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Democracy defeat… “as for local election there is no criticism to administration”, that you bluff with standardized local selection, the stalemate of the 菅 administration which is accustomed to piercing the no from the citizen [04/11


  • 1 是其中的高级民主党人“我们必须结束子敏统一党和新公明党联盟已进入软化选举”的乐观情绪,通过头发挂 1 gt It was between the Democratic party staff also before the wind does the optimistic theory that “if standardized selection ends as for our people and fair both parties it softens to large alliance” it is the bi
    • 直到这个“灾难的反应”我一个在反对方面的合作要求,但不得不立即回答,反对党在大选中落败的颜色强度对抗美国梅鲁 So far it asked cooperation from the opposition party in point of “earthquake disaster correspondence ” endured but the opposition party each party strengthens confrontation color with defeat of standardized selection
    • 经理们在民主党“我们必须结束子敏统一党和新公明党联盟已进入软化选举”的乐观情绪,通过头发挂 It was between the Democratic party staff also before the wind does the optimistic theory that “if standardized selection ends as for our people and fair both parties it softens to large alliance” it is the bi

  • 100或300 Minsyu子敏子敏300↓↓100 300 100 Minsyu子敏五百三十五瓦特Minsyu仍然可以投票,因为党认为,一些不那么伟大的党,你们有事情出错,但我在这里没有民主子敏 535 Our people 300 Democracy 100 ↓ Democracy 300 Our people 100 ↓ Our people 300 Democracy 100 W Or what party of everyone therefore the chi will not you feel As for the political party which you can vote after all there are only our people and a democracy it is … Here the thing combining which does not go well
    • 另外不同的是,他们将成为下一个调查让我说迷离 Becoming dim saying furthermore difference is attached with the ru and the following poll probably will be

  • 1继续。政府“恢复。会议的倡议”,“重建工作队”,如起始编号Geru下一阶段会议井一定要画一个路径和视力康复与重建
    1 Continuation . As for administration “returning/repeating. Conception meeting” “revival measure headquarters” and so on, following one another, you start the way to restoration revival and the meeting which draws vision

    • 570会说是灾难性的灾难性Minsyu?是啊WWW的新意,放射性废物小于这样的事情只会对海洋污染海洋倾倒 570 It is cruel saying democracy calling cruelly Www which is sled ya original conception The substitute under such a radioactive waste the ocean abandoning just pollutes the sea
      • 放射性物质是只采取更多更好的能源出来没 Still energy just it can be removed the radioactive substance mashi

    • 664(。 ⊂Д)Uwaaaan!
      664 (. ' д ⊂) [uwaaaan]!

      • 881首先,立即解除菜刀我释放这场灾难是一个陷阱部立力然
        881 First, the contingency planning headquarters you start, shooting, in the helicopter power the viewing trap

        • Gomikuzuminsu聚会,因为至今没有,但我希望他们要我成长为一个爱国子敏TTA的政治对手有任何见解,有能力不一定要体面和溃疡677 677 If matomo there is a patriotic political party which had discernment and ability However we want being brought up as an opposite horse of our people For the present therefore nothing The gomikuzuminsu party goes unless it crushes or
          • 闽677号,我已经打定了党要我下来的垃圾废料美浓平均民族党。我觉得分钟Karetara子敏亲两次保守或左或使党 677 It is the shelf minsu becomes the rubbish kudzu party like the national new party and wants going down… It makes the political party or two degrees You think that the conservatives and the left approaching of our people should have divided

        • Munone进展和大都市区或放射性物质污染了茹从焚化炉115川崎

          • NULL 694 ◯ 92 92 │ ¯ ─ ─ ¯ REPT │ │ │ │ V 92 ∧ REPT 92 ¯ ¯ 92 ├ mi i i Ll” ¯ 92 mi L i ゚ ゚ no i To REPT i j To ku me ⊂ 彡 ku ku 92 丶 ┘ No Just we dislike the traitor 92 92 └ �
            • 581( , 我滑倒 。! , ┘ 581 Ω The tear you age REPT ¯ i ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ 92 i 92 92 i sutsu … 92 ┘

          • NULL lt r hu 92 y ⊂ ko two L hu No ⌒ REPT REPT ⊂ l two L7 HKRPT DREPT REPT No 92 i 92 92 ¯ two T no T REPT r ⌒ ¯ 7 REPT REPT ¬ No he 1 REPT to 92 REPT 92 l i l REPT l REPT 7 92 │ French │ American │ one │ two │ going participating │ four │ national │ end │ overlooking │ non │ favor │ taking in │ hidden │ east │ preservation 捏 Luck Corporation Official Work Our Taking in │ │ │ end The orchid │ troop │ number │ number │ number │ number │ people │ breath │ boundary │ criticism │ pardon │ bundle │ 蔽 │ electric │ it is cheap Structure Island Length 僚 Industry Defense Bundle │ │ breath
            • NULL REPT gt he lt r hu 92 y ⊂ ko two L hu No ⌒ REPT REPT ⊂ l two L7 HKRPT DREPT REPT No 92 i 92 92 ¯ two T no T REPT r ⌒ ¯ 7 REPT REPT ¬ No he 1 REPT to 92 REPT 92 l i l REPT l REPT 7 92 │ French │ American │ one │ two │ going participating │ four │ national │ end │ overlooking │ non │ favor │ taking in │ hidden │ east │ preservation 捏 Luck Corporation Official Work Our Taking in │ │ │ end The orchid │ troop │ number │ number │ number │ number │ people │ breath │ boundary │ criticism │ pardon │ bundle │ 蔽 │ electric │ it is cheap Structure Island Length 僚 Industry Defense Bundle │ │ breath

