647去年,他来到了大山亲爷罴通常是来自于走出困境的一个住宅小区的房子,因为两国元首札幌Itajan混合遍历Syari罴街头 647 Last year Shari throughout the city 2 brown bears is paraded Even Sapporo normally in residential town of the forest of the shrine the brown bear It came out the mountain father who comes out it puts out
我期待清凉的286在以前的一段讲话倾斜 286 From the tsu coming with respect to tilt the parenthesis attaching in speech ru you
856当然农业,渔业,乳品基地 856
Of course agriculture, fishing industry and dairy farming probably are the basis
NULL That and the air is good The food is good The hot spring it is and it is cousin Sawayama View calling and It can connect also the net It is good Hokkaido The rear brown bear speaking fearfully the causing brick which the person is Because already it is not in Shiribeshi it is all right Mountain around Niseko or Kutsuchan As for the brown bear it stays in the mountain of other area but it encounters so simply rubbing well We something also one time has not met to the brown bear of wildness Either the crisis atmosphere has not been felt If it goes to countryside because also price is cheap being some poor living it can keep Therefore even everyone poverty The vegetable and the fish which are left over from the farmer and the fisherman of area you receive Helping it becomes husky with usual association and there is also “calling” the luxurious dinner To be good to be bad those where it is talent weather are the Hokkaido people Therefore in everyone Hokkaido it is
井聪案件里诺塞我的老师,有的人是从大学的渔民,他们是这样的人如果我对你的渔民或农民元人民币,如果在东北,我可以采取某种方式连接Torere联系我希望 With the acquaintance of my teacher the person where from the university inside has become the fisherman it is if and northeast or the former farmer or the former fisherman so is don t you think Such person being if communication it comes off perhaps somehow connection it comes off but it is
Waranai变化,从冷,东北和北海道锦鲤锦鲤 Because northeast and cold do not change it is dense in Hokkaido it is dense
〜绫武,每年北海道新闻社继续〜(3月6日17 55) It continues concerning the long sentence The Hokkaido newspaper 03 17 06 55
Yuubari再生碳。煤炭与核能发电的发挥相当 The Yuubari playback
Charcoal. Playback
In place of the nuclear plant coal generation of electricity
│┐──────────────────────┌×○││回答问题时· ·时间! ¯ ¯ ¯││││× ¯ ¯要求· ·追求攻击(845手写×)││你的态度要讨论认真地问○││¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯││×情绪(愤怒智苛立)○││情感表(我我去如此真实!)││¯ ¯ ¯表¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯││×○││人试图请假安全 ┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┐
│ Ã answer time │
│ ○ question time! │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
│ à cross-examination overtaking attack (Handwritten à Confrontation quarrel) │
In the attitude which we would like to argue to the │ ○ true 摯 asking │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
│ Ã feeling (anger irritation) in chart │
│ ○ feeling (it will advance truly! ) In chart │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
│ Ã it will make the time when you overcome safely │
It will make the time when it shows in the │ ○ citizen │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
Comparing meeting of │ Ã policy │
Comparing meeting of vessel of │ ○ leader │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
The │ (either one entrusts the country is suitable?) │
│ │
│ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ │
The image which we would like to show to the │ citizen │
│ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ │
│ * “You stare general situation, 菅” vs “Only political situation Tanigaki who is not seen” │
