With the east Japanese large earthquake disaster which is approached to the welfare receipt 2,000,000 person as for substantial increase certainty public welfare Ministry of Labor publication
Entice 所需援助工作报告的只有15名学生的饮食流行!收到的人谁在大阪成立福利 Human gathering which in Osaka welfare has been received Housekeeping of welfare person Way also the welfare receipt person stops wanting to contribute because of northeast the ze sure where the person who goes to the pachinko with welfare meets Welfare receipt person vs caseworker government office harowa □ □ welfare chat sure 140 □ □ lt kureka gt Living with welfare reverse side waza of the ru person It reports the dietary life of welfare 15 The raw po it is Function Welfare receiving in Osaka ru human gathering
Neba死亡三天,我不知道你们做的,即使他们接受青少年福利等为什么是它使用的柏青哥殆也有青年男女老人反渗透发现〜我真的杀害,其中包括04所涵盖大会堂我想获得只有这样 Young man and woman and old person You use almost in the pachinko Although it is young with something welfare receiving the ru person it will be Although it should have died The city hall of three day 4 days tipping see Only it seems that the murder stops wanting you have received with maji
最初是为公共援助资格的居民将在199入籍的永久居民是如果你有无条件辉卡诺居民很少在他们的居民人数约非法居留的外国人,包括我不 199 Originally there is no qualification which receives welfare to resident resident Generally resident of the illegal stay person being included by that number ru If there is a permanent residence qualification being unconditional you can be naturalized and
让我们也捐赠给受助人东北帐谁的人接受在大阪福利总福利!福利受助人相信他是 确定 福利个案工作· ·官僚福利ü集线比弹弓聊天□□140□□华 确定 Kureka 关于福利的人谁住万圣节提示 所需援助工作报告的只有15名学生的饮食流行!收到的人谁在大阪成立福利 Welfare receiving in Osaka ru human gathering Housekeeping of welfare person The ze which also the welfare receipt person will contribute because of northeast sure where the person who goes to the pachinko with welfare meets Welfare receipt person vs caseworker government office harowa □ □ welfare chat sure 140 □ □ lt kureka gt Living with welfare reverse side waza of the ru person It reports the dietary life of welfare 15 The raw po it is Function Welfare receiving in Osaka ru human gathering
NULL 443 Being healthy life of the cultural minimum It repeats there is no obligation of work in the citizen Being healthy in life of the cultural minimum as for the liquor the tobacco and gamble As proper even in addition it is not used in the old person et al of advanced age Because either net environment and the portable telephone are not included While squander or there being an ability to work with those that it probably will work If it has not done it becomes welfare law 60 provision violation Because it becomes the object of cancellation of life insurance with the life insurance receipt person Being in the person who can work obligation of work is assigned
总之在一个地方,有权在确定要便宜?读它以良好的商业和文化生活有 If it collects to 1 places it rises cheaply being it does the yo If cultural life is pursued it may then
NULL National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
NULL National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
你不喜欢做的一切,如果你问一个志愿者支持灾区,嗯了作为公共服务费的受害者来吧录用,在等待恢复他们把井胶行业,所以在从事公共工程项目我想重复的行只胶葛线,我只希望雇用的公司或人是赞成恢复,哈罗没有单独考虑鄂 1 Suffering area support the volunteer could be let do it is not to be the te being pay employ the sufferer calling it is as public works projects So connecting with that waiting for the fact that industry revives engages to the public works projects the enterprise which revives the people with the priority should have kept employing Although it should have kept being able to connect to order because you think separately it is not good it is the ro
如果你问为什么不所有的志愿者派往受灾地区福利受助人?如果你要恢复的200万人口的鄂有些不只是谁的福利,因为他忽略了,如果我继续玩金钱游戏与现在依靠增加 Dispatching the welfare receipt person to earthquake disaster suffering area it could let do the volunteer it is it is not As many as 2 000 000 person it is if it is as for reviving the ro which immediately is Producing the money it lays idle how doing being the case that the idle fellow who from the ru depends on welfare increases
