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“Victory valley Akihiko with young person working securely, making the money, applying to consumption key Takamatsu of business recovery” the seminar ★2


  • 0日元一小时,他们曾经在家里和警卫嗯
    [u] - [mu] Working securely with the home guard, hourly wage 0 Yen

    • 159号人都在吃米饭鄂环境是大多数人的技能,我通常只在少数环境食物Tteru 159 Well environment is the majority As for the human who can eat the rice with skill the just just handful As for the mostly human eating with environment the ru
      • 即使反过来,这些家伙通常不是交换,因为只有学生感到被排斥的方式 Inserting because student feeling cannot escape the mostly such person the disturbance

    • 246 对马岛Syakai在一十八点零万日元月薪,“同事働队威克岛” 我们招募,除非有很多乡民有选择有限 246 Tsushima at salary 180 000 Yen “island causing cooperation soldier” collection… city human limitation If it does not choose it is a lot of
      • 在餐厅里,他们没有做过厨师学徒超过20年前,但我直到周一深夜赎回每月使用Kukara70000日元清晨呼吸肯定。 20 years before above we at the restaurant where it worked as learning the cook At salary 70 000 Yen it came densely from morning early on to the night late and was used it rubbed

    • 592世界一党统治。滑动系统和官僚主义,对愈合的上部。我将所有与此类似的故事权利,如果没有腐败
      592 World of a party dictatorship. It slides to bureaucratic system, the higher stratum of society section 癒. If there is no corruption and the like, don't you think? This indicating everything, the [ro] which is the [ru

      • Reyo茶勉强挤出采取从老害 米僵硬我今天水库 Saving it is densely with from ru old age damage to squeeze you take It is this ya last
        • 关键是他们没有死亡的早期探索节约分钟老人 The amount where jijii exploits not saving and dying quickly the is key shelf

      • 下列的运行级别是马瓦F层和确保工作在低工资上总大学行...
        Below F run level the university without going, it is low, that turn to the layer which works at wages…

        • 个人撒谎的数量。然后只对贷款利息不出来的情况,让破产债权,战术,只有楚贷款和转售他们衣衫褴褛
          Converting to the individual with lie, number. Loaning, to the circumstance which cannot put out interest after, Going bankrupt, the method that it makes claim, claim resells that and the rag gains

          • 中国要在通过毒,受害人是最后一分钟的外资保险公司

            • 为每个人在国家一级的债务法,其之间的债务陷阱分捕我的主张,破坏外债基础是一个破产的国有企业和基础设施的规划,竹中平藏是个人财产的事件所有泰达竞争政策 At national level to designate others as debt end lug claim of that debt Capturing applying on the trap the claim which it plans goes bankrupt state run company and below The incident which foreign owned foundation captures has made private property is everything of Takenaka competitive policy

              • 主页扔他们,但几个人,而不是公司就无法生存Kiru Although the people are few you throw away home you are not possible to live at the company
                • 我不出去没有击中人在国外,但Sukunai Although the people are few there is no reason which can be attacked in the foreign country

              • 交界之间的男性和女中学生很高兴能积极应该是充满爱的汁液喷射

                • 什么谎言与其他,我发出的债券,经营业绩的排序只是骗我塞 Already it probably is the liar but it probably is what but because it is possible to issue the government bond Business categorization how foolish performance stops

                  • 他们。鼓励一个男人射精在阴道褶皱的孩子,发现与叮咚,叮咚故障会刺激
                    That. [hida] inside vagina ejaculation of boy In order to urge, it is to fall the [chi] it is to be entwined, it is attached, it is to fall the [chi] it is stimulates

                    • 他们抢走了来自农村的一名男子,他们剥夺了本国的母亲这样做的同时,减少劳动力和增加人口 To take the man from countryside to take the mother from home so doing as for this country population Decreasing the worker was increased

