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TSUTAYA レビュー 要約

じゃらん レビュー 要約

Depression and restructuring father and son home scarce support and the consciousness reformation which become destitute are needed


  • - 制定法律来保护婚姻后,在几年内形成的赡养费,以防止欺诈打算结婚的人赡养费贬损妇女的性别歧视
    In order to protect the man from consolation money intended marriage fraud after the marriage being formed within several years As for making the law which is protected from the consolation money payment the Jane Crow which impairs the reputation of the woman

    • 11。 Nenabe已婚男子诈骗的人是不是有点令人惊讶
      11. The man of the marriage person 騙 [ru] [nenabe] is little even unexpectedly

      • 6rkgFmYO0不是你写的像一个穿着雪猴外国人?然而,很高兴,我不认为捕捉到瓦特任何杂散 确定 As for 6rkgFmYO0 the Japanese monkey writing there is no foreign something from the ru But it was perplexed to some sure and that it thought whether it is packed w
        • 编号:6rkgFmYO0不是你写的像一个穿着雪猴外国人?然而,很高兴,我不认为捕捉到瓦特任何杂散 确定 ID As for 6rkgFmYO0 the Japanese monkey writing there is no foreign something from the ru But it was perplexed to some sure and that it thought whether it is packed w

      • 7。为什么很多事情要与6木村拓哉
        7. Why the thing multi it compares with SMAP it does on 6,

        • 806这是证明女人没有好的埃泰有用的,只有被认为是比较容易瓦特 806 The good evidence shelf w where this is thought the woman thing and toku which raku are done only doing
          • 让我说一个女人有多次视为垃圾埃泰不仅容易与学习效益 Repetition you probably will say As for the woman raku thing and toku which are done only doing the kudzu which is not thought

        • Kikon m已经写了八小时,维持系统傻瓜你确定自民党
          Fool maintenance of the Liberal Democratic Party affiliation writing 8 hours certainly already, the [ru

          • TTP的:/ / ja.wikipedia.org /维基/%E3展%83%99%E3展%83%公元前%E3展%82%B7分子%E3展%83%83%E3展%82%E3的自动对焦%%%82%A4纸E3展%83%B3的%E3展%82%AB的%E3展%83%A0的#。E8的。B2的含量。一览表。E6的。广管局.90。E6的。A1.88
            ttp: //ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/% E3% 83% 99% E3% 83% BC % E3% 82% B7% E3% 83% 83% E3% 82% AF % E3% 82% A4% E3% 83% B3% E3% 82% AB % E3% 83% A0 #. E8. B2. A1. E6. BA .90. E6. A1.88

            • Www nishinippon co jp 国民生产净额 世界 二千零六万一千二百零六分之二千零六万一千二百零六 011。Shtml www nishinippon co jp nnp world 20061206 20061206 011 shtml
              • TTP的: blogs yahoo co jp aiaimesse 46078303的HTML。 ttp blogs yahoo co jp aiaimesse 46078303 html
              • TTP的: www cyzo com 2010 10 5784的HTML 职位。 ttp www cyzo com 2010 10 post 5784 html
              • TTP的: www gender go jp ttp www gender go jp
              • TTP的: 海牙shincho com ttp hague shincho com
              • 总磷: www nishinippon co jp 国民生产净额 世界 二千零六万一千二百零六分之二千零六万一千二百零六 011 shtml。 tp www nishinippon co jp nnp world 20061206 20061206 011 shtml

            • 丧亲之痛或其他特殊原因将脱离其他夺Ubeki税前资金来支持互换罗马征兵:从前夫或前妻,jk的来吧
              Other than classified by death or special reason from original wife or Motoo forced collection margin Before supporting synonymously with tax, it should take the gold from the partner who divorces JK

