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But “as for Japan, the record excellence as for character being worst, the mean person. Until it becomes the paralysis of one half of the body, the [boko] and others [re] it is non reflection”…The Chinese [buroga] ★3


  • NULL Front term WW1 WW2 the Vietnam War the Korean War and Gulf War the Russian Afghan invasion Several days ago The Iraqi war For a while before The Falkland dispute Recent times 9 11 Under this conditions with something “front term England was the leader” whether it becomes it is from the wa Russia “the leader it could rub front term ” that “as for the German front term when England the leader” inquires As for inscription of the Russian item there are no U S Soviet cold wars and being the te great game … So the Vietnamese Korean Gulf War is “front term” what …… On the other hand when this it synthesizes as for England there is no American hanger on te England “With the unique position “general secretary” leader existence of the shadow Don t you think ” something
    • 硬的情况下,上学期我被周围人取笑,人回国挨打(海湾战争) With obstinate person as for front term When you were hard on the people around you beat from everyone and were returned Gulf War

  • 上学期,但房子是采取与Japanese ll抓住权力家庭危机,这是残酷的打击排除物理
    Front term, multiplying in crisis of family, Japan took over the house, but this was removed due to merciless physical shock

    • 不过遗憾似乎并没有改善梅鲁,千野忠男坤“中国罐头鱼( u003d尖阁列岛钓鱼岛)”,开始担心 There are no circumstances which even then are regretful and change “the canned goods of the fish of the Chinese chi 釣 The Uoshima 尖 official building archipelago ” it has started making the air
      • 不过遗憾似乎并没有改善梅鲁,千野忠男坤“中国罐头鱼( u003d尖阁列岛钓鱼岛)”,开始担心 There are no circumstances which even then are regretful and change “the canned goods of the fish of the Chinese chi 釣 The Uoshima 尖 official building archipelago ” it has started making the air

    • 不过,即使我只看到了例如盗窃之间差异的答案,梅鲁可以要求道歉和赔偿不会忘记日本坤
      Furthermore, the answering which is gledged being by mistake, you do not forget that apology and compensation are requested from Japan

      • 中国饮用水童年的家是一个石头墙不仅要继续Bokko您在蒙古(长城)建什么呢?瓦特
        Juvenile age in Mongolian you continuing to make [botsuko], the stone wall (Wan Li) you probably build China in the house? w

        • 井田四周噪声,非领导人一半学校欺负。直到的罢工 As for all term being hard on around because it makes a noise from the leader One half of the body non Until it becomes state it was beaten
          • 井田四周噪声,非领导人一半学校欺负。直到的罢工 As for all term being hard on around because it makes a noise from the leader One half of the body non Until it becomes state it was beaten

        • 人格化的国家类型,但我感觉到你中华民族优秀氖41是她的日本 Don t you think the Chinese tsu te sense 41 But detailed thing as for personification conversion genre of country nihon
          • 对日本肯定的拟人化Dekinakya行是不可能的 If that does not do on Japan it is unreasonable with personification conversion to go

        • 伊拉克不能研究气体坤●泰国一定好,一般是最后一个学期前恩戴第四 Iraq It cannot study but gatai was good front term 4th had lined up into from before
          • 上学期打坤坤美,是对大脑的损害时,池塘 Japan It made plop plop front term America that time damaged the brain and became the swamp

        • 动机在于推出妒,并放弃了对日本坤声誉,获得了相当Bokotsu青少年上瘾,愚弄美国司法坤班长 The jealousy lie due to motive and you drop the reputation of the ri and Japan which are sown swindle America of justice poisoning with class chairman and the bokotsu te receive in substituting
          • 最近,英国领导人猛烈坤(伊拉克战争) Recently the leader It was done plop plop from England the Iraqi war

        • 劳资关系的德国,但坤●,在会上正式批准的不是一个类 Germany But the work person in charge proper form decision has not done at the class meeting

          • 只包括认为自己总是习惯受害者道歉和赔偿
            That by himself the victim always, to be convinced is, apology and compensation oral habit

            • 哈马将我拖走坤Susumeta Eikoku事实上,只有痛苦,身体和精神,战斗Fukkake不欺骗顾客讨剔牙刚,你只会重复负 On the contrary the hammer tsu te to put away in the drug which England was recommended falling ill the body and mind The proud fraud attacking and the quarrel which it cannot win it sprays it is defeated repeats
              • 但是,如果一个很大的讨厌的战斗这是我们在这里提出这个COM However the bo it becomes the trauma to come and quarrel is abhorred

            • 在手和无不正当手段相对正确的费用已停止努力,刻苦学习
              It has researched enthusiastically instead of stopping correct effort concerning mean expedient and omission

              • 在擦除强烈批评,他们认为他们的环境存在,仿佛陷入嫉妒和愤怒,因为我没有能力独自在K自大,但我想我会睡着的哭该 Being convinced as envying and going wild from displeasure considers criticizing from around strongly and how a k intends probably doing but Because there is no in self confidence just excessive capability now it cries and has done to fall asleep
                • 我想我必须以某种方式或相当于约八人,所以我更倾向于哭的研究入睡 How you intend probably going wild from displeasure from around but For the study priority now it cries and has done to fall asleep