                      • 你的马,像英国戴在脸上保护国家火暴马骑士,以支持大学教育的结束 Horse you in the face quite with protector wearing the horse of the horseman… in England end of national assistance to university education large disturbance
                        • 谷猪排总区情报组彻说,大学教育将做更多的工作限制 As the victory valley said it probably will be possible to restrict university education more

                      • 例如,美国已对债券发行的法定限制,但巴西的财政状况艾希花共和国的民主共和国的邪恶请
                        For example America is a legal upper limit in issuance of bond but and, as for Brazil democracy country of republic financial situation is not bad and

                        • 公务员减薪30%,20%的销售税,国民总经费泽西系统
                          3 percentage cutting of government employee salary, Consumer tax 20%, With national entire back number system revenue source guaranty

                          • 公司,包括我,我决心继续恩戴水库包括巴菲特真我“未分配利润”沉默是不是内部的残留物。 20至20%,保留盈余的增加产生的经济衰退3 56亿就业机会。 ETA或2万亿日元增长为什么呢?工资18日,从700000000万日元TTA的削减 Enterprise accumulating being packed and presuming abundantly and silence ru ” internal reservation” is not good Internal stopping With 20 of increment the employment creation 3 560 000 Internal reservation gold in this depression 20 Also 2 000 000 000 000 Yen why increasing Because wages were shaved 18 7 000 000 000 000 Yen is
                            • 公司,包括我,我决心继续恩戴水库包括巴菲特真我“未分配利润”沉默是不是内部的残留物。 20至20%,保留盈余的增加产生的经济衰退3 56亿就业机会。 ETA或2万亿日元增长为什么呢?工资18日,从700000000万日元TTA的削减 Enterprise accumulating being packed and presuming abundantly and silence ru ” internal reservation” is not good Internal stopping With 20 of increment the employment creation 3 560 000 Internal reservation gold in this depression 20 Also 2 000 000 000 000 Yen why increasing Because wages were shaved 18 7 000 000 000 000 Yen is
                            • 我真的很需要在五年内675二十万点零零零亿日元财力 675 It is revenue source 20 000 000 000 000 Yen necessary what within 5 years

                          • 兼职就业市场已经在泡沫时期就比432个人,他们在食品巨魔稼滚打如何高盛不能做什么? 432 There is no function mouth of part time job in comparison with bubble period The market does not become the Goldman saxophone eating away with the individual how How doing it makes it is

                            • 写信给债权人和债务,他们知道他们不能意味着人们应该也不喜欢 Claim completely the person who either meaning does not know does not have to write debt collector don t you think
                              • 和私人贷款完全不同的含义 Meaning is different from private claim completely

                            • 即使是一些公司,将工作不只是溃疡 There being however much company when there is no work probably it keeps collapsing

                              • 即便如此,我认为他们知道我的临时金额今晚我水库仅凭老年人,比年轻人的收入有很多养老保险收入的多克惹的年轻人和老年人· · ·绝大多数 gt The old person accumulates really and is densely with ru amount how high being able to know the ru Assuming that so it is temporary annuity earnings of the old person are more than annual income of the young person If and the number of old people is more than the young person preponderantly …

                                • 哎不使用老了,它是被迫出局现有提前退休
                                  As for the aged person whom you cannot use, already early retiring, being expelled from enterprise, the [ru

                                  • 在公司聚会或更先进的过滤我不公平解雇,而我总是大声说出来什么是正确的丛林规律Syakai
                                    In chat of enterprise advance the unfair dismissal more that, When it is the society where the weak meat strongly very the food is correct, always speaking with yell, it increases

                                    • 在很长一段时间 控股或丢失的话,我听到105消费意欲 105 Consumption mind how word stopping hearing it is long
                                      • 265 127 265 127
                                      • 56熊Rupizu绝望 56 rupizu desperate shelf bear
                                      • Janee的愚蠢的家伙?我是白痴 The fool well the saw when But fool
                                      • null responseDetails invalid text responseStatus 40 NULL
                                      • wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                                      • 任何国家不能工作,但没有这样的牛Ittei当归 And only such work nothing saying you say how it will do when it is not
                                      • 我对271万五月 271 At about month 50 000 it is to call is
                                      • 我将在任何地方,甚至没有697 Minsyu 697 There is no democracy and so does also the te anywhere
                                      • 赖斯欧麦尔( )五 Rice uma v