              • 个人责任也变得没有任何恐惧的盾残疾人的生活,而以前太过滤后,即使责任中风,即使责任不会陷入单的父亲死了家庭瓦特25出成千上万的房产税,每年只因为你可以保证付款Zatoiutokinotamenigattsuri ll哈市有这么辉,他也Gappori议会税,支付所得税,消费税付款你到 Considerably the life which altogether does not have the support before we are too fearful how … Even when becoming the physically disabled person even when self responsibility becoming the brain blockage self responsibility becoming in father and son home self responsibility… W which without fail is hateful Therefore because of critical moment way the tsu it hangs can have guaranteeing bitterly and Every year with just property tax 250 000 also paying and the ru to do inside inhabitant tax the tsu po ri having and growing hoarse Paying also income tax paying also consumer tax although the ru
                • 长的故事以前,儿童的成员调用众议员日元研究员米处,以及孕产妇和儿童津贴单父亲家庭(子女免税额)的援助不等于承认我的意见是错误的描述固体,响应说,“是一个单一的父亲的家庭子女补助金不需要”“需要应申请福利经济”母亲是家庭 Considerably but story before from the circle of huemi Assemblyman you telephone to the Assemblyman office of the child Mother and child treatment child dependency allowance the help which is suitable in father and son home it is strange not to be recognized With opinion was expressed but as for reply of Assemblyman side As for child dependency allowance there is no necessity “in father and son home” “Economy the father and son home which becomes destitute should apply welfare” With it was something which is said
                • 长的故事以前,儿童的成员调用众议员日元研究员米处,以及孕产妇和儿童津贴单父亲家庭(子女免税额)的援助不等于承认我的意见是错误的描述固体,响应说,“是一个单一的父亲的家庭子女补助金不需要”“需要应申请福利经济”母亲是家庭 Considerably but story before from the circle of huemi Assemblyman you telephone to the Assemblyman office of the child Mother and child treatment child dependency allowance the help which is suitable in father and son home it is strange not to be recognized With opinion was expressed but as for reply of Assemblyman side As for child dependency allowance there is no necessity “in father and son home” “Economy the father and son home which becomes destitute should apply welfare” With it was something which is said

              • 从子女抚养费,为整个家庭的生活费用失业时,赡养费,你准备好一切之前,必须有 When from rearing cost of the child the whole family becomes inoccupation cost of living consolation money Entirely unless you must prepare in advance therefore it is
                • )如果你需要采取的,艺术的照顾。有爱心的人谁提出这个桶 You must rear when This It does concerning the person who undertakes rearing

              • 从我们的国家,当人们对男性和女性歧视,这是日本qqqqq

                • 你不会再有他的儿子回家,母亲负责
                  Because father and son home does not have the mother responsibility, it does, the [yo

                  • 你们好,我想我会脚Zhang ll拉10倍
                    Your one pulling, the foot of 10 time or more you think as the [ru]

                    • 你可以感受到the m快要累死了老头老太太就在少子化社会 With only the surroundings pop old lady society becoming impoverished with little child conversion you can realize ru the ro which is

                      • 你对这个喜欢自以为是的毒性死亡的世界迅速意见
                        As for your opinion being self-righteousness Die quickly Harmful matter of this world

                        • 你的痛苦上,就像把没有支持任何一种方式过于单一,父亲也是单亲家庭和工作条件,我会为我愚蠢的投我一票Minsyu星期五 Family of mother and child treatment it passes Father and son home it supports neither and the te is good It probably is foolish and others it is dense the gold it gave and voted to tsu te democracy that it is like

                          • 你遇到的体制差异,但显然我说每单的父亲家庭和性别平等,我想我在这里抱怨Etara刚辉 To call man and woman equality Those where clear institutional difference occurs are the coconut When it appeals you think father and son home that it can win
                            • 单父亲家庭和单亲家庭,但现在得到父亲支付,税收和补贴之间的区别?现在,仁仁的呢? Although father and son treatment it reached the point where it comes out in family of mother and child and father and son home the tax system and the subsidy it is different Now there is no equality

                          • 儿童与高税收,什么是家庭或一个子女免税额www m实际上是在自由的儿童保健和教育基础设施的就业和往常一样滥用较好的效果笑话 There is a child increasing taxes in home child treatment or some joke www Actually normally how below to service and education and childcare free conversion is an effect even in considerable employment it is
                            • 所以我织补可怜的家伙并没有像海绵的东西乳房护理学士,例如,没有说什么状态,然后我帮助孩子津贴和学校收取的费用或停止Chimae Something the air ma which it is drives to the celibacy person it is the ma it is the person being Chest ku so bad wa Child treatment and school expenses no charge it stops before the chi After support everything doing to die call