给予法律保护外国人住在那里? There is a legal basis which provides welfare vis a vis the foreigner
你是粮食增加公共援助的生命线梅鲁停止自杀 gt As for welfare to stop the increase of the suicide person is the life line in order the ro which
你是粮食增加公共援助的生命线梅鲁停止自杀 As for welfare to stop the increase of the suicide person is the life line in order the ro which
你是粮食增加公共援助的生命线梅鲁停止自杀 gt As for welfare to stop the increase of the suicide person is the life line in order the ro which
例如,要提高人谁不接受日本的Kera日本福利Ttara人都知道,接受公共援助,那么请人与动一下吗? Tsukanai伤害他们,我在日本接受福利,我感到很孤独,我开始在日本监管 The person who cannot receive the welfare of the Japanese increasing you know that the person who when receives welfare is in resident as for those people the kana which how moves Because the resident how distinction which receives welfare is not attached foreboding with just the resident tsu te may to start doing purge
值得注意的是增加税收或投资的退休金,福利和最低工资 保安试图二〇〇〇〇〇〇日元和田秀树,每年建筑工人,我没有使用的道路建设费用2000万日元 Tax throwing annuity it increases substantially or welfare and minimum wage Hideki Wada That annual 2 000 000 Yen will guarantee in the construction worker when it tries Unless 20 000 000 Yen road construction costs must be used
值得注意的是增加税收或投资的退休金,但只给人们的福利鄂 Tax throwing annuity it increases substantially or welfare and minimum wage Hideki Wada That annual 2 000 000 Yen will guarantee in the construction worker when it tries Unless 20 000 000 Yen road construction costs must be used
前往约38或37,你有40个新的,来自100个独立的公共援助作了 When we assume that 100 it was being new 40 it enters but about 37 or 38 becomes independent from welfare It is to do
剖腹产后和其他适当的健康保险,从而将上阵,医疗援助,不支付本金 _NULL_
卡里我,你会很容易福利租金分钟甚至更多,这些品牌的周围,所以我四郎在每年一次的额头男生我得到你们的福利,所以牛的工作Kudaro Therefore welfare receiving in the ru person growing in the year 1 forehead the brand male way the margin tsu te Such one welfare receiving even around the ro where the ru tsu te the easy and hateful person to understand it works and is
我的意思是,我同政治上是不可能做到对现有的福利水平 The te you say or politically welfare how how what it does already impossible stage
我要一步不可能任何责任 Unless a some obligation must be given don t you think it is stage
原政策的受害者曾经做的不好收拾点至今的青睐,但原料不够Mawaseru If present illegitimate namapo is cleared although you can turn sufficiently in former namapo to a sufferer favorable treatment
去甲肾上腺素对没有浴缸废墟受灾群众。生活 As for the person of the northeast which suffers study of the ruins which is not either the bath Living
如果你消灭了欺诈行为的受害者迄今的政策,但原料不够Mawaseru If present illegitimate namapo is cleared although you can turn sufficiently in former namapo to a sufferer favorable treatment
含有大量的家庭福利,或者是花时间和正直的心殴打明子然后在医院或例如中风,它还将包括家庭或没有这样的行动或卧床不起的老化 u200b u200b肢体 Then for example as for the inside considerable number of welfare household with the brain blockage it is bedridden at the hospital when The heart being done either standing becomes way unless the hand and foot moves with aging unless It means that also such household is included
周五我们和最艰苦地区的经济发展受到影响,而不是必须使用灾区重建 _NULL_
咦? ? ?削减公务员工资10% ※在所有四万点零亿日元※削减公务员奖金 嗯,这是它没有足够的12万亿? Obtaining Government employee allowance 10 cutting… year 4 000 000 000 000 Yen Government employee bonus all the cutting… year 12 000 000 000 000 Yen This it is not enough it is the tsu ke which is
由于苏木加上公务员与使用费和二点零亿日元二点○亿日元安全 Because is sufficient the commission which uses 2 000 000 Yen plus the government employee etc in guarantee of 2 000 000 Yen
嗯,我认为他只是被迫在将来成为福利奥凯的办公室出了积极的区别,如果没有食物的无家可归的年轻人 When in the future it becomes unable to eat when there is welfare thinking easily as for the ru person Not to be wrong the homeless peolpe While being young correct job finding the bucket
我觉得生活是不坏的父母包括我扔在监狱里多克 The welfare person throws to the jail and 込 is the do ke feeling bad wa
