“想即使在从同事的明信片背面鄂大学受助人十年绰绰有余,由商店直接从元旦名称 ” Back of the New Year s greeting card from the colleague of the university of 10 year welfare receipt person thinking With just the direct mail from the store of the name New Year s greeting card the sufficient
“新年的卡片和他的同事在大学的受助人10年来,有足够多的从商店直接由新年名称 ” Back of the New Year s greeting card from the colleague of the university of 10 year welfare receipt person thinking With just the direct mail from the store of the name New Year s greeting card the sufficient
今天,稍TTA的人认为该公司认为今后新年 The New Year s greeting card coming from the person of today and the company the te you thought unintentionally
一个常规的基础上,不知道意义或理由,我说我们将有什么事情做,因为这是常识 From usually you do not know meaning and the reason therefore common sense with you are said and there is a ru thing don t you think
之后,作为直接邮件仍然是新年元旦详细 After that as for New Year s greeting card the beginning of the year It remains minutely as a direct mail
今年的新年来通过两个单身母亲从其他于葵 The New Year s greeting card of this year came 2 Already from the mother one Aoi Yutaka the empty
我从Zoi功能界别斯皮茨问候卡 We the New Year s greeting card came from FC of the spitz it is
我对这种做法很年轻,我在习惯 As for such a habit as for the time where we is young it was not habit
今年汝来,但只来了两个副本总是 NULL
人在社会中谁是可以接受的脚腕仍在上升浩纪伊 It is the person to whom the person who passes in society is connected after all and is large
他们有一部长片山良广和歌手山本琳达 Virtue Hiroshi Katayama general affairs phase and Yamamoto [rinda] of the singer and others are
任何下降,青年,人口出生率下降与大众媒体中的镜子件 _NULL_
任何时间与家人照片,然后我不知道数年才交换贺卡Metai停止会议,但我当然不 Although many years it does not meet certainly anymore however exchange just of the New Year s greeting card we would like to stop timing is not recognized The photograph of the rear family it is attached and how is good
但我也觉得有一个1月2日在几年前交货,法律是否是什么? NULL
嗯,在你的嘴交付他们说,如果你有时间去自行车井罐她在两个工作事 NULL
你在1000年只有20日元?我没有手机,但他们大多是,我是如何完成打印 They are 1000 Yen with 20 it passes Generally only carrying the party who does not have was to do how printing
你会不会从一个在家里打印照片扫描仪,例如他们购买更换明年也无妨 The scanner you take at the house and or buy printing and from the plug how se next year and it probably is changing
比如我认为,“打”打印是最舒服的,当我们打印骂 If now you think “your print tsu it has printed densely” time it was most pleasant
其中,甚至礼品,殡葬Hazime纳卡婚姻...它更小的需求也冠状动脉为所有各阶层 _NULL_
单亲家长与非规律的生活,因为那里的草是没有希望了贺卡照顾好,确保了现在,所有的合作伙伴是我写的大多 It lived together with the non proper celibacy parent the New Year s greeting card the difficult ku went down and because it does not start now the partner who is almost written stopped being
如果子弹来到年贺状Gotoki钉,谎言会发现一个朋友说,将Pachidashine If every New Year s greeting card it shuns with coming such a friend what it is the lie tsu pa chi die
无损检测,今年新年,你出来没有任何移动勉强帮助 This year the New Year s greeting card it came it is with without manner it starts moving astringently astringently
草不是出于对新年的麻烦祝愿老人走了那么现在几乎可以肯定的声明 The former times New Year s greeting card the difficult ku going down because it does not start now the partner who is almost written stopped being
名波樱来自她的新年!Huzioka浩,但我说这与原秀子长泽正美将佐藤Ken的朋友 The cherry tree garden New Year's greeting card it came from the common! ! ! !
