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City bridge defendant, with fishing food supply? While escaping in Okinawa remote island concealment English human woman homicide abandonment of a body incident


  • 476 Samejima城董事长,公园
    476 Chairman inside Cho Samejima, 朴

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 757 When the survival fairing reporting which is said are done by your The ge obtaining which is obtained it praises and sows the ri where it comes with the man apparently even with 2 and the ge which the party does it is
      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Fairing as expected by itself the head the ikareteiru city bridge
      • 塑造自己,我觉得有点不寻常的周围被称为 You faired by your the tsu te just a little abnormality was felt in view of the fact that it is said

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 As for ikemen IQ saying high Exactly such an article oh the seed
      • 流利的英语和出色的,聪明,英俊,被认为是常 NULL

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Great it rubbed vitality tsu te of the city bridge w Now escaping to the foreign country the cod still not being caught it was probably will be w
      • 传质不能浪费宝贵的榜样在今天的新闻,他们已经抓到了这家伙等着 Such in reporting the person who is already caught The mass rubbish to which either today does not convey important thing

    • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Survival book how someone of the city bridges buys it is The ma you buy the mass rubbish all together however it is probably will be

      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The needle and the thread buying you sewing the lower lip by your fairing In the lower lip you cut by your it can be packed when The ho ku ro the chi yo is cut with putting when the fearful wa
        • 下唇被切断在茂木下降,公共厕所 我自己,我有可怕的精神力量 … tsu te which at the public toilet shaved the lower lip by your and dropped it is enormous perseverance
        • 我将用剪刀我的下嘴唇,他们在工地上工作,该岛是在模仿我的生活很成熟了生存 By your the lower lip you cutting with the scissors working at construction site with the remote island survival life… You can imitate very me and are

      • Tteta认为它在第一,但城市和Kuiru Hikinito备另一个原因其实是一个意外的能力采取行动,积极大胆的例子 First that the toad which solves in the city and is it is neat thinks Actually it has unexpected activity power conduct power boldness it is wake

        • [专题]学生和卖淫,性骚扰,偷窥,偷窥愚蠢的教师性别...今天谋杀
          The pupil and 淫 line, [sekuhara] and stealing 撮, you exclude,… today the [bakaero] incident book of the teachers

          • “千夫所指Itihashi达也,钓鱼游戏迎合Mobage?”
            “City bridge Tatuya condemned criminal, with fishing game of [mobage] food supply! ? ”

            • 中共党。 。 7月24日在新闻秘书“的岛屿领土OHA的记者招待会Tyuugoku
              The Chinese Communist Party. . As for reporting official on the 24th, in regular press conference “As for [oha] island Chinese specific territory

              • 为什么林赛嘴唇杀害黑人的方式看来,“我还不知道笑我们去Idara林赛说:”哦 万维网· ·浦“如果罪名成立,权利或! By the way rinzei killed the lip is the black like with something” that being said Still abruptness viewing When it disperses rinzei laughter “O WWW pu ” If the ro which is innocence
                • 林赛为什么杀了?我不知道林赛依然笑Idara德“啊 万维网· ·浦”如果有罪,权利或 By the way rinzei you killed with something Still abruptness viewing When it disperses rinzei laughter “O WWW pu ” If the ro which is innocence

              • 人们依然紧张不安,并认为我也已经被人遗忘,不是我认为他们做了令人满意的深度和塑造发现,他们认为没有空气,没有什么 With the world the time where it is already forgotten having tried probably to be being after all insecure it is casual just a little it does and with the callous bare is with being convinced and fairing to die you think that once is Even the ro ku it is the wa which is not

                • 什么是这个东西的作者是KAGEROU?
                  The [tsu] [ke] which is the writer of dense Tsuga KAGEROU?

