴新东京元征收从顶部向底部全国各地将举办 896
Because the Tokyoite the quarrel [tsu] is quick, it does not do such a stingy thing
As for the Tokyoite already collapsing, as for current Tokyo from with respect to entire country to under the new Tokyo disposition which is gathered
Waru体积较小的振动传输也悄悄地度过每天晚上我去给您的低音炮,通过粘贴在天花板上的超重低音还是不听,但请注意在五月蝿家伙设计你自己独特的佛经从地板Waru转移,但只有当我睡你睡在我房间里ü之间微小的差异 The person above being noisy, noting, you do not hear, because
[sabuuha] sticking to the ceiling, when super every night it keeps applying your silent sutra the [te] you did heavily, it became quiet
Volume being small, because it is transmitted with the vibration, sleeping, just at the time of the [ru] the special specification where the sutra is transmitted from the floor
If by his sleeps at the room which is different, you do not understand at all
[东京] 921,“我们应该拓宽,”只有每天12谁使用图书馆的馆藏图书90000全部都议会[东京],“因为我曾在前面的人行电梯,你会在头部罢工或“因袭击送货员送货产经新闻读卖新闻[东京]在与对面行车线一辆的士相撞摩托车转向被捕,自行车驾驶Obira男子死亡 - 神奈川县”,这是一个很好的安全见过相等,因为我接受这一点,说:“超过10 Etara接受的情况下夜间值班”力 921
“We should open widely” Collection of books 90,000 volume 1 daily mean user of the Metropolitan Assembly library which is complete 12 people who pass
Because first “it went with the elevator, coming to the head, you beat” Arresting the product sutra newspaper delivery man who assaults to the delivery member of the Yomiuri Shimbun Company
Is in the midst of turning in the opposition lane the motorcycle to collide to the taxi which, the man of motorcycle driving death Kodaira
In order “for public order to be good, in order to show, that it accepts is, you say it is equal” When the incident acceptance 10 case which is in the midst of nighttime being on duty it exceeds, “forcing overtime work” Prefectural police Atsugi station
Letter of “Kanagawa prefectural police” was acquired to the body. White in bi- net auction company president of exhibition (51) prosecution postponement… Yokohama area inspection
The woman pupil and the small school teacher who repeated kiss disciplinary dismissal Yokosuka
★“我来不是睡在我头上”振荡气体立即注意到楼下的地板电动钻洞(74),如甲酸注意我包含的气体,派出所龟有房子,楼下的公寓岁的男子公寓气体。在泄漏的行为,葛饰区,东京天鹅,一名出租车司机,川田稔先生(61)被逮捕 You could not sleep “with the vibration and came to the head” The city gas you pour under the apartment floor with the electromotive drill on the floor the hole Apartment jobless man under floor 74 That doing as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department turtle possession station the gas e g the city gas was poured into the house Leaking out With flagrant delict actual suspect the Tokyo Katsushika Ku swan taxi driver and Kawada 61 it arrested
★“我来不是睡在我头上”振荡气体立即注意到楼下的公寓,因为我甲酸注意包括气体公寓楼下电钻在地板洞,警方龟有加油站。在泄漏的行为,葛饰区,东京天鹅,一名出租车司机,川田稔先生(61)被逮捕 You could not sleep “with the vibration and came to the head” The city gas you pour under the apartment floor with the electromotive drill on the floor the hole Apartment jobless man under floor 74 That doing as for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department turtle possession station the gas e g the city gas was poured into the house Leaking out With flagrant delict actual suspect the Tokyo Katsushika Ku swan taxi driver and Kawada 61 it arrested
在被捕的11分钟,20时11至40分钟左右犯罪嫌疑人今年19岁的男子在楼下(74),我试图捕捉甲酸家注气 Arrest suspicion 19th 11 20 AM from same 11 40 the jobless man around and under the floor 74 That it has done e g the city gas was poured into the house
下午约在凌晨三点,他认为远远低于928时,我从开始踢我很惊讶我确实讨厌门,这里是从工作返回时TTA的睡眠Gottsu与警察在你面前大声我很暴力,而我经常被比娜尖叫ー关在出门前的号召,我总共约40倍 928
Person under inside such feeling
When about 3 of night o'clock, the door of we room starting kicking, the [wa] which is surprised as expected
Because it is noisy, the [tsu] [te], as for this sleeping, the [ru] [tsu]
When returning from work, while the [se] which can before the inside - the [tsu] [te] shouting raging, also [ru] thing is good
You saying noisily
As for the police about 40 times calling with total, the [ru
下午约在早上,我,我住二是类似于楼下的房间,我疯了著名Tokoro杆穿在天花板锤从下面谁的类型可以睡在任何地方叩英镑什么的,做Shikato他是不是正确的,但根据德塔在我面前,双方居民的人,我将是一个伟大的方式,我会行的公寓管理公司溢出,而我们把它拔出不愉快等同于底部疯狂的投诉量我说,不能由起始编号螨是不是疯了撤退 Living that it is similar to also the room under inside, the [ru] [wa]
About 2 of night o'clock, from under the hammer DOS DOS hitting the ceiling with something, the [ru]
Even at neighborhood famous [kichigai]
However as for we you sleep anywhere and therefore [re] [ru] type, [shikato] you have done
So the person who is not probably is serious
By the way has lived before the we also the person
The person of the neighborhoods under, being harassed by [kichigai] under, keeping moving, the [ru]
Complaint of the suitable quantity to the management company of the apartment saying, the [ru], yet as for [kichigai] under has not become the evacuation