          • “击败执政Minsyu三重评分”,“失败,执政党Minsyu三评分”,“失败,执政党Minsyu三评分”,因为它是重复的重要 “Ruling party democracy triple score crushing defeat” “Ruling party democracy triple score crushing defeat” “Ruling party democracy triple score crushing defeat” Because it is important thing it will repeat

            • ★熟人,整洁的处女Netouyo击败民主党政府,因为他们子敏周一(31日)关注

              • 。 ahoo Minsyutou Rokarumanyufesuto Zimintou体现地方选举地方选举的官方资料,每个党的政治页的右侧地方选举的所有功能(笑)

                • 。执行Minsyu击败民主党“对权力没有影响”,“人民的声音,看到的政治地震 就拿它来越南”,“简和行政问责制是不允许的”,所以↑3★ gt The Democratic party staff “Influence there is no voice of the citizen in administration” “ As for politics shaking Getting over is” “菅 the responsible overtaking of the prime minister and the executive committee It is not permitted” 3 Even ↑
                  • 208地震发生,但我奇怪,因为它不愿意头部例如拥抱审批速度 208 Earthquake disaster happening unless support ratio rises Therefore the extent which holds the head

                • ヽヽ 。 ヽ 。ヽ 信念,不再有希望的首相,这是因为原来的!俺的目标是成为总理? ,Ÿヽ 。徐 F : 梅鲁讲话中并没有发挥自己的决定按照!地震关系“再过两年就是现在,”笑恩戴我几乎相同的狗屎! ¯ 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 92 REPT 92 If why when originally becomes the prime minister there is no belief that we would like to do this The fact that becomes the prime minister is intended what 92 92 REPT i and 92 The Soviet Union he 92 Therefore never there are no times when it stops personally Relationship of earthquake disaster had chuckled “with this 2 years after have” that ¯ 92 he
                  • 过去,“名”总理的就业增长是字典的成就感! 。ヽ( 人谁ヽ丿 升f噪声哦 u003 Past the prime minister who forms “name” left job in the achievement impression REPT Human 丿 REPT human l No he HKRPT HKRPT l human i r ⌒ As for the 菅 there is no motivation which is stopped REPT 92 REPT REPT REPT 92 92 REPT 92 If why when originally becomes the prime minister there is no belief that we would like to do this The fact that becomes the prime minister is intended what 92 92 REPT i and 92 The Soviet Union he 92 Therefore never there are no times when it stops personally After earthquake disaster “with this 2 years after have” that you had chuckled ¯ 92 he

                • 三重州长选举中击败冈田克也本地,民主党秘书长,并作为联络点与反对派,无论是管理情况,他有理由去封盖马里莫
                  It is the circumstance where it is defeated even with Mie nomarch selection of the local end of Katuya Okada who becomes window part of the opposition party Democratic party Secretary General, covers also the reaching the limits of administration and the way is not

                  • 东铁支线,我认为足以德塔Minsyu我磨针对448震灾无根Kattara非法外国捐款飞往国民议会,我应该有更多的风 448 When earthquake disaster it is not 菅 if the tsu which the National Diet does with the illegality donation by the foreigner for the prime minister it is flying you think of thing Sufficiently but in democracy expectation what which is tail wind
                    • 我没有什么翻译观看电视节目或者新闻媒体说,我是一个灾难 邓小平 That although zatsupingu it has done the mass communications do what kind of excuse escaping to earthquake disaster the ru
                    • 救灾治疗评价,因为它没有任何的评价很在意,可Sukkara Earthquake disaster correspondence about thing be able to become aware even the appraisal which is not worthy of to appraisal in what the sutsukara can
                    • 正如预先安排的表决鲑,所以或许有没有电梯把它究竟隐藏在报刊上已覆盖地震 Therefore trying that with just organized votes probably will finish hiding in earthquake disaster reporting whether not picking up completely don t you think

                  • 中共。我不知道瓦特TTA的见限当局移交给了基调,太阳甚至不是一个牧羊人的儿童获释结束,所以中共
                    Also in. Administration was abandoned, it is the [ro] w which is Therefore that it pierced also Asahi which is the child raising also in and it converted to the purport which releases

