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At every place “Fukushima prefecture people discrimination”…The woman child of south Soma city, unless the screening it is done, remedies is denied in Fukushima city


  • 18:45 00编号:nzQMXWzK0 现在的快递会来接机,最后,你的道歉,我们的每一个客户无法运送货物,即使他们是顺序的顶部Binoo例子附在信中,货物发运 18 45 00 ID nzQMXWzK0 At last it reaches the point where door to door service comes to cargo booking Although it had received order being able to ship the commodity in the customer who is not Attaching the letter which you apologize to 1 human 1 it shipped the commodity
    • (关西地区) 发布:2011 04 08(星期五)15:30:25 94编号:JN982DXA0 Kansai district Contribution day 2011 04 08 gold 15 30 25 94 ID JN982DXA0

  • 239再见,福岛核电站一厂在周末工作 239 It is in earth day with the Fukushima nuclear plant part time job
    • 我将有一个畸形的孩子在福岛县,谁结婚都出生 When you get married with the Fukushima prefecture person the empty the deformed child is born
    • 核电厂事故Hukuzima维基 Fukushima nuclear power plant accident wiki

  • 689公民身份或尝试,你 689 Natural shape of the citizen group you see the shelf
    • 226公民身份或尝试,你 226 Natural shape of the citizen group you see the shelf
    • 689公民身份或尝试,你 689 Natural shape of the citizen group you see the shelf

  • 704可怜的,我为什么教 NULL

    • Eru m没有太大的辐射影响身体暴露或境外,如果什么 Internal exposure and very kana and others that with the extent radiation which produces effect outside there is no ru reason
      • 2年的平均水平。到4曝光毫 Average year 2 You say that 4 millimeter sievert it has been bombed
      • 从身体的过程中暴露出来,辐射到国内411 411 When inside it has been bombed radiation is put out naturally from internal
      • 嗯,我不暴露在一般人或多或少 Well being the case that normally it becomes everyone large and becomes small and has been bombed
      • 我能结婚并没有受到任何可爱的孩子 Being bombed when also the te lovely is the child it is possible to get married
      • 接受进入二次曝光被忽略筛选 The screening ignoring accepting secondary being bombed
      • 这似乎只是被暴露在X光室,但周围少量 But very small amount it just is it has been bombed around the Roentgen room it seems

    • Hukushima在未来100公里左右,不仅位置,例如,或增加癌症和白血病,但我希望是毫无根据的,畸形的孩子,甚至想率Gunto Not only Fukushima at around 100km rank In the future cancer gun and leukemia increasing Is and deformed child ratio rises forcefully kana… However we want being unnecessary worry don t you think

      • Mareta包括668 671 ll屁股 哎呀它扔掉或像精英中学聪绫它相当WWW的分裂 668 671 kusotsu it was thrust first… When context you divide at junior high school as for that the elite tsu po it is rather with that www
        • 我们很快就超过了671药品和668 668 671 The medicine put out quickly and

      • TTA的想我会尽量在宫城县福岛总部救灾资金
        However you tried to remit to the Fukushima contingency planning headquarters the [wa] which is turned to Miyagi

        • [核]问题在灾区小学羡慕市长与中国人民解放军陆军自卫队的救援不满 - 我用欺骗市长批评中国把日本的中文报纸抱怨。
          Mayor of nuclear suffering area, in the Self Defense Force relief action dissatisfaction The Chinese People's Liberation Army envy - the Chinese paper Only complaint attaching, from the [ru] being utilized in the Chinese Japanese criticism, [ru] foolish mayor

          • _NULL_

            • 一个灾区女孩如果辐射性皮炎,当然不是优先考虑先检查放射性污染
              If with the girl of radioactivity suffering area the dermatitis, check of radiation contamination is not made to prefer naturally first

              • 一个蓝色的泻湖波姬小丝的NHK青少年年龄(15岁),性别和无辜马苏志免裸露场面很容易在NHK播出
                Blue coral reef It televises with NHK Brook Shields's Dean age (15 years old) it can enjoy the innocent nude and sex scene with NHK,

                • 不求同歧视外国线正处于一个学习日语的人请 The foreign country from now on the reason to which with just the Japanese tsu te receives the same discrimination to the degree which goes …

                  • 从40公里的主要住所,没有足够的卫生保健工作者
                    The refuge of 40km, the medical work person it is not enough from the nuclear plant