│ * “Argument is called seriously, 菅” vs “Tanigaki who is refused” │
│ * “Thinking of the country, [ru] democracy” vs “Thinking of the party, the [ru] our people”. │
│ * “Tanigaki who says that you would like to say not to answer to the question of the 菅,”. │
└ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
〜蓝如果Osyamanbe函馆。有些人可能会好舒服东北部也有一个有点像蕨类铅 If Hakodate - Oshamanbe blue. But, and a little being, whether the northeast person who are the lead like atmosphere are good
一旦你退休Serubeshi很好的工作保障煤炭行业的复苏三笠Akahira东部小镇夕张有八云手厚日期 Yuubari Akabira Mikasa
Coal industry should revive
When it makes employ makes guarantee all right
As for annuitant
Yakumo Date Road east town village is careful
不是蟑螂,70但人口密度小,他们才开始〜 The cockroach it is not and the population density 70 chi yo to start being in be and others the ke
不良的驾驶习惯或者说573,不操作是危险的老人到处DQN是正确的,要通过能力 573 You say or that the operational manner is bad driving the aged person is dangerous The ro which DQN is anywhere and is through ability you will attach
不过,“只是想从小学,离”五从摩托车和汽车,从全省的同事,和刮伤收集乘用车燃料tive请戴上一终于追踪到福岛机场,五人到机场为目标 But “we would like to leave from the nuclear plant in any case” that of the road Utide body from the motorcycle and the car 5 of colleagues Finally gathering car 1 fuel which arrives to the Fukushima airport you aimed toward the airport with 5 people
“只是想从核电厂远离”从汽车和摩托车五个同事,抓搜集乘用车燃料tive请戴上终于追踪到福岛机场之一,针对五人到机场 “We would like to leave from the nuclear plant in any case” From the motorcycle and the car 5 of colleagues gathering car 1 fuel which finally arrives to the Fukushima airport you aimed toward the airport with 5 people
举例说,农民知道他们的情况下,如果第一产业就业Tteta对我说,他们雇我穿也很好人留下来吧鄂还可能增加未来的建设工作,我认为,在北海道我就是喜欢 So if you say the farmer of the acquaintance employing the person very you say that it stays and does not arrive If primary industry there is work it is the kana which is not Whether the constructive industry work increases from this It is with Hokkaido It is the good place
乳业在北海道的农场,你这个东西是消灭干净文 If such a thing it occurs in Hokkaido, dairy farming agriculture is total destruction
乳品助手也将在家庭和汽车贷款的当地政府 The dairy farming helper the self-governing community is also a place of the house and car loan
什么样的海岸边的海啸,主要初级倾倒,Munja愿望,在第一产业从事行业北海道 The coast side [tsu] [te] of damage of the tidal wave, primary industry is and is the main [po] the empty, the fact that you engage to primary industry in Hokkaido is desired,
什么自我剖腹鸠山,接受难民争取到一个临时的家,我做我会在广阔的土地苫小牧东工业园大会堂 Hatoyama our stomach cutting, the immense land being left over, making the temporary dwelling in the [ru] Tomakomai eastern industrial complex, accepts the evacuee
从零下10度的一些地方会毫不犹豫地在这个时候我要来住,只要不要害怕等待,直到它涉及到食品停止取暖油Hokkaidou Just the food is not good living Being unconcerned even at this time because there is also a place where it reaches 10 degree Hokkaido When the oil for heating stops it becomes fearful thing
仙台机场不得不面临这样的灾难的弱点,不得有可能罚款福岛机场工程 Weakness to disaster exposed the Sendai airport, but, the Fukushima airport so functioning doing nicely, the shelf
似乎导弹团部署在北部地区和Rosuke两栖攻击舰 In addition [rosuke] the amphibious assault ship general purpose and the missile regiment disposes to northern territory seems and
你把附于这些人体内放射性物质?怎样才算歧视,例如,如果我说什么?测试会作为风险金额北海道是一个快乐的新的无礼,但希望此事 Attaching to this people radioactive physical body the ru it is with to do the yo Thinking some lever it becomes in cod discrimination kana As for coming to Hokkaido however it is delightful the impoliteness just being bombed quantitative inspection seems that is wanted doing …