                    • 为了稳定垃圾体神秘的民主党政府不会管你只需要改变,以维持民主党政府莎草,而更多。日本首相应该改变大众神秘兜售垃圾 The Democratic party administration maintaining just the tube the carex we would like to change the mass rubbish it is the ro which is To make the Democratic party administration stabilize more in In resident the mass rubbish the profit the expectation which would like to change into the prime minister who is induced
                      • 为了稳定垃圾体神秘的民主党政府不会管你只需要改变,以维持民主党政府莎草,而更多。日本首相应该改变大众神秘兜售垃圾 The Democratic party administration maintaining just the tube the carex we would like to change the mass rubbish it is the ro which is To make the Democratic party administration stabilize more in In resident the mass rubbish the profit the expectation which would like to change into the prime minister who is induced

                    • 为今后工作的补充预算。很大的可能性是政府的要求,从反对我重大的让步
                      With future supplementary budget formation job. As for administration the possibility of being required substantial concession from the opposition party is strong

                      • 亚达wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww电视台同时避免影响通常是踏歌习惯没有拼命那不是这样说,即使做wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww领域 TV station simultaneously suffering area commenting wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Even usually such a topic in the habit which was not done tage eluding desperate tsu shank wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
                        • 埃泰希望他们能想到什么,“什么是信受影响地区的瓦特 We want thinking also contents” it is contributed from tsu te suffering area w

                      • 他们是不是我太忙了,心情Gomirashiku权数学一百七十五瓦特瓦特局也唤醒你 175 You say or that there is no calling which the mass rubbish seems w The ro w where also inside is wake mood what
                        • 不要触摸我为什么要浪费这么大 Why it does not touch excessively it is the mass rubbish which is…
                        • 为什么不与一七五瓦特Gomirashiku m方的权利,你的心情可以唤醒局瓦特 175 There is no calling which the mass rubbish seems or w The ro w where also inside is wake mood what

                      • 但选举被击败Ue的统一三重州长选举出价冈田先生的驱动力,以实现一个新的重建蓝图枯竭
                        But, after being defeated with standardized selection, also Okada drops Mie nomarch selection, the driving force which actualizes the blueprint to revival is scanty

                        • 你 ll仍然在东北灾区其余这种正式的或自然灾害的水平,如IT打败了三倍评分瓦特执政党执政的前四年,与四年前相比,虽然他被告知Zimintou The level which the administration ruling party the crushing defeat or convulsion of nature melts with triple score and says Suffering area northeast remaining temporarily still from this the ru it is the ze w which is In comparison with 4 years ago however the ru therefore as for the ruling party of 4 years ago the Liberal Democratic Party
                          • 更妙的是,在126个临时“执政的民主人才”这清楚地看到现在是浮动的,我会像萝卜说我把我的信用卡或私掠 126 Assuming that it became temporarily be possible to be this “capability of the Democratic party which is the administration ruling party” With saying in order to rob the feat and to keep taking the wa which floats clearly in the eye

                        • 你不知道我想成为一个素数与327管高薪餐厅行?虽然我不是净胜球,但有一点绝不会吃的食物不应该秘密资金,“总理转身什么增长,”这不是对象 327 Becoming tube te prime minister when the high giving restaurant other than going something wants to do it is the ro which is Never the rice just eating there is no purpose at secret expense As for those where it is not good by mistake “becoming the prime minister as for forming what” it is not to be purpose
                          • 你不评论或说些什么管理? With saying or tube te something not commenting

                        • 你可以把更多34 2011年4月11日19 00来源Asahishinbun Source Asahi newspaper 2011 April 11th 7 34 It continues
                          • (2011 02 07 18时22分) 2011 02 07 18 22

                        • 你打算怎么让我谈谈Tyuugoku扭转这种愚蠢的习惯Irenai民主当地政府是一个多酿造民主或退休。 682因为有几乎确认了下任首相,并在限期前主席或愚蠢的想法,只有傻子瓦特我不把国家的民主对他们的关怀取缔结果 NULL
                          • 你打算怎么让我谈谈Tyuugoku扭转这种愚蠢的习惯Irenai民主当地政府是一个多酿造民主或退休。 682因为有几乎确认了下任首相,并在限期前主席或愚蠢的想法,只有傻子瓦特我不把国家的民主对他们的关怀取缔结果 NULL

