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In nuclear drainage job the gas compressor of the 58m ready-mixed concrete remote manipulation is possible with throwing Fukushima 1st nuclear radio control, can decrease the danger of being bombed [3/19 evening] the ★2


  • 182民主党人,你为什么不打开安理会来解决国家危机到底是什么 182 The Democratic party The reason which does not hold the Security Council of Japan in order to solve national crisis is what
    • 182民主党人,你为什么不打开安理会来解决国家危机到底是什么 182 The Democratic party The reason which does not hold the Security Council of Japan in order to solve national crisis is what
    • 182民主党人,你为什么不打开安理会来解决国家危机到底是什么 182 The Democratic party The reason which does not hold the Security Council of Japan in order to solve national crisis is what
    • 182民主党人,你为什么不打开安理会来解决国家危机到底是什么 182 The Democratic party The reason which does not hold the Security Council of Japan in order to solve national crisis is what
    • 182民主党人,你为什么不打开安理会来解决国家危机到底是什么 182 The Democratic party The reason which does not hold the Security Council of Japan in order to solve national crisis is what

  • 18:04 30编号:UYefN l50军事★★★★★★Hukuzima是空运的硼酸核事故情况摘要,拟注入反应器 18 04 30 ID UYefN l50 Summary of Fukushima nuclear accident The � US military flies boracic acid proposing the fact that it fills to the reactor
    • 176 周年十大名无Shisan全新2011 03 15(周二)02:!18:04 30编号:UYefN l50军事核事故Hukushima★★★★★★总结的硼酸空运建议被注入反应器 176 Name it is not ten lap year New 2011 03 15 fire 02 18 04 30 ID UYefN l50 Summary of Fukushima nuclear accident The � US military flies boracic acid proposing the fact that it fills to the reactor
    • 渡边三年左右的时间立法者老人可以成为一个核电厂Hukushima Becoming that time member of the Diet who Watanabe s ji ji is and can do the Fukushima nuclear plant third year extent

  • 349 Puttsumaisuta m不是灾难
    349 Because as for [putsutsumaisuta] there is no one for contingency planning

    • 493是一个坚实的基础抽水车
      493 As for force car basic strong

      • NULL The one which we would like to ask a question to the Tokyo Electric Power management necessary is seeing It will participate in the Tokyo Electric Power Company general meeting of shareholders It can approach to the distance of barely 10m in that superstar management The platinum ticket of dream 100 stocks of the lowest unit 3 22 presently 1 stocks 1100 Yen just buys the Tokyo Electric Power Company stocks enters into the hand As for guide of general meeting of shareholders cum rights last day March 28th Because reference it is sent to the shareholder who owns stocks Buying on the 28th if it sells on the 29th it can participate cheaply Preparation to general meeting of shareholders It can ask a question to the management with the general meeting of shareholders but the fact that it does not give the opening which is made to ask to the shareholder is advanced is present condition

        • TTP的:/ / www.youtube.com /手表νu003d的2RU - LThU标准Ss?
          ttp: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 2Ru-LThU-Ss

          • Www3。Nhk or jp 新闻 的HTML 20110322 t10014823881000。HTML的单位有四种特种车辆包括梅鲁甲酸工作注意绞我把大量的水,由东京电力采购安排我想,如果在晚上行克惹 www3 nhk or jp news html 20110322 t10014823881000 html 4 in the machine squeezing the place where Tokyo Electric Power arranged by the special vehicle which can pour the mass water Job if it is quick we assume that we would like to do even in evening
            • 后续TTP的:。。 www3 Nhk or jp 新闻 的HTML 20110322 t10014823881000的HTML工作组将在四甲酸特种车辆包括梅鲁注意绞我把大量的水,由东京电力公司安排我想在下午早些时候线将克惹 Follow up story ttp www3 nhk or jp news html 20110322 t10014823881000 html 4 in the machine squeezing the place where Tokyo Electric Power arranged by the special vehicle which can pour the mass water Job if it is quick we assume that we would like to do even in evening

          • [→其他职等核事故Hukushima著名的东京电力公司东京电力(福岛县)]是一种破坏性
            -> In the Tokyo Electric Power Company OL incident famous 'the Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima nuclear plant (Fukushima prefecture)' devastating

            • ★在[人造核事故离震中Hukushima - 最近他们只有在[小学女川★电力(宫城县)]已被安全地评论
              * As for Fukushima nuclear accident So only the case which is not * 'It is closest from epicenter the Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Megawa nuclear plant (Miyagi prefecture)' it is safe

