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His Majesty the Emperor, “happiness 寿” 77 years old birthday…The majesty who is the Pisces researcher, in interview [kunimasu] discovery “the achievement of kana” and others the ★3 which is praised


  • 10事实上,我穿的是党在花园里,他没有所谓的“身体”会发生的帽子,参加在身体前方双手
    10 As expected, wearing the hat with the garden party, because as for the [ru] person it is not, the generally known “substance” With the both hands having before the body, it probably is attendance

    • 498我服从陛下的身体!鱼脑区,Yurusan
      498 The body of the majesty it conforms, how! It is [atama], kana, it is loose

      • 504“因此,”是裕仁天皇的口头禅看到瓦特绫Tamotsu发布会上,走在各课题的内容,以及鲑鱼的最佳长谈六合
        504 “Oh so” the oral habit w of Emperor Showa The interview all sentence you saw, but various topic coming out, in the [ru], The topic regarding [kunimasu] is longest

        • Tteta认为,新的声音更响亮的噪音,我真的好嗓子令牌519鱼 519 The kana tsu te enormously good voice is done Being noisier you think that it is noisy voice
          • 关于鱼的道理,有没有例子只能说抱歉,如果我曾经愚蠢 In regard to kana only te gomen you can say until now to foolish
          • 我拒绝名称标记鱼393 393 The rubbish where is name to kana

        • _NULL_
          Being [ru] human who concerning under kana? Resident [chiyon] has done [ketsumochi] You attach [chiyon], adhere to attaching strangely “The way” making the Korean talent call resident [chiyon] Resident Korean, * You attach the Korea style talents, the Japanese talent foil are in attaching margin * With pressure you applied by Dentsu ↓ Young [yon], [yon] mark calling ↓ Ishihara of the aged person was called Ishihara Anti-Japanese mass communications The show biz celebrity of the Japanese of the prominent figure rages in this Kato brown and the like… (One of the reasons where Kato stops appearing in the television As for Kato the only show biz celebrity who in television program TBS is criticized “Those of the Japanese you cannot think the attitude of TBS,”) ↓ Kana in attaching margin and [ichiyamon] attaching, the resident [chiyon] operative Because you know the fearfulness of anti-Japanese power well, NHK apologizes in the swift attack * By the way, reaching the point which former times calls those which were called “His Majesty the Emperor” “the emperor” and throws away The same details * Don't you think? 2 with the [ru], to “saying that acquire the kana”, [ru], the resident [chiyon] operative This the Korean quality

          • “U是有限的机会,满足爱子,对不起,可以连接我们尚未谈”和“皇后以及其他孙子孙女都非常喜欢的爱子,”你说话
            “Also the opportunity which meets with Aiko is limited, it is regrettable, but, as for kind of being able to speak as an interchange Still it is not”, that while doing, “the empress has loved other grandchildren similar and Aiko very”, you said

            • ★皇帝,77岁生日,“老年龄的人,无论他们便宜,”国王23日,77岁的生日攻击,例如,一个在皇宫的记者招待会之前,开始编号
              * His Majesty the Emperor, the birthday of 77 years old “Old age of people, equably” His Majesty the Emperor on the 23rd, received the birthday of 77 years old, preceded this and did press conference at the Imperial Palace palace

              • 不管他们面对嘿北帝相变(笑)恩戴天将点燃风扇的噪音污染是皇帝的生日。燕丽难看了(笑)我硝酸钾,当然愚弄他们将在日本Iimasen(笑)从各种Shirabemashita
                As usual [kita] well surface shelf emperor (laughing) When it becomes the birthday of the emperor, fan club Noise pollution it causes, it is with the heaven. It became hateful, (laughing) Of course, you do not call how the foolish thing where he et. al is our performing of resident because (laughing) the varieties you inspected

                • 为了寻找这些物种的繁殖,大量国家和地方政府做,把六合庞大的科研资金,大学和研究机构,并为科卡尼不同生境,可以共存于同一湖泊水位六合渔获介绍,因为它是五倍左右汝We m可以说1.3湖鳟
                  In order searches and/or the kind to improve such kind, as for the country and the self-governing community attaching the enormous research expenditure to the university and the research facility, with [ru] reason Because [himemasu] because biocycle is different, it can coexist [kunimasu], in the same lake surface Even in the same lake with [kunimasu] introduction the fish catch is possible to about 1.3 - 5 times because with, being said, the [ru

                  • 为了我们的爱子第三年是不可能作出三月以来学习院小学的正规学校今年是“中遇到的问题不僵硬悬崖认为他们是担心,”
                    From the March this year in Gakushuin elementary course Usual attending school has become impossible concerning 3rd grade Aiko which “unexpected problem happening, Worried it is”