                        • 内阁支持率超过了两〜919比内阁首相的支持率党的支持率较高,是支持诸如彻浩井子敏子敏流行的反首相小泉纯一郎,我想我必须得高出三倍Inan也许,它实际上是不知道它会得到在日本的真实数据相当于鱼头是一体万媒体,我是一个故事,它变成一个有尊严不会这么受欢迎,它须贺 919 Cabinet support ratio 2 3 times is higher than political party support ratio how it is and profit says and thinks normally Well if the prime minister in the anti our people who are Koizumi like the prime minister of popularity there is no expectation support ratio of our people compared to the causing brick which Cabinet support ratio can be been high 菅 of putting out really and being such a popularity It designates that grandly as the article and chi ya u is mass communications what don t you think When that by any chance it is the true data head suitable of the Japanese it is dangerous
                          • 阚石卷110昨日视察“钓鱼是一种恢复的石卷港优先”或其他文字Tteta地面,因为它不是什么小泽一郎和自民党? 110 Inspecting yesterday Ishimaki that “it prefers Ishimaki concerning the revival of the fishing port” you call the 菅 Therefore as for other port Ozawa s and the Liberal Democratic Party ground don t you think something

                        • 即使他们批评政府色调分钟,叫喊和温达可爱的偶像Iyadaiyada差异,心理年龄为主导的政治火,我很消极克如

                          • 只是一个30人的地方,我的冈田堪堪站在集团呢,还是有可能看到战国释放
                            With 30 human rank and just Okada of friend [tsu] [te] 菅 group of 菅? The 仙 valley you see, releasing, so

                            • 哇做得很好,“为什么不好Minsyu?”Tteta鱿鱼,还有更多的人认为,所谓 Good wa “Democracy with something useless what That you think whether” the tsu te the person who is said is more
                              • 或者当不再是一个民主和Syamin 362? 362 When there not to be a democracy and corporation people kana

                            • 嘿,电视,日本NHK,除非你在统一地方选举是通过大规模垃圾Minsyutou彻底失败?可怜的芝感情最可怕的电视台,不得发布和远在我们的电视Munomo的进展
                              To be and be, as for the TV mass rubbish other than NHK whether the Democratic party large crushing defeat entire through It is standardized local selection? When it is terrible to television each bureau here, feeling it is bad The television leaving advancing the natural shelf

                              • 噢,说到小学在今年二月我下的民主政府,边Kotojan?阿累了就在地震发生的故事 So if so you mention the nuclear plant The February tsu te of this year easily thing under democracy administration it is It is story immediately before the handle earthquake
                                • 这是原来的和民主的。我说肯定Ttara沸腾在肚脐或一个非亲茶 Now democracy field When non propulsion group you say brown boils with heso

                              • 在之前和之后的五月黄金周假期的成立宗旨,“Metai也开始与各方协商只亮周”(执行国会事务民主党)我认为,例如
                                You aim toward the formation of large-sized consecutive holiday front and back of May, “would like to begin the conference between the ruling and opposition parties even in the week opening” (the Democratic party national anti- staff) it is thought

                                • 在众议院预算委员会的议员将参加密集的讨论18首相,自民党是示例配置,追求严重核事故的支持

                                  • 在全国大选中击败民主党,如果它是一个本地选Gotoki躲着另一WWW的废墟之间的差异

                                    • 在总部的部长,会议 该死的缓慢复苏Minsyu一旦你搞砸了,早四郎这样的洪水周一提前举行大选,我不仅是不必要的,因为 Charge minister of state headquarters and meeting…… When it is it is flooded such being confused revival is late Only excessive thing it does kuso democracy therefore it is It is quick the dispersion general election margin tsu te
                                      • 490是啊,好因达Yarya恰好有一个提前选举如果压力 490 So the dispersion general election doing ya it is good with the shelf and the spirit it is

                                    • 小。茂木战胜池,池谷垣祯一在刚刚茂木杉,科拉现在,我们要努力寻求与垃圾邮件过滤后立即领导人二战刚杉 Small Winning too much to be too strong Tanigaki winning too much to be too strong Think of the annoyance and the hardship of the party chief who follows afterwards kora ww
                                      • 我还是说这样加代的权利瓦特谷垣祯一已经被否定的东西 Still whether such a thing you say w Long ago to be refused in Tanigaki simply the ro

                                    • 小泉并没有发烧是在重要的事情你遗忘guyz当时是茶叶中的财富,你正在把底排座椅采取反对自由民主党阿欧谷垣祯一,我是最糟糕的运气 小泉奥卡拉预感是狗屎给它们扔很快,会尽量只谷垣祯一赌运气

                                      • 当然,一个失败,但我对扎西的支持率低迷,大地震前原本通过大众媒体的严重疼痛已公开瓦特你只是一个是通过这个,我可以打开的支持率直日2001年欺诈报告会 Originally support ratio it has hovered from before the earthquake disaster to do The wa which is proper defeat But as for through tsu pu ri of mass communications terrible w Just this does through plainly therefore it is You open also the fabrication support ratio of reporting and 2001 are repaired and it probably is with the tsu lever
                                        • 嗯,我知道得很清楚Minsyutou公共关系机构的支持率通常是制作质量政府浪费Sasugada改变,我说:昨天我有幸做到这一点,但嘿,我试图打破一项选举或一英里的麻石诚瓦特 Oh usual mass rubbish fabrication support ratio understands clearly the better seed As for the Democratic party public information agency the wa which as expected is As for administration alternation whether even with this although you have blessed Yesterday haphazardly was restraint increase and kana election bulletin well w

