The health problem of Masako “relationship there is no” “English designation” exceptional case…In the Imperial Court event minister of state not coming
哦,在红十字会名誉副会长,“公主”是会议的快乐和我们一起用餐 > It is honorable Vice President of the Japanese red cruciform corporation, “the Royal Princess” it is the meeting which simultaneous can point to the meal distantly
04据宫内厅的野村一成王储Daibu简报已经是一个“照常”的延续,已收回 1
According to the conventional interview of 4 days of shrine Hiroo's one Naruto Nomura of the Imperial Household Agency, to it has already been recovered “sort normally”
10“大使”亚拉,亚拉国务卿,我会见了来自各个领域的知名人士 10
“Each country ambassador”, the [ze] which is the forum of Minister of state the personage of all sectors of society
296 Shinanidaasahi文仁,Shinanidaasahi在你心头,你的妻子纪子妃有一所房子。人 296
[shinanidaasahi] fall the 篠 shrine, Noriko and spouse favorite
As for [shinanidaasahi] in the Crown Prince family. Concentration
465我喜欢,我已经解除了对英国的Kazusa恩戴天皇和皇后行 465 Me it leaps Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress without going to England being completed it will have been relieved it is
我看了很明显谁是下一个是值得天皇和皇后 Either one is suitable in Empress next term emperor someone sees passing clear
47:12 98编号:7XbrJt030 一十分之二千○十 8(星期五)下午2时:星期日42 7月10日(星期四) 47 12 98 ID 7XbrJt030 gt 2010 10 8 gold In the afternoon 2 42 October 7th wood
181名称:可爱的妻子不 圣人 发表于:2011 03 06(星期日)00:14:13 74编号:为新的详细描述130 HiFJC8k60感谢 181 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2011 03 06 day 00 14 13 74 ID HiFJC8k60 130 Detailed explanation thank you
571名称:可爱的妻子不 圣人 发表于:2011 03 06(星期日)10:20:18 50编号:rTzEmLke0四年级很快 571 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2011 03 06 Sunday 10 20 18 50 ID rTzEmLke0 Maggot coming 4th grade
780名称:可爱的妻子不 圣人 发表于:2011 01 22(星期六)11:56:50编号:7c6X Qeg0我有771 780 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2011 01 22 Saturday 11 56 50 ID 7c6X Qeg0 771 Certain
一十分之二千○十 8(五)下午2 00:星期日42七月十日(星期四) gt 62 2011 02 26 Saturday 20 47 12 98 ID 7XbrJt030 gt 2010 10 8 gold In the afternoon 2 42 October 7th wood
想来点什么ー! 269名称:可爱的妻子不 圣人 发表于:2011 03 06(星期日)07:37:08 78编号:8ufnSc0l0我在我的热门搜索词 No this tsu 269 Name It is lovely the madam sage Contribution day 2011 03 06 Sunday 07 37 08 78 ID 8ufnSc0l0 It is the top with search word don t you think
编号:Ao4vrzrrO也已修订或太绝望 ID Ao4vrzrrO Coming it is Too desperation it is
编号:Ao4vrzrrO略低于好笑 gt ID Ao4vrzrrO Change less only
702的Hazime赤坂小南 702 The just a little south of original Akasaka
702的Hazime赤坂小南 702 The just a little south of original Akasaka
802是的,但在媒体的每周周刊朝日和Shin潮,一遇到埃塔只有约足并批评品种对垒 802
The [u] is, medium of relations of the dog monkey, weekly new tide and weekly Asahi,
It kept pace almost with Toumiya criticism
Hottokya Toraezu的锗的好东西,什么是包含了我的方式寻找到了用头撞人,他从低俗的杂志,源“,这将看到的丑闻,”我 It comes relieved not to catch exaggeratedly by your to the vulgar weekly magazine you searching the ya good ones in the source The neck sudden tsu 込 it is the do being something “the scandal can be shown ” is
功仁想找到丑闻,现在我们是成功的今天会甚至想取消公众认为帝王宝座前,雅子本身 Because we would not like to look at the scandal before Naruhito and Masako are enthroned the citizen whom you think that we would like to abolish the Imperial Family itself In the future it appears successively probably will be