              • 上午03时11分钟,前总理到前外相鸠山由纪夫的民主党,前负责人TTA的小泽一郎前原诚司
                11:3 AM, front Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of the Democratic party, Ozawa Ichiro original representation, front Foreign Minister Seizi Maehara entered

                • 世界最大的德国普茨迈斯特混凝土泵(Puttsumaisuta公司)汽车制造商多车抽水普茨迈斯特↓Suparongubumukonkurito视频产品 World s largest concrete force car production mekadoitsu Putzmeister putsutsumaisuta corporation Multi stage super long boom concrete force car Putzmeister product introduction animated picture ↓
                  • 混凝土民主党(车泵)从人(桶旅强度)到 The Democratic party Concrete force car from person power bucket relay to

                • 东京电力公司和管已磨损,工作TTA的工业废物的现状也应该报废
                  The tube and Tokyo Electric Power Company which made the present condition of [gudaguda] are the industrial waste which does not become either the kudzu

                  • 东京电力公司在做什么,当磨损管道,石原准备在一读消防大队
                    The tube and Tokyo Electric Power Company doing, [gudaguda] at the time of the [ru], capital Governor Ishihara had prepared fire fighters with pre-reading

                    • 为什么我开始使用?但是,从一开始,但我认为Itsuita业余 From first you did not use with something However from first you happened to think even with we of the do amateur
                      • 录像 Animated picture it was

                    • 主任的回应,倡导谋杀 Answer the human murder protection person
                      • 主任的回应,倡导谋杀 Answer the human murder protection person

                    • 主要已被派往现场,克如自己的生命赌在意外发生前,当在核燃料冷却池只花了正常,但神奇的挂六个月至少在3个月前完全冷却,如何在刚刚出院什么使它迅速冷却核燃料茹持续升温只有1000度以上的高温继续分裂?在当前形势冷却我不 When with the nuclear plant which has been dispatched in the actual place where before the accident life is bet normally the used nuclear fuel was cooled with the pool Half year it spends to on perfection cooling from minimum of three months but is Simply how doing with drainage Fission is continued and you say combining that the nuclear fuel which temperature of 1000 degrees or more continues to become feverish can be cooled immediately Cooling in current circumstance is impossible what
                      • 主要是在事故发生前正常运行时,在一个只用了核燃料冷却池,但神奇的挂在六个月前的三个最低完全冷却,如何在放电,但在1000年只有不断的裂变个月什么使它迅速冷却茹核燃料或高热持续升温?在当前形势冷却我不 When with the nuclear plant which front of the accident works normally the used nuclear fuel was cooled with the pool Half year it spends to on perfection cooling from minimum of three months but is Simply how doing with drainage Fission is continued and you say combining that the nuclear fuel which temperature of 1000 degrees or more continues to become feverish can be cooled immediately Cooling in current circumstance is impossible what

                    • 也有足够的水炮无法达到或希腊或菜刀终于帕夏 After all by the helicopter pashiya is about water cannon truck or also chinpunkanpun which does not reach
                      • NHK的记者招待会上三个人谁正在努力履行一个20分钟的工作 Undertook 20 minute drainage jobs with NHK the person who 3 press conferences
                      • NHK的记者招待会上三个人谁正在努力履行一个20分钟的工作 Undertook 20 minute drainage jobs with NHK the person who 3 press conferences

                    • 二是定于中午左右到达,福岛县,21,应该是除了工作,在此之后Waru冷却 As for 2 units in around 21 day noon in Fukushima prefecture In the schedule which arrives it has meant to join to the cooling job after this
                      • 二是定于中午左右到达,福岛县,21,应该是除了工作,在此之后Waru冷却 2 units in the schedule which arrives at Fukushima prefecture in around 21 day noon have meant to join to the cooling job after this

                    • 五八分钟下午12点,北泽Toshimi国防部,日本自卫队联合参谋部折木Hazime耀西,首席信息Shimodaira口子,刚Hosono头。总理助理进入TTA的
                      0:58 PM, time of Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive phase and Self Defense Force, joint staff leader wooden Yoichi, lower flat happiness two information headquarters chief, Hosono it is great. The prime minister advisor entered

                      • 众议员请愿书或援助或捐款,或只通知
                        It raises money and/or the help goods delivers and/or petitions to the Assemblyman,