                                      • 当自民党遭遇惨败,但说相反Tteta( ·ω· ) When the Liberal Democratic Party is crushed although the thing of opposite you say Ω
                                        • 我活动,我不能在灾难面前立场,但 But it could not leave the disastrous state before and moved it is

                                      • 您的州长选举不仅是我们的东方电信,东方电信流石相信我们会做线的道路也没有按地方选举中击败民主党吉焦!
                                        Now tele east there is no just capital governor selection, does also standardization local election and the Democratic party wipeout reporting does The tele east GJ which our road does as expected!

                                        • 我不是说我想垃圾我对民主党的支持废物的质量比某处

                                          • 我不知道民主党是否和为什么早不眨眼太阳锅,壶这本来是不恰当的关系闪烁 日本地震和核爆炸和弱简的信息只有你可以看到电视 三月浸它立即,但在地震发生后↓号↓一个主福岛第一制药氢气爆炸天访问过分夸张的海啸地震东11小学阚3月12日,受害人“号。韩国人,”3月13日电话塞嘴(插曲:进行交流厘米枝野电视滚动指控感到沮丧Dzura西山)3月14日,阚Dosakusa But why whether it is Asahi wonder As for the Democratic party if it does not ruin quickly the Japanese is ruined It is recognized March 11th East Japanese large earthquake disaster Damage of large tidal wave March 12th 菅 Prime minister nuclear plant inspection to unreasonable spear ↓ Fukushima first nuclear plant one with machine hydrogen explosion ↓ Although it is the earthquake disaster next day instantly “献 In the South Korean” oral stop telephone March 13th Between playing tune The ru which appears in branch field TV and sows Nervous in the CM of AC Nishiyama zura doubt March 14th 菅 Repaying ma gi re te South Korean donation in prime minister panic ↓ Fukushima first nuclear plant three with machine hydrogen explosion
                                            • 层不会想说我进入耀西583米保守派采取了井恢复委员会和大阪。在日本的流,因为他 583 yoshimi conservative layer it is not adopted and As for miha layer meeting and decrease of the Osaka restoration Flowing to Japan from the ru
                                            • 我不知道民主党是否和为什么早不眨眼太阳锅,壶这本来是不恰当的关系闪烁 日本地震和核爆炸和弱简的信息只有你可以看到电视 三月浸它立即,但在地震发生后↓号↓一个主福岛第一制药氢气爆炸天访问过分夸张的海啸地震东11小学阚3月12日,受害人“号。韩国人,”3月13日电话塞嘴(插曲:进行交流厘米枝野电视滚动指控感到沮丧Dzura西山)3月14日,阚Dosakusa But why whether it is Asahi wonder As for the Democratic party if it does not ruin quickly the Japanese is ruined It is recognized March 11th East Japanese large earthquake disaster Damage of large tidal wave March 12th 菅 Prime minister nuclear plant inspection to unreasonable spear ↓ Fukushima first nuclear plant one with machine hydrogen explosion ↓ Although it is the earthquake disaster next day instantly “献 In the South Korean” oral stop telephone March 13th Between playing tune The ru which appears in branch field TV and sows Nervous in the CM of AC Nishiyama zura doubt March 14th 菅 Repaying ma gi re te South Korean donation in prime minister panic ↓ Fukushima first nuclear plant three with machine hydrogen explosion
                                            • 死亡或销售提前早晨的太阳报纸。 。 。 Minsyutou和党。 TTA的Minsyutou海啸破坏民主党人攻击东北地区是由贵党的基本知识。执政党的后裔!民主党。和民主党Minsyutou Emashita“党的恢复委员会”,以改变的迹象。而“党了。日”民主变革Emashita上签字 In morning death and sale day newspaper tip per seat te It becomes the party The Democratic party The party you inform Nuclear destruction The Democratic party Northeast was attacked The large tidal wave Democratic party The decision ku of the party it is languid As for the Democratic party The party it does “ Meeting of restoration ” The signboard it changed The Democratic party As for the Democratic party The party it does “ Decrease Japan ” The signboard it changed The Democratic party

                                          • 所以,“在菅直人,在这一阶段,重建,核,危险的”,民意,对不对?一,停止 Therefore “With the 菅 this way revival nuclear plant and yabai ” With the ro which is the public opinion which is said Stop

                                            • 救灾优先,而石原等被选为殆我没有竞选活动,我给了优先支持灾区,而翻译菅河野洋平说,不仅负,但我的错这是超现实 Although earthquake disaster correspondence was preferred most election activities were not done capital Governor Ishihara who is elected On the one hand therefore the preferential red sandal wood being defeated unless there is my consequence excuse it does earthquake disaster correspondence 菅 This contrast is shiyuru

