Miki the Watanabe of [watami] chairman who develops the eating-house pub chain and the like (51) capital governor selection running in the party of examination everyone the cooperative request ★2
30:16编号:pc5f1racP但没有野心的人谁和民例子,我认为这是在人类弹出总是在任何环境中工作的人的结果頑張被转移到首都政府大楼425:Shisan名无 十年份:2011 00 82 09(星期三)10:36:38编号:pc5f1racP渡边美树市民都会支持努力 30 16 ID pc5f1racP The human who can persevere with any environment Thinking of that the result is put out always with work the ru human That is the human of watami The person who does not have improvement heart goes away from the Metropolitan Government Office 425 Name it is not ten lap year 2011 00 82 09 water 10 36 38 ID pc5f1racP Crossing over 邉 Miki supports the citizen of Tokyo who perseveres
405: 周年十Shisan名无:2011 02 09(星期三)10:30:16编号:pc5f1racP它和民现在,我们想成为一个男人是我工作的普通人了在任何环境下工作頑張是但没有野心的人谁已被删除大都会政府大楼425: 周年十Shisan名无:2011 02 09(星期三)10:36:38编号:pc5f1racP渡边美树市民都会支持努力 405 Name it is not ten lap year 2011 02 09 water 10 30 16 ID pc5f1racP The human who can persevere with any environment Thinking of that the result is put out always with work the ru human That is the human of watami The person who does not have improvement heart goes away from the Metropolitan Government Office 425 Name it is not ten lap year 2011 02 09 water 10 36 38 ID pc5f1racP Crossing over 邉 Miki supports the citizen of Tokyo who perseveres
39:44编号:pc5f1racP高鼻子有眼的清洁,他们 39 44 ID pc5f1racP The eye having been clear the nose is high
编号:pc5f1racP假例子,我想你不负责任的垂钓者 ID pc5f1racP You it fishes and it probably is the teacher but to some extent the fake you obtain
680或初中的人吗?我不想失去一个选举,但很好的工作!这家伙从这些,我付出太多,我不Shiku惜群达优秀,如果你向总督辫子,我付出的选举呼吁 680 It is dense the junior high school student It is good when it does not work you are defeated probably will be but Because such person is salary lowering coming out with some lever which it elects appeals is If excellent governor however much paying to be regrettable don t you think
竞选州长要求才是最重要的,我想这样做我自己这个人 This person When by yourself with this nomarch election you come the return we would like to ask but
698今天,我做的是愚蠢的权利击败了软弱的民间服务信息 698 Nowadays doing the government employee hitting as for the ru fool the ro which is feeling weakness
Shigo公务员Kareru以及,所有公民都 shigo those where he grows hoarse not only the government employee are citizen of Tokyo everyone
818那么,你不是宗教,虔诚的宗教徒 818 Therefore there is no religion something the te religion itself
988:@周年十Shisan名无:2011 / 02 / 09(星期三)06:29:10编号:8bLgoIh70原Hazime韩国东性罪犯在她自己的国家Guradoru sangokujin元何任知事Kaname测试患者的背叛与老年痴呆症,鼠疫州长候选人或推荐各领域的底部还黑头发,谁也是父亲的酒吧渡边Hazime 988 : Name it is not @ ten lap year: 2011/02/09 (water) 06: 29: 10 ID: 8bLgoIh70
Ishihara Dementia symptom patient of main point inspection
Connected hoe Treason Mikuni human woman of original [guradoru]
Higashi Kunihara The original characteristic offender, there is also a hair of pest
Crossing over 邊 Father of original pub furthermore black recommendation
Base of the respective field capital governor candidacy?