                          • 关于那个谁,我会说喜欢看一个男人给它们扔过滤和手机与PC埃泰拼命有趣的ID,我想只是拒绝支持他的儿子,这对更多的人“,平均收入以“有一个逻辑跳跃立即向离开我”敢“我刚刚对单家父亲歧视 With direction above ID changing being desperate that the man with carrying and the personal computer saying abandon the ru way the person Just support to the father and son you wanted to refuse intently “Because the man earnings is more evenly” how flying bringing up logic “Being able to meet ” just father and son home discriminated it is
                            • 最后840,编号:Tut1Kxmf0一样,尝试羡人,提起我的东西的货架上,一位来自埃塔Bakkari人增强ü抱怨说,我也可能会提示护国 840 After all ID Tut1Kxmf0 likely to envy others to increase his own thing to the shelf complaint because tsu temporary the man who is said increased protection is requested from the country it is probably will be

                          • 再一个人的对手,他的“唯一”的尝试,因为我力量 Therefore as for the partner human what by his just” persevering the excessiveness
                            • 可怜的脸立刻愉快,当然是不可能的婚姻 Because the face feeling is bad proper marriage is not possible

                          • 前10%的富裕人士资产的85%,共举行

                            • 前1属于美国(百分之37)和日本(27%)民众国,许多尤其是英国(6%),法国(5%),意大利,德国(4%个),加拿大荷兰(2%个),并继续 As for residence country of the people who belong to the superior 1 the United States the 37 with Japan the 27 especially it is many England 6 France 5 Italy Germany each 4 Canada and Holland each 2 and the like with it continued
                              • 最高的1个百分点的国家谁属于美国(37百分比)和日本(27%),尤其是很多,英国(6%),法国(5%),意大利,德国(4%个),加拿大荷兰(2%个),并继续 As for residence country of the person who belongs to the superior 1 the United States the 37 with Japan the 27 especially it is many England 6 France 5 Italy Germany each 4 Canada and Holland each 2 and the like with it continued

                            • 协助有需要的单父亲家庭宽松的经济衰退和结构调整是必要的,以提高认识
                              Depression and restructuring The father and son home which becomes destitute Scarce support and consciousness reformation are needed

                              • 即使婚姻扣除,也希望老人,非常关心偿还负担
                                There is even deduction for a spouse and, there is also the medical expense assistance for the latter-term senior citizen and, There is also nursing reduction of incidence and

                                • 只有一个物种的永恒的繁荣可能发生,永远与选择的因素出发,在他们总是
                                  Only one kind as for eternal prosperity not to be able to be a eternal, by all means Selection starts with a some primary factor

                                  • 可以带着红色的鱼,然后我照顾孩子 So when it does the child of red you can take care me with the striped mullet and
                                    • 可没什么大不了,因为,毕竟,志愿者 NULL

                                  • 可是,我真的死了加油的人,在这种情况下“,我只翻译了男子起飞的希望,无论 Man what it has died calling” In such case the desired regardless of man receives Only the meaning which is not
                                    • 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
                                    • 可作为深入我最好使用 Those which it can utilize the finish the one which is utilized are good
                                    • 可是,我真的死了加油的人,“喜欢这种感觉 Man what it has died calling” In such case the desired regardless of man receives Only the meaning which is not
                                    • 是吗?这样一种方式,甚至736 736 Being also such road
                                    • 有96 wwwwwwww你这个傻瓜 96 Wwwwwwww which is certain aho
                                    • 这种情况下,我只翻译了男子起飞的希望,无论 In such case the desired regardless of man receives Only the meaning which is not

                                  • 和福利,甚至是生活在字面上的子女抚养的延伸,东西还包括支持费用,如报名,有需要的家庭的儿童福利津贴 Welfare is welfare to the home which even even literal life becomes destitute As for child dependency allowance it is in regard to the extension help and the like of school attendance cost and the like of the child It is something which is included
                                    • 和福利,甚至是生活在字面上的子女抚养的延伸,东西还包括支持费用,如报名,有需要的家庭的儿童福利津贴 Welfare is welfare to the home which even even literal life becomes destitute As for child dependency allowance it is in regard to the extension help and the like of school attendance cost and the like of the child It is something which is included

