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“Nuclear image of Kitazawa defensive phase the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk, it does not release” [03/30] the ★2


  • 13 698),东京电力,决心继续努力 698 13 Tokyo Electric Power Company as for job continuation it judges that it is difficult
    • 13)东京电力,决心继续努力 13 Tokyo Electric Power Company as for job continuation it judges that it is difficult

  • 18)放电写了遗书给消防队员Kaseta东京说明书 18 After making the will the Tokyo fire fighting member write ordering manual drainage

    • 21)简总理,要求在核问题作为内阁负责谷垣祯一,总裁Zimintou 21 菅 The prime minister requesting joining the Cabinet to President Liberal Democratic Party Tanigaki as a nuclear problem charge phase

      • 22)“水直升机从一个单一的辐射剂量降做而不思它”23,并强烈导演)海江田部长,自私的方式向消防大队“如果你这样做必须及时处理,”24)枝野“东京电力公司它使你的工作出的政府信息“(政府不负责)25)萨瓦北国防部,”全球鹰无人机主视频美国不公开“(隐藏信息的人) 22 “From the helicopter dropping the water disregarding the radiation dose that 1 times be popular” is strong the indication 23 When “you do not do promptly economic industrial Minister of State Kaieda facing toward fire fighters it deals with” 24 The branch field “those where of information is made to provide to Tokyo Electric Power Company are work of government” there is no responsibility in government 25 “Nuclear image of Kitazawa defensive phase the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk it does not release” information hiding
        • 本来间谍飞机来分析图像的投影其他国家的表现,我会很尴尬,暴露美国 When also America is released it probably will be troubled Because efficiency of the spyplane is analyzed to the foreign country in reflection of image

      • 2)东京电力民主党和硼酸注入,但它拒绝退役 2 But the Democratic party and Tokyo Electric Power Company for boracic acid fill closed reactor denying this

        • 4月10日,至少要等到我越觉得你显然不? 4月10日,2011(星期日),太阳13◆投开票州刺史(北海道,岩手县,东京,神奈川,三重县,福井县,奈良,鸟取,岛根县,德岛,福冈,大分,佐贺)地方选举5◆市长内阁令(札幌,相模原市,静冈,滨松,广岛)县议会成员议会44◆17个主要城市

          • 545是啊是啊,你在政府委员会,可能并不真正重要的政府瓦特?是否隐藏了些什么隐藏瓦特 545 The u it is the u it is in baud shelf w by government As for government the ro which is enormous important what W which hides what and has hidden
            • 不是你的安全?逃脱隐藏什么? The ro which is safe what It hides with something it is
            • 立即下降这一切现在穿 Temporarily Everyone it probably will settle

          • 5)工作进行了Ginikaroujite蒸汽放电时间的推移,但14分钟,15 36,第1号高炉 5 It could execute steam discharge job barely past 14 o clock but 15 36 1 the machine explodes
            • 5)最终释放水汽以来进行的曙光了总理结束访问Watta侃 5 As for steam discharge execution after the dawn which after all 菅 the inspection of the prime minister ends

          • Minsyutou奇怪的政治势力要自民党的金权政治的脚腕

            • SHINee的您还可以从自民党通过茹侦察机作为军事机密的质量性能已知

              • “福岛核电站能够投入的要求,如果日本政府立即”宣布
                “If request of the Japanese government it is, throwing possibility it declares to the Fukushima nuclear plant instantaneously”

                • 严重的,不是税收遣废物,不包括仅在腰部,但是军队的玩具
                  It flew, squander and the waist coming out of tax, it is the toy troop

                  • 为民主党赢得下届选举Tasenai就在401,我将存储卡来使用U 401 Because it does not make the Democratic party defeat with the following election it is taken with the card which is used it is the ro which is
                    • 我真的不容许这种粪便塔巴民主党Majiku Reyo The droppings Democratic party ma ji ku it is to be discovered … you cannot permit truly as for this

                  • 事务委员会已分发给党员“指南买衣服党的灾难,”根据深蓝色
                    Party general affairs commission in Assemblyman It distributed according to “the guide of party prevention of disasters clothes purchase”, color is dense dark blue