Erubeki考虑的问题,从第一食品中毒或过劳死 First it should think concerning the problem of food poisoning and overwork death
NULL l L l V ∧ ha to │ REPT l to REPT l REPT ⊥ i i l ⌒ REPT ┼ ─ └ ─ ─ l REPT i ┘ i 92 r ┬ ┬ ┬ a V ∧ ┼ re REPT HKRPT 92 l i ┘ i no gt │ ⊥ l 7 l l ∠ â r No j no 丿 REPT re Î i a l l l ∧ ha l re REPT gt no No i ∧ l l 92 gt r ni i l i REPT 7 92 Eight V No No 7 ○ O REPT
。Ĵ ∨ヽ ヽ∠ ≧两个D ð≠∠ ⌒ , :: NULL
“经理人”萝卜在这类眼中浮动叩确保人们获得足够的坏消息,他们会死瓦特(如独立的,但他们不是要扔掉好Wapuwa那里),但他们要成为州长溃疡不何处是更好地确保下工会维护乘客如面具,从“周刊Bunshun”TTA的瓶塞。杂志,你会狙每个舌Namezuri瓦特 “The manager” about dies w where hateful the mass communications person hitting by all conceivable means floats in the eye there is no wapuwa it is to put out although the ri ya a which becomes independent it is good However we want becoming capital governor therefore it is crushed certainty you stop and the one which is solved is good “Weekly sentence spring” the labor union business which wears the mask of like maintenance The magazine to slip to lick and tongue do aim the ru w
“经理人”萝卜在这类眼中浮动叩确保人们获得足够的坏消息,他们会死瓦特(如独立的,但他们不是要扔掉好Wapuwa那里),但他们要成为州长溃疡不何处是更好地确保下工会维护乘客如面具,从“周刊Bunshun”TTA的瓶塞。杂志,你会狙每个舌Namezuri瓦特 “The manager” about dies w where hateful the mass communications person hitting by all conceivable means floats in the eye there is no wapuwa it is to put out although the ri ya a which becomes independent it is good However we want becoming capital governor therefore it is crushed certainty you stop and the one which is solved is good “Weekly sentence spring” the labor union business which wears the mask of like maintenance The magazine to slip to lick and tongue do aim the ru w
“这是一个挑战,推动梅鲁鄂改变日本的首都是政治家的责任” “Very advancing the challenge which changes Japan it is responsibility of the politicians of the capital city”
无论你是政治家的一种方式,但另一个故事 Leaning toward the politician whether or not the ru as for in addition but another story
下列非经常性收入·万公务员(临时工),但即使在这样著名的W急剧增加所有我要说的是最需要的正式工人,我真的这样做,瓦特公务员邪恶, Although annual income 2 000 000 or less non formality government employee temporary staff even during extolment increasing w In a word the government employee of proper job saying most badness the ro which is story it is like the w
。。以下非经常性收入·万公务员(临时工),但即使在这样的赞誉,在非正规的公务员工作瓦特增殖急剧增加感性↓TTP的: kikakakikaka blog77 Fc2的COM 博客的条目 1028的HTML。 Although annual income 2 000 000 or less non formality government employee temporary staff even during extolment increasing w In a word the government employee of proper job saying most badness the ro which is story it is like the w
什么议程(议程)Kametai确保您有地下“,并说明一切,请检阅高 What agenda policy concern whether having we would like to verify” With you expressed appraised high
从来没有一个我主动地评估和民人 Because the human who has motivation has appraised watami
他们不喂猴子Shika底部聪DQN行业不知道是否有任何地方从W非法没有知识的事情,即使我知道非法号码Ranai白:“我不黑棉哩!(Kiritsu )“湿重 Because only feed doing industry of the monkey the base DQN which is not known is a knowledge w which is not understood whether something is illegal White number without knowing even illegal tsu te thing “as for watami black the potato it is kiritsu ” ww
他是年老体弱烟酒税头目马苏苏雅梳理公司的安全栏 As for him making the income tax of the company of the bar cheap, the prime mover which increases the old person of main point nursing with the liquor and the tobacco
但在幕后“石原四选”,在方向上与自民党位将焦点中的猛烈增加 But it directed to “Ishihara governor 4 selection” with the reverse side The movement which centers the Liberal Democratic Party it is extreme it increases
但实际上这样做对员工,“绝望”,但仅仅是个人魅力,我会做,我是说相反的是让政客Idaka方向高度的责任感,是不是我 But as for really doing making “despair harbor” for the employee you call the ru Saying but ru thing doing opposite You say that just charisma characteristic is high Facing to a certain semantic politician the ru don t you think