                                  • 在离婚财产分配,遗属年金,那么它打破了社会福利,因为一个女人
                                    Property distribution and the gratuitous indemnity system when divorcing, next even welfare probably is woman favorable treatment

                                    • 在这样一个简单的比较,“在发展中国家,自杀,而不是穷人更是不小,”在日本的六,但部分或人你说不是由国家,生活,甚至生活标准是基本要求有多好,外观可以完全不同的社会制度和规则 With such simple comparison “although in developing country it is poorer as for suicide the empty it is little” In Japan as for 6 people however useless the human who is said it is The life level which is required basically depending upon those countries Manner of life and the system and social rule and the world body are different at all
                                      • 然后今天早上没有收到发展中国家的教育,但它不是尽可能地和我永远的家中六个日本上班族会从绞纱利益为工作而 Unless 6 human how white collar worker homes considerably it is in Japan but the impossibility Developing country education something it does not make receive because and on the other hand it is used It becomes the merit

                                    • 女装,男装,包括口部,匠萎缩。绝对技能舌尖。刺激
                                      Woman, man atrophy thing oral containing, skill. Tongue skill point stopping. Stimulus

                                      • 如果出现这种情况,将开始在日本推出令人难以置信的神奇,这些僵硬 If this actualizes absurdly splendid thing probably will start happening in Japan

                                        • 对妇女的歧视在过去的制度,男人通常有区别的制度变迁与时代
                                          At one time the Jane Crow system, with age the model which changes in the man discriminatory system

                                          • 常见的破坏手法,从生活在人
                                            From inside the man destroys builds is normal 套 expedient

                                            • 当涉及到一个临时养老金从70岁,男性,男子从78年的平均预期寿命领取养老金的年龄大约是8年多 When it becomes annuity provision temporarily from 70 years old in case of the man therefore about the average life 78 years old As for the number of receipt of annuity of man years 8 years
                                              • 当涉及到一个临时养老金从70岁,男性,男子从78年的平均预期寿命领取养老金的年龄大约是8年多 When it becomes annuity provision temporarily from 70 years old in case of the man therefore about the average life 78 years old As for the number of receipt of annuity of man years 8 years

                                            • 我为人类Tasanai ll纳税是结果负责?本人Nimasu为人与人之间所有尚未在未来有死亡人口的分项数字 Tax paying tsu te responsibility the human who is not carried out how becomes from the ru When the person it is not future oh with while saying population structure failing everyone it dies
                                              • 显然,他们的手图吴年无房购买更多的政府债券,因为最近几年倒塌 Already even the government bond failing in several years the buyer stops being attached the ji ya which seems it is

                                            • 我以为我们建立了一个关系整个想法是一定要互相尊重,彼此平等相待,“哪个包女士试图拯救穷人”的立场已成为应变我 Although the fact that the relationship to respect each other equally is built is expectation of original gist “Yes 哀 thought homeless peolpe of woman Which will be relieved” It became the stance which with you say and is warped
                                              • 应该肯定的是约会的关系,以相互平等,互相尊重整个构思,“试图拯救可怜的女人,”什么立场已成为应变 Although the fact that the relationship to respect each other equally is built is expectation of original gist “Yes 哀 thought homeless peolpe of woman Which will be relieved” It became the stance which with you say and is warped

                                            • 我有一个是否运行极端怀疑,为什么468?为什么没有发现,只有在这样的世界,即使尝试恨对社会,不知道,致力于使他们了解什么茹被视为反面教材complaints妇女多远 468 Therefore but whether why it runs to that kind of thorough argument doubt what You look at the woman of society in only such wind and you understand whether there is no re whether it is grudge vis a vis society but whether why pessimistic thought is possible to there it has hard time understanding
                                              • 你怎么当这样的情况下,你呢?让我尝试在范例中的答案,他们还没有翻译的单词或悲观 When by his becomes such case how it does it is Pessimistic excuse without being done it tries answering