                    • 但日方至今还没有公布的视频仍举行 But the Japanese side is not open while image is possessed
                      • 但日方至今还没有公布的视频仍举行 But the Japanese side is not open while image is possessed
                      • 但日方至今还没有公布的视频仍举行 But the Japanese side is not open while image is possessed
                      • 但日方至今还没有公布的视频仍举行 But the Japanese side is not open while image is possessed

                    • 但晚Dounokouno Retarashii放射性物质

                      • 你不会成为北泽场景和沟通,惩治官僚的人。 NHK的,要么是准备通过

                        • 你的意思是,民主党已交给中国意味着 Over to the Democratic party passing as for thing from tsu lever Toda who is crossed also China
                          • 谈谈谁被打死谁我真的不民主党人 The ho it is with it is everyone s what as for the human murder which was inserted in the Democratic party

                        • 全球鹰是一个时间的“远见”的事,即使它们比预期未经分钟的侦察飞机的能力或许有能力降低风险Bareru“看到一切”,必须解决与假设他们将和有效的色调甚至几分钟的敌人是什么在这里可以看到,如果我有巴利有限洋菊在敌人的行动能力的数码相机 Because with the latest case there is a possibility “vision” of the global hawk being discovered whether don t you think If ability of the spyplane does not understand “it was entirely seen even with when ability is lower than expectation” Coping you must do to prerequisite conduct of the enemy can be restricted largely even in ability of the digital camera Those which bare chi ya tsu te cod this saw are what whether even in the enemy amount from the tsu chi ya u It copes efficiently

                          • 内阁中的隐蔽性最好的客户管最好的客户!
                            As for concealment profitable idea of inside of pipe official building pride!

                            • 内阁去年十二月决定,“国家防卫计划大纲”也介绍了在见送“三勤人员一直不愿玛莎”(高级国防部)一直是造成 The Cabinet conference decided with introduction being waived “general principles of defense plan” “state affairs three part was passive in the December last year” Defensive economical staff is made cause
                              • 内阁去年十二月决定,“国家防卫计划大纲”也介绍了在见送“三勤人员一直不愿玛莎”(高级国防部)一直是造成 The Cabinet conference decided with introduction being waived “general principles of defense plan” “state affairs three part was passive in the December last year” Defensive economical staff is made cause

                            • 出于某种原因,我不承认任何方式我,因为他们想否认是° · ·间谍飞机的用处

                              • 即便如此容易欺骗分钟卡通卡里那珂市中没有出现 Even cartoon the fool who who is easy to understand this much does not appear easily
                                • 196案源出于源 196 The source put out the source
                                • Inpeto inpeto
                                • 不要让这样一个危险的境地 1 The extent dangerous circumstance which it cannot put out
                                • 为什么我在那里做 而有罪? NULL
                                • 我明白,这是危险的 With the notion that where the shank it is dangerous It is understood
                                • 是什么样的安全? It is relief … Being

                              • 发自内心的自卫队向你致敬北泽关于是否所有成员都可能是三个人 Like this the leprosy which as for the Self Defense Official which in Kitazawa has saluted from heart perhaps three people is with all soldier or is not

                                • 叛徒民主党的总部加帝国
                                  Plus doing the traitor in the Imperial Headquarters is the Democratic party

                                  • 和Ru,也来到萨科齐:我是审判是否publish ll认为有图左向政府内阁的东西这就是一个愚蠢的人,内阁是由国际标准限制,一路美国所以这是 1 It is aho this Cabinet Thinking that America offered the photograph to left flank administration specially because some the ru it is It is tried it is whether or not it releases Also sarukoji comes and this Cabinet is the case that it was abandoned internationally
                                    • 萨尔科齐也真正进入活动,包括骑在今天的人来恩戴 Also sarukoji being serious to insert life this person today You board

                                  • 嗯,我想避开,再一次美国的出版,也得到了很好茶叶我从我们忽视像废话 The hu it is it conceals again it is America with such kudzu disregard the chi ya tsu chi ya to release from calling the chi ya tsu te
                                    • 这是一个赤裸裸的封面无论相变的印象 The which the shank admires as usual with open concealment