Hiro Fujioka, the Hara Hideko long 澤 [ma] it is and the [tsu] does also the seeing Sato Ken and it is the [yo
嗯,他们想出的乘客或即将到来的新的名称年份的存在,即使我完全忘了,但然后删除,然后退出只有当他们认为在展望新的一年 Well if usually completely having forgotten the New Year s greeting card comes as a name you exist you remember and or however What you remember is when looking at the New Year s greeting card just and
我们公司是在几年前总统的名字,“我们不要过年”是一份文件流动,进而 As for the company inside several years ago with president name “it will stop the New Year s greeting card” the tsu te document was let flow
在826便利店,卖它给我的玫瑰 gt 826 The rose it did to sell even with konbini
也来通过与没有一个Temasen了一场沟通 Putting out also 1 or Also 1 coming increase it is
你可以做你的父母吗? Also your parents so do the yo
因为这些700多分钟内返回Reyo 700 Because you understood already return
我带着自己的Dasanai 614 614 Unless you put out by yourself it does not come
我爱你就像一个紧急616 616 At the critical moment it is important don t you think
或粉碎了很久以前的事了后 Or after the tsu it hangs more before bitterly and decreasing being
茹,没有人可能是从第一次会议 First it may meet it comes from also the person who is not and
在天堂,我在努力减少二氧化碳排放量 It is cooperative to carbon dioxide discharge quantitative controls it does
娜是一个把戏,例如我发现,例如工作或求职目标的一年级学生参加各埃泰不会经常看到埃克还在周围看看!企业是不是这年贺状Gotoki Doukou The te still around to be good the joining a company 1st year which is not visible The manufacture which designates around the engaging in life student as the target making is visible being visible It is swindled Every New Year s greeting card how it becomes like this it is there is no business with coming
一旦这是在你面前邮件贺卡,就会有一个宝贵的相反 If with the mail the New Year s greeting card becomes natural it becomes conversely valuable existence
但都不成功,工作692 692 In it does not work also being construction however
我不是从中年直TTA的骄傲被送往2 3成年人,但也是为什么有那么多麻烦,我现在也可通过 There is no pride but from middle aged we becoming the society member you sent honestly 2 3 Is Well there being a variety But being troublesome the reason
我是不是该中年直TTA的骄傲被送往230名成人和麻烦,但也是为什么有那么多好我通过 There is no pride but as for middle aged we becoming the society member you sent honestly 2 3 Is Well there being a variety But being troublesome the reason
我是从,但花了八个赛 However 8 it came it does not put out from we
我不知道这是什么? “哦,我家的儿子我真的很漂亮,为新年茶哦”,这样的感觉 也许是从ITI公司ITI的那样,“因为他还没有结婚螨”“我有一个家庭作为对于那家伙“那只能意味着什么送大家一样的,因为它是麻烦区分,但我想知道如果设计不 That probably is no what “Child tsu te truth inside it is lovely it makes the New Year s greeting card and the chi ya ” with says Is from such feeling the kana… which “The one for person who have home in the same way “the one for people with by your who perhaps as do not get married one by one yet”” Therefore distinguishing design trouble you just send everyone similarly There is no other intention however it is probably will be
我说是相当称为缠扰Ttara茹埃泰发送问候卡,由基督教解决一个女孩的公司!由于这种差异的蔑视的眼睛!当然,我不心疼贺卡送!我会怎么做这样的差异? Because the New Year s greeting card you send in the girl of the company address teaching when you said the stoker it was called Look of after scorn Being awkward of course as for the New Year s greeting card it is not sent As for such a we by mistake it is probably will be
我们销售的,看起来叱一轮比赛。你忽略忍受减薪了,包括我在内 _NULL_
我有贺卡锥线是肯定没有选择 _NULL_
我没有戴过模拟形式贺卡气味Syouwa _NULL_
我的意思是,年龄在40 JCJK re要交互任何邮件?我聊天简略,但没想到,如果他们比较容易进行交互的实时喜欢这样,只是讨厌闻到什么东西坏了或认为埃塔邮箱 The te you say or 40 years old exchange JCJK and what kind of mail it is If as for we however the kyat one time was done exchange of such real time You think that it is pleasant in that appearance but some round trip you just thought with the mail it is troublesome
我真的很年轻,我是远离新年的年轻人为什么造成至少一个主题发言,青年的罪会做任何我想要的,一直到正确的,但整体事业的父 Just the young person is what with something Actually going down entirely the ro which is ru expectation Regardless biting it puts crime to the young person At least the young person leaving from New Year s greetings as for the cause is cause of the parent the ro which
Kitara采取与人们接受贺卡是违反该条例的水平说明了花送到你真的捕捉整个石原慎太郎 When the illustration entering New Year s greeting card of the level which violates to Ishihara regulations is sent The person whom it receives is caught it is kana
贺年片送给我的,通过今年来只是一个宣传邮政 ( ö ) As for the New Year s greeting card which this year comes to we address The advertisement of the yo inside the yu just 1 were 92 the o
我穿着过年的她今年卡,于葵瓦特可能不是一件好事 From the Aoi New Year s greeting card has worn Yutaka w This year it may there be a good thing
他没有来,从新年来了,电子邮件Temasen wwwwwwwwww As for the person who the New Year s greeting card does not come also the mail coming increase it is empty wwwwwwwwww