              • 在政府和括号和塞批评立即推入公众安全,并悄悄地进入拍摄做了政府(天安门广场),民主活动家批评演示消失,政府授予诺贝尔和平奖唯一的批评,并在监里仍
                When the parenthesis of government criticism is done, directly it is pinpointed in public peace, is turned off gently In addition, when demonstration of government criticism is done, it is pipped, (the Tien An Men incident) As for the democracy activist which is awarded Nobel Peace Prize Government just was criticized, is inserted in the prison even now

                • 在美国前饮用被殴打在第二季度有侠义精神,它只是为了帮助英雄熊强烈劝阻 In two terms before the boko and others re ru there was a manly spirit in America helped weakness and was strong and it was the lottery ku hero
                  • 例如,可能少与朋友保持良好的密封力侠义精神 Sealing also manly spirit you refrain also the fact that it protects the companion with force employment

                • 在让我们就在这里的无限制潜艇作战147
                  147 Limitless submarine maneuvers So the [gugu] [tsu] [te] you will see

                  • 幼儿园和小学,这是一个成功者成高初中,我开始只是被忽视,往往局限于房子 The preschool small school age were record excellent but after entering into junior high school it starts being lazy It became tend to be confined to the house

                    • 当时,从被人欺负左右开始上学之前,这学期激烈的家庭虐待伊势腹部等级飙升至记得例子,在日本工作背后的欺诈和欺骗下一个分发点坤
                      As for the time you are hard on from around, the family start abusing well fiercely in revenge Front term and now term remembering the irregularities which operate the cheating and score distribution from Japan of next door with the reverse side Record zooms

                      • 当时,谁往往在杀死别人的生命,还可以淡化自己的生命
                        That time you become the slaughter person who neglects the life of oneself and the life of others tend

                        • 当然,你也可以说话的主席和互联网用户和Chankoro Kyousantou总理生病
                          Naturally, the net user of [chiyankoro] cannot either say the insult of Japan Communist Party and the head and the prime minister

                          • 我们引来了刀威胁返回学校新闻
                            Being able to show off the knife, it presses for reenrollment, but it is ridiculed

                            • 我们还成功地挽救了年轻的你已经熟悉的追随者井压力
                              The [ru] it succeeds in also the rescue of childhood friend with the spirit already to a mobster

                              • 我发现涂层或粉刷墙壁的房间里的绿色成分,这个词是什么意思,尽管解决植树
                                Meaning of word of afforestation motion does not understand and with the paints try painting the wall of your own room in green

                                • 我有一个公正不急于拥有自己的国家认同强迫症患者,因为它是人为制造
                                  Therefore the nation which was made artificially unless by his is a justice, as an identity you are ill the coercion neurosis which becomes insecure

                                  • 战斗到了最后一学期两次,鉴于英国坤损害埃塔 Front term large genka did also 2 times gave the damage because of England
                                    • 上个学期是一个战斗的领导者Kitatyousen坤 As for front term because of North Korea You quarrelled with the leader

                                  • 提供,但是,因为这是并列绳之以法,腐败是如此的头脑Barenai悬崖 However because it is bound in justice as for illegality in order there is no bare the heart per seat te it is

                                    • 普遍正义和知觉差异的寄生虫石方向向新闻界有附加在风险对他人的生活习惯 There is a habit which universal justice misunderstands the order from the parasite pushes to others with life per seat
                                      • 普遍正义和知觉差异的寄生虫石方向向新闻界有附加在风险对他人的生活习惯 There is a habit which universal justice misunderstands the order from the parasite pushes to others with life per seat

                                    • 最终发现的缺陷不买它,但是,中国昆妒,他们被殴打耀西晃坤成瘾的美国人
                                      However, that bought the Chinese jealousy and was trapped after all, the [boko] and others [re] [te] you put away in America of justice poisoning

                                      • 水岛浩跟在他脸上,并书面等
                                        The person who is written with the [do] and the face Below Mizusima [hiro

                                        • 永别了弟弟,也住在韩国被绑架洗脑打美国这样的大三倍摧毁的房子,现在所谓的返回早严重到足以请埃泰有时小突起Bikaketeiru
                                          South Korea which is the sibling of the lifelong separation which in America you are kidnapped & is brainwashed largely you quarrel the extent which three times houses is destroyed, presently in order to poke sometimes and holding down to return quickly it calls

                                          • 法轮功天安门事件四六
                                            The Tien An Men incident 64 incident Legal wheel Isao

                                            • 然而,不久之后,全国像我抢了土著人民的土地
                                              Taking the land from native people family, it is prompt country, die

                                              • 现在这是一个被动的角色,仍然有一定的影响
                                                Now it became passive character, but even then there is a fixed influence