愚蠢的放射性物质将在北海道积稳定的未来?之前,你甚至愚蠢的,但他们认为他们是安全的Tteru北海道瓦特 Although the radioactive substance lands to also Hokkaido steadily from now on being foolish Thinking that Hokkaido is safe but ru you the fool
冷战的东西,路线,以确保食物和紧急避难所 The inside something the emergency to be good to cold war age the food and the evacuation route it has guaranteed to do
包括放射性云笼罩,他们希望在天空中跳舞,福岛,我喜欢黑色的雨的感觉,从北海道下降 The cloud which includes the radioactivity which soars in the Fukushima sky does the kind of air which descending disembarking and others does the black rain in Hokkaido
我呼吁,采取从广岛放射性照顾Dounokouno我没有 Separately the radioactivity how like this there is no air which is said from the Hiroshima tsu Tetsu ku it is
北海道是唯一的卫生保健人员的工作专业人员可能会 As for Hokkaido as for just nursing job medical job there is a recruiting
北海道是安全的,因为有强大的陆上自卫队和航空自卫队 Because there is powerful Land Self-Defense Force and Air Self-Defense Force in Hokkaido, you feel at rest
北海道,仙台,前幕府武士会津地区的民解决,德川幕府的家族派系的前附庸本来我不需要另一个欢迎 Hokkaido originally Samurai of feudal clan of curtain retainer and old shogunate group The land handle which immigrates
Aizu As for people of old shogunate side such as Sendai welcome As for other things [irane
南区,札幌熊困扰信息 Information of the Sapporo Itiminami Ku bear frequent appearance
台风476当你降落在北海道,而是要在北海道房子,因为我越来越弱的力量是最大的对任何事情担心,因为不必担心风暴让他们自由的百叶窗是我应该加倍对寒冷的冬季措施玻璃窗我认为这是好东西我还没有来到北海道大多数只活好,如果我活过来,在日本北海道 476 As for the typhoon however it comes when hitting Hokkaido becoming mostly power weak the ru Therefore as for the Hokkaido house with protection against the cold measure of the winter becoming the double window the ru there is no storm door Because so not to be worried about the rainstorm the te it does not have Because there are times when nothing worry come to Hokkaido It is and you think that it is the cousin As for we that this of Japan you lived but Hokkaido lives and most is good
或什么我北海道百叶窗,窗户glass ll使用三个窗口和前门的玻璃窗口窗格出到客厅门3〜〜我有四个或 However storm door what it serves in Hokkaido and die as for the glass window 3 glass uses in the inside window outside window and or the door 3 4 is to the entryway the living room
嗯,谁从日本东北部(白石日)太像石头来开拓祖先 The ma as for the ancestor who was developed the northeast graduate person Shiraishi Date it is many die
丸山区,开辟了以人山形北东Hukashi河内是原来的圈子 Circular mountain region Ku the Yamagata person is that development intimately northeast circle is deep originally
在北海道的渔民相信燃料是高,我继续赤字基达 Hokkaido, the fisherman the fuel being high, is the deficit continuation
在札幌579 m在冬天有与没有供暖错行TTA的几件事情?因达陷阱,但使用暖气东京 579 Some time it has done in Sapporo it is The winter unless there is heating is unpalatable But Tokyo you do not use it is
大量的供暖系统,因为他在未来636北海道出生的人,这样一来它是最耀眼多说Tteta在从这里(福冈)室(北海道) 636 The neighbor was the Hokkaido graduate but Because heating has been complete when it is inside the room the other side Hokkaido from this Kyushu Fukuoka one is and says tsura with
吃冰淇淋,牛于加热套进了房间的冲击,也 We heating inside the room inserting ringing passing with the halflength sleeve you eat the ice and
如果不是盗贼札幌自然灾害是不是有点不寻常的大雪和裤子 As for Sapporo if only the heavy snow and the underpants thief it is not, natural disasters are few abnormally
如果同意从札幌寿司成熟,但附近的海洋较低水平从很多棘手的山至663亚达后确定 663 The hill being many therefore serious yada Although the rear sea is soon you can agree upon that level of the sushi it is lower than Sapporo and are
663山上覆盖着鱼,但我敢肯定,我近亲味道鲜美核果 663 The hill you are lazy and but as for tastiness do to be and also the fruit the cousin may be close tastily don t you think