                                  • 国防部长国防部长萨瓦北北泽Toshimi没有透露全球鹰无人机上的画面★在众议院外交事务委员会的30个国防美军,在东京的第一次全球鹰无人机勲Hukushima权国的军事核电厂从“地方的重点,因为它们不公布”,并描述的所有影片,你不释放的视频显示了示例审议 Image of the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk it does not release Kitazawa defensive phase Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive as for phase at House of Councillors diplomacy defensive commission of 30 days the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk Tokyo electricity “Making prime object release concerning the image which photographed from the sky of the power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant It is not to be” that you expressed you conveyed the idea of not releasing image
                                    • 北泽Toshimi国防月31日,参议院外交事务和国防委员会在30天,从空中拍摄的第一功Hukushima目前在东京的美军全球鹰无人核电厂“的重点放在出版不得他们了,“和描述,我们不释放的视频显示了示例审议 March 31st As for Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive phase at House of Councillors diplomacy defensive commission of 30 days the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk Tokyo electricity “Prime object is made release concerning the image which photographed from the sky of the power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant because It was and” with expressed it conveyed the idea of not releasing image
                                    • 北泽Toshimi国防月31日,参议院外交事务和国防委员会在30天,从空中拍摄的第一功Hukushima目前在东京的美军全球鹰无人核电厂“的重点放在出版不得他们了,“和描述,我们不释放的视频显示了示例审议 March 31st As for Kitazawa 俊 beauty defensive phase at House of Councillors diplomacy defensive commission of 30 days the US military unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle global hawk Tokyo electricity “Prime object is made release concerning the image which photographed from the sky of the power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant because It was and” with expressed it conveyed the idea of not releasing image

                                  • 在3单元,球开始在燃料Pururashiki水稍微大 3 in the machine the fuel pool seems the coming puddle is visible faintly
                                    • 9)(8)3单元被允许立场,因为爆炸 9 8 Has left in the reason 3 the machine and explosion
                                    • 似乎也离开村庄Iidate,你最起码 In order to leave also rice 舘 village to put out the worst lowest shelf…

                                  • 在IDE的一些数字解决分歧的图像分辨率,如果你都配备了电梯Rainsensakamera
                                    If picture resolution loads the line sensor camera, being incommensurable, resolution is lifted with a lot of

                                    • 在人类历史上流动的外部放射性泄漏事故到紧张的拉文■民主党)美国军事空运硼酸,并注入反应堆的建议
                                      * The flow of leakage accident outside the largest radioactive substance in the mankind history which the Democratic party pulls up 1) The US military flies boracic acid, proposing fill to the reactor

                                      • 在建设2)原子。乏燃料棒只有三散落周围)为核心的开头现在我flying ll打击容器的盖子,多少钱?
                                        2) Atom inside building. The used fuel rod which disperses around 3) The core which is visible from the container where the cover blows off Well, it is which?

                                        • 在日本,以及日本附近跟踪可疑船只的航行了解产品性能监控摄像机它,可以不断地训练和巡逻,一定要始终在冲绳和小笠原群岛附近的海军船只,在国外

                                          • 在这样做时,走动,并探索出一系列神秘的宫殿,但我觉得适合所有有道理
                                            So doing, when you see the movement around the consecutive mysterious official residence, the kind of air where coherence is agreeable entirely does

                                            • 如果图像是有用的,我会做出不称职,按品牌
                                              When it is the beneficial picture, in addition pushing the brand of disabled

                                              • 对侵吞救灾物资的脚塞Tsuzimoto Hazime船
                                                The piece boat support goods which are made the Tsujimoto and are usurped in regard to confinement

                                                • 履行或自卫队系统成员减少瓦特Syakaitou萨瓦北哦事实上,在麻烦或当它被证明是无人机,例如不认为我会怪胎,只是觉得
                                                  [a] - performance or w of the Self Defense Force reduction of type Assemblyman Japan Socialist Party As expected when the usefulness of Kitazawa and the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle is proven, it is troubled when, the air deviating, only the [ru] you can think,