                    • 他们并不仅限于此的核事故,东京电力,允许食品马苏哈市测量,“一名退休的政府官员4★,然后重新作为第二核电厂事故就业,行政福岛,一个80多岁的曾工作了10年人,这个词TTA的语气中超脱 It does not limit to the latest nuclear accident but as for measurement of the food Tokyo Electric Power Company is permitted” 4 The national public service personnel after the retirement age retiring you re were employed to Fukushima second nuclear accident as a management office work 10 years worked With the man of 80 generations which are said like this talked in the tone which will be been indifferent
                      • 他们并不仅限于此核事故,食品测量,最终会有限,因为它们很难Shiishi设施工作人员,不管你买只能买没有自我判断包 It does not limit to the latest nuclear accident but as for measurement of the food Tokyo Electric Power Company is permitted” 4 The national public service personnel after the retirement age retiring you re were employed to Fukushima second nuclear accident as a management office work 10 years worked With the man of 80 generations which are said like this talked in the tone which will be been indifferent
                      • 相反,谁的人谁福岛的悲惨死亡,并从工作的反核活动家 On the other hand the Fukushima people are miserable method of dying where is done the one which In go getter of counter nuclear plant circumstances from calling

                    • 他是一个微笑的歧视,同时对府谷彻底粉碎委员会谴责谴责拓地
                      The [hu] [gu] is done discriminates the [ma] which as for the person who impeachment meeting opening, thoroughly it impeaches the [tsu] which and others

                      • 但住在北关东,我会收到一个过滤科泰宁一屏一
                        But north Kanto residence I the 寧 [ro] would like to receive the screening one by one

                        • 但是人们做的四国电力筛选
                          But, [sukurininku] ゙ those where it has done were the person of Shikoku Electric Power Co., Ltd.

                          • 但是焦虑的疏散到安全领域的广泛Geru→诚意,以确保医疗和护理的需要

                            • 你通常也削减茹斗争大会堂进屋我对他说来Kitsuketa量一下子亮了炸药的身体 The fire ignites suddenly winds the dynamite where around the body the person who Saying that insert in the house normally the ro which it refuses and is
                              • Futsu绝望的人,挣扎Futsu例如,采取溢出,我有我的光延长 Everyone hu desperately the hu suffering hardship getting over you straddled

                            • 克如为了避免这种类型的,都可以这样,我彻底检查 Even in order to avoid such although the ri ya which the screening is done properly it is good
                              • 你打算怎么避免它与医生,医生他妈的祸害 The doctor was to avoid how in the kuso doctor heaven punishment

                            • 危险的放射性材料,要么不知道,我不得不调整也仅此而已,并认为可疑的狗为什么额外Tamotsu靖Tatte我会说没有问题,政府立即 For the radioactivity to be the dangerous substance with certain reason government saying problem at once the tsu te excess which was said doubtfully it is dear the thought cup When it is safe regulating until now with something that it hurt

                              • 即使是现在,等待不会屈服的临界重新做远福岛,钌或缩小,这取决于区域,损害了风和未来的食物,我不知道任何人 Because even now re criticality probably will not have been settled instead of Fukushima wind direction and The wa where no one knows and is damage appears in some area with future food circumstance
                                • 如果女孩来采访的受害者 Make the girl of the victim even with interview

                              • 即使辐射暴露门诊1000人的健康危害里面也有一个浴缸比娜

                                • 原来留作标记的宣传作为花言巧语,他们有理由认为反美反核反道奇呕吐库克斯
                                  As for this sound argument shelf The sweet word where you will pay attention in 煽 motion The left wind and = escape 厨 = counter nuclear anti-American counter day

                                  • 只有一招,使之形成一个政治运动“,辐射是辐射”,并煽动新闻界和政治运动,只有这样的结果和“ 离开了。有些学者将有罪 It tries to tie this to political motion In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion gt The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 只有这样 离开了。有些学者将有罪 gt It tries to tie this to political motion gt The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 因此,只有留下一个政治运动,这一结果。有些学者将有罪 It tries to tie this to political motion In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion gt The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 离开了。有些学者将有罪 gt In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion gt The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 顽皮地说:“我放射性,放射性是”挑起媒体和左,只有被绑定到政治运动,并与它。有些学者将有罪 In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 顽皮地说:“我放射性,放射性是”挑起媒体和左,只有被绑定到政治运动,并与它。有些学者将有罪 In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime
                                    • 顽皮地说:“我放射性,放射性是”挑起媒体和左,只有被绑定到政治运动,并与它。有些学者将有罪 In vain “it is the radioactivity it is the radioactivity” that it tries to tie the mass communications which are fanned and this to political motion The left Also the scholar probably is the same crime