                  • 从那里复制粘贴我恨我和杀人犯逃犯
                    But with murderer fugitive what From the paste it cannot hate tweet

                    • 他的父母都是医生一口流利的英语,你知道你是塑造了谋杀,但一个好的规范,有一个黑色的医生吗? As for the parent being the doctor this person although English flimsy they are the good specifications is the homicide red sandal wood or … We would like to know whether it fairs somewhere the darkness doctor existing

                      • 会以愚蠢的女人甚至没有补充说,如果尼安德特人的脸 If that neanderutaru face you chase and the foolish woman are not
                        • 他担心,我总是借鉴其他Wareru Because he was the body which is chased it was always insecure it is

                      • 你会发现,当我在孤独的徘徊外人的时候,第一个垂直冗余Tsuto认为温达
                        Remote island what a little more than the place person overstaying, you think that the cod, excess it is conspicuous, but it is

                        • 你可以露营,吃鱼类和渔业for ll
                          It camps, it fishes the fish in order to eat,

                          • 你知道它的杀人有一些话惹克如来与我知道的东西 But as for human murder tsu te being understood the ru it is there are some which it attracts and attaches

                            • 充裕的资金逃离,逃跑的手惯性。艺术
                              Abundant escape fund, The running away which gets used to. Technique

                              • 出狱后,似乎已聘用的地方,我们买了一双胆
                                After the being discharged, nature being bought, the shelf where the group whether the [do] [tsu] of may employ…

                                • 即使在自己的痛苦,但真正的白痴们陷入了天堂的第一胎我站在骨科开展的行动
                                  With special care being self-supporting, the [te], the conduct which fairing how is conspicuous causing Is captured is [manuke] truly

                                  • 口罩,帽子,如果没有太多的神秘,或不正确的只有一个全套,但奇怪的是如新的太阳镜 When the mask it is the hat and the gurasan like full set however it is doubtful Just one kana and others is not doubtful very and

                                    • 吃蛇或铲杀,我不知道是否有足够的灵活性来捕捉恩戴警卫尖阁列岛的领土或发送到你有能力收集罪犯tive多useless ll城市
                                      The snake killing with the shovel, you eat when, the city the ability not to be useful excessively having, the [ru] criminal gathering, the 尖 official building or northern territory sending, the supervisory member the softness of the extent which it can point if it is,

                                      • 呑愚蠢的鸬鹚发现了这样一个十恶不赦的罪犯是谁见证
                                        The fool who designates the testimony of such a brutal criminal as gullibility is who

                                        • 呵,有些甚至没有通过海,浩纪伊岛航班
                                          The [a], it is there is no sea mail or air mail to that large island

                                          • 塔约560企业管治的图片,我在新闻中形成的脸说我的工作没有胡子 560 It processed to the face which does not have the mustache with CG riding you call that fairing photograph with news
                                            • 只是应该是和删除胡子,但没有得到太多的差异,面对恶劣的工作ü The sufficient expectation which removes the mustache to be process too unskillfulness with has become the face which is different at all

                                          • 如果土耳其皮条客我的女孩,擅长烹饪
                                            If we it becomes [himo] of the Turkish girl, the cooking pride it puts out,

                                            • 它才成为一个国家公园护林员和政府官员,我绿化173千叶
                                              173 When it is the gardening [tsu] [te] government employee of the Chiba university, becomes the ranger of the national park, it is

                                              • 它是一个百万富翁,如果我一直在失败后原粉Dosakusa
                                                Immediately after the being defeated living, being mistaken in cod [dosakusa], whether you had become 100,010,000 millionaire

                                                • 将要参加的是蚊子,夏天台风进行得很顺利
                                                  Also with the [yabu] mosquito probably is the [ru] and, the typhoon of summer season probably will be enormous and

                                                  • 市。黄金传奇表演才华的人是WWW的权力
                                                    City. Golden legend www It is dense as for conduct power genius

                                                    • 市桥,岛上穿不知道它的存在的建设,偶然发现Shitarashii Without knowing the existence of the building it wore the city bridge in the island but you discovered even accidentally it seems
                                                      • 他会市桥男孩和女孩的服务851 851 City bridge baud is it probably is service to garuzu