                    • 什么是皇帝坤鱼最喜欢的会是一个为我们,我们的儿子的近岁的马可克惹瓦特候选人是个长一点
                      As for the majesty kana probably will be favorite what w Already, if the year was a little close, it became son-in-law candidacy of the 眞 child, probably will be

                      • 他们继续谈生物多样性有关,因为我已经清楚地解释为鱼类学者对学术质量六合,瓦特确实,充分理解了作为第一执政
                        Following to story concerning living thing diversification year, about [kunimasu] To be understood it is explained easily, therefore it is, as expected scholar w As a scholar of the Pisces, most it is recognized well that power is being inserted,

                        • 公鱼有在处理事情的字符是由媒体和一个伟大的职业,你赞扬你的声音对我的丑鱼儿童彩色:所谓朝廷的土豆,就这样
                          Child of scurvy [sakana] Color [monokiyara] it was done to handle in the mass communications, as for kana That the large success that was done, it is called in the court and it receives the voice which is praising from the emperor, end

                          • 六合仍然活着,但没有大规模生物学是一个相当专业的课题研究Okkina?
                            After all existence verification of [kunimasu] the [te] in biology is fairly well large not to be the special researcher being the topic?

                            • 六合是用于大规模525被卖给了绝对的优质食品 525 Because as for kunimasu former times it was the high class food it can sell absolutely
                              • 525啊,是啊,我学到了 525 So it is what the wa which becomes study

                            • 可是这个人很可能会低于普通快乐,笑在脸上TTA的Doya超级鱼令牌瓦特
                              But the person under was normally delightfully so, but w which kana laughs with the super [doya] face

                              • 合作社协会Toukyou帽子向陛下要创建一个副本的帽子该联盟的集体努力,以提升戈
                                As for cooperative Tokyo hat association Listing the aggregate power of union Replica of that hat is drawn up, Presents to the majesty

                                • 因为政客是愚蠢的,我在你心中拠日与日本天皇住 Therefore politician fool The fact that His Majesty the Emperor staying in Japan is the foundation of heart
                                  • 但现在我说皇帝507 507 So also current emperor says

                                • 在今年的事件时指出,群众是淡水鱼六合发现已经灭绝
                                  In the occurrence of these 1 years, it refers [kunimasu] of the fresh water fish which is assumed that it exterminated, being discovered

                                  • 在这次新闻发布会的问题是一个象征英国的修改我的鱼 With the case of this majesty again the kana reporter interviewing the shelf
                                    • 在一次记者招待会三年生日 As for press conference in case of birthday after 3 years

                                  • 奇迹鱼(你的U)和U我呼吁奥肯?
                                    1 Fish of miracle (fish) The fish [te] it called kana?

                                    • 威胁要叫警察,因为它是533
                                      533 Because you were threatened, it informed to the police

                                      • 宫内神道,研究的性质,因为他常与上帝的所有事情,我们觉得特别性质,可能是河内识字Hukashi
                                        As for the emperor house being thought that with shintoism, God resides in natural all things, the [ru] Whether in research of the empty natural world the especially knowledge is deep

                                        • 对于我们家族的王子“皇冠公主生病了,所以,例如,回答你的差额扣除Etaku我们认为,”为恢复健康,“我喜欢挂请求的心,比什么zukai”照顾和TTA的
                                          Concerning the Crown Prince family because “crown princess is the sickness, we would like to refrain the fact that we answer think” “That you try in healthier recovery than what, you have asked”, that you worried

                                          • 对于陛下,他说在你的心都疼了我走来的故事,你会听的大规模灭绝是自己老六合,我们认为这是漂亮的主题 Personally a story that former times kunimasu probably will be exterminates To you hearing because it are heart that it hurt For the majesty thinking that well enough they were topics
                                            • 498陛下,和不远处的权利,是太大了围栏,但感觉像瓦特 498 The ro w which the majesty is too much even about frank and is So you are loved
                                            • 505 超坤TTA的Doya笑在脸上,当谈到鱼瓦特我在你的手指名称陛下的赞美,我松了的事情会看 505 gt w which kana laughs with the super doya face That in the majesty praised with appointing when it becomes the face loosens probably will be
                                            • 万维网,这从任何方面来说,你是在对鱼类寄生虫陛下坤 www this how seeing the ro where kana lives upon to the majesty and is
                                            • 截断弱者,我不能正确皇帝 The ro which cannot truncate the weak in the majesty is

                                          • 就这样吉见仁圣诞节曼荼罗的逝世周年纪念日的今天,平成天皇
                                            When Emperor Heisei dies today, Christmas becomes deathday 嘉 benevolence so was