如果你有一个像雅子抱怨,“想成为一个像样一点”应该说 If there is a complaint the Masako way “A little we want becoming honest” that it should call
Shikunari要孩子,使从王储王储体细胞作为一种媒介大鼠精子 To become desired the child the mouse as a medium from Toumiya s somatic cell making Toumiya s spermatozoon
Shikunari想作为媒体的鼠标从王储露儿童,王储体细胞 To become desired the child the mouse as a medium from Toumiya s somatic cell making Toumiya s spermatozoon
Shiku忙未能出席天皇和皇后来到被要求考虑以下顺序:王储和他的妻子,香港地产建设商会流,“钉子插入和 Both majesties being busy because it cannot attend In the following order examining in the Crown Prince husband and wife it is the flow that it came to the point of receiving ” that the nail was stuck
Shiku忙未能出席天皇和皇后来到被要求考虑以下顺序:王储和他的妻子,香港地产建设商会流,“钉子插入和 Both majesties being busy because it cannot attend In the following order examining in the Crown Prince husband and wife it is the flow that it came to the point of receiving ” that the nail was stuck
↑BSNHK电信不仅是因为Sun仍然活着!本人梳理国家对日出计数太子妃雅子出席世界一切手段! ! !一旦你漂白它像我期待Doya万维网 ↑
Day tele just it is not, even with [te] BSNHK even live broadcast!
Also Masako attending by all means, in the entire world
[atekushi] crown princess Hidekuni's! ! ! The [tsu] [te] [doya] face you should have bleached, www
一个肯定的版税,我们应该成为一个共和国的皇帝与死亡 When with respect to of now dies, the one which is made republic becomes for the royalty
上野公园,上野动物园是包括梅子〜大正下的宫内厅作为帝国御料地管辖权 As for the Ueno park which includes the Ueno zoo shrine introspection had governed extending through Meiji - Taisho, as an emperor room preserve
为了捍卫文仁智者雅子之间是否有道德直觉瓦特的差异你有批评和诋毁呢? Fall with Masako protection 篠 shrine sage There is a moral it is or w Perhaps doing criticism and slander Misunderstanding increase it is
我在做雅子到目前为止瓦特 Masako has done what until now is w which is
这是一种漂白或护理知识TTA的耻辱阅读雅子512元 512 Masako protection knew doing that you bleached shame you could read with frame
什么你的王储和他的妻子行,而不是我很风趣,我想你会是有困难 The fact that Toumiya s husband and wife does in the change is that it is grateful thing thinking the ru is
但是,而不是隐藏的非常出色,而且你的(因为,像这种情况在其他孩子的费用为Ry的,皇室公主。鱼糕或学校的陪同下,但没办法,空前 But instead of it hides that Very much being excellent in order to make ry It became the kind of situation which designates the other child as sacrifice that Crown princess same Attending school associated boiled fish paste Everything is unprecedented
“我的心。有限公司正式△△”我可以以前所未有的成名 “Heart △ △ corporation of official recognition” Being unprecedented it is accustomed to famous
但更使他的陛下,“他的妻子Kunaru不错的排名,”如果我说岂有此理选择六合雅子的母狗比小的原因 Depending from even to that, it is the majesty abnormal play, in the petty reason that “standpoint of your own wife become bad”,
If you say that [abazure] Masako was chosen [kuni] compared to, absurdity
你可以帮助一位王子Kesubeki就像登仁,英皇 As for also Imperial Prince Naruhito should help in the same way, His Majesty the Emperor
你是愚蠢的右翼已经把我们的头现在Gotchagocha瓦特u003d我不是右翼爱国者 [aho] right wing now becoming head [gotsuchiyagochiya], the [ro] w which is the [ru]
There is no patriot = right wing, it is
例如,要抱怨的欺诈在民主党Hosu陛下... In the majesty appealing the Democratic party with fraud, it dries to be,…
公主只是精神上退化,只是微笑的看着他们王储 The Royal Princess of the just it degenerates mentally, smile His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince sufficient you see that