东京,神奈川案件] [Syakai大阪,千叶,崎玉案件题跋[大阪] [] []神秘的崎玉 As for Tokyo and Kanagawa incident
As for the Osaka Chiba Saitama incident
井先生是下一个良好的相位川田与邻国的麻烦,并调整所有的警察“不能在晚上睡在人民造成震动,也浮现在脑海中”已引述 Suspect Kawada calls that trouble of neighborhood was sequential “the person under causes in investigation of the same station You cannot sleep with the vibration coming to the head” that you have testified either the night
什么进入火灾调查后,从每一个角落贝鲁的口气,我觉得它找到了裸眼井位仍 Investigation entering after the fire to that, because you inspect to every nook and cranny, you think that also the mark which bored the hole is found
他们住在公寓里,因为我早就下楼请在21或居民不使用例如厕所我说,包不仅想蝙蝠 With the apartment which former times has lived, 21 o'clock the rest room please do not use later the [tsu] [te] strangely dearly you cannot think the resident under the floor which is said, the head
你为什么不都去外面调整在房间里的声音,他跑到隔壁think Dosudosudondoko Tteta创新废物近他的房间二年发现他的房间在后来瓦特的一楼左,左投诉该公司称它再也无法控制的声音,除非他们绝对Tsukitome瓦特 Thinks [dosudosudondoko] that nearly 2 years directly it is the left next room of our room, the sound which is run around
Going to outside the room, when it tries inspecting, for the first time our room being the left edge of the floor clarification w
When after that pinpointing the sound source securely, at the management company complaint w which it becomes unable to say
你抬起你的手大声出来了鳄鱼在市区兔笼基地基本上Waru更换有利于业主亲自到喧闹的人都在统一的情感世界许多鳄鱼病重资本的奴隶Goimu约礼金魔法鳄鱼存款收益 When basically noisy off base comes with the rabbit hutch of the city
Already, the despairing alligator, in the world of capital slave [goimu] the sickness of integrated feeling the many alligator
The human who is made noisy being favorable for the expert
The person inserts and about substitutes the alligator which makes a profit at the caution money reward
你来我不奇怪的声音从房间交响乐团住房 There are times when it echoes from the sound tsu te unexpected room of the multiple dwelling house
你来我不奇怪的声音从房间交响乐团住房 There are times when it echoes from the sound tsu te unexpected room of the multiple dwelling house
关东大地震,关东人现在认为我来吧粪Bakka As for Kanto human droppings [tsu]?
Kanto large earthquake disaster speaking now, densely you think
即使在移动时听到的噪音超过楼上跑来跑去这样想Dosudosudondoko Tteta创新废物近两年来我的房间在楼上,这是首次发现,倾斜的时间,因为它肯定瓦特投诉该公司称它再也无法控制的声音,除非他们Tsukitome瓦特 Thinks [dosudosudondoko] that nearly 2 years directly it is the upper floor of our room, the sound which is run around
After the upper floor moves, when being audible, for the first time being on tilt clarification w
When after that pinpointing the sound source securely, at the management company complaint w which it becomes unable to say
即使我不作任何沉闷或很少,即使在生活中非常坚定的开出886每日clomp Busakappuru蜜月只要孩子们说我带着Vietnam ll越南之前,拉它的居民如果没有奇怪的脚步声 886
With the making which will be been inside rather secure the child residence is on being present, although rarely [dosun] it is the making which is not said,
The resident before moving, when current newly-married [busakatsupuru] crossed over, simply everyday the [dosundosun] footstep there is no fragment
和一个旅游884“定期噪音”却表示反对这种情况下的无效火车声是不是很有效 884
Vis-a-vis “periodic noise” such as travelling sound of the train but validity, in this case excessively it is not effective
大声和周围的冷元Hotobori我说一次,向我抱怨现在越来越强烈Ttara字,有一个回应,我将在那里与当地居民交谈直接,后静它要么 One time saying, and becoming noisy the time where the [ho] and the [bo] [ri] cool down, when this time it is complaint to strengthening,
Then the resident being able to point to story directly, to receive and the [ma] inhale and there be answer, after that it became quiet
头怪胎我什么,只是一个疯老头TTA的呢?我真的wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww疯头疯只是TTA的Wossan呢?为什么我只是头怪物wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww TTA的Wossan疯狂呢?什么wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww于Nikki TTA的疯老头只是像这头疯了吗? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww The head deviating, with something, such just [otsusan] which deviates? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The head deviating, truly, such only [wotsusan] which deviates it is? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The head deviating, only [wotsusan] which why, such deviates it is? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
The head deviating, with something, such only [otsusan] which deviates it is? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
如果小学,阿达的名字是由球决定的纳粹 If the elementary school student, nickname is decided at Nazis, the shelf
如果没有效果,但坚持到纸张传单和管理公司的投诉 However the leaflet and the pasting paper of complaint it had doing at the management company, there is no effect
小罐子八百七十二瓦特 872
Just a little pot w
引起震动,钱是在晚上睡觉甚至没有在74年? The kind of vibration where in the night you cannot sleep 74 years old the combining which is caused?