因为我渡边米奇宗教,工人兴高采烈地,我有非常积极的智慧Kaseru这个黑市业务工作 Therefore the Watanabe Mickey tsu te religion Family in super positive it can use at such a black enterprise the employees as 嬉 々 It has intelligence
但我会吹这个很老的把戏,三木娃的塔米董事长渡边一种是像大家的疲惫你的间谍“的事实,即支持所有请求的一方不存在的”关于新闻不竞选州长消极内容 Blowing this hand seemed everyone tired like method and the operative who are done well from former times
Altogether there is no fact which it supports requests to the party of Watanabe Miki chairman “everyone of [watami]”
Denying the reporting contents regarding capital governor selection running
但是,您可以谈别人的尊重,包括我在内的所有候选人有报道说这一次,事实上,对于不需要求助各方 Simply altogether there is no fact where it consults others it includes the party of kind of everyone who this each time is reported and in regard to running it supports requests
更新到老虎会赢得这一切从党的恐惧快乐这家伙 Perhaps this person the cod wins from with the party of everyone don t you think probably will be
你是黑人或诽谤或全日制公务员和民你是不是出于 watami black as for having slandered It does with the regular member or the government employee who does not have motivation the yo
公务员leeringly 553的公司,薪金,这是比较确定的薪酬水平我,我就付了那些谁不喜欢这个工作,你会提前向我推荐的通货紧缩 553 While looking at the allowance of the government employee in the side glance because well enough there is an enterprise which decides pay level Going down to the allowance of the people who work at such place it implements deflation the chi ya u
人们总是看不起的态度好了,在世界上的人是在有经验的公务员不能到一个完美的人我花耀西 Well the attitude which always despises that person is not accustomed to the favorite but the world tsu te person is made to experience to the government employee the trap which is the most suitable human
叛军办法像你们黑人经理的资格 In your like resistant power measures black manager fitness
和民赴东京大专工作,因为我来到回到重创的身体和心理无法信任这个人 The junior of the university to be employed to watami going to Tokyo The body and heart becoming ragged since returning It does not trust the thing of this person
我已经退休的朋友,我回到了萧条 The friend becoming ragged retiring it returned
哦,如果你支持喜欢那些高举忠Hazime 3 000 000人,但人的承诺 The a it is good even in evenness 3 000 000 If the human who puts out such pledge anyone supports
在东京州长选举,其中包括注意是否参选的目的都知事石原慎太郎四选,对提升他的候选人资格,他愿意承担总督宫崎秀夫Higashikokubaru政治活动的前轮毂已迁往东京 Centering on the Tokyo governor selection, Governor Sintarou Ishihara aiming toward 4 selections, whether or not it runs, besides the fact that is observed, Hideo Higashi Kunihara of nomarch front Miyazaki
Running preparation is advanced to prerequisite, base of political activity is being moved to Tokyo
在过饱和溶液态州长候选人,因为它是等待和观望 Therefore with circumstances seeing as for capital governor candidacy oversaturation aqueous solution state
堤义明Yasuzirou涩泽Eiiti后藤圭太松本851 851
Sibusawa glory one
Keita Goto
Tsutsumi Kouzirou
大家的党(总裁渡边吉见义明)携带他的候选人资格,例如,政府官员曾要求合作的积极性 gt The party of everyone the Watanabe Kimiyo chart running desire was conveyed to the authorized personnel cooperation was requested
咨询方面的,他的竞选不是“事实与评论张贴 There is no fact which is consulted in regard to running” that comment was announced
好吧,我不关心,它将不得不采取溢流设施有足够的钱没有人照顾“,”我需要的,不要忘记他们,这 As for sled ya nursing however even no one sufficiently trouble you make see has crossed over with the facility “The gold” is necessary what to that there it is with densely without forgetting
好吧,我不关心,它将不得不采取溢流设施有足够的钱没有人照顾“,”我需要的,不要忘记他们,这 As for sled ya nursing however even no one sufficiently trouble you make see has crossed over with the facility “The gold” is necessary what to that there it is with densely without forgetting
如果只有481人Toukyou我会担心满溢 481 Tokyo only the human who overflows in the air which is popular it should have been
如果只有488人Toukyou我的关怀洒 488 Tokyo only the human who overflows in the air which is popular it should have been