如果我想创建一个独立的国家,只有北海道Mattari Just Hokkaido becoming independent it waits and or with it wants making the country which is done
北海道新闻(3月6日17 55) The Hokkaido newspaper 03 17 06 55
是啊,也许我来Hokkaidou六月 When it comes Hokkaido it is moistened it is the kana which is not
对于清理河底的例子并没有浪费淋浴Mizukumi恩戴 When the shower it is wasted, the water of the river drawing, the rear end wash
巧克力在药店(如Alfort)有关产品的信息,他们已经购买了88井,麻烦,因为他们不会马上想到火车到札幌 Even at drugstore chocolate Al fort 88 Well in regard to shopping therefore to Sapporo immediately by the streetcar it probably will not trouble you think
巧克力在药店(如Alfort)和88日元买鄂 Even at drugstore chocolate Al fort 88 Well in regard to shopping therefore to Sapporo immediately by the streetcar it probably will not trouble you think
平,但他们还没有到我这里吃在札幌你的每Utashinai甚至Yuubari 250瓦Jijibaba理由或采煤镇Akahira,坏事发生在你来吗?咦? (笑) 250 jijibaba of anta from Yuubari or Akabira or coal mine town around Utashinai Eating stuffing but the reason which escapes to Sapporo w and hateful ones having It is Laughing
怎么样的Wakui一点吗?成功没有Wakui有点不同?我觉得我是辉哈市HBC,简称大坝八臃肿和无休止 Just a little Wakui how being? It is not, the [te]
As for just a little Wakui how being? The [wa] which is [tsu] [te] feeling
The weir eight of HBC has enlarged without the limit and
想法也旨在这样说你想在这个区域制度可以实现独立的国家意识 Certain it can mean can achieve also the conception that, we would like to aim toward those like independency with road state system
我一直宣称,这个家伙叫,我不需要在机场,我们在争论,一直沉默 As for we always insisting however it hurt Airport irane is said the person who Refuting silence and others it is always done
我也顺便说一下,如果你做得很好来Hokkaidou Guyafugusumade大多数农民和渔民ー,工作都很好Wasshoi However it was direction above, until with - the [ho] [gu] and the [hu] [gu] it does, if the farmer and fishing industry you do, Hokkaido coming, the all right [tsu] it does job, the [yo
我撞了冬天骑,但生活在札幌Eakononri 661 661 But the Sapporo residence being only the winter overcoming the ru
我认为这是同一个,即使失败,所在单位3个冷却。为什么我们生活在受污染的土地或Geru外逃,他们现在在哪一级,这样的选择只能祈求萨科 When 3 it cools fails of the machine being wherever you think however that it is the same One To keep living with the land which was polluted to the foreign country escape for such selection press re ru level Now only you pray
840山形感动?保证金污染的地域扬 840 It moves to Yamagata Contaminated area it is with room
或更多,因为他很受欢迎,发挥低价格,如果我在刚一店是一个RIP 728一次性筷子薄野Yaiderutokomitakotonai 728 yakuza the plain gauze is with susukino and with the ru and included there is no with callous The bo tsu it is there is also a chestnut store but it is the one which can be laid idle with low price being popular from the ru It is not many and
或更多,因为他很受欢迎,发挥低价格,如果我在刚一店是一个RIP 728一次性筷子薄野Yaiderutokomitakotonai 728 yakuza the plain gauze is with susukino and with the ru and included there is no with callous The bo tsu it is there is also a chestnut store but it is the one which can be laid idle with low price being popular from the ru It is not many and
斯通也好吃的食物,和平地会提供翻译 Extent peace which tastiness does also the rice to be excuse is not
本人10:30〜14万净一个半移置于20 As for we:30 of 10:30 - 20 with shift of rank net income 140,000 rank
札幌区山花从会津,福岛县的许多精英 As for Sapporo mountain nose area loyal retainer family of Fukushima prefecture Aizu graduate is many
来自行中我不能在任何地方工作北海道,冲绳,四国行我也行我Kyuusyuu Even when Kyushu going even when Shikoku going Okinawa going because where there is no work it comes to Hokkaido
在冲绳输入任何目的地,当然是好的,接受 If it accepts also Okinawa of course and is ahead it is OK
治疗的决定可能会暂时减少从关西ー千岁额外航班,增加向东北Titoseー Chitose temporary of northeast increasing flight Chitose the disposal which decreases Kansai temporarily If you should have decided