                                              • 无损检测Minsyu及这个阶段,我觉得元TTA的意义上,一些人在这次灾难中寻找到一个年龄的人谁是傻瓜你喜欢民主投票?本人想介绍自己,如果你不要轻易从欺凌和叩 Being swindled completely however you thought that the person whom vote you inserted in democracy the eye awakened with the latest earthquake disaster Reaching to this period democracy age as for the person who has been done what kind of person You are hard on because it does not hit oneself we want introducing lightly

                                                • 最有可能的总理,我们现在肯定不可能的选举结果wwwwwwww勤哦,我是在逃避现实Sasen wwwww

                                                  • 每小时10,000日元北小学的建筑工人! masaru_kaneko到:中岛武彦,在讨论劳动力市场的崩溃,在这个工作重点
                                                    Nuclear construction worker Hourly wage 10,000 Yen [kita]! masaru_kaneko When to Takehiko Nakajima, discussing the collapse of the labor market, you observe to this recruiting information

                                                    • 民主党初选的代理商由于自民党,因为我是绝望的建设,中国船舶更早。日本信浓在没有一个像样的疼痛呆核事故释放或者甚至是自己的国家,我们是民主的背叛,民主是很久以前我是最终破灭 But the Democratic party operative as for the nuclear plant even the Liberal Democratic Party consequence which was built desperation Before that the Chinese boat There is release a variety and As for honest Japanese in treason tsu pu ri of democracy 呆 re te ru Assuming that this time there was no nuclear accident democracy it has already ended it is long ago
                                                      • 代理民主党人抱怨Iwanaku阿卡多好? wwwwwwwwww The Democratic party operative in akahi the complaint not saying te being good wwwwwwwwww

                                                    • 民主党的谎言,诈骗,原来是第一次全国第一个国家盖

                                                      • 民主惠普呻/ www.dpj.or.jp /惠普评语差异瑞杉子敏
                                                        HP of democracy http: //www.dpj.or.jp/ HP of our people The case which is different too much

                                                        • 现在还不是犹太人的种族在日本,韩国,日本实际上他们对日本民族有纳粹统治
                                                          As for the current actual condition the Japanese race with the Judean race, Nazis which reigns with respect to the Japanese race is the resident Korean

                                                          • 碎肉是在长崎Emashita囧嘿增加议席,我就是那个威胁是什么,但进入剁碎当州长...

                                                            • 福岛核电站作出切实的前自民党派系田中638福岛总督现在的高级顾问渡边Tsunezou现在Minsyutou竹派领导人,省长的侄子,佐藤Yuuhei渡边Tsunezou(建议四)(核倡导者)在新泻县田中切实使寿美荣核电厂(田中派领袖,众议员田中真纪子田中的父亲四)
                                                              638 The [tsu] which makes the nuclear plant in Fukushima and sows it is as for Original Liberal Democratic Party Tanaka group, Takeshita group staff Watabe Tsune three present Democratic party Supreme Advisor As for nomarch current Fukushima, the nephew of Tsune Watabe three Male flat Governor Sato (the Democratic party nomination) (nuclear propulsion group) The [tsu] which makes the nuclear plant in Niigata prefecture and sows it is as for Tanaka angle 榮 (with group Commander-in-Chief Tanaka, the father of Assemblyman Makiko Democratic party Tanaka)

                                                              • 肯Kinka保安局ーーーToute斯里兰卡保安局的系统明卡747
                                                                747 [shi] ゙ [minka] ゙ - [toute] ゙ [nka] ゙ - [kenkinka] ゙ -

                                                                • 自民党干事长石原Nobuaki周三晚,“什么是TTA的市民对政府政策的真正输给了国家”,并解除政府对大联合政府的批评“音,可以信任我不认为“放电结束 As for Secretary General Nobuaki Liberal Democratic Party Ishihara the 10th night “policy of the administration which loses the trust of the citizen becoming truly for the citizen ” that increasing the tone of administration criticism Concerning large alliance “you do not think that relationship of reliance does ” with it pierced and released
                                                                  • 嗯,像我一样,甚至像动画片,从他们对石原的家伙投太多漫画,但我认为这个结果 Well because by your even with animation cartoon lover the person who voted to Ishihara you are many you think that it is that result what but

                                                                • 自民党的“大联盟”,包括更好,我将屁股抬起货架?