                                  • 周五拉出崩溃拉了产科护理,“福岛县立大野医院事件”的肇事者,即使怪物,居民Hukushima

                                    • 哦,我先在猴子猴瓦特娃娃反正海外旅行禁令之前,我会受到辐射用尽仅Edoudemoeeka瓦特
                                      The [a], before that it becomes overseas passage prohibition of the Cipango monkey, it is ahead or w Which it is full and as for the Cipango monkey the [ku] is with the radioactivity the [ru] it is the [ke] [e] how to burn, whether the [e] w

                                      • 因为他们是这些擂Tteta或原人参的后裔,是我做的事情百分之医务人员582
                                        582 Therefore several percentages of medical authorized personnel originally how the ginseng or the 擂 [tsu] [te] it is end of the party the way 裔,

                                        • 因为他们有可能撒四处走动的放射性物质,责任应由政府TTA的住房责任外净化福岛一般来说,如果你拒绝了其他的都可以不经医院设施的理解职责,以保护医院的病人 If originally decontaminating it should evacuate to the place other than Fukushima Responsibility of the government which neglects that Because perhaps the ku where the radioactivity substance is spread the around if the hospital where it does not have equipment you can understand also the fact that it refuses Protecting the other patient function of the hospital

                                          • 在日本朝鲜人的性别歧视,什么左派Gachigachi
                                            Left flank and very resident Korean discriminatory principle person of [gachigachi

                                            • 如果主体医护人员。要了解更多关于我要到医疗保健
                                              If medical work person suffering. Becoming detailed concerning medical care, [ru] expectation it puts out,

                                              • 如果没有一个字我创伤后应激障碍,有没有更好的话,我不知道的话,他们最好是 If there is no PTSD how word the word where the one which is not better in the word where the one which is not known is better Good Heavens
                                                • 你看,自己可能会有风险 Even because perhaps by your are exposed dangerously
                                                • 鳕鱼买东西我卖什么了三 Already if the water selling with anything the cod it has made to buy

                                              • 将一个小秋千,会害怕,我可以说Wareru创伤后应激障碍,弱Tojikomeru狗窝 When just a little it shakes vibrating the PTSD tsu te by the fact that it is said you close in the cage of the weak and include

                                                • 常常不明白的艾滋病被拒绝外国人或同性恋者时间
                                                  As for the time where at the time of [eisu] ゙ it is not understood well the homosexual person of the foreigner it is denied to do,

                                                  • 府谷设置帧新Mitsubachi微笑招募公务员和大企业!今天上午,微笑居民领取福利河豚让我无条件地!房子周围释放微笑河豚建设情况!河豚的性别歧视的法律谴责的方式微笑!
                                                    Provide the [ma] framework which the [hu] [gu] is done in the adoption framework of the government employee and big business! Being unconditional in the [ma] prefectural people who the [hu] [gu] are done, make the welfare receive! It constructs the [ma] release hall which the [hu] [gu] is done in every place! It legalizes the impeachment of the [ma] discriminatory principle person who the [hu] [gu] is done!

                                                    • 您正在测试是否是由55个放射性物质污染?向在淋浴流净化身体,如果我更换了受污染的衣物 55 Being polluted by the radioactive substance whether or not the ru the ro which is the inspection Being polluted the cod it decontaminates The clothing is exchanged and the body is let flow at the shower
                                                      • 福岛地域差异非常小偃放射性污染物 Fukushima city radioactive physical contaminated area and it is… just 50 step hundred step

                                                    • 我在艾滋病毒或程表已Kinaku医疗拒绝手术,但不只是你会不会残留螨 There was diagnosis and treatment denial even with HIV However it became without the public operation with still Remaining the ru it is well kana
                                                      • 一位拒绝就医,但我的真实姓名公布 1 Although if actual name it should have published the medical institution which it denies
                                                      • 唯一的原因,被拒绝筛查很可能仍然采取接受歧视 Even when in the association the screening doing furthermore when it is denied being received discrimination it is not strange
                                                      • 我有一个医生拒绝治疗,就没有责任応召 Is a conscript obligation in the doctor it is with it cannot there be remedy denial