福利Erubeki给这些人本来 Originally it should give welfare to such people
这么快我Kashiro一代福利费用从弹弓终于熄灭鄂 Because welfare expense goes out after all in pachinko generation It is quick somehow margin
四郎和减少非公务员在公务员痴呆靖靖→→→东京电力公司订购服务纳马政策立场 _NULL_
因为我什至不回家的回报,如果不是更好的回报,你回去 You wanted to return because the question which it cannot return you bore If we would like to return if it tries to be able to return it is good
我听到他,但我不是整天躺在青年 One Japanese Chinese racketeer racketeer it has done even with the young person it is even
因此,要启动大逃杀 NULL
在日本,朝鲜和韩国的朝鲜人要求赔偿 Concerning the resident Korean, the indemnity it will claim to the Korean North Korea
在行政专题研究项目提供援助Ekutochimu安装了系统,以便提出一个国家的重大修改,用尽Geru受助人提供房屋援助的开支,“贫困商业”措施,以防止非法收据和调查梅鲁推进研究“开发团队”公平和警察从目前的4 13 OB的埃塔加上人们增加 In order to propose the drastic amendment of the system to the country welfare administrative special investigation purojiekutochimu which is installed So offering the house to the receipt person it sucks up protective expense fact finding of “poor business” and examination of illegitimate receipt preventive measure are advanced the “rationalization propulsion team” is reinforced in 13 people who add police OB and others from the present 4 people
在过去Iidaru200bu200bo收件人或居住,生活和健身房的受害者,请一并 _NULL_
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。不到一分钟的财政负担,如果在该地区的消费,可以收取税款收到钱去 Area If it consumes also fiscal burden on the nation amount at area it can impose a tax can collect on the receiving area price
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
地面。金融:75%的来自扩展元承认所得的福利spending ll国库分钟拉 Area Public finance Because Treasury expenditure of 75 amount can be pulled welfare is recognized the one which profit
它提供了商品Haari灾区核事故受害者的声誉样 _NULL_
家长不要生活在灾区的小部队,志愿者在灾区 _NULL_
对于2010财年初步预算在大阪,记录社会保障成本高 2010 at the beginning of Osaka city with draft budget the welfare expense which past renews the highest
山本先生是接受福利,梅塔Geru你Motomu男子对工作人员的福利成本 _NULL_
我从一开始必要的材料,我真的很顺利 Because from first you carried the necessary data fairly well easily is
我会认为这是一个很好的例子不是现在 Unless you think from now it becomes very thing
或者,更多的私有,而不是在温度备 Or as for the necessity already to have with the individual unless it is
我会尽我的EM福利和材料进行碎片清除我送到灾区 _NULL_
我在受益者物质的详细报告然后退出说,以较低的资金数额,从用实物和现金福利受益的后的金额减少付出的可以启动的福利受助人检讨的第一起接收在一切为了使利用以及 Reexamination of the welfare receipt person starts Reduction and spot goods presentation of the rear provision amount start First because the spot goods it delivers you probably will propose that the receipt amount is lowered Then as declared the substance of the receipt person minutely it orders The ze which comes coming out well in various ways
我没有写复制并粘贴居民相关福利,但由于某种原因,我已经结束了 我写这个 什么 Why you cannot write welfare related kopipe of resident … The entry finishing ending becoming although the ru … this which is what
我对知识冉福利要求,对于单身母亲是寡妇(丧偶已婚),不仅是吧? However important matter intellectual viewing of welfare Should have made only the widow death particularly unmarried in regard to family of mother and child is not
我应该怎么吃免费在他的私人用餐设施 _NULL_
我要在国家的社会保障储蓄 _NULL_
所以,幸福的人整天,电脑只是要害羞在床前 With that one Japan and China sleeping before PC the re time harboring the satisfactory person
突然搜查这幢房子时,据称袭击事件在十月另一警察去年的报告中,共同生活必须是另一嫌犯阮,并提供了生活的约30万日元每月工资开支,这两个嫌疑车辆和他们的父母。结果发现,约11万总资产和存款名称日元 In the October last year prefectural police in another assault incident the occasion where the residence it searches the re suspect house guen suspect of the expectation which divides lives together Thing and the car and both suspects who offered salary approximately 300 000 Yen as cost of living Parent You say that being property of deposits and savings meter approximately 11 000 000 Yen of name and the like was ascertained
据国际警察调查组,作为难民来到Nguyen先生 According to the prefectural police international investigation section guen suspect visits Japan as a refugee