                                                                  • 自由民主党,“合乎你一定要夸大的危险,他们没有自己的最糟糕的整体胜胜”(上议院国会事务委员会主席胁将志)批评后,总理“出国后解散反应器,美国(主),我来这里占据茹“是在和周围泄漏 The Liberal Democratic Party “the entire leader personally ” National anti Chairman House of Councillors side Masasi with you criticized the fact that exaggeratedly it goes outside from calling with danger worst but As for the prime minister when “it leaves afterwards the reactor to melt America the nuclear plant the occupation dying It comes” that it has leaked around
                                                                    • 5“美国(主),我来这里占据茹”是在和周围泄漏 5 “America dies and comes the nuclear plant occupation” that it has leaked around
                                                                    • 小学 菅直人的问题“汝我来美国的占领,”从周边泄漏 菅 “Naoto America dies and comes occupation” that it leaks around
                                                                    • 没有提前举行大选是不合理的,因为核电厂灾难 The earthquake disaster nuclear plant dispersion entire is not elected to the reason is unreasonable
                                                                    • 累了,我会排出来,包括原発売日总理本人喜欢侃其他国家 The handle the a 菅 prime minister itself going to nuclear sale in the foreign country the ru it does
                                                                    • 自由民主党,“与你的剑脱节确保他们拥有最糟糕的整体胜胜”(上议院国会事务委员会主席胁将志)批评首相后离开反应器后解散“,美国(主a)我来到这里占据茹“是在和周围泄漏 The Liberal Democratic Party “the entire leader personally ” National anti Chairman House of Councillors side Masasi with you criticized the fact that it goes outside with the sword worst but As for the prime minister when “it leaves afterwards the reactor to melt America the nuclear plant the occupation dying It comes” that it has leaked around

                                                                  • 虽然在选举中的胜利,我TTA的最后表决份额为负两位数
                                                                    The question which wins even with previous House of Councillors selection when, poll ratio was defeated

                                                                    • 该建筑是一间核电厂的核危机是美国自由民主党,但民主党的菅直Zimintou推进核电是相同的活动,但这种差异喷结果 But as for building the nuclear plant our people As for the melt making knock down the nuclear plant 菅 The Liberal Democratic Party supplies electric power The Democratic party spread the radioactivity As for nuclear propulsion the same being this difference appeared
                                                                      • 我发现低和傻子之间的893特别高浓度的大脑活动wwwww戴恩是因为他就砍Iwakami hue m挂万维网WWW的战国气息夹着一盘 Board putting shelf wwwww with the high density radioactivity and it is low the brain foolish people 893 As for scoop on the rock cutting from the ru www As for Sengoku s breath catching ru www

                                                                    • 该形式是在一个大的方式来制作宓的支持率目前还探讨马斯科
                                                                      It became the shape where also support ratio investigation of [masuko] ゙ [mi] appears in fabrication and extensive

                                                                      • 选举后解散众议院的代表冈田战国将释放在最后一分钟回选区比例Sengoku ll可能被打败整个国家的选票,在德岛和四国侃Hashiru要么下来的壕沟
                                                                        When the House of Representatives dispersing it elects, if as for Okada at constituency last proportion revival it probably is secure, but The 仙 valley Tokushima and the whole Shikoku that poll circumstance may be also defeat The 仙 valley because of self-protection does to 菅 lowering, [ru] kana

                                                                        • 邮政七家新闻|饮料60万后,受影响地区的氧化铟锡恩地震三天。为什么能够提供TTP的:/ / www.news - postseven.com /档案/ 20110403 _ 16432 HTML的关东大地震03月11日,东北发生。

                                                                          • 闵论坛社区提倡的违反选举法子敏候选Ideta噪音瓦特
                                                                            The [minsu] supporter waits and our people candidacy that it is Public Office Election Law violation, has made a noise with BBS w

                                                                            • 闵说,他们逃离“,以应对繁忙Shiku”地震“Shiku响应忙”地震大地震“地震响应Shiku忙”Shiku响应忙“ “”Shiku在应对地震很忙,“地震的借口闵麽组终于承担责任,承认非瓦特ーシンサイガーシンサイガーシンサイガーシンサイガー尽管稀薄的气体循环 Dodge of minsu Being busy “in earthquake disaster correspondence …” Being busy “in earthquake disaster correspondence …” Being busy “in earthquake disaster correspondence …” Being busy “in earthquake disaster correspondence …” Being busy “in earthquake disaster correspondence …” In addition responsible not taking fault minsu of signet Finally Earthquake disaster in shield w shinsaigashinsaigashinsaigashinsaigashinsaiga
                                                                              • 自民党议席减少了(笑)←以前的裁决在这次选举中,自由支持不远处的地震执政Minsyu(笑)我暴露在政府应急←瓦特执政党主导塞不接受批评,(笑)嗯它的发生← Also the Liberal Democratic Party decreased parliamentary seat laughing lt The last time our people the ruling party this time democracy the ruling party In earthquake disaster correspondence it was not election laughing lt Although the government ruling party has exposed preponderantly with emergency w You do not catch criticism to government laughing lt The lever it groaned