然后每个县Honsyuu“你来”到县城周边广泛关注Mudorashii希望,困惑 福岛救灾指挥部透露, 7居民在目标区域,80000 Main island each prefecture “it comes” mood it seems and
The insecurity which spreads to peripheral prefecture, perplexity = “to accept, it is too multi”, the evacuee of the - Fukushima nuclear plant
> According to the Fukushima prefecture contingency planning headquarters, as for the inhabitant inside object area 7, 80,000 person
煤油法案更好,但如果不是一个愚蠢的津贴冷 If cold area treatment it is, but [mashi] kerosene generation does not become foolish
由新千岁航班几乎全满东北,“我终于回到了我,”地震和东,在第一大运动在福岛Kiga核电厂严重事故希望全省暂时撤离灾民 Northeast flight almost full the seat New Chitose which overflows “It returned at last”
East Japanese large earthquake disaster and, while accident of the Fukushima 1st nuclear plant becomes intensified, the movement where the sufferers evacuate inside the road at one time is spreading
福岛和由香Tokoro已经发生了,但我Fukushimachō杆六合大岛正树镇半岛 However the Fukushima Cho [tsu] [te] it was in the vicinity of Matsumae Cho of the Oshima peninsula
There is Fukushima prefecture and a place edge
端午端午Yuubari Hokkaidou得品牌驱蚊,美必须说出我Hurano It is what, you bit saying, Furano is Yuubari is the stick to obtain the Hokkaido brand,
绝缘子农业难民拥挤,我想我们有很多人钓鱼?我认为现在是不错的选择茹在北海道提出,頑張会想更自给自足的Geru一些残酷的东西比商人离开的城市 The person of agriculture is many in the evacuee and the person of fishing industry is many it is the kana which is not When is you think that and it is the good selection where it is possible even in Hokkaido After so long a time appearing in the city white collar worker something harshness it puts out From something we want persevering in order to increase self supply ratio
我想我们有很多人受到影响IDE中,您是沿海捕鱼?我钓到了一条在新的世在北海道美味的螃蟹很多人以渔 Therefore with the seacoast the suffering red sandal wood the person of fishing industry is many it is the kana which is not When is fishing industry doing in Hokkaido the tasty crab the full obtaining tsu te
美容系统:绫玛莎宏,寇柴崎,箭头植木绫,小林悠安娜,莉娜,可爱系列Iizima直子:埃里纳枡田,上户彩,南由香虎,位于佐藤,娜娜的母亲,川村由纪惠,哈拉。江,安田Misako,娃娃脸的真锅香织系统:由纪我们来好好看看 Beauty system: Large government 絢, 柴 promontory [kou], overwood 彩 arrow, Kobayashi 悠 analog, Fujii [rina], Naoko Iijima
It is lovely system: Measure rice field picture Rina, the upper door 彩, tiger south Yuka, there to be Sato, the Japanese parsley 奈, Kawamura be able to go, the field. Whether Misako river and Yasuda, 眞 pot [ri]
Child face system: YUKI
The taste go ahead with
苫小牧 - 比天气更神秘札幌 Tomakomai - climate it is better than Sapporo, but the mysterious incident multi it does,
让我去救你伤害的方式,我可以使用政府飞机撤离了哑管道 The foolish tube the government private machine using have the evacuee the safe place evacuate
请与在东京行无一炉,而我认为这是很好的冷一定要请从寒冷的空气只能死 When Tokyo it goes with work there is no stove because the te there is only an air conditioner being cold that you thought whether it dies being cold
请饮料网上商店,我觉得仲良,请行到酒店和背部索诺库里 It goes to the bar it becomes chummy it goes to the hotel the repetition
希望尽早向当地人民 返回它的悲哀Shiku Everyone we would like to return to local end quickly probably will be… It becomes sad
靖河内运行类似904,其中进口的津轻海峡溢出埃泰略低水平基本上与其他县,甚至昂贵的租金和当地的农产品关税 904 As for being cheap just house rent and the manners The local market agricultural product it is somewhat cheap in comparison with other prefecture Exceeding the Tsugaru strait basically Import Therefore kind of those which it has done To tell the truth is expensively
麻木了政府在冲绳美军。忽略食品下降到灾区 Okinawa US Forces in Japan running out [shibire], government. Ignoring, in suffering area food dropping