其结果就是今天的皇帝。减损,以及帝国换行符危机 The result present emperor Authority losing 墜 and it is crisis of imperial Osamu extinction
书。王室,通常与文仁的房子孩子称号 Book The Imperial Family fall 篠 shrine family offering accompanying having designation normal
其结果就是今天的皇帝。减损,以及帝国换行符危机 The result present emperor Authority losing 墜 and it is crisis of imperial Osamu extinction
只要寻找帝国的家里的短期利益,更浅底小和田刚 Furthermore the sufficient bottom where also the Owada conspirators of the parents' home search the Imperial Family right of foresight it is shallow
可怜的雅子和民主党人不看,我常常想,如果我当然奥凯之间没有这个时间差会同意吗?爱子公主,池塘是丑陋的,是不是太之间没有区别? It is not read but the Democratic party and Masako are bad that if you think mostly you are not wrong This time naturally so is The Crown Prince and swamp Aiko are not wrong awkwardness this
雅子其正式业务,可在一段时间一次,因为它的时候,野生仅在欧洲,并很快从欧洲人民欢庆Kunaru强风,而不是我们的工作 Masako therefore as for the official business being possible the European limitation Sometimes unless it works severe criticism from the citizen becomes strong Gradually when playing doing greatly in Europe it came
雅子妃是不允许的,因为无需监视她的帝国2周 确定 投票的公务 Masako the official business as for the reason which you do not do Imperial Family sure of 2 Without watching because it cannot be w
和愚蠢的,懒得Bimotsukanakattahodono及雅子是Souka Masako the extent which Soka or is not attached being foolish, furthermore indolence
夏休了,打深夜节是进入一家公司王储的宫殿 Until summer vacation inserting the trader in the Toumiya Imperial palace your celebration tsu of nighttime it is dense
该例子是,它伤害的儿童,王储的甘露,常陆宫 Those where the harm is given to that child are Hitatinomiya of Toumiya s dew
外交礼仪的协议,如果该基地是一个国家的领导人Unnun声望排名任期的故事是由外交信誉,信誉经典,声望和评价的娱乐和宗教地位的评估只,各种观点那面差(Unnun手续),他们说,皇帝决定梅鲁著名的席位从现在的机械基础协议与外交争吵梅鲁 国王,是否认识到,检查确定的排名一 As for protocol diplomacy courtesy, releasing the seating
If the national sovereign it judges the basis at only being in the office period
As for status [unnun] status, traditional status and religion status in diplomacy aspect, with
There is appraisal with various points of view appraisal is different and depending upon standpoint
When seating is decided in such aspect (status [unnun]), because it becomes the cause of quarrel
It reached the point where mechanically the seat is decided with diplomacy protocol
When you refer to status, the emperor > the king, with there is the recognition which is said certainly
大女儿有一个问题,因为人们更遑论行为有没有手说:我们有超过他的母亲原本出租租赁本身偏心妻子 Originally the mother itself passing the eccentric therefore the person there is no recipient of the wife Increasing is problem in conduct the eldest daughter who…
女主人谁成为皇室与浩纪伊从没有出生的孩子压在妻子(即使你有生育能力的皇帝,或者说案件问题)谁是没有怀孕将是一个相当秘密我认为我们可以从其他的种子 Because the people who have become the wife and the mistress of the emperor house unless the child is born pressure are large When there is a problem in the reproduction ability of the emperor even when with in that case of the margin which you say and bites The kana where the person who does not become pregnant easily with secret does not receive the seed from other things and or is not the red sandal wood
如果你有皇室你什么,我会学习的能力,这不是唯一的帝国王位联系方式 If � you it is detailed concerning the emperor house as for disabled ones It is the expectation which knows that you do not settle to the Imperial Throne
更加有效的下一个孩子不称职的长子(如例如Godaigo) For example more competent next child than the disabled eldest child Emperor et al rear Daigo