                                    • 在这种情况下,财政政策和税收的抵押品一旦你有一个后代货币化不
                                      In that case if it made [manetaizeshiyon], in the future tax collection of the generation was designated as mortgage Fiscal policy is not possible

                                      • 女,因为在这样悟博金泽理工学院队伍逃过了房子太高,早稻田纳达売文指出,有些个案,因为这种浪费,是不是在学校不能说Doukou Even the F ranking university there is also the Kanazawa Institute of Technology like example and Nada high and even Waseda produces also such rubbish literary journeywork house therefore it is the ro which how like this you cannot say in the school and is

                                        • 如果你不能运行任何言论蛋糕还描绘了一幅图片
                                          If it cannot execute, the rice cake which any oratory is drawn in the picture

                                          • 如果只有足以成为公职人员比其他研究生逆转目标
                                            If reversal you aim other than the new graduate, there are about only times when you become the government employee

                                            • 如果强制与本公司的底线据日本国籍录用人员最低数量确定
                                              If it obliges the lowest employment number of people of the talent who has the Japanese nationality according to the profit of enterprise, OK

                                              • 如果这是真的,是从所有的人篡位者应享有损害赔偿的权利
                                                If that fact, the citizen is the expectation which is the right to take compensation for damage from usurpation person everyone

                                                • 如果退税可能超出307红
                                                  307 In case of consumer tax the deficit coming out, because there is return

                                                  • 如果隐居在该国工作八个围绕它是好的 8 If you become isolated because it turns also work in the country it is all right

                                                    • 婴儿潮一代退休?其实我已经看到了更多的善意,以工资的发展中国家,随着移民和税收多次在大量的退休潮
                                                      The nodule generation retires? With the mass pensioner tax reaches several times, Immigration flowing It becomes wage system below developing country The person who looked at actuality is good

                                                      • 安倍的人口利用了善意多少?
                                                        As for the population which is exploited with good Will of Abe which extent?

                                                        • 并代表了国有资产,部分资产
                                                          It is representation of government-owned property and, it is property

                                                          • 您应该然后杀死在大家面前的老头?及的深度和智慧都得到尊重,作为开拓者现在老人
                                                            The [ro] before that should designate the old person as everyone murder? In the current aged person depth and 叡 Satoshi etc whom you can respect as the ancestor nothing

                                                            • 我一直指责绝不是第一次全面向外国竞争政策,其中诺贝尔奖,教授
                                                              Now in professor of the Nobel Prize the way of meaningless of foreign owned competitive policy completely It is the case that it is impeached

                                                              • 我也没有行克如不吃饭的人都在金融 Being financial probably there is no reason where national everyone can keep eating but
                                                                • 我想我可以资助446 446 You think that we circulation of money is good

                                                              • 我的嘴巴是正确的,但唯一的损失的责任只销售利润的明星忘了吹泡泡从582出来的年轻人已覆盖这么好,但另一个家伙没看青少年的父母或唯一的工作如食品哟锄头护理我“的穷人,在你自己的白痴吧! !罗马:来吧目前承认傻瓜 582 You say well The ro which is the mouth which the bubble star it sells and don t you think there the te it fails to gain But as for we of being lazy ones difference As for the person where around there is young the ke the wa which works You cannot eat and Trouble of the parent seeing also the ru young person is to cover gt As for being bad the foolish guy who is you yourself Present condition recognition margin Fool
                                                                • 自己尝试一下,然后再与我们的582适合 582 That you try fitting your by your

                                                              • 我,我没有要求生命安全和经济主权 Sovereignty and economy and life The reason which seeks safety
                                                                • (君主般的作用,迫切邮票收据 In sovereignty territory acquisition the seal the part which pushes Like