                                            • 我能为企业创造就业机会和投资自由化减免税
                                              Flexible regulation and relief of the investor enterprise tax system are done for employment creation, it is

                                              • 我觉得我的孩子不要到未婚,从他们的财产是三个孩子在家中或转让我相当その青少年认为他们会自然辉Hayo By your that the celibacy putting out child it cannot make however you think The however child 3 person bearing as for your own property moving to ru home thinking that it is proper the ru
                                                • 然而,由于它的目的是转移妇女的权利剥夺了我的男人,他们都几乎被视为零和鄂同胞的问题 However taking the right of the man it seems that designates that it moves to the woman as purpose the 輩 which like zero sum thinks of problem is fairly well many

                                              • 我认为从弹出一个额外的津贴,如果他或他的儿子说一个有趣的故事 That it is father and son treatment because you propose you think that it becomes excessively strange story
                                                • 但是,它在你面前在他的一项民意儿子直像一个自定义 It is straight with so and for the father and son your like refuse opinion
                                                • 我认为从弹出一个额外的津贴,如果他或他的儿子说一个有趣的故事 That it is father and son treatment because you propose you think that it becomes excessively strange story

                                              • 日本的经济将会崩溃“→增加的经常帐盈余”,但在进口大幅下降
                                                The Japanese economy collapses” Current account black-ink balance increase -> “decrease of import is remarkable

                                                • 日本的经济就会崩溃,“日本的股票价格下跌,”日本是外国销售猖獗
                                                  The Japanese economy collapses” The Japanese sale of the stock price depreciation “foreign capital of Japan is violent

                                                  • 母亲的儿子也很好,他们加强TTA的东西同样的苦难生活疯狂的人离婚 The mother and child and the father and son divorcing party something where life deviates in equality everyone tormenting

                                                    • 由于贫困妇女 - 穷人,你总是可以做到无利润拯救我的思想
                                                      Therefore as for the poor of the woman pitiful, rescuing with profit disregard, be sure to should

                                                      • 相反编号:FvsghRdPO我想我有一个婴儿潮的气味
                                                        On the other hand ID: As for FvsghRdPO however smell of the nodule does,

                                                        • 研究员米的成绩,我没有,女性专用车。由在滥用过劳死,一个在女婴,犯罪增加的母亲增加。减刑建议年轻女性滥交,为它的失败和生活福利金在妇女,家庭破裂,感知的差异单父亲的家庭歧视
                                                          The result [tsu] [te] of the thing which [huemi] did, the woman private vehicle. Increase of overwork death with abuse, increase and offense of the filicide by the mother. Lightening the punishment of the woman It is low age conversion in random intersection and the life failure of the misunderstanding woman welfare provision, collapse and the father and son home discrimination of the family for that

                                                          • 税或收入来源,有各种各样的建议,基诺和一个到期日或政府注
                                                            The revenue source the tax revenue, is a government note of the time limit attachment or various plans

                                                            • 第一个例子,考虑真正的“我要为促进贵国的所有权利,你是因为该国的孩子。我会再去了很多”我喜欢说,人们从未结婚或留何如?奇特的或诸如此类的事情我们不是建在一个家庭的财富?或寄生虫,如处置家庭支付立即亚达Komoti税种,我单打字典Tamae In the first place thinking from actuality “ it contributes because of tide country because of the country the child Sawayama it makes that ” saying The human who gets married how staying Simply we would like to build happy home it is not to melt and to say Increasing taxes in celibacy person commenting as for the disposition like treatment or the parasite in the child privately owned house garden before stopping
                                                              • 第一个例子,考虑真正的“我要为促进贵国的所有权利,你是因为该国的孩子。我会再去了很多”我喜欢说,人们从未结婚或留何如?奇特的或诸如此类的事情我们不是建在一个家庭的财富?或寄生虫,如处置家庭支付立即亚达Komoti税种,我单打字典Tamae In the first place thinking from actuality “ it contributes because of tide country because of the country the child Sawayama it makes that ” saying The human who gets married how staying Simply we would like to build happy home it is not to melt and to say Increasing taxes in celibacy person commenting as for the disposition like treatment or the parasite in the child privately owned house garden before stopping