如果家庭更加狡猾和谨慎,如果皇后雅子到至少消费者会提高警觉,注意色彩家和田,阁下美德,人逐渐推出全球行动吞掉雅子它必须一直很紧张 That whole group being more cunning, if it was the preparation careful, at least Masako becomes the empress until
Turning off the Owada color of the parents' home, when it is careless the citizen and becomes Naruhito's and Masako public it is the expectation which causes conduct at a stroke
学习院的困难,直至开除波多野先生,他的健康状况恶化寻求即时的小和田 Until Hatano is reshuffled by the health state deterioration of Owada's
As for Gakushuin hardships when it is continued
宫内厅2月28日,皇帝,弹簧游园会由皇后主持,已经宣布,今年的赤坂御苑Hazime赤坂在东京举行的4月28日 The Imperial Household Agency February 28th the garden party of the spring when both Majesty emperor and empress is sponsored this year on April 28th with the Akasaka 苑 of Tokyo original Akasaka It announced that it holds
已确认有没有权利继承王位,王储和常陆宫,今天,日本皇室和我们的主权主常陆宫家 Being verified that it does not have the Imperial Throne succession right, to become Toumiya and Hitatinomiya, the emperor with respect to today and now
In family and Hitatinomiya family
当皇帝视察了医院,和我玩了公众溜冰查询您的贷款到卸货日期,而不是问有 The occasion where the majesty was inspected was hospitalized instead of you ask to visit Public skating finishing to lend in leaving the hospital day play
我休息一会,和王室,使我的孩子是谁没有关系 Tearing will the Imperial Family it makes the child who is not relationship
雅子是,最好是来自另一个王室 As for Masako the one which already comes out of the Imperial Family is better
我会把剩下的我对你说是羞耻或创伤婚礼 Shame scratching with wedding it became the trauma With saying it continues recuperation
我会比TTA的足够多观察王子出席仪式并置 The trap which means fully to protect courtesy with the attendance of equal Crown Prince
我被炸毁Ao4〜瓦特頑張仍然相当的凝聚力是在白天和晚上睡觉我病孺星期二 Ao4 Persevering still the te w which is blown With sleeplessness non 休 by fire illness ru how suitable adhesion shank
所以,我会说,孙子,参加我们的婚礼天皇主权主 Therefore, attending the wedding of the grandchild in the emperor with respect to now, it means to say
文仁和他的妻子昨天,中国科学院在“学术奖和奥斯卡奖相提并论日本学术振兴会”(台东区)第7届也出席了纪念仪式在参加仪式 Fall your 篠 shrine husband and wife on the 3rd, the Japanese Academy (the Tokyo Taito Ku) with in “7th Japan Society for the Promotion of Science prize and the Japanese Academy scientific encouragement prize” awarding ceremony
It attended and participated even in commemoration tea party
新娘离开皇室,是年轻的家庭小和田的未来。茂茂马苏耀西 Producing the wife to the emperor house, the Owada house future is long. It prospers
王储,或由裕仁天皇将在1990年,有一个切杆和睾丸 Toumiya was 1990 with the will of Emperor Showa gold ball and sao are cut
什么是1990年,圣保罗阉割睾丸被切除 It was 1990 being cut gold ball and sao you emasculate
现在,我刚才花穆可能发展障碍 If now although the possibility being sufficient just advancement obstacle is high
由于头是在1998年异常 Way the head advances abnormally in 1998
皇后美智子扑是一代东西长的原因和皇后美智子扑,但我不知道,1993年开始,等待叩Kiga头目 As for Mitiko busing those limited to of 1 generations as for cause and the ringleader of the Mitiko hitting however you do not understand Hitting starting 1993
在罢工和皇后美智子的主谋,但不知道原因,1993年开始等待叩Kiga So as for cause and the ringleader of the Mitiko hitting however you do not understand Hitting starting 1993
直到日本经济的崩溃,因为它代表一个人的不适感 When is until you display as the Japanese economic collapse the unpleasant impression
真的吗?在来ñ真的吗?Dotakyan只〜给我一个了断,甚至 maji It is to come being maji Pardoning just dotakiyan don t you think Being