                                                  • 总理大臣菅直人在这一点上,“没有东解释说:”数字接收 菅 As for the prime minister “there is no east Japan” that explanation it received at this point in time

                                                    • 我将超过65红外摄像机Daroare陆上自卫队即使图像不给 65 If the IR picture even Land Self Defense Force taking the ro which is the ru Those above that do not come out
                                                      • 17)桶陆上自卫队直升机。周三策略 17 The bucket by the Land Self Defense Force helicopter Water maneuvers

                                                    • 我摆脱米你必须在午夜24几个小时后剂量的首届南方主办公楼监控 In 24 day nighttime monitoring post of first nuclear office ridge south The radiation dose shaking off meter over several hours the ru it is don t you think
                                                      • 12)和人类几乎无法工作,在辐射剂量场大 12 The radiation dose on of site becomes enormous human job almost impossibly

                                                    • 战国须贺北泽好拍摄现场
                                                      It is possible to pip the 菅 Kitazawa 仙 valley at that place

                                                      • 放射性泄漏吸收到左责备和自我保护
                                                        As for radioactivity leak with leaving in responsible shift and self-protection absorption

                                                        • 日本溃疡Sanakya现在这个政府早一天结束Waru Temporarily As soon as possible this administration 潰 if it is not it ends Japan
                                                          • 如何使用这个工具来政治 To such a thing using in the instrument of political strife

                                                        • 来到这里只是在自怜Kanakya人员哭萨瓦北下工作 Working you must be under Kitazawa the Self Defense Official being pitiful it cries
                                                          • 来到这里只是在自怜Kanakya人员哭萨瓦北下工作 Working you must be under Kitazawa the Self Defense Official being pitiful it cries

                                                        • 核事故后立即,日本政府TTA的裁剪以美国为美国提供支持 Immediately after the nuclear accident about the American support request The American side… the Japanese government cut off
                                                          • 克如目标是推动了一系列的核事故责任 Pushing the responsibility of consecutive nuclear accident is the object

                                                        • 汇率制度。现在,粉尘质量煽TTA的柯氏你试着在地震中获利的
                                                          Administration intersection. The mass rubbish which it fans this time large has been about probably to gain with earthquake disaster

                                                          • 甚至没有发表倒是充满了视觉冲击力的中国船舶隐瞒所有信息内阁Rashiku战国 The Sengoku Cabinet to seem concealing all items of information Either the Chinese boat collision image is not released all yet
                                                            • 谢谢你美国的朋友,在日本藏匿。说没有住宅结构 There to be America with Japan hidden Without being called constitution it is completed

                                                          • 白痴说绝对是,无论我飞以及萨科齐今天529,但556 03月19日,美国空军无人日本政府,“全球鹰”在小学一收到由Hukushima提供视频尽管分钟没有作证,双方将发表谨慎看 529 Means that it does not fly to either present sarukoji without fail that fool 556 March 19th The Japanese government image of the Fukushima 1st nuclear sky which Seek Spartan unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle “global hawk” photographed While receiving offer it understood in testimony of the authorized personnel that you show prudent attitude to release
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base the American nuclear plant You say that the specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base the American nuclear plant You say that the specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base the American nuclear plant You say that the specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base You say that the American nuclear specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base you say that the American nuclear specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base you say that the American nuclear specialists analyze image in detail
                                                            • 美空军基地,这是美国核专家详细分析的图像 At the same Seek Spartan base you say that the American nuclear specialists analyze image in detail

                                                          • 科诺商用设备使用这些异CCD或CMOS摄像头未翻译
                                                            There for national welfare it is and others it is not the meaning which uses CCD and the CMOS camera element

                                                            • 美国军方正在“严格日本决定”,并批准了视频发布并提供援助 NULL
                                                              • 如果我接受了,如果美国的军事援助项目,它确实帮助一些人比其他更 Accepting the US military rescue the cod and the person who is already saved a little it was probably will be
                                                              • 美国军方正在“严格日本决定”,并批准了发行版中提供的视频 NULL
                                                              • 美国军方正在“严格日本决定”,并批准了发行版中提供的视频 NULL
                                                              • 美国军方正在“严格日本决定”,并批准了发行版中提供的视频 NULL