它可能会暴露在他的候选人资格后一负严峻现实家伙网上商店 When the dense Tsuga it runs the negative actual condition of the serial store It keeps being disclosed frankly don t you think probably will be
子敏都议,即使在“四马当选,”正成为一个先决条件 Even between our people capital discussions “4 selection running” It is becoming prerequisite
富士“2001年的报告”新石原在民意测验中30%,东Kunihara 22%,12%舛添要,荷花美术8%,8%的肌醇 Even in the public opinion poll of Fuji Telecasting Co. “new reporting 2001” Ishihara 30%, Higashi Kunihara 22%,
The Masuzoe 12%, it was the lotus 舫 8% and the boar shoal 8%
对于石原突然加速运动招募参加者“还提请Uchibori埋葬,”都知事石原慎太郎,东京都知事选举四月(78)正迅速加快试图招募动态Kiga Movement abrupt acceleration of Ishihara capital governor supporting Also the authorized personnel “moat was buried”
Governor Sintarou Ishihara (78) it tries to support in April Tokyo governor selection
The movement has accelerated rapidly
小池至Warota 661 661
In Koike [warota
小泽前队长,改革舛添要Youiti挤鸠山兄弟党的代表,你出去,除非绝对选举刚辉...“的表面下(政治记者)由民主党领导人甚至酒吧] [Kazutami进行了接触,开办名人和记者,包括主席先生池上渡边晃三木的回应是,他们不能得到任何好颜色 The new party reform which secretly converses with Ozawa original representation and the Hatoyama sibling
As for Masuzoe main point one representation, if it is not the election which it can win absolutely, it does not come out and……” (the political reporter)
Another Democratic party staff at below water crossing over of pub 'harmony people' 邉 Chairman Miki and
Akira journalist Ikegami et. al you examined running in the work expert, but
In each case you call color good answer that you could not receive,
州长选举出价要求你从许多人在过去730 Gozaimashita很多 730 As for the running request that past there was a large quantity when it comes out to capital governor selection of many ones
希望扩大成为无行为能力的暴露自己打败了过去一切邪恶的杂志你出价 When it runs, the [tsu] [te] to which all the weekly magazines are disclosed the past wrongdoing and sow being defeated, desiring the development which becomes recovery impossible
惠普在公共广告,如穿的梦想和理想,人类的理论,一个真正的个人独裁者死亡的现实要加班的员工在停业恐怖面前。骗子 Like HP with the public advertisement explaining dream and ideal and mankind love the [ru], as for the private actual condition
With the management which puts out terrorism on the front the employee the extent which dies the pure dictator who is used hard. Swindler
我不喜欢经理无法对公务员或变相无偿加班 In government employee partner overtime work generation default or disguise administrative position with stamp -
我们一起立即媲美处主要城市的官方与县政府职能 It unites the function of main agency of the prefectural government and government ordinance city and is a match to the bureaucracy
我喜欢它,我只是有责任第四个任期石原慎太郎即使我不渡,东Kunihara If Higashi Kunihara and the crossing over 邊 the useless [tsu] [te] only leave 4th period to Ishihara, calling, it is thing, don't you think?
我尽了妻子的测试头435。森谷被捕 435
The long wife tried, but. It was obstructed to the 仙 valley
我的资本理论为总督做坏人更方便 As we of the transfer of the capital disputant, the useless person capital governor
The one which you do is favorable
新自由主义是美味wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww which new principle of freedom is tasty and is
新闻发布会还身兼小池百合子,“羽田机场的国际化,是水果,但总督元,石原进 Lily child Chairman of the Executive Council Koike in press conference
“Internationalization and the like of the Haneda Airport is bearing fruit of those which Governor Ishihara advanced
无法获利的习惯,也意味着我知道有定期加薪和奖金 Also tsu te having periodic raise in salary and the bonus semantic obscurity puts out to the habit where the profit is not put out
Kaseru有关正确的工作工资低冲击恶骂 Denouncing ringing it can use low at wages the extent which Proper
无论是发射成本也比较低加薪 Low there is no either substituting neck which is not either raise in salary at wages
最近,我总是说这是二百四十二瓦特我成为一名成人瓦特Shiku 242 From that former times w The te you say or recently became gentle w
此人是从一个好故事好东西我说温达 Because at this human story is good you call good thing it is