                                                    • 彻Muranishi Iteta书是写的,因为只有一次逃犯,并非所有的紧急救护服务召唤来到这里,并且认为这是不必要的排减单位,谁在撒谎打小报告,所以大家都开始于然后销毁无共同的精神 Because village west it passes you have written on the book as for the fugitive just time it is when of excessive thing is thought Here becoming in sudden illness it cannot call the ambulance because everyone is visible in the informer you sleep and you become without the re Normal mind it is broken
                                                      • 现在在日本,是一个逃犯通缉我很喜欢孩子,左右不知道城市桥梁,毕竟我等了三年Serya脚陷入尽管他们在Word的时候,我有不少 Now in present Japan being designated arranging as for the ru fugitive considerable number is The city bridge which you make call to accompanying and others is caught at less than ri ya 3 year after all how Baby like the right or the left you do not understand it rubbed

                                                    • 忠晃我的意思是,我很抱歉,我并不住在门轧战争和地震以及这些家伙太在意这些,我是由这么多经验的人留下深刻印象的生存担心 The tsu te you say or honesty the people who are admirable with about this survival experience are too insecure And others it is dense it cannot survive war or large earthquake disaster it is probably will be…
                                                      • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 Occasion whether selection The survival reading so the shelf
                                                      • 它的生存之本平远,但我会catch m等待梅鲁大赞美他按摩了,你只是愚蠢 NULL

                                                    • 您通常像燃烧Kudaro枢纽瓦特jk的IDE的落差马面的蛋白质来源
                                                      The hub the [ro] w which normally is protein source The neck dropping, the skin tearing off, the [ro] jk which it burns and is

                                                      • 我在古事记几乎无人居住Haizuri住上这样一个高规格的犯罪分子谋杀的人的运行时间了坚实的地面上,你知道一个刑满释放在监狱里长达最后到Tottsukamatsu水果 Such high specifications the human committing homicide escaping the area be it is it is and slips turning in kojiki similar unmanned island life After all the tsu being caught in the end the previous offense person of penal servitude well…
                                                        • 电视机的黄金传奇,但上演,我这样做,现实生活中荒岛 But the television let do the golden legend Whether this real unmanned island life

                                                      • 我大约杀害Tatte空的,没用的,因为有一天一个人被杀死我在日本很 Idling wastefully the murder chi ya tsu passing even today someone one person is being killed in the Japanese country the ru is
                                                        • 我觉得我在虚无Tatte在空中杀 Idling wastefully the murder chi ya tsu passing you feel the shelf

                                                      • 我应该怎么游泳200米左右,葛TTP的:/ / maps.google.co.jp /地图Hl u003d u003d茉莉与客户的firefox - A和为Q u003d%E6的%9D条%B1的%E5公司%± 5%± 5%E6的%公元%A6的与IE u003d UTF8的与总部u003d%E6的%9D条%B1的%E5公司%± 5%± 5%E6的%公元%A6的&hnear u003d&半径u003d 15000&会u003d 26.33923,126.837115&SPN的u003d 0.018922,0.042014和Z u003d 15&brcurrent u003d 3 ,0x34fa9b99236ee299:0x8ede9180831af4f5,0
                                                        About 200 meters you should have swum kana ttp: //maps.google.co.jp/maps? hl = ja & client = firefox-a & q = % E6% 9D % B1% E5% A5% A5% E6% AD % A6& ie = UTF8& hq = % E6% 9D % B1% E5% A5% A5% E6% AD % A6& hnear = & radius = 15000& ll = 26.33923, 126.837115& spn = 0.018922, 0.042014& z = 15& brcurrent = 3,0x34fa9b99236ee299: 0x8ede9180831af4f5,0

                                                        • 我是在千叶大学研究生Sensyuu花园设计初级
                                                          Chiba university gardening department soldier/finishing Garden design specialization It is my junior

                                                          • 我看到了月球松井孙明博晃晃箕箕松井空手道协会国际联合会国际空手道联盟成道Gensei空手道Itihashi达也相对流动性171
                                                            171 Capability of city bridge Tatuya's karate International karate road union 玄 systems style Forming road meeting International karate road union Matsui Akira 圭 Matsui Akira 圭 The kindred of sentence clearness The extent which becomes