我老化,但许多老人都703贺卡,只有年轻的人,但不正确的基调,但奇怪的新年螨 703 The aged person who the New Year s greeting card both is done becoming many with aging although the ru But just the young person still the New Year s greeting card it is correct purport don t you think it is strange
我老化,但许多老人都703贺卡,但年轻人,只有它是正确的语调很奇怪 703 The aged person who the New Year s greeting card both is done becoming many with aging although the ru But just the young person still the New Year s greeting card it is correct purport don t you think it is strange
新的一年,我期待Wasu情况是不一样的城镇或内部检测 Although the face is adjusted in inside or inside the company the same town as for the New Year s greeting card and the like there is no meaning
是一家集贺卡我从油墨,设计和设计的邮寄费用仅需要50日元,而是一个新年 As for the New Year s greeting card although with also just New Year s greeting card generation is 50 Yen Therefore with address and design printing ink and design collection necessity
我认为你有抑郁症互动鄂也增加了全职就业率 If employment ratio of the regular member it rises, you think that also exchange increases,
我需要什么邮政工作的,但为什么是黑色的?但我认为这是好的,是完全无关 As for mail storing although it is the black ink balance is construction probably necessary what with something With you thought But I completely am unrelated
托哥你今年再次是它或他们在小学(在隐私条款)地址簿,甚至是与朋友有着良好的关系,让出甚至贺卡,把它忘记得教前和冬季假期你的地址无 Address book it does not make toko where this year may not even in the small school die from viewpoint of private information protection Cannot produce with either the friend address is made to teach the forgetting chi ya either the New Year s greeting card whose relations are good uninformed before the winter vacation
Hazime马里同时交付的明信片从早上一天,我把在东京的公式,从首相开始只能驱动侃 Delivery of the New Year s greeting card started simultaneously from 1st morning also Prime Ministers 菅 ran to the starting system in Tokyo
无损检测不完全是每年一次良好的安全检查,通常一个朋友带我到那儿,贺卡,但他们写的,是一个熟悉的人会通过e mail Usual communication it is exactly good to the verification of safety of year one time of the acquaintance who is not taken it is with You write the New Year s greeting card but in the familiar person it finishes with the mail
现在我从地址簿中的工作,甚至小学(在隐私条款)也有与朋友的良好关系,不要忘记在新的Year ll也得到解决之前,教导和冬季假期 Now address book it does not make even in the small school die from viewpoint of private information protection Cannot produce with either the friend address is made to teach the forgetting chi ya either the New Year s greeting card whose relations are good uninformed before the winter vacation
新年已经由设计公司拿出一个案件,生动地真正意义上的退化工作在过去几年中击败任何地方 The New Year s greeting card design which comes from the company which has association everywhere in here several years there was a slipshod job impression and with the me tsu chi ya degenerated
你可以结婚,我鄂将增加对有孩子的新年生产 NULL
你甚至不新年色调高额利润约到邮局 Generally even post office with New Year s greeting card Large doing the ro which does not make a profit and is
如果年轻的时候,没有一个傻子贺卡 It did not start young time with the New Year s greeting card as foolish
如果是古色古香的东西不错,但看看现在,走出新的一年 It became favorite those where the New Year s greeting card is produced if it tries doing soon they are lonesome ones
我觉得我们不应该发展自己的安全,因为他在外面贺卡 Because the New Year s greeting card it put out saying you do not feel at rest and personally must keep growing you think that
新年已经由设计公司拿出一个案件,生动地真正意义上的退化工作在过去几年中击败任何地方 The New Year s greeting card design which comes from the company which has association everywhere in here several years there was a slipshod job impression and with the me tsu chi ya degenerated
目前公司拥有员工只有傻子不写这种行为将受到贺卡 The fool who cannot write either such New Year s greeting card does not have to be employed at the company
这是683,我有,让事情于新年的边缘,他们舞蹈作品存档 683 It is that is the New Year s greeting card work drops in the edge the thing where
除了贺卡都是年龄wwwwww Because they are all the age New Year s greeting card leaving wwwwww
新年是一个单纯的门面,他是一个愿望,请在周一早期一氧化氮艾希 _NULL_
新年的明信片,但只有5个Tteta买它,我没有走出了答卷 NULL
新年的明信片Tteta我刚买了,5甚至没有来单答复中 Either one did not come When it comes that the reply it probably will put out although 5 just has bought New Year s greetings post cards
有点不寻常,但我从这个趋势20 0亿TTA的新年,当我 It was popular so much from New Year s greeting card tsu te sometime it is 2 000 000 000 tsu te just a little abnormal shelves
新年(你可以在家里打印依靠承包商几乎没有任何对你的工作就是你的决定,其中马斯分钟一短样板给我花了合适的插图,更轻松,我希望新年 The New Year s greeting card you do not ask to the trader almost and can print also the te at the home and if the work partner the rule the definite form sentence and are completed with suitable illustration amount and the New Year s greeting card where am short to I may be easier