来自日本的济州岛,除了来自全罗庆济州从朝鲜半岛局势的全罗南道庆尚北道人民的人※歧视 - 不能超过墙 - 日本(大前) * The Korean discriminatory circumstance
Celebration Naomiti graduate person Graduate person other than celebration Naomiti all the 羅 road end state island residents All the 羅 road graduate people End state island graduate person Resident ([omae])
此前,“如果自民党再次Ttara难”连说话的秘书长,这一天北石原直接送来的追捧表达要求有意参选澄清肯定很快 So far “if when the Liberal Democratic Party was troubled already 1 times” and so on you spoke Secretary General Ishihara this day straight to send the love call in expression soon The intention which it runs as a candidate requests was made clear
每个人都知事石原慎太郎星期五狗党出于对犹大贺都清俱乐部类型的问题 As for party of everyone Seiwa meeting affiliation namely dog of [yuda] gold
Ishihara is irrelevant
然而,渡边先生,“即使当骂,基本情绪是 喜欢 的资格必须像我不骂”,“ 演讲 罗我被说成是TTA的没有人 Though crossing over 邉 as for the chairman “when scolding even as for being in root if with the feeling favorite we do not like as for the qualification which is scolded It is not it is” as for there are no either 1 times “ stopping
“平静”和“正确传达为什么骂:”这是 Calmly” is ““to convey the reason where you scold securely”
特别是安全孤儿,以保护Toukyou人必须是困扰茹中国居民为你想要做什么在东京有一对校长,谁也检查DMA的义务,很好地了解历史运行clear声明反外国人或从东京贫困居民重新考虑对外国居民的入籍申请,是一个必须 Whoever is good running as a candidate, but Whether historical and how we would like to recognize this person Tokyo if it is not the person who can speak clearly, it is troubled Tokyo public order Order is protected Resident Chinese Especially, obligation of the check of DMA of the residual orphan and naturalization application of the resident foreigner are taken a second look from Tokyo when Resident defective foreign measure without fail necessity
由于未能走出总督Watamigurupu? With [watamigurupu] failure transfer to capital governor?
看来时间已经come ll回到谈判桌阶段田中真纪子 When in Makiko Tanaka the chart stage return making it seems that comes
石原说,创价学会和蜜月,但不听,我作为自民党秘书长的儿子 Capital Governor Ishihara Soka academic society and honeymoon you do not hear the story, but the son Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General
石原,东,舛添要,我已经看到了更好的例子是有关美术 Ishihara and east, Masuzoe, the connected 舫 was visible in [mashi
砂尾渡边石原东国原小池官员希望你成为东京都政府州长 The order where the Metropolitan Government Office staff would not like to have becoming the governor
� crossing over 邊
� Ishihara
� Higashi Kunihara
� Koike
纪子恩戴进养老院当做一个月,我很少知道我在手术包括多少税甲酸注意:如果你学习一切从预算Mitchiri About one month throwing entering in the nursing facility when from income and outgo mitsuchiri it studies from something to something How much tax being poured being managed you know whether the ru
纪子恩戴约一成养老院一个月,我很少知道我在手术包括多少税甲酸注意:如果你学习一切从预算Mitchiri About one month entering into the nursing facility when from income and outgo mitsuchiri it studies from something to something How much tax being poured being managed you know whether the ru
自我宣传和自我宣传没有当选,我认为绝对万维网 Self advertisement self advertisement It can be elected www which is not thought no matter what
东京土民这家伙的质量选举产生,也 NULL
薰绫剧场教师聘用考试中,提出593位或两千字的印象恩戴总统如何阅读一本好书 593
Did teacher employment test of the Iku sentence mansion reading the book of chief director, how receive being impressed?
It is submitting with 2000 letter
请煮沸州长选举中复制并粘贴在开玩笑 When it becomes capital governor selection, strange [kopipe] it boils
这是最糟糕的,从这个家伙高中考试成为总统太721 721 Because we becoming dense Tsuga chief director after became worst high school you took an examination
这种“照顾穷人什么金楚罂粟,”我父亲的精神,当我正努力支持护理,这是带来了一个务实的方式,是不如穷亲戚家做 This person “making money with nursing it supports the mind that something is bad” Nursing the father you do the time as for nursing rather than the relative doing unskillfully the one which is made businesslike is good With it felt keenly the fact that you say