                                            • 帝国Shikato 468,王子Dzui Would m感觉?如果你觉得Dzui,就会发生一起,我希望他们不舒服
                                              468 [inperiarushikato], has the Crown Prince probably suspected? If you become aware, the simultaneous place, atmosphere it is bad, probably will be

                                              • 我可以肯定会面临一个非常粗略的两个表时,她的现在,如果你请皇帝死了,我们应禁止诚伊予下写的自我规管的借口约一个月
                                                When current emperor dies, 2 becoming rough very therefore certainty About 1 months the one which is made write inhibit is good with pretext of the public and self-restriction,

                                                • 我听说他们有机会向下Sarimasen会议提出下一步ü
                                                  When the opportunity which this time meets it is, hearing, increase it is?

                                                  • 我应该停止下跌声誉可能不喜欢基鲁后醍醐515
                                                    515 Rear Daigo failing likely, because reputation there is a possibility of falling, the one which it stops is good

                                                    • 我很喜欢他们不受虐待裤子处下风wwww怪胎
                                                      It is under case from the abuse mania [tsu] [te] underpants, don't you think? wwww

                                                      • 我是说当你有你的陛下会议之前(这里就不讲了)“,即所以有”的习惯,他们从德国说什么呢?或收购在通常日本?
                                                        When meets to in the past majesty, however you spoke, (from this it cannot speak), “oh the [so] -” the [tsu] [te] You say oral habit from [te] German? Or you acquired normally in Japan?

                                                        • 欢迎光临喜寿例如,为了自己,“一个老人,”陛下的意思是“小耳朵远的距离,你周围的人,当你谈论读心恩戴比其他的大嗓门濒死的人依靠“,”年轻人的年龄老化,他们有很多的辛勤工作想象那珂市中症状“字,坦白TTA的 To receive the happy 寿 as for the majesty who calls itself “the one of the senior citizens” “the ear to become a little far in the person around Reading when doing story in heart as spoken with a little big voice you have asked” “in the condition due to age increase Very the imaginative present difficult thing is a large quantity in the person whose age is young” with you talked candidly
                                                          • 欢迎光临喜寿例如,为了自己,“一个老人,”陛下的意思是“小耳朵远的距离,周围的人,当我跟我们谈比其他的大嗓门无损检测的信心我喜欢“,”在青少年年龄的增长,衰老症状有很多的辛勤工作想象那珂市中“字,坦白TTA的 To receive the happy 寿 as for the majesty who calls itself “the one of the senior citizens” “the ear to become a little far in the person around Reading when doing story in heart as spoken with a little big voice you have asked” “in the condition due to age increase Very the imaginative present difficult thing is a large quantity in the person whose age is young” with you talked candidly

                                                        • 由于特有物种将在灭绝的物种的进化,也很重要ü新增鲑鱼
                                                          Therefore endemic species of expectation which exterminates, when chasing the evolution of salmon masses even, it is important

                                                          • 瘘口之前皇帝,但最近我来到我没有真正面对水肿
                                                            Don't you think? before His Majesty the Emperor however it has lost weight, recently, the face is the edema enormously being coming, the [ru

                                                            • 皇帝“( ∇ )嗯,这是我是你的王座”(什么地方我不知道这个伟大的?) His Majesty the Emperor “ the ∀ the empress it is enormous it is kana the majesty found kunimasu it is even the ♪” Her Majesty the Empress “don t you think the ∇ the wa good well that” somewhere how is enormous the oak and others
                                                              • 公鱼是一个很好的反应是对陛下虚脱的话问 Being asked concerning the word of kana and the majesty You had lain prostrate It was good reaction…
                                                              • 爱子,不连接,但也感到惊讶,当然,他的陛下,“公鱼”字,成为这个词是吹出来! Aiko there is no interchange you were surprised but Never from the word of the majesty “kana” the word which becomes springs out with…
                                                              • 陛下峡谷峡谷Kunnimasu鱼 It is kunnimasu kana kunni majesty does kunni

                                                            • 社会生活中,我不再发送?
                                                              Social life it becomes unable to send?

                                                              • 该专家称为一个愿望,我这有什么大不了 The tsu te where becomes some specialist what you say is enormous thing what

                                                                • 这是关于什么是经过另一个老人“奇耻大辱”下落不明很清楚的,并提到,请求一个现在将发送或安老人们切“夏天,我会“的演讲,你
                                                                  This summer, location obscurity of the senior citizen one after another became clear “Very regrettable thing” it refers concerning thing, “it keeps it reaching the point where you can send the old age of the people equably You have asked thing ardently”, you said

                                                                  研究 開発