                                                            • 我要说的西表95和他干的!他们的生活,不仅危及西表岛,口感Wareru或许,如果我喜欢还比较正常野猫Yamapikarya
                                                              95 What says the Iriomote wildcat which has lived in only the west chart island The [ze] which is extermination fear kind what, furthermore extremely it is the normal wildcat If [yamapikariya] it is, 喰 the causing brick which cracks

                                                              • 我跑了大部分包装我将结束我的生命Waru篮我离开房间,尽管该公司与狭间智代 Being confined into the room and the company while it is ignorant of the world the life who is ended how most stuffing ma viewing

                                                                • 投降,把一个好律师,如果例如支付给受害者的赔偿,但减少TTA的监狱生活
                                                                  Surrendering, good attorney attaching, if the compensation you paid to the victim, although [mushiyo] living decreased,…

                                                                  • 日本和朝鲜人民会反击的国家,我
                                                                    The Korea race returning to the homeland, should fight with Japan

                                                                    • 是不是TTA的行整容手术或杀死她或租金的钱拿走的钱TTA的人
                                                                      The gold you received in someone, the woman killing, the gold you take melting, it went to the cosmetic surgery surgery, don't you think? it is, -

                                                                      • 是不是什么好杀,没有得到什么好要来的467下降 467 Dropping there is no favorite something don t you think the te murder favorite something
                                                                        • 我想我可能去杀人抢劫,但没有钱的女人471 471 Killing the woman while taking the gold whether it is moving

                                                                      • 更容易发胖到724站立,右有不断变化的在一天之内为Waru Kiga面对变化?事情,我们做这些事情加起来,从这个家伙竟然来更好的法规真正脸颊肿胀 724 How much to get fat passing easily it changes the extent where countenance changes in one day without being the yo Such pursuit 々 is to do and really always adding the cheek densely the ru it is
                                                                        • 排减单位,但奇怪地看着他,然后你做你自己无需手术,我经常脸颊浮肿Ramasu或任何含有恩戴嘴?特别是如果男人的脸 Although countenance it changes if operation it is not with you do by your something including in the mouth When the cheek is added don t you think it is possible to be Especially it is dense in case of the face

                                                                      • 本人生存,日本保留了舒适的怪胎,如果合适的那个环境,它是一个人河野聪Mareta只有约大桥照顾小,因为城市是一名生存的失控superdreadnought横井 If the survival how this the environment which is favored if mania of the type the easy ro which is rubbed Because escape sabaibarisuto of the super 弩 class Yokoi is in Japan It is the sufficient person where the city bridge how air is small

                                                                        • 果然三年徒刑了它从一些地区,妇女,受害人武装的到来,但我喜欢这是个谋杀和抢劫中死亡的随机杀人 NULL
                                                                          • 这家伙没有死刑改为终身监禁,希望有此绞 The book we want making write to indefinite it is dense to capital punishment
                                                                          • 阿一命起诉反正是20〜15年,而这将 How 15 20 year tsu te densely probably will be with the se indefinite statement of the procecutor s opinion on the punishment and

                                                                        • 桥城,我OHA的谷歌地球(免费版)也拉吊Karanyan ll NULL
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 oha island kiyarameruko n
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The oha island how Google ground free edition it is and it is from the pulling tsu
                                                                          • 它看上去就像艺人OHA的加藤秋叶桥城 akiba Kato oha city bridge Something it is the entertainer like

                                                                        • 此外,安装,和赎罪的监狱生活后,被林赛的,并具有将在那里生活和观点发表在失控的回忆录,但不辉煌的智力丝毫不能浪费鄂说 Furthermore e g 贖 crime to rinzei and after the being discharged you stare life publish the memo when escaping doing E g you are inserting also life ahead in range of vision you can say that it is the beautiful thought power which the minute dust is not wasteful
                                                                          • 因为有这么多的活力,它是一种可以出狱后的生活靖弘 So because there is baitaritei after the being discharged as for life the peace shelf