“”我的意思是,我不是一个贺年卡的形式,特别是没有意义的空 ” “In other words New Year s greeting card is the case dead forms which do not have especially meaning to my
“”是的,那就是取消空形式,贺卡,该公司说,因为毫无意义的,尤其是戒烟 ” “To be able to obtain that with dead forms abolition to stop the company internal New Year s greeting card which does not have especially meaning because you say it became uninformed
我会被从分钟我的意图新年贴在纸板自己的方式或越来越大的色调和色调稍有规模厚(约公司)邮票, Size delicately large the stamp pasting specially thick in the personally owned cardboard you send The New Year s greeting card almost the trader intention does not understand
现在您可以在家中打印,而不必依赖于承包商或马斯插图花了分钟是适当的,你的球罐头确定是否短的其他工作,或更宽松和良好的新年 Now you do not ask to the trader and can print also the te at the home and if the work partner the short definite form sentence and are completed with suitable illustration easier amount and New Year s greeting card where you are decided may be
贺年片将留给抑制印刷物排减单位,减少二氧化碳排放量的胶Garimasu The New Year s greeting card leaving becomes to hold down printing is connected to the reduction of CO2
日本的邮政储蓄或杀死会发现哇可怕的未来,而麻省理工学院的竹中平藏15年前,因为我计划 _NULL_
日本邮政将要展开新的业务领域 As for the Japanese postal services in new field business the thing shelf which advances
春节作为一个销售工具是值得的,税率低而在我们来临之际,回报关心,很少有阅读的内容,但 The value of the New Year s greeting card as a business tool it is low coming natural it returns trouble contents it is not read it puts out
贺卡被允许直到20日元一块年龄 As for being able to permit the New Year s greeting card 1 to age of 20 Yen
每天从我生活中你可以来通过新的一年刚刚以百万计的人之间的交流之一,至少20瓦特 While at least being interchange with 2 000 000 000 person and the person Either the New Year s greeting card 1 it passes does not come will not and others the person growing w
爬行,这个世界上所有的问题是,年轻人不坏,不坏 High high and all problems of this world entirely the young person are bad it is bad
由于新年 亲属通过其他彻索诺03通过与工作有关× 12 × 10 × 共计25个通过通过电子邮件的关系和朋友 工作有关× 20 × 70彻索诺其他通讯× 05 通过电子邮件无关的95岁男子共向它的业务关系的亲属,甚至超出我不是寿司或贺卡 Ever since New Year s greeting card gt Something à related to work 12 Kindred relationship à 10 In addition à 03 Total 25 Something à related to work 20 Friend relationship à 70 In addition à 05 Total 95 To relationship of work also to the kindred The mail the New Year s greeting card only it provides to the unrelated old person it is it is don t you think
老同学college问候从其他生态Ida遣能源浪费卡的柜台上,但他没有这样做有点届时需要25多年前,从这里并不是让他们Tteru被红牌罚下 Therefore with the classmate of time before the university already the New Year s greeting card squander of counter echo putting out labor as for the person who only comes out of 25 years and ago is not exchanged Little by little from this not to send finishing the ru
他们是60岁和30年费现在我不这样做,虽然他现在不在那里过年 As for current 60 generations 30 years the party and the New Year s greeting card which do not meet to put out however the ru
大学老同学和他一起互动,但不能从这里其他贺卡,也不是每个使他们Tteru带着几分被罚下场 With the classmate of time before the university as for the person who only the New Year s greeting card is exchanged anymore Little by little from this not to send finishing the ru
大学老同学和他一起互动,但不能从这里其他贺卡,也不是每个使他们Tteru带着几分被罚下场 With the classmate of time before the university as for the person who only the New Year s greeting card is exchanged anymore Little by little from this not to send finishing the ru
贺年片从能源浪费,它遣井田反生态,我25年没出 Therefore as for the New Year s greeting card squander of counter echo putting out labor it is not put out from 25 years ago
虽然只是布莱恩邮寄明信片为什么那么你留下什么? Although the ri ya which makes the mail it is the shelf with something post card something the combining which is put out
沿着这个孩子只是让女性Bussaiku有趣了 Furthermore if mesugaki with butsusaiku in only news item it is
邮政工人开枪券每年向草傻瓜规范我卖明信片 Every year the post-office clerk norm post card sale how [aho] is ill-smelling to gold note shot
音乐也容易填写的意见一定是易于管理的电子邮件比新年好 Than New Year s greetings the mail is easier to do management is and comment entry of many certain people being simple ease
例如,如果我增加贺卡的异常燕特如日本的总人口Naka ll下降 The Japanese entire population decreasing the New Year s greeting card increasing in the ru cod abnormality and it is
(他在工作中考虑到你的前雇主及护理和现在)我的规矩背面的明信片已在纯黑色印刷公司印刷每年 The person whom you take care ahead working ahead and before current working My rule of New Year s greeting card The reverse side every year at the printing company has printed with black Ishiki
没有使用纸张或生态疯狂的时代?我们的环境倡导定制的贺卡很快我抱怨郜取消 When the paper is used in age of echo the head it is strange it is it is not The refuse of the environmental disputant appeals the New Year s greeting card abolition quickly