                                                              • 昭和一代年轻人喜欢在此之前,我说,旧的文化或养老金那首歌不过是900万亿Reyo国家债务承担自己的责任是对这些他自己犯下的一代TTA的Syouwa债务从来没有任何关系的任何责任 The Showa generation by his to do before that and responsibility of the thing which is accomplished take It is debt of 900 000 000 000 000 country when It is annuity in order to raise the old person when As for my young person In such debt which the Showa generation made selfishly Because there are no many responsibilities or relationship

                                                                • 是否有任何部分从资历制度并不多,年轻人仍希望未来井木
                                                                  Well because the young person who still desires seniority it is many our industry complacency being also a part?

                                                                  • 本人色调同质茶,生活的解决方案,马上跑到多数忽视的愚蠢群众的感情,从早稻田毕业不到50只偏离他高中曾经是某医院的儿子在虚无缥缈的智力
                                                                    Therefore homo- the [tsu] with the son of the certain hospital Waseda soldier/finishing once from Nada high school intelligence It probably is lifetime solution viewing such as feeling of the most public of the foolish idle fellow of deviation value 50 or less

                                                                    • 歹徒的行动和运行店我公正的竞争,你是傻瓜乱宰的竞争空 It is conduct of the punk of the competitive how simply running house Don t you think the fool who does not have content is the same as the competition of un discriminating slaughter

                                                                      • 然而,否认在整个生物体的个体差异。森喜朗靖没有愚蠢的家伙,世界将竞争
                                                                        But, denying the individual difference of the living thing, entirely one. Competition As for the fool maintenance where it is the case that it has been made the party partner of the world

                                                                        • 现在,在这个经济衰退的一天,但谁也有被解雇的公务员作为Yuubari Narushi确保好运工作,没有足够的就业机会,即使是我退休养老金 Now even with the person who is work once upon a time in depression the neck Even with the government employee this way it becomes the Yuubari way and Fortunately serving to retirement age annuity is not enough
                                                                          • 现在,在这个经济衰退的一天,但谁也有被解雇的公务员作为Yuubari Narushi确保好运工作,没有足够的就业机会,即使是我退休养老金 Now even with the person who is work once upon a time in depression the neck Even with the government employee this way it becomes the Yuubari way and Fortunately serving to retirement age annuity is not enough

                                                                        • 瓦乌,并在同一时间的味道,身体的乐趣,一个儿子,但他的射精,无损检测我意识到,在胃中情况,包括一个女孩同学 When such a physical pleasant sensation is tasted simultaneously the boy The semen which by your ejaculate realizing that it is flowing into in Nakano of the girl of the classmate It is
                                                                          • 这对夫妻从那里进入初中,直到我把你的小男孩住了一次又一次,但在情况下,他们彼此,你的身体我的要求,高兴地品尝最好Waimasu As for the couple of the junior high school student while to seek the mutual flesh many degrees and many degrees raw it is to fall the chi it is the ma it is It is dense the empty it takes in and out tastes the highest pleasant sensation

                                                                        • 癌症,精神疾病,这种遗传疾病的所有,食物中毒竞争政策并在保守的流 Cancer psychosis and gene illness This the poison food which flows with the competitive policy which entirely the conservatives did
                                                                          • 正统的保守派不会允许这样的傻瓜 The orthodox group conservatives does not permit such a fool

                                                                        • 相反是鄂税计算每月支付30000日元的人均月,国家福利制度被废除,如何养老金计划和残疾人472人 472 When the handicapped person pension scheme and the welfare system are wholly abolished how Per national one person 30 000 Yen in every month it becomes the calculation which can be paid so is Speaking conversely from tax every month…
                                                                          • 人均国内生产总值比德国少方式 GDP around national one person is lower than Germany by the way