                                                    • 我希望有这种情况似乎是,如果文章不接收的Kera,而不是歧视或者公民尽快筛选Hukushima 1 Fukushima prefecture people discrimination it is not and there is a circumstance which the te directly cannot receive the screening it seems saying although it should have made the article
                                                      • 也属于歧视的受害者成为敏感的一大 Discrimination is spreading even the sufferer
                                                      • 也属于歧视的受害者越来越敏感,宽 gt Discrimination is spreading even the sufferer
                                                      • 也许我应该做的,如果我处理歧视 If it is discriminated how it should have coped kana
                                                      • 如果你碰巧有没有问题,如果该证书将不被歧视 If it has the certificate if problem it is not you think that it is not discrimination
                                                      • 我国公民现在可以正确的区分之前Hukushima 1 Fukushima prefecture people discrimination Now the ro which is natural
                                                      • 随即,电视媒体,lift m悬挂歧视Hukushima Promptly the television mass communications to hang Fukushima it is discriminatory

                                                    • 我想请你需要我做的诊所 If you say that gt temporarily there is doubt of the radiation contamination which it should feel concern in that woman child instead of diagnosis and treatment denial You do not think that gt even directly it should administer necessary remedy and the decontamination it puts out there is a that much danger if is gt The diagnosis and treatment which was required should have been done expectation is
                                                      • 但如果你需要治疗和消毒设施很快,所以我认为是有风险如果没有,我想请你需要我做的诊所 If you say that gt temporarily there is doubt of the radiation contamination which it should feel concern in that woman child instead of diagnosis and treatment denial You do not think that gt even directly it should administer necessary remedy and the decontamination it puts out there is a that much danger if is gt The diagnosis and treatment which was required should have been done expectation is
                                                      • 这期间,如果他们说有放射性污染被怀疑是对女孩的关心,更遑论得不到医疗护理,治疗和消毒设施,但是如果你需要它的权利了,如果我不认为这是风险较低的例如,如果你需要做的诊所,我请求 If you say that temporarily there is doubt of the radiation contamination which it should feel concern in that woman child instead of diagnosis and treatment denial Even directly it should administer necessary remedy and the decontamination it puts out there is a that much danger you do not think that if is The diagnosis and treatment which was required should have been done expectation is
                                                      • 这期间,如果他们说有放射性污染被怀疑是对女孩的关心,更遑论得不到医疗护理,治疗和消毒设施,但是如果你需要它的权利了,如果我不认为这是风险较低的例如,如果你需要做的诊所,我请求 If you say that temporarily there is doubt of the radiation contamination which it should feel concern in that woman child instead of diagnosis and treatment denial Even directly it should administer necessary remedy and the decontamination it puts out there is a that much danger you do not think that if is The diagnosis and treatment which was required should have been done expectation is

                                                    • 我没有他们从Janee疫情移动?很明显,他决定开始总等待

                                                      • 所以我一直受到歧视自卫队人员从受影响地区返港

                                                        • 所以,我要说TTA的来吧,调整所有的放射性污染是怀疑人为本?我会说这家伙事訳Wakanne Therefore First inspecting the how to doubt the radiation contamination it is dense With you probably say It is dense saying ru thing meaning wakanne

                                                          • 手洗净,所以我,你知道,不过觉得尴尬哈哈

                                                            • 持有多剂量福岛聊胜于无,如果南Souma How seeing Fukushima city the dose is more than south Soma
                                                              • 福岛隆伊予更好吗?严重的歧视和北 Fukushima city is higher Real discriminatory kita

                                                            • 日本的政府,这意味着医生串通 Say that the Japanese administration the doctor has supported to that
                                                              • 这不是废话,但行政措施 洗 But the reason where correspondence of administration absolutely is detarame

                                                            • 更新到老虎我看过,但我认为这是歧视性组织Tyousen奈达 撒确保那些谁震撼骗局,“人权活动家,”这是不能看 The Korean system being discriminated while trying probably to be the ru nida group reading the cod gt False rumor is shaken and the people who are spread cannot permit the fact that the face like the “human rights go getter” is done
                                                              • 这些尘埃质量流量舌干卡努谣言,说我的房子和TTA的谣言Yameyo While the tongue which stopped false rumor and with it said being thirsty the mass rubbish which lets flow false rumor

                                                            • 标准,因此为另一个病人,那是基于是否要筛选新的病人认为是正常的问责 As a decision criterion for that and the explanatory responsibility for the other patient Whether or not the new patient has done the screening It has made standard you think that it is normal

                                                              • 然后我流浪Dzurashi国家先进的科学和科学证据不过湿重。我是一个民族偏见混合Kawosu
                                                                The habit advanced scientific national [zu] and others it has done and ww Scientific basis and wandering. The [kawosu] nation where prejudice has existed together