                        • 例如我使用的第二头预防处移动移动秒
                          …… The head use in the hand correspondence after the rear hand, the measure room

                          • 公司建有一个中央位置,不是在四日市,津市市
                            As for the company name central construction, there is no Tsu city and [te] Yokkaichi city produces the address

                            • 冷却水是啊,是啊Butsumatsu汽车,东京电力公司将因此,了解最好的牌,但它们都是不同的,舒展你的手,我要走向之间的TTA的TTA的方向之间的分歧?闵与神秘协商鉴于日本损害,觉得Kunaru恩戴尽可能晚机制 The chilled water the butsumatsu car like this with something Tokyo Electric Power Company while knowing the best hand extending the hand While and others the re te being to the direction which you are wrong it wishes advancing to the direction which you are wrong minsu where we would like to give the damage to Japan conferring in order to become as slow as possible foreboding which you have devised
                              • 笑什么新闻界和国际反华Wareyou,目前最好的手浇水软管一 When something it will be laughed in the anti Japanese overseas mass communications as for present condition hose drainage best move

                            • 可能显示的民用机远程Hukushima
                              Fukushima to trade fair of the national welfare remote manipulation machine the shelf which it may convert

                              • 哇我只是右政府最后一个例子,右手立刻想到,不知怎的,我逃跑了一块碎片自卫队的坦克今天上午,但是你有一个遥控无人驾驶推土机小松648 648 Komatsu Ltd having the unmanned bulldozer of remote manipulation although the ru It was to tidy up the trash by the tank and Thinking Self Defense Force how with the holdings the ro where is just the ru Ending as for the ro government which is the ru
                                • 路在会上火电厂,以确保道路不能说是运行在Tteta得当可以在废墟? The road inside the power plant says in interview of fire fighting that it cannot travel honestly with the trash As for guaranty of the road being possible

                              • 国家安全委员会秘书处的“放射性物质的种类和金额,如粗以来排放量估计,疏散时间,我决定不使用
                                Because Nuclear Safety Commission executive office “presumption of type and the quantity and discharge time etc of radioactive substance is rough, as the judgment material of evacuation and the like You do not use

                                • 在NHK是政府控制的Inandaro厌恶总督
                                  As for NHK which is controlled to government the [ro] where capital governor is hateful what

                                  • 在四日市,三重县,同类型的车辆,国有建筑施工企业,即使在切尔诺贝利核电站事故,是有用来兑换混凝土砌块的主要演员 The construction company of Mie prefecture Yokkaichi city owns the vehicle of similar type is even the case of accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant it has been used in order to strike the concrete which blockades the nuclear plant
                                    • 只有这样,才能第4号东京电力福岛第一核电厂17时05分22分钟,被使用,赛车开始履行混凝土输送泵 Tokyo Electric Power 22nd 5 17 PM from directing 4 to the machine of the Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant started the drainage which used the mobile concrete pump

                                  • 在这我不知道为什么有206 NHK的转移全长例子 206 With something such NHK does not convey with no cutting it is probably will be

                                    • 如果你没有在中国一天,因为他们在孟加拉国支付欢快下降 If China make 1 days without having in the bang radish it becomes the disposal
                                      • 中国不仅有690 made in中国 690 It just was there is no China make in China

                                    • 巨大的bugout轮,每当你这样想,“我希望有你的一个主要大臣谷垣祯一的要求”电话
                                      You happen to think the escape & the circular throwing before the enemy, “would like us to ask nuclear charge minister of state to Tanigaki” that the telephone

                                      • 我想了更多的钱一旦你有一个工作机器人研究的灾难
                                        If at the time of disaster the gold it puts out to the research of the robot for job more,

                                        • 我正在我们面前谋杀不切实际的宣传,在空气中的差异
                                          You where the human murder has protected are non realistic what, the lunatic

                                          • 战国我想用中文,我很抱歉,我想你一定会进入中断 Sengoku probably will be although when China make you wanted to use thinking that interruption entered the ru is
                                            • 786,但不知怎的,我可以想像,中国制造的爆炸 786 How but without when it is China make the shelf which may explode

                                          • 报道无因故日本媒体都被抽在海啸现有设施以及日本核电厂发生爆炸沿海所有冷却 The Japanese nuclear plant which explodes The coastal cooling facility and the pump are let flow entirely in the tidal wave but why there is no Japanese mass communications reporting
                                            • 报道无因故日本媒体都被抽在海啸现有设施以及日本核电厂发生爆炸沿海所有冷却 The Japanese nuclear plant which explodes The coastal cooling facility and the pump are let flow entirely in the tidal wave but why there is no Japanese mass communications reporting