                                                            • 而是隐藏非吸收或军事秘密,不知道如何无用的,不能认为黑人不能掩盖他们让你隐藏其他选择,我怀疑是致命的条件 The being disgusted ya which is useless Although military secret is not you say with that it hides Fatal state it cannot avoid doubting If it hides unless it is unable to be concluded that it is the extent black which is hidden it is from the wa
                                                              • 而是隐藏非吸收或军事秘密,不知道如何无用的,不能认为黑人不能掩盖他们让你隐藏其他选择,我怀疑是致命的条件 The being disgusted ya which is useless Although military secret is not you say with that it hides Fatal state it cannot avoid doubting If it hides unless it is unable to be concluded that it is the extent black which is hidden it is from the wa

                                                            • 视频设置为音数字日美联合防卫省Ititani东京。办事处,并送到总理办公室,已被用于核事故研究对策
                                                              Image aligns also Japan and America which is provided in Tokyo Ititani's defensive ministry. To be sent by the place and the prime minister official residence, counter-measure to nuclear accident It is utilized in examination

                                                              • 说实话,我不是没有好今天上午和消极的米堡 Minsyu粪便的地方选举
                                                                Already unless the [ho] it is with, the rag it makes be defeated with standardization local election, it is useless > Droppings democracy

                                                                • 请战前,日本作为一个年轻人,邪恶蜘蛛蜘蛛好“活动的活力”高比例

                                                                  • 这不是说没有或不希望自卫队部署无人驾驶飞机
                                                                    We would like to make the unmanned air reconnaissance vehicle Self Defense Force introduce, nothing saying, don't you think? thing -?

                                                                    • 远东和日本,而不是作为一个民主党人,涵盖我恩戴我很快发现了总理办公室战斧,左摧毁了北半球

                                                                      • 错误操作已经停止,因为由紧急救援人员,并认真的进展冷却系统 NULL

                                                                        • 阚停止游览看到的录像(不是所有的我飞直升机降下雨吗?)海江田的东西阻止我Metara隐蔽的威胁和放电的性格,我放弃侃森荣升的受害者
                                                                          The inspection discontinuance (the rain falling, the helicopter cannot fly the 菅 which looked at image? ) As for Kaieda releasing stopwater cod dealing and intimidation Hidden covering, thing, as for the 菅 the sufferer the intention of abandoning

                                                                          • 鸠山是摧毁联盟,隐瞒尖阁战国,北方领土的侵蚀侃,其他成员将只能继续一个人的背叛自己的国家,没有人去的国家利益
                                                                            Hatoyama to break Japan-U.S. alliance, the 仙 valley to conceal the 尖 official building, the 菅 northern territory damaging, In addition the Assemblyman continues treason, keeps making the Japanese national interest ruinous

                                                                            • (在委员会要支持日本自卫队与美军的纳鲁),14)拒绝总理侃 After it was intention correspondence of entrusting in Self Defense Force and the US military 14 菅 Denying prime minister this
                                                                              • 战斧还穿着上新闻多次Nagashi跳过自卫队边缘 After the tomahawk wearing throwing the edge to Self Defense Force Many degrees had done with news

                                                                            • (延迟也由简东京电力公司以外的表现计算)6)任何人在这个滞后。阀门是打开或失踪,超过一倍的外部压力容器的默认值 As for the lag with the performance of the 菅 Tokyo Electric Power Company outside calculation 6 In this lag 1 External container internal pressure reaches 2 times that or more of established value and the valve stops opening
                                                                              • 克如持续一段较长的时间超过一天,如果连续克惹总理侃地Iku国家往往 If the 菅 the prime minister continues to be long even in one day the extent which is continued the country keeps tilting

                                                                            • (蒸汽炉等放射性蒸汽排放和政治。必须允许)4)部长海江田线,请访问下面的一天,然而侃要求总理阻止蒸汽释放
                                                                              Because (the steam of the furnace is radioactive, as for steam discharge government. Permission is needed) 4) However because the next day 菅 the prime minister goes to inspection, Minister of State Kaieda in order to stop steam discharge, the indication

                                                                              研究 開発