观看录像,老老实实地认为TTA的与在乘坐出租车到天底下最羡慕的柏青哥店接受生命保险的受益人 You thought that in life insurance receipt day the receipt person rides in the pachinko house by the taxi and the image which is attached seeing honesty is enviable
观看录像,老老实实地认为TTA的与在乘坐出租车到天底下最羡慕的柏青哥店接受生命保险的受益人 You thought that in life insurance receipt day the receipt person rides in the pachinko house by the taxi and the image which is attached seeing honesty is enviable
说真的,一个理论是不正确的为孩子付出得多Irashiijan许多养老金支付 Though with maji it is dense the ro which is not treatment and is In other version from national pension Provision amount it is many it seems it is
说真的,不远处是正确的通道从一个孩子的退休金津贴是多少Irashiijan Though with maji it is dense the ro which is not treatment and is In other version from national pension Provision amount it is many it seems it is
请大家不要害怕没有人返回的恶意代理国外的规格 _NULL_
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿的通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学每年的收入人手短缺也有许多经济:在整个生 u200b u200b产更多的消费能力确定,消费者需要做655但他们是从梅鲁撒外国人的责任宽松的货币,日本应该设法租的第一个例子是不可能的情况马萨宝只要我能通货紧缩我打印只有聋子周五我们 National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
听说他们是嫉妒Wapua薪水15万疯狂甚至不稼戈 Hearing that wapua which cannot make either salary 150 000 has deviated in envy
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学annual收入人手短缺也有许多经济:更多的消费能力在整个生产确定,550每月退休金15万消费者的需要,使他们起来,撒钱,但我没问题,超过20万公务员队伍很多 National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿的通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学每年的收入人手短缺经济有太大:更完整的决定生产力的功耗,一般人没事只要井 u200b u200b出响亮的327傻瓜像以前一样,你需要使消费者,但他们撒玫瑰金周五反正他们撒一些玫瑰艾达要梳头了良好的业务 National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿的通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学每年的收入人手短缺也有许多经济:在整个生 u200b u200b产更多的消费能力决定的,人们没有能力迅速了解消费者需要的GNU宏观经济492赚钱,但他们像撒玫瑰实物白痴可以理解因此,瓦特 National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿的通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学每年的收入人手短缺很多东西不能支付的金额减少316,而通货膨胀和通货紧缩的ERE我认为它跑断货从猪肉桶继续Kerubeki National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
财政部:什么是两个圆形纸切东西的钱成本我可以只打印工作意愿通缩,只要:可爱的偶像谁一定要工作的同时,Harowa在50年代全职一旦4 0亿中学每年的收入人手短缺也有很多业务:生产更多的电力消耗决定了整体来说,我已经成为在泡沫时期绒毛Uhauha美浓Namaporeberu没有工作或工作生活需要普通消费者的生活,使460名,但他们周五上涨撒我只是 National public finance Therefore gold something slip of paper what of prime cost 2 Yen if it is deflation if it should have printed just Work desire Being light handedness if it reaches the point where medium soldier finishing 50 generation regular member annual income 4 000 000 lines up into harowa the person who works it is many Business Above production is decided by consumed power even with the gold rose spreading it is necessary to make the consumer 460 Function te life of namaporeberu If it works uhauha life like the bubble period It should have become the tsu te just
这个系统不拉屎 主题 大阪市支援团体的工作人员在18个接受公共援助的“柏青哥店和酒馆后,孙付welfare m到处欣欣向荣,”其中一人是2★,11年妇女主导了教师的个案是在一月被判欺诈 This system kuso reason In 18 people Osaka city of 1 human welfare receipts Support group staff “Pub and everywhere pachinko store immediately after the welfare provision day are prosperous” 2 The one of that the case of the woman necromancer who in the November last year becomes guilt with false pretenses
之后,孩子对家庭福利TTA的“贫困链”教育的受益者立即切断“新战略”的利民甚至 Was brought up with welfare household the child who afterwards the receipt person It becomes “the chain of poverty” is shut off it embarks on also the “new maneuvers”
这些原始尖叫着在你采取正确的措施是正确的太武马苏 _NULL_
部分不属于医疗保险,如果一般人的实际成本负担,这是他支付的现金福利的受助人 If the normal person the part outside health insurance application becomes cost burden, but when it is the welfare receipt person, this cash provision
重建费用时,重新出租房屋合同(每2年) The case where it re-makes a contract the lease residence renewal commission (every 2 years)
食品将成为一个人的时间,直到我没有工作的例子 Working to the ru person it is times when you cannot eat
一个国家,那么是不注册的外国人 To the foreigner there is no state where it can put out