                                                                        • 绝对赢不了,以资助该国在国外的影响力对最终取决于欧盟发生这种情况很难,即使从未经反对派的武装势力的支持滤液胜利后并没有进一步 It cannot win the foreign country no matter what When it is influenced and it becomes so after all by influence of each country it cannot win the European American combinations circulation of money Furthermore because there is no support of military force also it is difficult to be opposed
                                                                          • Tteta说,人们将许多个月的旅行,因为在同一时间超过西方 The European American way you say that it becomes the kind of race which many mosquito months travels at one time

                                                                        • 老人们立刻把钱,我已经很好同源纹作为美食谷猪排好每一天,是他们在欢乐Bisounakotowoitte楚科儒碰巧有你的权力 The aged person it has power with the gold Meaning that accompanying and others may rejoice gaining the is victory valley It is good it is everyday everyday as a gourmet it is possible to eat homo

                                                                          • 英国的医疗费用,而且还免费外国出生或Higashihara亚希确保英国所有的方式,以保持一致,羞耻
                                                                            But as for England the foreigner medical expense no charge, with that purpose it goes to childbirth specially to England Know Higasihara sub- rare, the shame

                                                                            • 英国英镑危机的真正复苏具有讽刺意味的改革比692
                                                                              692 Even in sarcasm England fundamental rules as for reviving from structural reconstruction pound crisis

                                                                              • 要为员工的管理,“你正在做的工作抱怨任何人能入”我受到了威胁,但我
                                                                                The manager vis-a-vis the employee “the work which it is possible to anyone doing, therefore the [ru] it is, however complaint you say” the [tsu] [te] you have intimidated

                                                                                • 该取缔是完全疯了,我是从葛Herahera ll笑了公告爱国主义和宽容,我下面的一个共产主义独裁者喜欢这家伙破坏了民主的基础 kichigai of the complete hoodlum putting out patriotism and the indulgence the spatula spatula laughing therefore the ru it is very such person democracy It is the dictator below the communism which destroys root

                                                                                  • 距离没有任何意义,如果钱可以转化为消费者节省谁消耗的储蓄将优先Jijibaba短距离,他们是老 The one where remaining life short jijibaba consumes tansu savings probably is deciding beforehand Consuming if that gold turns to tansu savings there is no meaning

                                                                                    • 这是否意味着它保存到医院Hozai注册Koutsu鄂行人在做就好了今天我疯了电梯的交接工作,如果这个词瓦特养老保险,但医疗费用像我们现在使用的老害妈的狗屁政治粪( °) 我说的! When this tsu te you rephrase The tsu te which probably will go to the hospital where also today is vigorous it seems that babbles and w which is rubbed Although the tsu te which such a droppings old age damage uses and sows medical expense it is as for the tsu te ru droppings politician who increases the premium of the active generation and sows ゚ Don t you think lt person
                                                                                      • 这是否意味着它保存到医院Hozai注册Koutsu鄂行人在做就好了今天我疯了电梯的交接工作,如果这个词瓦特养老保险,但医疗费用像我们现在使用的老害妈的狗屁政治粪( °) 我说的! When this tsu te you rephrase The tsu te which probably will go to the hospital where also today is vigorous it seems that babbles and w which is rubbed Although the tsu te which such a droppings old age damage uses and sows medical expense it is as for the tsu te ru droppings politician who increases the premium of the active generation and sows ゚ Don t you think lt person

                                                                                    • 遗产税和赠与税上调就会知道,如果他们认为有必要
                                                                                      Tax increase of donation tax and inheritance tax is shown when it is necessary,

                                                                                      • 鄂新Mitsubachi的技能你租我雇了875名地方 875 Employing anywhere learn the skill which you can receive

                                                                                        • 除了少着在结节Jr的照顾养老亚拉倒塌,国际货币基金组织预计将在控制
                                                                                          Ahead this furthermore it decreases and, failing with annuity nursing of nodule Jr, schedule under the managing IMF it puts out,

                                                                                          • 高中毕业生就业率超过了70余我开始
                                                                                            70 As for high soldier/finishing employment ratio starting exceeding large soldier/finishing, the [ru

                                                                                            研究 開発