来吧,作为日本人觉得 Pardoning as the Japanese with you think
绝对案件的M分子第一节/ 2]外交部和通奸学习期间⇒ � 'M child interruption incident part1/2' ⇒ studying abroad age and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immoral era
编号:Ao4vrzrrO文仁家马可。据招聘会策划和尖叫在亚洲幻灯片和小和田刚尝试工作,他们是皇后爱子文仁亲王抢劫宝座 ID: Ao4vrzrrO
Fall 篠 Miyake the 眞 child. That supporting was planned, you have screamed, but
This fall from under the 篠 palace taking the Imperial Throne
That will designate Aiko as the empress, the Owada conspirators and specific Asia which have been built
It probably is slide
还河。致命冯的葬礼是由比德仁出席,将记录在王储的宫殿的数字集 That and river. As for being fatal with Yutaka's funeral Naruhito attending compared to,
The entry place is provided in the Toumiya Imperial palace, the callous Toda wax
这么粗鲁和肯尼亚总理和他的妻子,不损害国家利益,它是 This being impolite to the Kenyan prime minister and spouse This and the reason which impairs national interest
一幅画,和他的妻子希望文仁 It becomes the picture fall we want making your 篠 shrine husband and wife
这可能是因为该行Kitakunakatta运动,而不是残疾不东京 In other words because it is not inside capital it is not the te Handicapped person sports meeting Therefore you do not want to go
我没有这样做,因为在德国没有一个决定,那些家伙 Because as for not doing in Germany the fellows were decision it is not
这是最担心我,这是如何 成为一种新兴的怀石料理此事召开公主 Me most becoming matter of concern that the Royal Princess how doing gt That it means saying whether you ingest meeting place cooking
对于不擅长做各种一定要记住礼仪培训的新娘,但不圆满的榜样,甚至说英语 Only you being remembered etiquette completely even with tide Princess education even English you cannot speak satisfactorily
那么仅仅是因为缺乏对日本媒体报道,细,如果你不来或来或不知道!我希望我曾经切断从王室和人 Therefore just the Japanese mass communications power insufficiency You do not understand whether it comes whether it does not come if it is it does not come and it is the te good With Although from the English royal family it should have been refused in direct 々
当前皇帝的婚礼参与英国未来国王 In the wedding of next term English king Present emperor participates
除非他们在波多野和进修学院,一个国家在见守他的追随者会惊讶的脸 Even with Gakushuin when it has been watched over with the amazed look excluding Hatano and that tracer,
雅子的英语和日语,也没有对文化一瞥 There is no either portion of culture in Masako English and Japanese
非洲不存在对El Funso选,它不出来,当然Yamanha [hunso] ゙ [rika] ゙ l it is not there don't you think? and, either [yamanha] ゙ does not come out of course
(因为他在欧洲的货物流动),日本天皇和皇后,并最终释放我们外地身份,他们让妻子也出席了王储精神病也过滤 The article flowing to Europe from the ru After all Empress Japanese emperor made this person runaway It is the case that Princess Toumiya of the psychosis it probably will attend also easily
Ki是从一个团伙的背后,雅子和田新皇后扑在它僵硬的工作进了王室然而,包括皇后是一个解决办法,不等于失语 Furthermore were inserted in the Imperial Family with that with the construction of the Owada conspirators of Masako and the back which new empress busing happening As for Her Majesty the Empress the fact of the matter which is driven to the aphasia
? gt Perhaps this it is education gt Abbreviation But gt the person whom “the royalty” you question and from fish standpoint in politics like me laughing you see being gt It probably is to be conscious
产妇相对的,不是王室,参与政治的人,因为 In the reason where the maternal relative is not the royalty is the human who participates in politics