                                          • 放射性材料,他们在美国,有通知你如何应对激烈的排斥日本推出
                                            The radioactive substance reaching in America, corresponding kana to the thing where Japanese rejection happens

                                            • 有什么可以与楼上的冷却池排水修复工作,他们控制室真的不知道楼下Mizunuki m同时?温达,我认为这违背
                                              But to be enormous doubt what, drip hole of the control room under the floor being, restoration job Drainage cold of the Hashikami pool it can advance rather simultaneously? You think that it is reciprocal, but it is

                                              • 有没有恢复,我并没有忘记加入废除核武器运动在717之间的差异 717 Don t you think as for reviving however you are not wrong it participates in nuclear abolition motion without forgetting
                                                • 就在福岛核电站废料。 Shitairashii行政部门采取的行政信用和再次运行将严格 Fukushima nuclear plant before the scrap sun size Re making work to the last we would like to designate administration as the feat of administration it seems

                                              • 机预拌混凝土是由辐射剂量泵到现场30分钟失去的时间和原料狡猾撤回30分钟时间上的损失,但本集团你伸出你的手臂站起来的水暖安装无法拨出时间来播种星期三 Although the ready mixed concrete gas compressor installing assembles piping and extends the arm 30 minute time losses And 30 minute time losses occur in removal Doing from the radiation dose on of site the water it cannot guarantee the time when it sows
                                                • 然的东西是已知的,董事会已经听了财长Dotarakotara不明白这个解释是太强大的辐射控制电路,是不是可以 Something intellectual viewing radiation being too strong the control circuit dotarakotara It is from the reason wa with this board it had being able to tell explanation but it is possible well

                                              • 核电厂事故Hukuzima维基
                                                Fukushima nuclear power plant accident wiki

                                                • 根据核能与工业安全局经济部3月21日,下午3时0043分钟下午4时后解除由东京电力特种车辆安排,包括特别梅鲁甲酸注意大量的水在那里我绞在两车,将开始履行下午四时后21这些程序福岛日本第一核电厂第4号 Special vehicle 4 o clock in the afternoon to after drainage March 21st 15 43 According to the atomic energy safety preservation institute of the economic industrial ministry Tokyo Electric Power arranged squeezing the place 2 at special vehicles which can pour the mass water 21st 4 o clock in the afternoon later Fukushima first nuclear plant 4 in the machine It means being the schedule which begins drainage job
                                                  • 辉塔姆工作帮助福岛第一制药核电站冷却1小时43分钟而已三月开始,21年之前発向三重特种车辆,大量的水可以被放入一个特殊的地方狙TTA的我用很长的手臂注射两车,20日夜,离开了四日市,三重县 Triple Special vehicle for nuclear plant starting March 21st 1 43 In order to use in cooling job of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant using the long arm in the place where you aimed 2 special vehicles which can fill the mass water the 20th night left Mie prefecture Yokkaichi city
                                                  • 辉塔姆工作帮助福岛第一制药核电站冷却1小时43分钟而已三月开始,21年之前発向三重特种车辆,大量的水可以被放入一个特殊的地方狙TTA的我用很长的手臂注射两车,20日夜,离开了四日市,三重县 Triple Special vehicle for nuclear plant starting March 21st 1 43 In order to use in cooling job of the Fukushima first nuclear power plant using the long arm in the place where you aimed 2 special vehicles which can fill the mass water the 20th night left Mie prefecture Yokkaichi city

                                                • 根据这一建筑公司,同类型的车辆是赎回用来封闭甚至是现浇混凝土时,切尔诺贝利核电厂核事故放射性污染 Depending on this construction company When it increases as for the vehicle of similar type the case of radiation contamination accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant It means that it was used in order to strike the concrete which blockades the nuclear plant
                                                  • 彻弘原火灾或使电力当你无法控制我,我会说没有电力核电通知我再说冲突 The te nuclear plant being able to control without electricity and saying and saying the nuclear plant moving at the time of the ru that electricity make normally saying the air is attached to the contradiction of ru thing probably will be
                                                  • 根据这一建筑公司,同类型的车辆是赎回用来封闭甚至是现浇混凝土时,切尔诺贝利核电厂核事故放射性污染 Depending on this construction company When it increases as for the vehicle of similar type the case of radiation contamination accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant It means that it was used in order to strike the concrete which blockades the nuclear plant
                                                  • 根据这一建筑公司,同类型的车辆,它是用于密封赎回的主要受灾更为具体时,切尔诺贝利核电站事故的放射性污染 According to this construction company as for the vehicle of similar type even the case of radiation contamination accident of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant It means that it was used in order to strike the concrete which blockades the nuclear plant