                                                                • 然后返回到蒸汽,立即地带的地壳,♪♪〜魔术语,创伤后应激障碍 Steaming again that it tears off the scab the word ♪ of magic the ♪ PTSD
                                                                  • 日本NHK你在干什么,把Pegashite ll拉结痂愈合,在第二次强奸盐漆 NHK doing as for ru the pulling tsu pe doing the scab which begins to heal the second rape which paints the salt

                                                                • 由于α-细胞内离子尽快停止

                                                                  • 瘢痕疙瘩毒液核爆外来怪物几乎立即受伤皮克林谢谢疯了较低水平,尽管其余的动物屠宰,因为反日汉奸的幽灵
                                                                    The [ho] [gu] [kegare] madness [pika] poison [hi] which you question the [ku] keloid star person as for the [ke] the ghost of the anti-Japanese traitor Therefore one remaining destroying margin

                                                                    • 福岛县放射性材料或步骤吗?
                                                                      As for the Fukushima prefecture people being the radioactive substance which you walk?

                                                                      • 福岛现在是不是好做彻底的检验证书发行?歧视,即使他没有对原证书照顾,但会被称为“ 来,而是要成为在尼亚鄂给了他信心的材料做一个对任何更好证书和我 Temporarily if Fukushima prefecture the issue and inspection of the certificate it should have been thorough don t you think it is There being a certificate the person whom it discriminates does however probably will be Originally it does not make the air” that you say You say that gt it was thing but there should have been a certificate doing vis a vis the person It becomes the ya in one of the material which gives relief it is to put out
                                                                        • 是什么在世界上流通 u200b u200b的住房是没有证书的患者提供所谓四郎 Without the suffering certificate the residential offer margin tsu te what you say being the flow of society
                                                                        • 福岛现在是不是好做彻底的检验证书发行?即使他歧视的证书,但他不介意本来,那么这将会是在尼亚鄂材料之一给他安心做任何违反任何更好证书 Temporarily if Fukushima prefecture the issue and inspection of the certificate it should have been thorough don t you think it is There being a certificate the person whom it discriminates does however probably will be Originally it does not make the air” that you say You say that gt it was thing but there should have been a certificate doing vis a vis the person It becomes the ya in one of the material which gives relief it is to put out
                                                                        • 究其原因是“没有数字证书收到了筛选,”而是是,Shiku的伤心地想到Waru仕打迩的从事医疗 As for the reason “there is no certificate which receives the screening” that you say You say that it was thing but whether treatment of the person where this participates to medical care when you think it becomes sad

                                                                      • 第一座核电厂西北部的福岛,在位于同一方向Iidate,一个非常高浓度辐射一村的城市

                                                                        • 虽然我的老男人的二战期间海军基地was born在吴暴露每福岛駆日的主题是一块来只后场后,立即广岛轰炸唯一的核电站只有燃烧
                                                                          The pop inside with Fukushima graduate during wartime hurt in the naval base around Kure, but Starting driving to the clean-up of the Hiroshima immediately after the nuclear dropping burning field, it is bombed

                                                                          • 该炸弹损害,甚至在五年内,5岁以下儿童的20年到目前的水平年终于从表面上看,是成人 As for being bombed damage when presently 5 years it is the adult even with the child of 5 years old or less 20 years Doing the level which finally comes to the surface

                                                                            • 谢谢几乎立即愤死在人民共和国小泽吉祥抗日民族叛徒的土人
                                                                              As for 憤 death of the [ho] [gu] native who anti-Japanese traitor Ozawa people republic is questioned national happiness

                                                                              • 车辆数目已分配Hukuzima采取了很多人均可支配什么奇迹在那须盐原前面有什么

                                                                                • 辐射对健康的危害是成反比的距离平方的放射性物质
                                                                                  Healthy damage of the radioactivity is inversely proportional to the square of distance from the radioactive substance

                                                                                  • 这家伙不会违背原始,聪Amane是重要的,所以我说一些球员ü Because it is from the person how primitive ages which rape so the tsu te known fact which the person who says is important
                                                                                    • 我是坏的社会强奸随着社会,谴责二战 NULL

                                                                                  • 这对韩国人而不是日本人的歧视,日本人道歉 In place of the South Korean who discriminates such a Japanese you apologize to the Japanese
                                                                                    • 你闭嘴!韩国468 468 Rare is the South Korean

                                                                                  研究 開発