                                                                            • 阪神大地震时,在第三天神户成70个发生了中央政府官员,都被他们以支持兵库县政府奠定了受影响地区的备份系统,这一次。总理的政治哲学“政治领导”,消除了中央官僚机构,与当地居民合作,灾后恢复,重建的进展是我 At the time of the Kobe Earthquake on occurrence 3rd day 70 The person in charge of central ministry and board entering Kobe backup system of the Hyogo prefectural government Spreading it supported suffering area but This time They are the metapolitics of the prime minister “political main leadership” With the central bureaucracy to remove with the notion that where you say the official residence and the suffering self governing community It restores with cooperation is advancing revival
                                                                              • “每个人”被选中。 Nobu餐厅胜在较小的国家,不只是受影响的地区,我说为什么不Tteta科雷 ” Everyone” selection Extension there is no just suffering area and margin the tsu te calls to entire country the reason kore

                                                                            • 阪神大地震的主要山手的控制。一旦提请线路维护Naruo,这在太阳能电动车,政府地震,权力下放的业务(风险管理,对冲,是没有危险...我试着穿在东京总部,放在全部)我想进步是怎么回事
                                                                              With the Kobe earthquake Yamate trunk. As service of the ringing tail line is hasty, With the latest large earthquake disaster solar optical generation of electricity, electric automobile, decentralization of power such as government and municipal offices and enterprise (Crisis management measure, risk hedge, the head office putting in… everyone Tokyo, the cod it is dangerous, because is, don't you think?) keeps advancing, don't you think? probably will be

                                                                              • 零八个月的无能书籍和总结8→0 40 Ntsukei在地震后相关法案的阪神大地震是不为零时,村山内阁后1个月→一个关系到地震侃内阁法案概要实用技能或贫穷绝望遥菅直人被批评为北村山富市
                                                                                Several -> 1 months to which the 菅 Cabinet collected the earthquake disaster-related bill elapsing, still zero The earthquake disaster-related bill which the Murayama Cabinet after the Kobe earthquake collected at 40 Nikkei passing point in time -> 8 0 and 8 As disabled desperate business ability of the 菅 which is inferior to Murayama which is severely criticized much

                                                                                • , ,,· 布鲁诺 ○“道歉”,“滨崎步Yuzuru”“乞”总理是一个人的自己的国家,这是对我过去的外交基础的背叛我只 y REPT REPT ∠ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ r ni ─ lt ─ ┴ Treason Counter day Disabled Frivolity ┬ ─ j ─ ┬ ⊃ Two ni i re he nini i lt 92 no As for treason prime minister who designates ○ “apology” “concession” “kneeling on the ground” as the basis of diplomacy only successive we it is it is Without doing ○ at all as for idle lack of policy prime minister who designates that it drives safely as the basis of internal affair only successive we it is it is As for anti Japanese prime minister where ○ you do not sing generation only successive we it is it is You sang in even that socialist person Murayama wealth city it is It increases ○ his own disabled to the shelf and “Kasumigaseki large is foolish” that aho which shouted as for the prime minister only successive we it is it is As for stupid prime minister who requested the release of the ○ North Korean kidnapping operative only successive we it is it is How we which is it is enormous you understood
                                                                                  • ,惠 , ,· 布鲁诺 ○“道歉”“滨崎步Yuzuru“,”求“一个人的背叛自己的国家的外交,这是基于 92 he y REPT REPT ∠ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ r ni ─ lt ─ ┴ Treason Counter day Disabled Frivolity ┬ ─ j ─ ┬ ⊃ Two ni i re he nini i lt 92 no As for treason prime minister who designates ○ “apology” “concession” “kneeling on the ground” as the basis of diplomacy only successive we it is it is Without doing ○ at all as for idle lack of policy prime minister who designates that it drives safely as the basis of internal affair only successive we it is it is As for anti Japanese prime minister where ○ you do not sing generation only successive we it is it is You sang in even that socialist person Murayama wealth city it is It increases ○ his own disabled to the shelf and “Kasumigaseki large is foolish” that aho which shouted as for the prime minister only successive we it is it is As for stupid prime minister who requested the release of the ○ North Korean kidnapping operative only successive we it is it is How we which is it is enormous you understood
                                                                                  • ,惠 , ,· 布鲁诺 ○“道歉”“滨崎步Yuzuru“,”求“一个人的背叛自己的国家的外交,这是基于 92 he y REPT REPT ∠ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ r ni ─ lt ─ ┴ Treason Counter day Disabled Frivolity ┬ ─ j ─ ┬ ⊃ Two ni i re he nini i lt 92 no As for treason prime minister who designates ○ “apology” “concession” “kneeling on the ground” as the basis of diplomacy only successive we it is it is Without doing ○ at all as for idle lack of policy prime minister who designates that it drives safely as the basis of internal affair only successive we it is it is As for anti Japanese prime minister where ○ you do not sing generation only successive we it is it is You sang in even that socialist person Murayama wealth city it is It increases ○ his own disabled to the shelf and “Kasumigaseki large is foolish” that aho which shouted as for the prime minister only successive we it is it is As for stupid prime minister who requested the release of the ○ North Korean kidnapping operative only successive we it is it is How we which is it is enormous you understood

                                                                                研究 開発