当我还是一个对毒品的团伙成员被嘈杂,没想到 When the top is violence 団員, it was noisy
The stimulant being popular, you think,
我打破了,天花板,当我确实罢了933茹 933 As expected the fire break out doing from the ceiling board whether the cod bare ru
我提出这样的滋扰条例处置他,对不对大声的家伙的声音谁能够想到例如,如果 How thinking, the [ro] where the sound which it is dense puts out is noisier and is
Such annoyance the regulations which deal with the person we want making
我无法进入气体比空气轻的计算这是一个非常有趣的想法,如果它的工作,但太糟糕,如果瓦特丙烷 But serious funny idea The city gas being lighter than the air it did not enter in calculation w If the propane although you said well don t you think it was regrettable
918液化石油气或天然气是不那么容易火 918 City gas and LPG do not become simply such a fire
我无法进入气体比空气轻的计算这是一个非常有趣的想法,如果它的工作,但太糟糕,如果瓦特丙烷 But serious funny idea The city gas being lighter than the air it did not enter in calculation w If the propane although you said well don t you think it was regrettable
我相信别人对我来说是甜蜜的疯狂哎案件增加的伤亡长到邻居,而且之间的冲突,因为我相信很多人都有严重的,如果我想爆炸...和Zotsu和 Trouble of the neighboring inhabitant developing, the case which becomes killing and wounding instructions increasing, the [ru]
By his to be sweet the harsh human becoming many in others, whether there is also a [ru] consequence
But, exploding, when you think as cod…, it makes [zotsu
本身,我将Wareru 883和问题是不是我是主,噪声,但后来被发射,也是,我希望通过我从没有一个多余的Warenai说我什么方向去面对它与我们认为这真的生气了说到好东西,他可以清晰明确的投诉,他出 883 We itself is to call separately We occurring it does Simply that in being doubted whether the noise main thing there is no we The stomach passes Actually so being thought the te Facing the surface because it is not said the wa which is excessive Complaint also the person who is put out being the person say clearly time potato…
我喜欢883投诉,更好地说,在TTA的权利,不害怕 883 As for such without fearing the one which complaint you said properly is better
楼上的那家伙出去一年,持续,使得新举措 Accompanying moving newly, 1 years does not have, the floor with respect to inside and keeps coming out
注井有一个塑料软管连接到厨房的煤气炉 In gas cookstove of kitchen The city gas was poured with the vinyl hose which it connected
深度二氧化碳或一张床。从某种意义上讲什么好榜样,而不是取代的氮?但日本关东921,大阪是王国牛差异瓦特 Sleep carbon dioxide. Replacing with nitrogen, whether the meaning where… it is not and there is a [te] it was good that?
But as for Kanto Japan, as for Osaka the 國 is different and w
温达我说我会这样子的性质江户 The Tokyoite disposition [tsu] [te] it is such, don't you think? it is
该电阻将无法例如声称,金正日老太疯狂 Because it becomes unable to withstand the claim of babaa which loses proper course
也有著名的公寓Kuremababaa Famous kuremababaa is even in the apartment inside
调整受害者的4月16日警察从家中实效天花板,发现了一个约1 5厘米洞 - The result this month the same station on 16th inspecting the ceiling reverse side of victim's house, approximately discovering the hole of 1 5 centimeters
还一致认为,在附近滋扰或书面大多Itenai家伙离开我吗? TTA的抱怨说我说我对公司妥善管理自己的房间号码和其他 Even in aren't the contract, the person who annoyance behavior is done the [tsu] [te] which retreat is wants in neighborhood, but it is and written?
The we by your you calling to the management company properly to room number of the partner, was complaint
酷61岁,独自一人在世界上,这样的生活,他是一个字节埃塔增加方便 Groovy 61 years old, horizon loneliness and [konbinibaito]
The person of such life increased
金正日对噪音的投诉,但如果普通日夜,有关房屋的任何独立生活的本质,我认为Munaraaru If the noise which loses proper course even at night and daytime but complaint ones if you live in the multiple dwelling house is patience is necessary don t you think
金正日对噪音的投诉,但如果普通日夜,有关房屋的任何独立生活的本质,我认为Munaraaru If the noise which loses proper course even at night and daytime but complaint ones if you live in the multiple dwelling house is patience is necessary don t you think
香烟Itenai气体燃烧我写,如果你没有,你可以去同一个品牌的身份呢? The gas you use with it is not written but it is When the fire break out is from the tobacco if the same brand as this person it can go it is without being
我就不用担心最好的犯罪,甚至在火势蔓延,以填补洞开砸卷烟振动钻削 The hole opening with the vibrating drill the tobacco dropping it covers the hole If only spread of fire it does not make the air don t you think complete crime