                                                            • 编号:第纳尔+ jKcF + 0 ID和我硝酸钾,他似乎从个人电脑的方式发生变化的端到端
                                                              ID: jD + jKcF + 0 In addition don't you think? ID changing, from the personal computer it is like our performing it has done

                                                              • 萨克的儿童和儿童Wareru使用税187用来作为一个儿童津贴支付,但我不限制它们的结构不是一个问题 187 As for using tax for the child however it does not care Providing as child treatment is used for the child with what it does not limit problem
                                                                • 低效率和无义,打倒民主党和锗不能连一个子女免税额的大小或然你谁 Whether at non efficiency meaningless someone profit it does even format viewing child treatment one the Democratic party and simultaneous it is not withdrawn

                                                              • 要提高认识,我支持婚姻
                                                                Being conscious reforming, don't you think? remarriage support

                                                                • 要纠正这个县,只有回流辉Kon ll有丰富的野 The prefecture has no other choice but to flow back this is corrected the rich person having the ru gold
                                                                  • 县接受了这一点,到二十校正问 第四组的最后一个星期一天的贸易 The prefecture received this last month requested correction to the economic organization on 24th

                                                                • 请写的306个故事,因为我在接谁是真正见过这么Yamena人 306 Writing in news item as for stopping Actually the person who has met to such eye is therefore it is

                                                                  • 读取它说,三个人将被视为一个问题或在何种程度上把学费和第三个麻烦看
                                                                    If 3 people you bear, with you say, but trouble you look at the rearing expense and school expenses of 3 public attention to somewhere, it probably becomes problem

                                                                    • 超过675。免费网络游戏保持在疼痛服务到底有多少人移民 675 Passing With free MMO disabled person ranking 1 rank keeping It immigrates with service end
                                                                      • 超过675。免费网络游戏保持在疼痛服务到底有多少人移民 675 Passing With free MMO disabled person ranking 1 rank keeping It immigrates with service end

                                                                    • 过去和离婚法庭上,排在被羁押期间不问任何问题,请妈妈,例如,在单一家庭的父亲最近有所增加
                                                                      Former times if you mention divorce arrange and judgment, being indisputable, in the mother in parental authority It goes, but recently father and son home increases

                                                                      • 这里所显示的建议摘要→◆,经团联的建议批评,对所提出的变更基本的批评,Waranai去年十月的细节,档案:无0 626日本经团联的“消费税上调的建议“这降低!通过一切手段和请参阅 Summary of proposition gt It was shown here because as for criticism to the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations proposition as for basic contents it is not different from the criticism to October last year proposition Past the log NO 626 The Japanese Japan Federation of Economic Organizations “consumer tax tax increase proposition” is cut We would like you to refer to by all means
                                                                        • 要利用税收和国家赔偿计划经济团体联合会鄂永久增加股东 With consumer tax exploiting from the citizen the system where remuneration of the shareholder and Japan Federation of Economic Organizations increases permanently

                                                                      • 驴湿巾婴儿潮一代,现在他们有一个硬的年轻一代
                                                                        With cover-up of the nodule generation, now, the young generation has become destitute

                                                                        • (据推测是真实的,我说避免使用最关系无审判算段来一起离婚后),以他的妻子不能等待破产赡养费和子女抚养费可以要求
                                                                          Saying, that (to tell the truth with policy, there is no relationship, it was the contrivance which evades judgment, after the divorcing becomes simultaneous) Not be able to claim either consolation money and rearing expense to the wife who is in the midst of self petition in bankruptcy

                                                                          • : 祢 , mi lj ha t i r 3l What it has done it is until now i he l Y ┬ j ha ¯ ─ REPT To ni i REPT REPT No l ku l l ¯ 92 l l l 92 ¯
                                                                            • ::::((⌒)(⌒ (()) ヽ()()(谁)::。 我 我:: ()和Z ⌒ ⌒ REPT Person i i z ni 33 ni REPT 彡 ni three ni three nimi REPT 仆 The Soviet mi i 92 l mi ni Two l mi U mi lj ha When the gold is well is U t i r 3l Marriage dies how to obtain is good the ro which is

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