                                                • 没有他们的暴力活动,但捗确实白猪脚第一次移动第二移动秒
                                                  But as for not progressing under the violent radioactivity fact frightens being, kind of after, the way of the hand after the hand

                                                  • 没有马也应该有这样的东西融合48 48 When situation focuses such a thing it is not necessary to be popular

                                                    • 爆炸出来,所以我在我不知道什么步骤,你会Sutopu苏联ーーーーーーー保安局的软件软件软件保安局的软件的软件解决方案数据库s
                                                      It blows out so with stairway [tsu] [te] something, it is the [ro] which is, [su] ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ Soviet ゙ [] [sutopu] [tsu

                                                      • 特拉维夫等待稍稍早抵达国内使用,并在等待中的人来到中国一real政府从没有这样的例子在目前,但似乎没有救济 You do not use domestic the fact that it arrives quickly and can make wait and from the Chinese way when it waits for that it arrives the ri you do it cannot rescue present administration truly But for the present such so shortage
                                                        • 特拉维夫等待国内使用稍微早抵达,或你真的只是在等待一个政府从中国到不一样,到目前为止,似乎没有任何的例子,但救赎 You do not use domestic the fact that it arrives quickly and can make wait and from the Chinese way when it waits for that it arrives the ri you do it cannot rescue present administration truly But for the present such so shortage

                                                      • 现在我要通过你永远是150辆消防车通过小建筑一五米或三十米〜Retsuu推土机如果撇开他们没有在该网站的热潮棚架工作一家公司,你会是,但仅此而已,来到二楼的会议后,我已经吹出来的东西,他们会炸毁,如果它不是也用这家伙是我的地狱飞入水冲击,人们不这样做,民事关系的菜刀现在好了,政府不管是谁,他们知道我们的鱿鱼,是不难得到的不是我的决定没有任何可能 150 It can pass the fire truck if it can pass It is huge having to here the ru companies are few 30m If it is about 15m however well enough it is If there is no foothold of boom at the locale the do doing with the bulldozer make u When 2F of the building did not blow off densely always it was not usable and After blowing off the fact that it does not come out at the meeting the people involved in engineering works are calling The thing plan which the person who does not know whether the tsu te do which pours the water in the edge just it is it is difficult puts out Well because it was discovered in the government tsu te entire world to which nothing where nothing current government as for is decided can produce the hand Already whatever saying without trusting it does the yo
                                                        • 由于大多数情况下继续,但是,谋求结束所有Wattara套件瓦特作为最后一根稻草可能不希望同时尽一切努力消除智利 Though because thing plan presently is progressive when everything ends when kitsuchiri it pursues w As for just the possibility of not ending temporarily we would like to have removing by all power

                                                      • 电力,无线电控制的政府和市消防部门还可以无线控制无线电控制专业自卫队东京电力公司
                                                        The Tokyo Electric Power Company proud radio control Self Defense Force and fire fighters radio control Electricity of government and urban district radio control

                                                        • 瞬态和目前在海外的核事故污染面积将爆炸的影响,如果孤立的例子抑制到最低限度,这一事件将继续释放放射性物质的每一天 But the nuclear accident of the foreign country the area which with the instantaneous temporariness which explodes was polluted if it isolates influence is held down to the minimum The latest accident everyday continues to discharge the radioactive substance
                                                          • 做出积极! (实际的字眼Tsukarimasu Gugureba在问卷中出现不同程度提前),例如:“这种影响不是必然的核事故管理 It probably will utilize positively In advance question condition the gu gu re also actual contents are found the varieties Example “Deterioration of the management with nuclear accident is not avoided

                                                        • 矛头好像是说我不会忘记,从内阁或子敏的执政党?然是很容易知艾希卡诺杀人最有可能成为好内外宣传,人类的败类 Isn t head direction forgotten therefore execution ru the Cabinet the ruling party that they are our people calling Whether the human murder just which it is pleasant intellectual viewing to do also unrelated protection generally and dissolve the kudzu of the human
                                                          • 我会说我喜欢他,因为子敏,民主或后,废话认真Oyon Reaching after this therefore democracy that they are our people saying as for the ru person with maji the kudzu