                                                • 由于寄生虫在大脑中的重要决定,对坤Ginai美国许多不正确的决定,多数不高兴,如果你身边 America Is no more than inside the brain the parasite which is important because the judgment where it is done error is many in judgment it makes around unhappy when large portion
                                                  • 由于过度Ginai寄生昆虫的重大决策,很多决策是不正确的,如果你周围的大部分不满 Is no more than an insect the parasite which is important because the judgment where it is done error is many in judgment it makes around unhappy when large portion

                                                • 看到他们住旁边的座位,孪生兄弟,韩坤坤Kankoku停止努力模仿它,这在专家的目的是懦弱的手 Staying in the seat of next door you looked at that form the sibling of the twins Korea Korea imitating that effort is stopped toward the expert of the mean hand has aimed

                                                  • 稻叶是指中国对朝鲜人民的相同的DNA Minjoku瓦特
                                                    Korean conversion of the Chinese person is considerable As expected DNA identical [minjiyoku] w

                                                    • 第一学期的分数离职的原因,辛勤工作却迟迟没有出来之前顶级生活
                                                      One term it was behind, but diligence of nature with the saddle it did and left the record of the top

                                                      • 美国给我一个真正的贷款,你的钱是你的五黑暗,或在运输途中的邮件摧毁你的行李我试图收购TTA的逃学,而讨厌的和临时从汽车的汽油,并掏出让大斗争
                                                        American you who lend the money to tell the truth because it is the darkness gold, when it tries attending school and denying You to break the baggage which is bought with mail order while transporting, gasoline be able to make a foolish mistake from the car and/or with makeshift be harassed large quarrel

                                                        • 而进入下一个Chuugo你Risuru有呕吐和痰Bazu并行矩阵,甚至没有礼貌,他们与市民了解到
                                                          Even the public manner it has not been attached to the body e.g., [chiyuugo] you spit and/or 痰 side enter not to line up into queue,

                                                          • 自己正确,并审议了领导值得称道的典范,同学们都不敢在泰国引发第一次狂热被迫批准的自我风格类董事长
                                                            The classmates whom by his thinks, just, that there is a qualification of the leader, as for the [gatai] and fears the way of mania trust The chairman of calling class did not obtain is confirmed

                                                            • 虽然他低沉的发病精神病(左派)家庭暴力(文革)的部队在隔壁的房子(西藏),老师花了!中国不再是别人坤(“ )
                                                              Being confined, between the [ru] Psychosis emergence (the left tilt conversion) Violence within the family (the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) Next door house forcing requisition (Tibet and the like) [sensei]! China already is another person, (> <)

                                                              • 虽然日本东史郎坤耀西欺骗人回答你,我认为,一个竞争者 While the Japanese of the dupe exam paper cheating you think that it is the rival
                                                                • 日本强烈坤正义感,为我们的人民的好 Japan The justice impression to be strong the dupe

                                                              • 西藏坤Ayamare Ayamareyo什么是焊接Zaishasonomonojanaidesuka Yuugokujinnookonaikoso Kirawa到残酷志! ! ! ! !
                                                                The [chi] [yu] very the action of the dust which moves Being cruel Disliking ones It is the [za] to be, there is no plain gauze itself, is? Mistake Mistake in Tibet! ! ! ! !

                                                                • 路你赢谁的金发家伙立即尝试建立与他的门徒到一个坏榜样,为你迷你Chuugo英国
                                                                  While [chiyuugo] you who in English you make the John key makes the teacher, It confronts to the fair-hair guys whom it tries you to designate by your as the mobster and wins

                                                                  • 这是一个坏 字符是一个懦夫最坏会支那
                                                                    It is terrible this > <; As for character being worst, as for being the mean person it probably is the support 那

                                                                    • 难道你,我不会看的三假高达710输液第二次输注
                                                                      710 Gundam of the impersonator of the second decoction three decoction seeing, - it is?

                                                                      • 顺便说一句,是对整个学期的班长王国坤
                                                                        By the way, all term England It was the leader of class

                                                                        • 饮用水和父亲Kitatyousen杆Iruson●,我胜在金正日的弟弟Hazuki目前他们唯一的经济支柱为基础的工作领导革命武装,而领导阶层 North Korea Kim Il Sung who is the father and now it acquires revolutionary armament power on the basis of the preponderant guidance power of Kim Jong Il s of the older brother who works as a pillar of family is showing leadership in class
                                                                          • 尽管在心灵的日本与杆成正雄,良好的关系,梳理他的弟弟,被剥夺继承权的新内存 Kin Masao of the younger brother does not like Japan having made chummy intuition this it is new in memory to be done

                                                                        • 饮用水日本最近一个傻瓜,在观念的差异已成为作弊勉诚知道为什么好成绩 Recently swindling Japan record has become good by the fact that you cheat but when why it is capability you misunderstand
                                                                          • 成绩优异,但日本●坤,自然是最糟糕的懦夫 Japan But the record excellence as for character being worst the mean person

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