                                                                        • 沃勒塔女孩瓦特Monojan市桥自白从我喜欢我在日本我有一个新的W为那些家伙最近日本走出来的钱容易表w弹子房非法,但最近越来越多的国内企业收购表我也来了,从我们在日本,但仍保持镇静,我的新津津有味 City bridge garuzuwarata w Kind of those which such person has confessed resident tsu te by his it is w Recently resident appearing in the chart it is pleasant w With the illegal pachinko money recently purchasing domestic enterprise appearing in the chart steadily from the ru Also resident being unconcerned the face putting out is delightful
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 725 It is It converts Osaka near future Resident and decreasing yearly the ru to do crime decreasing as for the black ink balance increasing conversely the ru Tennoji it is in the midst of re development rushing
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 rushiburatsukuman the person and the woven field which are murdered It was resident

                                                                        • 津市 ř 。 , !升 ∨ 。 的r ,¯ ¯ ¯ ヽ “ │ ¯ ¯ └ 。 NULL
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL

                                                                        • 犯罪分子一Mezu手离开冲绳岛和隐藏逃犯染料,来到大阪的事,都没有立即浪费金钱,稼坚决维持和改善体能和体力劳动,而建议,该名男子谁住茹没有作出明智的 Either the inside of escaping does not dye the hand to crime lurks in the Okinawa remote island Coming to Osaka while manual labor e g with maintenance improvement of the physical strength shitsukari it makes also the gold There is no wastefulness the man who can do the how to live is wise you can guess
                                                                          • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 The gugu tsu cod walking at the time of ebb tide but like can cross to the island walking it crossed kana As for the islander however advanced age seems several when the news that is known it had lurked past thing says probably means that also the people of the island are fearful surely

                                                                        • 直到有一个市桥报复我讨厌它所行奇寻求监狱虐待和惩罚
                                                                          Doing to there, as for the city bridge it was hateful considerably to receive the jail going and punishment, it is the shelf Retribution

                                                                          • 离奇命案,因为是欲望的谋杀案嫌疑人
                                                                            As the criminal of bizarre homicide and pleasure homicide so been,

                                                                            • 资本外逃与我卖高校稼Ideta布萨肛门 NULL
                                                                              • 冲绳是为了逃避从井里或相当题跋 With you say or could escape well from Chiba to Okinawa
                                                                              • 我意识到,我很抱歉,我得到的最好的学生逃犯 The inside of escaping living most ru thing it probably is the reality red sandal wood

                                                                            • 跑了六百二十六瓦特米卡聪凡市桥垂直阅读逃离爆裂是关系到人民走在充满错误和徒劳的周围,权利,希望在国内躲藏逃脱或圆形或纵向的格式和一个傻子其余TTA的高级你们会从在异口同声的笑道Sesera市桥逮捕分布逃犯“,甚至不三年 邓小平二战”我喜欢 626 Length to read where intellectual viewing w As for escape of the city bridge the ro which is the mistake being lazy urouro doing wastefully relating with the person fairing and or the mug shot leaving it is foolish exposure The senior abnormal play of the escape offense which is in the midst of designation arranging which is in the midst of lurking with entire country the simultaneous false se and others probably is to laugh in information of city bridge arrest “It cannot escape either 3 years don t you think with the ww” tsu te
                                                                              • null responseDetails invalid result data responseStatus 40 NULL

                                                                            • 这家伙打着赤脚 平输出,当你逃离了房间,我可以格式化这将有助于确保有兄弟位 When fleeing from the room the person who escapes with the naked foot stays as for the tsu te thing which can be faired the compatriot who is helped securely
                                                                              • 你不得不做当你逃离房间赤脚一文无 When fleeing from the room broke it did with the naked foot and was it is with to do the yo
                                                                              • 梁赤脚逃跑的家伙,我要如何筹集资金的 The person who escapes with the naked foot doing how the gold it handles it is

                                                                            • 遗弃尸体的谋杀案 - 10年徒刑 - 它融化或移交大约15年的监狱逃跑的,但在1996年来到如果模型囚犯
                                                                              With homicide + abandonment of a body + escape about penal servitude 15 year? If you surrender and solve if about penal servitude 10 year, the model prisoner although the [re] which comes out in 8 years it is

                                                                              • 陪审制度被引入,而我就 - 平次,严厉的惩罚流
                                                                                Escaping turning, the judgment member system to be introduced between the [ru], the flow of severe punishment conversion

                                                                                研究 開発