                                                        • 石原准备读消防队来东京,他是神,另一方面
                                                          On the one hand pre-reading, capital Governor Ishihara who prepares Tokyo fire fighters the God shelf

                                                          • 移动第二首要措施人造disasters m移动第二任期的拙劣
                                                            Nuclear measure of the hand after the rear hand is the accident administration due to awkwardly

                                                            • 蒸汽释放,毕竟,自从实施总理访问的最后曙光侃Watta As for � steam discharge execution after the dawn which after all 菅 the inspection of the prime minister ends
                                                              • 因此,获得停止,退出政府的要求,释放蒸汽初星期六上午11 � there inevitably request of steam discharge is provided to government in 11 day early dawn

                                                            • 訳无的大多数团队成员提供的东京消防厅的家庭Haiparesukyu 91,眼泪司令 91 Tokyo fire fighting agency hyper rescue party Unless there is an excuse in the family of the soldier the commander the tear
                                                              • 即便如此,根据头队Garimasu成员 The head goes down to the soldier of decision death nevertheless

                                                            • 这是什么,忽略了合适的人能够切实采取命令
                                                              The [tsu] which ignores this, right talent right place which is what and sows it is as for command

                                                              • 这是该泵流量゚Ttsu Koketa京都
                                                                The moss it is it is [ho] ゚ [nhu] ゚ of [hu] ゚ [tsutsu] in Kyoto

                                                                • 这条路线是一个路由背着沉重的放电我已经习惯了621的想法是不是投机?该设计已成为全太意外路线甜 621 It becomes presumption but it doesn t mean that the route which is used in drainage is not the weight thing carrying route Outside supposition there are times when it becomes the design where the route is sweet tend
                                                                  • 体重678 500吨? Idaro并不是没有自我约束瓦特 678 Weight 500t The ro w which is not the reason which it can self propel and is

                                                                • 这种特殊的车辆是泵车使用Mutameni我们已把具体棚和建造摩天大楼,如泵的驱动,你狙距离,我曾经很长的手臂超过五十米你可以注入水或植物的大量 This special vehicle to pour in the concrete at such as construction site of the high rise building is used in order By ru pump car In the place where you aimed from the place where it is far using the long arm where by the ru pump car it exceeds 50 meters the large quantity It is possible to fill the water
                                                                  • 这种特殊的车辆是卡车泵用Mutameni我们已把棚和混凝土高层建筑,很多地方我曾经远离TTA的狙一长臂超过50米的建设水可以被注入 This special vehicle to pour in the concrete at such as construction site of the high rise building is used in order By ru pump car In the place where you aimed from the place where it is far using the long arm where by the ru pump car it exceeds 50 meters the large quantity It is possible to fill the water
                                                                  • 这种特殊的车辆是卡车泵用Mutameni我们已把棚和混凝土高层建筑,很多地方我曾经远离TTA的狙臂长超过50 m施工水可以被注入 This special vehicle to pour in the concrete at such as construction site of the high rise building is used in order By ru pump car In the place where you aimed from the place where it is far using the long arm where by the ru pump car it exceeds 50 meters the large quantity It is possible to fill the water

                                                                • 进行刑事调查是违反战国12 wwwww
                                                                  12 Wwwww where the 仙 valley searches the criminal with obligation to keep secrets violation

                                                                  • 逆转录@ ... ...为什么你看起来像一个信用公明呻/ www.jiji.com /赛马/ zc?(伸Gōbara部←)电子Koumeitou ...
                                                                    RT @…… Why becoming the Komeito feat [tsu] [po] [ku], the [ru] http: //www.jiji.com/jc/zc? (<- General affairs ministry Home village field trust 郎) Komeito [e]……

                                                                    • 那个特殊的车,我便立即成为一大浪费的,只要长期管理放射性废物处理当我不知道我理解邻里
                                                                      When that special vehicle, long haul it uses, in the rubbish which it disposes as the radioactive waste It becomes, but it is, has probably understood there?

                                                                      • 重达500吨的类型74 Puttsu主人是没有能力,或在重不三八吨? The pu tsu there is no weight 500t of the my star When it is heavy with 38t of 74 types being all right
                                                                        • Butsumaisuta吨的重量? Weight no ton of butsumaisuta

                                                                      研究 開発